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  • Al al-Bayt University


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    AL- al Bayt University (The House of The Prophet University) is an academic establishment that attempts to upgrade (promote) the scientific, cultural, and civilized levels, work on keeping up with the technological developments in addition to following the modern directions of the higher education, encouraging the scientific research in order to carry out the applied and scientific researches. It also participates in serving and constructing the society within the domain (field) of the Islamic Values and Instructions, emphasizing scientific and systematic thinking, undertaking, and having the feeling of responsibility.
    On August 17, 1992 (18 Safar 1413 H), a Royal Decree was issued ordaining the establishment of Al al-Bayt University. As stated in the Royal Message, the University is to meet an urgent need for a new kind of university one that combines the requirements of scientific methodology in teaching and research, on the one hand, and the requirements of belief and clarity of vision on the other, thus, creating harmony between the rounded personality of the Muslim and his new environment.

    Al al-Bayt University
    Founding year: 1992
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Professor Dia_Eddin Arafah (President)
    Number of staff: 0
    Type: Universities


    Address: Al al-Bayt University, street Al Mafraq, Mafraq, 130040, Jordan

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