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    Job DescriptionGM은 더 이상 내연기관 자동차를 생산하는 기업이 아닌 플랫폼 혁신 기업으로 나아가고 있으며, Zero Crashes, Zero Emission & Zero Congestion 의 3Zero 라는 GM의 비전 달성을 위한 투자 및 엔지니어링 역량 강화에 집중하고 있습니다. GM이 첨단 모빌리티 산업을 구축하고, 플랫폼 혁신 기업으로 나아가는데 있어 역량을 발휘할 수 있는 신입 및 경력사원을 모집하니 많은 지원바랍니다. Onsite - Position requires an employee to be onsite on a full-time basis. (부평) The Role– (지원서 작성시 지원분야 선택 필수) 1. ITPI ( Interior Trim & Thermal Propulsion Integration DRE ​) Developing Interior & Thermal Propulsion Integration parts with the customer's desired design by considering the design and package of the vehicle and reviewing the feasibility of the parts. And technical solution for new program by performing sub-system design analysis and utilizing Best Practices. 2. BEC (Body, Exterior & Chassis DRE) Deeveloping the Body, Exterior and Chassis products considering the regulation, safety and convenience for customers 3. SVI ( Strategic Vehicle Integration ) 선행 차량 개발 단계에서 디자인과 엔지니어링, Cross-functional 협업을 통하여, 차량 개발에 필요한 제품 설계 기준 및 품질을 만족할 수 있게 Vehicle level 의 Integration 업무를 리딩 4. EQLE ( Engineering Quality & Launch Excellence ) Participating in cross-functional meetings and collaborative work bringing customer eyes to the engineering and design to ensure an aesthetic execution to meet the new and future demands for the way the customer will interact with our products and will be working with and support the development of new technologies such as VR/immersive environments, in addition he/she will be exposed to global teams and will interact with all GM engineering centers in the world. 5. SDV SW (Software Defined Vehicle SW Engineer) Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) 조직은 차량 내 Infotainment, 자율주행 및 Over The Air Update (OTA)와 관련한 프로젝트를 진행하고 있으며, 국내 및 전 세계 고객을 대상으로 다양한 기능들의 연구 개발을 진행하고 있습니다. SDV 소프트웨어 엔지니어는 SDV 조직 산하의 Infotainment 프레임워크 및 애플리케이션 프로젝트 설계, 개발 및 검증의 역할을 맡게 됩니다. SDV 조직은 현재 국내외 다양한 조직 및 협력사와 협업을 통하여 프로젝트를 진행하고 있으며, SDV 소프트웨어 엔지니어는 해당 프로젝트 개발 협업의 중추적인 역할을 맡게 됩니다. What You’ll Do - 1. ITPI 차량의 요구 조건(법규/성능/안전) 및 개발 과정에 따라 System의 최적화 및 강건화 연구. 차량의 디자인과 패키지를 고려하며, 해당 부품의 성형성, 조립성 등을 검토하여 고객이 원하는 디자인의 Interior Trim 및 Thermal Propulsion Integration 부품 개발 업무. 글로벌 및 국가별 차량 개발을 위해 인테리어 제품 및 Thermal Propulsion Integration 제품 설계 개념, 부품 요구사항 및 프로그램 요청 내용을 제공. 인테리어 트림 및 Thermal Propulsion 부품에 대한 품질 개선 및 원가 경쟁력을 높이기 위한 지속적인 연구활동. 전기차, 무인차 등 친환경, 첨단기술 차량에 대한 인테리어 트림 및 Thermal Propulsion Integration 부품의 최적화 설계 및 기술개발. 2. BEC 미래 지향적이고 매력적인 익스테리어, 바디 및 샤시 디자인을 지원하기 위한 엔지니어링 및 개발 업무 차량의 요구조건 (법규/안전/성능) 및 개발 과정에 따라 System의 최적화 및 강건화 연구 고객을 위한 안전성과 편의성, 상품성 및 생산성을 고려한 차량 패키지 및 제품 개발 운전자 안전성 / 승하차 편의성 / 조명성능 / 인간공학적 작동 성능 / 적재공간 등 고객 요구 사항을 반영한 차량 개발 내연기관, 전기 자동차, 무인 자동차 등 친환경, 첨단기술 차량에 대한 경쟁차량 분석 및 글로벌 엔지니어링과 협업을 통한 경쟁력 있는 엔지니어링 데이터 확보 및 차량 개발에 반영 3. SVI 차량 요구 조건 (안전성, 편의성, 상품성 및 생산성)을 갖춘 Exterior/interior 디자인 개발을 위한 engineering requirement 확인 및 분석 운전자 시계성, 승하차 편의성, 인간 공학적 작동 성능, 적재 공간 등 고객 요구 사항을 반영한 차량 개발 고객 관점의 감성 품질 개선 방안 연구 경쟁 차량 분석 및 글로벌 엔지니어링과 협업을 통한 차량 개발 데이터 확보 버츄얼 엔지니어링 & 디자인 품질 강화를 위한 통합 솔루션을 개발 4. EQLE Run design assessments in early vehicle development stages Perform design and engineering benchmark analysis Support engineers and designers during development to drive design excellence that delights our customers Support and develop VR/Immersive technology creation Support and facilitate cross-functional meeting to resolve issues Report development status to higher leadership Represent Engineering in cross-functional discussions and make decisions Being the customer advocate in all discussion Participate in global meetings sometimes 5. SDV SW Android 기반의 Infotainment 시스템 내 신규 앱 소프트웨어 정의 및 개발 서비스 공급자와 SW 통합 솔루션 개발 및 기술적 의사 결정 Software의 CI/CD(지속적 통합/지속적 배포) 프로세스 운영 및 소프트웨어 검증 관련 개발/운영 (자동화 테스트 전략 및 환경 구축 등) 차량 시스템 내 Infotainment 앱 통합 관련 개발 운영 및 HIL(Hardware-in-Loop), SIL(Software-in-Loop), Back-end 시스템 통합 Additional Job DescriptionYour Skills & Abilities (Required Qualifications) - • 학력 : 4년제 정규대 이상의 졸업자 / 전 학년 평점 B학점(3.0/4.5) 이상 • 전공: 공학 계열 전공자(기계공학/자동차공학/전기전자/ 공학재료계열 등)SDV SW - 컴퓨터 공학, 소프트웨어 혹은 전자 공학 관련 학과• 어학 : 영어로 비즈니스 의사소통이 가능한 자 / TOEIC 기준 700점 이상 (OPIC, TOEIC Speaking / Writing, TEPS점수도 지원 가능) • 기타: 해외여행에 결격 사유 없는 자 입사 후 Full-time 근무 가능자 및 해외 여행에 결격 사유가 없는 자 What Will Give You A Competitive Edge (Preferred Qualifications)​ - •UG-NX and 3D math 데이터를 다룰 수 있는 경험/능력 보유 •차량 외장 설계, 패키지, 부품 개발, 해석 및 품질 관련 업무 경력 (3년 이하) •Immersive technology (VR/MR/AR) 관련 업무 경험자 (VRED, Unreal engine 등) •SDV SW : CI/CD 운영, 자동화 테스트 환경 개발 경험 오디오/미디어/네비게이션 등 Android 기반 시스템 혹은 유사 시스템 앱 개발 경험 우대 차량 네트워크 및 차량 ECU, Infotainment 시스템 개발 경험 우대 •영어로 비즈니스 의사소통이 가능한 분 •GM 사업장 내에서의 인턴십 경험 보유 •독립적이고 자기 주도적인 업무 능력 보유 •취업보호 대상자는 관련 법에 의거하여 우대 -지원서에 관련 증빙서류 미첨부 시 면접단계에서 제출 필수 ETC - •근무지 : 인천시 부평 •접수기한 : 2024년 6월 21일(금) 23시 59분 •접수방법 : GM Career Site 온라인 지원 및 당사 입사지원서 양식 작성 후 첨부 (영문이력서 제출은 자유) 당사 양식은 여기를 클릭 우편, E-mail 및 방문접수 불가지원서 제출 완료 후 개인메일로 발송 된 개인정보 동의서까지 제출 필수 지원서 제출 후 첨부 파일 추가 및 수정하기 위해 "지원서 철회"를 하실 경우 같은 포지션으로 재지원이 불가하오니, 채용매니저에 메일로 변경사항 전달 해 주시기 바랍니다. •채용 절차 : 서류심사 - Phone screening- Video Assessment - Interview - Offer - 채용검진 - Onboarding Video Assessment 또는 면접 단계에서 영어 면접 진행 가능합니다.채용 절차 및 일정은 모집분야 별로 상이 할 수 있음 SDV SW 포지션은 Coding Test 진행 예정GM의 채용절차는 홈페이지상의 How We Hire 참고•PLEASE ONLY APPLY IF YOU DO NOT NEED SPONSORSHIP TO WORK IN SOUTH KOREA NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. WE ARE UNABLE TO CONSIDER CANDIDATES WHO REQUIRE SPONSORSHIP. •1년 미만의 업무경력 및 인턴 연수기간은 경력기간으로 인정되지 않으며, 경력 사원의 경우 연봉, 직급 등 처우는 개인별 경력을 고려하여 협의 후 결정합니다. •입사지원서에 허위사실 기재 시 합격이 취소될 수 있습니다. •추가 문의 사항은 korea.recruit@gm.com 으로 보내주시기 바랍니다. About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities.
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    Job DescriptionResponsible for the effective use of personnel, material, and equipment. Participates in the training, developing and evaluating of hourly team members. Participates in the development of highly effective teams. Leads Global Manufacturing Systems(GMS) processes and serves as resource supporting launch and pilot activities in assigned areas. Meets or exceeds production cost schedule and maintains quality requirements. Maintains awareness of quality standards, and communicates department quality goals, and leverages resources to solve quality issues. Builds and maintains good working relationships with employees, union and management. Understands and consistently administer the National and Local Agreements between General Motors and the United Auto Workers Union. Implements and follows systems that prevent reoccurrence of known issues. Promote safe work practices and achieve objectives for ergonomics, health and safety and housekeeping. Motivates, trains and develops employees to effectively perform their jobs utilizing standardized methods. Ensure team members receive adequate JIT (job instruction training). Achieve production schedules and product requirements by applying lean manufacturing/synchronous principles with emphasis on variation reduction, control costs, and achieve productivity improvements. Coach, teach, counsel and mentor Group Leaders in these responsibilities. Additional Job DescriptionRequired Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree: All Engineering and Administrative with technical experience related.Required experience in similar position: from 1 to 3 years.Available to change shifts (4x3, 5x2, 6x1).English Level: Intermediate Preferred Qualifications: -Microsoft Office. Remember to attach your CV when applying to this vacancy. Just so you know…diversity and inclusion are our strengths. We respect and value what each individual contribution to our team, including their origin, education, sex, race, ethnic group, sexual orientation, gender expression and / or identity, religious context, age, generation, and disability. We believe that our ability to meet the needs and expectations of an increasingly diverse and global customer base is closely linked to the diversity and inclusion that we experience within General Motors. About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities.
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    Job DescriptionSupport vehicle engineering in the Implementation of the Quality Requirements. Monitor consistency to Global Metric Definitions and Performance. Maintain documentation of Launch Manufacturing Quality Readiness Reviews. Actively participate in Plant Quality Manager Meetings & Launch Quality Manager Meetings. Manage projects as requested from Quality Shop Director. Proficiency and knowledge of the elements of the GM Quality System / GMS BIQ and of the Quality Launch Plan. Proficiency and knowledge of the requirements in the Global Quality Manual. Ability to coach, teach and audit elements of GM Quality Manual and GMS BIQ Principle and Elements. Managerial Courage to provide direct, honest, constructive feedback to Plant Staffs / Executive Leadership in a subtle and professional manner. Present the Assembly Plant and Engineering Staff with clear problem definition, technical mentorship on complex problems, and regular updates on progress. Support Launch of new products in the plant when applicable. Maintain updates to Quality Requirements. Maintain Quality Requirement deviations from plants. Maintain Cost of Quality reports by Plant. Additional Job Description En Sitio: Esta posición requiere trabajo presencial en sitio a tiempo completo. Habilidades Requeridas: Carreras afines: Cualquier ingeniería relacionada.Experiencia requerida en posiciones similares: 2 años o masDisponibilidad para rolar turnos (4x3, 5x2, 6x1).Nivel de Inglés: Intermedio-AvanzadoHabilidades Críticas: Conocimiento técnico en calidad, experiencia en industria automotriz.Office Habilidades Deseadas: Conocimiento en sistemas de calidad, metrología y resistencia de materiales. Recuerda adjuntar tu CV al momento de postularte. La diversidad y la inclusión son nuestras fortalezas. Respetamos y valoramos lo que cada individuo ofrece a nuestro equipo, incluyendo su procedencia, educación, sexo, raza, grupo étnico, orientación sexual, expresión y/o identidad de género, contexto religioso, edad, generación, y discapacidad. Creemos que nuestra habilidad para satisfacer las necesidades y expectativas de una base de clientes cada vez más diversa y global se vincula de cerca a la diversidad e inclusión que vivimos dentro General Motors. About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities.
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    Job Description - Lead the maintenance and repair of plant equipment and facilities - Sets strategy and implements solutions to address MTTR and MCBF across the operation - Complies with the terms of local and national labor agreements - Implements divisional and corporate policies, safety, TPM best practices - Spare Parts Management - Development of Technical Training Plan - Frequent collaboration with others outside of the work group - Communicates with plant and staffs - Responsible for the effective use of personnel, material and equipment - Leads in the selection of new employees. Trains, develops and evaluates employees - Establishes a course of action to accomplish completion of the job and/or project and proven ability to manage multiple and significantly complex projects and assignments with the highest level of autonomy and accountability for results - Demonstrates initiative by reaching beyond work assigned to improve output and/or help others - Validated ability in project management skills and ability to teach others and shown desire and ability to manage/coach performance of direct reports - Responsible for creating budgets and forecasts within assigned area - Obtains a deep knowledge and ability to implement GMS principles. Additional Job DescriptionOn Site: This position requires to work on site on a full-time basis Remember to attach your CV when applying to this vacancy. Just so you know…diversity and inclusion are our strengths. We respect and value what each individual contribution to our team, including their origin, education, sex, race, ethnic group, sexual orientation, gender expression and / or identity, religious context, age, generation, and disability. We believe that our ability to meet the needs and expectations of an increasingly diverse and global customer base is closely linked to the diversity and inclusion that we experience within General Motors. About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities.
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    Job DescriptionWork Arrangement On-site - This position requires an employee to be on-site on a full-time basis. The primary work location is Tonawanda, NY. The Role As an Execution Engineering Supervisor, you will be responsible for leading and supporting a team of engineers to achieve a successful product launch. Responsibilities included managing individual project workload as well as leading project teams. Project scope includes machining operations (CNCs, washers, ancillary equipment, etc.), tests and other propulsion technologies. This position includes working with OEM equipment vendors, GM IT, various engineering disciplines, and management throughout the build and install phases. The role requires continuous improvement of both machinery and processes. You will be working in a manufacturing plant where a considerable amount of creativity and initiative is exercised as well as a high level of independent judgement. This work environment utilizes agile methodologies. This empowers team members, promotes cross functional collaboration, encourages transparency, and contributes to fast cycles of learning. This work shall be performed at Tonawanda, NY and occasionally at an individual machine builder’s facility. What You’ll Do (Responsibilities) Oversee the equipment installation, debug, runoff, validation, and continuous improvement activities required to produce high-quality engines. Cultivate collaboration, problem solving, transparency, adaptation, and inclusion that instills a workplace of choice environment Provide technical and program management assistance to achieve program requirements Stay informed on new process technologies including tooling enhancements, CNC improvements, assembly methods, error proofing techniques, etc. Serve as the communication bridge between Product Engineering, PPO Manufacturing, Manufacturing Engineering, and Manufacturing Organizations Meet program targets and metrics (Safety, Timing, Cost, and Quality) Perform People Leader responsibilities including hiring, goal setting, and reviews Plan compensation and development of direct reports Support manager with general administrative tasks such as managing budget targets, approving travel requests, expense reports, time sheets, purchasing requested, and vacation schedules Collaborate cross functionally with Operations Team to achieve program launch deliverable signoff Track and report program status using agile framework, program launch reviews, and leadership reviews Analyze first time quality data and optimize processes using statistical tools such as Red-X, Design of Experiments, or DFSS Additional Job DescriptionYour Skills & Abilities (Required Qualifications) 5+ years of professional manufacturing experience Proven technical knowledge and ability in process engineering disciplines (machining, test, etc.) Knowledge of PPAP process Prior experience leading teams Experience coordinating installation, startup, and process validation Demonstrated program execution experience Bachelor’s degree in a technical discipline or equivalent experience What Can Give You a Competitive Advantage (Preferred Qualifications) Master’s degree in a technical or managerial discipline Demonstrated high volume manufacturing experience Proven engine design and processing knowledge Proven knowledge and experience utilizing an agile methodology (scrum and sprint framework) The salary range for this role is $104,000 min and $135,150 max. The actual base salary a successful candidate will be offered within this range will vary based on factors relevant to the position. Bonus Potential: An incentive pay program offers payouts based on company performance, job level, and individual performance. #LI-BC1 About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Benefits OverviewThe goal of the General Motors total rewards program is to support the health and well-being of you and your family. Our comprehensive compensation plan incudes, the following benefits, in addition to many others: • Paid time off including vacation days, holidays, and parental leave for mothers, fathers and adoptive parents; • Healthcare (including a triple tax advantaged health savings account and wellness incentive), dental, vision and life insurance plans to cover you and your family; • Company and matching contributions to 401K savings plan to help you save for retirement; • Global recognition program for peers and leaders to recognize and be recognized for results and behaviors that reflect our company values; • Tuition assistance and student loan refinancing; • Discount on GM vehicles for you, your family and friends. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. GM is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities. Equal Employment Opportunity StatementsGM is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local fair employment practices laws. GM is committed to providing a work environment free from unlawful discrimination and advancing equal employment opportunities for all qualified individuals. As part of this commitment, all practices and decisions relating to terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits, and termination of employment are made without regard to an individual's protected characteristics. For purposes of this policy, “protected characteristics" include an individual's actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), gender identity or gender expression, sexual orientation, weight, height, marital status, military service and veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition as defined by applicable state or local law, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws and ordinances. If you need a reasonable accommodation to assist with your job search or application for employment, email us at Careers.Accommodations@GM.com or call us at 800-865-7580. In your email, please include a description of the specific accommodation you are requesting as well as the job title and requisition number of the position for which you are applying.​
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    Job DescriptionHybrid: This position requires an employee to be on site 3 times per week. Specialist Buyer Partner with Program Managers to represent purchasing and communicate program requirements/vehicle line overview. What you will do/Responsibilities: Develop and execute a robust commodity strategy based on market and tech. Responsible for maintaining sourcing pipeline and Business Over Time, benchmarking data, strategy presentations, global budget and on-time metrics. Lead key meetings with cross-functional teams (engineering, supplier quality, supply chain, finance). Build business plans to meet business priorities. Work with global counterparts to improve and align the global strategy for future programs. Adhere to corporate and unit purchasing and accounting practices and procedures. Utilize the Global Purchasing and Supply Chain sourcing process to run sourcing packages (RFQ, Quote Analysis and Source Selection). Analyze and apply appropriate tools, i.e., benchmarking, global competitive sourcing, value chain analysis, supplier negotiations, engineering change cost containment, technical cost reduction, part/system reuse, etc. Additional Job DescriptionRequired Qualifications: Education: Bachelor's degree with an emphasis in Business Administration, Engineering, Economics, or related careers. +5 years of experience in similar positions.(specifically in purchases). Microsoft Office: intermediate level. English: advanced/fluent level. Portuguese: advanced/fluent level. Availability to work in Sao Caetano Do Sul, Sao Paulo, Brazil, in a hybrid regime (3 times a week in person). Preferred qualifications: MBA/postgraduate. Knowledge of Spanish(desirable). Knowledge of PowerBI (desirable). IMPORTANT: To view the full job description, use your Workday system in English. #LI-BSC115 About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities.
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    Job DescriptionResponsible for maintaining, troubleshooting, repairing and problem solving industrial process equipment, including telecommunications equipment in the manufacturing environment. Strong knowledge of electrical and mechanical systems including: electricity and electronics (PLC, HMI), controls and instrumentation, mechanical drivers, pneumatics, hydrawlings. Working knowledge of process euqipment operations, sequence, error proofing and diagnostic capabilities. General knowledge of preventative maintenance and predictive maintnance principles. Additional Job DescriptionMandatório: Formação profissionalizante em Técnico Mecatrônico; Elétrica; Mecânica + Elétrica ou similares; Disponibilidade total de horário para atuar em turnos, finais de semana e feriados, quando houver a necessidade; Disponibilidade para atuar em São Caetano do Sul. Desejável: Conhecimento em CLP e Inversores Rockwell Automation; Nível intermediário no idioma Inglês (leitura e conversação); Habilidade com pacote MS office; Formação em curso superior correlato técnico, tecnologia, engenharia ou computação; Conhecimento e habilidade em Power BI, visual basic, linguagens de programação e banco de dados. Importante: Incluir o seu currículo atualizado no momento da aplicação na vaga. About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities.
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    Job DescriptionDar suporte ao Group Leader nas atividades relativas a GMS da área (SPQRCE)Suportar as áreas nos Workshops de Produtividade e headcount Matinal: Preparar o material para a reunião matinal GMS e Calibrações: Reuniões de GMS, desenvolvimento de treinamentos, acompanhar self calibrations Alinhamento de headcount, planos de produtividade, etc: Alinhamento e suporte nas eventuais duvidas e alterações ao longo do mês - como criação de vagas, etc Staff: Preparar agenda, alinhar com as áreas e participar da reuniãoShop IBM e Target: Definição de IBM, allowance to target e Target - Alinhamento com Shop Director, Shop IE e Shop Estudos de headcount Shop: Realizar estudos de headcount de acordo com a variação de volume e mix Reuniões de produtividade: Preparar o material para a reunião junto com as áreas Harbour report: Material da reunião de produtividade; Compilar os resultados da planta e inputar no site harbour; Relatório anual harbour Additional Job DescriptionConhecimento Técnico Obrigatório conhecimento em Power BI;Desejável conhecimentos em GMS;Desejável conhecimento do APS; Desejável conhecimento de Power Apps; Desejável conhecimento de STDS/MTM; Mandatório Formação Superior (em andamento ou concluída) e/ou Técnica (concluída). Competências Capacidade de inovação;Direcionamento a resultados;Trabalho em equipe;Bons relacionamentos;Capacidade em solução de problemas. Importante: anexar currículo no momento da candidatura. About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities.
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    Job DescriptionPresencial - Esta posição exige que o funcionário esteja no local em tempo integral. O que você irá fazer (Responsabilidades) - Atuação na linha de produção de automóveis, montagem e instalações de painéis, de tapeçaria, de motor, de bancos, de portas, lâmpadas, etc. - Possuímos áreas onde é necessária a experiência e atuação em pintura e funilaria automotivas; - Abastecimento de linhas produtivas; - Montagem de equipamentos, operação, manutenção e limpeza de máquinas e assistência aos operadores; - Realização de transferência de turno, passando as informações importantes para a equipe do próximo turno; - Auxiliar no processo de embalagem e montagem do produto; - Prezar pela segurança da área, da empresa e dos colegas de trabalho, seguindo normas e procedimentos específicos; - Seguir as normas de seguranças estabelecidas pela empresa para que possa realizar as atividades de maneira segura; - Revezar os postos de trabalho. #LI-DD1 Additional Job DescriptionSuas Competências e Habilidades (Qualificações Necessárias) Formação: Ensino Médio Completo com certificado; - Desejável curso técnico e/ou Senai; - Curso de Operador de Empilhadeira com certificado (área de Manuseio) - Desejável CNH (carteira Nacional de Habilitação) ativa e que dirija - Disponibilidade para atuar em São José dos Campos; trabalhar em qualquer um dos turnos e aos finais de semana, caso haja necessidade. O que pode lhe dar uma vantagem competitiva (Qualificações de Preferência) Será um diferencial: experiência em montagem ou vivência em indústria automotiva, autopeças, concessionárias, instalações de sons, pintura automotiva ou tapeçaria. ***Incentivamos a Diversidade em todas as oportunidades*** Todos que se considerem dentro do perfil das vagas anunciadas poderão se candidatar. #LI-DD1 About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities.
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    Job DescriptionGM DOES NOT PROVIDE IMMIGRATION-RELATED SPONSORSHIP FOR THIS ROLE. DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS ROLE IF YOU WILL NEED GM IMMIGRATION SPONSORSHIP (e.g., H-1B, TN, STEM OPT, etc.) NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. Hybrid - This role is categorized as hybrid. This means the successful candidate is expected to report to Warren, Michigan, three times per week, at minimum [or other frequency dictated by the business.] This position will require travel up to 25%. The Role The Global Strategic Partnerships and Programs (SP2) Manager will be responsible for strategizing General Motor’s Global Resource Management and Chemical Management programs, with execution across the North America manufacturing and non-manufacturing operations.  Leveraging his/her expertise in materials management, manufacturing operations, digital innovation, and project management they will lead a team responsible for the implementation of GM’s goal of Zero Waste to execution, while being a champion for waste compliance.  Resource Management (RM) is a strategic alternative to traditional waste management and contracting, with a focus to continually improve the value of GM by-products or "Resources" through innovative source reduction, recycling, and recovery methods.  Additionally, the SP2 Manager will lead GM’s Chemical Management program, with the responsibility for direct and indirect chemical procurement and logistics; handle dispositioning of process material bi-products; and facilitate closed loop systems to integrate materials usage efficiency and environmental footprint reductions across GM’s operations. The SP2 Manager will have direct interaction with senior regional leadership from GM and our Resource Management and Chemical Management partners. The SP2 Manager will have direct responsibility for budget management, achievement of stretch milestones and cross-functional collaboration across the enterprise.  It is expected that the SP2 Manager will work closely with and influence, both internal and external partners. Leading the cross-functional innovation and technology team across the Sustainable Workplaces’ organization with a focus on improving quality, reducing structural cost and driving a zero impact on the environment. What You'll Do Develop and execute the workstream strategies across internal and external partners, to grow capacity and support success of GM’s operations. Benchmark and explore innovative solutions to develop cutting-edge program results that enable robust, sustainable environmental programs in Resource and Chemical Management.   Cultivate and establish trustful relationships with key stakeholders, influencers, and industry partners to amplify our Resource & Chemical Management programs, strengthen our operations and promote Sustainability to improve the communities in which we live and work. Creating and managing control processes to ensure program delivery and alignment. Managing the contractual activities, performance standards, program communications and services. Collaborate and influence across the industry. Ensure data visibility and foster data driven solutions. Embed sustainability thinking into all business processes. Integrate innovation and technology into the programs with a heavy emphasis on automating everything. Lead the Innovation and Technology cross functional team into the future. Rethinking the way we manage waste and chemicals and ensuring systems or processes are set up for a new approach going forward. Skills: Executive presence, solid business acumen, able to establish short-, mid- and long-term priorities and alignment with the business strategy. Deep understanding of strategies and tools within the Resource Management & Chemical Management space. Deep understanding of Sustainable solutions and tools. Excellent communication, negotiation, and collaboration skills. Passion for sustainability, innovation, and shaping the future of mobility. IT Systems knowledge that better align and connect the business. To be a recognized leader with the ability to develop people, including at least one successor, through formal and on the job training, coaching, and mentoring. Data analytics and metrics – using data and insights from various channels to make informed decisions and measure performance.  Knowledge of analytical tools and metrics to measure performance and customer engagement across channels.  Understanding of how to leverage these tools to create a unified customer view and automate processes. Project management – strong organizing, planning and execution skills.  Timeline, resource and budget management. Change management – Ability to lead and manage organizational change as it shifts towards EV.  Includes training and promoting a culture that embraces digital transformation. Additional Job DescriptionYour Skills & Abilities (Required Qualifications) Bachelor’s degree in engineering or related sciences with emphasis on environmental engineering. Bachelor's degree in another major but with equivalent experience . 5+ years experience in environmental roles within the automotive, consumer goods/retail and/or tech industries. 5+ years experience in vendor management and relevant Resource Management & Chemical Management trends, with a passion for looking for cutting-edge practices to implement for evolving Sustainable solutions. Experience in working at or with sizable multinational high-level companies with complex Corporate Governance and matrix environments. Proven track record of success in developing and executing environmental, material management or contractual programs. Experience in partnering with Service Providers, Operations, Finance, Legal and Communications areas. Experience in building up high talented and high-performance teams (technical and non-technical roles). Experience in executional roles that include contract services, budget, timing management and milestone-based deliverables with agility to pivot. This job may be eligible for relocation benefits. About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Benefits OverviewThe goal of the General Motors total rewards program is to support the health and well-being of you and your family. Our comprehensive compensation plan incudes, the following benefits, in addition to many others: • Paid time off including vacation days, holidays, and parental leave for mothers, fathers and adoptive parents; • Healthcare (including a triple tax advantaged health savings account and wellness incentive), dental, vision and life insurance plans to cover you and your family; • Company and matching contributions to 401K savings plan to help you save for retirement; • Global recognition program for peers and leaders to recognize and be recognized for results and behaviors that reflect our company values; • Tuition assistance and student loan refinancing; • Discount on GM vehicles for you, your family and friends. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. GM is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities. Equal Employment Opportunity StatementsGM is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local fair employment practices laws. GM is committed to providing a work environment free from unlawful discrimination and advancing equal employment opportunities for all qualified individuals. As part of this commitment, all practices and decisions relating to terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits, and termination of employment are made without regard to an individual's protected characteristics. For purposes of this policy, “protected characteristics" include an individual's actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), gender identity or gender expression, sexual orientation, weight, height, marital status, military service and veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition as defined by applicable state or local law, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws and ordinances. If you need a reasonable accommodation to assist with your job search or application for employment, email us at Careers.Accommodations@GM.com or call us at 800-865-7580. In your email, please include a description of the specific accommodation you are requesting as well as the job title and requisition number of the position for which you are applying.​
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    Job DescriptionThis role is categorized as HYBRID. This means the successful candidate is expected to report to Warren 7000 Building three times per week, at minimum. This job is not eligible for relocation benefits. Any relocation costs would be the responsibility of the selected candidate. About the Team: The Global Vehicle Commerce team drives near-to-mid-term digital commerce revenue growth across all Vehicle segments. We are applying deep commercial insights to support diversification strategies across new markets and sales models. We are building the Global measurement plan and operating framework to align cross-functional accountability to shared Objectives and Key Results in service of Digital Commerce and Service revenue growth. Our focus is simple – our customer. We partner with Sales, Marketing, Regional Leaders, Finance, Data Science, and Software teams (Tech, Design and Product) to deliver world-class, E2E commerce experience globally About the role: Are you passionate about driving revenue performance and operational efficiency within a dynamic, forward-thinking, and growth-focused environment? Do you excel in building and leading high-impact teams that embrace innovation and customer-centricity? This new leader will drive commercialization and revenue growth by defining our digital sales path as well as developing analytics and measurement plans. These critical components will be utilized to drive improvements across the digital sales experience. As customers continue to utilize digital resources for discovering, shopping & buying a vehicle, it is critical GM offers a leadership position in the digital vehicle commerce space for our brands, customers, and dealers. This position will lead world-class digital experience for our customers, establishing strategic initiatives, simplifying complex experiences, and ultimately driving revenue for GM. This position requires someone who is a self-starter, fast learner and always thinks customer first. A progressive track record with a proven ability to lead change, collaborate and influence across all functions, effectively prioritize and thrive in an ambiguous / fast-paced environment is a must. Additionally, the ability to effectively communicate and build deep understanding of business value and impact across the enterprise is a critical skill set. The ideal candidate for Manager, Business Analytics position embodies GM’s Behaviors and brings a growth mindset accompanied. This position will lead the development of experience strategies aimed at engaging profitable, long-term customer relationships resulting in greater share of wallet and brand affinity. As part of the Digital Commerce team, this position will be responsible for collaborating across the enterprise to deliver outstanding results. Additional Job DescriptionResponsibilities: Build, mentor, and grow a high-impact team and champion a team culture that values customer-centricity, innovation, and operational excellenceDefine and optimize sales strategy and process to improve sales and lead performanceOwn design, development, and delivery of pipeline management models, metrics, and reporting to drive revenue growthPartner with the brand marketing teams to support and optimize go-to-market strategy for digital sales opportunitiesCoordinate with Sales and B2B marketing to improve customer acquisitionCollaborate with the Data Science team to establish and maintain operational reporting on key revenue metricsLead the effort to identify Sales team needs for tooling, systems, and other capabilities, and mobilize cross-functional partners to prioritizeBe source of truth for metrics related to revenue operations and lead sales rhythm of business (e.g., forecasting and pipeline reviews) Who you are: Highly motivated leader and builder of high impact teams that deliver strategic outcomes based on analysis and collaborationThrive on addressing business problems head on with creativity and boldnessBuild trusted relationships with senior team members through influence and collaboration in cross-functional environmentsCross-functional business partner that leads by example and can build consensus at all levelsOperating in a fast-paced, dynamic environment to drive impact with minimal oversightObsessed with data-driven business decision-making and dream big to innovate and scale solutions​​ Requirements: 10+ years experience in Revenue Operations, Business Operations, Sales Strategy or at a top strategy consulting firm with strong exposure to Go-To-Market assignments6+ years of experience as a leader of people and teamsStrong people leadership skills with a consistent track record of building and scaling teamsExceptional analytical skills with the ability to develop the hard and soft skills of an analytically-minded teamBachelor’s degree required, MBA or equivalent experience preferred GM DOES NOT PROVIDE IMMIGRATION-RELATED SPONSORSHIP FOR THIS ROLE. DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS ROLE IF YOU WILL NEED GM IMMIGRATION SPONSORSHIP (e.g., H-1B, TN, STEM OPT, etc.) NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. #LI-MO1 About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Benefits OverviewThe goal of the General Motors total rewards program is to support the health and well-being of you and your family. Our comprehensive compensation plan incudes, the following benefits, in addition to many others: • Paid time off including vacation days, holidays, and parental leave for mothers, fathers and adoptive parents; • Healthcare (including a triple tax advantaged health savings account and wellness incentive), dental, vision and life insurance plans to cover you and your family; • Company and matching contributions to 401K savings plan to help you save for retirement; • Global recognition program for peers and leaders to recognize and be recognized for results and behaviors that reflect our company values; • Tuition assistance and student loan refinancing; • Discount on GM vehicles for you, your family and friends. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. GM is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities. Equal Employment Opportunity StatementsGM is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local fair employment practices laws. GM is committed to providing a work environment free from unlawful discrimination and advancing equal employment opportunities for all qualified individuals. As part of this commitment, all practices and decisions relating to terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits, and termination of employment are made without regard to an individual's protected characteristics. For purposes of this policy, “protected characteristics" include an individual's actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), gender identity or gender expression, sexual orientation, weight, height, marital status, military service and veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition as defined by applicable state or local law, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws and ordinances. If you need a reasonable accommodation to assist with your job search or application for employment, email us at Careers.Accommodations@GM.com or call us at 800-865-7580. In your email, please include a description of the specific accommodation you are requesting as well as the job title and requisition number of the position for which you are applying.​
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    Job DescriptionWork Arrangement This role is categorized as hybrid. This means the successful candidate is expected to report to Detroit, MI, three times per week, at minimum. The Role General Motors is looking for a creative thinker who will understand complex business processes and lead Financial Assurance pre-implementation reviews for system implementations and new business ventures. This person must have a passion for improving processes with innovation and automation. The Controllership Risk, QA & Compliance Analyst will work on various projects including system implementations to assess risks and controls in business processes and identify opportunities to automate, eliminate and modernize manual controls. The analyst will collaborate with teams within Controllership, Global Business Solutions, Finance and IT on the organization, prioritization and implementation of various projects. What You'll Do Lead special projects and execute pre-implementation reviews Lead consultation reviews and provide feedback on leading practices/recommendations Perform SOX readiness reviews for growing business units Partner with business teams to understand requirements of new business initiatives Develop and present project status to other members/leaders of the organization Solve problems and develop new/enhanced control procedures to streamline existing business processes Identify and test manual, automated and interface controls Understand data interfaces and how data flows from source systems to the consolidation system Develop and lead trainings to stakeholders Manage schedule to fully utilize time and meet project deadlines Work with a high level of independent judgment and initiative, while being able to rapidly take on and assist with work from existing team members when required Additional Job DescriptionYour Skills & Abilities (Required Qualifications) Bachelor’s degree with a major in accounting, business administration, information systems, or equivalent experience Relevant professional certification preferred such as Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) 6+ years of relevant experience Sufficient technical background in audit, internal controls and reporting Experience testing or performing SOX controls Experience testing automated and interface controls Experience with HFM, SAP, Power BI, and/or KNIME Ability to work cross functionally with other teams and external auditors and build relationships to capture, prioritize and document requirements, and drive measurable results Ability to take a strategic, transformational point of view on the position Passion for innovation and automation Willing to take on additional responsibilities, attend training, and learn new technical skills Demonstrated ability to work and lead with minimal supervision on unstructured assignments Demonstrated project management skills and strong audit background (internal or external) Demonstrated problem solving ability and ability to resolve issues under tight deadlines Excellent team building, planning, change management and leadership skills GM DOES NOT PROVIDE IMMIGRATION-RELATED SPONSORSHIP FOR THIS ROLE. DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS ROLE IF YOU WILL NEED GM IMMIGRATION SPONSORSHIP (e.g., H-1B, TN, STEM OPT, etc.) NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. This job may be eligible for relocation benefits. #LI-MP1 About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Benefits OverviewThe goal of the General Motors total rewards program is to support the health and well-being of you and your family. Our comprehensive compensation plan incudes, the following benefits, in addition to many others: • Paid time off including vacation days, holidays, and parental leave for mothers, fathers and adoptive parents; • Healthcare (including a triple tax advantaged health savings account and wellness incentive), dental, vision and life insurance plans to cover you and your family; • Company and matching contributions to 401K savings plan to help you save for retirement; • Global recognition program for peers and leaders to recognize and be recognized for results and behaviors that reflect our company values; • Tuition assistance and student loan refinancing; • Discount on GM vehicles for you, your family and friends. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. GM is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities. Equal Employment Opportunity StatementsGM is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local fair employment practices laws. GM is committed to providing a work environment free from unlawful discrimination and advancing equal employment opportunities for all qualified individuals. As part of this commitment, all practices and decisions relating to terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits, and termination of employment are made without regard to an individual's protected characteristics. For purposes of this policy, “protected characteristics" include an individual's actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), gender identity or gender expression, sexual orientation, weight, height, marital status, military service and veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition as defined by applicable state or local law, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws and ordinances. If you need a reasonable accommodation to assist with your job search or application for employment, email us at Careers.Accommodations@GM.com or call us at 800-865-7580. In your email, please include a description of the specific accommodation you are requesting as well as the job title and requisition number of the position for which you are applying.​
    • Full Time
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    Job DescriptionWork Arrangement This role is categorized as hybrid. This means the successful candidate is expected to report to Warren, MI, three times per week, at minimum. The Role The Material Cost Specialist (AKA Cost Engineer or CE) is responsible to create, analyze and validate component material costs and targets. The cost engineer working in the PPCO / Product Program Cost Optimization team will be responsible for generating ground-up / detailed material cost estimates that encompass both piece price estimations and production tooling estimations. Collaboration with key internal cross functional peers is essential; the selected candidate will have a working relationship with the product engineering team, the purchasing and supply chain team, the vehicle program team, our global joint venture partners in China, and to an extent the external component supply base. This role involves a high level of independent judgment, initiative, creativity, and the management of multiple estimates that focus specifically on identifying accurate cost estimates as well as proposed cost reductions. The cost engineer will have exposure to the next generation of automotive vehicles and propulsion systems while working with leading edge automotive experts and technologies. What You’ll Do The candidate should be able to analyze, organize, and understand large amount of data. Comprehensive manufacturing process knowledge is required. An understanding of regional difference in manufacturing processes / assumptions is helpful. Be an active partner with the internal GPSC purchasing team – aid in providing a fair yet competitive component cost for GM. Occasional domestic travel to supplier facilities for enhanced costing collaboration and support of the specific engineering / purchasing team. Support the assigned GM SMT/PMT from a tooling and piece price perspective. Additional Job DescriptionYour Skills & Abilities (Required Qualifications) Experience in the financial evaluation of technical concepts and comprehensive understanding of production processes. An understanding of automotive industry trends that are occurring within the field regarding new technologies, autonomous driving, electrification, and additive manufacturing is a plus. Ability to manage multiple projects and assignments with a high degree of autonomy and complexity. Ability to lead change, resolve conflicts, and influence without direct authority. Ability to assimilate a large amount of cost data and clearly condense / communicate information to the larger GM team in an efficient way. Analytical ability to solve problems that are unique and sometimes complex. Ability to use data driven analysis to identify solutions, establish next steps to assigned projects, and manage open items is crucial. Effective communication and interpersonal skills required to build relationships with global team members and cross functional peers. Demonstrated ability to use all Microsoft Office software and show an expertise in MS Excel. Ability to use / learn GMCO$T (internal GM cost estimating software). Your Experience / Education At least 5 years relevant experience in automotive cost estimating, automotive manufacturing, automotive product design / engineering, or automotive purchasing. Demonstrated leader in driving “cost focused” cross-functional discussions with peers and at a higher level. A Bachelor’s degree in Business, Finance, Engineering, or related / relevant field of study. A Graduate degree in Business Administration (MBA), Technical Management, or Engineering is a plus. What Will Give You A Competitive Edge (Preferred Qualifications) Development of supplier component quotes to OEM’s Manufacturing and or launch experience in an automotive setting (OEM, tier 1 or tier 2 environment). A broad knowledge of automotive manufacturing processes and principles, including but not limited to plastic / injection molding, high pressure / low pressure die casting, stamping, electronics, subcomponent assembly, and large module system assembly. An understanding of expected manufacturing cost factors such as labor, burden, and material as well as commercial items such as SG&A and profit is a plus. GM DOES NOT PROVIDE IMMIGRATION-RELATED SPONSORSHIP FOR THIS ROLE. DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS ROLE IF YOU WILL NEED GM IMMIGRATION SPONSORSHIP (e.g., H-1B, TN, STEM OPT, etc.) This job may be eligible for relocation benefits. #LI-MP1 About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Benefits OverviewThe goal of the General Motors total rewards program is to support the health and well-being of you and your family. Our comprehensive compensation plan incudes, the following benefits, in addition to many others: • Paid time off including vacation days, holidays, and parental leave for mothers, fathers and adoptive parents; • Healthcare (including a triple tax advantaged health savings account and wellness incentive), dental, vision and life insurance plans to cover you and your family; • Company and matching contributions to 401K savings plan to help you save for retirement; • Global recognition program for peers and leaders to recognize and be recognized for results and behaviors that reflect our company values; • Tuition assistance and student loan refinancing; • Discount on GM vehicles for you, your family and friends. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. GM is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities. Equal Employment Opportunity StatementsGM is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local fair employment practices laws. GM is committed to providing a work environment free from unlawful discrimination and advancing equal employment opportunities for all qualified individuals. As part of this commitment, all practices and decisions relating to terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits, and termination of employment are made without regard to an individual's protected characteristics. For purposes of this policy, “protected characteristics" include an individual's actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), gender identity or gender expression, sexual orientation, weight, height, marital status, military service and veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition as defined by applicable state or local law, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws and ordinances. If you need a reasonable accommodation to assist with your job search or application for employment, email us at Careers.Accommodations@GM.com or call us at 800-865-7580. In your email, please include a description of the specific accommodation you are requesting as well as the job title and requisition number of the position for which you are applying.​
    • Full Time
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    Job DescriptionWork Arrangement​​ This role is categorized as hybrid. This means the successful candidate is expected to report to Clawson three times per week, at minimum. This job is not eligible for relocation benefits. Any relocation costs would be the responsibility of the selected candidate. The Role: The Customer Care and Aftersales (CCA) Global Labor Time department is seeking a Labor Time Study Technical Author to become part of the team. This position is responsible for creating time studies for published service procedures. It involves working closely with the Mechanical Service Information Development team as well as the Validation/Labor Time Technicians to ensure all service procedures are valid, optimized and time studied. What You’ll Do Prioritize and work with peers to schedule time study workload. Create time studies. Verify accuracy of time studies that other time study authors create. Identify errors and possible optimizations within service procedures. Work with program Project Coordinators to ensure procedures are prioritized. Help with workload leveling among time study authors. Additional Job DescriptionYour Skills & Abilities (Required Qualifications)​​ Strong automotive technical knowledge Minimum of 5 years of proven experience Adept understanding of Microsoft Office Products Tenacious initiative and excellent organizational skills Highly developed interpersonal and communication skills Ability to work collaboratively or independently in a production-based environment with alignment to delivery schedule timing. What Will Give You A Competitive Edge (Preferred Qualifications)​ Automotive ASE/State Certifications Two-year associate degree in automotive field or combination of equivalent training and relevant automotive experience Data Analytic Experience Project Management Experience Labor Time Study Experience GM DOES NOT PROVIDE IMMIGRATION-RELATED SPONSORSHIP FOR THIS ROLE. DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS ROLE IF YOU WILL NEED GM IMMIGRATION SPONSORSHIP (e.g., H-1B, TN, STEM OPT, etc.) NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. #LI-SR1 About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Benefits OverviewThe goal of the General Motors total rewards program is to support the health and well-being of you and your family. Our comprehensive compensation plan incudes, the following benefits, in addition to many others: • Paid time off including vacation days, holidays, and parental leave for mothers, fathers and adoptive parents; • Healthcare (including a triple tax advantaged health savings account and wellness incentive), dental, vision and life insurance plans to cover you and your family; • Company and matching contributions to 401K savings plan to help you save for retirement; • Global recognition program for peers and leaders to recognize and be recognized for results and behaviors that reflect our company values; • Tuition assistance and student loan refinancing; • Discount on GM vehicles for you, your family and friends. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. GM is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities. Equal Employment Opportunity StatementsGM is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local fair employment practices laws. GM is committed to providing a work environment free from unlawful discrimination and advancing equal employment opportunities for all qualified individuals. As part of this commitment, all practices and decisions relating to terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits, and termination of employment are made without regard to an individual's protected characteristics. For purposes of this policy, “protected characteristics" include an individual's actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), gender identity or gender expression, sexual orientation, weight, height, marital status, military service and veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition as defined by applicable state or local law, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws and ordinances. If you need a reasonable accommodation to assist with your job search or application for employment, email us at Careers.Accommodations@GM.com or call us at 800-865-7580. In your email, please include a description of the specific accommodation you are requesting as well as the job title and requisition number of the position for which you are applying.​
    • Full Time
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    Job DescriptionWork Arrangement This role is categorized as hybrid. This means the successful candidate is expected to report to Warren, MI, three times per week, at minimum. The Role The Material Cost Specialist (AKA Cost Engineer or CE) is responsible to create, analyze and validate component material costs and targets. The cost engineer working in the PPCO / Product Program Cost Optimization team will be responsible for generating ground-up / detailed material cost estimates that encompass both piece price estimations and production tooling estimations. Collaboration with key internal cross functional peers is essential; the selected candidate will have a working relationship with the product engineering team, the purchasing and supply chain team, the vehicle program team, our global joint venture partners in China, and to an extent the external component supply base. This role involves a high level of independent judgment, initiative, creativity, and the management of multiple estimates that focus specifically on identifying accurate cost estimates as well as proposed cost reductions. The cost engineer will have exposure to the next generation of automotive vehicles and propulsion systems while working with leading edge automotive experts and technologies. What You’ll Do The candidate should be able to analyze, organize, and understand large amount of data. Comprehensive manufacturing process knowledge is required. An understanding of regional difference in manufacturing processes / assumptions is helpful. Be an active partner with the internal GPSC purchasing team – aid in providing a fair yet competitive component cost for GM. Occasional domestic travel to supplier facilities for enhanced costing collaboration and support of the specific engineering / purchasing team. Support the assigned GM SMT/PMT from a tooling and piece price perspective. Additional Job DescriptionYour Skills & Abilities (Required Qualifications) Experience in the financial evaluation of technical concepts and comprehensive understanding of production processes. An understanding of automotive industry trends that are occurring within the field regarding new technologies, autonomous driving, electrification, and additive manufacturing is a plus. Ability to manage multiple projects and assignments with a high degree of autonomy and complexity. Ability to lead change, resolve conflicts, and influence without direct authority. Ability to assimilate a large amount of cost data and clearly condense / communicate information to the larger GM team in an efficient way. Analytical ability to solve problems that are unique and sometimes complex. Ability to use data driven analysis to identify solutions, establish next steps to assigned projects, and manage open items is crucial. Effective communication and interpersonal skills required to build relationships with global team members and cross functional peers. Demonstrated ability to use all Microsoft Office software and show an expertise in MS Excel. Ability to use / learn GMCO$T (internal GM cost estimating software). Your Experience / Education At least 5 years relevant experience in automotive cost estimating, automotive manufacturing, automotive product design / engineering, or automotive purchasing. Demonstrated leader in driving “cost focused” cross-functional discussions with peers and at a higher level. A Bachelor’s degree in Business, Finance, Engineering, or related / relevant field of study. A Graduate degree in Business Administration (MBA), Technical Management, or Engineering is a plus. What Will Give You A Competitive Edge (Preferred Qualifications) Development of supplier component quotes to OEM’s Manufacturing and or launch experience in an automotive setting (OEM, tier 1 or tier 2 environment). A broad knowledge of automotive manufacturing processes and principles, including but not limited to plastic / injection molding, high pressure / low pressure die casting, stamping, electronics, subcomponent assembly, and large module system assembly. An understanding of expected manufacturing cost factors such as labor, burden, and material as well as commercial items such as SG&A and profit is a plus. GM DOES NOT PROVIDE IMMIGRATION-RELATED SPONSORSHIP FOR THIS ROLE. DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS ROLE IF YOU WILL NEED GM IMMIGRATION SPONSORSHIP (e.g., H-1B, TN, STEM OPT, etc.) This job may be eligible for relocation benefits. #LI-MP1 About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Benefits OverviewThe goal of the General Motors total rewards program is to support the health and well-being of you and your family. Our comprehensive compensation plan incudes, the following benefits, in addition to many others: • Paid time off including vacation days, holidays, and parental leave for mothers, fathers and adoptive parents; • Healthcare (including a triple tax advantaged health savings account and wellness incentive), dental, vision and life insurance plans to cover you and your family; • Company and matching contributions to 401K savings plan to help you save for retirement; • Global recognition program for peers and leaders to recognize and be recognized for results and behaviors that reflect our company values; • Tuition assistance and student loan refinancing; • Discount on GM vehicles for you, your family and friends. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. GM is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities. Equal Employment Opportunity StatementsGM is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local fair employment practices laws. GM is committed to providing a work environment free from unlawful discrimination and advancing equal employment opportunities for all qualified individuals. As part of this commitment, all practices and decisions relating to terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits, and termination of employment are made without regard to an individual's protected characteristics. For purposes of this policy, “protected characteristics" include an individual's actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), gender identity or gender expression, sexual orientation, weight, height, marital status, military service and veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition as defined by applicable state or local law, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws and ordinances. If you need a reasonable accommodation to assist with your job search or application for employment, email us at Careers.Accommodations@GM.com or call us at 800-865-7580. In your email, please include a description of the specific accommodation you are requesting as well as the job title and requisition number of the position for which you are applying.​
    • Full Time
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    Job DescriptionONSITE - Position requires an employee to be onsite on a full-time basis. We are seeking an experienced, innovative, and solution-driven General Supervisor within the Customer Care and Aftersales team at the Lansing National Distribution Center. This function will lead and manage both salaried and UAW employees. The role is responsible for the day-to-day operations of safely and timely execution of order fulfillment This leadership role requires ensuring compliance with safety regulations and maintaining the timeliness of shipments to our customers. The ideal candidate will possess strong supervisory skills, a background in inventory management, and a commitment to quality assurance. Within this role the General Supervisor position is a leadership role that will be supported with on-the-job training, professional development, and opportunities for career growth. Responsibilities Supervision and Leadership: Oversee and guide daily operations within the warehousing facility Lead, train, and evaluate a team of supervisors and support staff Foster a positive and collaborative team environment Ensure compliance with company policies, safety standards, and industry regulations Collaboration with UAW leadership/Team Members Safety and Compliance: Workplace Safety System (WSS) Ensure compliance with all safety regulations and industry standards Conduct regular safety audits and training sessions for staff Address any safety concerns or incidents promptly Global Manufacturing Systems (GMS): Lead and Execute all aspects to drive continuous improvement Timeliness and Customer Satisfaction: Ensure the timely processing and shipment of orders to customers Monitor and optimize workflow to meet delivery deadlines Collaborate with the logistics team to improve shipment processes This job is not eligible for relocation benefits. Any relocation costs would be the responsibility of the selected candidate Additional Job DescriptionQualifications: 2+ years of experience within a leadership role Excellent organizational and problem-solving abilities Computer skills to develop, maintain, and analyze data Proficiency in inventory management software and Microsoft Office Suite Strong communication skills, both written and verbal Experience with UAW partners Ability to prioritize multi projects simultaneously Ability to work in a fast-paced and dynamic environment Must be willing to work any shift as dictated by business Preferred Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent work experience Global Manufacturing System Knowledge and execution experience Problem-resolution/Labor Relations experience Inventory Control/Quality Lean Manufacturing Processes Warehouse and Order fulfillment experience Desired Attributes: GM Cultural Behaviors: Be Inclusive, Think Customer, Innovate Now, Look Ahead, One Team, Be Bold, It’s on Me and Win with Integrity. Integral: Demonstrates integrity and ethical behavior. Effective Communication: Clearly conveys information and ideas to individuals and teams in a manner that engages them and helps them understand and retain the message. Resilient: Adaptable and able to handle stress and challenges. Detail-Oriented: Attentive to details and accuracy. Student of the Business: Continuously learning and improving. Tech Savvy: Proficient with technology and inventory management systems. Ambitious: Driven and motivated to achieve goals. Team Player: Works well with others and fosters a collaborative environment. Proactive Problem Solving: Anticipates potential issues and implements solutions before they escalate. Commitment to Excellent: Sets high performance standards and strives for continuous improvements in all aspects of work. Passionate: Enthusiastic about the automotive industry. Time Management: Manages time effectively and meets deadlines. Managerial Courage: willing to make the unpopular and difficult decisions, provide direct and actionable feedback. GM DOES NOT PROVIDE IMMIGRATION-RELATED SPONSORSHIP FOR THIS ROLE. DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS ROLE IF YOU WILL NEED GM IMMIGRATION SPONSORSHIP (e.g., H-1B, TN, STEM OPT, etc.) NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Benefits OverviewThe goal of the General Motors total rewards program is to support the health and well-being of you and your family. Our comprehensive compensation plan incudes, the following benefits, in addition to many others: • Paid time off including vacation days, holidays, and parental leave for mothers, fathers and adoptive parents; • Healthcare (including a triple tax advantaged health savings account and wellness incentive), dental, vision and life insurance plans to cover you and your family; • Company and matching contributions to 401K savings plan to help you save for retirement; • Global recognition program for peers and leaders to recognize and be recognized for results and behaviors that reflect our company values; • Tuition assistance and student loan refinancing; • Discount on GM vehicles for you, your family and friends. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. GM is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities. Equal Employment Opportunity StatementsGM is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local fair employment practices laws. GM is committed to providing a work environment free from unlawful discrimination and advancing equal employment opportunities for all qualified individuals. As part of this commitment, all practices and decisions relating to terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits, and termination of employment are made without regard to an individual's protected characteristics. For purposes of this policy, “protected characteristics" include an individual's actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), gender identity or gender expression, sexual orientation, weight, height, marital status, military service and veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition as defined by applicable state or local law, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws and ordinances. If you need a reasonable accommodation to assist with your job search or application for employment, email us at Careers.Accommodations@GM.com or call us at 800-865-7580. In your email, please include a description of the specific accommodation you are requesting as well as the job title and requisition number of the position for which you are applying.​
    • Full Time
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    Job DescriptionHybrid: This means the successful candidate is expected to report to their primary location (Milford, MI) three times per week, at minimum, or other frequency dictated by the business. The Role: Vehicle Mechatronic Embedded Controls (VMEC) is a team that is comprised of inclusive and diverse Agile teams, where everyone has a voice in the conversation. VMEC is a production engineering group that is responsible for the definition, design, and development of all embedded controls that impact all vehicle motion. Suspension Controls is part of an exciting new area of in-house controls and software development platform within VMEC. This team is focused on developing all new Supervisory Controls and Diagnostics for Height Control systems used in upcoming vehicle products that will be on the forefront of the Software Defined Vehicle experience. The VMEC Chassis and Suspension Controls Team is seeking creative, highly motivated, agile problem solvers who have a passion and expertise in embedded controls. The selected candidate will collaborate across the Suspension Agile Release Train (ART) to define, design, implement, and test height control and diagnostic algorithms which will be deployed to a wide variety of GM’s latest vehicle products. The selected candidate will also be able to influence the direction of the ART and develop/coach junior engineers in the team. What You’ll do: Lead development of controls designs utilizing Lean-Agile principlesDevelop supervisory controls and diagnostics for all new GM in-house developed height controls and diagnostics using standard work, design principles & best practicesWork closely and collaborate with Suspension calibration teams to design robust algorithms that will meet system requirements.Conduct analysis on design changes utilizing tools (Matlab/Simulink, INCA/MDA, GMSIM, other)Lead the development and review of subsystem DFMEA/AFMEA and analyze failure modes to enable robust algorithm designDefine system behavior under fault conditions and incorporate learnings into production algorithmsEnsure algorithm design adheres to all safety and government requirements & regulationsLead technical workgroups to decompose the requirements into controls design by working with Systems Engineers, System Architects or Technical Specialists to understand vehicle, sub-system, and behavioral requirements.Support the Scrum Manager with ART Feature decomposition into individual work items and participate in the User Story elaboration. Contribute to ensuring that the definition of done and acceptance criteria are well defined. Communicate and work with the Scrum to ensure the design is comprehended and the team is aligned with the design intentSupport or assist the Scrum team as required in implementing cohesive, efficient, testable and sustainably maintainable software componentsProvide information as required to Calibration procedures and Behavior Test Specifications (BTS)Verify Functional Performance of controls designsWork with Scrum team to support development of feature or component BTSSupport the team with robustness and BTS testing as required on either the SIL, HIL or VehicleDevelop and execute test cases at the unit, POD, and Solution-in-Isolation levels of architecture.Review test results & incorporate necessary modifications into controls designHost algorithm design reviews and ensure performance metrics are achieved based on test dataVerify acceptance criteria are met through test & data analysisProvide feedback to hardware teams of issues identified during design & data analysis to ensure robustnessLead issue resolution initiatives by working closely with peers to investigate and resolve issues found, incorporate lessons learned into the designDocument lessons learned and Best Practices for controls design implementationProduce innovative methods to make our work more efficientUtilize Problem Resolution Tracking System (PRTS)Document Intellectual PropertyParticipate in scrum and ART ceremonies Additional Job DescriptionYour Skills & Abilities (Required Qualifications) BS in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science or other applicable Engineering focuses.Minimum 5+ years Engineering experience with proven technical and professional skills in job-related areaDFSS Black Belt CertifiedKnowledge of Simulink, MATLAB, DOORS, GIT environment(s); plant modeling and/or analysis tools.Knowledge of sub-system integration including design, implementation, and testingKnowledge of software development in C Programming.Ability to work in a fast-paced environment with sometimes incomplete/changing requirements.Analytical problem-solving skills where problems are unusual and difficult.Demonstrated honesty, integrity, and trust. Lead by example.Demonstrated examples of collaboration and positive relationship management What Will Give You A Competitive Edge (Preferred Skills) MS in Engineering with focus on controls.Knowledge of Suspension Height Control systemsKnowledge of Vehicle Dynamics Control systemsKnowledge of integration testingKnowledge of BDD and TDD About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Benefits OverviewThe goal of the General Motors total rewards program is to support the health and well-being of you and your family. Our comprehensive compensation plan incudes, the following benefits, in addition to many others: • Paid time off including vacation days, holidays, and parental leave for mothers, fathers and adoptive parents; • Healthcare (including a triple tax advantaged health savings account and wellness incentive), dental, vision and life insurance plans to cover you and your family; • Company and matching contributions to 401K savings plan to help you save for retirement; • Global recognition program for peers and leaders to recognize and be recognized for results and behaviors that reflect our company values; • Tuition assistance and student loan refinancing; • Discount on GM vehicles for you, your family and friends. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. GM is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities. Equal Employment Opportunity StatementsGM is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local fair employment practices laws. GM is committed to providing a work environment free from unlawful discrimination and advancing equal employment opportunities for all qualified individuals. As part of this commitment, all practices and decisions relating to terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits, and termination of employment are made without regard to an individual's protected characteristics. For purposes of this policy, “protected characteristics" include an individual's actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), gender identity or gender expression, sexual orientation, weight, height, marital status, military service and veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition as defined by applicable state or local law, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws and ordinances. If you need a reasonable accommodation to assist with your job search or application for employment, email us at Careers.Accommodations@GM.com or call us at 800-865-7580. In your email, please include a description of the specific accommodation you are requesting as well as the job title and requisition number of the position for which you are applying.​
    • Full Time
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    Job DescriptionIf you are a current employee of General Motors working in a per diem, hourly, or regular salaried role, you must apply through the internal careers page. Please navigate to https://workday.gm.com and search for GM Find Jobs. The General Motors Manufacturing Group is seeking to identify highly motivated and qualified individuals for current and potential future opportunities as a Group Leader. In anticipation of these openings becoming available, we welcome you to apply so we can begin the pre-screening and interview process. What do Group Leaders do? Production Group Leaders: As a Production Group Leader, you will be responsible for supervising a group of employees to develop business processes, manage production operations and foster an atmosphere of teamwork and cooperation. Quality Group/Global Supply Chain (GSC) Leaders: As a Quality Group Leader or GSC Group Leader, you will supervise a group of technical personnel engaged in problem solving, inspection, quality control, quality assurance and GM Built-in-Quality activities. Both roles require you to consistently administer National and Local Agreement between General Motors and the United Auto Workers Union. The work is of a technical nature and requires you to use independent judgment within the limits of Global Manufacturing Systems, focusing on Safety, People, Quality, Responsiveness, Cost, and Environment (SPQRCE). Selected candidates will have the opportunity to learn new skills as well as influencing the development of manufacturing processes to support this historical and game-changing progression to electric and autonomous vehicles. All roles require you to: · Possess good physical stamina and coordination. Specific physical requirements of the position include the ability to: Walk and stand for prolonged periods of time. Read standardized work instructions, operate machines and tools, and perform quality inspections. Promptly detect and respond to safety instructions, alarms, and signals. Wear personal protective equipment, for example: safety glasses, gloves, hats, ear plugs, and safety shoes. Work in a loud manufacturing environment that is not climate controlled (conditions can be hot or cold). Frequently and repetitively: Bend, twist, kneel, crouch and reach to perform work. Lift or carry materials weighing up to 15 pounds and periodically carry or lift materials weighing up to 40 lbs. Occasionally sit, climb (including ladders and lifts) and drive vehicles and equipment. Production Group Leaders Required Skills: · Ability to coordinate, manage and lead people · Strong interpersonal skills and ability to manage conflict · Basic computer proficiency (i.e. Microsoft Word, typing, email etc.) · Must be willing to work weekends and rotating shifts Preferred Skills: · Knowledge of Continuous Improvement Processes (CIP) · Proficient in Throughput Improvement Process (TIP) · Advanced understanding of manufacturing and assembly processes · Experience supervising employees in a union environment Quality/GSC Group Leaders Required Skills: · Ability to coordinate, manage and lead people · Strong interpersonal skills and ability to manage conflict · Basic computer proficiency (i.e. Microsoft Word, typing, email etc.) · Must be willing to work weekends and rotating shifts Preferred Skills: · Supply Chain or Quality Experience · Experience implementing Built-in-Quality Initiatives · Red X & DFSS Certification About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Benefits OverviewThe goal of the General Motors total rewards program is to support the health and well-being of you and your family. Our comprehensive compensation plan incudes, the following benefits, in addition to many others: • Paid time off including vacation days, holidays, and parental leave for mothers, fathers and adoptive parents; • Healthcare (including a triple tax advantaged health savings account and wellness incentive), dental, vision and life insurance plans to cover you and your family; • Company and matching contributions to 401K savings plan to help you save for retirement; • Global recognition program for peers and leaders to recognize and be recognized for results and behaviors that reflect our company values; • Tuition assistance and student loan refinancing; • Discount on GM vehicles for you, your family and friends. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. GM is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities. Equal Employment Opportunity StatementsGM is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local fair employment practices laws. GM is committed to providing a work environment free from unlawful discrimination and advancing equal employment opportunities for all qualified individuals. As part of this commitment, all practices and decisions relating to terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits, and termination of employment are made without regard to an individual's protected characteristics. For purposes of this policy, “protected characteristics" include an individual's actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), gender identity or gender expression, sexual orientation, weight, height, marital status, military service and veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition as defined by applicable state or local law, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws and ordinances. If you need a reasonable accommodation to assist with your job search or application for employment, email us at Careers.Accommodations@GM.com or call us at 800-865-7580. In your email, please include a description of the specific accommodation you are requesting as well as the job title and requisition number of the position for which you are applying.​
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    Job DescriptionThis role is categorized as hybrid. This means the successful candidate is expected to report to Warren - 7000 Building three times per week, at minimum. This job is not eligible for relocation benefits. Any relocation costs would be the responsibility of the selected candidate. There are 2 openings available! About Organization: The Global Vehicle Commerce team drives near-to-mid-term digital commerce revenue growth across all Vehicle segments. We are applying deep commercial insights to support diversification strategies across new markets and sales models. We are building the Global measurement plan and operating framework to align cross-functional accountability to shared Objectives and Key Results in service of Digital Commerce and Service revenue growth. Our focus is simple – our customer. We partner with Sales, Marketing, Regional Leaders, Finance, Data Science, and Software teams (Tech, Design and Product) to deliver world-class, E2E commerce experience globally. Our mission is to become a Top 10 CX leader across all industries by empowering our employees to create the safest, most enjoyable experiences which inspire trust, confidence, and passion in our brands. We put safety first – always! We love delighting customers, act as one team and set out to make everything and everyone around us better. We strive for excellence through continuous improvement and aspire to be the industry leader in customer and employee experiences. Description of Role: Are you passionate about driving revenue performance and operational efficiency within a dynamic, forward-thinking, and growth-focused environment? Do you excel in building and leading high-impact teams that embrace innovation and customer-centricity? This role will drive commercialization and revenue growth by defining our digital sales path as well as identifying key customer journey moments that are imperative to improving our retail experience. These critical components will be utilized to drive improvements across the digital sales experience The ideal candidate for Business Strategy Lead – Vehicle Commerce position embodies GM’s Behaviors and brings an insatiable appetite to create personalized, industry defining experiences for our customers. Bringing a growth mindset, this position will lead the development of experience strategies aimed at personalized, engaging, profitable, long-term customer relationships resulting in greater share of wallet and brand affinity. As part of the Vehicle Shop & Buy Line Digital Commerce and Service Line of Business, this position will be responsible for collaborating with business and technical, business, technical, and brand partners to build and deliver the strategy, goals and market assessments for the Vehicle Shop & Buy our digital retailing experience that makes shopping & buying a car simple, personalized, and trusted. As customers habits continue to shift to online ecommerce, it is critical GM establishes a leadership position in the on-line vehicle commerce space for both our brands and dealers. This position will lead a team to design a world-class online experience for our customers while establishing strategic initiatives, simplifying complex experiences, and ultimately driving revenue for GM. This position requires someone who is a self-starter, fast learner and always thinks customer first. A progressive track record with a proven ability to lead change, collaborate and influence across all functions, effectively prioritize, and thrive in an ambiguous / fast-paced environment is a must. Additionally, this position needs to effectively communicate and build deep understanding of program value and impact across the enterprise to ensure buy-in and support of programs and initiatives into regular strategic priorities and innovation. Key Leadership Requirements: Customer-First Mindset: leverage insights and build relevant strategies to drive preference and loyalty for GM. Experience leveraging customer segmentation and customer journeys to deliver relevant benefits and experiences to drive business results. Driving strategic roadmaps from inception to implementation – quarterbacking the key stakeholders towards a common goalEnd-To-End Customer Journey Expert: demonstrated experience understanding the customer journey for retailing, cross-functional collaborator that has the ability to improve customer journey with thought leadership and insights Business Acumen – Strong business acumen, P&L experience, agile decision-making, ability to formulate break down organizational barrier and shepherd initiatives through to launchStrategic Thought Leadership: possess business and strategic acumen with ability to communicate broader business vision to cross-functional and technical teams.Team Building and Leadership: track record of leadership and ability to lead / influence at all levels; strong partnership skills with a history of collaborating across organizational boundaries, working with and influencing others, and creating clarity from confusion.Analytical - synthesizes complex or diverse information; uses intuition and experience to complement data; ability to effectively communicate and translate business needs to technical teams; proactively identifies and resolves problems in a timely manner.Outcome-Oriented: articulates desired outcome(s), able to assesses and make difficult decisions quickly, and works collaboratively to create a path to achieve it.Business Acumen – Strong strategic acumen, P&L experience, agile decision-making, ability to formulate a strong POV and adjust plans strategically in a changing environment.Analytical - synthesizes complex or diverse information; uses intuition and experience to complement data; ability to effectively communicate and translate business needs to technical teams; proactively identifies and resolves problems in a timely manner. Additional Job DescriptionRequired Qualifications: BA / BS in Business, Marketing, Finance, or related field6+ years’ working in a fast-paced, high-volume consumer-facing corporate or agency environment with responsibility for simplifying complex customer experiences.Ability work / manage agency partners for benchmarking / strategic insightsPassion for understanding the customer needs and delivering an exceptional customer experienceRetail and/or eCommerce experience – experience optimizing digital retailing experiences for customers, proven history of site improvements with tangible resultsEffective leadership style, compatible with the team culture: collaborative, flexible, innovative, and results-orientedExperience in business case development utilizing data and strategic thinking to translate ambiguous problems into solutions“Leadership” DNA: Able to motivate and inspire the team to accomplish our goalsStrong personal skills to support organizational awareness & participation“Leadership” DNA: Able to motivate and inspire the team to accomplish our goalsAbility to act as a catalyst for innovation and changeEntrepreneurial drive / demonstrated ability to achieve stretch goals in a fast-paced environmentDemonstrated ability to manage multiple projects / programsProven performance management skills: setting clear goals and objectives, measuring performance, and providing guidance and direction to staff to improve performanceStrong analytical skills with demonstrated ability to transform data into actionable informationMust be able to think / act strategically and tacticallyFinancial and business acumen in a range of functional areas (e.g., sales, marketing, customer service)Strong communication skills and ability to tailor communication style, frequency and approach for multiple audiences, including working teams, colleagues and senior executivesAffinity to facilitate problem solving & collaborationExperience in establishing effective partnerships within and outside of the organization Experience working with geographically dispersed team #LI-MO1 GM DOES NOT PROVIDE IMMIGRATION-RELATED SPONSORSHIP FOR THIS ROLE. DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS ROLE IF YOU WILL NEED GM IMMIGRATION SPONSORSHIP (e.g., H-1B, TN, STEM OPT, etc.) NOW OR IN THE FUTURE About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Benefits OverviewThe goal of the General Motors total rewards program is to support the health and well-being of you and your family. Our comprehensive compensation plan incudes, the following benefits, in addition to many others: • Paid time off including vacation days, holidays, and parental leave for mothers, fathers and adoptive parents; • Healthcare (including a triple tax advantaged health savings account and wellness incentive), dental, vision and life insurance plans to cover you and your family; • Company and matching contributions to 401K savings plan to help you save for retirement; • Global recognition program for peers and leaders to recognize and be recognized for results and behaviors that reflect our company values; • Tuition assistance and student loan refinancing; • Discount on GM vehicles for you, your family and friends. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. GM is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities. Equal Employment Opportunity StatementsGM is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local fair employment practices laws. GM is committed to providing a work environment free from unlawful discrimination and advancing equal employment opportunities for all qualified individuals. As part of this commitment, all practices and decisions relating to terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits, and termination of employment are made without regard to an individual's protected characteristics. For purposes of this policy, “protected characteristics" include an individual's actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), gender identity or gender expression, sexual orientation, weight, height, marital status, military service and veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition as defined by applicable state or local law, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws and ordinances. If you need a reasonable accommodation to assist with your job search or application for employment, email us at Careers.Accommodations@GM.com or call us at 800-865-7580. In your email, please include a description of the specific accommodation you are requesting as well as the job title and requisition number of the position for which you are applying.​
    • Full Time
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    Job DescriptionIf you are a current employee of General Motors working in a per diem, hourly, or regular salaried role, you must apply through the internal careers page. Please navigate to https://workday.gm.com and search for GM Find Jobs. The General Motors Manufacturing Group is seeking to identify highly motivated and qualified individuals for current and potential future opportunities as a Group Leader. In anticipation of these openings becoming available, we welcome you to apply so we can begin the pre-screening and interview process. GM DOES NOT PROVIDE IMMIGRATION-RELATED SPONSORSHIP FOR THIS ROLE. DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS ROLE IF YOU WILL NEED GM IMMIGRATION SPONSORSHIP (e.g., H-1B, TN, STEM OPT, etc.) NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. Onsite: This role is categorized as onsite. This means the successful candidate is expected to report to Flint Metal Center on a full-time basis. The Role: Maintenance Group Leaders: The Maintenance Group Leader will be responsible for supervising a group of Skilled employees to troubleshoot and repair complex equipment and processes. This role requires you to consistently administer National and Local Agreement between General Motors and the United Auto Workers Union. The work is of a technical nature and requires you to use independent judgment within the limits of Global Manufacturing Systems, focusing on Safety, People, Quality, Responsiveness, Cost, and Environment (SPQRCE). Selected candidates will have the opportunity to learn new skills as well as influencing the development of manufacturing processes to support this historical and game-changing progression to electric and autonomous vehicles. What You'll Do (Responsibilities): You will conduct appropriate checks and tests, and communicate evaluation of results.Recommends solutions to problems.Responsible for preventative maintenance and diagnosis of equipment malfunctions.Meets schedule and quality requirements.Complies with the terms of local and national labor agreements.Implements divisional and corporate policies and safety and good housekeeping practices.Maintain frequent contact and collaboration with others outside of the work group.Responsible for the effective use of personnel, material and equipment.Establishes a course of action to accomplish completion of the job and/or project. Has knowledge and ability to implement GMS principles. Additional Job DescriptionYour Skills and Abilities (Required Qualifications): Ability to read and understand electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic blueprintsAbility to coordinate, manage and lead peopleStrong interpersonal skills and ability to manage conflictBasic computer proficiency (i.e. Microsoft Word, typing, email etc.) Must be willing to work weekends and rotating shifts What Can Give You a Competitive Edge (Preferred Qualifications): Strong critical thinking and analytical skills.Ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously.Willingness to ask questions, take initiative and be resourceful.Excellent written and verbal communication skills.High level of integrity, ability to deal with ambiguity, self-directed.Ability to work cross-functionally with Engineering and Manufacturing Teams. This job is not eligible for relocation benefits. Any relocation costs would be the responsibility of the selected candidate. About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Benefits OverviewThe goal of the General Motors total rewards program is to support the health and well-being of you and your family. Our comprehensive compensation plan incudes, the following benefits, in addition to many others: • Paid time off including vacation days, holidays, and parental leave for mothers, fathers and adoptive parents; • Healthcare (including a triple tax advantaged health savings account and wellness incentive), dental, vision and life insurance plans to cover you and your family; • Company and matching contributions to 401K savings plan to help you save for retirement; • Global recognition program for peers and leaders to recognize and be recognized for results and behaviors that reflect our company values; • Tuition assistance and student loan refinancing; • Discount on GM vehicles for you, your family and friends. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. GM is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities. Equal Employment Opportunity StatementsGM is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local fair employment practices laws. GM is committed to providing a work environment free from unlawful discrimination and advancing equal employment opportunities for all qualified individuals. As part of this commitment, all practices and decisions relating to terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits, and termination of employment are made without regard to an individual's protected characteristics. For purposes of this policy, “protected characteristics" include an individual's actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), gender identity or gender expression, sexual orientation, weight, height, marital status, military service and veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition as defined by applicable state or local law, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws and ordinances. If you need a reasonable accommodation to assist with your job search or application for employment, email us at Careers.Accommodations@GM.com or call us at 800-865-7580. In your email, please include a description of the specific accommodation you are requesting as well as the job title and requisition number of the position for which you are applying.​
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    Job DescriptionThe Software and Services organization at General Motors provides an amazing connected experience to customers through the power of OnStar and embedded wireless technology. The scope and reach of the connected vehicle are constantly evolving and growing, which challenges our team to act as visionaries and apply their creative energies to the business of data collection. We value innovative, customer-focused and results-oriented thinking and provide broad-reaching assignments to allow team members to fully utilize their unique skills. Hybrid: This role is categorized as hybrid. This means the successful candidate is expected to report onsite at GM Global Technical Center - Cole Engineering Center - Cole West at least three times per week minimum or other frequency dictated by the business. ​Key Responsibilities: Lead conception, development, and testing for new data collection projectsShape technical requirements for new data collection enablersDevelop data collection programs to be used in the development, validation, and production release process for OnStar enabled vehiclesInterface with customers across GM to understand requirements, provide status updates, and explain the data collection processWork cross functionality with various GM organizations to determine root causes and identify corrective actions for data collection related issuesWork cross functionality with Vehicle Communication Services, Telematics Development, Validation, Customer Experience, and Data Curation Team to determine priorities and recommended path forwardDevelop relationships across various organizations while sustaining open communications to enable collaboration with the common goal of vehicle data collection. Additional Job DescriptionRequired Skills and Experience Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or Information TechnologyFamiliar with automotive networking concepts (CAN/LIN, Diagnostics) and Ethernet protocolsExperience in automotive systems and software developmentStrong command over SQL for database querying and manipulationExperience with Python or similar programming languageProficiency in creating dashboards through PowerBI reportingStrong verbal and written communication skills, comfortable presenting to leadership and tailoring to multiple audiencesComfortable working in a fast-pace and innovative environment where problems are complex and not always well-definedAbility to work on multiple projects concurrently and shift priorities as required to meet requirements and deadlinesAbility to prioritize work with only limited direction from supervisorDemonstrated ability to build relationships across various organizationsAbility to work in a team environment where knowledge sharing, and documentation is encouragedWillingness to learn and quickly adjust to new tools and systems Compensation: The compensation information is a good faith estimate only. It is based on what a successful applicant might be paid in accordance with applicable state laws. The compensation may not be representative for positions located outside of New York, Colorado, California, or Washington. Compensation: The expected base compensation for this role is: $75,000 - $119,200 Actual base compensation within the identified range will vary based on factors relevant to the position.Bonus Potential: An incentive pay program offers payouts based on company performance, job level, and individual performance.Benefits: GM offers a variety of health and wellbeing benefit programs. Benefit options include medical, dental, vision, Health Savings Account, Flexible Spending Accounts, retirement savings plan, sickness and accident benefits, life insurance, paid vacation & holidays.#LI-EL1 About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Benefits OverviewThe goal of the General Motors total rewards program is to support the health and well-being of you and your family. Our comprehensive compensation plan incudes, the following benefits, in addition to many others: • Paid time off including vacation days, holidays, and parental leave for mothers, fathers and adoptive parents; • Healthcare (including a triple tax advantaged health savings account and wellness incentive), dental, vision and life insurance plans to cover you and your family; • Company and matching contributions to 401K savings plan to help you save for retirement; • Global recognition program for peers and leaders to recognize and be recognized for results and behaviors that reflect our company values; • Tuition assistance and student loan refinancing; • Discount on GM vehicles for you, your family and friends. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. GM is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities. Equal Employment Opportunity StatementsGM is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local fair employment practices laws. GM is committed to providing a work environment free from unlawful discrimination and advancing equal employment opportunities for all qualified individuals. As part of this commitment, all practices and decisions relating to terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits, and termination of employment are made without regard to an individual's protected characteristics. For purposes of this policy, “protected characteristics" include an individual's actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), gender identity or gender expression, sexual orientation, weight, height, marital status, military service and veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition as defined by applicable state or local law, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws and ordinances. If you need a reasonable accommodation to assist with your job search or application for employment, email us at Careers.Accommodations@GM.com or call us at 800-865-7580. In your email, please include a description of the specific accommodation you are requesting as well as the job title and requisition number of the position for which you are applying.​
    • Full Time
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    Job DescriptionPLEASE NOTE: GENERAL MOTORS WILL NOT PROVIDE IMMIGRATION-RELATED SPONSORSHIP FOR THIS ROLE. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS ROLE IF YOU NEED OR WILL NEED GM IMMIGRATION SPONSORSHIP (e.g., H-1B, TN, STEM OPT, etc.) NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. On-site: This position is located on site full time in Warren with travel expectations. The Role: The Manufacturing Execution Engineer GA for ME Optimization will be responsible for executing GA manufacturing optimization projects across various assembly sites, which includes collaborating with cross functional teams across Manufacturing Engineering, Plant Production, Quality and Maintenance Teams to design, build and Commission state of the art Automation Projects in our Vehicle Assembly Plants. This is a unique opportunity to influence the way we, as General Motors, operate within General Assembly in our assembly plants and lead the way to GM achieving a factory of the future. You will be responsible, while working with GA ME, to maximize efficiency while reducing MCPU. Requirements would include effective utilization of personnel, material, machines and facilities necessary for a flawless execution. Key Deliverables will be to coordinate projects, plan, develop and execute GA Optimization projects from ideation to installation to create the most efficient, leanest processes for the entire GM Enterprise. This individual will work with all levels of cross functional teams. Work is performed in a centralized manufacturing engineering facility as well as assembly plant with an elevated level of independent judgment. What You Will Do (Responsibilities): Define all areas of change, which include product and manufacturing requirements (tooling, automation, workstation setup, facility and etc.) Efficient material flow understandings for future material movement Develop interfaces, and work with cross functional teams to develop / define common tooling and process across whole department and other groups Providing technical direction to and oversight of outside vendor sources and product/plant teams Design, construction, integration, plant installation, successful launch and continuous improvement of equipment and tools required in plants for the production of high quality vehicles. Lead coordination of automation projects including all Plant integration and pull ahead activities with Continuous Improvement leads, Plant ME/IE Teams. High level of analytical ability & problem solving where problems are unusual and difficult. High level of problem solving and issue resolution aptitude Technical capability with knowledge of automated processes Complete project plan reviews with the local production management teams for future implementations. Understand local contractual considerations for all projects. Provide Technical support and assistance to manufacturing and maintenance team members, production supervisors and production associates. Ensure meeting financial and budget requirements set for projects. Automate General Assembly tooling / solutions. Have complete understanding of Bill of Processes (BOP) / Bill of Equipment (BOE). Manage Timing, Resources, Budget, Lessons Learned, Performance Scorecard, Meeting Minutes, One Pager project weekly report for every project that this individual will lead. Support Performance Integration of vehicle, especially driving design solutions to integration issues. Responsible for Engineering Deliverable status at Program Execution Team and Program Quality Readiness Reviews Engineering launch leadership including on sight leadership at Assembly Plant Launches. Run Vehicle & Progress Integration Meetings Engineering interface to Plant Operations including build support and issue resolution, Bill Of Materials and final vehicle completeness. Additional Job DescriptionYour Skills And Abilities (Required Qualifications) Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent experience 5+ years of experience in manufacturing engineering experience 3+ years of experience in manufacturing launch experience Ability to work independently, make decisions and drive escalations as required. High level of collaboration and cross-functional skills to work effectively with others. Strong data management, analysis, presentation, and problem solving skills where they are unusual and difficult. Able to quickly understand a Layout and propose ideas to Be creative to provide ideas and action oriented to execute them. Highly Proficient with Team Center, AutoDesk, MS-Office tools (Excel, Visio, Project and Powerpoint). Previous experience Leading individual complex projects, with the ability to coordinate resources, report status, and track timelines. Deep technical knowledge and ability in process engineering disciplines Deep knowledge and ability to implement GMS principles Thorough knowledge of Manufacturing Processes, Tooling and Equipment. Also, the Global Launch Process and Vehicle Development Process. Demonstrated ability to manage multiple and significantly complex projects and assignments with highest level of autonomy and accountability for results Proven ability in project management skills and ability to teach others Ability to influence people across the organization. Act as a change agent. Ability to travel up to 50% within US and International, as required in each phase of the project. What Can Give You a Competitive Advantage (Preferred Qualifications) Previous experience with Scoping, Design, Integration, Commissioning various levels of Automation projects. Experience working in a unionized manufacturing operation. Thorough knowledge of Manufacturing Processes, Tooling and Equipment, and how it relates to the Global Launch Process and Vehicle Development Process. Knowledge and familiarity with general assembly tooling automation and concepts About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Benefits OverviewThe goal of the General Motors total rewards program is to support the health and well-being of you and your family. Our comprehensive compensation plan incudes, the following benefits, in addition to many others: • Paid time off including vacation days, holidays, and parental leave for mothers, fathers and adoptive parents; • Healthcare (including a triple tax advantaged health savings account and wellness incentive), dental, vision and life insurance plans to cover you and your family; • Company and matching contributions to 401K savings plan to help you save for retirement; • Global recognition program for peers and leaders to recognize and be recognized for results and behaviors that reflect our company values; • Tuition assistance and student loan refinancing; • Discount on GM vehicles for you, your family and friends. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. GM is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities. Equal Employment Opportunity StatementsGM is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local fair employment practices laws. GM is committed to providing a work environment free from unlawful discrimination and advancing equal employment opportunities for all qualified individuals. As part of this commitment, all practices and decisions relating to terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits, and termination of employment are made without regard to an individual's protected characteristics. For purposes of this policy, “protected characteristics" include an individual's actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), gender identity or gender expression, sexual orientation, weight, height, marital status, military service and veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition as defined by applicable state or local law, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws and ordinances. If you need a reasonable accommodation to assist with your job search or application for employment, email us at Careers.Accommodations@GM.com or call us at 800-865-7580. In your email, please include a description of the specific accommodation you are requesting as well as the job title and requisition number of the position for which you are applying.​
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    Job Description The Role General Motors has needs for qualified Die Production Engineers. Working under minimal supervision, the skilled trades Die Production Engineer is responsible for formability and surfacing. Primary Responsibilities: Follow established safety procedures according to OSHA standards and company proceduresCreate die surfaces for draw, trim, flange and pierce dies utilizing UGNX (Die Machine File)Prepare engineering reports utilizing MS office softwareBe capable to learn/develop CAM surfaces (Data Prep) and optimized die surfaces based on die Bearing Zones & Reliefs strategiesDevelop, analyze, and iterate die compensation by die operationDevelop and analyze virtual dimensional and surface quality performance Highly proficient utilization of UGNX and Autoform.Build and maintain good working relationships with employees, union, management, and customers.Be capable to provide training to journeyperson Die Engineers in Autoform and UG/NXAssist in the development of training materialsDemonstrate absolute alignment with GM Behaviors: Be Inclusive, Think Customer, Innovate Now, Look Ahead, One Team, Be Bold, It’s On Me and Win With Integrity. Key Requirements: Understanding of die design, die subsets and die functionalities.Understanding of material properties and formability analysis parameters such as stresses, strains, and thinningAbility to diagnose and solve formability issues, utilizing Autoform and UGNX to develop die facesExperience in Die Layout of draw, trim, flange, and pierce dies for inner and outer panelsProficient in UGNX surface creation and surface compensation, including class “A” surfaces. Additional Job DescriptionInterested individuals must meet the following minimum qualifications: U.S. Department of Labor Completion of Apprenticeship Certificate in Die Maker or Die Design trade and/or a minimum six (6) years of documented experience as an Die Production Engineer (notarized documentation required) Must be able to satisfactorily complete the General Motors hiring process requirements which include comprehensive assessments, hair drug testing, and a background check At least 18 years of age Eligible to work in the United States Must be willing to work flexible shift hours and day, afternoon, or night shift as well as overtime hours daily, weekends and holidays on those shifts with little notice. Physical Requirements Quick response to safety instructions, alarms, and signals are a mustAbility to work and stand for extended periodsComfortably wear personal protective equipmentNavigate a busy environmentBend, twist, kneel, crouch, and reachMay need to lift or carry materials weighing up to 50 lbs. depending on departmentOccasional sitting during certain tasksDrive mobile equipment when needed General Motors UAW hourly employment offers a very competitive compensation and benefit package. An annual incentive payout is also available, as qualified. Relocation and travel expenses will be the responsibility of the applicant. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. GM is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities. Equal Employment Opportunity StatementsGM is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local fair employment practices laws. GM is committed to providing a work environment free from unlawful discrimination and advancing equal employment opportunities for all qualified individuals. As part of this commitment, all practices and decisions relating to terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits, and termination of employment are made without regard to an individual's protected characteristics. For purposes of this policy, “protected characteristics" include an individual's actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), gender identity or gender expression, sexual orientation, weight, height, marital status, military service and veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition as defined by applicable state or local law, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws and ordinances. If you need a reasonable accommodation to assist with your job search or application for employment, email us at Careers.Accommodations@GM.com or call us at 800-865-7580. In your email, please include a description of the specific accommodation you are requesting as well as the job title and requisition number of the position for which you are applying.​
    • Full Time
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    Job DescriptionJob Responsibilities: · Responsible for executing both manual and automated test scripts to verify Infotainment component functional and performance requirements on GM’s Infotainment systems. · Configure benches to support specific test scenarios. · Characterize and document defects including identifying steps to reproduce, linking failures to requirements, and collecting all associated test logs. · Develop and update test cases and test automation scripts as required. · Interact with multiple engineering fields within the Software Defined Vehicle team to support defect resolution. · Verify operation of Infotainment features that function on CAN, Ethernet and LIN communication protocols. · Provide regular status updates and complete documentation and test results. Additional Job DescriptionMinimum Qualifications: · Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or related · Minimum of 3 to 5 years’ experience in Automotive SW Test or Development, including extensive experience with test automation · Understanding of Vehicle Electrical Architecture and Subsystem/Features in the Infotainment domain · Understanding of Infotainment Operating Systems such as Android, Linux and QNX · Experience with LAN/CAN vehicle communication system and CAN based monitoring tools Additional Job Description (Preferred Qualifications): · Experience with Robot Framework · Strong Project Management and Organizational skills · Ability to lead complex problems and propose solutions · High level of oral and written communication skills, interpersonal skills to work independently and effectively with others About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Benefits OverviewThe goal of the General Motors total rewards program is to support the health and well-being of you and your family. Our comprehensive compensation plan incudes, the following benefits, in addition to many others: • Paid time off including vacation days, holidays, and parental leave for mothers, fathers and adoptive parents; • Healthcare (including a triple tax advantaged health savings account and wellness incentive), dental, vision and life insurance plans to cover you and your family; • Company and matching contributions to 401K savings plan to help you save for retirement; • Global recognition program for peers and leaders to recognize and be recognized for results and behaviors that reflect our company values; • Tuition assistance and student loan refinancing; • Discount on GM vehicles for you, your family and friends. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. GM is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities. Equal Employment Opportunity StatementsGM is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local fair employment practices laws. GM is committed to providing a work environment free from unlawful discrimination and advancing equal employment opportunities for all qualified individuals. As part of this commitment, all practices and decisions relating to terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits, and termination of employment are made without regard to an individual's protected characteristics. For purposes of this policy, “protected characteristics" include an individual's actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), gender identity or gender expression, sexual orientation, weight, height, marital status, military service and veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition as defined by applicable state or local law, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws and ordinances. If you need a reasonable accommodation to assist with your job search or application for employment, email us at Careers.Accommodations@GM.com or call us at 800-865-7580. In your email, please include a description of the specific accommodation you are requesting as well as the job title and requisition number of the position for which you are applying.​
    • Full Time
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    Job DescriptionHybrid This role is categorized as hybrid. This means the successful candidate is expected to report to Warren three times per week, at minimum. The Role Sr. Manager Materials & VAA requires a unique blend of skills to develop and execute General Assembly lean material planning strategies in earlier stages of development, develop and execute material optimization projects, develop and execute VAA planning strategies and work with the VAA suppliers to promote flawless launches. The role will act as a bridge between manufacturing engineering, production and VAA with a strong focus on cost. efficiency, and optimization. What You'll Do Lead the strategy and development of the General Assembly Material ecosystem plan, aligning lean material strategies, optimization and efforts with overall business goals. Developing lean strategies to optimize General Assembly material supply chain cost and efficiency and drive standardization. Collaborating with execution and production teams to ensure flawless launches. Staying updated on the latest material movement technologies and trends, evaluating their impact on manufacturing cost and production efficiency. Develop and execute material optimization projects Lead the strategy and development VAA planning, aligning lean strategies, optimization and efforts with overall business goals. Oversee VAA launch activities to ensure flawless launches. Escalate when the VAA performance is behind expectation and implement forecast recovery plans with regular updates. Drive a transparent and strong partnership with the VAA Suppliers. Develop and implement VAA Continuous Improvement process that drive initiatives to improve execution and/or system improvements at the VAA or within the GM assembly plant team supporting the VAA. Leadership and Management: Leading and motivating a team of material supply chain and VAA professionals, fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation. Managing the material and VAA budget and identifying opportunities for cost reduction. Providing guidance and technical expertise to other departments, such as purchasing, optimization and production teams. Additional Job DescriptionYour Skills & Abilities (Required Qualifications)​​  Bachelor's degree in Global Supply Chain, Engineering, or a related field Multiple years of combined experience in manufacturing with a strong focus on material supply chain planning and strategies and VAA Proven leadership skills with the ability to motivate and lead a team. In-depth knowledge of material supply chain and VAA processes Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills. Effective communication, collaboration, and interpersonal skills. What Will Give You a Competitive Edge (Preferred Qualifications)​  Master's degree This job may be eligible for relocation benefits. GM DOES NOT PROVIDE IMMIGRATION-RELATED SPONSORSHIP FOR THIS ROLE. DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS ROLE IF YOU WILL NEED GM IMMIGRATION SPONSORSHIP (e.g., H-1B, TN, STEM OPT, etc.) NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. #LI-MH1 About GMOur vision is a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion and we embrace the responsibility to lead the change that will make our world better, safer and more equitable for all. Why Join Us We aspire to be the most inclusive company in the world. We believe we all must make a choice every day – individually and collectively – to drive meaningful change through our words, our deeds and our culture. Our Work Appropriately philosophy supports our foundation of inclusion and provides employees the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals, dependent on role needs. Every day, we want every employee, no matter their background, ethnicity, preferences, or location, to feel they belong to one General Motors team. Benefits OverviewThe goal of the General Motors total rewards program is to support the health and well-being of you and your family. Our comprehensive compensation plan incudes, the following benefits, in addition to many others: • Paid time off including vacation days, holidays, and parental leave for mothers, fathers and adoptive parents; • Healthcare (including a triple tax advantaged health savings account and wellness incentive), dental, vision and life insurance plans to cover you and your family; • Company and matching contributions to 401K savings plan to help you save for retirement; • Global recognition program for peers and leaders to recognize and be recognized for results and behaviors that reflect our company values; • Tuition assistance and student loan refinancing; • Discount on GM vehicles for you, your family and friends. Diversity InformationGeneral Motors is committed to being a workplace that is not only free of discrimination, but one that genuinely fosters inclusion and belonging. We strongly believe that workforce diversity creates an environment in which our employees can thrive and develop better products for our customers. We understand and embrace the variety through which people gain experiences whether through professional, personal, educational, or volunteer opportunities. GM is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We encourage interested candidates to review the key responsibilities and qualifications and apply for any positions that match your skills and capabilities. Equal Employment Opportunity StatementsGM is an equal opportunity employer and complies with all applicable federal, state, and local fair employment practices laws. GM is committed to providing a work environment free from unlawful discrimination and advancing equal employment opportunities for all qualified individuals. As part of this commitment, all practices and decisions relating to terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits, and termination of employment are made without regard to an individual's protected characteristics. For purposes of this policy, “protected characteristics" include an individual's actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, sex or gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), gender identity or gender expression, sexual orientation, weight, height, marital status, military service and veteran status, physical or mental disability, protected medical condition as defined by applicable state or local law, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local laws and ordinances. If you need a reasonable accommodation to assist with your job search or application for employment, email us at Careers.Accommodations@GM.com or call us at 800-865-7580. In your email, please include a description of the specific accommodation you are requesting as well as the job title and requisition number of the position for which you are applying.​
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