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In 1984 and as part of the restructuring of the university card, the university center was erected in two National Institutes of Higher Education: INES INES Civil Engineering and Agronomy and Veterinary. In 1992, the facility recovers its status as University Center. The university Ibn Khaldoun Tiaret is a property vocation of Higher Education and Scientific Research, created in September 2001.
2010 ... the university restructuring in 06 faculties and two institutes. The university currently has no less than 27 courses in different specialties. Similarly, the number of students is more than 16809 in the 2010/2011 school year.
Moodle is an online learning platform for creating communities around educating content and educational activities. The "Moodle" word stands for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment: "Environment modular object-oriented dynamic of learning."

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