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    Sede: MilanoTipologia contrattuale: Tempo Indeterminato, Full time Opportunità professionale Il nostro Team:Sanofi Specialty è la Global Business Unit di Sanofi, focalizzata sull’Immunologia, l’Oncologia, Malattie Rare e Sclerosi Multipla. Il nostro scopo è quello di aiutare le persone con patologie debilitanti e complesse, spesso difficili da diagnosticare e trattare. Ci dedichiamo alla scoperta e al progresso di nuove terapie, fornendo nuove speranze ai pazienti e alle loro famiglie in tutto il mondo. L'Immunologia è l’area terapeutica che guida la crescita di Sanofi Specialty Care. Lo scopo primario dell’immunologia è quello di sviluppare e commercializzare terapie innovative nei pazienti con malattie infiammatorie croniche su base immunitaria. La Franchise Immunologia Italiana è attualmente impegnata nel campo della dermatologia, delle patologie allergiche e respiratorie tra cui l’asma grave, la rinosinusite cronica con poliposi nasale, la BPCO e gastrointestinali come l’esofagite eosinofila e diverse altre. La risorsa, inserita nell’area Immunologia a riporto del Immunology Commercial Strategy Head, contribuirà ai risultati aziendali nel team di Commercial Excellence in area Respiratory attraverso: sviluppo e gestione di progettualità commerciali strategiche in ambito Immunologia, con focus sulle attività cross area terapeutica e Respiratory; sviluppo di analisi quanti/qualitative di performance commerciale e forecasting; ottimizzazione della reportistica; collaborazione con il field per la generazione di insight tattici. Responsabilità principali:Focal point per lo sviluppo delle attività di Go-To-Market in area Respiratory;Field Project Management con focus strategico commerciale: stakeholder mapping e customer engagement;Preparazione di analisi a supporto della comprensione delle necessità di presidio dei territori;Preparazione di business case orientati a prevedere l’ambizione di brand;Supportare lo sviluppo di indicatori di performance commerciali sulla base dei dati interni e di mercato disponibili, evidenziando le aree di opportunità/criticità competitive e proporre azioni correttive;Supportare la realizzazione di presentazioni in ambito Sales, per mostrare risultati ed informazioni al management Team/ Franchise;Rappresentare il focal point per le attività di Reporting & Forecasting, collaborando con il Franchise Immunology ed i responsabili delle funzioni Finance, Market Access, BO&S e Global/ Commercial coinvolte in tali processi;Monitorare ed effettuare benchmark sui principali driver di business, comprendere e identificare novità e tendenze del settore. Profilo del candidato Esperienza:Comprovata esperienza in funzioni di business analytics/strategic insights in aziende operanti nel settore farmaceutico/biotech o in società di consulenza specializzate in ambito farmaceutico;Esperienza in funzioni Marketing in aziende operanti nel settore farmaceutico;Esperienza nelle attività di pianificazione commerciale e nel forecasting presso aziende farmaceutiche, e nell’analisi approfondita di dati per esaminare e comprendere la performance di mercato e di brand. Skills – Competenze:Consolidata conoscenza del mercato farmaceutico preferibilmente in ambito Specialty Care e forte comprensione delle dinamiche di mercato e trend nella specifica area terapeutica /business area di interesse;Esperienza in ambito di gestione progettualità complesse, che coinvolgono diversi stakeholder interni e esterni;Forti competenze quantitative sull’analisi di dati, in particolar modo in ambito Microsoft Excel;Competenze di Brand Communication e sviluppo di strategie / tattiche commerciali di prodotto;Ottima capacità di sintetizzare dinamiche complesse e competenze di storytelling nella presentazione dei risultati;Eccellenti capacità di Business Intelligence e Business Insights e di analizzare in profondità e rapidità dati eterogenei finalizzati a report in ambito di Sales Analytics, Forecasting e attività di Field/Sales;Eccellente conoscenza dei dati del settore farmaceutico e delle metodologie e processi che guidano le ricerche di mercato; conoscenza delle principali metodologie di analisi statistica, market e Business Insights. Formazione:Laurea in Ingegneria gestionale, Economia, Statistica o affini. Lingue:Ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese (parlata e scritta). Pursue progress. Discover extraordinary. Il meglio è da scoprire. Migliori cure, migliori risultati, migliori scoperte scientifiche. Ma non può esserci progresso senza le persone - persone di diversa estrazione, di diverse origini, che svolgono ruoli differenti, tutte accomunate da un intento comune: il desiderio di far accadere ciò che è straordinario. Quindi, vogliamo essere quelle persone. In Sanofi offriamo pari opportunità a tutti indipendentemente da etnia, colore, discendenza, religione, sesso, nazionalità, orientamento sessuale, età, cittadinanza, stato civile, disabilità o identità di genere. Guarda il video ALL IN e scopri le nostre azioni di Diversity Equity & Inclusion su sanofi.com! Tutte le candidature verranno prese in considerazione senza alcuna discriminazione di sorta. Nell’ottica della massima inclusività e parità di merito, l’annuncio è aperto a candidature appartenenti a categorie protette o svantaggiate (L.68/99). #LI-EUR #LI-Hybrid At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Sanofi, azienda multinazionale farmaceutica, sta ricercando per la propria sede di Milano una risorsa da inserire nel Team Marketing Foundation. Stage - Customer Engagement & Marketing Il/la tirocinante sarà inserito all'interno del Dipartimento Marketing Foundation della Business Unit General Medicines e supporterà il Tutor di riferimento in tutte le attività legate al dipartimento, partecipando attivamente e ricevendo formazione on the job. Le attività di cui si occuperà saranno principalmente: Affiancamento al team nelle attività di marketing promozionali e nelle analisi dei dati di mercato Sell in dei prodotti principali, promossi attivamente (Analisi performance);Supporto alla progettazione delle campagne promozionali, con particolare attenzione ai contenuti;Supporto all'Analisi delle performance di progetti (analisi KPI e andamento);Collaborazione con la Divisione Medica nella realizzazione di mezzi promozionali digitali e contributi scientifici per i medici/farmacisti;Ottimizzazione nell’utilizzo del tool global aziendale (Content Localization Hub)Elaborazione di file Excel e presentazioni Power PointCollaborazione con il Portfolio Maximization Manager nell’analisi dati interni dei prodotti promossi attivamente. Requisiti: Laurea scientifica (biologia, chimica, farmacia, CTF)Gradito master in Marketing FarmaceuticoBuona conoscenza della lingua inglese (livello B2)Buona conoscenza di Excel e Power Point Si offre stage curricolare o extracurricolare, della durata di 6 mesi con possibilità di proroga. E' previsto un rimborso spese ed erogazione di buoni pasto. At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Location: MilanJob type: Permanent, Full time About Sanofi At Sanofi, we are driven by one purpose – we chase the miracles of science to improve people’s lives. Our team, across some 100 countries, is dedicated to transforming the practice of medicine by working to turn the impossible into the possible. We never settle and now we are creating a new paradigm with a first-in-class therapy in Autoimmune Diabetes (Type 1 Diabetes). Our newest core asset, resulting from the acquisition of Provention Bio in General Medicines Autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes space, aims at delaying the onset of stage 3 type 1 diabetes. This means that for the first time, people at risk of developing this lifelong disease have fresh hope. What delayed onset means is more time for children to be children with less healthcare and more care-free childhood. The delay also gives families and healthcare professionals more time to prepare care plans for a later diagnosis. We now present an exciting opportunity for you to go further faster. If you’re excited by the prospect of bringing this innovative, first-in-class therapy to more people at risk then we want to hear from you as we build a great team who will work at the intersection of our growth in immune-mediated diseases and disease-modifying therapies in areas of high unmet need. This is a chance to bring your energy, expertise and experience to truly transformative and career-defining leadership roles where you can help change countless lives. In return, you will have a rare opportunity in pharma – the chance to help disrupt and delay a debilitating and widespread disease. This really is a ‘prime time’ role offering you huge visibility and the chance to fast-track your career in healthcare. Innovation, patient focus and disruptive thinking are all key threads of our Play To Win culture. Our Autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes journey starts now and you can help us chart a new course – not only for Sanofi but for preventive healthcare. Now is the time to add your strengths to ours! Key responsibilitiesThe resource will report directly to the Medical Lead Autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes and will have the following responsibilities: EVIDENCE GENERATION​: Manages projects (local or global) related to post-registration/epidemiological clinical studies or those involving technological innovations (e.g., artificial intelligence) or focused on improving the quality of life of patients or outcomes specifically related to them; PRODUCT/THERAPEUTIC AREA STRATEGY: Collaborates in the development of cross-functional strategic projects aimed at the continuous improvement of drug positioning within the reference therapeutic area, also ensuring medical contribution and follow-up to regulatory and pharmacovigilance activities, providing a timely analysis of new evidence and medical-scientific scenarios; COMMUNICATION STRATEGY: Contributes to the definition of omnichannel communication strategies for products in the Autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes Franchise, ensuring that they are in line with scientific evidence and the reference medical scenario and overseeing their correct application in promotional materials. Essential requirementsMaster's degree in scientific subjects (e.g., Medicine, Pharmacy, Biology, etc.). The achievement of a Ph.D. and/or specialization is a preferential requirement;Work experience in research and development roles in the pharmaceutical sector (at least 3 years; significant academic experience will also be considered useful in this regard);Deep knowledge of Italian regulations for the pharmaceutical sector and dynamics of the National Health System and various Regional Health Systems;Profound knowledge of Medical Affairs processes and activities;Fluency in spoken and written business English and Italian;Leadership and strategic thinking skills;Strong Project Management skills;Strong teamwork skills, even in multifunctional contexts, problem-solving, and interpersonal relationship development.​ Pursue progress. Discover extraordinary. Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! #LI-EUR #LI-Hybrid At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Working area: Italy Job type: Permanent, Full time About SanofiAt Sanofi, we are driven by one purpose – we chase the miracles of science to improve people’s lives. Our team, across some 100 countries, is dedicated to transforming the practice of medicine by working to turn the impossible into the possible. We never settle and now we are creating a new paradigm with a first-in-class therapy in Autoimmune Diabetes (Type 1 Diabetes). Our newest core asset, resulting from the acquisition of Provention Bio in General Medicines Autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes space, aims at delaying the onset of stage 3 type 1 diabetes. This means that for the first time, people at risk of developing this lifelong disease have fresh hope. What delayed onset means is more time for children to be children with less healthcare and more care-free childhood. The delay also gives families and healthcare professionals more time to prepare care plans for a later diagnosis. We now present an exciting opportunity for you to go further faster. If you’re excited by the prospect of bringing this innovative, first-in-class therapy to more people at risk then we want to hear from you as we build a great team who will work at the intersection of our growth in immune-mediated diseases and disease-modifying therapies in areas of high unmet need. This is a chance to bring your energy, expertise and experience to truly transformative and career-defining leadership roles where you can help change countless lives. In return, you will have a rare opportunity in pharma – the chance to help disrupt and delay a debilitating and widespread disease. This really is a ‘prime time’ role offering you huge visibility and the chance to fast-track your career in healthcare. Innovation, patient focus and disruptive thinking are all key threads of our Play To Win culture. Our Autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes journey starts now and you can help us chart a new course – not only for Sanofi but for preventive healthcare. Now is the time to add your strengths to ours! The resource will report directly to the Medical Lead Autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes. Main responsibilitiesTo identify the key stakeholders and decision makers in each geography including emerging group of thought leaders as DOL and Rising StarsTo aggregate multiple data points and perform tracking activities analysis through CRMTo develop enduring peer-to-peer relationships with healthcare professionals and institutions, creating constructive, cross-functional partnerships with internal and external stakeholders aiming to generate customer insights and leverage business opportunitiesTo develop and maintain the highest scientific and medical expertise within the assigned therapeutic areaTo be responsible for implementing local KOL Engagement Plan by mixing channels that deliver an omnichannel engagement experience to customers in a personalized and value-added wayExecute medical plans for scientific engagement, evidence generation, insight generation, and partnerships for the assigned brands in conjunction with in-country functionsExecute MSL priorities within the Therapeutic Area. Execute training and development program in line with global strategy and local needsTo build up scientific network with the most relevant KOLs and scientific societies at regional and national levelTo attend appropriate national and international meetings and congressesTo cooperate with Market Access and Public Affair to implement regional strategyIn cooperation with the Medical Information Service, to provide response to Medical Information enquires, utilizing global medical information resources and in line with local regulatory requirements About you Experience Previous and solid experience in the role of MSL or roles in Medical Affair is a plus; scientific knowledge in the Immunology (experience in the field of type 1 diabetes is an advantage) Essential requirementsTo obtain excellent results in this role, you need to have experience in: Deep knowledge of multichannel scientific engagementData driven approachPublic speaking and communication skillsResult driven orientation to proactively ensure and exceed objectivesManagement and organizational skills (planning, priority setting, flexibility)Strong customer orientation, networking and ability to build effective relationshipsTransversal cooperation and interpersonal relationshipsAdaptability to multicultural environmentLearning agilityAbility to manage and plan editorial plansKnowledge of the language of social mediaDigital Mindset able to gather the opportunities offered by digital transformationStrategic thinkingBusiness acumenProject management skills and effective management of multiple competing prioritiesHigh degree of knowledge of relevant healthcare systems, evolving medical landscape, regulatory and payer environment, public health and industry trends to accurately identify key issues and develop strategies and plansNew digital engagement technologies as part of your toolkit EducationScientific Degree; PhD will be considered an advantage LanguagesFluency in spoken and written business English and Italian Pursue progress. Discover extraordinary. Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! #LI-EUR #LI-Hybrid At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Working area: Center-South ItalyJob type: Permanent, Full time About Sanofi At Sanofi, we are driven by one purpose – we chase the miracles of science to improve people’s lives. Our team, across some 100 countries, is dedicated to transforming the practice of medicine by working to turn the impossible into the possible. We never settle and now we are creating a new paradigm with a first-in-class therapy in Autoimmune Diabetes (Type 1 Diabetes). Our newest core asset, resulting from the acquisition of Provention Bio in General Medicines Autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes space, aims at delaying the onset of stage 3 type 1 diabetes. This means that for the first time, people at risk of developing this lifelong disease have fresh hope. What delayed onset means is more time for children to be children with less healthcare and more care-free childhood. The delay also gives families and healthcare professionals more time to prepare care plans for a later diagnosis. We now present an exciting opportunity for you to go further faster. If you’re excited by the prospect of bringing this innovative, first-in-class therapy to more people at risk then we want to hear from you as we build a great team who will work at the intersection of our growth in immune-mediated diseases and disease-modifying therapies in areas of high unmet need. This is a chance to bring your energy, expertise and experience to truly transformative and career-defining leadership roles where you can help change countless lives. In return, you will have a rare opportunity in pharma – the chance to help disrupt and delay a debilitating and widespread disease. This really is a ‘prime time’ role offering you huge visibility and the chance to fast-track your career in healthcare. Innovation, patient focus and disruptive thinking are all key threads of our Play To Win culture. Our Autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes journey starts now and you can help us chart a new course – not only for Sanofi but for preventive healthcare. Now is the time to add your strengths to ours! The resource will report directly to the Medical Lead Autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes. Main responsibilitiesTo identify the key stakeholders and decision makers in each geography including emerging group of thought leaders as DOL and Rising StarsTo aggregate multiple data points and perform tracking activities analysis through CRMTo develop enduring peer-to-peer relationships with healthcare professionals and institutions, creating constructive, cross-functional partnerships with internal and external stakeholders aiming to generate customer insights and leverage business opportunitiesTo develop and maintain the highest scientific and medical expertise within the assigned therapeutic areaTo be responsible for implementing local KOL Engagement Plan by mixing channels that deliver an omnichannel engagement experience to customers in a personalized and value-added wayExecute medical plans for scientific engagement, evidence generation, insight generation, and partnerships for the assigned brands in conjunction with in-country functionsExecute MSL priorities within the Therapeutic Area. Execute training and development program in line with global strategy and local needsTo build up scientific network with the most relevant KOLs and scientific societies at regional and national levelTo attend appropriate national and international meetings and congressesTo cooperate with Market Access and Public Affair to implement regional strategyIn cooperation with the Medical Information Service, to provide response to Medical Information enquires, utilizing global medical information resources and in line with local regulatory requirements About you ExperiencePrevious and solid experience in the role of MSL or roles in Medical Affair is a plus; scientific knowledge in the Immunology (experience in the field of type 1 diabetes is an advantage) Essential requirementsTo obtain excellent results in this role, you need to have experience in: Deep knowledge of multichannel scientific engagementData driven approachPublic speaking and communication skillsResult driven orientation to proactively ensure and exceed objectivesManagement and organizational skills (planning, priority setting, flexibility)Strong customer orientation, networking and ability to build effective relationshipsTransversal cooperation and interpersonal relationshipsAdaptability to multicultural environmentLearning agilityAbility to manage and plan editorial plansKnowledge of the language of social mediaDigital Mindset able to gather the opportunities offered by digital transformationStrategic thinkingBusiness acumenProject management skills and effective management of multiple competing prioritiesHigh degree of knowledge of relevant healthcare systems, evolving medical landscape, regulatory and payer environment, public health and industry trends to accurately identify key issues and develop strategies and plansNew digital engagement technologies as part of your toolkit EducationScientific Degree; PhD will be considered an advantage LanguagesFluency in spoken and written business English and Italian Pursue progress. Discover extraordinary. Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! #LI-EUR #LI-Hybrid At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
  1. Sanofi

    Quality Control - Ocoyoacac

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    Ubicación: Ocoyoacac Tipo de contrato: Temporal Acerca de la posición En Sanofi Consumer Healthcare tenemos una misión compartida: trabajar apasionadamente, todos los días, para “servir vidas más sanas y llenas” ahora y para las generaciones futuras. Para hacerlo, nos esforzamos por actuar como una fuerza para el bien mediante la integración de la sostenibilidad a lo largo de nuestra misión empresarial y de los empleados, y operamos de forma responsable desde un punto de vista social y medioambiental. Todo lo que hacemos se centra en los intereses de las personas, nuestros consumidores, nuestros clientes, profesionales sanitarios y nuestros empleados, en todo el mundo. Estamos construyendo marcas que prestan servicio a 1000 millones de consumidores en todo el mundo, a través de nuestras plataformas clave: Alergias, bienestar físico y mental, dolor, bienestar digestivo, y tos, resfriado y gripe. Aspiramos a convertirnos en la mejor empresa de salud del consumidor (FMCH) en y para el mundo y nuestro objetivo es construir un entorno de trabajo donde las personas puedan prosperar, crecer, disfrutar y dar lo mejor de sí mismas. Nuestro equipo: Responsables de controlar y realizar análisis fisicoquímico de materia prima, materiales de empaque, producto a granel y producto terminado del área de la planta, así como pruebas de estabilidad, validación de procesos, nuevos proveedores y sistemas críticos. Principales responsabilidades: Realizar análisis Microbiológico de materia prima, producto a granel y producto terminado de estabilidad, validación, sistemas críticos y nuevos proveedores de acuerdo con las especificaciones establecidas para garantizar la calidad de los productos y sistemas.Realizar muestreo, análisis y documentación de tendencias de sistemas críticos de la planta para la verificación de sistemas críticos estén bajo control de acuerdo con las especificaciones establecidas.Documentar y dar seguimiento a los resultados fuera de especificación generados durante los análisis de acuerdo al procedimiento establecido para dar seguimiento oportuno al cierre de la investigación.Documentar y dar seguimiento a los resultados fuera de especificación generados durante los análisis de acuerdo con el procedimiento establecido para dar seguimiento oportuno al cierre de la investigación.Mantener un inventario adecuado de materiales, reactivos, estándares, etc. Que se requieran para los análisis del laboratorio Experiencia: 3 años de experiencia como Químico Analista en el área de Control de Calidad de la Industria Farmacéutica, o una combinación equivalente de escolaridad y experiencia.Habilidades sociales: Dar lo máximo y tomar la iniciativa. Habilidades técnicas: Buenas Prácticas de Laboratorio (BPL), Buenas Prácticas de Documentación (BPD)y Manejo de metodología analítica y equipos analíticos especializados (HPLC, CG, IR)Educación: Deseable Químico Farmacéutico Biólogo (QFB), Químico Farmacéutico Industrial (QFI), químico Bacteriólogo Parasitólogo (QBP) o carrera relacionada a las áreas Químico - Biológicas y/o Farmacéuticas.Idiomas: Inglés intermedio Perseguir el progreso, descubrir extraordinarios Mejor está ahí fuera. Mejores medicamentos, mejores resultados, mejor ciencia. Pero el progreso no sucede sin personas: personas de diferentes orígenes, en diferentes ubicaciones, haciendo diferentes funciones, todo unido por una cosa: el deseo de hacer realidad los milagros. Así que seamos esas personas. En Sanofi, ofrecemos igualdad de oportunidades a todos, independientemente de su raza, color, ascendencia, religión, sexo, nacionalidad, orientación sexual, edad, ciudadanía, estado civil, discapacidad o identidad de género. Vea nuestro video ALL IN y vea nuestras acciones de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión en sanofi.com. At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Ubicación: Ocoyoacac Tipo de contrato: DeterminadoAcerca de la posición En Sanofi Consumer Healthcare tenemos una misión compartida: trabajar apasionadamente, todos los días, para “servir vidas más sanas y llenas” ahora y para las generaciones futuras. Para hacerlo, nos esforzamos por actuar como una fuerza para el bien mediante la integración de la sostenibilidad a lo largo de nuestra misión empresarial y de los empleados, y operamos de forma responsable desde un punto de vista social y medioambiental. Todo lo que hacemos se centra en los intereses de las personas, nuestros consumidores, nuestros clientes, profesionales sanitarios y nuestros empleados, en todo el mundo. Estamos construyendo marcas que prestan servicio a 1000 millones de consumidores en todo el mundo, a través de nuestras plataformas clave: Alergias, bienestar físico y mental, dolor, bienestar digestivo, y tos, resfriado y gripe. Aspiramos a convertirnos en la mejor empresa de salud del consumidor (FMCH) en y para el mundo y nuestro objetivo es construir un entorno de trabajo donde las personas puedan prosperar, crecer, disfrutar y dar lo mejor de sí mismas. Nuestro equipo: Apoyo estratégico en la planificación, análisis en informes de los resultados financieros, coordinándose con las demás áreas de contraloría para consolidar la información de presupuesto, resultados mensuales, CAPEX, control interno a través de herramientas financieras, tales como: (HFM, TM1, SHINE). Principales responsabilidades: Liderar y supervisar las actividades de cierres mensuales para dar seguimiento puntual al P&L (Costos, Dashboard Industrial, líneas de Distribución) y Balance. Entender y explicar resultados vs lo presupuestado. Identificar oportunidades y riesgo, valuarlas, mitigar y buscar implementación. Preparar y liberar presentación de resultados con su reporte correspondiente en el sistema financiero global (TM1)Garantizar y asegurar el control interno y aplicación de las reglas de cumplimiento, como un punto de contacto financiero para el negocio. Responsable de la preparación de requerimientos de Auditorías Internas y externas.Prepara la información de KPIs financieros para presentar en diferentes foros y niveles del sitio y del centro de distribución.Proveer de soporte estratégico a Equipo de Liderazgo y al sitio para la estructura de M&S (Manufacturing and Supply) a través de reportes, análisis y reuniones con stakeholders para anticipar cualquier riesgo o eventualidad en la toma de decisiones y de esta manera, asegurar el cumplimiento y desempeño del presupuesto establecido.Liderar construcción y elaboración de ciclos de presupuesto: Rolling Forecast (mensuales), Tendencias (trimestrales), Budget (anuales) para los costos estándares, P&L, Dashboard Industrial y costos de distribución, seguimiento a CAPEX y OPEX, así como el cumplimiento de headcount.Valuación de proyectos de inversión en conjunto con el equipo de Ingeniería, así como proyectos de productividad, oportunidades de negocio (Sourcing Cases)Responsable de asegurar que las interfaces entre el sistema SAP Productivo ATHENA y BO Shift / Polaris reflejan la misma información. Seguimiento y consolidación de LASAP al resultado mensual.Responsable del proceso de control e informes del área, incluidos los procesos de performance, P&L, “HeadCount” e inversiones durante el cierre mensual, provisiones, el presupuesto y los procesos de planificación estratégica.Mejorar los procesos financieros con mentalidad de simplificaciónExperiencia: 7 años en posición similar, en el área de planeación financieraHabilidades sociales: Dar lo máximo y tomar la iniciativa. Habilidades técnicas: CAPEX, TM1, SAP, Excel (avanzado) y Power Point (Avanzado)Educación: Licenciatura en Contaduría, Licenciatura en Economía y Administración de Empresas, Licenciatura en Banca y Finanzas, Licenciatura en Economía, Licenciatura en Gestión y Dirección de Empresas, Licenciatura en Gestoría y Auditoria, Licenciatura en Negocios.Idiomas: Inglés avanzadoPerseguir el progreso, descubrir extraordinarios Mejor está ahí fuera. Mejores medicamentos, mejores resultados, mejor ciencia. Pero el progreso no sucede sin personas: personas de diferentes orígenes, en diferentes ubicaciones, haciendo diferentes funciones, todo unido por una cosa: el deseo de hacer realidad los milagros. Así que seamos esas personas. En Sanofi, ofrecemos igualdad de oportunidades a todos, independientemente de su raza, color, ascendencia, religión, sexo, nacionalidad, orientación sexual, edad, ciudadanía, estado civil, discapacidad o identidad de género. Vea nuestro video ALL IN y vea nuestras acciones de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión en sanofi.com. At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Ubicación: Ocoyoacac Tipo de contrato: IndeterminadoAcerca de la posición En Sanofi Consumer Healthcare tenemos una misión compartida: trabajar apasionadamente, todos los días, para “servir vidas más sanas y llenas” ahora y para las generaciones futuras. Para hacerlo, nos esforzamos por actuar como una fuerza para el bien mediante la integración de la sostenibilidad a lo largo de nuestra misión empresarial y de los empleados, y operamos de forma responsable desde un punto de vista social y medioambiental. Todo lo que hacemos se centra en los intereses de las personas, nuestros consumidores, nuestros clientes, profesionales sanitarios y nuestros empleados, en todo el mundo. Estamos construyendo marcas que prestan servicio a 1000 millones de consumidores en todo el mundo, a través de nuestras plataformas clave: Alergias, bienestar físico y mental, dolor, bienestar digestivo, y tos, resfriado y gripe. Aspiramos a convertirnos en la mejor empresa de salud del consumidor (FMCH) en y para el mundo y nuestro objetivo es construir un entorno de trabajo donde las personas puedan prosperar, crecer, disfrutar y dar lo mejor de sí mismas. Nuestro equipo: Proporcionar el apoyo técnico necesario en cuanto a operaciones farmacéuticas, para garantizar la continuidad de la fabricación de los productos manufacturados en el sitio, ya sea a través de la solución de problemas técnicos relacionados con la manufactura o proceso liderando proyectos de robustecimiento, soporte, que permitan la obtención confiable y reproducible de productos en cumplimiento con sus características de calidad preestablecidas, durante su ciclo de vida. Principales responsabilidades: Generar y actualizar los documentos maestros que incluyen las instrucciones de producción y acondicionamiento para los productos del sitio; a través de los requerimientos de proyectos estratégicos del sitio, requerimientos de validación de proceso y requerimientos de logísticas plasmados en los planes de trabajo, para dar continuidad a la fabricación de los productos en el sitio y tener complimiento regulatorio.Brindar soporte técnico en planta para problemas durante la producción de rutina, a través de los proyectos estratégicos del sitio y el seguimiento a los planes de producción, para continuidad a la fabricación de los productos y dar los elementos que permitan definir el destino de los lotes.Ejecutar proyectos de mejora de procesos como transferencias de productos en busca del uso de equipos más eficientes para optimización de capacidad y mitigar riesgos de obsolescencia de sistemas o equipos alienados a la estrategia del sitio asegurando el cumplimiento de seguridad y calidad de los productos fabricados.Acerca de tí Experiencia: 3 años en puesto similar, relacionado al manejo de investigaciones (información bibliográfica, resolución de eventos, solución de problemas técnicos de la industria farmacéutica), procesos farmacéuticos, transferencia de tecnología.Habilidades sociales: Análisis de problemas y Toma de decisiones. Habilidades técnicas: Fundamentales de procesos de manufactura (granulación, compresión, recubrimiento, blíster, empaque y administración de proyectosEducación: Ingeniero farmacéutico, Químico farmacéutico industrial, Químico farmacéutico biólogo, o carrera relacionada a las áreas químico- biológicas y/o farmacéuticasIdiomas: Inglés básico- Intermedio. Perseguir el progreso, descubrir extraordinarios Mejor está ahí fuera. Mejores medicamentos, mejores resultados, mejor ciencia. Pero el progreso no sucede sin personas: personas de diferentes orígenes, en diferentes ubicaciones, haciendo diferentes funciones, todo unido por una cosa: el deseo de hacer realidad los milagros. Así que seamos esas personas. En Sanofi, ofrecemos igualdad de oportunidades a todos, independientemente de su raza, color, ascendencia, religión, sexo, nacionalidad, orientación sexual, edad, ciudadanía, estado civil, discapacidad o identidad de género. Vea nuestro video ALL IN y vea nuestras acciones de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión en sanofi.com. At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Grade: L2-1Hiring Manager: Mathilde Hodin Location Ocoyoacac Job type: Temporary 1 year About the job At Sanofi Consumer Healthcare, we have one overarching mission - to work passionately, challenging ourselves and our industry every day, to build a healthier future by helping people, help themselves, bringing “Health in Your Hands”. Our teams are building trusted & loved brands that connect with hundreds of millions of consumers worldwide, enabling better self-care for individuals and communities, while also contributing to a healthier planet. To fulfill this mission, we are embarking our consumers, our customers, healthcare professionals, and our employees in this journey because this is what will make us become the “Best Fast-Moving Consumer Healthcare (FMCH) Company In & For the World”. We strive to act as a force for good by integrating sustainability along our business and employees’ mission and operate responsibly from both a social and environmental point of view. To achieve this, we need strong talent who will help us shape the future of our Consumer Healthcare business and challenge our industry. At Sanofi Consumer Healthcare, we aspire to create a work environment where people can thrive, grow, and be at their best every day. Our priority is working with integrity to improve the health and well-being of people and communities where we operate, working towards making a positive impact in the world. Our Team: The Capex leader will act as Senior Capex buyer for the first 6 months of the project being responsible for call for bidding and negotiation process management covering all building and core process equipment packages ((As: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Equipment, Civil Works, HVAC, Electricity, Architectural, Engineering services, Black & Clean utilities, etc.) that be assigned under his/her responsibility. He will support directly with regional lead buyer for Americas and Global Head of Capex to ensure compliance with the Global Procurement CHC Policy and Procedure. During the remaining period, the Capex Leader will be responsible for Capex execution follow-up supporting Aztlán engineering team in the acquisition of the equipment’s including trouble shooting. Main responsibilities: Source and select a strong panel supplier in accordance with the technical scope and project size (budget).Review and agree all commercial terms such as Incoterm, price basis etc; including liability, civil responsibility, warranty, etcResponsible to launch Call for bidding process via Coupa Tool, assuring the creation and integration of allFollow up CoC compliance.Responsible for Saving report on monthly basis.Responsible for DD compliance.Creation of CBA, applicable for Core process Equipment only.Follow-up of Purchase Orders with engineering team.About you Experience: 3 to 5 years as Capex Buyer.Education: Bachelor degree, EngineerLanguages: Advance English Pursue progress, discover extraordinary Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Critical Systems SupervisorUbicación: Ocoyoacac 100% presencial Tipo de contrato: Indeterminado Acerca de la posición Somos un líder mundial en vacunas humanas por más de 100 años. Desarrollamos y producimos una amplia gama de vacunas de alta calidad para proteger a personas de todo el mundo de enfermedades graves en todas y cada una de las etapas de la vida. Hemos continuado con un fuerte crecimiento y los mejores productos en su clase para protegernos contra muchas enfermedades como la gripe, la meningitis, la poliomielitis, la tos ferina, la bronquiolitis y mucho más. Mejoramos la vida de las personas desarrollando soluciones innovadoras de vacunación contra muchas enfermedades. Innovamos en la fabricación de vacunas a través de la digitalización y participamos en asociaciones para la prevención de enfermedades, para maximizar de forma sostenible el impacto de la vacunación. Brindamos a los empleados la oportunidad de crecer y los alentamos a desarrollar trayectorias profesionales diversificadas dentro de la organización Sanofi. Nuestro equipo: Es responsable de asegurar el correcto funcionamiento y cumplimiento de sistemas críticos como son pretratamiento, agua potable, agua suavizada, agua purificada, agua grado inyectable, agua helada, HVAC, vapor puro, vapor industrial, gases (aire comprimido, oxígeno, CO2, nitrógeno, argón, acetileno), al igual que plantas de tratamiento y recuperación de agua, así como el suministro de combustible (Gas Natural, Diesel), la gestión de actividades de limpieza, control de plagas, jardinería, mantenimiento a instalaciones y edificios. Principales responsabilidades: Gestionar la resolución de falla técnicas en equipos y/o sistemas críticos identificadas a su vez por los técnicos de mantenimiento, a través de un análisis de falla con el apoyo de un equipo multidisciplinario (Mecánicos, Eléctricos, Automatización y Calibración), para identificar la causa raíz y de esta manera evitar recurrencia y así regresar a su estado operativo del equipo y/o sistemas evitando un impacto al proceso. Generar el presupuesto anual del área de sistemas críticos, en base al plan de producción, la criticidad e impacto de los equipos y/o edificios, así como el comparativo de cotizaciones de los diferentes proveedores, para asegurar la disponibilidad de refacciones y/o servicios a los equipos o sistemas para mantenerlos operativos y en buenas condiciones. Gestionar el plan de mantenimiento predictivo y preventivo de los equipos, sistemas y/o edificios del área de sistemas críticos, por medio de una planeación anticipada con los responsables de áreas para asegurar los tiempos de ejecución de las actividades de mantenimiento y evitar impactos al proceso por paros no programados. Gestionar la actualización de los documentos de actividades GMP´s que corresponde al área de sistemas críticos, en base a las actualizaciones de las Normativas nacionales e internacionales, así como los documentos globales de la organización para mantener la vigencia de nuestros procesos y que estos cumplan los requerimientos farmacopeicos. Identificar los riesgos en los procesos de los sistemas críticos que representen un impacto en actividades de seguridad, higiene, ambiental y GMP’s, por medio de la implementación de análisis de riesgo de una manera proactiva para implementar planes de acción que elimine o minimicen los riesgos de impacto al proceso. Acerca de ti Experiencia: En la industria farmacéutica, dispositivos médicos, alimenticia o química, relacionado con la gestión del mantenimiento, calificación, validación de sistemas críticos y facilites. Habilidades sociales: Liderazgo, Comunicación, Resolución de problema, Trabajo en equipo, Inteligencia emocional, Servicio al cliente, Empatía, Pensamiento crítico y estratégico. Habilidades técnicas: Normatividad en sistemas críticos para la industria farmacéutica nacionales e internacionales, procesos de tratamiento, purificación y destilación de agua, generación de vapor industrial y aire comprimido, mecánica, electricidad, neumática, hidráulica, refrigeración, control y electrónica Educación: Ingeniero Industrial, Mecánico, Electromecánico, Mecatrónico, Químico; sin ser limitativo Idiomas: Inglés intermedio - avanzado Perseguir el progreso, descubrir extraordinarios Mejor está ahí fuera. Mejores medicamentos, mejores resultados, mejor ciencia. Pero el progreso no sucede sin personas: personas de diferentes orígenes, en diferentes ubicaciones, haciendo diferentes funciones, todo unido por una cosa: el deseo de hacer realidad los milagros. Así que seamos esas personas. En Sanofi, ofrecemos igualdad de oportunidades a todos, independientemente de su raza, color, ascendencia, religión, sexo, nacionalidad, orientación sexual, edad, ciudadanía, estado civil, discapacidad o identidad de género. Vea nuestro video ALL IN y vea nuestras acciones de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión en sanofi.com. #LI-LATAM At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Position Overview/Department Description The Genomic Medicine Unit within Sanofi is responsible for the design and optimization of viral vector manufacturing processes and platforms. We chase the miracles of science through exploration of novel technologies to enable better characterization of our next-generation production platforms and to enable high-dose gene therapy programs. This 6-month position centers on viral vector purification processes but will interface with a broader team of vector and cell line engineering, upstream process development, analytics, and clinical manufacturing support. A successful candidate in this role will be engaged in actively learning new techniques, independently performing experiments, analyzing and presenting results, and collaborating with different functions to understand the cross-functional nature of decision-making. Experience in protein characterization, high-throughput, engineering and data analysis, analytical techniques, and/or viral vector purification is preferred. Project topic will be commensurate with level of previous experience. This position is a fixed term Co-op opportunity with the following duration: January 2024 – June 2024. Candidates must be available 40 hours per week, Monday-Friday, in Waltham, MA. Key Responsibilities Design, execute, and analyze viral vector purification experiments. Perform analytical characterization of samples and analyze results. Work with cross-functional team for feedback and present findings. Contribute to technical reports and/or external publications if appropriate to project topic and level of experience. Basic Qualifications Currently pursuing PhD, MS, or BS study in biological sciences, genetic engineering/ engineering sciences with relevant study experience. Understanding of cell engineering, molecular biology, virology and immunology concepts. Knowledge and understanding of technologies and operations such as: Chromatography, tangential flow filtration, normal flow filtration, and/or viral clearance and inactivation Advanced analytical tools to characterize protein and viral vectors Work under minimal supervision and function within a collaborative, team-oriented environment. Ability to work in Biosafety Level 2, follow safe lab procedures, and maintain good laboratory practices (GLPs) including detail-oriented laboratory notebook documentation. Preferred Qualifications Experience with viral vector purification and characterization. Experience with SEC-HPLC, DLS, ddPCR/qPCR, Western blot, ELISA, FACS, immunoassays, spectroscopic and bioassay techniques. Experience with AKTA automated chromatography instruments, high-throughput liquid handlers, and automated filtration instruments. Experience with protein sequences and tools such as NanoSight 3000, Caliper LabChip GXII, Multi-Angle DLS (MADLS), ForteBio Octet, or similar instruments. Basic understanding of the principles of Quality by Design and ability to apply DOE to downstream development. Excellent communication skills and ability to build cross-functional relationships. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA PDN At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    iMove, the Sanofi VIE Program, is available to citizens of the European Economic Area (EU + Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland) aged between 18 and 28. PLEASE NOTE that since this program is primarily an international development program, candidates cannot apply to a VIE assignment in their own country of citizenship. PLEASE NOTE that applications that are only submitted in French cannot be considered by our non-French speaking partners at Sanofi worldwide. Therefore, only applications that are submitted in English will be considered. At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and is embedded in our Core Values. We respect the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our employees, patients and customers. We are looking for: Global Rare Disease HEVA and Market Access Manager - VIE Contract (W/M) Target start date: 01/11/2023 The Global Rare Disease HEVA and Market Access Manager will partner with Health Economics and Value Assessment (HEVA) lead and Market Access and Pricing (MAxP) lead to support the planning, design, implementation, and completion of innovative evidence-based research studies that are needed to gather evidence to successfully launch Sanofi rare disease products. He or she will support HEOR (Health Economics and Outcomes Research) and market access strategies. This position works within the Global Rare Disease Market Access team in Sanofi’s Rare Disease franchise by planning and generating robust health economics and value-based research. The research will provide appropriate evidence and/or tools to be used for internal decision making and for external audiences at product launch and over the product life cycle. The successful candidate will report to Market Access and Pricing (MAxP) leads, with dotted line management with the Health Economics and Value Assessment (HEVA) lead. Responsibilities: Execute approved studies and manage ongoing studies according to budget and timeline expectations:Manage and execute research studies to support the clinical, economic and humanistic value of products. Such studies may include, but are not limited to, burden of illness studies, epidemiology, literature reviews, meta-analysis, retrospective and prospective observational studies, economic evaluations, and patient-reported outcomesManage the HEVA evidence generation plan:Develop research plan with the HEVA Business Partner to support pre-launch, launch and post-launch evidence for investigational and marketed drugsMaximize product value propositions from both a global and US perspectiveDevelop and maintain effective relationships with key internal stakeholdersSet evidence generation priorities and direction for assigned responsibilities and incorporate this into appropriate planning documentsSupport contracting and project management activities Requirements: Master’s Degree in life sciences, pharmacy, public health, epidemiology, health policy, or a related fieldAt least1 year of experience in HEOR - Health Economics and Outcomes Research or market access, including pharmaceutical industry, Clinical Research Organization or academiaKnowledge of methods and principles of health economics and HTA (Health technology assessment) reviews. Demonstrated understanding of relevant methods (e.g., observational data, epidemiology, meta-analysis, indirect comparison, biostatistics) to show product value potentialStrong customer focus, project management, and analytical skills to translate clinical and economic information and messages into payer evidence strategiesComfort and familiarity with professional English conversation, writing, reading and analysesAble to work independently and in collaboration across cross-functional teams At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    The Pharmacokinetics, Dynamics, and Metabolism (PKDM) department at Sanofi contributes to the safe and effective therapeutic treatment of each patient by applying appropriate pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) principles to drug development and accelerating the process, where possible. PKDM generates, integrates, and leverages clinical and non-clinical PK, PK/PD and metabolism knowledge to support critical decision making and risk management for projects from first in human dosing through life cycle management. As such, we aid in dose selection/study design, de-risking of drug-drug interactions, benefit/risk assessment, and formulation development, with the use of Population PK, PK/PD, and PBPK approaches as appropriate, and contribute to regulatory submissions/interactions. Job Summary: PKDM at Sanofi is seeking a dynamic individual to serve as a PK/PD expert participating in multidisciplinary teams for clinical phase development projects mainly in oncology/immuno-oncology areas. This position will be based in Cambridge, MA Job Details: Provide input to project strategy under supervision from first-in-human through life cycle management phases for dose selection/study design, de-risking of drug-drug interactions, benefit/risk assessment, and formulation development Review and/or develop protocols, analysis plans, and study reports for nonclinical PK/ADME and clinical pharmacology studies Review and/or conduct PK and PK/PD analysis Provide input to (and participate in) regulatory interactions at key milestones Construct PK/PD/Clinical Pharmacology components of regulatory documents and rapid resolution of regulatory matters Minimum requirements: PhD in pharmacokinetics, pharmacometrics, clinical pharmacology, or other suitable post-graduate qualification Minimum 3 years of experience in clinical PK/PD, pharmacometrics, and/or clinical pharmacology Hand-on experience with PBPK, population PK and/or PK/PD modeling Preferred requirements: Strong written and verbal communication skills Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA PDN At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    The Biostatistics and Programming (B&P) Department mission is to provide innovative and rigorous statistical solutions to accelerate drug development and post-approval programs, with optimal chance of success, robust quality and efficient execution. Our Biostatisticians and Programmers find a share commitment to bring innovation and rigor to our diverse and competitive pipeline. Within B&P Department, the Global Head of Research Statistics will have to provide leadership, guidance, and strategic input to an international team of non-clinical statisticians supporting non-clinical efficacy and safety area. He/She will be accountable for all statistical aspects of projects and Research programs within the group, in particular for submission dossier as IND or CTD. He/She will act as a key statistical consultant within the company. He/She will manage a team of non-clinical study/project statisticians and group leaders and will be responsible for project staffing and resource planning to optimize the allocation of resources versus workload taking into business priorities. He/She will have the mission to foster team development and ensure satisfactory performance and project delivery. Main responsibilities Define the strategy of statistical support in the non-clinical area in collaboration with Biostatistics and Programming senior management and the key business stakeholders. Promote usage of sound statistics and lead initiatives to ensure reliability of results for decision making based on Research experiments all along the Research and Development value chain. Lead the statistical support for the Non-clinical Efficacy and Safety area and provide statistical expertise and guidance. Accountable for statistical aspects of projects within the group, in non-clinical studies and submissions activities, including quality, relevance to external stakeholders (e.g., regulatory authorities, medical journals), and scientific validity Manage a team of non-clinical study, project statisticians and group leaders. Define team members priorities, performance review and development areas. Responsible for appropriate resource planning and allocation. Promote teamwork, quality, operational efficiency, and innovation. Create productive work environment. Ensure team compliance with SOPs and departmental standards. Plan and track project activities, timelines, and resource use. Provide justification for planned resource needs. Seek to optimize resource utilization thru efficient and well-managed resource allocation and across projects or areas. Capacity to respond to unscheduled increase in projects workload. Ensure productive collaborations with other functions in the aligned project team and with other statistics project leaders and in communicating with senior leadership. Represent statistics to participate and lead key cross function initiatives Lead key department development initiatives About You PhD/MS in statistics or related discipline with more than 10/12 years of pharmaceutical experience Excellent knowledge of pharmaceutical environment in particular in the Research area Demonstrated very strong project management, interpersonal and communication skills Several years of experience in direct management of an international team Excellent knowledge and good understanding of advanced statistical concepts and techniques in particular used in non-clinical research area for efficacy and safety Proven successful experience of contribution to the non-clinical part of a submission dossier (IND, CTD), interactions with regulatory agencies or other external stakeholders Broad Experience in the Research area both for non-clinical efficacy and safety studies desired Outstanding ability to influence and to contribute to the advancement of innovative statistical methodology Ability to represent Sanofi in major cross-company activities such a consortiums or professional associations Fluent in English Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Position Overview/Department Description We seek a highly motivated Associate Director, IP Quality Control to join the Genomic Medicine Unit (GMU), a part of Sanofi’s CMC Development organization. The successful candidate will be responsible for leading an In-Process testing group, which supports the manufacturer of Sanofi’s clinical cell therapy products. The manager will have the overall responsibility to oversee the testing of rapid flow cytometry & alternative cell counting techniques, supporting qualification/validation of methods and bridging activities, where needed. The ideal candidate will have excellent communication and organization skills, and a proven ability to work with a high level of integrity, accuracy, and attention to detail. This group will be located in Framingham, MA and will have regular daytime hours, although flexibility to cover unforeseen challenges outside of these hours is required. Key Responsibilities: Leads an efficient team of three shifts (2xAM and 1xPM shifts) capable of consistently delivering in process testing (in process control and in process monitoring) to support the manufacturing of clinical cell therapy products in a GMP environment. Provide and supervise analytical support for manufacturing operations, including qualification of in-process methods and assist in technology transfers both internally and externally in support of GMP manufacturing. Ensures cGMP compliance through direct oversight and education of team members. Oversees the responsibility of scheduling testing personnel in coordination with other BioA leadership. Responsible for hiring, onboarding, training, and coaching and development of staff. Manages direct reports’ projects to achieve department and corporate goals, including managing timelines and leading group meetings. Work closely with process and analytical development teams, as well as manufacturing to continuously improve the analytical tools, efficiency and ways of working used to support in process testing and manufacturing. Leads, investigates, and collaborates with cross-functional stakeholders regarding quality systems, including quality investigations, deviations, CAPAs, change controls, and risk assessments. Manages direct reports’ projects to achieve department and corporate goals, including managing timelines and leading group meetings. Creates, revises, and reviews-controlled documents including Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), qualification protocols and technical reports. Serves as a technical SME for the team, troubleshoots problems independently Oversee internal and external assay transfers consistent with established procedures, and ensure compliance to procedures. Basic Qualifications: PhD in a relevant discipline and a minimum 8 years of relevant experience or Master’s degree in a relevant discipline with a minimum of 12 years of relevant experience or a Bachelor’s degree a relevant discipline with a minimum of 14 years of relevant experience A minimum of 2+ years direct supervisory experience Expertise in cGMP and Quality Metric Systems Experience in flow cytometry testing and/or development for a gene or cell therapy project Relevant demonstrated experience in troubleshooting flow cytometry-based analytical methods Proven ability to design and implement efficient ways of working and develop logistics and methods to handle high throughput and rapid turnaround testing. Excellent computer skills including Word, Excel, Outlook, equipment interfaces and electronic quality systems. Excellent organizational and communication skills Preferred Qualifications: Experience with business management and efficiency tools, for example Six Sigma, Lean tools, 5S Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA PDN At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Reference No. R2721425 Position Title: Market / MCO Generalist Leader Department: Marketing Hematology Location: Cambridge, MA The Director, Oncology Clinical Educators will report into the Commercial Team, Hematology Franchise Lead and is a field-based role. This person will be a key leader within the commercial organization and will work closely with cross-functional teams, including Marketing, Sales, Commercial Operations, Training & Development, Market Access & Strategic Accounts, Medical, Legal, and Compliance. The role will have US national responsibility. Responsibilities for building and sustaining a high-performing and diverse team of experienced oncology Nursing Professionals that primarily focused on non-branded disease state education, along with dosing and safety education to targeted HCPs including nurses, nurse navigators, pharmacy staff, advanced practice providers (APPs), such as Nurse Practitioners and Physician's Assistants As Director, OCE you will: Design, build and implement a high performing and diverse team of Clinical Educators for the Hematology franchise who will: Teach key external stakeholders (infusion nurses, other medical staff) using approved non-branded resources along with dosing, safety, and the infusion process aligned to current and future brands withing the Hematology/Oncology franchise Educate key customers on franchise products and the disease states for which they are indicated, including clinical education on appropriate patients, proper dosing, and safe and effective use of our products Educate nurses and other health care providers on adverse event (AE) profiles and appropriate patient management to support the safe and effective use of products, in a non-promotional discussion applying content consistent with labeling Speak at oncology nursing education events to educate a broad cross-section of nurses in an above-brand environment Create internal Ways of Working and roles & responsibilities of this team Develop KPIs with tools and measures to assure transparency and success Be an active contributor into the annual business/brand planning process with Marketing and leadership Prepare key deliverables for appropriate internal stakeholders Ensure strong individual and team collaboration and alignment across customer facing teams Identify, develop and lead opportunities for key strategic partnerships with relevant societies and conferences to support insight generation, educational outreach and strong external collaboration Overall team performance management, including coaching, training, development and evaluation Oversee recruiting, staffing, hiring, and training of team Ensure OCE team works within all appropriate regulations, company guidelines and has right level of guidance, training, and documentation to ensure compliance, including first-line monitoring Attend key congresses to represent SANOFI Hematology at the same time as building and developing customer relationships and gathering insights that can support program development Work closely with cross-functional teams, including Marketing, Sales, Commercial Operations, Training & Development, Market Access & Strategic Accounts, Medical, Legal, and Compliance Oversee with Marketing partner the creation of decks and resources specific for OCE team to use with Nursing/Mid-level HCP audience for education & manage budgeting of resources appropriately Qualifications Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing required; graduate degree a plus, OCN certification preferred & Graduate degree preferred in addition to active license Healthcare & clinical experience preferred Several years of work experience as a Clinical Educator, ideally within Oncology and/or Hematology Minimum of 5+ years of pharma/biotech or related experience with at least 10 years of experience in Oncology/Hematology; Multiple Myeloma experience preferred A minimum of 5 years+ of people leadership experience, with a preference towards experience in Oncology/Hematology Strong leadership abilities with demonstrated experience in leading and coaching teams Experience hiring and leading teams; ideally (but not essential) a nurse education team Deep knowledge of the oncology treatment process, hospital, clinical operation acumen and understands the patient’s journey A proven track record of successful projects delivery and positive performance results Ability to work with multiple internal cross-functional teams and successfully manage multiple projects simultaneously, ideally budgetary control as well Compliance focused with a good knowledge of applicable regulations and standards affecting Pharmaceutical Products in the US Excellent communication and presentation skills to interface with both internal and external stakeholders, cross-functional partners, and senior management Willingness to travel nationally as needed, approximately 50%-60% including overnight travel Strong technical skills and computer proficiency including Microsoft Office Suite and digital meeting platforms, such as MS Teams, Zoom, etc. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SG #LI-GZ At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Reports to: US General Manager, Dermatology, Respiratory and Gastroenterology. Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts (on-site required min. 2-3 days/week) The Senior Administrative Assistant, Dermatology, Respiratory and Gastroenterology, will report to the General Manager and will be responsible for providing project management and administrative support to the General Manager and US Leadership Team. This role requires a very high level of administrative skill and technical competence as the organization is complex and the brand a priority asset for Sanofi. Strong oral and written communication skills, flexibility, adaptability, collaboration, and the ability to manage multiple tasks of equal/varying priorities is essential. Responsibilities will include but not be limited to coordinating and managing key projects, booking and managing national and international travel, expense reporting, organizing meetings and administrative support for critical alliance activities. JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Manage multiple priorities in a fast-paced and demanding environment Prioritize conflicting needs; handle matters expeditiously, proactively, and follows-through on successful completion of GM tasks, often with deadline pressures Proactive calendar management for General Manager, including respecting ways of working and calendar blocks to ensure healthy work-life integration Pro-actively manage meeting logistics and arrange domestic and international travel Ensure efficient and compliant processing of expenses Proactively developing agendas and taking meeting minutes for alliance meetings such as Country Commercialization Committees (CCC) Prioritize and execute tasks with minimal direction or supervision Maintain a high level of confidentiality and professionalism at all times Interface with staff and senior level executives, external partners and consultants and keep the US senior leadership team updated on key information Model all Play to Win behaviors and contribute to a positive and inclusive culture Takes initiative and independently manages special/administrative projects Respond in a timely manner to various inquiries for information Schedule meetings/reserves conference rooms and organizes social events Ad hoc project support as needed by leadership team members Meets regularly with key LT members (e.g. Lead Franchise Operations) and other administrative team members to align on priorities and ensure clarity on roles and responsibilities for task execution Prepare documentation for payment of vendors, consultants, and suppliers; submit SOW and track lifecycle of submission thru execution of Purchase Orders; respond to inquiries from accounts payable and payees Learning and understanding the bigger picture of the franchise and organizations involved in key projects QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s Degree strongly preferred 5+ years executive administrative experience High level off proficiency in using technology including Microsoft Office Suite (Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, Word and others) High level of proficiency in scheduling and operating Zoom meetings Experience with SharePoint content administration Experience supporting senior-level business leaders Familiarity with pharma industry and business organization Excellent verbal and written communication skills High ethical standards, maintenance of confidentiality Ability to prioritize effectively and collaborate with cross-functional team members and other administrative staff Ability to navigate organization with minimal direction, in support of completing task Strong initiative, tact and diplomacy, and interpersonal skills a must NOTE: Internal applicants are encouraged to notify their manager of their application. Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary. Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SG #LI-GZ At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    POSITION OVERVIEW **12-hour rotating day shift positions- including overtime, weekends, and holidays as per business needs** Job Summary Position in a cGMP biologics facility which includes small scale and large scale upstream operations. Initial job responsibilities will include performing a diverse range of manufacturing related activities. The Manufacturing Associate will be responsible for performing a variety of complex tasks under general guidance and in accordance with the manufacturing instruction set and current GMPs. Core Responsibilities: Maintains a safe working environment and reporting of incidents/accidents to Manufacturing management. Effectively demonstrates understanding of GMPs and how they apply to specific responsibilities. Follows verbal and written procedures in operating production and equipment and performing processing steps; accurately completes appropriate production documentation. Maintains cleanliness and orderliness in process area Ensures production area is stocked with supplies. Interacts with other support functions such as Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Manufacturing Engineering, MSIT, Validation, etc. Utilizes manufacturing knowledge to improve process operations and affect positive change. Demonstrates ability to troubleshoot basic mechanical operations. Effectively utilizes Microsoft Office applications. Mentors less experienced operators. Performs in process sampling and analytical testing. Measures raw materials and operates benchtop instruments. Builds, cleans, and sterilizes equipment to support other manufacturing groups. Additional Responsibilities: Demonstrates general knowledge of purification processes and automation system (INFOR, MES, ERP, DeltaV). Demonstrates general knowledge and practice of aseptic techniques. Continuous Improvement: Contributes to continual improvement of all manufacturing documentation (SOPs MBRs, OJTs) to ensure they are current, accurate, and clear Supports plant floor continuous improvement initiatives. LEADERSHIP QUALIFICATIONS An ongoing commitment to conducting our global business according to the highest legal and ethical standards, and to continually pursue excellence in the development and delivery of all of our products and services. This includes: Adhering to all applicable laws and regulations of the places in which we conduct business, as well as our own Company policies and procedures. Being honest and treating people with respect and courtesy. Constantly striving to make Sanofi Genzyme a great place to work, and a company respected for the quality of its people and products. Acting as role models for our fellow employees by acting responsibly, fairly, and honestly in our dealings and exercising sound judgment in performing our jobs. BASIC QUALIFICATIONS High School diploma/GED with 3-5 years of experience in a cGXP environment, or a Bachelor’s degree with 1-3 years of experience. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS Biotech Certificate or Associates degree with 2-4 years of experience in a cGXP environment, or Bachelor's degree with 1-3 years of experience. Effectively uses process automation systems to operate production processes (i.e. DeltaV). Familiarity with Deviation Management Systems (i.e. Trackwise, Phenix). SPECIAL WORKING CONDITIONS Ability to lift up to 50 lbs. Ability to stand on average 10 hours per shift. Ability to gown and gain entry to manufacturing areas. Ability to work a twelve hour rotating shift and every other weekend, including holidays as scheduled. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SG #LI-GZ At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Senior Associate Scientist, Genome Engineering-NGS, Genomic Medicine Unit Job Description: We are seeking a Sr. Associate Scientist to be part of a team focused on next generation sequencing in genome and cellular engineering in the Genomic Medicine Unit. The successful candidate will play a key supporting role in application of genome editing technology as an approach for treatment of cancer, rare blood and/or rare genetic diseases. Specifically, the remit of the candidate will be to: Support the implementation of next-generation sequencing techniques to characterize the genotype following genetic engineering. Collaborate cross-functionally with team members to process genomic DNA samples to produce sequencing data as efficiently as possible. Responsible for applying scientific expertise and judgement to initiate, design and execute experiments in a time sensitive manner. Fosters creativity, productivity, execution with a sense of urgency, scientific integrity, and accountability. Maintains a collaborative culture. Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree plus minimum 4 years of relevant research experience in an academic or biopharmaceutical setting OR Master’s Degree plus minimum 1 year of relevant research experience in an academic or biopharmaceutical setting. Direct next-generation sequencing experience during the above time periods is required. Prior experience with the following is preferred: Determination of on- and off-target CRISPR-based editing by next generation sequencing. Sequencing primer design and library preparation using diverse, state-of-the-art techniques. Operation of Illumina miSeq and NextSeq instruments. Familiarity with NGS data analysis platforms Experience with laboratory automation for sequencing Demonstrated ability to independently design, execute, interpret and present experimental results. Flexibility to adapt to rapidly changing priorities and deadlines in a dynamic, fast paced industry and work environment. Experience in preparing high quality documents including technical reports, presentations, SOPs, experimental protocols and regulatory filings. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Candidates must be authorized to work in the USA. Sanofi US Services, Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA PDN At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    The People Excellence COE Talent Acquisition Operations Specialist will be responsible for supporting the Talent Acquisition (TA) COE in the production and analysis of TA metrics, continuous improvement, and operational support to the NA Talent Acquisition team. Responsibilities will include: Be an active member of the Talent Acquisition organization, whose goal is to transform recruitment into an innovative and consistently top-performing function focused on the candidate experience and manager satisfaction Responsible for introducing and standardizing regular audit and compliance practices in TA processes Deliver operational reporting and analytics Maintain a working knowledge of Recruiting business processes and implements opportunities Increase the function’s overall reliability and productivity through targeted Continuous Improvement (CI) projects focused on best practice and standardization Manage projects independently, with stakeholders based remotely across the globe appreciating the different marketplaces Stay current and informed on industry best practices including new and innovative recruiting strategies, systems and technologies. Collaboratively work with TA leaders, recruiters and the business with related projects and tool utilization (LinkedIn CRM, Job Postings, Video Interviewing, etc.). including a focus on Inclusion and Diversity Provide recommendations to TA leadership team to continually assess the effectiveness of recruiting tools and processes efficiently and/or improving over time. Manage the internal and external audits and compliance initiatives to adhere to required local regulation. Responsible for handling complex and confidential information in a secure, dependable, timely and credible manner. Partner with regional external partners / internal teams on their data and reporting to ensure consistency of delivery Perform system testing for applicant tracking system enhancements and new technology implementations Employee Referral Program support Providing project support and coordination on Sanofi’s digital initiatives Recommend new approaches and improvements to current processes and procedures, to support an environment of continuous improvement. Requirements & Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree in Human Resources or related field A minimum of 1-3 years related experience in Talent Acquisition or Human Resources with a strong foundational knowledge of recruiting/hiring best practices Complete proficiency in MS Office Suite (advanced Excel skills and reporting is a must) Demonstrated organizational, analytical and problem-solving skills and the proven ability to comprehend technical HR related systems architecture Capable Internet user (search and social networking tools, etc.) and proven ability to pick up new computer programs/systems/applications quickly Knowledge of Applicant Tracking Systems (Workday preferred) Strong interpersonal skills as well as excellent written and verbal communication skills with demonstrated ability to oversee and deliver across multiple tasks and deadlines while adapting to a changing environment Ability to synthesize data, metrics and analysis across multiple systems, internal and external data sources Experience with creating PowerPoint presentations to tell a compelling story using data Ability to deliver results with mainly remote supervision in a highly dynamic, highly matrixed, and ambiguous working environment High tolerance for multi-tasking and juggling multiple priorities and deadlines with the ability Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Project Description: Sanofi has committed to the eco-design of its top 30 marketed products. This project involves the first steps in the eco-design process: Collection and analysis of data needed to build a life cycle inventory of a biological medicine. Process flow maps and process bill of material data will be used to build the life cycle inventory. Collection and analysis of environmental footprint information from the manufacturing sites involved in the production of a biological medicine including a) active pharmaceutical ingredient production, b) medical devices required to deliver a biological medicine to the patient and c) filling and packaging of the medical devices involved with introducing a biological medicine into the marketplace. Working with Sanofi experts and consultants will be required throughout the project to ensure the collection of all necessary data to complete the life cycle inventory and deliver an ISO Certifiable product life cycle assessment. Required Skills: Data collection, analysis, and reporting of information necessary to complete a product life cycle assessment on 1 or more Sanofi Biological medicines. Researching internal material data sources found within Sanofi and from external suppliers. Strong communication skills to work with multiple stakeholders from across the product life cycle. Knowledge of Life Cycle Assessment and ISO 14040 Life Cycle Assessment Standard desired. Key Learnings: This project will provide real world experience in completing an environmental life cycle assessment, including the experience of working with Sanofi biopharma process engineering experts and internal and external experts in Environmental Life Cycle Assessment. The project will also provide valuable insights into the environmental impacts associated with Biopharma manufacturing and the opportunities to minimize these impacts through life cycle assessment action planning process. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SG #LI-GZ At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Sanofi Global MSAT (Manufacturing Sciences, Analytics, and Technology) acts as a crucial link between our R&D and Manufacturing facilities, playing a vital role in securing the present portfolio and delivering future launches of high-quality and innovative drugs and vaccines. By driving its own transformation, Global MSAT fulfills an important function by providing day-to-day Manufacturing Support, focusing on technical and process aspects, effective Life Cycle Management, process robustness enhancement, and yield improvement to optimize performance. Join our global network and contribute to the launch of 3 to 5 new products annually across various modalities, enabling us to reach and serve more patients and communities. Collaborate with a team of talented and passionate international experts, scientists, and project leaders who are dedicated to inventing, designing, and implementing cutting-edge industrial chemical and biological processes, analytical methods, and process modelling, all in support of Sanofi’s best-in-class ambition. This global role will be tasked with the rapid creation of a new global MSAT Recombinant Protein organization and associated change management for about 300 people located in 5 countries and focused on recombinant Drug Substance processes including related analytics of all M&S GBUs. It includes oversight over industrial development and processes on mammalian and microbial Drug Substances, analytical activities, manufacturing support and new product introductions into the M&S industrial site network. This global role will be giving high performant & best in class organization set up in terms of right first time, accelerated deliveries and talent managements, as well as strategic scientific and technological direction for drug substance processes on recombinant products. In cooperation with the global head of Injectables representing the Drug product part of those recombinant products the organizations impact significantly financial performance of the group. In addition to the leadership of the technology platform for recombinant Drug Substances this role will be the Industrial Development Business Partner for the M&S GBU Specialty Care serving all products from an E2E perspective and representing MSAT in respective executive leadership teams, Scientific Boards with R&D and further decision-making committees. Company-paid relocation benefits are being offered for this position. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES: Define, drive and implement strategies on Drug Substance technologies & industrial development for driving profitability, growth and launch of Sanofi’s biologic’s portfolio across GBUs by giving scientific and technological direction namely leveraging cutting edge science and technology. Full scope covered is therapeutic modalities of biologics and vaccines produced in mammalian cell culture and microbial systems like yeast, bacteria and baculoviruses.Be the unique representative of M&S Specialty Care GBU Leadership team and the voice of the GBU in MSAT function.Drive Change and Transformation of the organization and pioneer new organizational models, challenge the status quo and empower teams to focus on delivering business value and drive innovation and leverage Science and Technology for performance of the manufacturing network.Lead talent development and ensure performance mindset shift for the techno platform.Global leadership for Process LCM, scale up & process validation of new products transferred from CMC-Dev or next generation commercial processes. Take full accountability of Technology Transfers, process validation and control strategies of manufacturing processes entering M&S from R&D in Sanofi’s entire manufacturing network and ensuring the new product launches.Ensure scientific and technical leadership is provided for commercial products (internal and CMOs) to prevent process related deviations (lead continued process verification, provide multi-site process oversight and ensure efficient routine process monitoring is delivered), as well as for complex troubleshooting across the sites and scientific support required to support discussions in inspections.Develop and lead integrated teams of biotechnologists, biochemists, process engineers, and bioanalytical experts to develop innovative, competitive, cost-efficient, sustainable, environmentally friendly and efficient manufacturing processes delivering on Growth and Profitability of Sanofi’s entire biologics business. Ensure securing such intellectual property on manufacturing processes by filing process and technology patents for Sanofi.Lead, manage and ensure further develop MSAT internal pilot plant capabilities and produce technical and GMP batches as part of industrial development programs.Foster an external network of strategic partnerships with high profile academic laboratories as well as with key innovative biotechnology partners. Use and further develop cutting edge technologies as Automation, High Throughput Experimentation, continues processing in collaboration with internal and external partners.Develop strategies in collaboration with Global Regulatory Affairs as well as the Business Unit Franchise Heads and Global Supply Chain to industrialize next generation manufacturing processes and positioning them effectively in the global markets taking into account regulatory requirements as well as industrial volume strategies. ABOUT YOU Experience:Broad and long-term experience in the biologics/ biochemistry/ pharmaceutical industry in R&D and/or industrial development, industrial operations and GMP considerations, global CMC projects. 15 to 20 years of experience in a pharmaceutical company.Soft skills:Strategic thinking:Results orientationRelationship & InfluenceCommit to Patients and full product quality.Issue resolution and decision-making skillsTechnical skills:High experience in exposure to change management and transversal collaborationProven capabilities to lead a cross-functional team in a matrix organization; Experience in strategic CMC/development project lead roles; Global exposure and stakeholder management experienceStrong scientific background in biological processes (mammalian and/or microbial) and products in development, scale up, technology transfer and operationGood understanding of Financials and business case buildingEducation:PhD/Master’s degree in Life Sciences and/or Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Biology, Biochemistry, Pharmacy or related. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA; #LI-SA At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Reference No. R2720303 Position Title: Consumer Experience Motion Design Lead Department: Visual Design Location: Cambridge, MA Purpose & Context Are you passionate about creating captivating and delightful motion design for digital products? Do you have the skills and vision to lead the motion design strategy for our consumer products across multiple platforms and devices? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you as a CX Motion Design Lead. As a CX Motion Design Lead/Associate Director, you will be the mastermind behind the animations, micro interactions, and experiences that make our products stand out and delight our users. You will be responsible for defining and executing the motion design direction, guidelines, and best practices for our products, ensuring consistency and coherence across all touchpoints. In your new role, you will collaborate closely with UX designers, product managers, engineers, and other stakeholders to deliver high-quality motion solutions that enhance the user experience and brand identity. You will also mentor and coach other motion designers on the team, fostering a culture of excellence and innovation. To be successful, you will need to have a strong portfolio of motion design work for digital products, demonstrating your ability to create engaging and elegant animations and interactions for different platforms and devices. You will also need to have excellent communication and presentation skills, the ability to work in a fast-paced and collaborative environment and have a deep understanding of the principles of motion design, user-centered design, and accessibility. Responsibilities Providing creative leadership and vision for motion design projects, ensuring the delivery of high-quality, visually appealing animations and videos. Overseeing and managing multiple projects, including client communication, budget tracking, and on-time delivery. Leading a team of motion designers, providing guidance, feedback, and mentoring to ensure they produce outstanding work. Collaborating with stakeholders and the creative team to develop concepts that align with project objectives and goals. Hands-on motion design work, producing animations and videos that meet the highest standards. Ensuring that all work meets our quality and brand standards, reviewing and providing feedback on team members' work. Stay up to date with the latest industry trends and tools in motion design and ensuring that the team utilizes the best techniques and technologies. Building and maintaining strong relationships with team and stakeholders, understanding their needs, and managing client feedback effectively. Responsible for the financial aspects of projects, including cost estimation and budget tracking. Collaborating with the wider creative team, including CX Designers, copywriters, illustrators and video editors, to create cohesive and impactful visual content. Key Qualifications A bachelor's degree in motion design, or a related field. Minimum of 10 years of experience in motion design, with a proven track record of leading successful projects. Proficiency in industry-standard motion design software and tools. A strong portfolio showcasing a wide range of motion design work, including animations, videos, and other relevant projects. Strong communication skills, both written and verbal. Knowledge of the latest industry trends and a passion for pushing the boundaries of motion design. Project management experience and a demonstrated ability to meet deadlines and budgets. Desired traits A strong creative sense and the ability to translate ideas into compelling and effective motion designs. Proven experience in leading and mentoring a team of motion designers, fostering a collaborative and innovative work environment. Excellent communication and relationship-building skills to understand stakeholder needs and exceed their expectations. Proficiency in motion design software and tools such as Adobe After Effects, Cinema 4D, and more. The ability to adapt to changing project requirements, tight deadlines, and evolving industry trends. Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to find creative solutions to challenges that may arise during a project. Excellent project management skills, including the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously and deliver on time and on budget. Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary. Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    POSITION OVERVIEW: As a Talent Acquisition Partner, you will support the total talent process within an assigned Business Unit or Functions, such as Specialty Care and Consumer; Digital and Corporate Functions; R&D and Mrna; and Manufacturing and Supply, Vaccines and General Medicines. This individual will be responsible for setting and leading the end-to-end search strategy, as well as executing and leading metric-driven search assignments, while also ensuring the organization is focused, successful and competitive to meet recruitment goals. This individual will also deliver best-in-class relationship management with candidates, internal/external clients and partners, and vendors. Design and manage strategic recruitment projects related to diversity. Demonstrated experience in proactively leading client relationships in addition to proactive talent attraction tools are essential for these positions. The Talent Acquisition Partner will proactively identify and implement forward-thinking attraction and passive sourcing strategies in response to the business needs and will be responsible for identifying and assessing internal and external talent. This position will be accountable for driving these strategies through collaboration with our People Business Partners and Hiring Managers to ensure the timely and cost- effective identification and selection of high quality and diverse talent required to achieve business short- and long-term goals. Key Responsibilities: •  Partner with Hiring Managers to design, implement, and execute talent acquisition strategies. Provide guidance on selection processes and hiring decisions based on the Sanofi Leadership model. •  Proactively generate a continual, diverse pipeline of highly qualified candidates. •  Responsible for delivering weekly, quarterly, and annual performance and status reporting to HR and Line Managers with complete transparency on progress against open positions as well as any potential barriers and risk factors to completing search objectives. •   Develop proactive communication strategies to inform clients and People Business Partners about the status of open searches. •  Participate in conferences, industry organizations, and networking events to amplify Sanofi’s presence in the marketplace. •  Create and utilize innovative and aggressive recruitment methods that are designed to deliver an exceptional, diverse pool of candidates to Hiring Managers in an effective and efficient manner. •  Consult with and advise clients on all Sanofi recruitment processes, such as using the Workday Applicant Tracking System, creating and posting requisitions, facilitating resume reviews, assessment of candidates, debrief sessions, and candidate tracking. •  Successful performance against staffing metrics including, but not limited to: Number of Positions Filled, Time to Fill, Diversity, Source of Hire, Offer/Acceptance, Cost Per Hire, and other internal measurements and standards that drive an effective talent acquisition process. •  Lead the overall talent acquisition effort for assigned functional clients with the goal of driving local or country-wide staffing projects as assigned. •  Facilitating ‘Recruiting Strategy Discussion’ meetings to set mutually agreed upon deliverables and expectations. •  Proactively and continuously utilizes effective sourcing strategies (passive and non-passive) in an effort to build a network of high quality, diverse candidates for current and future openings. •  Consults with People Business Partners and Hiring Managers regarding specific diversity recruitment goals and develops and implements appropriate tactics ensuring diverse candidate slate for each position. •  Provides appropriate counsel and recommendations throughout the entire acquisition process on candidate assessment and selection, offer recommendation, and other guidance as necessary. •  Negotiates employment offers and successfully closes candidates. •  Serves as consultant and regularly informs of trends in the labor marketplace. •  Proactively identifies recruitment challenges, and provides timely and proper solutions. •  When applicable, engages with Sanofi and Outside Counsel to ensure facilitation of relevant visa processes. •  Regular analysis and reporting of recruitment results to People Business Partner and clients, including monthly or bi-monthly presentation of recruitment results at client staff meetings. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree and 5 years of professional recruitment experience and/or relevant experience with transferrable skills. Preferred Qualifications: •  Experience recruiting within the medical, life sciences, bio-tech, pharma, or related industries and/or recruiting for Corporate, Engineering, R&D, Sales, Marketing, IT within a mid to large matrixed organization. •  AIRS, and DDI or Lominger certification desired. •  Experience utilizing applicant tracking systems; prior use of Workday and Fieldglass is a plus. •  Experience with a broad range of recruiting methodologies including sourcing capabilities (active and passive), internet, employee referrals, professional networking, etc. •  Demonstrated experience managing the candidate process orchestrating a positive candidate experience throughout. •  Prior use of behavioral-based interviewing and selection models required. •  Prior experience managing retained searches very desirable. •  Recruitment experience gained at a contingency or retained search firm experience a plus. •  Experience with Digital, IT technologies namely Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), etc. would be highly preferred. •  Must have strong business acumen and savvy.   Pursue progress, discover extraordinary Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    In the race for the future of health – The Sanofi mRNA Center of Excellence (CoE) At Sanofi, we believe in a world in which no one suffers or dies from vaccine-preventable diseases. And while the pandemic has shaken up our industry, creating new opportunities and risks, we believe the acceleration of innovation with mRNA technology means vaccines for more people faster than before. That’s why we’re looking for bold, optimistic world-changers to join the team at our mRNA Center of Excellence. We’re investing €400m a year into the new Center, hiring a team of more than 600 dedicated employees for it and using it as the foundation to implement integrated end-to-end mRNA vaccine capabilities and research with R&D, digital and CMC teams. Bring your ambition and optimism for the future to Sanofi. Join us! About the Opportunity: The Bioanalytical team in Discovery Biology is looking for a skilled, highly motivated, and laboratory-focused Principal Scientist with a passion for applying mass spectrometry-based solutions to scientific challenges encountered in the development of next generation mRNA vaccines. The successful candidate will focus on implementing and applying novel proteomic strategies in our lab, and will also conduct lipid analyses. The candidate will collaborate across teams within the Discovery Biology group and with cross-functional teams within the mRNA CoE at Sanofi. Key Responsibilities: Plan, carry out and interpret wet lab proteomic activities for mRNA-LNP mechanism of action studies in biological systems. Develop, optimize, and conduct targeted LC-MS quantitative assays for protein quantitation by peptide surrogate. Develop, optimize, and carry out sample preparation protocols. Operate LC-MS instruments (QE-HF, ZenoToF 7600, Triple Quad 6500+). Troubleshoot LC-MS issues, and coordinate preventative maintenance and repairs. Author technical reports, study protocols and manuscripts for publication. Prepare scientific presentations and report progress at internal and external meetings/conferences. Bring forth new ideas and technologies to remain at the forefront of innovation. Work closely with cross-functional teams within the mRNA CoE. Serve as an expert and internal consultant on relevant scientific projects. Basic Qualifications: PhD in Analytical Chemistry or related sciences 4+ years of relevant experience in pharma industry. Demonstrated expertise in mass spectrometry characterization and quantitation of proteins, peptides, oligonucleotides, lipids and small molecules (4+ years ideal). Mass spec data analysis experience with eg. Xcalibur, Sciex OS, Proteome Discoverer, BioPharma Finder. Experience with protein biochemistry and sample preparation techniques. Experience developing and optimizing sample preparation methods. Experience analyzing and compiling large datasets. Excellent interpersonal relationship skills and strong oral/written communication abilities. Self-motivated and able to function independently as well as part of a team. Preferred Qualifications: LC-MS experience with lipid analysis Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SP #LI-SP PDN At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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