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    エスエス製薬について 「全ての人々の健康を願い、革新による価値の創造を追及し、信頼され、親しまれるコンシューマーヘルスケアの担い手を目指す」をミッションとし、OTC医薬品(一般用医薬品)をお届けする製薬会社として、エスエス製薬は1765年の創業以来、人々の健やかで明るい暮らしに、革新的な製品と確かな製剤技術で応えてきました。 高齢化社会を迎え、生活者の健康志向が高まる中、「セルフメディケーション」の浸透はその重要性を増しています。また、ライフスタイルの多様化により、生活者の視点に立った製品開発が、一層求められています。このような中、エスエス製薬は「顧客志向」を徹底し、「スイッチOTC医薬品」をはじめとした革新的な製品開発と、生活者ニーズに対応した情報提供によって、皆さまの健康と生活の質の向上に貢献しています。 エスエス製薬は、サノフィグループの一員です。フランス・パリを本拠とするサノフィは、グローバルヘルスケアリーダーとして100カ国以上で事業を展開し、幅広い医療ソリューションの創出・研究開発・販売を行っています。 組織部門について  エンジニアリンググループはエスエス製薬の成田工場に所属しており、成田工場の建築物、ユーティリティ関連設備の保全業務および新規設備の導入等の投資案件のエンジニアリング業務を実施しています。今回募集するEngineer(Utility Facility)は、GMP施設として適切な建物の維持と安定したユーティリティ供給を指名としております。製造・HSE・購買・サプライチェ-ン・品質部門などの多くの組織を巻き込みながら、外部ベンダーとの円滑なコミュニケーションと協力関係を構築し、適切なメンテンス業務の遂行と投資プロジェクトリードを担って頂きます。 主な職責 建築物、ユーティリティ及び関連設備の保全業務定期保全作業トラブル調査、及び復旧作業キャリブレーション ・保全データの収集エネルギー関連の情報収集保全作業全般に関する指導建築物、ユーティリティ及び関連設備に関する技術業務新規設備導入等のプロジェクトエンジニアリングリード技術支援作業に関する指導工場他部門のプロジェクトエンジニアリング作業の補佐業務改善業務改善に関する情報収集、調査、提案省エネ対策関連業務安全作業の確保安全基準に準拠した安全点検の実施安全作業の指導(外部ベンダーや請負業者)安全作業教育に関する提案環境保護関連業務 排水管理作業エンジニアリンググループのISO14001活動その他海外とのミーティングサポート(英語) 必須要件建設業界、設備会社、エンジニアリング会社、メーカーでの業務経験設備投資にエンジニアとして携わった経験(ボイラー、ユーティリティー設備等) 優遇要件 ユーティリティ関連設備の保全にかかわる業務経験3年GMP(IQ,OQ,PQ)に関わる実務経験工事監督経験3年以上機械設備、電気設備の知識安全衛生の知識ビジネスでの英語使用経験 求められるスキル 課題に対して粘り強く、誠実に対応できる能力周囲に対してリーダーシップが取れる能力自ら問題を発見し解決する能力異なる背景を持った人たちとも尊敬と威厳を持ち良好な関係を構築できるコミュニケーションスキル変化に対応できる高い柔軟性Microsoft Office(Word/Excel/Power point)の使用スキル 就労環境(抜粋) 勤務時間:8:15~17:00勤務地:成田工場(成田駅から徒歩10分)車通勤:可フレックス制度:あり(コアタイム無) ・ 試用期間:3か月 At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    エスエス製薬について 「全ての人々の健康を願い、革新による価値の創造を追及し、信頼され、親しまれるコンシューマーヘルスケアの担い手を目指す」をミッションとし、OTC医薬品(一般用医薬品)をお届けする製薬会社として、エスエス製薬は1765年の創業以来、人々の健やかで明るい暮らしに、革新的な製品と確かな製剤技術で応えてきました。 高齢化社会を迎え、生活者の健康志向が高まる中、「セルフメディケーション」の浸透はその重要性を増しています。また、ライフスタイルの多様化により、生活者の視点に立った製品開発が、一層求められています。このような中、エスエス製薬は「顧客志向」を徹底し、「スイッチOTC医薬品」をはじめとした革新的な製品開発と、生活者ニーズに対応した情報提供によって、皆さまの健康と生活の質の向上に貢献しています。 エスエス製薬は、サノフィグループの一員です。フランス・パリを本拠とするサノフィは、グローバルヘルスケアリーダーとして100カ国以上で事業を展開し、幅広い医療ソリューションの創出・研究開発・販売を行っています。 組織部門について  プロダクトポートフォリオマネジメントグループはエスエス製薬の成田工場に所属しており、新製品の導入・製造所変更に伴う技術移管・安定生産の維持・品質向上やコスト削減を実現するための施策を管轄しています。 今回募集する同グループのメンバーは、製造・品質・サプライチェーン・研究開発部署などの多くの組織を巻き込みながら、積極的なコミュニケーションに基づいて協力関係を構築すると共に、新製品の生産体制確立と安定供給、品質、生産性に関する改善施策の立案および実行を担います。 主な職責 新製品の生産体制確立工場内の部署と工場以外の関連部署をつなぐ窓口としてのコーディネイトと調整対応研究開発部署と協同して工場への製造技術移管を実行各適格性評価やバリデーションなど通常生産への移行アクションの実行上市スケジュールの管理安定供給、品質、生産性に関する改善施策の立案および実行改善施策に対する具体的なアクションの策定とスケジュール管理実現性評価などの検証を目的としたトライアルの実行(ラボスケールまたはフルスケールなど)各トライアルにおける計画書及び報告書の作成その他上記の様な各プロジェクトについて、リーダー又はメンバーとして関与し運営及びアクションを実行する。工場の戦略目標、製品ポートフォリオおよび製造プロセスの理解GMPおよび関連法規の理解と医薬品の製造管理に必要とされる関係書類の作成関連部署への情報発信/説明および合意の形成組織としての目標達成を鑑みた柔軟なグループ内サポート 必須要件 大卒およびそれに準ずる資格製薬業界での就業経験製剤開発、処方改良または製造技術移管の経験製造業における生産技術(品質向上やコスト削減など)またはプロジェクトマネジメントおよびそれに準ずる経験 優遇要件 クロスファンクショナルプロジェクトのリーダー経験ビジネスレベルの英語 求められるスキル 定量的に状況を分析する能力自ら問題を発見し解決する能力異なる背景を持った人たちとも尊敬と威厳を持ち良好な関係を構築できるコミュニケーションスキル変化に対応できる高い柔軟性Microsoft office(Word/Excel/Power point)の使用スキル 労働環境(抜粋) 勤務時間:8:15~17:00勤務地:成田工場(成田駅から徒歩10分)車通勤:可フレックス制度:あり(コアタイム無)試用期間:3か月 At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Key Account Manager – TZIELD Who You Are You have a hunter mentality and are a quick learner - always seeking to be impactful with your actions, continuously improving yourself, your team, and the world around you You thrive on direct, honest, and supportive feedback and communication You are an excellent business planner and problem solver, happy to work in ambiguity to achieve your goals You are a great matrix leader and partner - extremely organized, dependable, nimble, and self-motivated with the ability to excel in a fast-paced environment You are very patient, and customer focused with passion to make a difference The Team You will be joining the National TZIELD Sales Team within the Diabetes Commercial organization and will work closely with an internal matrix team. The National Sales Team for TZIELD is an elite sales team that is launching an innovative first in class treatment for the delay of the onset of clinical Type 1 Diabetes. The focus is to clinically educate, facilitate the identification of at-risk patients through screening, and work closely with key accounts and other relevant customers to treat patients in a timely and efficient manner. Key responsibilities Expertise in clinical data, disease education, diagnostics, product information, selling skills, business analytics and market trends Develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of each identified key account including strategic goals, value drivers, key access stakeholders, relevant business metrics, and unique challenges/emerging needs Develop account plans including prioritization, integration of vertical pathways and identification of spheres of influence Develop deep understanding of contracting/ product access processes at key accounts, internal and external workflows, key stakeholders, business segment and clinical evaluation/screening models Develop and deepen strategic partnerships. Account interactions to include but are not limited to endocrinology / immunology ‘C-suite’ executives and key population health decision makers at the account Perform targeted educational engagements with top community & health system/IDN accounts Support clinical advocacy (e.g., gaining KOL endorsement) & ensure coverage on provider pathways, EMRs and/or formularies. Understand pull-through hurdles, org structures & customer ways of working to ensure cross-functional/ departmental coordination Collaborating closely with cross functional team members to identify and resolve customer needs appropriately and with a high sense of urgency Attending local, regional, and national meetings as directed Maintaining strict adherence to all legal, regulatory, ethical, administrative, and financial duties Planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating marketing programs including lectures, patient meetings, speaker programs, dinner programs and others Achieving and exceeding assigned monthly, quarterly, and annual sales quotas Qualifications B.A. / B.S. degree required; advanced degree preferred Have a valid driver’s license and willingness to travel on the job (~50% of travel given field-based role) Experience Proven track record of success in various field-based sales roles Demonstrated entrepreneurial mindset with hunter mentality A solution-oriented mindset enabling effective and creative problem solving with customers’ needs as a primary focus An outstanding communicator and networker with strong negotiating skills Promote and lead with direct, honest, and supportive communication Ability to develop organizational capabilities while influencing others Lead and inspire others when facing highly ambiguous, complex situations Eager to improve oneself, the immediate team, and the greater community Utilize effective, professional communications to cultivate strong working relationships with both internal and external colleagues; displays flexibility in your approach to people and situation L 3-1 Level Up to 50% travel Candidates must complete all fleet safety training and must maintain an acceptable driving record regarding accidents and incidents. The salary range for this position is $116,156.25 to $154,875.00. In addition to sales incentive (role may my eligible for long term incentive depending on level and performance); all compensation will be determined commensurate with demonstrated experience. Employees may be eligible to participate in Company employee benefit programs. Additional benefits information can be found through the link, www.benefits.sanofiusallwell.com Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Position Title: Vaccines Sales Professional – (San Francisco, CA sales territory) Who You Are: You are a self-motivated sales professional who is equally passionate about our Credo – to live in a world where no one suffers or dies from a vaccine-preventable disease. You understand the importance of achieving your business goals through a customer focused plan of action and being a team player by sharing your knowledge and positive energy to support team success. One of the many qualities you have is discovering your customer’s needs to align on common goals and being open to doing things differently to achieve better results. Where You Will Work: (Main hub is San Francisco. Territory stretches from Burlingame to Fort Bragg) The Team: Sanofi Pasteur Regional Sales is responsible for the promotion and sales of vaccines for children and adults. We are a team of sales professionals, passionate in our commitment to prevent deaths from preventable diseases and to our customers and their patients. We share a culture of company and employee commitment where we value the talent of our team members and the achievement of our business goals. Job Highlights: The Vaccines Sales Professional (VS) is responsible for achieving/exceeding annual territory sales quotas across a diverse customer base within both public and private sectors (e.g. Physician Offices & Medical Groups, Integrated Health Networks, State Departments of Health, Vaccine for Children’s program, Federally Qualified Health Centers). The VS will engage customers through virtual and face to face interactions, achieving the optimal reach, frequency, and outcomes through appropriate planning and call implementation. The VS is required to develop and maintain expertise in disease and product knowledge, utilization of business data, business planning and organization, customer engagement and selling skills, team collaboration, technical skills, and territory administration. The VS is expected to have a thorough understanding of the national brand strategy, brand messaging and resources to effectively implement specific account action plans based upon their unique marketplace. The VS is required to develop a strategic partnership with his/her customers using the Sanofi Pasteur sales model to uncover customer business needs and identify product/non-product opportunities to address their needs. VS is responsible for embracing team selling by communicating, collaborating, and orchestrating with other appropriate field and home office team members to ensure an aligned Sanofi Pasteur approach to customers. Basic Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree from an accredited four-year college or university (or the equivalent if education obtained outside of the United States) 2 years of pharmaceutical and/or business to business sales experience or related experience Preferred Qualifications: Candidates who reside within the territory or a commutable distance The Fine Print: Candidate possesses a valid driver’s license and a record of safe driving according to Sanofi policy Candidate is able to provide 2 years of performance review documentation Candidates must complete all fleet safety training and must maintain an acceptable driving record regarding accidents and incidents. As a healthcare company and a vaccine manufacturer, Sanofi has an important responsibility to protect individual and public health. All US based roles require individuals to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as part of your job responsibilities. The salary range for this position is $78,986.25 - 105,315.00 (USD). In addition to sales incentive (role may my eligible for long term incentive depending on level and performance); all compensation will be determined commensurate with demonstrated experience. Employees may be eligible to participate in Company employee benefit programs. Additional benefits information can be found through the link, www.benefits.sanofiusallwell.com Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SP #LI-SP At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Position Title: Vaccines Sales Professional – (Monterey, CA - and about a 40-mile radius northwest to San Mateo, East to Salinas and the area in between) Who You Are: You are a self-motivated sales professional who is equally passionate about our Credo – to live in a world where no one suffers or dies from a vaccine-preventable disease. You understand the importance of achieving your business goals through a customer focused plan of action and being a team player by sharing your knowledge and positive energy to support team success. One of the many qualities you have is discovering your customer’s needs to align on common goals and being open to doing things differently to achieve better results. Where You Will Work: (Monterey, CA) The Team: The Sanofi Pediatric Sales Team is responsible for the promotion and sales of vaccines for children and adolescents. We are a team of sales professionals, passionate in our commitment to prevent deaths from preventable diseases and to our customers and their patients. We share a culture of company and employee commitment where we value the talent of our team members and the achievement of our business goals. Job Highlights: The Vaccines Sales Professional (VS) is responsible for achieving/exceeding annual territory sales quotas across a diverse customer base within both public and private sectors (e.g. Physician Offices & Medical Groups, Integrated Health Networks, State Departments of Health, Vaccine for Children’s program, Federally Qualified Health Centers). The VS will engage customers through virtual and face to face interactions, achieving the optimal reach, frequency, and outcomes through appropriate planning and call implementation. The VS is required to develop and maintain expertise in disease and product knowledge, utilization of business data, business planning and organization, customer engagement and selling skills, team collaboration, technical skills, and territory administration. The VS is expected to have a thorough understanding of the national brand strategy, brand messaging and resources to effectively implement specific account action plans based upon their unique marketplace. The VS is required to develop a strategic partnership with his/her customers using the Sanofi Pasteur sales model to uncover customer business needs and identify product/non-product opportunities to address their needs. VS is responsible for embracing team selling by communicating, collaborating, and orchestrating with other appropriate field and home office team members to ensure an aligned Sanofi Pasteur approach to customers. Basic Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree from an accredited four-year college or university (or the equivalent if education obtained outside of the United States) 2 years of pharmaceutical and/or business to business sales experience or related experience Preferred Qualifications: Candidates who reside within the territory or a commutable distance The Fine Print: Candidate possesses a valid driver’s license and a record of safe driving according to Sanofi policy Candidate is able to provide 2 years of performance review documentation Candidates must complete all fleet safety training and must maintain an acceptable driving record regarding accidents and incidents. This position is eligible for a company car through the Company’s FLEET program. The salary range for this position is $78,986.25 to $105,315.00 USD Annual. In addition to sales incentive (role may my eligible for long term incentive depending on level and performance); all compensation will be determined commensurate with demonstrated experience. Employees may be eligible to participate in Company employee benefit programs. Additional benefits information can be found through the link, www.benefits.sanofiusallwell.com Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SP #LI-SP At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    WHO YOU ARE: You have a hunter mentality and are a quick learner - always seeking to be impactful with your actions, continuously improving yourself, your team, and the world around you You thrive on direct, honest, and supportive feedback and communication You are an excellent business planner and problem solver, happy to work in ambiguity to achieve your goals You are a great matrix leader and partner - extremely organized, dependable, nimble, and self-motivated with the ability to excel in a fast-paced environment You are very patient, and customer focused with passion to make a difference. THE TEAM: You will be joining the National TZIELD Sales Team within the Diabetes Commercial organization and will work closely with an internal matrix team. The National Sales Team for TZIELD is an elite sales team that is launching an innovative first in class treatment for the delay of the onset of clinical Type 1 Diabetes. The focus is to clinically educate, facilitate the identification of at-risk patients through screening, and work closely with key accounts and other relevant customers to treat patients in a timely and efficient manner. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Expertise in clinical data, disease education, diagnostics, product information, selling skills, business analytics and market trends Develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of each identified key account including strategic goals, value drivers, key access stakeholders, relevant business metrics, and unique challenges/emerging needs Develop account plans including prioritization, integration of vertical pathways and identification of spheres of influence Develop deep understanding of contracting/ product access processes at key accounts, internal and external workflows, key stakeholders, business segment and clinical evaluation/screening models Develop and deepen strategic partnerships. Account interactions to include but are not limited to endocrinology / immunology ‘C-suite’ executives and key population health decision makers at the account Perform targeted educational engagements with top community & health system/IDN accounts Support clinical advocacy (e.g., gaining KOL endorsement) & ensure coverage on provider pathways, EMRs and/or formularies. Understand pull-through hurdles, org structures & customer ways of working to ensure cross-functional/ departmental coordination Collaborating closely with cross functional team members to identify and resolve customer needs appropriately and with a high sense of urgency Attending local, regional, and national meetings as directed Maintaining strict adherence to all legal, regulatory, ethical, administrative, and financial duties Planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating marketing programs including lectures, patient meetings, speaker programs, dinner programs and others Achieving and exceeding assigned monthly, quarterly, and annual sales quotas REQUIREMENTS: Education B.A. / B.S. degree required; advanced degree preferred Have a valid driver’s license and willingness to travel on the job (~50% of travel given field-based role) Experience Proven track record of success in various field-based sales roles Demonstrated entrepreneurial mindset with hunter mentality A solution-oriented mindset enabling effective and creative problem solving with customers’ needs as a primary focus An outstanding communicator and networker with strong negotiating skills Promote and lead with direct, honest, and supportive communication Ability to develop organizational capabilities while influencing others Lead and inspire others when facing highly ambiguous, complex situations Eager to improve oneself, the immediate team, and the greater community Utilize effective, professional communications to cultivate strong working relationships with both internal and external colleagues; displays flexibility in your approach to people and situation L3-1 Level Up to 50% travel Pursue Progress Discover Extraordinary Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! Candidates must complete all fleet safety training and must maintain an acceptable driving record regarding accidents and incidents. The salary range for this position is $116,156.25 to $154,875.00. In addition to sales incentive (role may my eligible for long term incentive depending on level and performance); all compensation will be determined commensurate with demonstrated experience. Employees may be eligible to participate in Company employee benefit programs. Additional benefits information can be found through the link, www.benefits.sanofiusallwell.com Grade: Level 3 If you want to learn more about compensation grades, please go to our grade guide via the following link: https://sanofi.sharepoint.com/sites/ST_hr/SitePages/what-is-sanofi-global-grading-and-how-does-it-work-.aspx Sanofi achieves its mission, in part, by offering rewarding career opportunities which inspire employee growth and development. Our 6 Recruitment Principles clarify our commitment to you and your role in driving your career. Our people are responsible for managing their career Sanofi posts all non-executive opportunities for our people We give priority to internal candidates Managers provide constructive feedback to all internal interviewed candidates We embrace diversity to hire best talent We expect managers to encourage career moves across the whole organization A few practical tips: Be sure to regularly update your Workday profile to simplify the application process Be aware of any applicable eligibility criteria in the country to which you are applying Before applying, inform your manager so they may support your career development goals Sanofi careers - it all starts with you! Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    WHO YOU ARE: You have a hunter mentality and are a quick learner - always seeking to be impactful with your actions, continuously improving yourself, your team, and the world around you You thrive on direct, honest, and supportive feedback and communication You are an excellent business planner and problem solver, happy to work in ambiguity to achieve your goals You are a great matrix leader and partner - extremely organized, dependable, nimble, and self-motivated with the ability to excel in a fast-paced environment You are very patient, and customer focused with passion to make a difference THE TEAM: You will be joining the National TZIELD Sales Team within the Diabetes Commercial organization and will work closely with an internal matrix team. The National Sales Team for TZIELD is an elite sales team that is launching an innovative first in class treatment for the delay of the onset of clinical Type 1 Diabetes. The focus is to clinically educate, facilitate the identification of at-risk patients through screening, and work closely with key accounts and other relevant customers to treat patients in a timely and efficient manner. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Expertise in clinical data, disease education, diagnostics, product information, selling skills, business analytics and market trends Develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of each identified key account including strategic goals, value drivers, key access stakeholders, relevant business metrics, and unique challenges/emerging needs Develop account plans including prioritization, integration of vertical pathways and identification of spheres of influence Develop deep understanding of contracting/ product access processes at key accounts, internal and external workflows, key stakeholders, business segment and clinical evaluation/screening models Develop and deepen strategic partnerships. Account interactions to include but are not limited to endocrinology / immunology ‘C-suite’ executives and key population health decision makers at the account Perform targeted educational engagements with top community & health system/IDN accounts Support clinical advocacy (e.g., gaining KOL endorsement) & ensure coverage on provider pathways, EMRs and/or formularies. Understand pull-through hurdles, org structures & customer ways of working to ensure cross-functional/ departmental coordination Collaborating closely with cross functional team members to identify and resolve customer needs appropriately and with a high sense of urgency Attending local, regional, and national meetings as directed Maintaining strict adherence to all legal, regulatory, ethical, administrative, and financial duties Planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating marketing programs including lectures, patient meetings, speaker programs, dinner programs and others Achieving and exceeding assigned monthly, quarterly, and annual sales quotas REQUIREMENTS: Education B.A. / B.S. degree required; advanced degree preferred Have a valid driver’s license and willingness to travel on the job (~50% of travel given field-based role) Experience Proven track record of success in various field-based sales roles Demonstrated entrepreneurial mindset with hunter mentality A solution-oriented mindset enabling effective and creative problem solving with customers’ needs as a primary focus An outstanding communicator and networker with strong negotiating skills Promote and lead with direct, honest, and supportive communication Ability to develop organizational capabilities while influencing others Lead and inspire others when facing highly ambiguous, complex situations Eager to improve oneself, the immediate team, and the greater community Utilize effective, professional communications to cultivate strong working relationships with both internal and external colleagues; displays flexibility in your approach to people and situation L3-1 Level Up to 50% travel NOTE: Internal applicants are required to notify their manager of their application. Pursue Progress Discover Extraordinary Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! Candidates must complete all fleet safety training and must maintain an acceptable driving record regarding accidents and incidents. The salary range for this position is $116,156.25 to $154,875.00. In addition to sales incentive (role may my eligible for long term incentive depending on level and performance); all compensation will be determined commensurate with demonstrated experience. Employees may be eligible to participate in Company employee benefit programs. Additional benefits information can be found through the link, www.benefits.sanofiusallwell.com Grade: Level 3 If you want to learn more about compensation grades, please go to our grade guide via the following link: https://sanofi.sharepoint.com/sites/ST_hr/SitePages/what-is-sanofi-global-grading-and-how-does-it-work-.aspx Sanofi achieves its mission, in part, by offering rewarding career opportunities which inspire employee growth and development. Our 6 Recruitment Principles clarify our commitment to you and your role in driving your career. Our people are responsible for managing their career Sanofi posts all non-executive opportunities for our people We give priority to internal candidates Managers provide constructive feedback to all internal interviewed candidates We embrace diversity to hire best talent We expect managers to encourage career moves across the whole organization A few practical tips: Be sure to regularly update your Workday profile to simplify the application process Be aware of any applicable eligibility criteria in the country to which you are applying Before applying, inform your manager so they may support your career development goals Sanofi careers - it all starts with you! Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    WHO YOU ARE: You have a hunter mentality and are a quick learner - always seeking to be impactful with your actions, continuously improving yourself, your team, and the world around you You thrive on direct, honest, and supportive feedback and communication You are an excellent business planner and problem solver, happy to work in ambiguity to achieve your goals You are a great matrix leader and partner - extremely organized, dependable, nimble, and self-motivated with the ability to excel in a fast-paced environment You are very patient, and customer focused with passion to make a difference THE TEAM: You will be joining the National TZIELD Sales Team within the Diabetes Commercial organization and will work closely with an internal matrix team. The National Sales Team for TZIELD is an elite sales team that is launching an innovative first in class treatment for the delay of the onset of clinical Type 1 Diabetes. The focus is to clinically educate, facilitate the identification of at-risk patients through screening, and work closely with key accounts and other relevant customers to treat patients in a timely and efficient manner. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Expertise in clinical data, disease education, diagnostics, product information, selling skills, business analytics and market trends Develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of each identified key account including strategic goals, value drivers, key access stakeholders, relevant business metrics, and unique challenges/emerging needs Develop account plans including prioritization, integration of vertical pathways and identification of spheres of influence Develop deep understanding of contracting/ product access processes at key accounts, internal and external workflows, key stakeholders, business segment and clinical evaluation/screening models Develop and deepen strategic partnerships. Account interactions to include but are not limited to endocrinology / immunology ‘C-suite’ executives and key population health decision makers at the account Perform targeted educational engagements with top community & health system/IDN accounts Support clinical advocacy (e.g., gaining KOL endorsement) & ensure coverage on provider pathways, EMRs and/or formularies. Understand pull-through hurdles, org structures & customer ways of working to ensure cross-functional/ departmental coordination Collaborating closely with cross functional team members to identify and resolve customer needs appropriately and with a high sense of urgency Attending local, regional, and national meetings as directed Maintaining strict adherence to all legal, regulatory, ethical, administrative, and financial duties Planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating marketing programs including lectures, patient meetings, speaker programs, dinner programs and others Achieving and exceeding assigned monthly, quarterly, and annual sales quotas REQUIREMENTS: Education B.A. / B.S. degree required; advanced degree preferred Have a valid driver’s license and willingness to travel on the job (~50% of travel given field-based role) Experience Proven track record of success in various field-based sales roles Demonstrated entrepreneurial mindset with hunter mentality A solution-oriented mindset enabling effective and creative problem solving with customers’ needs as a primary focus An outstanding communicator and networker with strong negotiating skills Promote and lead with direct, honest, and supportive communication Ability to develop organizational capabilities while influencing others Lead and inspire others when facing highly ambiguous, complex situations Eager to improve oneself, the immediate team, and the greater community Utilize effective, professional communications to cultivate strong working relationships with both internal and external colleagues; displays flexibility in your approach to people and situation L3-1 Level Up to 50% travel Pursue Progress Discover Extraordinary Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! Candidates must complete all fleet safety training and must maintain an acceptable driving record regarding accidents and incidents. The salary range for this position is $116,156.25 to $154,875.00. In addition to sales incentive (role may my eligible for long term incentive depending on level and performance); all compensation will be determined commensurate with demonstrated experience. Employees may be eligible to participate in Company employee benefit programs. Additional benefits information can be found through the link, www.benefits.sanofiusallwell.com Our people are responsible for managing their career Sanofi posts all non-executive opportunities for our people We give priority to internal candidates Managers provide constructive feedback to all internal interviewed candidates We embrace diversity to hire best talent We expect managers to encourage career moves across the whole organization A few practical tips: Be sure to regularly update your Workday profile to simplify the application process Be aware of any applicable eligibility criteria in the country to which you are applying Before applying, inform your manager so they may support your career development goals Sanofi careers - it all starts with you! Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA PDN At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Job summary and key strategic intent The Development Scientific Director (DSD) manages the clinical development of drug candidates. The DSD will have a solid understanding of all phases of early pharmaceutical drug product development, including clinical trial design, management, IND and CTA submissions, medical monitoring, GCP principles, and will have experience in collaboration with Clinical Science, Clinical Operations, Research and Clinical Pharmacology, Regulatory Affairs and other key stakeholders. The role requires strong subject matter expertise and/or ability to independently research the area of study, and is a well-organized, strategic focused, resourceful individual with excellent emotional intelligence, self-motivation and ability to operate at a “hands on” level and leads trial conduct with ease and authenticity. Serve as the clinical and/or medical lead on one or more early preclinical/clinical molecules within the Sanofi pipeline from and able to apply clinical relevance and translation from preclinical data as projects move from Phase I through proof of concept. Serve as the clinical and/or medical lead on individual clinical trials in partnership with Clinical Science, Clinical Operations, Drug Safety, Regulatory, Clinical QA and other key stakeholders Contribute to strategic and scientific discussions on related projects and technologies within the Clinical Development team. Key individual duties, responsibilities Contribute to clinical development planning and clinical strategy Work with academic leaders/advisers to develop clinical strategy Provides clinical leadership and medical strategic input for all clinical deliverables in the assigned project or section of a clinical program if applicable Design clinical studies and develop protocols to execute clinical development strategies Clinical deliverables may include clinical sections of individual protocols, clinical data review, program specific standards, clinical components of regulatory documents/registration dossiers, and publications Review all key documentation such as IND/CTA, health authority communications and other documents (DUSR, INDAR, DRMP, RMP, etc), protocols and amendments Leads development of clinical sections of trial and program level regulatory documents (e.g., Investigator’s Brochures, briefing books, safety updates, submission dossiers, and responses to Health Authorities) and supports all other Regulatory activities and NDA related questions Work cooperatively with Clinical Operations and designated CROs to execute the programs (e.g. lead study start up and database lock, performs data and coding reviews; draft/present clinical slides for Investigators Meeting, Advisory Boards and therapeutic/monitor training; review draft CRFs, etc.) Drives execution of the section of the clinical program in partnership with other line functions (regulatory, clin ops) May act as study medical monitor ensuring overall safety in collaboration with the Global Safety Officer of the molecule, and supports overall program safety reporting (e.g., Periodic Safety Update Reports (PSURs), Drug Safety Update Reports (DSURs), and other safety related documents) in collaboration with Patient Safety Consistently complies with, and ensures the compliance from direct reports, of all governing laws, regulations, Sanofi Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and other guidelines Keeps abreast of the highest standards and levels of scientific and clinical knowledge in relevant therapeutic and disease area(s). Review all data generated across the program to update strategy and risk assessment Regular review of competitive intelligence to update risk, differentiation and valuation of program Collaborates with Sanofi and external partners, regulators, and diverse internal stakeholders and collaborators Other duties commensurate with position as assigned Ability to travel required Skills, competencies required Experience with pharmaceutical product development collectively through clinical science or clinical trial conduct Expertise in clinical development and methodology of clinical studies and GCP principles Ability to adapt and learn quickly in new areas of research, clinical development, and have resourcefulness to independently gather relevant information Independent creative thinking related to overcoming hurdles and problems. Excellent communication skills (verbal and written) for interactions across functional areas and for interactions with investigators, key regulatory agencies Demonstrated capability to challenge decision and status quo with a risk-management approach International/ intercultural working skills Education and background PhD/PharmD with 8 years comparable experience in industry in relevant roles Experience in Oncology required, with oncology fellowship training a plus Demonstrated ability to independently evaluate, interpret and present complex scientific data Demonstrated ability to critically evaluate complex drug development programs Demonstrated ability to work within a multi-disciplinary team of peers and outside experts Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. The salary range for this position is $168,039.38 - 224,052.50 to $280,065.63. All compensation will be determined commensurate with demonstrated experience. Employees may be eligible to participate in Company employee benefit programs. Additional benefits information can be found through the link, www.benefits.sanofiusallwell.com #GD-SA #LI-SA At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Regional Business Director – TZIELD Job Description: In this field based, Regional Business Director role, you will be responsible for successfully leading between 8-to-10-person Key Account Manger Sales Team, promoting TZIELD to Key Accounts as well as other priority customers who treat patients with Type 1 Diabetes. You will be called upon to successfully lead and motivate your team to execute the national sales strategy, supporting the initiatives set forth in the launch plan.   Job Responsibilities: Coach, develop, lead, and drive performance of an accomplished team of Key Account Managers Responsible for the oversight of all aspects of sales, key account management, local speaker/thought leader development, promotional programming, and budget management for your region. Develop and execute regional business plans based on national sales goals, expectations, and available resources, including Regional, Territory, and Account strategies and tactics, as well as resource allocation. Be an expert in the clinical data, which affects current product promotion, disease state and market trends. Spend majority of your time in the field with Key Account Managers to support individual development, as well as provide coaching, direction, and feedback with the goal of the end-to-end development of key accounts, priority customers and delivering business results for the organization. Establish positive working relationships with all key customer segments (internal and external) Communicate and collaborate with other Regional Business Directors, Commercial Excellence Director, brand marketing, thought leader liaisons, field reimbursement teams, managed markets teams, medical affairs, field MSL teams, senior management, and all other departments necessary to facilitate achievement of sales objectives. Reports directly to National Sales Director ~80% travel Basic Qualifications: BA/BS Degree Required, preferably in life science or business. MBA a plus Minimum 8+ years’ experience in the pharmaceutical/healthcare industry 5-7+ years pharmaceutical/biotech sales experience, including specialty sales, with demonstrated successful sales results Minimum of 3-5 years Field Management experience or equivalent leadership experience, with documented sales achievements, strongly preferred. Ability to travel to meetings/trainings/programs as necessary - additional travel may be required within the assigned territory. Valid driver's license Must reside within the geographic area of the assigned territory. Preferred Qualifications: Diabetes, and/or biologics experience strongly preferred. Key Account Management experience strongly preferred. Strong understanding of the reimbursement landscape, buy and bill, and expertise with rare disease highly desirable. Sales launch experience strongly preferred. Demonstrated Leadership Experience Excellent clinical skills and knowledge Creative problem solver Solutions oriented. L-3-2 Level Up to 80% travel The salary range for this position is $ 135,515.63 - 180,687.50 - 225,859.38 USD Annual. All compensation will be determined commensurate with demonstrated experience. Employees may be eligible to participate in Company employee benefit programs. Additional benefits information can be found through the link, www.benefits.sanofiusallwell.com Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Position Title: Vaccines Sales Professional – (Stockton, CA) Who You Are: You are a self-motivated sales professional who is equally passionate about our Credo – to live in a world where no one suffers or dies from a vaccine-preventable disease. You understand the importance of achieving your business goals through a customer focused plan of action and being a team player by sharing your knowledge and positive energy to support team success. One of the many qualities you have is discovering your customer’s needs to align on common goals and being open to doing things differently to achieve better results. Where You Will Work: (Stockton, Modesto, Elk Grove, parts of southern Sacramento) The Team: The Sanofi Pediatric Sales Team is responsible for the promotion and sales of vaccines for children and adolescents. We are a team of sales professionals, passionate in our commitment to prevent deaths from preventable diseases and to our customers and their patients. We share a culture of company and employee commitment where we value the talent of our team members and the achievement of our business goals. Job Highlights: The Vaccines Sales Professional (VS) is responsible for achieving/exceeding annual territory sales quotas across a diverse customer base within both public and private sectors (e.g. Physician Offices & Medical Groups, Integrated Health Networks, State Departments of Health, Vaccine for Children’s program, Federally Qualified Health Centers). The VS will engage customers through virtual and face to face interactions, achieving the optimal reach, frequency, and outcomes through appropriate planning and call implementation. The VS is required to develop and maintain expertise in disease and product knowledge, utilization of business data, business planning and organization, customer engagement and selling skills, team collaboration, technical skills, and territory administration. The VS is expected to have a thorough understanding of the national brand strategy, brand messaging and resources to effectively implement specific account action plans based upon their unique marketplace. The VS is required to develop a strategic partnership with his/her customers using the Sanofi Pasteur sales model to uncover customer business needs and identify product/non-product opportunities to address their needs. VS is responsible for embracing team selling by communicating, collaborating, and orchestrating with other appropriate field and home office team members to ensure an aligned Sanofi Pasteur approach to customers. Basic Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree from an accredited four-year college or university (or the equivalent if education obtained outside of the United States) 2 years of pharmaceutical and/or business to business sales experience or related experience Preferred Qualifications: Candidates who reside within the territory or a commutable distance The Fine Print: Candidate possesses a valid driver’s license and a record of safe driving according to Sanofi policy Candidate is able to provide 2 years of performance review documentation Candidates must complete all fleet safety training and must maintain an acceptable driving record regarding accidents and incidents. The salary range for this position is $78,986.25 to $105,315.00. All compensation will be determined commensurate with demonstrated experience. Employees may be eligible to participate in Company employee benefit programs. Additional benefits information can be found through the link, www.benefits.sanofiusallwell.com Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SP #LI-SP At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Responsible for creating proximity in a remote environment by engaging health care professionals (HCPs) to deliver and promote key messages about SANOFI’s products through digital interactions, online e-detailing systems and authorized platforms within Assigned customer base and establish leadership position level of Sanofi’s products within the market. · Implementing the company’s strategy, policies and demonstrating broaden Play to Win mindset within teams. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES / ACCOUNTABILITIES KEY RESPONSIBILITIES AND TASKS: Deliver SANOFI results by executing digital customer engagement plans and territory target: - Plan & execute customer engagement journey for targeted population in collaboration with customer engagement lead / marketing. - Develop, plan & execute digital activities supporting relevant hybrid medical reps in relevant territories. - Responsible about performance indicators at relevant territories including sales/ MS%/ growth/ message recall/ other Omnichannel relevant KPIs “records of the progress. - Full coordination with all relevant sales force teams regarding POA, CPA, customer engagement journey & tactical plans alignment. Support and Promote company’s products value and image: - Promote Sanofi portfolio to relevant HCPs utilizing digital omnichannel focusing on zoom detailing and other one to one promotional platform - Utilize available digital platforms & enrich customers experience & engagement. - Enhance medical/ product knowledge message delivery maximized at key targeted customers’ level. - Working in compliance with the code of conduct and relevant company policies and procedures. Maintaining discretion with company-confidential information - Differentiate value of SANOFI brands by understanding customer’s behaviours, needs and submitting reports and utilizing digital tools as required by the company in a timely manner. Develop Customer insight Strategy and planning: - Support customers engagement lead / marketing to develop relevant digital activation plans based on customer insights. - Communicate HCPs feedback, support in developing content materials suitable for digital engagement through continuous and structured recommendations Facilitate & Sustain access of Sanofi Products - Expand targeted segment & reach through national e-consent and prospect future potential customer for the pure play model. - Drive customer operation excellence by segmentation analysis with clear persona definition to optimize content & targets digitally. - Takes initiative & leverages network, academics, digital or innovate ways outside his\her own area to create learning opportunities. Key Performance Indicators: - # of contacts/ day - Targeted Omnichannel: - Zoom MI - RTEs - National digital initiatives follow up/ tracking - National e consented HCPs C/D “optional/ line” - Sales/ MS%/ Growth% “depends on business nature” at defined territories - Call quality: “call duration - detail aid usage - satisfaction survey” Others - Perform other duties as assigned. - Respect of company’s values, code of ethics and social charter. - Respect of personal data protection charter. Health, Safety and Environment Responsibilities · Comply with company procedures and current regulations on hygiene and safety. · Safely use the work equipment, dangerous substances, and preparations as well as the supplied collective and personal protective equipment according to the instructions received. · Promote and follow the HSE rules and ‘Act responsibly’ to protect yourself and others from an injury and ill health conditions while at the work locations and/or while using road e.g., traffic rules, emergency evacuation procedure, medical surveillance, healthy lifestyle etc. · Engage the HSE department in the related activities (where applicable) and be sure that the work performed follows the local HSE regulations, Corporate HSE Policy and key requirements. · Follow the company’s road safety program. · Attend HSE training. · Promptly report to your superior any dangerous conditions of which you become aware KEY REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS JOB Ø Education: - University Graduate with medical background. Ø Related Experience: - 1-2 years of experience in pharma industry. Ø Competencies: · Advancing customer decision making process · Applying Digital Capabilities to Business Solutions · Building Business Acumen · Change Management · Collecting customer insights for planning and execution · Differentiating Sanofi customer experience · Facilitating and sustaining access to Sanofi products and services · Interpersonal Communication Skills · Orchestrating and executing Omni-channel customer engagement strategy · Striving for Results · Understanding and demonstrating value of products and services · Utilising customer insights for planning and execution Ø Sanofi Leadership Framework Skills and Behavior Skills: · People Leadership: - Leadership of diverse and remote teams - Teambuilding, teamwork, transversal lead · Strategic Thinking: - Business and financial acumen - Analytical skills - Decision making - Challenge status quo with innovation · Relationship and influence: - Communication and consulting skills - Negotiation and influencing skills - Inspires trust through empathy and authenticity. - Coaching & facilitating skills - Change management · Result Orientation: - Strong on execution, is comfortable with ambiguity, and adapts with agility. PLAY TO WIN Behaviours: · Stretch to go beyond the level we have operated at up until now. · Take action instead of waiting to be told what to do. · Act in the interest of our patients and customers. · Think one Sanofi. PursueProgress. DiscoverExtraordinary. Discover our Code of Conduct, that serves as the moral compass that guides us when chasing the miracles of science to improve people’s lives. Please ensure to have read this document, before applying. Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch ourALL IN videoand check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
  1. Sanofi

    RGM Growth Lead - Cairo

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    JOB PURPOSE RGM Growth Lead within Sanofi Consumer Healthcare is identified as a key role for commercial delivery and future strategy in its pursuit to becoming a leading fast moving healthcare company. Reporting to the Trade & Revenue Management Head – AMET Zone, this position will be key in developing and implementing strategies that will drive sustainable, profitable growth, enhance revenue streams, and increase market share through collaboration with our Sales, Trade Marketing, Scientific Affairs and Finance Teams KEY RESULTS / ACCOUNTABILITIES Strategy Development: Leads the development of Channel centric RGM strategy across Price, Promotion, Assortment and Trading Terms based on market insights. Commercial Planning: Integrate RGM into all relevant commercial planning processes. i.e. from annual IBBP exercise to all financial budget planning/ reviews. Delivering Results: Acting as business partner with Sales & Trade Marketing leaders to drive implementation of channel strategies, track results and turn learnings to actions Monitoring and governance: Run monthly reviews around pricing, promotion, GTN in partnership with the finance team Brand Love: Works closely with brand & innovation teams to develop customer and shopper centric solutions on pack price architecture & promotional designs Stakeholder Collaboration: Supports scientific affairs and public affairs team to build the right narrative for customers, government and internal stakeholders around the reasons and justification for changes in price and investment models using internal and external index data as well as category & market knowledge.. KEY WORKING RELATIONSHIPS INTERNAL Cross Functional Collaboration with: Supply Chain.Sales & Marketing Operations.FinanceRegulatoryTrade Marketing EXTERNAL Would be expected to be involved with: Sanofi DistributorsRegional and global teams SKILLS, EXPERIENCE & KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS Knowledge & education:Bachelor’s degree in Business related topic.MBA – a plus Communication:English – Full professional proficiency.Arabic Speaking is a plus. Experience:Prior experience in a similar role, Finance or Trade MarketingPrior FMCG experience a plus. Advanced proficiency in Microsoft office applications - Excel, Power point, Word Skills:Strong and visible leadership - ability to lead initiatives and influence key stakeholders into action.Advanced analytical skills – translate data into insights and insights into actions and strategies.Experienced in creating insights across various data sets and visualizing data/insights tailored to different audiences – skilled in storytelling.Well-developed strategic thinking, commercial & financial acumen, logical thinking and experience in analysis to derive insight.Proven ability to navigate complex situations, challenge the status quo and make decisions without perfect information.Self-reliant, decisive, and resilient and able to respond and adapt to a fast moving, swiftly changing environment.Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written. Must be impactful and assertive. Personal credibility, confidence, and robustness to influence and challenge senior colleague. Should demonstrate the Challenger Mindset Behaviors At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Job title: Digital Remote Specialist - People with diverse abilities Location: Egypt Remote Working conditions Job type: Full Time Job Nature: Indoor Only People with diverse abilities PWD are entitled to apply for this post. Applying candidates should hold a Valid Governmental ID Card for PWD people with Diverse Abilities and meet the minimum requirements of the Role. Please attach your governmental ID card in the application. About the job Our team: At Sanofi, we are striving to create an inclusive culture for people with diverse abilities. Our shared vision can only be achieved by embracing the unique qualities of the different people we are working with as well as being the number one employer of choice for people with diverse abilities. You will be responsible for ensuring achievement of sales objectives, delivering, and promoting key messages about SANOFI’s products through professional calls, centralized communication to customers to achieve overall business objective within defined territory through implementing the company’s strategy and policies. Main responsibilities: Deliver SANOFI results by executing digital customer engagement plans and territory target: Plan & execute customer engagement journey for targeted population in collaboration with customer engagement lead / marketing.Develop, plan & execute digital activities supporting relevant hybrid medical reps in relevant territories.Responsible about performance indicators at relevant territories including sales/ MS%/ growth/ message recall/ other Omnichannel relevant KPIs “records of the progress.Full coordination with all relevant sales force teams regarding POA, CPA, customer engagement journey & tactical plans alignment.Support and Promote company’s products value and image: Promote Sanofi portfolio to relevant HCPs utilizing digital omnichannel focusing on zoom detailing and other one to one promotional platform Utilize available digital platforms & enrich customers experience & engagement. Enhance medical/ product knowledge message delivery maximized at key targeted customers’ level.Working in compliance with the code of conduct and relevant company policies and procedures. Maintaining discretion with company-confidential informationDifferentiate value of SANOFI brands by understanding customer’s behavior, needs and submitting reports and utilizing digital tools as required by the company in a timely manner. Develop Customer insight Strategy and planning: Support customers engagement lead / marketing to develop relevant digital activation plans based on customer insights.Communicate HCPs feedback, support in developing content materials suitable for digital engagement through continuous and structured recommendations Facilitate & Sustain access of Sanofi Products: Expand targeted segment & reach through national e-consent and prospect future potential customer for the pure play model.Drive customer operation excellence by segmentation analysis with clear persona definition to optimize content & targets digitally. Takes initiative & leverages network, academics, digital or innovate ways outside of own area to create learning opportunities.Key Performance Indicators: Number Of contacts/days Targeted Omnichannel: Zoom MI RTEs National digital initiatives follow up/ tracking National e consented HCPs C/D “optional/ line” Sales/ MS%/ Growth% “depends on business nature” at defined territories Call quality: “call duration - detail aid usage - satisfaction survey” Perform other duties as assigned. Respect of company’s values, code of ethics and social charter. Respect of personal data protection charter. Responsible for applying the HSE related requirements for the company in all related working procedures. About you 0-2 years’ experience in pharma industry University degree Veterinary, Pharmaceutical Science or Medicine Excellent command of English language. Knowledge of digital technologies Ability to deal and to utilize authorized promotional platforms Market data analysis Ability to plan calls on customer availability Work flexibly based on customer needs Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Customer service skills” Negotiation Skills”- Self Control – Patience- Active listener – Business Knowledge”. Strong time management skills. Practical digital skills. Competitive, Innovative, Decisive & Collaborative Mindset. Analytical and Well Organized. Customer Focused Please note that only People with diverse abilities PWD are entitled to apply for this post. Applying candidates should hold a Valid Governmental ID Card for PWD people with Diverse Abilities and meet the minimum requirements of the Role. Please attach your governmental ID card in the application. If you are not a candidate with diverse abilities, you can still review other available vacancies on our website. Pursue progress, discover extraordinary Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Job Purpose Strategic brand lead and key AMET responsible for assigned portfolio to build loved, purposeful and consumer centric brands and deliver market share and financial targets. Owns and drives end-to-end marketing agenda for their portfolio from strategy to execution including brand building, consumer understanding & insights, market analytics, innovation, integrated consumer / HCP communication and KPI tracking to drive in year growth and future growth opportunities. Key Accountabilities Brand plan & strategy: Lead, deploy, embed consumer centered, data backed ‘one’ zone strategic plan working with cross functional teams, aligned with global strategy where applicableBrand building: Develop brand fundamentals (Brand Pulse) for local brands / input or deploy in a consistent way for global brands to ensure we build strong, loved and enduring brandsLeadership: Lead, coach and inspire brand activators, agency partners & cross functional teams to ensure excellence in 360 execution and elevate marketing capabilities; Be the voice of the brand to inspire wider cross functional team across AMET; Represent zone with regional / global /external stakeholdersConsumer Champion: Stay abreast with consumer motivations and trends instilling a culture to systematically uncover latest consumer, shopper, HCP insights. Integrate these into business strategy by identifying strategic & tactical growth opportunities. Bring the consumer ‘inside Sanofi building’ and champion their needs and how our brands can best serve themInnovation: Lead product renovation/innovation pipeline from concept to in-market launch excellence, in collaboration with science hub and manufacturing / supply teamsConsumer / HCP Engagement & Experience Plan: Develop integrated HCP & consumer assets & campaigns activating across the entire eco-system; elevate creative excellence and media effectiveness across channels; experiment and stay on top of latest trends like AI or gamingBusiness management: Oversee IBP demand forecast and brand P&Ls with optimal A&P investment and continued focus on prioritization and mapping progress against top deliverablesPerformance focus: Drive results focus, build monthly cadence for team to stay on top of what’s working / what’s not working and take action proactively to course correct or scale fast About you Core competencies Consumer 1st mindset & approachLeader with ability to coach, motivate and influence teams who may not be direct reportsStrategic brand builderData user, believer in forward looking analytics, performance drivenInnovative, open and curious to continuously learn & improveAbility to balance long-term strategic priorities with short-term business needsStrong communicator and storytellerBusiness focused and relish problem-solvingAgile mindset, flexibility to adapt to constantly changing business needs and environment Experience Senior (>10 years work experience) marketing professional w/ background in consumer goods and/or consumer healthcarePrevious management experience of multiple direct reportsProven success in growing brands / categoriesFinancial and P&L acumenA Sales or Trade Marketing experience is a plusProficient ability to read and interpret market data (IMS, Nielsen, Euromonitor) Qualification Degree in Business Administration or similar At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Job Title: Country Safety Head Hiring Manager: Leo YU (俞祚斌)Location : CairoJob type: Full timeJOB PURPOSE The CHC PV Country Safety Head (CSH): Is responsible for a country.Serves as the local PV contact for the authorities, is accountable for PV inspections and is nominated as local Responsible Person for Pharmacovigilance (RPP/QPPV) for the CHC products where applicable per national regulations. Designate a back-up who replaces him/her when he/she is out of the officeIs recognized as the key leader for all PV related activities at country level, including but not limited to case management, local safety surveillance, signal detection, risk management and risk mitigation activities, patient support programs market research programs for PV aspects.Ensures that local PV activities in the assigned country are performed in compliance with the Global PV policies, as well as global, regional and local PV regulations to warrant safe and appropriate use of CHC products on the market in the assigned country.Establishes and maintain robust and efficient local PV systems in the designated country by ensuring the availability and implementation of proper systems/procedures tools and training. Support the QPPV in overseeing the PV activities in the country.Support the CHC Head of Safety with regards to local budget planning and management.Builds close and robust relations/collaboration with the in-country partner functions, including but not limited to Medical, Regulatory, Quality, Commercial, Legal, and Country Manager.Act as Deputy CSH for a partner country. KEY RESULTS/ACCOUNTABILITIES Local and Global Partnership Local: Represent PV in interactions with local GxP and non GxP functions, to optimize coordination and collaboration in areas of overlapping interests:Build and maintain robust collaboration/interaction with the in-country partner functions, to carry out and monitor local PV activities, in compliance with PV regulatory requirements and company procedures/guidelines, and particularly.Build and maintain robust working relationship with local external PV vendors as well as Global PV vendors operating local activities. Global: Identify issues or dysfunction in the assigned country(ies) and escalate to senior PV Management,In case of local PV outsourcing activities, collaborate with Global PV to implement the best outsourced capabilitiesInteract with Global PV for any questions related to the safety profile of CHC products originating from HA or any other sourcesOrganization and maintenance of local PV Quality system Establish and implement processes in compliance with regional/local PV regulations and global procedures and cooperate with the local Quality Head to document them in local Quality Documents as appropriateEnsure maintenance of local quality documents owned by PV to include documented reviews, gap assessments and revisions as per global requirements.Develop and maintain the local PV System Master File for the assigned country as required and in accordance with local regulations and the global standards.Ensure that education and training on PV and relevant safety topics within the local organization are performed including documentation of attendees and topics covered (i.e. PV Awareness, training of service providers and manufacturing sites)Manage local compliance metrics generation and ensure data capture in the appropriate tools.Document PV process non-compliance to include investigation, Root Cause Analysis (RCA), Corrective Actions/Preventive Actions (CAPAs) implementation and coordinate related tracking activities with local Quality Head.Warrant audit and inspection readiness of the local PV systems (auditable trail of all PV activities performed in the country is maintained and readily available) with key stakeholders (i.e. Quality, Medical, Regulatory)Complete in timely manner audit and inspection observations in close interaction with Global /Local FunctionsOrganization and Maintenance of PV Operating & Safety Management System In compliance with PV regulatory requirements and company procedures/guidelines, Monitor continuously in-coming communication to ensure the detection and appropriate management of in-coming PV data (ICSRs and other safety related information) to report them in timely manner to Global PV Operations and subsequently to external stakeholders, such as HAs, partners.Handle appropriately local periodic reports, including periodic safety reports (PSRs) and periodic reviews, and contribute together with Global PV, Clinical Operations and RA departments to the planning for PSRs ,Ensure screening of local scientific / medical literature and management of relevant abstract/articlesEnsure appropriate implementation and monitoring of PV requirements for global, regional and local programs (e.g. Patient Support Program, Market Research, Managed Access Program...), and company sponsored digital mediaEnsure screening and analysis of national regulations, and forward any future/new/updated PV regulation as per defined processesSecure that for all global/local Business Partner agreements, requiring safety provisions, a local SDEA or PV Clause is set-up, implemented and maintained as appropriate. In case of local outsourcing of PV activities to third parties (i.e. vendors/service providers/CROs), Manage contract/work order with local service provider, monitor the appropriate execution of outsourced activities and take the appropriate measures in case of deviationsSupport the Global PV and particularly the QPPV with local safety surveillance activitiesHandle/escalate product safety alerts in timely mannerContribute to the development of local RMP, when applicable, with the support and validation of the Risk Management Expert. Track the actual implementation of additional Risk Minimization Measures (aRMMs) in the assigned country.Ensure that PV unit is involved in reviewing relevant safety sections of local documents, owned by other affiliates entities, such as labeling, contracts with third parties and local study protocols. KEY WORKING RELATIONSHIPS PV Zone HeadRegional PV HeadCountry Medical/Regulatory/Quality Teams and Country ManagerQPPVGlobal PV Operations TeamGlobal Medical Safety TeamNetwork of PV Zone Heads and CSHs SKILLS, EXPERIENCE & KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS Competencies Knowledge of national PV regulations and international regulations regarding safety requirements as well as industry standardsPragmatic, solution oriented mindset; problem-solving, prioritize, take initiative and meet challengesGood written and verbal communication skills. Good level of speaking/writing English. Education Medical Doctor, Pharmacist, Pharm D, Veterinary Doctor, Health Sciences PhD, MPh or Master Degree with three or more years of pharmacovigilance/clinical development experience. Experience Experience with pharmacovigilance systems and safety related product managementAppropriate experience with Regulatory Agency interactions Cultural traits / P2W Behavior Push to go beyond the level we have operated until now: constantly challenge the status quo focusing on the priorities that will deliver the best outcomes and letting go what won’t: be intolerant to mediocracy, believe we can and must do better and aim at higher but never at the expenses of our values and judgmentPut the interest of the organization ahead of own of those of his/her team: consider both short and long term impact of decisions; puts collective and global goals above individual or local goals; share resources and capabilities with those with the greatest need and impact; enable decision making at appropriate levelAct in the interest of our patients and customers: actively engage with customers to know their current and future needs; brings the local perspective into decision making.Be pro-active action and do not wait to be told what to do.Required Leadership CompetenciesStrategic Thinking - ability to evaluate relevant areas of operation, formulate objectives and set priorities in a contextually relevant way, and support the development of plans consistent with long-term organizational interestsInterpersonal relationships - treating others with courtesy, sensitivity, and respect.Change Leadership - The ability to demonstrate support and drive for innovation and organizational transformationPersonal Leadership - Personal leadership translates into courage, choice, and commitment through the pursuit of excellence, trust, and accountability. Ability to put patient, stakeholder, and organizational interests above personal interestsDrive -Takes the lead and initiates activities with a high degree of passion and commitment as well as the drive, desire and need to achieve challenging goals, to improve performance or to meet personal standards of excellenceLearning Agility – Ability to navigate first time/unfamiliar situations effectively by extrapolating from other areas of expertise and knowledge. Ability to continuously improve and develop. At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Job Purpose: The finance Business partner monitors the overall financial operational performance at Cairo site. the role contributes to strategic/business development by providing accurate, effective & reliable financial information & controls. the role insures compliance with Group controlling guidelines and procedures. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES AND TASKS: 1- Provides an accurate picture of their perimeter ‘s financial situation for the current and future periods and advises operational management on relevant remediation actions and ways for improvement. 2- Support and challenge the operations in achieving their performance targets by providing adequate financial performance measures and better understanding of financial variances. 3- Builds and updates their perimeter ‘s forecasts (Budget, Trends, Long Range Plan) 4- Present financial forecast Budget/T1/T2/Budget+2/Quarter Landing/Strat Plan. 5- Participate and provide information to business reviews with platform/region. 6-Makes proactive recommendations on business improvement 7- Interact with GBUs (S&OP, inventories, COGS competitiveness) and other platforms sites 8- Ensure the quality and accuracy of SPEs with specific focus on those above site threshold. 9- Ensures appropriate follow up of activity-specific areas 10- Challenge volumes assumptions provided by Supply Chain (site & Global) 11- Opex optimization through smart spending approach 12- Validate month end close result 13- Provides an accurate picture of their perimeter‘s financial situation for the current and future periods and advises management on relevant remediation actions and ways for improvement. 14- Manage the risk and the opportunities of the concerned business. Monthly Closing P&L analysis with commentaries on main variancesHC close monitoringEnsure accurate profit/expenses allocation per product to have the most accurate productMonthly rolling forecast update (landing, Risks & opportunities ) Maintain Compliance Abide by the requirements of the code of Ethics including but not restricted to maintaining high professional standards of conduct in line with the Company procedure with a duty of care to the reputation of the Company Ensure the compliance with different internal control procedure when performing the FBP roleAudit : Support local team on internal audit managementEthical Leadership Takes personal accountability to use personal experience and knowledge, as well as the training and tools provided by Sanofi, to maintain a good knowledge and understanding of all ethics and governance relevant to the role (including the Industry Code of Practice, Sanofi Policies and Procedures and any relevant legal requirements) and demonstrate personal leadership in applying these to all work undertaken.Environmental and Safety Leadership To care for his/her own safety and wellbeing and the safety of others, and to co-operate with the company to ensure a safe place of work. Employees are therefore expected to: Support and conform to Company safety rules and procedures to ensure a safe and healthy working environmentReport any accident, incident or near miss, whether it be of personal injury or property damageThoroughly read all safety documentation issues by the Company and comply with its requirements.Job Holder Requirements Key “MUST HAVE” competencies, skills & experiences* - Bachelor of commerce major in accounting or finance +5 years of experience in financial field , with a strong financial Planning & budgeting experience. - Experience in Manufacturing operation is a must - Experience in Pharmaceutical industry is preferable - High analytical skills and critical thinking - High influencing and communication skills - Excellent command of English - Excellent presentation and reporting skills *applicant should update their workday profile with all needed data as it is the only screening source. Desirable” / compromise experience CPA or MBA holder is an asset Sanofi Leadership Framework Skills and Behaviours Skills: People Leadership: Leadership of diverse and remote teams Teambuilding, teamwork, transversal lead Strategic Thinking: Business and financial acumen Analytical skills Decision making Challenge status quo with innovation Relationship and influence: Communication and consulting skills Negotiation and influencing skills Inspires trust through empathy and authenticity. Coaching & facilitating skills Change management Result Orientation: Strong on execution, is comfortable with ambiguity, and adapts with agility. PLAY TO WIN Behaviors: Stretch to go beyond the level we have operated at up until now. Take action instead of waiting to be told what to do. Act in the interest of our patients and customers. Think One Sanofi. Pursue progress, discover extraordinary Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    JOB PURPOSE: Controlling, executing, and improving Calibration and Qualification Activities for all critical instruments, equipment, HVAC system and other supporting systems in the site. Main Responsibilities:Create Calibration Management Program according to Sanofi Guidelines and Directives.Perform risk assessment studies for all items or instruments in the plant to define items subjected to calibration.Create Calibration Plan and Qualification Plan.Calibration of all critical instruments in the site using standard calibrated devices according to calibration management program, sticking to the approved annual plan and SOPs.Issuance of Calibration Certificates for calibrated items.Creation of IQ, OQ and PQ Protocols for Equipment and Systems in the site and Execute Qualification studies for equipment (Production Machines, Autoclaves, Tunnels, Ovens, Incubators, Refrigerators and Cold Stores… etc.) and HVAC system according to the approved qualification plan and protocols.Establishment of a database for all equipment and machines in the site to evaluate capacity and support CAPEX need in co-operation with maintenance Dept.Arrangement and Support Calibration activities performed by third party contractors when needed.Supervise Activities executed by contractors and review final reports generated by them.Act as Investigation leader for deviation relevant to calibration and qualification. HSE Responsibilities:Ensures HSE approval on any SOP that requires certain HSE precautions.Ensures HSE approval on any change.Follow the laboratory safety proceduresCommitment to the appropriate PPE use.Follow the approved HSE policy and requirements.Following the statutory legislation concerning Health, Safety and environmental law.Hydrocarbons/ hazardous substance & waste segregation in accordance with approved waste management system. Key “MUST HAVE” competencies, skills & experiences:Education: Bachelor of pharmaceutical sciences or Science graduate. 1 to 3 years of practical experience in Calibration and Qualification. Communication & Presentation skills. Computer skills including MS office tools. Sense of urgency. Follow up skills. Time management skills. High organization & planning skills. Good Command of English Language. Attention to Details. Team player. At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    iMove, the Sanofi VIE Program, is available to citizens of the European Economic Area (EU + Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland) aged between 18 and 28. PLEASE NOTE that since this program is primarily an international development program, candidates cannot apply to a VIE assignment in their own country of citizenship. PLEASE NOTE that applications that are only submitted in French cannot be considered by our non-French speaking partners at Sanofi worldwide. Therefore, only applications that are submitted in English will be considered. At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and is embedded in our Core Values. We respect the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our employees, patients and customers. We are looking for: Supply Chain Planner & Analytics Officer - VIE Contract (W/M) Target start date: 01/01/2024 Responsibilities: Planner Support:Support the Supply Chain Business Partners (SCBPs) in data preparation and monthly uploading for production planning in upstream, as well as managing packaging and artworks processesDevelop planning reports, and support team in optimizing supply chain performance for the Business UnitContribute to demand planning process for the Business Unit, as part of S&OP, and coordinate cross-functional topics such as supply risks and packagingBuild forecasting models, analyze and validate sales forecastsAnalyze and provide visibility on potential out of stocks risks and liaise with the stakeholders for management of allocation processAnalytical Support:Develop tools & reports, and support team in optimizing Supply Chain performance for the Business Unit, with special emphasis on Automation and SustainabilityPrepare the required databases and their continuous maintenance for analyses of Supply Chain KPIsManage periodic reporting as per Global reporting guidelines by ensuring close coordination with SCBPs and FinanceActing as ‘Change Agent’ to develop the best practices and solutionsSupport and manage any other Supply Chain delegated task Requirements: Education: preferably Engineering background (e.g., Industrial or Mechanical engineering) or related science studiesExperience & knowledge: at least 1 year of experience; in project management in cross-functional projects (combining efforts of multiple teams), Supply Chain Analytics or Demand/Supply Planning; demonstrate a good overall understanding of Supply Chain and Customer Service, preferably in a Pharmaceutical / Consumer Products industrySoft skills: proactive, rigorous; strong analytical skills, ready to work with numbers and data; ability to perform independently while being a good team player and in a collaborative environment; ability to combine information and data management; analysis; communication and IT skills to create meaningful clear information that can be acted on; strong organizational, communication and interpersonal skills; adaptability and ability; ability to collect and consolidate data, to be issue resolution oriented and to extract structuring and blocking pointsTo work in a multicultural and matrix environment; ability to manage projects with various scopesIT tools: proficiency with Microsoft Office suite (advanced knowledge of Excel, PowerPoint and MSP Microsoft Project Management tool is a plus)Languages: proficiency in English At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
  2. Sanofi

    MSL Neurology - Reading

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    MSL Neurology North Location: Reading, UKField based and office attendance when requiredPermanent, full-time position About the job This is an exciting time for a medical affairs professional to join as a Neurology MSL in Sanofi UK. Our Team We are a team that gets things done no matter what. We have each other’s backs. We are evolving into a strategic partner that drives our business by raising standards of care. This is a team where talent will thrive! Main responsibilities The MSL is responsible for providing balanced, non-promotional high-level scientific and technical partnership to internal and external stakeholders for the benefit of patient care. Provides scientific and technical leadership to ensure professional and credible relationships with thought leaders and experts.Is proactive on working collaboratively and cross functionally with other Sanofi Teams while retaining functional independence.Utilises strong business acumen and understands the Franchise strategy, acting as a key strategic business partner by providing actionable insights.Collaborates with Medical Advisors, divisional teams and appropriate personnel to execute the medical plans in the field.Plays a key role in identifying UK data needs and options of partnership with experts for generating evidence.Knowledge and understanding of the NHS policy for disease area, reimbursement processes and patient referral pathways. About you Educated to degree level or equivalent with a scientific qualification, PhD level is preferable or Healthcare professional.Previous MSL experience and particularly in Neurology Therapy area is preferable.Excellent communication skills including driving challenging discussions and experienced in the delivery of scientific presentations.Develop a good understanding of HCP communication preferences to adapt communication style.Competent to critically appraise studies and clinical evidence to allow engagement on higher scientific level with customers.Adaptable, independent and proactive working style.Knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry and of regulatory processes (Code of Practice and MHRA) desirable.Ability to collaborate and share information to contribute to the planning process and execute the agreed Medical plan in line with objectives.Working knowledge of UK Healthcare Systems and external stakeholder managementGood understanding of the continuum of data generation including clinical development, Real World Evidence (RWE) and data gaps analysisImplement true scientific engagement journeys by bridging channel disconnect to drive ongoing engagement and grow collaborative opportunities and meaningful scientific exchange.Be confident in the use of Omnichannel tools and ability to adapt to new channels.Effectively and compliantly share unmet needs of HCPs and their centres with cross-functional teams to inform patient centric strategy. Pursue progress. Discover extraordinary. Visas for those who do not already have the right to work in the UK will be considered on a case by case basis according to business needs and resources. Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! We are proud to be a Disability Confident Employer and committed to offering an interview to candidates who request to be considered under the Scheme and meet the minimum requirements required for this role. If you consider yourself to have a disability and would like to ask for adjustments to be made at interviews, please email diversity.recruitmentUKIE@sanofi.com so we can make arrangements for you. #LI-EUR At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    Sr. Engineer Process DevelopmentLocation: Amsterdam, the NetherlandsThis is a fully onsite role in Amsterdam and would require a relocation to the NetherlandsJob type: Permanent, Full time About the job Our Team We have a new opportunity in our Cell Therapy site based in Amsterdam as Sr Engineer Downstream Process Development. As a key member of the PM21 team you will play an important role in developing robust and scalable processes to support the innovative cell therapies. Sanofi is leveraging the natural strengths of human immune systems to source the best cells to produce innovative therapies for life-threatening disease. We are focused on Natural Killer (NK) cell research & development to maximize the potential of NK cell therapeutics. Join us to further fuel innovation in our current pipeline and support our goal: to help patients in need. When it comes to life-threatening diseases, we are one family. Main responsibilities Lead process tech transfer activities of new or improved versions of the process from development to manufacturingLiaison between process development and manufacturingInitiate, lead and execute medium to large size CMC projects within cell therapy process developmentWorking closely with the USP and DSP development teams as well as QA, RA, AD and other ensure timely delivery as well as technical success of the projectLead and support C(D)MO activitiesSetup and maintain collaboration with other Sanofi sitesAuthor and review relevant technical documents, reports, procedures, manufacturing batch records and CMC sections of regulatory submissions (IND, BLA and similar) About you MSc. or PhD in Cell Biology, Biotechnology, Process Engineering, or related fieldHands-on industrial experience in biopharmaceutical process development / CMCExperience in representing process development in CMC teams for early and late stage development projectsExpert in cell culture and/or purification technologiesExperience with project managementExperience with process transfer and/or process validationExperience with regulatory filings (BLA, IND, MAA) is a preExperience with cGMP is a preFluency in EnglishTeam playerAnalytical thinking, well organized Pursue progress. Discover extraordinary. Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! #LI-EUR At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    MSL Neurology South Location: Reading, UKField based and office attendance when requiredPermanent, full-time position About the job This is an exciting time for a medical affairs professional to join as a Neurology MSL in Sanofi UK. Our Team We are a team that gets things done no matter what. We have each other’s backs. We are evolving into a strategic partner that drives our business by raising standards of care. This is a team where talent will thrive! Main responsibilities The MSL is responsible for providing balanced, non-promotional high-level scientific and technical partnership to internal and external stakeholders for the benefit of patient care. Provides scientific and technical leadership to ensure professional and credible relationships with thought leaders and experts.Is proactive on working collaboratively and cross functionally with other Sanofi Teams while retaining functional independence.Utilises strong business acumen and understands the Franchise strategy, acting as a key strategic business partner by providing actionable insights.Collaborates with Medical Advisors, divisional teams and appropriate personnel to execute the medical plans in the field.Plays a key role in identifying UK data needs and options of partnership with experts for generating evidence.Knowledge and understanding of the NHS policy for disease area, reimbursement processes and patient referral pathways. About you Educated to degree level or equivalent with a scientific qualification, PhD level is preferable or Healthcare professional.Previous MSL experience required and particularly in Neurology Therapy area is preferable.Excellent communication skills including driving challenging discussions and experienced in the delivery of scientific presentations.Develop a good understanding of HCP communication preferences to adapt communication style.Competent to critically appraise studies and clinical evidence to allow engagement on higher scientific level with customers.Adaptable, independent and proactive working style.Knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry and of regulatory processes (Code of Practice and MHRA) desirable.Ability to collaborate and share information to contribute to the planning process and execute the agreed Medical plan in line with objectives.Working knowledge of UK Healthcare Systems and external stakeholder managementGood understanding of the continuum of data generation including clinical development, Real World Evidence (RWE) and data gaps analysisImplement true scientific engagement journeys by bridging channel disconnect to drive ongoing engagement and grow collaborative opportunities and meaningful scientific exchange.Be confident in the use of Omnichannel tools and ability to adapt to new channels.Effectively and compliantly share unmet needs of HCPs and their centres with cross-functional teams to inform patient centric strategy. Pursue progress. Discover extraordinary. Visas for those who do not already have the right to work in the UK will be considered on a case by case basis according to business needs and resources. Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! We are proud to be a Disability Confident Employer and committed to offering an interview to candidates who request to be considered under the Scheme and meet the minimum requirements required for this role. If you consider yourself to have a disability and would like to ask for adjustments to be made at interviews, please email diversity.recruitmentUKIE@sanofi.com so we can make arrangements for you. #LI-EUR At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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    People Excellence Partner Location: ReadingHybrid modelContract: 12 month fixed term contract About the job In the UK and Ireland, we employ c.1900 people across our 4 Global Business Units, Manufacturing & Supply, R&D and Global / Corporate Functions. Role Overview In our largest markets, including the UK & Ireland, we are in the process of deploying our new operating model for the People & Culture Function. Our new model consists of 4 areas: People Business Partners, Centres of Expertise (COEs), People Excellence and HR Services under Sanofi Business Services. As a People Excellence Partner you will be a key member of the UK/IE People & Culture Excellence Team deploying our new operating model with a focus on delivering people excellence. Main responsibilities: Strategy & policy: Implement changes locally according to People Business Partner & COE guidelines.Support implementation of Global People & Culture Strategy and Priorities.Support recruitment activity for the business.Support implementation of new People & Culture operating model and upskilling the business.Provides guidance and direction in People and Culture and associated business topics.Experience of managing a wide range of grievances and employee relations.Experience managing collective and individual redundancy processes.Guide employees & managers through the performance process. Perform year-end calibration according to COE guidance with the People Business Partner when appropriate.Support PS in global mobility of employees.Manage & coordinate employee separation & absence with PS for administrative tasks with support from People Business Partner when appropriate.Provide support to contingent & non-employee resources (conversion, transfer, termination), when needed.Support People-related local projects.Proactively encourage all line managers and employees to utilize Employee Self Service / Manager Self Service and MyPortal.Serve as a point of contact for Workday HR transactions, notifications and approvals.Promote continuous improvement through feedback loops and process improvement ideas and implementation with People Excellence COE Partner and PS.Organization Management – Support large organization changes with People Business Partners (RIFs & expansions). Offer org. system support for line management. Conduct Workday org audits and clean up efforts.Support Culture implementation locally. About you Experience: Demonstrable success in an HR/People & Culture role in a Multinational Company Environment, has handled complex cases / projects across Employee Relations, Organisational Change and Organisational Development.Soft skills: People and Patient focused, highly motivated and agile, ability to work with different groups across the organisation.Technical skills: Strong Project management experience. Proficient in MS office suite.Education: Degree in HR or Business related discipline.Languages: English. Pursue progress. Discover extraordinary. Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! We are proud to be a Disability Confident Employer and committed to offering an interview to candidates who request to be considered under the Scheme and meet the minimum requirements required for this role. If you consider yourself to have a disability and would like to ask for adjustments to be made at interviews, please email diversity.recruitmentUKIE@sanofi.com so we can make arrangements for you. Visas for those who do not already have the right to work in the UK will be considered on a case by case basis according to business needs and resources. #LI-EUR At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
  3. Sanofi

    Brand Manager - Reading

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    iMove, the Sanofi VIE Program, is available to citizens of the European Economic Area (EU + Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland) aged between 18 and 28. PLEASE NOTE that since this program is primarily an international development program, candidates cannot apply to a VIE assignment in their own country of citizenship. PLEASE NOTE that applications that are only submitted in French cannot be considered by our non-French speaking partners at Sanofi worldwide. Therefore, only applications that are submitted in English will be considered. At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and is embedded in our Core Values. We respect the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our employees, patients and customers. We are looking for: Manufacturing Science Analytical Technology (MSAT) Analyst - VIE Contract (W/M) Target start date: 01/03/2024 Responsibilities: Interact with development, tech transfer and validation teams from the Manufacturing and Supply network as requiredPrepare documentation (protocols, reports & risk assessments) to support process development & robustness, validation activities and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) readinessParticipate and/or lead execution of trials and/or process validation activitiesSupport the management of Process samplesPerform data analysis of process monitoring dataSupport development of regulatory documentation if needed Requirements: Master’s Degree in Process engineer, biotechnology, biochemical engineering, pharmaceutical/biotechBiotech process knowledge or experience on Fermentation, Ultrafiltration, Centrifugation, UltracentrifugationIT tools: statistical tools, Office toolsSpanish fluent/Good level is mandatory, Good professional EnglishKnowledge on Process validation / cleaning validation / BSL2 biosafety experience (would be a plus)Play to win behaviors such as stretch and take actionRigorous, autonomous, enjoy transversal work and working with international groups of people, very good communication skillsProactive, dynamic, oriented to results, acting for change, creative & innovative, ability to interact with multicultural environments, communication skills At Sanofi diversity and inclusion is foundational to how we operate and embedded in our Core Values. We recognize to truly tap into the richness diversity brings we must lead with inclusion and have a workplace where those differences can thrive and be leveraged to empower the lives of our colleagues, patients and customers. We respect and celebrate the diversity of our people, their backgrounds and experiences and provide equal opportunity for all.
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