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Al-Ahliyya Amman University (AAU) is the first private University in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Established by a decision from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research in 1989, the University opened its doors in 1990 with three faculties: Faculty of Law, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences. The following year saw the Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medical Sciences, and the Faculty of Engineering. Since its establishment, Al- Ahliyya Amman University has been supplying the local and Arab market with many graduates who have taken up important positions in local and regional institutions in both the public and private sectors.
Many of these graduates have pursued their graduate studies in several prestigious European and American universities and obtained Masters or Doctoral degrees in their fields. Some of them currently work for Al-Ahliyya Amman University or other Jordanian, Arab, and world universities. The number of graduates in various disciplines offered by the University has reached (14 477) students. With the establishment of the Faculty of Nursing in 2005 by a decision from the Ministry of Higher Education, the University came to comprise seven faculties. In 2009, Architecture and Civil Engineering were accredited, bringing the number to twenty-five specialties, all with plans compatible with local and international standards. The University faculties always seek to provide specialties and academic programs tailored to meet the needs of the local and regional labor market by developing the necessary infrastructure, establishing specialized centers that aim to bridge the gap between the academia and the labor market, and providing integrated services designed to upgrade the outcomes of the educational process represented by graduates qualified in the academic, technical, practical and personal spheres.
The University started a graduate program in Law in 2005, and in 2009 it offered graduate programs in Clinical Psychology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, all of which having been granted full accreditation and certification. In turn, the University has offered distinctive programs and provided suitably qualified staff members in response to these graduate programs. To meet the administrative, financial, and technical work requirements, the University has provided an administrative cadre qualified to work in different departments and divisions. They all seek to provide the University community of students, parents, and staff members, with the best services.
The role of the University is focused not only on the academic aspect but also on the services offered to the local community. Thus several seminars and courses held at the University have been attended by members of the community. Also, the University offers different services and support for the neighboring areas. In terms of future planning, the University Administration is developing strategic plans to ensure the sustainability of its approach by providing quality programs based on the latest areas of knowledge. These programs meet the labor market's needs in terms of academic plans, qualified staff members, and scientific equipment and resources.
Al-Ahliyya Amman University has always demonstrated itself as a leading university in introducing and taking initiatives. The University has complied with the Royal directions to reconsider universities' study plans and programs, connect the offered programs with the labor market requirements to raise graduates' level and increase their competition opportunities. In line with these directions, the University has added a range of new programs in the following majors: Networks and Information Security, E-Commerce, Electrical Engineering in its new form, Television, Cinema, and Theatrical Design, in addition to twenty-five existing BA programs in eight academic faculties. The University also paid particular attention to graduate programs. It grants Master's Degrees in Law, Clinical Psychology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Business Administration, Joint Business Administration with Herriot-Watt University, Communications Engineering, and English Language.
Al-Ahliyya Amman University is committed to develop and apply the "Quality Assurance Standards in Higher Education Institutions" and to follow any other adopted quality standards by investing human and physical energies to produce an academically and morally outstanding generation who can deal with the requirements of the time and keep up with the new developments efficiently and effectively. This act aims to meet students' needs and enable the University to play its role in promoting academic research, community services, and depicting Jordan as a distinctive educational destination at the regional level.
Al-Ahliyya Amman University shall be rated among the best universities in Jordan and the Arab world. Excellence in providing teaching, learning, and academic research with a high quality of international standards to enhance the status of Al-Ahliyya Amman University as the first private University in Jordan and the Arab world, and to make it a preferred choice to students and researchers. This can be achieved by providing an academic environment that seeks excellence and by preparing qualified human cadres specialized in various fields of knowledge to meet society's needs and the requirements of sustainable development.

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