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    Job DescriptionThe Global Fleet and Products organization is responsible for managing and growing the Amazon Last Mile Fleet. This team is looking for a Sr. Program Manager to ensure world-class vehicle safety and 100% mission capable vehicles for the Amazon Fleet and guide strategic, tactical, cross-functional, and technology-related projects and programs.Key Responsibilities: • Lead full life-cycle of complex cross-functional projects and programs with considerable impact across multiple organizations.• Work autonomously, seeking to understand business problems, automation limitations, scaling factors, boundary conditions, and reasons behind leadership decisions.• Measure and manage performance to daily metrics as a SME responsible for Delivery Station Fleets to maintain the world’s safest and fully mission capable vehicles.• Partner with Amazon Operations leaders, Delivery Service Partners (DSP), and program teams to achieve business goals.• Engage Operations and DSP teams on standard work and best practices.• Maintain accountability to Fleet standards with in station presence, audits, and coaching.• Synchronize with third party companies to ensure Best in Class service is provided to the Amazon Fleet. Travel 50% to delivery stations within the region required.**This person will support the Georgia region and surrounding areas in the US. **Permanent worksite will be located in the Atlanta market. No location flexibility is available at this time. Basic Qualifications:- 5+ years of program or project management experience- Experience using data and metrics to determine and drive improvements- Experience owning program strategy, end to end delivery, and communicating results to senior leadership Preferred Qualifications:- 2+ years of driving process improvements experience- Master's degree, or MBA in business, operations, human resources, adult education, organizational development, instructional design or related fieldAmazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, please visit https://www.amazon.jobs/en/disability/us.
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    Job Description※このポジションは、大阪府茨木市の物流拠点(ソートセンター)創設に伴う新規募集となり、勤務地は大阪府茨木市です。Amazonでは、障がいを持つ社員がそれぞれ自分の能力を活かし、様々な部門で活躍しています。社内外の関係者が連携しながら、ひとりひとりの障がいに合わせた必要なサポートを提供します。Amazonの著しい成長を支えているのが、自社で保有している高品質な輸送ネットワークです。将来の物流業界の変化及び貨物量の増加を見据え、慣習に捉われない新たな輸送網・サービスを構築しています。その輸送ネットワーク上の重要拠点であるソートセンター(SC)は、アマゾンの自社輸送網において、全国にある大規模倉庫と、お荷物の最終集約地である配送拠点の中継地となる拠点で、お客様への配送スピードを担保しながらより効率的に輸送できるよう、荷物の仕分けを行っています。大阪府茨木市内でのソートセンター創設に伴い、オフィスの総務業務担当を募集致します。Key job responsibilitiesソートセンター茨木拠点・オフィスの総務業務をご担当いただきます。各業務についてのマニュアルがあり、わからないことを相談いただけるメンバーが常駐しています。■総務、オフィスマネージメント業務・事務用品管理、受発注業務・電話一次応対(取次および取次先が不明な場合は用件と連絡先の聞き取り)・社内美化の取り組み・掲示物/ポスター作成等の社内広報業務・社内カイゼン活動の事務局業務(改善提案書の受付・管理・集計等)・社内システムを使用した請求書処理、受発注記録管理等■社内イベントのサポート ※拠点メンバーと連携して対応いただきます。・季節ごとのオフィスの装飾・繁忙期の社内イベント■来館者対応・来客者への受付対応・ウェルカムボード作成・社外出張者への案内■サイトの安全衛生管理に関するサポート業務アマゾンでは社員が安全に働ける環境を維持するために、各種活動を積極的に行っています。安全に関する教育・啓蒙活動のサポートや防災訓練の実施におけるサポート等も担当していただきます。About the team当チームは様々なバックグラウンドを持つメンバーが、業界経験・業務経験関係なく多く活躍しております。【働き方】- 土日祝を除く、平日9:00-18:00勤務となります。- 大阪府茨木市の物流拠点に勤務となります。――――――――――――――――――本ポジションの所属部門等に関する詳細は、下記リンク先参照ください。【部門】■サプライチェーンマネジメント(SCM)・ミドルマイル部門の紹介~~社員インタビュー~~【職種】■オペレーション職種の紹介Amazon は多様かつインクルーシブな職場づくりを目指しています。Amazonは男女雇用機会均等法を順守しています。人種、 出身国、性別、性的指向、障がい、年齢、その他の属性によって差別することなく、平等に採用選考の機会を提供しています。障がいをお持ちの方は、以下をご覧ください。https://www.amazon.jobs/disability/jp*オペレーション部門 DEIの取り組み Basic Qualifications:Basic qualifications- 総務または事務の実務3年以上経験(※職種は問わず)- PCスキル(ワード、エクセル、パワーポイント)初級- ビジネスレベルの日本語力(メール作成・読解、資料作成が出来る) Preferred Qualifications:- オーナーシップ / 自ら積極的に行動し、常に会社の環境をよりよくしようという意識を持ち、チームメンバーに対してのサポートや貢献することに喜び・やりがいを感じることができる方- インクルーシブなカルチャーへの貢献や多様性に富んだグループで働くことに対して前向きであること- 相手(クライアント)の立場に立って物事を考えることができる方- 業務遂行能力/自ら優先順位をつけ納期を意識しながら、スピード感をもって業務を遂行できる方- ビジネスマナーに造詣がある方(秘書検定等)- 社内外での基本的なビジネスコミュニケーション能力/ビジネス文書作成スキルPlease check the website below for measures to eliminate unwanted second-hand smoking in each facility:https://www.amazon.jobs/en/landing_pages/passivesmoking就業の場所における受動喫煙を防止するための措置に関する事項については、下記リンク先をご覧ください。https://www.amazon.jobs/jp/landing_pages/passivesmokingThe salary information can be provided individually prior to the 1st interview賃金に関する条件は、1次面接の前に個別にご案内することができます
  1. Amazon

    Area Manager, AMZL - Aichi

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    Job Description※このポジションの勤務地は愛知県一宮市にある物流拠点でのお仕事になります。私たちは数億という膨大な商品を取り扱っており、多くのサプライヤーから入荷したアイテムはフルフィルメントセンターという物流拠点に集約され、各地のデリバリーステーション(DS)を経てお客様先に届けられます。エリアマネージャーには、膨大な数の商品を効率的かつスムーズにお届けするための出荷計画や配送ルートの立案・管理などをお任せします。現在、私たちは物流網を拡大すべくDSの全国展開に注力中。今回の募集も新拠点の立ち上げに伴うものです。Amazonの重要拠点で物流を進化させる新規ビジネスに携わる。そんな挑みがいのあるミッションに、あなたの経験を活かしてみませんか。Key job responsibilities入荷商品の仕分け・出荷作業および配送ルート計画立案のリードを行うのみならず、直接の部下複数名のマネジメントを通じて、シフトごとの多くの人員の管理を牽引できる裁量の大きなポジションです。チームリーダーとして部下を率い、業務遂行の為に複数の関連部署との連携を行い課題解決に取り組むことが求められ、工程管理力のみならず、ピープルマネジメント力をいかんなく発揮できるやりがいを持てるポジションです。【具体的な業務内容】■配送管理入荷した商品の仕分け・出荷作業および配送ルートの計画を立案します。“どのアイテムを、いつ、何人で仕分けするか”、“どの地域に、どのような順番で配送するか”などをプランニングしてください。全体の作業・人員計画はシニアエリアマネージャーが行ないます。連携をしっかり取り、仕分けや配送などが滞りなく進む計画を立ててください。■シフト・勤怠・作業管理仕分けや出荷、配送などを担うスタッフの管理業務です。人員は数十名。物流量に合わせてシフトを組むほか、業務がスムーズに進捗しているかなどを管理します。シフト調整を担当するアシスタントスタッフ(3~4名)と連携し、状況把握や指示出しなどをしてください。業務管理は社内システムで行います。■業務改善安全・品質・生産性向上や業務効率化などを実現するための業務です。業務フローや業務環境、作業内容などにおける問題を見つけ、改善案やその実施計画を立案します。シニアエリアマネージャーとは定期的に業務改善のミーティングをするため、積極的に意見を出してください。A day in the life※勤務は夜勤を含む3交代制のシフト勤務になります。About the team【More Information】■ラストマイル(AMZL)部門の紹介■オペレーション職種の紹介■中部エリアDSの紹介――――――――――――――――――Amazon は多様かつインクルーシブな職場づくりを目指しています。Amazonは男女雇用機会均等法を順守しています。人種、 出身国、性別、性的指向、障がい、年齢、その他の属性によって差別することなく、平等に採用選考の機会を提供しています。障がいをお持ちの方は、以下をご覧ください。 https://www.amazon.jobs/disability/jp*オペレーション部門 DEIの取り組み Basic Qualifications:- 4年制大学学士号または同等の業務経験- パソコンスキル初級(四則演算ができるレベル)- ビジネスレベルの日本語力 Preferred Qualifications:- 業界を問わず、スタッフの指導やチームリーダの経験3年以上- 5名以上のマネジメント経験- 業務管理ツールを使用して業務を遂行し、課題があった場合にシステムから抽出したデータを用いて業務改善をした経験- インクルーシブなカルチャーへの貢献や多様性に富んだグループで働くことに対して前向きであることPlease check the website below for measures to eliminate unwanted second-hand smoking in each facility:https://www.amazon.jobs/en/landing_pages/passivesmoking就業の場所における受動喫煙を防止するための措置に関する事項については、下記リンク先をご覧ください。https://www.amazon.jobs/jp/landing_pages/passivesmokingThe salary information can be provided individually prior to the 1st interview賃金に関する条件は、1次面接の前に個別にご案内することができます
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    Job DescriptionCome help build innovative new technologies for delivering billions of customer packages at the customer doorstep! MENA Address Quality team owns the programmatic solutions that helps in improving geospatial matrices which enables deliver smiles to our customer in MENA region. We are instrumental in impacting customer satisfaction directly, by devising innovative ways to deliver packages quickly and cost-effectively to the customers, and at scale using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning solutions.Key job responsibilities1. Direct line management for the MENA Address Quality Team.2. Manage performance and behavior through effective 1:1 meeting, coaching, and mentorship.3. Implement performance goals, monitors and evaluates against pre-set goals implementing action plans to resolve performance barriers as needed.4. Regularly review and analyze team data to identify areas of opportunity that will drive performance improvement.5. Oversee effective implementation of short term staffing plan and scheduling adherence in partnership with workflow.6. Participate in Kaizen events to identify and implement process improvement change initiatives.7. Demonstrate excellent time-management skills and the ability to work independently while using departmental resources, policies and procedures. Basic Qualifications:- Bachelors Degree or equivalent experience- 2+ years of program or project management experience Preferred Qualifications:- Knowledge of Lean principles and DMAIC methodology- Experience in MS Access and SQL- Experience in requirement gathering and ability to write clear and detailed requirement document
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    Job Description※本ポジションの勤務地は愛知県一宮市に位置する物流拠点です。1日に数百台の配送車両が行き交うDS(デリバリーステーション)。そこには、数千件以上におよぶ配送を管理・分析し、改善につなげるドライバーリソースマネージャーの姿があります。ドライバーリソースマネージャーのミッションは、関係者と連携して正確・迅速な配送を実現することです。ときにはドライバーに業務改善を促し、ときには上長に適切な人員配置の助言をする。単なる状況把握に留まらず、現場の問題分析から改善策の立案までを幅広く手がけます。現在、私たちは物流網を拡大すべくDSの全国展開に注力中。Amazonの重要拠点で物流を進化させる新規ビジネスに携わる。そんな挑みがいのあるミッションに、あなたの経験を活かしてみませんか。Key job responsibilities【具体的な仕事内容】■配送管理(メイン業務)商品を積んだ配送車両がDSを出発した後、計画通りに配送できたかを管理します。また、不在票の記載、投入や置き配指示の遵守、自社開発アプリによる適切な履歴入力など業務手順が忠実に実行されているかも確認します。1日に数百台の車両によって配送するため、細かなチェックも欠かせません。システムで原因を分析するほか、ドライバーにヒアリングするなどして未配送の要因などを突き止めます。その後、原因から即、改善案を立案。ドライバーやエリアマネージャーにフィードバックします。■協力会社(物流会社)へのフィードバック、調整社内システムを使い、エリアごとの配送件数やその所要時間などを分析します(1日につき配送車両数百台分)。その結果に基づいて適切な人員数などを導き出し、ドライバーの増減や人員配置などを協力会社とすり合わせます。■業務改善計画通りに配送できるようにその改善策の策定と実行を担い、事故の発生を未然に防ぐ為の安全教育を行ないます。このほか、同僚となるエリアマネージャーやシニアエリアマネージャーとの業務改善ミーティングを実施。より効率的な配送が実現できるよう、業務手順の改善や最新機器の導入などを提案します。A day in the life※勤務はシフト制になります。(夜勤シフトが発生する可能性もあります)About the team【More Information】■ラストマイル(AMZL)部門の紹介■オペレーション職種の紹介■中部エリアDSの紹介Amazon は多様かつインクルーシブな職場づくりを目指しています。Amazonは男女雇用機会均等法を順守しています。人種、 出身国、性別、性的指向、障がい、年齢、その他の属性によって差別することなく、平等に採用選考の機会を提供しています。障がいをお持ちの方は、以下をご覧ください。https://www.amazon.jobs/jp/disability/jp*オペレーション部門 DEIの取り組み Basic Qualifications:- 4年制大学学士号または同等の業務経験- パソコンスキル初級(四則演算ができるレベル)- ビジネスレベルの日本語力 Preferred Qualifications:- 業界を問わず、スタッフの指導やチームリーダの経験3年以上- 運行管理の経験(運行管理者資格保有者優遇)- コミュニケーション能力(社内外の関係者と効果的にコミュニケーションを取ることができる。)- 問題解決能力(課題発見時にあらゆる側面から要因を抽出・分析して問題解決することができる。)- 基本PCスキル( Outlook, Word, Excel (関数、グラフ), Power Pointを業務上で有効に使用し、必要な分析・報告ができる。)- ビジネスレベルの英語力- インクルーシブなカルチャーへの貢献や多様性に富んだグループで働くことに対して前向きであることPlease check the website below for measures to eliminate unwanted second-hand smoking in each facility:https://www.amazon.jobs/en/landing_pages/passivesmoking就業の場所における受動喫煙を防止するための措置に関する事項については、下記リンク先をご覧ください。https://www.amazon.jobs/jp/landing_pages/passivesmokingThe salary information can be provided individually prior to the 1st interview賃金に関する条件は、1次面接の前に個別にご案内することができます
  2. Amazon

    Site EHS Manager - Miami

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    Job DescriptionOne focus area of the Amazon Workplace Health & Safety (WHS) mission is to provide tools, resources, and environments that support safe, efficient, healthy behaviors and encourage employees to proactively manage their health and wellbeing. To support this focus area, Amazon is seeking an experienced and innovative Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Manager to join our team. In this position, you will serve as the site’s designated first aid provider in the warehouse, coordinating and implementing the Amazon Global Program. The Site WHS Manager will be responsible for partnering with an Operations Team at the site level to execute company WHS policies and ensure compliance to all applicable local, regional and federal regulations. This individual will lead continuous improvement initiatives to reduce conditional and ergonomic risk in our processes to ensure a safe and healthful working environment for our associates. The Site WHS Manager must demonstrate the ability to build trust and confidence with the Operations Team and influence change through providing comprehensive risk assessments and WHS data analysis. The Site WHS Manager will be responsible to lead and develop a team of WHS professionals. This individual must create and execute leadership development plans for their teams. They must communicate team expectations and provide frequent feedback, and ensure the team is executing to the core competencies of an Amazon WHS professional. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: - Provide guidance and oversight to ensure compliance to all applicable Amazon WHS Policies. - Possess a thorough understanding of local/regional/domestic regulations and company policy - Leads initiatives to reduce conditional and ergonomic risk in our processes to ensure a safe and healthful working environment for our associates - Establishes high quality relationships with both site and regional leadership - Measure site’s performance against published requirements in EHS policies. For all deficiencies, identify a plan for the site to implement and fix all identified deficiencies. Drive accountability for the plan - Analyze WHS metrics and review incident trends to justify the allocation of appropriate resources to areas where the WHS risk is highest. - Perform frequent site WHS audits to identify all non-compliance equipment and/or processes at the site. Implement solutions to eliminate exposure to these risks and prevent injury at other FC’s - Audit recordkeeping practices and WHS Information System entries to ensure compliance to global WHS standards and local regulations - Audit the workplace organization and Associate behaviors to ensure that training, auditing and scoring methods are accurate and consistent - Ensure site leadership and Associates are trained and knowledgeable of their responsibilities under each policy. Audit the quality, delivery (including qualifications of the trainer), and effectiveness of all required WHS training. - Must be able to work flexible shifts which could include day, nights, and weekends.For those that do not have an adult First Aid, CPR, AED certification from the American Heart Association or American Red Cross, must obtain within 3 weeks of start date. Basic Qualifications:- Bachelor's degree- 5+ years of increasing responsibilities in EHS and/or environmental programs in manufacturing, production, or service operations- 5+ years of increasing responsibilities in people and performance management- Experience implementing lean principles and process improvement in an operational environment Preferred Qualifications:- Distribution Center or Manufacturing EHS experience with mix of exempt and non-exempt employees at a site of at least 250 people- Master’s degree- Experience implementing lean principles and process improvement in an operational environment.- Experience in a fast paced, dynamic organization- Certified Safety Professional- Excellent written and verbal communication skills, including comfort interfacing with site leaders.- Ability to develop and implement department goals and strategies- Strong analytical skills with demonstrated problem solving abilityAmazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, please visit https://www.amazon.jobs/en/disability/us.
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    Job DescriptionWould you like to help implement innovative cloud computing solutions and solve the world's most complex technical problems? Do you have a deep passion and desire to engineer and operate the world's largest cloud computing infrastructure to provide a better world for future generations?Amazon Web Services is seeking a top industry technical expert to grow our team dedicated to expanding our Compute services to government customers. We are seeking a talented engineer skilled in the art of integration who understands the Agile mindset and DevOps philosophies, yet is not constrained by how “things are usually done" and is willing to decompose and reinvent systems, processes, and tools. We're looking for a technical expert for one of the largest compute services on the planet; if you possess that rare mix of depth in Development, Operations, Networking, and Systems Engineering then we are waiting for your application. This position requires that the candidate selected be a US Citizen and must currently possess an active Top Secret security clearance. The position further requires that, after start, the selected candidate obtain and maintain an active TS/SCI security clearance with polygraph and satisfy other security related requirements.Key job responsibilitiesYou'll be part of a world-class team in a fast-paced environment that has the entrepreneurial feel of a start-up. This is an opportunity to operate and engineer systems on a massive scale, and to gain top-notch experience in cloud computing. You'll be surrounded by people who are smart, passionate about cloud computing, and believe that world class service is critical to customer success. You will design and build the operational scalability that sustains the platform's insane growth. You will be able to measure your success by its visible impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of government services for our nation.A day in the lifeAmazon has a fast-paced environment where we “Work Hard, Have Fun, Make History.” On a “typical” day engineers might deep dive to root cause a customer issue, investigate why a metric is trending the wrong way, consult with the top engineers at Amazon, or discuss radical new approaches to automate operational issues. Basic Qualifications:- Bachelor's degree, or CSSLP (Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional)- 2+ years of non-internship professional software development experience- 1+ years of designing or architecting (design patterns, reliability and scaling) of new and existing systems experience- 4+ years of administrative experience in networking, storage systems, operating systems and hands-on systems engineering experience- Experience programming with at least one modern language such as C++, C#, Java, Python, Golang, PowerShell, Ruby- Current, active US Government Security Clearance of TS/SCI with Polygraph Preferred Qualifications:- Experience in automating, deploying, and supporting large-scale infrastructure- Experience working in an Agile environment using the Scrum methodologyAmazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, please visit https://www.amazon.jobs/en/disability/us.
  3. Amazon

    Marketing Manager - Milan

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    Job DescriptionAmazon is seeking an experienced, talented, dynamic & self-directed Marketing Manager to develop, execute, and evaluate customer-facing multi-channel strategies for marketing a new business. This is a unique opportunity to play a key role in an exciting and groundbreaking new initiative at Amazon in the early stages of the business. The person in this role is responsible for crafting both acquisition and lifecycle marketing strategies for segmenting, targeting, and communicating with customers to build awareness, attract new customers and increase retention. You will also own online implementation of our brand, positioning, and editorial voice. The ideal candidate must be able to think and act both strategically and to flawlessly deliver a comprehensive marketing plan that builds awareness of and drives traffic to a highly strategic new business. He or she should be innovative, leadership and team oriented, and an effective communicator. This individual must excel in managing and navigating cross-functional efforts and partnering with buying, design, customer experience, analytics teams as well as external agencies. The successful candidate will need to be a smart risk taker who can deliver big ideas while transforming roadmaps into scalable programs. We seek an individual who is motivated by a fast-paced and highly entrepreneurial environment. Roles & Responsibilities - Develop multi-channel marketing and communication plans across online channels including online display, sponsored links, email, onsite, paid social and integrated campaigns - Manage campaign execution while achieving key performance metric goals - Work with internal and external marketing teams to develop and execute marketing creative - Create and analyze performance metrics and make business decisions about future direction based on performance - Evangelize program initiatives internally and externally to build awareness and drive participation - Partner with various technical and business teams to build supporting automation Basic Qualifications:For this position we expect: - Relevant work experience in online and offline marketing, brand management or related field - Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Business, or a related field. - Knowledge of current marketing measurement practices and attribution methods in online and offline channels - Demonstrated experience using marketing metrics to drive business decisions - Demonstrated experience owning multi-channel marketing programs end-to-end - Highly analytical skills with advanced Excel capabilities - Proven track record of taking ownership and driving results - Fluency in Italian and English. Spanish is a nice to have. Preferred Qualifications: - Excellent presentation, organization and account management skills - Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills, both written and verbal - Ability to manage multiple competing priorities - High comfort level with current marketing measurement practices and attribution methods in online and offline channelsAmazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy and the security of your data is a longstanding top priority for Amazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice (https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how we collect, use and transfer the personal data of our candidates.
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    Job DescriptionAt Amazon, we're working to be the world's most customer-centric company. To get there, we need exceptionally talented, bright, and driven people.Amazon Global Air (AIR)'s Airport Affairs team is looking for a leader who is innovative, passionate, and results driven to lead oversight of a growing regional portfolio of airports. The airport ecosystem is complex, and a successful candidate will have solid relationship management and communications skills, a strong working knowledge of the unique airport development and regulatory environment, contract and real estate experience, as well as complex negotiation skills.As the Sr. Regional Manager, you'll be Amazon's singular voice with airport leadership, responsible for coordinating multi-disciplinary internal stakeholder groups to ensure Amazon has the required airport infrastructure and support needed to deliver for our customers. As AIR's representative and a subject matter expert, you will coordinate with a wide range of teams at Amazon, including Real Estate, Legal, Aviation Security (AvSec), Gateway Operations, and Finance. This role will be instrumental in solving some of AIR's biggest challenges in a space that's fast, diverse, and unpredictable.Key job responsibilities- Develop and maintain relationships with airport authorities and other government agencies- Ensure Amazon Air’s key strategic priorities are represented and accounted for with airport stakeholders- Lead infrastructure initiatives from inception to completion- Negotiate airport real estate and operating agreements- Manage required environmental review processes (e.g., NEPA, CEQA) with relevant governmental agencies- Liaise with internal departments, airports, and air carriers to resolve airport related operational issues and conflicts- Manage full lifecycle of complex cross-functional programs with considerable impact across multiple organizations- Work autonomously in an ambiguous environment, seeking to understand business problems, automation limitations, scaling factors, boundary conditions, and reasons behind leadership decisions- Create, communicate, and manage budget for projects- Travel up to 25% of the time domesticallyAbout the teamAs part of the Airport Affairs team, you're joining an organization with decades of airport development, aviation, and cargo experience that's critical to the continued growth and optimization of Amazon Air's business. You'll be surrounded by a diverse group of aviation professionals all working towards creating value for our customers. Basic Qualifications:- 5+ years of negotiations/cost savings, supplier excellence, and risk mitigation experience- Bachelor's degree- Experience using data and metrics to determine and drive improvements- Experience owning program strategy, end to end delivery, and communicating results to senior leadership- 6 years of aviation/airport experience, managing commercial deliverables Preferred Qualifications:- Master's degree- 10 Years of aviation/airport experience, managing commercial, complex negotiation, airport real estate, or network strategy deliverables- Strong verbal and written communicationAmazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, please visit https://www.amazon.jobs/en/disability/us.Our compensation reflects the cost of labor across several US geographic markets. The base pay for this position ranges from $103,900/year in our lowest geographic market up to $181,400/year in our highest geographic market. Pay is based on a number of factors including market location and may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Amazon is a total compensation company. Dependent on the position offered, equity, sign-on payments, and other forms of compensation may be provided as part of a total compensation package, in addition to a full range of medical, financial, and/or other benefits. For more information, please visit https://www.aboutamazon.com/workplace/employee-benefits. This position will remain posted until filled. Applicants should apply via our internal or external career site.
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    Job DescriptionAmazon's mission is to be 'Earth’s most customer-centric company,' and our award-winning Customer Service (CS) team is a key part of that mission. Amazon CS is among the world's largest customer service organizations, with tens of thousands of Customer Service Associates providing world-class support around the clock in over 20 languages.The Concessions Worldwide Defect Elimination (WWDE) organization enhances CS by developing sophisticated products for both customers and Customer Service Associates. These solutions enable seamless self-service and automation for customers, while allowing associates to effectively address issues through intuitive, human-centered design.As a Senior Software Developer (Sr. SDE) at Amazon, you will design and develop software that interfaces with machine learning models and various backend systems to resolve customer issues promptly and accurately. Sr. SDEs at Amazon are exemplars of technical excellence, addressing real-world problems on a global scale, managing end-to-end system orchestration, and influencing technological direction impacting hundreds of millions of customers worldwide. Key job responsibilitiesIn this role, you will:- Lead the design and development of flexible, scalable solutions and daily operations.- Tackle complex challenges in large-scale computing using advanced skills in data structures, algorithms, and object-oriented programming.- Gain a deep understanding of our business, collaborating closely with development teams to own the architecture, development, and operations of software components and services.- Establish technical standards and drive Amazon’s technical architecture, engineering practices, and methodologies.- Build high-performing, scalable systems with a global perspective.- Translate business needs into practical technology solutions with deep and broad expertise.We are seeking a talented and experienced Sr. SDE who is enthusiastic about leading large, cross-organizational projects and initiatives. In this role, you will collaborate hands-on with engineering, leadership, and Product Management teams to deliver results while encouraging input and participation across all organizational levels.About the teamConcessions team is responsible for building software applications that intelligently predict the customers’ pain points and optimally route to the right solution, whether it be customer service agents or self-help features. The vision for concessions team is to provide a consistent experience across all customer support channels. Technology will support this vision by continually shortening the time required to identify a customer’s problem both in existing access points and across new locations and providing them with the proper in-policy solutions. Basic Qualifications:- 5+ years of non-internship professional software development experience- 5+ years of programming with at least one software programming language experience- 5+ years of leading design or architecture (design patterns, reliability and scaling) of new and existing systems experience- Experience as a mentor, tech lead or leading an engineering team Preferred Qualifications:- 5+ years of full software development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, and operations experience- Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalent
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    Job DescriptionOperations is the beating heart of Amazon. This key part of our business makes sure we dispatch and deliver orders efficiently so that our customers get their items on time. It’s driven by Delivery Station Managers who bring the team together to push excellence in safety, quality and productivity across our sites. At your site, you’ll lead other managers and create the operational plan that helps your teams meet their targets. This role is all about driving operational excellence to create the Amazon of tomorrow. Key job responsibilities Manage and develop a team of Area Managers Own your site, deal with issues and positively impact site performance Analyse site performance against relevant business objectives, and put in place actions to improve our operational excellence Work closely with other support teams, including PxT (HR), Finance, Delivery Service Partners (DSP), IT, Amazon Customer Excellence System (ACES) and Engineering units Design and deliver initiatives across the sites to improve operational performanceA day in the lifeYou have ultimate ownership for an entire Delivery Station, leading teams, tracking site performance and always looking for ways to improve the customer experience. That means you’ll be close to the day-to-day operations at your site but also contribute to new ways to innovate at your site. A typical day will involve collaboration with different stakeholders, deep diving performance and risk metrics for sites as well as preparing for different levels of demand. You will mentor and coach your team to achieve top level results. About the teamACESAMXLAMZLATSCFComplianceCustomer ServiceDSLFinanceGSFITPXT (HR)RMETAWHS Basic Qualifications: Preferred qualifications are not required to apply for a position at Amazon. If you have all the basic qualifications above, we’d love to hear from you. Experience in Lean, Six Sigma and Kaizen techniques Experience in a similar logistical working environment Relevant experience working with the MS Office suite (Word, Excel, Outlook) in a professional environment Preferred Qualifications:Ideally you will have experience of lean manufacturing techniques/six sigma · Ideally you will have experience of managing 3rd party contract resource arrangements on a large/national scaleAmazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy and the security of your data is a longstanding top priority for Amazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice (https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how we collect, use and transfer the personal data of our candidates.
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    Job DescriptionAmazon Web Services (AWS) is the world leader in providing a highly reliable, scalable, low-cost infrastructure platform in the cloud that powers hundreds of thousands of businesses in 190 countries around the world! Passionate about building, owning and operating massively scalable systems? Experienced in building and leading teams of highly competent software engineers? Want to make a billion-dollar impact? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you. Region Build Engineering (RBE) team is dedicated to building automated platforms and solutions to streamline the AWS Region build process. Our vision is to fully automate and enable zero-touch AWS Region builds thereby reducing the time it takes to build a region and freeing engineers to focus on building new services and capabilities. Region Build Engineering is a complex process requiring close collaboration with AWS service teams. We are looking for passionate innovators who want to take the challenge. Your work has visibility to leadership across AWS organization and provides huge opportunity to learn new things while solving complex engineer problems, deliver results that make impact on revenue and resources, and grow professionally and personally. Developers at Amazon work on real world problems on a global scale, own their systems end-to-end, and influence the direction of our technology that impacts hundreds of millions customers around the world. Join a team of super smart, customer obsessed developers that think big and have fun.Location: Arlington, VA (HQ2).This role will sit in our new headquarters in Northern Virginia, where Amazon will invest $2.5 billion dollars, occupy 4 million square feet of energy efficient office space, and create at least 25,000 new full-time jobs. Our employees and the neighboring community will also benefit from the associated investments from the Commonwealth including infrastructure updates, public transportation improvements, and new access to Reagan National Airport.By working together on behalf of our customers, we are building the future one innovative product, service, and idea at a time. Are you ready to embrace the challenge? Come build the future with us.Key job responsibilities- Developing distributed system software- API development- Building new products and services from the ground up- Developing prototypes at the right level of fidelity for each phase of development, from startup through launch and beyond- Proactively engage fellow Amazonians both inside and outside of your teamA day in the lifeHere at AWS, we embrace our differences. We are committed to furthering our culture of inclusion. We have ten employee-led affinity groups, reaching 40,000 employees in over 190 chapters globally. We have innovative benefit offerings, and we host annual and ongoing learning experiences, including our Conversations on Race and Ethnicity (CORE) and AmazeCon (gender diversity) conferences. Amazon’s culture of inclusion is reinforced within our 16 Leadership Principles, which remind team members to seek diverse perspectives, learn and be curious, and earn trust.We are dedicated to supporting our new team members. Our team has a broad mix of experience levels and Amazon tenures, and we’re building an environment that celebrates knowledge sharing and mentorship.Our team also puts a high value on work-life balance. Striking a healthy balance between your personal and professional life is crucial to your happiness and success here, which is why we aren’t focused on how many hours you spend at work or online. Instead, we’re happy to offer a flexible schedule so you can have a more productive and well-balanced life—both in and outside of work. Basic Qualifications:- 3+ years of non-internship professional software development experience- 2+ years of non-internship design or architecture (design patterns, reliability and scaling) of new and existing systems experience- Experience programming with at least one software programming language Preferred Qualifications:- 3+ years of full software development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, and operations experience- Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalentAmazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, please visit https://www.amazon.jobs/en/disability/us.
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    Job DescriptionWWGS (Worldwide Grocery Stores) organization leads the innovation of Amazon’s omni-channel grocery offerings (Fresh, Whole Foods, 3P). In this space, Amazon aims to delight customers by providing broad selection, competitive prices, best-in-class delivery, convenient in-store/pickup options across regions, and an end-to-end shopping experience that makes it easy for customers to discover what they love and build complete grocery baskets. The Grocery Economics and Optimization team in WWGS is looking for an Economist to help create and drive the long-term vision for how we manage selection of products for our Fresh brand globally. As an Economist on our team, you will work with product managers, vendor managers, software development engineers (SDEs), and other scientists to help the grocery organization determine optimal selection for our online and physical stores. You will develop and extend models of key customer behavior and preferences such as substitutability/complementarity of products, expected demand, and optimization approaches that produce selection recommendations that delight our customers and meet our real-world constraints. You will be expected to own the the full lifecycle of your projects from devising methodological approaches, implementation, validation, and working with engineers to integrate into production systems.A successful candidate will be able to partner effectively with both business and technical teams, including clear communication of results and the ability to influence a variety of stakeholders. They will be an expert in machine learning and operations research. The role will also include running experiments to validate developed approaches.Key job responsibilities- Interact with engineering, operations, science, and business teams to develop an understand and domain knowledge of processes, system architectures, and business requirements.- Develop scalable models to generate selection models.- Create prototypes, simulations, and experiments to test devised solutions.- Advocate technical solutions to business stakeholders, engineering teams, and executive-level decision makers- Work closely with engineers to integrate models into production systems.A day in the lifeIf you are not sure that every qualification on the list above describes you exactly, we'd still love to hear from you! At Amazon, we value people with unique backgrounds, experiences, and skillsets. If you’re passionate about this role and want to make an impact on a global scale, please apply!Amazon offers a full range of benefits that support you and eligible family members, including domestic partners and their children. Benefits can vary by location, the number of regularly scheduled hours you work, length of employment, and job status such as seasonal or temporary employment. The benefits that generally apply to regular, full-time employees include:1. Medical, Dental, and Vision Coverage2. Maternity and Parental Leave Options3. Paid Time Off (PTO)4. 401(k) PlanAbout the teamThe WW Grocery Stores team has a broad charter spanning multiple banners worldwide – Amazon Fresh, Amazon Go, Whole Foods, and third party grocery partnerships. Basic Qualifications:- PhD in economics or equivalent Preferred Qualifications:- 2+ years of industry, consulting, government, or academic research experience- Knowledge of at least one statistical software package such as R, Stata, Matlab, SAS- Experience in prediction and forecasting in a research or industrial environment- Experience with handling of large datasetsAmazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, please visit https://www.amazon.jobs/en/disability/us.Our compensation reflects the cost of labor across several US geographic markets. The base pay for this position ranges from $136,000/year in our lowest geographic market up to $212,800/year in our highest geographic market. Pay is based on a number of factors including market location and may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Amazon is a total compensation company. Dependent on the position offered, equity, sign-on payments, and other forms of compensation may be provided as part of a total compensation package, in addition to a full range of medical, financial, and/or other benefits. For more information, please visit https://www.aboutamazon.com/workplace/employee-benefits. This position will remain posted until filled. Applicants should apply via our internal or external career site.
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    Job DescriptionWWGS (Worldwide Grocery Stores) organization leads the innovation of Amazon’s omni-channel grocery offerings (Fresh, Whole Foods, 3P). In this space, Amazon aims to delight customers by providing broad selection, competitive prices, best-in-class delivery, convenient in-store/pickup options across regions, and an end-to-end shopping experience that makes it easy for customers to discover what they love and build complete grocery baskets. The Grocery Economics and Optimization team in WWGS is looking for a Data Scientist to help create and drive the long-term vision for how we manage selection of products for our grocery brands globally. As a Data Scientist on our team, you will work with product managers, vendor managers, software development engineers (SDEs), and other scientists to help the grocery organization determine optimal selection for our online and physical stores. You will develop and extend models of key customer behavior and preferences such as substitutability/complementarity of products, expected demand, and optimization approaches that produce selection recommendations that delight our customers and meet our real-world constraints. You will be expected to own the the full lifecycle of your projects from devising methodological approaches, implementation, validation, and working with SDEs to integrate into production systems.A successful candidate will be able to partner effectively with both business and technical teams, including clear communication of results and the ability to influence a variety of stakeholders. They will be an expert in machine learning and operations research. The role will also include running experiments to validate developed approaches.Key job responsibilities- Interact with engineering, operations, science, and business teams to develop an understand and domain knowledge of processes, system architectures, and business requirements.- Develop scalable models to generate selection models.- Create prototypes, simulations, and experiments to test devised solutions.- Advocate technical solutions to business stakeholders, engineering teams, and executive-level decision makers- Work closely with engineers to integrate models into production systems. Basic Qualifications:- 2+ years of data scientist experience- 3+ years of data querying languages (e.g. SQL), scripting languages (e.g. Python) or statistical/mathematical software (e.g. R, SAS, Matlab, etc.) experience- 3+ years of machine learning/statistical modeling data analysis tools and techniques, and parameters that affect their performance experience- Experience applying theoretical models in an applied environment Preferred Qualifications:- Experience in Python, Perl, or another scripting language- Experience in a ML or data scientist role with a large technology companyAmazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, please visit https://www.amazon.jobs/en/disability/us.Our compensation reflects the cost of labor across several US geographic markets. The base pay for this position ranges from $125,500/year in our lowest geographic market up to $212,800/year in our highest geographic market. Pay is based on a number of factors including market location and may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Amazon is a total compensation company. Dependent on the position offered, equity, sign-on payments, and other forms of compensation may be provided as part of a total compensation package, in addition to a full range of medical, financial, and/or other benefits. For more information, please visit https://www.aboutamazon.com/workplace/employee-benefits. This position will remain posted until filled. Applicants should apply via our internal or external career site.
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    Job DescriptionThe Amazon Workplace Health & Safety (WHS) team is deeply committed to the safety and wellbeing of our people. WHS sets the strategic direction to provide resources, best practices, and safe environments to proactively manage the health and wellbeing of our workforce. To support these goals, Amazon is seeking an experienced and dynamic Onsite Medical Representative (OMR) to join our team. In this position, you will work closely with the WHS Site Manager, WHS Specialist, and occasionally the Injury Prevention Specialist (IPS). This includes attending weekly associate safety committee meetings, greeting all new hires for the site or through daily one-on-one interaction. Additionally, the OMR will participate in weekly case management review meetings as necessary. As an OMR, you will independently assess and administer first aid as well as offer guidance to Amazon Associates (AAs) on both occupational and non-occupational injuries or illnesses. You should be passionate about learning and advocating health and wellness principles to consistently support AAs on a daily basis. You will refer care to outside medical providers as needed, and learn about OSHA regulations, risk, and analysis. The OMR will function as a part of the larger team onsite, assisting with all first aid needs and support safety operations as needed.Responsibilities include but are not limited to:• Provide first aid support and make referrals to outside medical providers as necessary.• Minimize the AA risk of injury through awareness, education, and proactive engagement.• Maintain all records of care provided to AAs.• Coordinate and maintain the workers’ compensation and return to work programs for AAs with work-related injuries.• Provide daily activity logs and end of shift reports.• Engage with AAs and leadership on operations floor to provide coaching regarding observed at-risk work habits.• Maintain a clean working environment and ensure appropriate medical supply inventory is maintained.• Participate in training and certification to facilitate first aid, CPR and AED certifications classes. • Maintain all first aid, CPR, AED credentials.• Work flexible shifts which could include days, nights, holidays, and/or weekends.• Assist with random saliva drug testing protocols.• Maintain effective care delivery in emergencies and assist emergency response at the site.For those that do not have an adult First Aid, CPR, AED certification from the American Heart Association or American Red Cross, must obtain within 3 weeks of start date. Basic Qualifications:- High school or equivalent diploma- Current valid Basic Life Support (BLS) certification by an approved emergency cardiac care (ECC) provider; AND must have one of the following:- Current valid Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) OR Paramedic Certification from the Department of Health OR the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT); OR- In the last year, six months job experience in the Military as a Combat Medic (U.S. Army), Field Medic (U.S. Army), Healthcare Specialist (U.S. Army), Hospital Corpsman (U.S. Navy), or Aerospace Medical Service Technician (U.S. Air Force); OR- Current Active Athletic Trainer Certification by either the Board of Certification (BOC) or equivalent State Certification Preferred Qualifications:- Certified to teach first aid, CPR, and AED training from American Heart Association or American Red Cross- Proficient in Microsoft Office- Experience with an industrial wellness program- Experience managing musculoskeletal disorders, ergonomics, and coaching on body mechanics- Demonstrated work experience with OSHA regulations and Workers Compensation- Proficient in digital recordkeepingAmazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, please visit https://www.amazon.jobs/en/disability/us.Our compensation reflects the cost of labor across several US geographic markets. The base pay for this position ranges from $44,600/year in our lowest geographic market up to $71,000/year in our highest geographic market. Pay is based on a number of factors including market location and may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Amazon is a total compensation company. Dependent on the position offered, equity, sign-on payments, and other forms of compensation may be provided as part of a total compensation package, in addition to a full range of medical, financial, and/or other benefits. For more information, please visit https://www.aboutamazon.com/workplace/employee-benefits. This position will remain posted until filled. Applicants should apply via our internal or external career site.
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    Job DescriptionWe’re looking for a mixture of a SVM (Senior Vendor Manager) and a PM (Product Manager) who is a smart, proactive team-player to join our team and help us grow our EU Healthcare business (applicants welcome from any Amazon EU office). As a Senior Vendor Manager on the PAN EU Healthcare team, you'll work cross functionally with various teams and helping me explore and launch exciting Big Bet initiatives in the Health Space (this is a very innovative Blue Sky Thinking Category that needs someone who enjoys and excels at PM work and writing M/S- team docs).You will also provide support to drive category growth through detailed inspection of business inefficiencies and identifying solutions; proposing changes to processes and driving a high standard in customer satisfaction.To achieve success in this role, you will have strong analytical, relationship management and organizational skills. You will also be comfortable picking up new technologies. You'll be an analytics expert, identifying problem areas and then creating plans to find resolutions, with the ability to pick up new skills quickly. You'll have strong communication skills and a proven track record of building positive working relationships.[b]This position can be based in any of the Amazon EU Retail locations - London, Paris, Milan, Madrid or Munich.Key job responsibilitiesPan-EU Vendor Manager for Healthcare HPC.- Establishing and growing Pan-EU vendor relationships.- Leading the Annual Vendor Negotiation (AVN) Pan-EU for a number of large scale complex vendors.- Owning and building a Pan-EU Healthcare Category, identifying and analyzing growth opportunities to accelerate top line sales and bottom line margin.- Identifying and acting upon key customer growth opportunities.- Becoming a key member of the Healthcare team to grow our collective output to more than the sum of our parts.A day in the lifeManaging and balancing a number of key priorities:- Deep dive analytics into financial reporting on business performance- Engaging with vendor partners to develop their business with Amazon- Working cross-functionally to develop customer growth projects- Leading Annual negotiations- Partnering with AVS-Brand Specialists leading the day-to-day vendor relationship to keep us on track to deliver the Vendor Improvement Plan (VIP) Basic Qualifications:- Bachelor's degree, or experience in a professional field or military- Knowledge of Microsoft Access or SQL- Experience with Excel- Experience in account management, project/program management, or buying- Experience using data to influence business decisions- Experience driving internal cross-team collaboration- Experience with business analysis and P&L management Preferred Qualifications:- Bachelor's degreeAmazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build. Protecting your privacy and the security of your data is a longstanding top priority for Amazon. Please consult our Privacy Notice (https://www.amazon.jobs/en/privacy_page) to know more about how we collect, use and transfer the personal data of our candidates.Our inclusive culture empowers Amazonians to deliver the best results for our customers. If you have a disability and need an adjustment during the application and hiring process, including support for the interview or onboarding process, please contact the Applicant-Candidate Accommodation Team (ACAT), Monday through Friday from 7:00 am GMT - 4:00 pm GMT. If calling directly from the United Kingdom, please dial +44 800 086 9884 (tel:+448000869884). If calling from Ireland, please dial +353 1800 851 489 (tel:+3531800851489).
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    Job DescriptionAmazon is looking to hire an experienced, innovative, hands-on, and customer-obsessed Project Engineer that can drive expansion in our last mile delivery network. As a member of the Japan Amazon Logistics Engineering Team you will be responsible for supporting the design, optimization and maintenance of building infrastructure, material handling equipment and processes of our existing and future logistics network.Responsibilities:- Create layout based on all standards and policies for legacy/new sites aligning with stakeholders - Provide CAPEX estimation based on the layouts and historical data to support financial assessment- Project management of budget/schedule/quality/safety/stakeholders of assigned new site launch and legacy site modification projects - Active involvement in cross functional infrastructure projects, provide technical input and conduct value engineering/ value analysis- Ensures projects are executed in adherence to all Environment, Health & Safety policy and procedures. Be proactive in the raising of potential EH&S issues and the development of personal safety awarenessMore Information (Japanese Only)・Department: Last Mile(AMZL)・Job:Engineer・Location:Tokyo Office・Voice of employee - Last Mile(AMZL) department*Amazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, visit https://www.amazon.jobs/disability/jp Basic Qualifications:- 5+ years of industrial engineer, operations engineer, manufacturing engineer, or project engineer in a manufacturing environment experience- Bachelor's degree- Fluent or advanced level of Japanese and English skill Preferred Qualifications:- Knowledge of AutoCAD, VBA, and SQL at the intermediate level- Knowledge of Microsoft Office products and applications (Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Visio, and MS Project) at an advanced level- Experience working with and managing third party vendors- Excited about working in a diverse group and contributing to an inclusive culturePlease check the website below for measures to eliminate unwanted second-hand smoking in each facility:https://www.amazon.jobs/en/landing_pages/passivesmoking就業の場所における受動喫煙を防止するための措置に関する事項については、下記リンク先をご覧ください。https://www.amazon.jobs/jp/landing_pages/passivesmokingThe salary information can be provided individually prior to the 1st interview賃金に関する条件は、1次面接の前に個別にご案内することができます
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    Job Descriptionこのポジションの勤務地は、神奈川県にある鶴見デリバリーステーションです。アマゾンジャパンでは、全国で26拠点以上のフルフィルメントセンター(FC)、50拠点以上のデリバリーステーション(DS)が稼働し、数千の機械、数万の従業員が、正しい商品を正しい人、正しい場所、正しい時間に届けるために、調和を保ちながら働いています。私たちReliability & Maintenance Engineering – Maintenance (RME-M) は、グローバルなAmazonの倉庫・デリバリーネットワークの技術を維持し、最適化しています。JCFS (Japan Customer Fulfillment Solutions) とは、AmazonのFulfillment Solutionを追求するオペレーション技術統括本部です。アマゾンジャパンオペレーション業務の中核部門としてオペレーションの各部門を効率的に連携することでお客様に貢献します。JCFS RME-Mは、全国に展開されているAmazonサイトにおける物流設備の保全・保守・改善を行い、お客様に満足いただけるように努めています。DSは、FCから出荷された商品を配送する地域ごとに仕分けをする、お客様に最も近い配送拠点です。今回募集する職種であるサイトメンテナンスシニアテクニシャンは、DSに導入される物流設備の保全と保守、および設備の安全性や生産性を向上させるための改善を担当いただくポジションです。サイトメンテナンスシニアテクニシャンの具体的な業務は以下となります。1.DSに導入されている物流設備の保全作業2.物流設備で発生したエラーや故障などに対応する保守作業3.物流設備の安全性、生産性、稼働率等を向上させるための改善作業4.新規に開発された各種設備・装置の稼働状態の監視と開発担当へのフィードバック5.上記1~3に必要な整備用具の管理6.上記の作業とDSでのオペレーションを安全に行うための施策の実施これらの業務を確実に実行することによりDSにおけるオペレーションをサポートし、Amazonの発展に貢献していただきます。 【取り扱う設備の一例(DSによって異なります)】■マテハン設備(一般的な搬送ローラーコンベア)■オートソーター設備(商品を搬送しながら自動で仕分けし搬出するコンベア)■オートラベラー設備(搬送されている商品を自動でスキャンしラベルを貼り付けする設備)【More Information】:採用に関する詳細は、下記サイトをご参照ください。・所属部門:ラストマイル(AMZL)・職種:メンテナンス・勤務地:近畿エリアDSメンテナンスエンジニア特設サイト・メンテナンス職の社員インタビューオペレーション技術開発(JCFS)部門/鳥栖FC勤務の社員T.S.さんオペレーション技術開発(JCFS)部門/堺FC勤務の社員E.M.さんAmazon は多様かつインクルーシブな職場づくりを目指しています。Amazonは男女雇用機会均等法を順守しています。人種、 出身国、性別、性的指向、障がい、年齢、その他の属性によって差別することなく、平等に採用選考の機会を提供しています。障がいをお持ちの方は、以下をご覧ください。https://www.amazon.jobs/disability/jpオペレーション部門のDEIの取り組みA day in the life入社後、まずは物流設備の保全・保守を担当いただきます。未経験の作業に関しては、教育システムに則って学んでいただけます。その後、改善や安全対策、効率化施策を手掛けることで今までのキャリアの中で培ってきたスキルを応用し、幅広い領域で活かしていただくことができます。※公共交通機関が運行しない時間帯でも交代勤務に出社できるようお願いいたします。(車通勤可)※本ポジションはシフト勤務(土日祝、夜勤対応)になります。シフト構成は月末までに翌月1ヶ月分のシフトを決定し、希望休も考慮いたします。 Basic Qualifications:<必須要件>1.工具(ハンドツール、ドリルなど)や測定機(ノギス、マルチメーター、クランプメーター等)を日常的に業務で使用したご経験のある方2.機械や電気機器の保全や保守、または生産技術・設備導入や立ち上げを1年以上ご経験された方3.PCを使用した作業のご経験のある方。(エクセル、ワード、Outlook) Preferred Qualifications:インクルーシブなカルチャーへの貢献や多様性に富んだグループで働くことに対して前向きであること。<Experience>1.物流設備の保全、保守経験2.フィールドエンジニアの経験<Education>1.機械工学基礎知識 (工業高校または専門学校卒業程度)2.電気工学基礎知識(工業高校または専門学校卒業程度)<Skill>1.労働安全衛生基礎知識 (製造工場・生産設備での安全知識)2.機械部品の取扱経験・知識(モーター・エアシリンダー・動力伝達機構・バルブなど)3.電気部品の取扱経験・知識(インバーター・光学センサー・BCR・温度センサーなど)4.制御機器の取扱経験・知識(PLC・サーボアンプ・タッチパネル・調節計など)5.英語でのコミュニケーション能力6.ルールを守り、安全に作業ができる方【給与情報】 月額基本給 330,000 円以上(年俸を12分割支給) 時間外労働手当、深夜勤務手当、法定休日勤務手当分は労働時間に応じて支給される。 ※能力、資格、経歴、経験等を考慮し、面接後に最終決定 Please check the website below for measures to eliminate unwanted second-hand smoking in each facility:https://www.amazon.jobs/en/landing_pages/passivesmoking就業の場所における受動喫煙を防止するための措置に関する事項については、下記リンク先をご覧ください。https://www.amazon.jobs/jp/landing_pages/passivesmokingThe salary information can be provided individually prior to the 1st interview賃金に関する条件は、1次面接の前に個別にご案内することができます
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    Job DescriptionAmazon Ads is dedicated to driving measurable outcomes for advertisers, agencies, authors, and entrepreneurs. Our ad solutions—including display, OTT/video, Audio, and custom ads—leverage Amazon’s innovations and insights to find, attract, and engage intended audiences throughout their daily journeys. With a range of flexible pricing and buying models, including self-service, managed service, and programmatic ad buying, these solutions help businesses build brand awareness, increase product sales, and more.As a Principal Account Executive in our Entertainment group, you will report to a Sr Sales Manager and use your 7+ years’ experience selling digital advertising solutions to the major media clients and their ad agencies to successfully grow and scale the category’s domestic revenues. With your broad and long-standing client-side and agency relationships within the Entertainment world, consultative approach and deep understanding of the advertising landscape, you will act as a strategic partner to your assigned clients and sell awareness-focused solutions as well as drive against lower-funnel KPIs. You will further use your executive networking and prospecting skills to identify, develop and manage new relationships within your assigned base to meet revenue targets. You will be an individual contributor who partners with peer Account Executives, you’ll be supported by our operations team and will benefit from working alongside the leadership team that has charted our explosive growth.This is an opportunity to think big and drive sales across multiple platforms to a world-class Entertainment brand. If you have a consultative selling style, come from the media and or marketing world and are ready to deliver strategic advertising solutions to your clients, apply today!Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:· Deliver the highest level of sales and customer service to our brand media clients· Prospect, penetrate and create new relationships with clients at all levels within large Entertainment organizations· Drive deals to closure in a new business environment· Retain and grow revenue from existing advertisers· Understand Amazon's display, video, and audio advertising opportunities and tools to help build relevant advertising solutions for our advertisers· Utilize Sales CRM tools to track all pertinent account information and sales progress as well as forecast and prioritize to achieve quarterly quota goals· Understand and learn about the entertainment industry and competitive environment including knowledge of competitive product offeringsKey job responsibilitiesThe Principal Account Executive (AE) will lead an enterprise level advertising partnership for Amazon Ads as part of a team. The Principal AE is responsible for driving ad revenue across one or more LOBs by developing relationships with VP+ advertising and agency customers, and by creating net-new programs worthy of incremental investment channels. To build sustainable, enterprise level partnership, this AE must possess excellent written and verbal communication skills, and effectively influence decision making across client and agency organizations.About the teamThe Entertainment Ad Sales team culture is one of collaboration, partnership, and collective wins. Though team members should highlight and celebrate their individual achievements, teamwork, peer motivation, and mentorship of cross-functional team members is a core expectation for the role. Basic Qualifications:- 7+ years digital ad sales experience as an individual contributor - Demonstrated ability to consistently close sales and generate revenues - Proven track record of high level negotiation and successful internal and external relationship management - Ability to interact with a broad set of businesses and presenting both over the phone and in person - Excellent written and verbal communication skills, strong attention to detail, and good follow-through Preferred Qualifications:- 10+ Years of experience selling advertising or advertising-like services - Historical deep relationships with agencies and Entertainment clients - Entertainment experience - Data driven marketing experience - OTT / CTV experience Amazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, please visit https://www.amazon.jobs/en/disability/us.Our compensation reflects the cost of labor across several US geographic markets. The base pay for this position ranges from $144,800/year in our lowest geographic market up to $239,400/year in our highest geographic market. Pay is based on a number of factors including market location and may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Amazon is a total compensation company. Dependent on the position offered, equity, sign-on payments, and other forms of compensation may be provided as part of a total compensation package, in addition to a full range of medical, financial, and/or other benefits. For more information, please visit https://www.aboutamazon.com/workplace/employee-benefits. This position will remain posted until filled. Applicants should apply via our internal or external career site.
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    Job Description**We have roles open in multiple locations in the U.S**Amazon is looking for a motivated individual with strong analytical skills to join the Amazon NASC team. In this position he or she will be responsible for building the metrics, tools, and reports to support Amazon's growth. The individual will have the unique opportunity work with Sort Center Operations teams, HR, Finance, and S&OP to own and drive labor planning process for multiple NASC sort centers. Additionally, he or she will help support a variety of new business initiatives by collaborating with project managers and software, and finance teams. We are seeking a candidate with proven technical skills in SQL and scripting (VBA, Perl, Ruby, etc.). Responsibilities include: - Building and managing benchmarking metrics for Amazon’s fulfillment practices both internally and externally against best-in-class operations - Perform weekly labor planning processes and highlight capacity risks and mitigation mechanisms in close partnership with General Managers and Regional Directors - Gathering and analyzing data across business functions to establish global standards for supply chain and product fulfillment - Developing basic scripts to process data to support business analysis, benchmarking, and optimization efforts - Generating complex queries to dive deep on process issues - Innovate to improve customer experience and continuously remove cost from our fulfillment networkKey job responsibilities• Own the development and maintenance of new and existing solution artifacts which are focused on driving efficiency within the business via analysis, metrics and reporting dashboards• Partner with operations/business teams to consult, develop and implement KPI's, automated reporting/process solutions, and process improvements to meet business needs.• Enable effective decision making by retrieving and aggregating data from multiple sources and compiling it into a digestible and actionable format.• Prepare and deliver business requirements reviews to the senior management team regarding progress and roadblocks.• Participate in strategic and tactical planning discussions.• Design, develop and maintain scaled, automated, user-friendly systems, reports, dashboards, etc. that will support our business needs. Basic Qualifications:- Bachelor’s degree in Supply Chain Management, Engineering, or other technical field from an accredited university or 2+ years Amazon experience- 2+ years of relevant professional experience conducting quantitative and qualitative analysis- 2+ years of experience with Excel including use of lookups and pivot tables- 2+ years of experience with Supply Chain Management concepts, e.g., forecasting, planning, optimization, and logistics Preferred Qualifications:- MBA and work experience in a technical field is highly desired- 2+ years of experienced developing requirements and creating requirements documents and process flows- Ability to organize and manage multiple tasks simultaneously- Working knowledge of LEAN and SIX SIGMA methodologies and familiarity with Oracle business intelligence tools is a plus.- Intermediate to advanced knowledge of SQL, Perl, Unix/Linux, Visual Basic or other programming languages are a plus- Excellent written and verbal communication skills complemented with the ability to problem solve independentlyAmazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, please visit https://www.amazon.jobs/en/disability/us.Our compensation reflects the cost of labor across several US geographic markets. The base pay for this position ranges from $50,200/year in our lowest geographic market up to $107,400/year in our highest geographic market. Pay is based on a number of factors including market location and may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Amazon is a total compensation company. Dependent on the position offered, equity, sign-on payments, and other forms of compensation may be provided as part of a total compensation package, in addition to a full range of medical, financial, and/or other benefits. For more information, please visit https://www.aboutamazon.com/workplace/employee-benefits. This position will remain posted until filled. Applicants should apply via our internal or external career site.
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    Job DescriptionAre you passionate about using Software Engineering as a way to enable automation, knowledge extraction, and artificial intelligence through the use of Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Recommender systems, Computer Vision, and Optimization? We are building a team of experienced SW Engineers to support this vision.On this team you will partner with a mature team of Scientists to create the infrastructure and processes needed to support multiple use cases including abstracting text, image, and audio to support ML models, analyze and model customer reading behavior to measure engagement and detect risks, study and optimize manufacturing and fulfillment processes, and build AI-based systems. Our team has green-field opportunities to create the right infrastructure to support these use cases. We offer autonomy, value end-to-end, ownership, and a strong partnership with our experienced Science sister team.As a Software Development Engineer, you will help define, design, implement and test the process and infrastructure to enable the Science community to develop, productionalize and monitor their models. You will be working with large distributed systems of data and providing technical leadership to product managers, teams, and organizations building infrastructure to support these machine learning solutions.As a SW Engineer, you will help create solutions that are following the required Engineering rigor, building systems that follow the right level of performance, scalability, and availability standards.Come join us as we continue to revolutionize the book industry!Key job responsibilities- Participate on the design, implementation, and verification of components leveraging standard software engineering methodologies- Support translation of functional and technical requirements into detailed architecture and design- Participate in code and design reviews to maintain our high development standards- Work with other teams to deliver and operate large scale, distributed services in the cloud- Work on overall system architecture, scalability, reliability, and performance- Mentor other engineers, define our technical culture, and help to build a fast-growing team Basic Qualifications:- 3+ years of non-internship professional software development experience- 2+ years of non-internship design or architecture (design patterns, reliability and scaling) of new and existing systems experience- Experience programming with at least one software programming language Preferred Qualifications:- 3+ years of full software development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, and operations experience- Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalentAmazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, please visit https://www.amazon.jobs/en/disability/us.Our compensation reflects the cost of labor across several US geographic markets. The base pay for this position ranges from $129,300/year in our lowest geographic market up to $223,600/year in our highest geographic market. Pay is based on a number of factors including market location and may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Amazon is a total compensation company. Dependent on the position offered, equity, sign-on payments, and other forms of compensation may be provided as part of a total compensation package, in addition to a full range of medical, financial, and/or other benefits. For more information, please visit https://www.aboutamazon.com/workplace/employee-benefits. This position will remain posted until filled. Applicants should apply via our internal or external career site.
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    Job DescriptionThe PIXIE team is looking for a passionate and innovative engineer with a solid technical background to join the engineering team. The Publisher Ingestion eXperIEnce (PIXIE) team is a new team in HQ2 with the goal of delivering a world-class catalogue ingestion experience for authors, publishers, and retailers around the world. Our tech is focused on ensuring quality data is ingested into the books catalog, and presented accurately to the end user. Additionally, the team innovates by creating automated tools to detect content and metadata issues, allowing Ops teams to fix issues detected in the catalog.This team is part of MOD Tech, which is is part of KIX, that creates technology to empower authors to publish in both Kindle and Print (through Print-On-Demand) formats on kdp.amazon.com so that our customers—readers—have the largest catalog of books possible. We own Print-on-Demand tech all up, including publishing through Kindle Enterprise Publishing (kep.amazon.com) and the tech required to manufacture and ship books globally. We also own and develop Mesa, a group of software components built to greatly decrease the effort required to launch other ingestion businesses within Amazon (such as Merch By Amazon, Prime Video Direct, Kindle Periodicals, Amazon Music, etc.). Successful candidate will have a background in the development of distributed systems, a solid technical ability, good communication skills, and a motivation to achieve results in a fast paced environment.Key job responsibilitiesIf you are looking to work with a team of engineers that relentlessly innovate and push the envelope keeping customers at the center of its universe, continually raising the bar and delivering results with velocity, then this is the space and place to be in. Specifically, within the team the SDE is responsible for ensuring the team’s software maintains a high bar with respect to quality, security, architecture, scalability and operational excellence. They are able to identify the root cause of issues including areas where it limits innovation and prevents accelerated delivery of projects, while navigating several systems and components they may or may not own. Ultimately, they display strong technical acumen and ownership.We are looking for passionate, hard-working, and talented software engineers who have experience building innovative, mission critical, high volume applications that customers love. You will have an enormous opportunity to make a large impact on the design, architecture, and implementation of cutting edge products used every day, by people you know. This is a high visibility team where you will get a chance to make a positive impact on customer experience.We are open to hiring candidates to work out of:Arlington, VA About the teamWe are passionate about catalog data quality and the ingestion experience. This role will help design and engineer the future of the data ingestion for publishers and authors, while focusing on the highest catalog data quality and the display page experience for the books customer. Come be a part of the team that has dynamic and high caliber engineers! Basic Qualifications:- 3+ years of non-internship professional software development experience- 2+ years of non-internship design or architecture (design patterns, reliability and scaling) of new and existing systems experience- Experience programming with at least one software programming language Preferred Qualifications:- 3+ years of full software development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, and operations experience- Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalentAmazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, please visit https://www.amazon.jobs/en/disability/us.
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    Job DescriptionAre you interested in working at the Amazon Store scale? Are you interested in accelerating store builders to help Amazon innovate faster? Come join us as we are building the authoring tools to deliver mobile and website shopping experiences that millions of Amazon customers use every day.We are looking for a Software Development Engineer to help develop programming languages used by store builders to define customer experiences on the mobile app and retail website. You will use your technical expertise, leadership skills, and the ability to hit the ground running to solve complex problems. You will have the opportunity to partner with other teams while diving deep into distributed systems that serve hundreds of thousands of transactions per second.As a Software Development Engineer, you will get to collaborate with multiple senior engineers across a large cross-section of the technical stack to propose and drive cross-system designs and implementations. This role provides you with autonomy and ownership of decisions, working backwards directly from customers. There is ample of opportunity for growth due to the high visibility work, and presence of senior engineering talent for guidance and mentorship. You will leverage technical skills like distributed systems, end-end system design.Key job responsibilities* You define new language APIs and develop new language frameworks including transpilers to other programming languages.* You take ownership, discussing and delivering on deep technical details with other engineers on the team and across partner teams, collaborating with them to solve challenging problems.* You create plans, communicate requirements, negotiate priorities, and clarify what success looks like.* You define, deliver, and/or implement a variety of high quality, correct, customer focused technical solutions.* You provide clear and concise verbal and written communication.* You facilitate dialogue, asking productive questions, providing recommendations, and fostering a shared understanding to identify risks and meet business needs. * You participate in reviews of your peers’ work and provide useful and actionable input when submitted.* You raise the bar on operational excellence while meeting/exceeding system SLAs (e.g. Availability, Latency)A day in the lifeThis is a wide-ranging role that involves partnering closely with other technical leaders, engaging with store builders and influencing program leaders. It requires leading execution and delivery by a specialized team that is at the center of Amazon’s next-generation architecture. One day you may be driving a capability design, and another you may be leading delivery for a complex delivery, or participating in how to improve how the team operates. Next, you may be plugged into an important operational issue that is impacting the health of the Store, influencing your team to make the best decision for the customer in the moment.About the teamThis team builds authoring tools and languages used by store builders to create shopping experiences for customers on Amazon’s online stores. Basic Qualifications:- 3+ years of non-internship professional software development experience- 2+ years of non-internship design or architecture (design patterns, reliability and scaling) of new and existing systems experience- Experience programming with at least one software programming language Preferred Qualifications:- 3+ years of full software development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, and operations experience- Bachelor's degree in computer science or equivalentAmazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, please visit https://www.amazon.jobs/en/disability/us.Our compensation reflects the cost of labor across several US geographic markets. The base pay for this position ranges from $129,300/year in our lowest geographic market up to $223,600/year in our highest geographic market. Pay is based on a number of factors including market location and may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Amazon is a total compensation company. Dependent on the position offered, equity, sign-on payments, and other forms of compensation may be provided as part of a total compensation package, in addition to a full range of medical, financial, and/or other benefits. For more information, please visit https://www.aboutamazon.com/workplace/employee-benefits. This position will remain posted until filled. Applicants should apply via our internal or external career site.
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    Job Description当ポジションの勤務地は埼玉県坂戸市です。Amazonにおける、FC(フルフィルメント・センター)で働くすべての人をカスタマーと捉え魅力的で働きやすい職場づくりを推進します。社員食堂・売店の向上、通勤バスの運行管理、施設管理、FC内で発生する廃棄物やリサイクル品の回収・分別における安全・品質・生産性管理など幅広い業務を行います。全ての業務に改善意識を持ちながら職場環境の維持向上に高い目標を持って取り組めるポジションです。 FC Facilities部門のビジョンは広い視野でカスタマーを捉え、全ての行動に責任とこだわりを持ち、AmazonのFacilitiesでしか出来ない事を創造し社会に貢献します。その中で本ポジションのミッションはFacility Managerのもと、社内部門及び社外と良好かつ密なコミュニケーションを図りながら、FCで働く従業員が安全で快適に働ける職場環境を構築し提供することです。 具体的にはオフィスレイアウト変更、売店の運営管理、各種消耗品購買や請求書の処理といった総務業務のようなサービスレベルを改善し維持向上させること、建物全体の施設管理、省エネルギー活動、各種修繕などの発注業務となります。そして、FCで働く従業員が楽しんでもらえるイベントも企画します。また、FC内で発生する廃棄物やリサイクル品の回収作業や分別作業を安全・品質・生産性の観点で管理し同時に廃棄物における遵法性も確保します。このように幅広い業務を経験し多くのことを学べるポジションです。将来的にはManagerとして予算管理を行える知識と経験を身に着けることも出来ます。 このようなカスタマーが近くにいる業務を通して、ダイレクトに「オフィスの雰囲気が良くなった」、「通勤用シャトルバスが使いやすくなった」、「敷地内の花壇や芝生が綺麗になった」、「空調管理がしっかりしていて快適に働ける」などのポジティブな声を聞くこともできます。 以上、カスタマーに対し、安全で快適な職場環境を提供する仕事にモチベーションを感じる方、そして何事にも前向きに行動出来る方からの応募をお待ちしています。 【補足】勤務形態:平日月曜~金曜日 9:00-18:00勤務。土日祝日休み。夜勤なし。 本ポジションの所属部門等に関する詳細は、下記リンク先をご参照ください。 ・所属部門:オペレーション技術開発・職種:セーフティ/セキュリティ/ファシリティ・勤務地:坂戸FC※担当部門:フルフィルメントセンター (FC)LF08002・オペレーション技術開発部門の社員インタビューはこちらAmazon は多様かつインクルーシブな職場づくりを目指しています。Amazonは男女雇用機会均等法を順守しています。人種、 出身国、性別、性的指向、障がい、年齢、その他の属性によって差別することなく、平等に採用選考の機会を提供しています。障がいをお持ちの方は、以下をご覧ください。https://www.amazon.jobs/disability/jpオペレーション部門のDEIの取り組み(Japanese Only)Key job responsibilitiesAmazonの業務は数値で管理しています。キーとなる数値目標がセットされており、業務の平準化・改善を通してパフォーマンスを引き上げることがミッションとなります。具体的な例としては電気使用量や社員食堂の満足度に数値目標があり、電気は節電、社員食堂はメニュー改善、廃棄物はリサイクル率などを各協力会社様と行うことで目標に近づけていくことになります。A day in the lifeFC内では朝礼があります。朝礼後はチーム別に分かれて今日の業務内容を確認します。その後はメールチェックや現場巡回を行います。ランチは社員食堂・売店を利用し、サービスレベルもチェックします。会議は1日に1-2件ほどあり、同じFC内でサービスを提供いただいているサプライヤーとの定例会議が主となります。会議内容は業務進捗の報告をいただく部分が主となります。また、他部署合同のプロジェクトに参画しFacility管轄部分の調整を確認します。※早朝や夜間の勤務時は自家用車通勤可:要相談About the team多くの場合、FC Facilities部門のメンバーは1 FCに1~2名が配属されています。坂戸FCは2名体制となっており、マネージャーが1名おります。 Basic Qualifications:1:社会人経験1年以上の方(建屋施設管理業務、工事施工管理業務、PM業務、総務のいずれかで半年以上の業務経験のある方)2:外部委託先協業もしくはVendor Management経験のある方3:コスト改善提案を行った経験4:PCスキル (Excel, PowerPoint, Word) Preferred Qualifications:Preferred Qualifications:1:業者とのパートナーシップ構築能力及び優れた交渉能力 2:論理的な思考力、優先順位判断力及び優れた問題解決能力 3:社内、社外への適切なビジネスマナー 4:新しい知識を学ぶことに対し意欲的 5:3年以上の正社員として物流もしくは製造業で施設管理、または総務部門経験者であれば尚可 6:インクルーシブなカルチャーへの貢献や多様性に富んだグループで働くことに対して前向きであること。Education: Preferred Degree: 高校卒以上 Competency 1:お客様意識お客様意識を強く持って行動できる。 2:コミュニケーション職場環境に溶け込み、分からない部分を積極的に質問し自身で解決する力。 3:職場全体への貢献 他人の仕事をうまく進められるように情報を共有し、サポートする。 4:アジリティとフレキシビリティー 迅速に業務をこなし、状況の変化に柔軟に対応できる。周囲の意見を聞きながら判断し仕事を進められる。 5:探究心と向上心いままで経験がない業務でも新しい知識を学ぶのに意欲的で何事も前向きに取組める性質。6:インクルーシブなカルチャーへの貢献や多様性に富んだグループで働くことに対して前向きであること。【給与情報】月額基本給 330,000 円以上(年俸を12分割支給) 時間外労働手当、深夜勤務手当、法定休日勤務手当分は労働時間に応じて支給される。※能力、資格、経歴、経験等を考慮し、面接後に最終決定 Please check the website below for measures to eliminate unwanted second-hand smoking in each facility:https://www.amazon.jobs/en/landing_pages/passivesmoking就業の場所における受動喫煙を防止するための措置に関する事項については、下記リンク先をご覧ください。https://www.amazon.jobs/jp/landing_pages/passivesmokingThe salary information can be provided individually prior to the 1st interview賃金に関する条件は、1次面接の前に個別にご案内することができます
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    Job DescriptionAre you interested in a challenge that will reward your unique blend of strategy and technology skills? Do you enjoy the challenge and ownership that comes from delivering large, cross-functional, AV/IT projects? As a Technical Infrastructure Program Manager (TIPM), you will have the opportunity to play a pivotal role in the future of our infrastructure deployment, to ensure our customers receive the right outcomes. You will have the opportunity to be central in addressing significant business-impacting processes and products.In this role, you will be responsible for identifying, scoping, and delivering the AV solutions with the agreed success measures, budget, schedule and quality. You will develop and improve processes to deliver standard and non-standard AV infrastructure programs, supporting Amazon’s growth in new and existing offices. You will be the primary point of contact within the team and for the cross-function teams, to drive the AV intake and design function successfully.The right candidate possesses a strong technical background on AV infrastructure, but also knows the core networking elements which represent a requirement to a successful AV infrastructure deployment. The right candidate possesses effective written and verbal communication, program and project management experience. High judgment, ability to influence, and delivering results are essential to success in this role.Key job responsibilitiesThe key job functions of the Technical Infrastructure Program Manager are:- Own the identification, scoping, and delivery strategy for the AV solutions in Amazon offices.- Own projects and initiatives having regional impact, including project schedules and milestones.- Effectively manage stakeholders to successfully deliver the agreed scope.- Understand and identify technical obstacles to successfully deliver the designed architecture, identify and mitigate risks.- Assess costs and benefits and maintain financial reporting control.- Manage escalation, anticipate and make tradeoffs and balance business needs with technical constraints.- Clearly communicate project and program status, responsibilities and issues to stakeholdersAbout the teamThe Corporate Infrastructure Services team (CIS) is part of the IT Services organization that supports all Amazonians at corporate offices. CIS designs, plan, builds, maintains and deprecates the infrastructure in all corporate offices worldwide. This includes running Amazon’s corporate campus & building infrastructure worldwide. We are passionate about ensuring our customers receive world class IT Services and making sure they have the best possible experience while working from the office. Basic Qualifications:- 3+ years of technical infrastructure management experience- Knowledge of best practices and emerging technologies, related to infrastructure (i.e. network, data center, hardware, software)- Experience with varying scenarios of infrastructure builds- 2+ Years’ Experience of Managing Enterprise Level AV Services [Support, Design, Hardware Deployment]- 2+ Years’ Experience of managing cross-functional AV Infrastructure projects Preferred Qualifications:- 3+ years of working directly with engineering teams experience- 5+ Years’ Experience of Enterprise Level Program Management [leading or operating]- 5+ Years’ Experience of Managing Enterprise Level AV Infrastructure- Exposure to multiple project management methodologies is a plus.- Experience with information security, relational databases and cloud computing.- Experience within complex organizational settings (e.g., geographic dispersion).- Familiarity with information security, relational databases and cloud computing- Excellent organization, quantitative, and presentation skillsAmazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, please visit https://www.amazon.jobs/en/disability/us.
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