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    Date d’affichage / Date Posted: 2024-06-26Pays / Country: CanadaEmplacement / Location: LOC13052 1000 Boul Marie Victorin,Longueuil,Quebec,J4G 1A1,Canada #MonAvenirPWC #MyFuturePWC Qui nous sommes? Chez Pratt & Whitney, entreprise en pleine croissance, nous croyons que le vol motorisé a transformé, et continuera de transformer, le monde. C'est pourquoi nous travaillons avec un cœur d'explorateur et un acharnement de perfectionniste à concevoir, produire et entretenir les moteurs d'avion les plus avancés et les plus fiables du monde. Notre portefeuille diversifié - composé de moteurs commerciaux et militaires ainsi que de moteurs destinés à l'aviation d'affaires, générale et régionale, et aux hélicoptères – nous permet, ainsi qu’à nos clients, de passer du possible au réel. Ce qui vous attend Entreprise d’envergure et de renommée mondiale Produits innovateurs à la fine pointe de la technologie : moteurs d’avions et d’hélicoptères de nouvelle génération (PW800, PT6E-series, F135, etc.) Développement de technologies vertes et durables Programmes d’avancement professionnel et de scolarisation Programmes de formation sur le leadership et mentorat Gamme d’avantages sociaux, régime d’épargne et régime de retraite Pratiques reconnues en matière de santé, sécurité et environnement Programme de santé-mieux -être en entreprise et groupes de ressources pour les employés Programme d’aide pour les congés parentaux Culture d’entreprise valorisant la diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion et l’engagement communautaire Ce dont vous avez besoin pour réussir Aptitudes recherchées: Facilité à travailler en équipe Intérêt pour le développement et l’amélioration Autonomie Habiletés manuelles Esprit d’analyse Ce poste s’inscrit dans un milieu de travail francophone, néanmoins il nécessite une connaissance de base de l’anglais pour comprendre certaines instructions de travail spécialisées, des dessins et des termes techniques qui peuvent émaner d’organisations internationales. Formation DEP en technique d’usinage avec ASP Technique de génie mécanique Technique de génie aérospatial Expérience Idéalement, le candidat aura une à deux années d’expérience Nos Attentes Conduit un ensemble de machines-outils tel que les Tours et Fraiseuses conventionnels et à commande numérique, des équipements d’électroérosion par fil ou autres. Il peut être appelé à développer de nouvelles technologies et équipements de fabrication. Il peut être appelé à participer au développement de nouvelles pièces ou procédés pour le choix des méthodes ou outils. Lave, préserve, emballe et déplace les pièces en s’assurant de rencontrer les normes et spécifications. À quoi ressemblera votre quotidien? Travailler à partir de dessins, méthode de travail, croquis ou instructions verbales, concernant les méthodes et équipements à utiliser, afin de régler, conduire et ajuster des machines-outils conventionnelles ou à commandes numériques, pour usiner des pièces de moteurs neuves, usagés ou en développement. Également, peut effectuer la correction de pièces usagées ou neuves. Réaliser les montages et méthodes de fixation, selon l’outillage ou la pièce à usiner. Il fait sa sélection de son outillage au besoin et réalise l’assemblage et le montage de ceux-ci dans la machine-outil. À partir de logiciels informatiques, calculer et programmer les changements pour l’usinage et pour compenser les variations dimensionnelles des outils, pièces ou de la condition de la machine. Effectuer des essais sur la première pièce et les réglages, ajustements et alignements nécessaires pour les outils de coupe, les paramètres de coupe, etc. afin d’obtenir le rendement optimum et les dimensions requises. Effectuer les vérifications dimensionnelles et visuelles sur les pièces à l’aide d’instruments de mesure de précision tel que des gabarits de vérification ou CMM et tient à jour les registres appropriés. Enquêter sur les causes à problèmes répétitifs et recommande les actions préventives ou correctives. Initie et suggère des améliorations aux techniques et méthodes de travail, afin de prévenir la répétition des anomalies. Travailler en collaboration avec ses collègues de travail, les services de planification et programmation, les intervenants du groupe de maintenance ainsi que ceux de la Logistique et de la Qualité. Capable d’une grande autonomie ainsi que de participer à la formation et au partage ses connaissances à ses coéquipiers. Effectuer les routines d’entretien (niveaux d’huile, vérification des filtres) afin de s’assurer de la condition générale et du bon fonctionnement de la machine. Organiser et maintenir en ordre son poste de travail et respecter notre haut standard en matière de santé et sécurité au travail en tout temps. Peut être appelé à faire fonctionner simultanément plusieurs machines rapprochées Diversité, équité et inclusion Le générique masculin est utilisé sans discrimination et uniquement dans le but d'alléger le texte. P&WC souscrit au principe de l’équité en matière d’emploi et est déterminé à encourager la diversité et l’inclusion. Nous sommes heureux d’étudier la demande d’emploi de tous les candidats qualifiés, sans égard à leur race, couleur, religion, orientation sexuelle, genre, nationalité d’origine, âge, handicap, statut d’ancien combattant ou tout autre statut protégé par la loi. Bien que toutes les demandes d'emplois soient prises en considération, seuls les candidats retenus seront contactés. _______________________________________________________________________________ Who we are? At Pratt & Whitney, we believe that powered flight has transformed — and will continue to transform — the world. That's why we work with an explorer's heart and a perfectionist's grit to design, build and service the world's most advanced and unrelenting aircraft engines. We do this across a diverse portfolio – including Commercial Engines, Military Engines, Business Aviation, General Aviation, Regional Aviation, and Helicopter Aviation – and as a way of turning possibilities into realities for our customers. What you can expect? A renowned, global company Innovative, state-of-the-art products and technology: next-generation aircraft and helicopter engines (PW800, PT6E-series, F135, etc.) Development of green and sustainable technologies Career development and education programs Leadership training programs and mentoring Range of employee benefits, savings plan and pension plan Recognized environmental, health and safety practices Corporate health and wellness programs and employee resource groups Assistance program for parental leave A corporate culture that values diversity, equality, inclusion and community involvement What you need to be successful? Desired Skills: Ability to work as part of a team Interest in development and improvement Able to work independently Manual skills Analytical mind This position is part of a French-speaking work environment, but requires a basic knowledge of English to understand some specialized work instructions, drawings and technical terms that may come from international organizations. Training Vocational diploma (DEP) in machining techniques with vocational studies accreditation (ASP) Mechanical engineering skills Aerospace engineering skills The candidate will ideally have one to two years' experience What are our expectations? Maintains the required government certifications. Assists in emergency situations and conducts repairs on building mechanical systems until the return of qualified personnel. Welds piping. Ensures supply of fuel and chemicals for power house systems. Completes all required documentation, enters data and performs searches in the various information systems, and updates the appropriate parameter logs in order to establish efficient operations using statistical process control. What your day to day will look like? The successful candidate will be required to work from drawings, working methods, sketches or verbal instructions regarding the equipment and methods to be used, in order to set, operate and adjust conventional machine tools or numerical control machines to machine new or used engine parts or parts which are being developed The candidate will also be able to repair used or new parts The candidate may be called upon to perform assembly tasks and provide attachment methods, depending on the tools or part to be machined He will also select tools as needed and assemble and set these up in the machine-tool Using computer software, the candidate will calculate and program the changes for machining and compensating for dimensional variations in the tools, parts or in the condition of the machine He will carry out tests on the first part and the settings, and will carry out the necessary adjustments and alignments for cutting tools, cutting parameters and so on, in order to attain maximum output and the dimensions required The operator is responsible for performing dimensional and visual inspections of the parts using precision measuring instruments such as jigs and CMMs. He is also responsible for keeping the relevant logbooks up to date He will investigate the causes of recurring problems and recommend preventative or corrective actions He will initiate and suggest improvements to work methods and techniques to prevent the recurrence of anomalies The candidate will collaborate with work colleagues, the Planning and Programming departments and the group's maintenance, logistics and quality stakeholders The candidate must be able to work independently The candidate will participate in training and share knowledge with colleagues He will perform routine maintenance tasks (oil levels, filter checks) to ensure that the machine is in good general condition and is functioning correctly He will organize and keep the workstation in order at all times and respect our high standards regarding occupational health and safety He may be asked to operate several machines simultaneously which are in close proximity Diversity, equ and Inclusion The masculine pronoun is used without discrimination and solely for the purpose of making the text easier to read. P&WC is an equal opportunities employer, seeking to promote diversity and inclusion. We will consider applications from all qualified candidates, regardless of their race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, age, disability, veteran status or any other status protected by law. Although all applications will be considered, only successful candidates will be contacted. RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date d’affichage / Date Posted: 2024-06-26Pays / Country: CanadaEmplacement / Location: LOC13053 11 155 Julien Audette,Mirabel,Quebec,J7N 0G6,Canada Qui sommes-nous? Chez Pratt & Whitney, entreprise en pleine croissance, nous croyons que le vol motorisé a transformé, et continuera de transformer, le monde. C'est pourquoi nous travaillons avec un cœur d'explorateur et un acharnement de perfectionniste à concevoir, produire et entretenir les moteurs d'avion les plus avancés et les plus fiables du monde. Notre portefeuille diversifié - composé de moteurs commerciaux et militaires ainsi que de moteurs destinés à l'aviation d'affaires, générale et régionale, et aux hélicoptères – nous permet, ainsi qu’à nos clients, de passer du possible au réel. À quoi ressemblera votre quotidien? Le candidat sélectionné pour ce poste sera en charge d'entretenir, dépanner, modifier et réparer une grande variété de systèmes électriques et avioniques d'aéronefs. Il/Elle éffectuera des fonctions connexes et générales et maintiendra la bonne condition des équipements et de son poste de travail. Les fonctions principales sont les suivantes: Travailler à partir de dessins, de croquis, d’instructions écrites ou verbales. Corriger les défectuosités électriques et avioniques rapportées par les pilotes ou par les membres de l’équipe. Effectuer le diagnostique des problèmes et accompli le dépannage, l'entretien et la réparation des avions et de leurs composantes tel que radar, pilotage automatique, systèmes de navigation, de stabilisation et de communication. Vérifier, modifier et réparer des systèmes tel que circuits électriques et électroniques. Effectuer le diagnostique, le dépannage, la réparation, et le remplacement de composantes et systèmes mécaniques simples. Assister les mécaniciens d'aéronefs dans l’exécution de travaux mécaniques complexes. Effectuer les vérifications périodiques et la calibration des systèmes tel que communication, navigation et instruments de bord pour la mise en service des aéronefs et identifier et rapporter les dommages, l’usure et les conditions non acceptables. Effectuer les opérations de mise en service tel que le remplissage des réservoirs d'essence, d'huile, d'azote, d'oxygène où autres. Effectuer et surveiller les remorquages pour déplacer les aéronefs. Entretient intérieur et extérieur de l'aéronef, les cabinets d’aisances et vérifie la pression et l’état des pneus. Effectuer le service sur l'équipement de sécurité. Aider à l'embarquement et le débarquement des passagers. Vérifier et confirmer que le travail accompli sur l'aéronef rencontre les normes, les règles et les standards applicables. Assurer le maintien de la documentation et des manuels techniques des avions et de leurs installations. Selon ses qualifications, effectuer le retour en services des avions, des composantes et des installations. Tenir à jour les registres appropriés des divers paramètres afin d’établir des opérations efficaces avec le contrôle statistique des procédés. Participer aux vols en tant qu'observateur pour aider à l'évaluation et le diagnostique des problèmes. Peut être appelé à travailler de front sur plusieurs projets. Autres tâches générales Participe au développement des nouveaux procédés, produits et reprises pour le choix des méthodes et outils. Lave, préserve, emballe, identifie et déplace les pièces tout en s’assurant de rencontrer les normes et spécifications. Prend les articles nécessaires dans les magasins et colonnes et signale les sorties et les besoins de matériel au responsable. Effectue les routines d’entretien pour s’assurer que, entre autres, les niveaux des fluides sont adéquats, que les filtres sont propres et que la condition générale de la machine est conforme à la liste de vérification. Maintien son équipement et son environnement de travail propres et en bonne condition. Participe à la formation et partage ses connaissances à ses coéquipiers sur les différents équipements et tâches. Effectue d’autres tâches similaires de complexité moindre ou égale en lien avec les fonctions ci-haut mentionnées. Signale les difficultés au responsable du service. Ce dont vous avez besoin pour réussir Diplôme d'études collégiales (DEC) en avionique Doit détenir une licence d’entretien d’aéronef appropriée. Ce poste s’inscrit dans un milieu de travail francophone, néanmoins il nécessite une connaissance fonctionnelle de l’anglais pour lire et comprendre des instructions spécialisées, des plans, des dessins et des termes techniques qui peuvent émaner d’organisations internationales, ainsi que pour écrire et parfois communiquer en anglais avec des clients, des fournisseurs ou des collègues internationaux. Ce qui vous attend Entreprise d’envergure et de renommée mondiale Produits innovateurs à la fine pointe de la technologie : moteurs d’avions et d’hélicoptères de nouvelle génération (PW800, PT6E-series, F135, etc.) Développement de technologies vertes et durables Programmes d’avancement professionnel et de scolarisation Programmes de formation sur le leadership et mentorat Gamme d’avantages sociaux, régime d’épargne et régime de retraite Pratiques reconnues en matière de santé, sécurité et environnement Programme de santé-mieux -être en entreprise et groupes de ressources pour les employés Programme d’aide pour les congés parentaux Culture d’entreprise valorisant la diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion et l’engagement communautaire ​Veuillez noter que ce poste est basé à Mirabel Diversité, équité et inclusion Le générique masculin est utilisé sans discrimination et uniquement dans le but d'alléger le texte. P&WC souscrit au principe de l’équité en matière d’emploi et est déterminé à encourager la diversité et l’inclusion. Nous sommes heureux d’étudier la demande d’emploi de tous les candidats qualifiés, sans égard à leur race, couleur, religion, orientation sexuelle, genre, nationalité d’origine, âge, handicap, statut d’ancien combattant ou tout autre statut protégé par la loi. Bien que toutes les demandes d'emplois soient prises en considération, seuls les candidats retenus seront contactés. _______________________________________________________________________________ Who we are? At Pratt & Whitney, we believe that powered flight has transformed — and will continue to transform — the world. That's why we work with an explorer's heart and a perfectionist's grit to design, build and service the world's most advanced and unrelenting aircraft engines. We do this across a diverse portfolio – including Commercial Engines, Military Engines, Business Aviation, General Aviation, Regional Aviation, and Helicopter Aviation – and as a way of turning possibilities into realities for our customers. What your day to day will look like? The successful candidate for this position will be responsible for maintaining, troubleshooting, modifying and repairing a wide variety of aircraft electrical and avionics systems. He/She will perform related and general duties and maintain equipment and workstation in good condition. The main duties are as follows: Work from drawings, sketches, written or verbal instructions. Correct electrical and avionics faults reported by pilots or team members. Diagnose problems and troubleshoot, maintain and repair aircraft and components such as radar, autopilot, navigation, stabilization and communication systems. Check, modify and repair systems such as electrical and electronic circuits. Diagnose, troubleshoot, repair and replace simple mechanical components and systems. Assist aircraft mechanics in performing complex mechanical work. Perform periodic checks and calibration of systems such as communication, navigation and on-board instruments for aircraft commissioning, and identify and report damage, wear and unacceptable conditions Carry out commissioning operations such as filling fuel, oil, nitrogen, oxygen and other tanks. Perform and supervise towing operations to move aircraft. Maintains aircraft interior and exterior, lavatories and checks tire pressure and condition. Service safety equipment. Assist with passenger embarkation and disembarkation. Verify and confirm that work performed on the aircraft meets applicable norms, rules and standards. Maintain documentation and technical manuals for aircraft and facilities. Depending on qualifications, return aircraft, components and facilities to service. Maintain appropriate records of various parameters to establish efficient operations with statistical process control. Participate in flights as an observer to help evaluate and diagnose problems. May be required to work on several projects simultaneously. Other responsibilities Participates in the development of new processes, products and rework for the choice of methods and tools. Washes, preserves, packages, identifies and moves parts while ensuring that standards and specifications are met. Takes necessary items from stores and columns and reports stock issues and requirements to the manager. Carries out maintenance routines to ensure, among other things, that fluid levels are adequate, filters are clean filters are clean, and that the general condition of the machine is in accordance with the checklist. Keeps equipment and work environment clean and in good condition. Participates in training and shares knowledge with teammates on various equipment and tasks. Performs other similar tasks of equal or lesser complexity related to the above-mentioned duties. Reports any difficulties to the department manager. What you need to be successful? Diploma of Collegial Studies (DEC) in avionics Must hold an appropriate aircraft maintenance license. Although this position is part of a French-speaking work environment, it requires a working knowledge of English to read and understand specialized instructions, plans, drawings and technical terms that may emanate from international organizations, as well as to write and sometimes communicate in English with customers, suppliers or international colleagues What we offer? A renowned, global company Innovative, state-of-the-art products and technology: next-generation aircraft and helicopter engines (PW800, PT6E-series, F135, etc.) Development of green and sustainable technologies Career development and education programs Leadership training programs and mentoring Range of employee benefits, savings plan and pension plan Recognized environmental, health and safety practices Corporate health and wellness programs and employee resource groups Assistance program for parental leave A corporate culture that values diversity, equality, inclusion and community involvement Diversity, equity and Inclusion The masculine pronoun is used without discrimination and solely for the purpose of making the text easier to read. P&WC is an equal opportunities employer, seeking to promote diversity and inclusion. We will consider applications from all qualified candidates, regardless of their race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, age, disability, veteran status or any other status protected by law. Please note this position is located at Mirabel. Although all applications will be considered, only successful candidates will be contacted. RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date Posted: 2024-06-26Country: IndiaLocation: North Gate Business Park Sy.No 2/1, and Sy.No 2/2, KIAL Road, Venkatala Village, Chowdeshwari Layout, Yelahanka, Bangalore, Karnataka 560064Position Role Type: Unspecified Overview: Electronics Engineering own and drive Lighting LRU redesign, Sustenance Engineering activities, providing technical support for electrical parts obsolescence and proactively manage tasks to meet schedule goals. Also, actively participate in a team environment, working with cross functional teams to do modification in the existing products by replacing the obsolete parts and qualifying in PCB assembly and there by in the final product. Position: Lead Engineer (P2) Primary Responsibilities: Expertise in complete product development redesign and own the electrical design details of various aircraft interiors/exteriors lights, power supply and other lighting products.Develops concept for redesigning Lighting products for complex obsolescence issues by understanding customer requirements and the aircraft standardsComponent selection for AC-DC design, DC-DC design for low and medium power supply up to 2000WTopology selection and designing drive circuitry and LED drivers for 28V DC and 115V AC light units.Performs analytical system design, calculations and simulationsCreate detailed electrical schematics & develop detailed design description document.Perform electrical components selection/finding alternative, qualifying the parts in different PCB assemblies.Initiating the Engineering change for the alternate parts in Team center environment andCreating the where used report and evaluating the demand Creating the Obsolescence management concept & detailed report for the alternative parts as per Obsolescence management process defined by SBU.Should be able to find and provide solution for the customized electrical parts Good experience in IHS/Silicon Expert is required.Performing electrical piece parts testing , Design verification testing for lighting productsShould be able to provide the alternative parts, process, material in the existing design.Good Proficiency in MS Excel is required. Macro development and automation experience preferred.Create detailed electrical schematics & choose appropriate electronic components to meet requirementsWork closely with project managers, engineers and designers in understanding workflow, design process, budgets and deadlines for completing the alternate part redesign& qualificationEnsures design for manufacturing, cost, quality, reliability and certification.Performing detailed comparison of obsolete components and the new components selection and analyzing the circuitry impact.Understanding the PCB design process, the standards IPC-2222, IPC-2221, IPC- A -610, IPC-J-STD-001 and applying in the design to meet the requirements.Detailed understanding on the DO-160 and DO -254 standards and the requirements.Excellent problem solving and analytical capabilities.Must have strong communication and interpersonal skills.Basic Qualifications: 4-7 years of relevant Industry experienceBachelor's/Master's degree in Electrical/Electronics/Power Electronics/Electronics & CommunicationPrimary Skills: 2+yrs Experience in Electrical CAD tools (Altium, Pspice, Allegro, LTspice, Mathcad, Matlab, Simulink) 3+yrs in Analog and Digital Circuit design 2+yrs Experience in debugging product test failures. 2+yrs Experience in functional and DV testing of PCB assembly, final product Fundamental knowledge in EMI/EMC design Basic Knowledge on RRCA process Experience in LabVIEW desirable Collins Aerospace, a Raytheon Technologies company, is a leader in technologically advanced and intelligent solutions for the global aerospace and defense industry. Collins Aerospace has the capabilities, comprehensive portfolio and expertise to solve customers’ toughest challenges and to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving global market. Interiors: At Collins Aerospace, our Interiors team is focused on innovation, safety and cost efficiency. But we don’t just get people from point A to point B. We’re committed to making air travel more comfortable, connected and secure. As a leader in aviation interior products and services, we’re helping airlines and original equipment manufacturers create a positive experience for their customers. With offices and manufacturing facilities in more than 12 states across the U.S. and more than 10 countries around the globe, we’re changing the game of aircraft interiors. Are you ready to join our team? Collins Aerospace Diversity & Inclusion Statement: Diversity drives innovation; inclusion drives success. We believe a multitude of approaches and ideas enable us to deliver the best results for our workforce, workplace, and customers. We are committed to fostering a culture where all employees can share their passions and ideas so we can tackle the toughest challenges in our industry and pave new paths to limitless possibility. WE ARE REDEFINING AEROSPACE. Hybrid: Employees who are working in Hybrid roles will work regularly both onsite and offsite. Ratio of time working onsite will be determined in partnership with your leader. Some of our competitive benefits package includes: Transportation facility.Meal couponsGroup Term Life Insurance.Group Health Insurance.Group Personal Accident Insurance.Entitled for 18 days of vacation and 12 days of contingency leave annually.Employee scholar program.Work life balance.Car lease program.National Pension SchemeLTAFuel & Maintenance /Driver wagesMeal vouchersAnd more! Nothing matters more to Collins Aerospace than our strong ethical and safety commitments. As such, all India positions require a background check, which may include a drug screen. Note: Background check required (every external new hire in the India)Drug Screen only performed for Operations Positions RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date d’affichage / Date Posted: 2024-06-26Pays / Country: CanadaEmplacement / Location: LOC13053 11 155 Julien Audette,Mirabel,Quebec,J7N 0G6,Canada #MonAvenirPWC #MyFuturePWC Qui sommes-nous? Chez Pratt & Whitney, entreprise en pleine croissance, nous croyons que le vol motorisé a transformé, et continuera de transformer, le monde. C'est pourquoi nous travaillons avec un cœur d'explorateur et un acharnement de perfectionniste à concevoir, produire et entretenir les moteurs d'avion les plus avancés et les plus fiables du monde. Notre portefeuille diversifié - composé de moteurs commerciaux et militaires ainsi que de moteurs destinés à l'aviation d'affaires, générale et régionale, et aux hélicoptères – nous permet, ainsi qu’à nos clients, de passer du possible au réel. Ce qui vous attend Entreprise d’envergure et de renommée mondiale Produits innovateurs à la fine pointe de la technologie : moteurs d’avions et d’hélicoptères de nouvelle génération (PW800, PT6E-series, F135, etc.) Développement de technologies vertes et durables Programmes d’avancement professionnel et de scolarisation Programmes de formation sur le leadership et mentorat Gamme d’avantages sociaux, régime d’épargne et régime de retraite Pratiques reconnues en matière de santé, sécurité et environnement Programme de santé-mieux -être en entreprise et groupes de ressources pour les employés Programme d’aide pour les congés parentaux Culture d’entreprise valorisant la diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion et l’engagement communautaire Nos Attentes Comme technicien mécanique certifié licence M2 valide vous effectuerez l'entretien et la réparation des avions et de leurs composantes. Vous devrez corriger les défectuosités mécaniques, électriques et avioniques rapportées par les pilotes ou par les membres de l’équipe. Également, vous effectuez le diagnostic des problèmes et accomplir le dépannage, l'entretien et la réparation de leurs composantes mécaniques. À quoi ressemblera votre quotidien? Entretien des avions : Effectuer les vérifications périodiques des systèmes mécaniques pour la mise en service des aéronefs. Identifier et rapporter les dommages, l’usure et les conditions non acceptables. Effectuer les opérations de mise en service tel que le remplissage des réservoirs d'essence, d'huile, d'azote, d'oxygène où autres. Entretenir l'intérieur et extérieur de l'aéronef et effectue le service des cabinets d’aisances. Conformité : Travailler à partir de manuels de maintien de la navigabilité, des documents des manufacturiers d’équipements d’originaux (O.E.M), d’instruction d’ingénierie, de dessins, de croquis, d’instructions écrites ou verbales. Vérifier et confirmer que le travail accompli sur l'aéronef rencontre les normes, les règles et les standards applicables. Assurer le maintien de la documentation et des manuels techniques des avions et de leurs installations. Tenir à jour les registres appropriés des divers paramètres afin d’établir des opérations efficaces avec le contrôle statistique des procédés. Tâches connexes: Effectuer et/ou surveiller les déplacements au sol des aéronefs. Effectuer le service sur les équipements. Assister les avioniques d'aéronefs dans l’exécution de travaux avioniques. Peut être appelé à travailler de front sur plusieurs projets Ce dont vous avez besoin pour réussir Exigences : Diplôme d’études collégiales (DEC) en techniques d’entretien d’aéronef Une licence d’entretien d’aéronef de catégorie M2 valide Ce poste s’inscrit dans un milieu de travail francophone, néanmoins il nécessite une connaissance fonctionnelle de l’anglais pour lire et comprendre des instructions spécialisées, des plans, des dessins et des termes techniques qui peuvent émaner d’organisations internationales, ainsi que pour écrire et parfois communiquer en anglais avec des clients, des fournisseurs ou des collègues internationaux. Atouts Connaissance des systèmes Citation XLS et Dornier 328J Connaissance de la suite Microsoft Office Veuillez noter que ce poste est basé à Mirabel Diversité, équité et inclusion Le générique masculin est utilisé sans discrimination et uniquement dans le but d'alléger le texte. P&WC souscrit au principe de l’équité en matière d’emploi et est déterminé à encourager la diversité et l’inclusion. Nous sommes heureux d’étudier la demande d’emploi de tous les candidats qualifiés, sans égard à leur race, couleur, religion, orientation sexuelle, genre, nationalité d’origine, âge, handicap, statut d’ancien combattant ou tout autre statut protégé par la loi. Bien que toutes les demandes d'emplois soient prises en considération, seuls les candidats retenus seront contactés. _______________________________________________________________________________ Who we are? At Pratt & Whitney, we believe that powered flight has transformed — and will continue to transform — the world. That's why we work with an explorer's heart and a perfectionist's grit to design, build and service the world's most advanced and unrelenting aircraft engines. We do this across a diverse portfolio – including Commercial Engines, Military Engines, Business Aviation, General Aviation, Regional Aviation, and Helicopter Aviation – and as a way of turning possibilities into realities for our customers. What we offer? A renowned, global company Innovative, state-of-the-art products and technology: next-generation aircraft and helicopter engines (PW800, PT6E-series, F135, etc.) Development of green and sustainable technologies Career development and education programs Leadership training programs and mentoring Range of employee benefits, savings plan and pension plan Recognized environmental, health and safety practices Corporate health and wellness programs and employee resource groups Assistance program for parental leave A corporate culture that values diversity, equality, inclusion and community involvement What are Our Expectations? As a valid M2 certified mechanical technician, you will perform the maintenance and repair of aircraft and their components. You will need to correct mechanical, electrical, and avionic defects reported by pilots or team members. You also diagnose problems and troubleshoot, maintain and repair their mechanical components. What your day to day will look like? Aircraft maintenance: Perform periodic checks of mechanical systems for commissioning aircraft. Identifie and reports damage, wear and unacceptable conditions. Perform commissioning operations such as filling fuel tanks, oil, nitrogen, oxygen or other. Maintain the interior and exterior of the aircraft and performs the service of lavatories. Conformity: Work from continuing airworthiness manuals, original equipment manufacturer (O.E.M) documents, engineering instruction, drawings, sketches, written or verbal instructions. Verifie and confirms that the work performed on the aircraft meets the applicable standards, rules and special engineering instructions. Maintain documentation and technical manuals for aircraft and their facilities. Maintain appropriate registers of various parameters to establish efficient operations with statistical process control. Related tasks: Performs and / or monitors ground movements of aircraft or main engine run-ups. Performs service on equipment. Assists aircraft avionics in performing avionics work. May be called to work on several projects. What you need to be successful? Requirements: Diploma of Collegial Studies (DEC) in Aircraft Maintenance Techniques or equivalent. A valid M2 category aircraft maintenance license Although this position is part of a French-speaking work environment, it requires a working knowledge of English to read and understand specialized instructions, plans, drawings and technical terms that may emanate from international organizations, as well as to write and sometimes communicate in English with customers, suppliers or international colleagues Assets: Knowledge of Citation XLS and Dornier 328J systems Knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite Diversity, equity and Inclusion The masculine pronoun is used without discrimination and solely for the purpose of making the text easier to read. P&WC is an equal opportunities employer, seeking to promote diversity and inclusion. We will consider applications from all qualified candidates, regardless of their race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, age, disability, veteran status or any other status protected by law. Please note this position is located at Mirabel. Although all applications will be considered, only successful candidates will be contacted. RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date d’affichage / Date Posted: 2024-06-26Pays / Country: CanadaEmplacement / Location: LOC13060 7007 Chemin De La Savane,Saint-Hubert,Quebec,J3Y 8Y9,Canada #MonAvenirPWC #MyFuturePWC Qui sommes-nous? Chez Pratt & Whitney, entreprise en pleine croissance, nous croyons que le vol motorisé a transformé, et continuera de transformer, le monde. C'est pourquoi nous travaillons avec un cœur d'explorateur et un acharnement de perfectionniste à concevoir, produire et entretenir les moteurs d'avion les plus avancés et les plus fiables du monde. Notre portefeuille diversifié - composé de moteurs commerciaux et militaires ainsi que de moteurs destinés à l'aviation d'affaires, générale et régionale, et aux hélicoptères – nous permet, ainsi qu’à nos clients, de passer du possible au réel. Ce qui vous attend Entreprise d’envergure et de renommée mondiale Produits innovateurs à la fine pointe de la technologie : moteurs d’avions et d’hélicoptères de nouvelle génération (PW800, PT6E-series, F135, etc.) Développement de technologies vertes et durables Programmes d’avancement professionnel et de scolarisation Programmes de formation sur le leadership et mentorat Gamme d’avantages sociaux, régime d’épargne et régime de retraite Pratiques reconnues en matière de santé, sécurité et environnement Programme de santé-mieux -être en entreprise et groupes de ressources pour les employés Programme d’aide pour les congés parentaux Culture d’entreprise valorisant la diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion et l’engagement communautaire Ce dont vous avez besoin pour réussir Titulaire d’un DEC en entretien d’aéronefs ou d'un DEP en montage mécanique Expérience pertinente : 2 à 5 ans dans le domaine de l’aéronautique; Maîtrise des outils informatiques Capacités interpersonnelles : travail d’équipe et attitude positive Ce poste s’inscrit dans un milieu de travail francophone, néanmoins il nécessite une connaissance de base de l’anglais pour comprendre certaines instructions de travail spécialisées, des dessins et des termes techniques qui peuvent émaner d’organisations internationales À quoi ressemblera votre quotidien? Responsabilités générales Désassembler des accessoires de moteur à l’aide d’outils standard et spéciaux en suivant les étapes décrites selon les manuels des différents manufacturiers aéronautiques. Inspecte et détermine l’état de l’ensemble des pièces et des composants. Assembler les accessoires démontés et inspectés en s’assurant de la qualité des pièces restantes et de celles remplacées. Tester les accessoires et vérifie les performances aux conditions et limites prévues par un contrôle synchronisé de la manette des gaz et des différentes commandes de débit et de température. Vérifie et certifie l’état de navigabilité des pièces. Peut être appelé à travailler sur différents modèles tel que des Nozzles, des Pompes et des Fuel Control Unit (FCU) du département. Responsabilités spécifiques Travailler à partir d’instructions verbales ou écrites, de dessins ou de cédules concernant les méthodes et l’équipement à utiliser. Démonter, nettoyer, vérifier, réparer, adapter, monter, essayer, analyser et corriger les pannes. Ajuster diverses pièces mécaniques, électriques et électroniques intégrées sur les accessoires pour s’assurer de rencontrer les spécifications. Déterminer les réparations ou modifications à effectuer. Restaurer le fini de surface en effectuant le traitement requis tel qu’anodine et peinture. Compléter et approuver la documentation nécessaire à son travail et effectuer les transactions informatiques requises. Vérifier, faire les ajustements et accepter ou rebuter les pièces et accessoires. Tenir à jour les registres appropriés des divers paramètres afin d’établir des opérations efficaces avec le contrôle statistique des procédés. Prendre les décisions concernant la continuité des opérations, discute de la situation avec les planificateurs et recommande des modifications aux paramètres d’opération afin de rencontrer les spécifications. Tenir à jour les équipements et effectue un contrôle continu. Communiquer avec les services de soutien technique, assurance-qualité et autre service pour clarifier, évaluer et résoudre les difficultés sur les accessoires ou méthode et fournit une évaluation pour faire le suivi et appliquer les dispositions fixées. Participer au développement des nouveaux procédés, produits et reprises pour le choix des méthodes et outils. Effectuer les routines d’entretien pour s’assurer que, entre autres, les niveaux des fluides sont adéquats, que les filtres sont propres et que la condition générale de la machine est conforme à la liste de vérification. Maintenir son équipement et son environnement de travail propres et en bonne condition. Participer à la formation et partager ses connaissances à ses coéquipiers sur les différents équipements et tâches. Diversité, équité et inclusion Le générique masculin est utilisé sans discrimination et uniquement dans le but d'alléger le texte. P&WC souscrit au principe de l’équité en matière d’emploi et est déterminé à encourager la diversité et l’inclusion. Nous sommes heureux d’étudier la demande d’emploi de tous les candidats qualifiés, sans égard à leur race, couleur, religion, orientation sexuelle, genre, nationalité d’origine, âge, handicap, statut d’ancien combattant ou tout autre statut protégé par la loi. Bien que toutes les demandes d'emplois soient prises en considération, seuls les candidats retenus seront contactés. _______________________________________________________________________________ Who we are? At Pratt & Whitney, we believe that powered flight has transformed — and will continue to transform — the world. That's why we work with an explorer's heart and a perfectionist's grit to design, build and service the world's most advanced and unrelenting aircraft engines. We do this across a diverse portfolio – including Commercial Engines, Military Engines, Business Aviation, General Aviation, Regional Aviation, and Helicopter Aviation – and as a way of turning possibilities into realities for our customers. What we offer A renowned, global company Innovative, state-of-the-art products and technology: next-generation aircraft and helicopter engines (PW800, PT6E-series, F135, etc.) Development of green and sustainable technologies Career development and education programs Leadership training programs and mentoring Range of employee benefits, savings plan and pension plan Recognized environmental, health and safety practices Corporate health and wellness programs and employee resource groups Assistance program for parental leave A corporate culture that values diversity, equality, inclusion and community involvement What you need to be successful? College diploma in aeronautic maintenance Relevant experience: two to five years in the aerospace industry; Proficiency in computer tools Interpersonal skills: team work and positive attitude This position is part of a French-speaking work environment, but requires a basic knowledge of English to understand some specialized work instructions, drawings and technical terms that may come from international organizations. What your day to day will look like? General responsibilities Disassemble engine accessories using standard and special tools and following the steps described in the various aeronautic manufacturers’ manuals. Inspect and determine the condition of all parts and components. Assemble dismantled and inspected accessories by ensuring the quality of the remaining parts and those that were replaced. Test the accessories and verify performance within the conditions and limits set forth by a synchronized control of the throttle and various flow and temperature controls. Checks and certifies the airworthiness status of parts. May be asked to work on various models such as Nozzles, Pumps and the department’s Fuel Control Units. Specific responsibilities Work from verbal or written instructions, drawings or schedules regarding the methods and equipment to be used. Disassemble, clean, check, repair, adapt, test, analyze and fix breakdowns. Adjusts various integrated mechanical, electrical and electronic parts on the accessories to ensure that specifications are met. Decide on the repairs or changes to be made. Restore the surface finish by giving the required treatment, e.g. Alodine and paint. Complete and approve the necessary documentation for his/her work and performs the required computer transactions. Check, adjust and accept or scrap parts and accessories. Update the appropriate parameter logs in order to establish efficient operations using statistical process control. Make decisions regarding the continuity of operations, discusses the situation with planners and recommends changes to operating parameters in order to meet specifications. Maintain equipment and perform continual control. Communicate with technical support, quality assurance and other services to clarify, evaluate and resolve difficulties with respect to accessories or methods, and provides an evaluation. Track and apply the action items decided upon. Participate in developing new processes, products and turnbacks for the selection of methods and tools. Perform maintenance routines to ensure that fluid levels are correct, filters are clean and that the general condition of the machine complies with the checklist, among other things. Keep the equipment and work environment clean and in good condition. Participate in training and share knowledge of the various equipment and tasks with team mates. Diversity, equity and Inclusion The masculine pronoun is used without discrimination and solely for the purpose of making the text easier to read. P&WC is an equal opportunities employer, seeking to promote diversity and inclusion. We will consider applications from all qualified candidates, regardless of their race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, age, disability, veteran status or any other status protected by law. Although all applications will be considered, only successful candidates will be contacted. RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date d’affichage / Date Posted: 2024-06-26Pays / Country: CanadaEmplacement / Location: LOC13052 1000 Boul Marie Victorin,Longueuil,Quebec,J4G 1A1,Canada #MonAvenirPWC #MyFuturePWC Qui sommes-nous? Chez Pratt & Whitney, entreprise en pleine croissance, nous croyons que le vol motorisé a transformé, et continuera de transformer, le monde. C'est pourquoi nous travaillons avec un cœur d'explorateur et un acharnement de perfectionniste à concevoir, produire et entretenir les moteurs d'avion les plus avancés et les plus fiables du monde. Notre portefeuille diversifié - composé de moteurs commerciaux et militaires ainsi que de moteurs destinés à l'aviation d'affaires, générale et régionale, et aux hélicoptères – nous permet, ainsi qu’à nos clients, de passer du possible au réel. Ce qui vous attend Entreprise d’envergure et de renommée mondiale Produits innovateurs à la fine pointe de la technologie : moteurs d’avions et d’hélicoptères de nouvelle génération (PW800, PT6E-series, F135, etc.) Développement de technologies vertes et durables Programmes d’avancement professionnel et de scolarisation Programmes de formation sur le leadership et mentorat Gamme d’avantages sociaux, régime d’épargne et régime de retraite Pratiques reconnues en matière de santé, sécurité et environnement Programme de santé-mieux -être en entreprise et groupes de ressources pour les employés Programme d’aide pour les congés parentaux Culture d’entreprise valorisant la diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion et l’engagement communautaire Ce dont vous avez besoin pour réussir Titulaire d’un DEC en aéronautique ou DEC en génie mécanique; Expérience pertinente: 2 à 5 ans en inspection; Habiletés marquées en résolution de problèmes et esprit d’analyse; Grande autonomie et débrouillardise; Réussir les examens théoriques et pratiques; Connaissances de Microsoft Office (fonctions mathématiques de Microsoft Excel en particulier); Travailler en équipe et communiquer avec différents intervenants. Ce poste s’inscrit dans un milieu de travail francophone, néanmoins il nécessite une connaissance fonctionnelle de l’anglais pour lire et comprendre des instructions spécialisées, des plans, des dessins et des termes techniques qui peuvent émaner d’organisations internationales, ainsi que pour écrire et parfois communiquer en anglais avec des clients, des fournisseurs ou des collègues internationaux. Atouts Connaissances de SAP Maitrise de Catia V5 Maitrise du logiciel Cosmos et Calypso pour CMM Connaissance des normes ISO 10012 et 17025 À quoi ressemblera votre quotidien? Le candidat aura les responsabilités suivantes dans le cadre de ses fonctions : Inspection des gabarits, jauges et outils qui servirons à fabriquer et à assembler des moteurs à turbine Calibrer, régler, programmer et utiliser des appareils de mesure de grande précision, autant sur le plancher de production que dans un environnement contrôlé (température, éclairage…) Déterminer les méthodes de vérification optimales à partir de dessins, logiciels informatiques et divers documents d’inspection; Effectuer des réglages de précisions afin d’assurer la conformité aux normes; Faire la calibration de divers appareils tel que CMM et machines d’équilibrage, en utilisant l’équipement approprié; Effectuer des calculs mathématiques comportant l’utilisation de la trigonométrie et de la géométrie; Rédiger des rapports d’inspection reliées à la vérification et à la calibration d’équipement; Participer au partage de connaissances ; Déplacements occasionnels aux autres établissements de P&WC; ​ Diversité, équité et inclusion Le générique masculin est utilisé sans discrimination et uniquement dans le but d'alléger le texte. P&WC souscrit au principe de l’équité en matière d’emploi et est déterminé à encourager la diversité et l’inclusion. Nous sommes heureux d’étudier la demande d’emploi de tous les candidats qualifiés, sans égard à leur race, couleur, religion, orientation sexuelle, genre, nationalité d’origine, âge, handicap, statut d’ancien combattant ou tout autre statut protégé par la loi. Bien que toutes les demandes d'emplois soient prises en considération, seuls les candidats retenus seront contactés. ______________________________________________________________________________ Who we are? At Pratt & Whitney, we believe that powered flight has transformed — and will continue to transform — the world. That's why we work with an explorer's heart and a perfectionist's grit to design, build and service the world's most advanced and unrelenting aircraft engines. We do this across a diverse portfolio – including Commercial Engines, Military Engines, Business Aviation, General Aviation, Regional Aviation, and Helicopter Aviation – and as a way of turning possibilities into realities for our customers. What we offer? A renowned, global company Innovative, state-of-the-art products and technology: next-generation aircraft and helicopter engines (PW800, PT6E-series, F135, etc.) Development of green and sustainable technologies Career development and education programs Leadership training programs and mentoring Range of employee benefits, savings plan and pension plan Recognized environmental, health and safety practices Corporate health and wellness programs and employee resource groups Assistance program for parental leave A corporate culture that values diversity, equality, inclusion and community involvement What you need to be successful? College diploma (DEC) in aeronautics or mechanical engineering; Relevant experience: Two to five years in inspection; Good problem solving skills and an analytical mind; Autonomy and resourcefulness; Candidates must pass a theoretical and practical test; Microsoft Office knowledge (math functions in Excel); Although this position is part of a French-speaking work environment, it requires a working knowledge of English to read and understand specialized instructions, plans, drawings and technical terms that may emanate from international organizations, as well as to write and sometimes communicate in English with customers, suppliers or international colleagues. Assets Proficiency in SAP ; Knowledge of ISO 10012 and 17025 standards Proficiency in Catia V5 Proficiency in Cosmos and Calypso software for CMM Knowledge of ISO 10012 and 17025 standards What your day to day will look like? As part of his or her duties the candidate will have the following responsibilities: Inspection of gauges, template and tools used in the manufacturing and assemble of turbine engines, Calibrate, adjust, program and use precision measuring instruments, both on the production floor and in a controled environment (temperature, lighting…); Determine the optimal method of verification from drawings, computer software and various inspection documents; Adjust precises settings to ensure compliance with manufacturing quality standards; Perform calibration of various devices, such as CMMs and balancing machines using the proper equipment; Perform mathematical calculations involving the use of trigonometry and geometry; Generate inspection reports related to the verification and calibration of equipment; Participate in knowledge sharing; Occasional travel to other PWC facilities; Teamwork and communication with various associates; Diversity, equity and Inclusion The masculine pronoun is used without discrimination and solely for the purpose of making the text easier to read. P&WC is an equal opportunities employer, seeking to promote diversity and inclusion. We will consider applications from all qualified candidates, regardless of their race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, age, disability, veteran status or any other status protected by law. Although all applications will be considered, only successful candidates will be contacted. RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date d’affichage / Date Posted: 2024-06-26Pays / Country: CanadaEmplacement / Location: LOC13052 1000 Boul Marie Victorin,Longueuil,Quebec,J4G 1A1,Canada #MonAvenirPWC #MyFuturePWC Qui sommes-nous? Chez Pratt & Whitney, entreprise en pleine croissance, nous croyons que le vol motorisé a transformé, et continuera de transformer, le monde. C'est pourquoi nous travaillons avec un cœur d'explorateur et un acharnement de perfectionniste à concevoir, produire et entretenir les moteurs d'avion les plus avancés et les plus fiables du monde. Notre portefeuille diversifié - composé de moteurs commerciaux et militaires ainsi que de moteurs destinés à l'aviation d'affaires, générale et régionale, et aux hélicoptères – nous permet, ainsi qu’à nos clients, de passer du possible au réel. Ce qui vous attend Entreprise d’envergure et de renommée mondiale Produits innovateurs à la fine pointe de la technologie : moteurs d’avions et d’hélicoptères de nouvelle génération (PW800, PT6E-series, F135, etc.) Développement de technologies vertes et durables Programmes d’avancement professionnel et de scolarisation Programmes de formation sur le leadership et mentorat Gamme d’avantages sociaux, régime d’épargne et régime de retraite Pratiques reconnues en matière de santé, sécurité et environnement Programme de santé-mieux -être en entreprise et groupes de ressources pour les employés Programme d’aide pour les congés parentaux Culture d’entreprise valorisant la diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion et l’engagement communautaire Ce dont vous avez besoin pour réussir Détenir au minimum un DEC ou une AEC en génie mécanique ou autre domaine connexe Expérience en métrologie et programmation CMM dans un milieu industriel de précision Habiletés en résolution de problèmes et esprit d’analyse Faire preuve d’autonomie et de savoir-faire pour programmer la vérification de pièces complexes Bonne maitrise et connaissance de la lecture de plans complexes et du tolérancement géométrique applicable Connaissance des outils informatique MS Outlook et Office ainsi que du langage de programmation CMM Capacités interpersonnelles : travail d’équipe et attitude positive Implication dans l’amélioration continue des processus et méthodes Ce poste s’inscrit dans un milieu de travail francophone, néanmoins il nécessite une connaissance de base de l’anglais pour comprendre certaines instructions de travail spécialisées, des dessins et des termes techniques qui peuvent émaner d’organisations internationales. À quoi ressemblera votre quotidien? Développer, valider et utiliser des programmes informatiques complexes pour les machines à mesurer par coordonnées CMM Interpréter les rapports de vérification, les dessins et les spécifications afin de s’assurer que les dimensions des pièces sont conformes Planifier, de façon à optimiser les opérations, des instruments de mesure de précision pour les vérifications dimensionnelles Effectuer les calculs mathématiques nécessaires à l’inspection des pièces Participer aux enquêtes et activités d’amélioration de la qualité Relever les défauts selon les spécifications et identifier les pièces non conformes Préparer les rapports de vérification Effectuer les transactions informatiques nécessaires au suivi des pièces Tenir à jour les registres appropriés en lien avec le système Qualité Diversité, équité et inclusion Le générique masculin est utilisé sans discrimination et uniquement dans le but d'alléger le texte. P&WC souscrit au principe de l’équité en matière d’emploi et est déterminé à encourager la diversité et l’inclusion. Nous sommes heureux d’étudier la demande d’emploi de tous les candidats qualifiés, sans égard à leur race, couleur, religion, orientation sexuelle, genre, nationalité d’origine, âge, handicap, statut d’ancien combattant ou tout autre statut protégé par la loi. Bien que toutes les demandes d'emplois soient prises en considération, seuls les candidats retenus seront contactés. ______________________________________________________________________________ Who we are? At Pratt & Whitney, we believe that powered flight has transformed — and will continue to transform — the world. That's why we work with an explorer's heart and a perfectionist's grit to design, build and service the world's most advanced and unrelenting aircraft engines. We do this across a diverse portfolio – including Commercial Engines, Military Engines, Business Aviation, General Aviation, Regional Aviation, and Helicopter Aviation – and as a way of turning possibilities into realities for our customers. What we offer? A renowned, global company Innovative, state-of-the-art products and technology: next-generation aircraft and helicopter engines (PW800, PT6E-series, F135, etc.) Development of green and sustainable technologies Career development and education programs Leadership training programs and mentoring Range of employee benefits, savings plan and pension plan Recognized environmental, health and safety practices Corporate health and wellness programs and employee resource groups Assistance program for parental leave A corporate culture that values diversity, equality, inclusion and community involvement What you need to be successful? At least a college diploma or other college certification in mechanical engineering or another related field Experience in metrology and CMM programming in a precision industry environment Problem-solving and analytical skills Independence and knowledge when it comes to programming the inspection of complex parts Good understanding and knowledge of reading complex plans and the applicable geometric tolerance Knowledge of MS Outlook and Office IT tools as well as CMM programming language Interpersonal skills: a positive attitude and the ability to work in a team Involvement in the continuous improvement of processes and procedures What your day to day will look like? Developing, checking and using complex computer programs for coordinate measuring machines (CMM) Interpreting inspection reports, drawings and specifications to ensure that the dimensions of the parts conform Scheduling a variety of precision measuring instruments for dimensional inspections with the aim of optimizing operations Performing the required mathematical calculations for the inspection of parts Participating in investigations and quality improvement activities Finding faults according to the specifications and identifying parts that do not conform Preparing inspection reports Performing the required computer transactions for monitoring parts Keeping the appropriate Quality System logs up to date Diversity, equity and Inclusion The masculine pronoun is used without discrimination and solely for the purpose of making the text easier to read. P&WC is an equal opportunities employer, seeking to promote diversity and inclusion. We will consider applications from all qualified candidates, regardless of their race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, age, disability, veteran status or any other status protected by law. Although all applications will be considered, only successful candidates will be contacted. RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date d’affichage / Date Posted: 2024-06-26Pays / Country: CanadaEmplacement / Location: LOC13060 7007 Chemin De La Savane,Saint-Hubert,Quebec,J3Y 8Y9,Canada #MonAvenirPWC #MyFuturePWC Qui sommes-nous? Chez Pratt & Whitney, entreprise en pleine croissance, nous croyons que le vol motorisé a transformé, et continuera de transformer, le monde. C'est pourquoi nous travaillons avec un cœur d'explorateur et un acharnement de perfectionniste à concevoir, produire et entretenir les moteurs d'avion les plus avancés et les plus fiables du monde. Notre portefeuille diversifié - composé de moteurs commerciaux et militaires ainsi que de moteurs destinés à l'aviation d'affaires, générale et régionale, et aux hélicoptères – nous permet, ainsi qu’à nos clients, de passer du possible au réel. Ce qui vous attend Entreprise d’envergure et de renommée mondiale Produits innovateurs à la fine pointe de la technologie : moteurs d’avions et d’hélicoptères de nouvelle génération (PW800, PT6E-series, F135, etc.) Développement de technologies vertes et durables Programmes d’avancement professionnel et de scolarisation Programmes de formation sur le leadership et mentorat Gamme d’avantages sociaux, régime d’épargne et régime de retraite Pratiques reconnues en matière de santé, sécurité et environnement Programme de santé-mieux -être en entreprise et groupes de ressources pour les employés Programme d’aide pour les congés parentaux Culture d’entreprise valorisant la diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion et l’engagement communautaire Ce dont vous avez de besoin pour réussir DEP en technique d’usinage avec ASP commande numérique Facilité à travailler en équipe tout en ayant une bonne autonomie Intérêt pour la mécanique Habiletés manuelles Esprit d’analyse Ce poste s’inscrit dans un milieu de travail francophone, néanmoins il nécessite une connaissance de base de l’anglais pour comprendre certaines instructions de travail spécialisées, des dessins et des termes techniques qui peuvent émaner d’organisations internationales. Atout Une à deux années d’expérience dans un domaine connexe À quoi ressemblera votre quotidien? Responsabilités générales du poste : Le candidat recherché sera appelé à travailler à partir de dessins, méthode de travail, croquis ou instructions verbale, concernant les méthodes et équipements à utiliser, afin de régler, conduire et ajuster des robots à commandes numériques, pour des pièces de moteurs neuves ou la correction de pièces usagées ou neuves. Il devra aussi: Effectuer les vérifications dimensionnelles et visuelles sur les pièces à l’aide d’instruments de mesure de précision tel que des gabarits de vérification et tient à jour les registres appropriés. Effectuer des tâches sur des pièces en cours d’usinage. Laver, préserver, emballer et déplacer les pièces en s’assurant de rencontrer les normes et spécifications des pièces. Effectuer les routines d’entretien pour s’assurer que, entre autres, les niveaux des fluides sont adéquats, que les filtres sont propres et que la condition générale de la machine est conforme à la liste de vérification. Participer à la formation et partage ses connaissances à ses coéquipiers. Organiser et maintenir en ordre son poste de travail et respecter notre haut standard en matière de santé et sécurité au travail. Responsabilités spécifiques Préparer et ajuster les pièces et l’équipement en vue de l’application des revêtements de protection ou pour rebâtir une surface en se basant sur des dessins divers et complexes, des croquis, des programmes de machines à contrôle numérique, des procédés de fabrication, des spécifications et autres instructions verbales et écrites Utiliser des procédés de nettoyage, de traitement thermique ou autres afin d’éliminer les différents contaminants. Contrôler visuellement les surfaces à rebâtir pour s’assurer de leur propreté. Préparer les surfaces par abrasion. Monter, installer, ajuster, stabiliser et balancer la pièce sur la table rotative ou autre support requis pour la métallisation. - Régler, conduire et ajuster des machines à vaporisation de plasma afin de s’assurer de la condition et de la conformité de l’équipement de façon à rencontrer les spécifications requises selon les cédules spécifiques d’application des revêtements. - Peut être appelé à modifier des paramètres dans la programmation. Appliquer les procédures de maintenance telle que l’alignement du chalumeau, la détection des fuites, l’ajustement et l’inspection de l’injecteur. Métallise des échantillons, pour certains procédés ou qualifications, nécessitant une vérification en laboratoire. Effectuer le travail d’ébavurage tel que l’enlèvement d’excès de revêtement, y compris la correction de défauts dans l’application. Effectuer occasionnellement des reprises et retouches si nécessaire. -Effectuer des vérifications dimensionnelles et visuelles sur les pièces pendant la réparation tel qu’indiqué ou requis à l’aide de différents types d’instruments de mesure de précision et de gabarits de vérification. Tenir à jour les registres appropriés des divers paramètres afin d’établir des opérations efficaces et stables avec le contrôle statistique des procédés. Peut être appelé à participer au développement de nouvelles pièces ou procédés pour le choix des méthodes ou outils. Peut être appelé à faire fonctionner simultanément plusieurs machines rapprochées. Diversité, équité et inclusion Le générique masculin est utilisé sans discrimination et uniquement dans le but d'alléger le texte. P&WC souscrit au principe de l’équité en matière d’emploi et est déterminé à encourager la diversité et l’inclusion. Nous sommes heureux d’étudier la demande d’emploi de tous les candidats qualifiés, sans égard à leur race, couleur, religion, orientation sexuelle, genre, nationalité d’origine, âge, handicap, statut d’ancien combattant ou tout autre statut protégé par la loi. Bien que toutes les demandes d'emplois soient prises en considération, seuls les candidats retenus seront contactés. _______________________________________________________________________________ Who we are? At Pratt & Whitney, we believe that powered flight has transformed — and will continue to transform — the world. That's why we work with an explorer's heart and a perfectionist's grit to design, build and service the world's most advanced and unrelenting aircraft engines. We do this across a diverse portfolio – including Commercial Engines, Military Engines, Business Aviation, General Aviation, Regional Aviation, and Helicopter Aviation – and as a way of turning possibilities into realities for our customers. What we offer? A renowned, global company Innovative, state-of-the-art products and technology: next-generation aircraft and helicopter engines (PW800, PT6E-series, F135, etc.) Development of green and sustainable technologies Career development and education programs Leadership training programs and mentoring Range of employee benefits, savings plan and pension plan Recognized environmental, health and safety practices Corporate health and wellness programs and employee resource groups Assistance program for parental leave A corporate culture that values diversity, equality, inclusion and community involvement What you need to be successful? Vocational diploma (DEP) in machining techniques with vocational studies accreditation (ASP) Ability to work as part of a team while maintaining excellent autonomy Analytical mind This position is part of a French-speaking work environment, but requires a basic knowledge of English to understand some specialized work instructions, drawings and technical terms that may come from international organizations. Asset The candidate will ideally have one to two years' experience What your day to day will look like? General responsibilities The successful candidate will be required to work from drawings, working methods, sketches or verbal instructions, regarding the equipment and methods to be used, in order to set, operate and adjust conventional machine tools or numerical control machines to machine new engine parts and repair used or new parts. He will also: Perform visual and dimensional inspections of parts using precision measuring instruments such as jigs and CMMs, and keeping the relevant logbooks up to date Perform tasks on in-process machined parts Wash, store, packages and move parts, while ensuring that standards and specifications are met Perform routine maintenance to ensure that fluid levels are correct, filters are clean and that the general condition of the machine complies with the checklist etc. Participate in training and shares knowledge with team mates Organize and keep the workstation in order and respects our high standards regarding occupational health and safety Specific responsibilities Prepare and adjust parts and equipment in order to apply protective coatings or rebuild a surface based on varied and complex drawings, rough sketches, numerical control machine programs, manufacturing processes, specifications and other verbal and written instructions. Use cleaning, heat treatment and other processes to remove various contaminants. Visually inspect surfaces to be rebuilt to ensure their cleanliness. Prepare surfaces by abrasion. Fit, install, adjust, stabilize and balance the part on the rotating table or other support required for bonding. Set, operate and adjust plasma spray machines to ensure the condition and compliance of equipment in order to meet the required specifications in accordance with specific coating application schedules. May be required to modify programming parameters. Must apply maintenance procedures such as blowtorch alignment, leak detection and adjustment and inspection of the injector. Bond test pieces (certain processes or certifications require laboratory verification). Perform deburring work such as removing excess coating, including the correction of application faults. Diversity, equity and Inclusion The masculine pronoun is used without discrimination and solely for the purpose of making the text easier to read. P&WC is an equal opportunities employer, seeking to promote diversity and inclusion. We will consider applications from all qualified candidates, regardless of their race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, age, disability, veteran status or any other status protected by law. Although all applications will be considered, only successful candidates will be contacted. RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date d’affichage / Date Posted: 2024-06-26Pays / Country: CanadaEmplacement / Location: LOC13052 1000 Boul Marie Victorin,Longueuil,Quebec,J4G 1A1,Canada Qui sommes-nous? Chez Pratt & Whitney, entreprise en pleine croissance, nous croyons que le vol motorisé a transformé, et continuera de transformer, le monde. C'est pourquoi nous travaillons avec un cœur d'explorateur et un acharnement de perfectionniste à concevoir, produire et entretenir les moteurs d'avion les plus avancés et les plus fiables du monde. Notre portefeuille diversifié - composé de moteurs commerciaux et militaires ainsi que de moteurs destinés à l'aviation d'affaires, générale et régionale, et aux hélicoptères – nous permet, ainsi qu’à nos clients, de passer du possible au réel. Ce qui vous attend Entreprise d’envergure et de renommée mondiale Produits innovateurs à la fine pointe de la technologie : moteurs d’avions et d’hélicoptères de nouvelle génération (PW800, PT6E-series, F135, etc.) Développement de technologies vertes et durables Programmes d’avancement professionnel et de scolarisation Programmes de formation sur le leadership et mentorat Gamme d’avantages sociaux, régime d’épargne et régime de retraite Pratiques reconnues en matière de santé, sécurité et environnement Programme de santé-mieux -être en entreprise et groupes de ressources pour les employés Programme d’aide pour les congés parentaux Culture d’entreprise valorisant la diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion et l’engagement communautaire. Ce dont vous avez besoin pour réussir Titulaire d’un DEP en technique d’usinage avec ASP usinage sur machines-outils à commande numérique Maîtrise du français (oral et écrit) Bonne compréhension et lecture de l’anglais Une bonne connaissance de la langue anglaise, à l’écrit et à l’oral, est requise pour ce poste compte tenu des besoins opérationnels de l’Employeur et des personnes avec lesquelles le [candidat] sera appelé à interagir. Facilité à travailler en équipe Initiative et leadership Habiletés manuelles Esprit d’analyse Atouts Expérience dans le domaine de l’usinage Expérience dans le domaine d’affûtage d’outils de coupe (un atout) À quoi ressemblera votre quotidien? Fabriquer, affûter, raffûter, réparer et modifier des outils de coupe de tous genres à partir de machines à commandes numériques Consulter les dessins et les croquis des outils de coupe. Préparer les outils, dresser les meules manuellement ou avec l’aide d’une machine CNC, effectuer le montage. Opérer une ou plusieurs machines simultanément. Effectuer l’inspection des outils de coupe à l’aide de comparateurs et de machines d’inspection automatisées. Participer au développement des nouveaux procédés. Faire des calculs mathématiques, entre autres à l’aide de la trigonométrie. Laver, emballer, identifier et déplacer les pièces tout en s’assurant de rencontrer les normes et spécifications Maintenir en bonne condition les équipements et son poste de travail. Effectuer les routines d’entretien sur les équipements (niveaux d’huile, état des filtres) Travailler en équipe et être capable d’une grande autonomie. Diversité, équité et inclusion Le générique masculin est utilisé sans discrimination et uniquement dans le but d'alléger le texte. P&WC souscrit au principe de l’équité en matière d’emploi et est déterminé à encourager la diversité et l’inclusion. Nous sommes heureux d’étudier la demande d’emploi de tous les candidats qualifiés, sans égard à leur race, couleur, religion, orientation sexuelle, genre, nationalité d’origine, âge, handicap, statut d’ancien combattant ou tout autre statut protégé par la loi. Bien que toutes les demandes d'emplois soient prises en considération, seuls les candidats retenus seront contactés. ______________________________________________________________________________ Who we are? At Pratt & Whitney, we believe that powered flight has transformed — and will continue to transform — the world. That's why we work with an explorer's heart and a perfectionist's grit to design, build and service the world's most advanced and unrelenting aircraft engines. We do this across a diverse portfolio – including Commercial Engines, Military Engines, Business Aviation, General Aviation, Regional Aviation, and Helicopter Aviation – and as a way of turning possibilities into realities for our customers. What we offer? A renowned, global company Innovative, state-of-the-art products and technology: next-generation aircraft and helicopter engines (PW800, PT6E-series, F135, etc.) Development of green and sustainable technologies Career development and education programs Leadership training programs and mentoring Range of employee benefits, savings plan and pension plan Recognized environmental, health and safety practices Corporate health and wellness programs and employee resource groups Assistance program for parental leave A corporate culture that values diversity, equality, inclusion and community involvement What you need to be successful? Vocational diploma (DEP) in machining techniques with vocational studies accreditation (ASP) Ability to work as part of a team Initiative and leadership Manual skills Analytical mind Proficiency in French (oral and written) — knowledge of English an asset Assets Experience in machining Experience in cutter grinding What your day to day will look like? Fabricate, sharpen, resharpen, repair and modify all types of cutting tools on numeric control machines. Work from documents, manufacturing operation sheets and cutting tool drawings. Manually or with the help of machinery, grind shapes in the grinding wheel, prepare tools and do set-ups. Simultaneously operate one or several machines. Perform dimensional and visual inspections of parts during the manufacturing process with optic comparators and CNC machine. Participate in the development of new processes. Do mathematical calculations, among other things using trigonometry. Wash, package, identify and move parts while meeting standards and specifications. Keep equipment and workstation clean and in good working condition. Perform maintenance routines (fluid levels are adequate, filters are clean). Works as part of a team but must be able to work with a high level of autonomy. Diversity, equity and Inclusion The masculine pronoun is used without discrimination and solely for the purpose of making the text easier to read. P&WC is an equal opportunities employer, seeking to promote diversity and inclusion. We will consider applications from all qualified candidates, regardless of their race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, age, disability, veteran status or any other status protected by law. Although all applications will be considered, only successful candidates will be contacted. RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date Posted: 2024-06-30Country: SingaporeLocation: 41 Changi North Crescent, SingaporePosition Role Type: Unspecified Responsibilities: Perform inspection, mechanical repair & assembly work of aircraft structural component. Ability to perform the followings: Inspect and document defects accurately in Inspection Repair Records (IRR)Mechanical RepairPart FormingPart Replacement WorkSmall Component Assembly and Disassembly WorkFinal inspect completed repair task, ensuring it is serviceable and ready for release to service. Use Alignment Jig / ASMJ for Repair Work Carry out repair work according to repair scheme / routing Clear routing upon job completion Produce good quality repair work Ensure understanding of personal PPE and a safe environment with 5S on workshop Requirements: Diploma/Nitec in Mechanical or Aeronautical Engineering Preferably with 1 to 3 years of experience in the maintenance, repair & overhaul of nacelle components Understanding of blue prints, repair instructions & sketches Possess CAAS A12, B11 & L11/L12 papers would be advantageous Able to work independently and meet deadlines A team player with a positive working attitude and keen interest to learn Fresh school leavers will be considered for an entry level position Responsibilities: Perform inspection, mechanical repair & assembly work of aircraft structural component. Ability to perform the followings: Inspect and document defects accurately in Inspection Repair Records (IRR)Mechanical RepairPart FormingPart Replacement WorkSmall Component Assembly and Disassembly WorkFinal inspect completed repair task, ensuring it is serviceable and ready for release to service. Use Alignment Jig / ASMJ for Repair Work Carry out repair work according to repair scheme / routing Clear routing upon job completion Produce good quality repair work Ensure understanding of personal PPE and a safe environment with 5S on workshop Requirements: Diploma/Nitec in Mechanical or Aeronautical Engineering Preferably with 1 to 3 years of experience in the maintenance, repair & overhaul of nacelle components Understanding of blue prints, repair instructions & sketches Possess CAAS A12, B11 & L11/L12 papers would be advantageous Able to work independently and meet deadlines A team player with a positive working attitude and keen interest to learn Fresh school leavers will be considered for an entry level position RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date Posted: 2024-05-15Country: PhilippinesLocation: Lot 18 3rd Street, First Philippine Industrial Park, Tanauan City, Batangas, PhilippinesPosition Role Type: Unspecified Job DescriptionJOB RESPONSIBILITIES •Define problems, collects data, draw valid conclusion during the inspection process that meet established procedures as outlined by the repair department documentation, customer and regulatory requirements. •Performs final inspection for units undergone repairs, performs thorough checking in documentations in accordance with regulatory requirements. •Assists management in methods or actions to rectify malfunction. •Provides details to assist engineering in product improvement as discovered through the repair process and inspection findings. •Analyzes and interpret fault isolation and operational test data of components to ensure conformance with final product specification. •Performs visual inspection of incoming customer products. •Acts independently to determine compliance of applicable regulations and customer/manufacturer requirements. •Produces inspection records, reports or documentation as required per regulations and customer requirement. •Adheres to participate in all EHS practices and standards across the site, including but not limited to proactive reporting of observed hazards and recommendations to ensure the safety and well-being of self and others. QUALIFICATIONS •Knowledge in applicable FAA, EASA, CAA Philippines, CAA Singapore, CAA Thailand, Japan Civil Aviation Bureau regulations •Knowledge and understanding to technical data such as CMM, SB or SIL. •Knowledge of mechanical / electro-mechanical assembly, disassembly, repair and overhaul activities. •Minimum 18 months experience disassembling, inspecting; assembling; and testing aviation component / equipment. •Minimum educational level shall be a school level or apprenticeship evidenced by the appropriate certificates. Preferably holding CAAP license. •MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint proficient. •Strong written and verbal communication and reasoning skills. ELIGIBILITY •Must not have had any disciplinary case within the past year •Must not be under Performance Improvement Plan •With at least a year in his/her current position Collins Aerospace, a Raytheon Technologies company, is a leader in technologically advanced and intelligent solutions for the global aerospace and defense industry. Collins Aerospace has the capabilities, comprehensive portfolio and expertise to solve customers’ toughest challenges and to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving global market. You could be a great fit for our Quality organization if: You take immense satisfaction and pride in the quality of your work.You’re the first to point out opportunities for continuous improvement (even outside of work…not at all to the annoyance of your friends and family).You understand the absolute importance of adhering to compliance…all while making your customers proud by achieving a zero-defect quality delivery plan. OK. We got it. You live and breathe Quality. So do we! For us at Collins Aerospace, quality is personal. People’s lives and safety depend on the quality of our products. From the child flying for the first time, to the men and women who save lives, to the astronaut exploring outer space – what we do matters, every day. If you checked the boxes above, we invite you to join the Quality organization as we work to be the best aerospace company for the world by delighting our customers with 100 percent on-time delivery and zero-defect parts. We make modern flight possible for millions of travelers and our military every second. Our major product lines are on-board virtually every aircraft flying. Be it keeping passengers safe with our emergency power generation systems, or creating a positive in flight experience through reliable cabin pressure controls and quieter engines, Power & Controls focuses on delivering a best-in-class experience to our customers. We hire the top people in the industry. Their ideas drive our performance, and their integrity keeps our customers happy. Join us as we take flight! Collins Aerospace Diversity & Inclusion Statement: Diversity drives innovation; inclusion drives success. We believe a multitude of approaches and ideas enable us to deliver the best results for our workforce, workplace, and customers. We are committed to fostering a culture where all employees can share their passions and ideas so we can tackle the toughest challenges in our industry and pave new paths to limitless possibility. WE ARE REDEFINING AEROSPACE. * Please consider the following role type definitions as you apply for this role. Onsite: Employees who are working in Onsite roles will work primarily onsite. This includes all production and maintenance employees, as they are essential to the development of our products. Hybrid: Employees who are working in Hybrid roles will work regularly both onsite and offsite. Ratio of time working onsite will be determined in partnership with your leader. Remote: Employees who are working in Remote roles will work primarily offsite (from home). An employee may be expected to travel to the site location as needed. Regardless of your role type, collaboration and innovation are critical to our business and all employees will have access to digital tools so they can work with colleagues around the world – and access to Collins sites when their work requires in-person meetings. RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date Posted: 2023-11-23Country: AustraliaLocation: AUSWA114: Perth WA, 1 McGrath Rd, Henderson, WA, 6166, AustraliaPosition Role Type: Unspecified Leading Defence ContractorTailored career & development opportunitiesFast paced dynamic work environmentBased in Henderson, WA location At Raytheon Australia, we draw the brightest minds and give them work that excites them while continuously developing an environment for learning to maintain a highly skilled, world-class workforce. A new opportunity exists for a Contracts Specialist to join our Contracts & Supply Chain team in Western Australia. If you are a self-motivated team player, we’d love to hear from you. Reporting into the Contracts Manager you will work within a program delivering essential Defence maritime capability in collaboration with our customer and industry partners. Key Responsibilities: Day-to-day administration of commercial requirements for assigned program contracts, including liaising with internal and external stakeholders to administer program contract agreements and ensure successful delivery of services.Ensuring all commercial activity follows the guidelines specified by the Program Management Plans.Contribute to the identification of commercial risks, and the development and implementation of solutions.Provide interpretation and explanation of customer procurement policy and regulations, company policy, and contract requirements and terms and conditions, to stakeholders to manage compliance and inform decision-making.Serve as a point of contact for customer and supplier interfaces with the company.Maintaining records in relevant systems and databases, ensuring all agreements are included, up-to-date and are regularly reviewed for currency and accuracy. Skills, Experience and Qualifications: A Degree in Business, Commerce or Law, with a minimum of 2 years relevant experience in a similar role.Have a good practical knowledge and experience in contract management and procurement activities.An ability to influence parties at an operational level to achieve objectives within a compliance framework.A self-motivated team player who is able to work effectively as part of a team. Must be an Australian citizen and be able to obtain and maintain a Defence security clearance. Eligibility can be found at http://www.defence.gov.au/agsva. This is your chance to join a world class team and make a real difference. At Raytheon Australia, we recognise and invest in talent, no matter your stage of career or life. That’s one of the reasons why our people say we do great work and it’s great to #workhere. If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding career, access your next mission by clicking the "Apply Now" button below or contact us at careers@raytheon.com.au RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date Posted: 2024-06-27Country: United States of AmericaLocation: AZ859: RMS Rita Road Bldg 9022 9000 South Rita Road Building 9022, Tucson, AZ, 85747 USAPosition Role Type: Hybrid At Raytheon, the foundation of everything we do is rooted in our values and a higher calling – to help our nation and allies defend freedoms and deter aggression. We bring the strength of more than 100 years of experience and renowned engineering expertise to meet the needs of today’s mission and stay ahead of tomorrow’s threat. Our team solves tough, meaningful problems that create a safer, more secure world. We have an exciting opportunity for a Principal Specialist, Contracts within our Naval Air Missiles (NAM) Contracts organization supporting Tomahawk® development contracts. The person in this role will be a strategic member of the Tomahawk Contracts team, with leadership responsibility over their contracts. Tomahawk is an extremely complex, legacy franchise missile program with development, production, and sustainment activities interwoven. This role requires business acumen, subject matter expertise, the ability to provide guidance and influence outcomes to achieve program and financial objectives, and the ability to influence and maintain internal and external customer relationships. This is a Hybrid position in Tucson, AZ, which will require the successful candidate to be in the office at the Rita Rd. facility 2-3 days per week. Our Raytheon Contracts teammates are valued business partners, influencing and executing balanced business deals, collaborating with internal and external stakeholders, all in support of the products and services we deliver to our customers. With a global portfolio of customers, partners, and suppliers, the development opportunities for our Contracts professionals are endless, both domestically and abroad. We value diverse skills and experience, so don’t hold back. Your qualification could add tremendous value to our team. Our customers come from all different backgrounds, and so do our employees. If you’re passionate about what you could accomplish here, we’d love to hear from you. What You Will Do: Provide support to senior management regarding contractual and business issues.Advise management of contractual rights and obligations and possible mitigation of contractual or programmatic risks.Build relationships with regular communication with key leaders both internally and externally, interfacing with customers for correspondence, contractual changes, and contractual issues. Analyze Request for Proposals (RFP), proposal reviews and coordination, contract negotiation, estimate at completion (EAC) reviews, support program management and execution reviews and general contract administration. Maintain and drive a robust change management process across the portfolio in order to recognize and eliminate ambiguities or unauthorized changes that could result in cost overruns, delivery and performance problems, and/or schedule delays in this development program. Develop and implement strategies to deal with complex issues that require detailed information gathering, analysis and investigation. Qualifications You Must Have: Typically requires a bachelor’s degree in business, finance, or related field and five (5) years of prior experience, OR an Advanced degree and three (3) years of applicable business experience in contracts administration or management Experience with administrating and negotiating US Government (USG) contracts and proposals, FAR and / or DFAR Active and transferable U.S. government issued security clearance is required prior to start date. U.S. citizenship is required, as only U.S. citizens are eligible for a security clearance Qualifications We Prefer: Sound business acumen to provide guidance, recommendations, and influence outcomes Strong written and verbal communication skills with proficiency in contracts fundamentals Juris Doctor or MBA Contracts certifications (i.e., CPCM, CFCM CCCM) Experience in Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, and shared databases Knowledge of the FAR and DFARS Direct experience with customer relationship management Ability to understand the financial aspects of contracts Demonstrated ability to develop effective relationships with customers and internal partners based on understanding and trust Proven record of responsiveness with strong time management and organization skillsHands-on proposal preparation or negotiation experience Experience working is a fast-paced environment, where prioritization was required to be effective Past experience in working within a team and fostering teamwork and trust Ability to manage a high volume of proposals and priorities while adapting to changing environments/situations What We Offer Our values drive our actions, behaviors, and performance with a vision for a safer, more connected world. At RTX we value: Trust, Respect, Accountability, Collaboration, and Innovation. Learn More & Apply Now! RTX solves some of the toughest challenges in aerospace and defense. That requires expansive thinking and bold innovation – and that, in turn, requires a culture that is diverse, equitable and inclusive. We embrace individuality and diversity of thought to fuel opportunity for our employees, our customers, and our communities. We work toward progress, knowing that a more inclusive world is critical to our mission. Not just in this moment, but always. Please consider the following role type definition as you apply for this role. ‒ Hybrid: Employees who are working in Hybrid roles will work regularly both onsite and offsite. Ratio of time working onsite will be determined in partnership with your leader. Clearance Information: This position requires a security clearance. DCSA Consolidated Adjudication Services (DCSA CAS), an agency of the Department of Defense, handles and adjudicates the security clearance process. More information about Security Clearances can be found on the US Department of State government website here: https://www.state.gov/m/ds/clearances/c10978.htm Location Info: Tucson, AZ: https://careers.rtx.com/global/en/raytheon-tucson,-az-location The salary range for this role is 77,000 USD - 163,000 USD. The salary range provided is a good faith estimate representative of all experience levels. RTX considers several factors when extending an offer, including but not limited to, the role, function and associated responsibilities, a candidate’s work experience, location, education/training, and key skills. Hired applicants may be eligible for benefits, including but not limited to, medical, dental, vision, life insurance, short-term disability, long-term disability, 401(k) match, flexible spending accounts, flexible work schedules, employee assistance program, Employee Scholar Program, parental leave, paid time off, and holidays. Specific benefits are dependent upon the specific business unit as well as whether or not the position is covered by a collective-bargaining agreement. Hired applicants may be eligible for annual short-term and/or long-term incentive compensation programs depending on the level of the position and whether or not it is covered by a collective-bargaining agreement. Payments under these annual programs are not guaranteed and are dependent upon a variety of factors including, but not limited to, individual performance, business unit performance, and/or the company’s performance. This role is a U.S.-based role. If the successful candidate resides in a U.S. territory, the appropriate pay structure and benefits will apply. RTX anticipates the application window closing approximately 40 days from the date the notice was posted. However, factors such as candidate flow and business necessity may require RTX to shorten or extend the application window. RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date Posted: 2024-07-02Country: United KingdomLocation: GBR01:Harlow, Essex, Kao One, Kao Park, Harlow, CM17 9NAPosition Role Type: Unspecified Engineering Opportunities – Weapons Team The Raytheon UK Weapons team has a fantastic opportunity for new engineers to join and assist in delivering complex and high-profile programmes to customers based in the UK. This team works with cutting edge technology and offers the opportunity to contribute to global security whilst offering the opportunity to learn and develop your own skills and knowledge. It also offers excellent opportunities to grow in a challenging and rewarding environment, supported by a fantastic, close-knit multi-functional team. All of our opportunities are based out of our Harlow site, with the opportunity for Hybrid working the expectation being a minimum of 3 days a week on site. We are currently hiring a mix of the below skillsets to join this rapidly growing team: Embedded Engineering SpecialistsSystems Engineers – with a range of specialisms, including Model Based Design Mechanical EngineersDesign EngineersElectrical EngineersAerospace EngineersSystems ArchitectsEngineering Managers As well as developing within the business, Raytheon UK also encourages its employees to get involved in one of our Employee Resource Groups. These groups are an integral part of our diversity and inclusion journey and a key to maintaining a rich diverse talent base. We also encourage all employees to take advantage of 5 full days of volunteering leave to allow them to focus on social causes that impact their local community. We also support flexible working hours, which can be negotiated to suit both the business and employee to help balance busy lives. If you have experience within Engineering disciplines and feel you could contribute to Raytheon’s fast growing Weapons Engineering team please apply for an informal chat! Benefits Competitive salaries.25 days holiday + statutory public holidays, plus opportunity to buy and sell up to 5 days (37hr)Contributory Pension Scheme (up to 10.5% company contribution)Company bonus scheme (discretionary).6 times salary ‘Life Assurance’ with pension.Flexible Benefits scheme with extensive salary sacrifice schemes, including Health Cashplan, Dental, and Cycle to Work amongst others.Enhanced sick pay.Enhanced family friendly policies including enhanced maternity, paternity & shared parental leave. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion At Raytheon UK, we are committed to fostering a workplace that champions diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) as fundamental pillars of our organisational culture. We believe that the diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences of our employees are invaluable assets that drive innovation and excellence in everything we do. In embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion, Raytheon UK strengthens its ability to deliver innovative solutions to complex challenges. We are proud to create a workplace where all individuals can thrive and contribute to the advancement of technology, security, and a better future for all. Our aim is for our employees to produce the best work of their lives so together we build a stronger, more inclusive future RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date Posted: 2024-06-27Country: SingaporeLocation: 39 Changi North Crescent, SingaporePosition Role Type: Unspecified Work Location: 39 Changi North Crescent Singapore 499642 Collins Aerospace, a Raytheon Technologies company, is a leader in technologically advanced and intelligent solutions for the global aerospace and defense industry. Collins Aerospace has the capabilities, comprehensive portfolio and expertise to solve customer’s toughest challenges and to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving global market. We make modern flight possible for millions of travelers and our major products line are on-board virtually every aircraft flying. Be it keeping passengers safe with our emergency power generation systems or creating a positive in-flight experience through reliable cabin pressure controls and quieter engines. Power and Controls focuses on delivering a best-in-class experience to our customers. We hire the top people in the industry. Their ideas drive our performance, and their integrity keeps our customers happy. Join us as we take flight. Aerospace Technician performs various overhaul, rework, repair and associate operations on aircraft equipment and components. He/She will work independently and as a team to meet the high demand of quality, safety, and output requirement. Specific Role Responsibilities: Perform work at cell level to meet the production schedule.Assemble, disassemble, perform minor cleaning, inspect, troubleshoot, and test in accordance with Component Maintenance Manual.Promptly resolve issue and ensure all repair cost estimates are updated accurately.Work in close cooperation with supervisor and other support personnel to resolve problems as when necessary.Adhere to Quality Management System (e.g. AS9110C / Airworthiness Part 145 requirement)Understand the use of common measuring equipment like torque wrench, calipers, micrometers, bore and depth gauges.Complies with all Environment, Health & Safety policies, and regulationsComplies with all US and Singapore Export Control RegulationsActively participate in process improvement and environmental, health and safety activities. REQUIREMENTS NITEC/Higher NITEC/Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical / Mechatronics / Electronics/ other Aerospace related courses)Personnel with passed in Air legislation CAAS/ EASA papers L12/ L11/ M10, or other industry related qualifications would have added advantage.Preferably with degree or diploma in engineering.Ability to read, write and understand English.To read and work from technical and service manuals, technical orders, sales orders, specification, drawings, and other written instructions.Computer literacy (Knowledge in SAP will be preferred).Good communication skills needed, both oral and written.Candidates with no prior aviation experience are also welcomed to apply (Training will be provided) RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date Posted: 2024-06-21Country: IndiaLocation: North Gate Business Park Sy.No 2/1, and Sy.No 2/2, KIAL Road, Venkatala Village, Chowdeshwari Layout, Yelahanka, Bangalore, Karnataka 560064Position Role Type: Unspecified Engineering Manager – Systems Engineering Pratt & Whitney is working to once again transform the future of flight—designing, building and servicing engines unlike any the world has ever seen. And because transformation begins from within, we’re seeking the people to drive it. So, calling all curious. Come ready to explore and you’ll find a place where your talent takes flight—beyond the borders of title, a country or your comfort zone. Bring your passion and commitment and we’ll welcome you into a tight-knit team that takes our mission personally. Channel your drive to make a difference into shaping an organization and an industry that’s evolving fast to the future. Innovation through diversity of thought. At Pratt & Whitney, we believe diversity of thought enables creativity, innovation, and a foundation for inclusion. By fostering an inclusive culture, we accept a shared accountability and responsibility to recognize, sponsor, coach, hire and promote talent equally. We welcome our employees to be their whole - best - selves at work because trust, respect and integrity, are a part of our DNA. At Pratt & Whitney, the difference you make is on display every day. Just look up. Are you ready to go beyond? Job Description: Pratt and Whitney’s Systems, Data Science & Methods organization is looking for a highly motivated and experienced individual for the position of Engineering Manager – Systems Engineering at its India Engineering Center (IEC). It is an excellent opportunity to directly contribute to the successes of P&W and ensure our future competitive edge through successful execution of key tasks associated with the expansion of the P&W India Engineering Center, Engineering talent development, and task execution oversight. The Engineering Manager serves as the direct line supervisor for a team of cross discipline engineers in Engine performance & operability, Structural impact dynamics, Engine loads publication & Test data validity. The position requires a leader with extraordinary customer focus, strong technical acumen, outstanding critical thinking ability, and crisp communication skills to build, support and guide the team to meet program, organizational demands. Key Responsibilities: Develop a fully capable, highly proficient cross discipline systems engineering team.Collaborate with all cross-functional teams across EDSI, SIPT, Mod-Center, Engine testing to solve organizational problems and to drive, deliver the results with quality, On-time.Planning and managing technical program tasks and milestones, resource plans, employee development, talent management, employee performance assessments.Ensuring the successful execution of P&W's engineering and business process, support overall organizational objectives identified in policy deployment.Interfacing with the systems analysis, production, and field support team in an agile framework.Building and leading a cross discipline engineering team administratively, technically along with identifying continuous improvement opportunities.Recruiting engineering talent & managing staffing requirements while ensuring adherence to P&W’s quality and engineering procedures. Basic Qualifications: Bachelor’s in Mechanical or Aerospace engineering with 12+ yrs of prior relevant experience OR Advanced degree in Mechanical or Aerospace engineering with 10+ yrs prior relevant experience.3+ years of demonstrated people leadership experience in the successful execution of tasks to meet technical, schedule and budget requirements.Demonstrated ability to recruit, mentor and develop staff.Strong technical and people leadership skills.Experience with gas turbine engines system level design in engine performance & operability, impact dynamics & loads publication, engine instrumentation & test data interpretations.Broad understanding of gas turbine engine fundamentals, associated components and their certification processes.Demonstrated effectiveness in working across functions, organizations, and all levels of management.Outstanding written and verbal communication skillsExcellent interpersonal, problem-solving and critical thinking skillsResults focus and the ability to drive tasks to completion through disciplined execution.Up to 10% travel Preferred Qualifications: Previous supervisor experience managing a group of engineers.Experience in the development of gas turbine engine modules.Broad understanding of gas turbine engine fundamentals and associated components.Experience with data & text mining, LLM’s, PowerBI/Qlik dashboards, Software development.Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.Eager to learn new things, contribute a fresh perspective, and share knowledge with others.A passion for mentorship and professional development of others. In addition to transforming the future of flight, we are also transforming how and where we work. We’ve introduced role types to help you understand how you will operate in our blended work environment. This role is: Hybrid: Employees who are working in Hybrid roles will work regularly both onsite and offsite. This means that responsibilities of the job need to be performed onsite on a regular basis.Candidates will learn more about role type and current site status throughout the recruiting process. For onsite and hybrid roles, commuting to and from the assigned site is the employee’s personal responsibility. RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date Posted: 2024-06-24Country: SingaporeLocation: 18 Bedok South Road, SingaporePosition Role Type: Unspecified  Lead and supervise manufacturing technicians in cell to meet product quality and customers’ delivery expectation.  Responsible for managing cell’s daily output targets, operational efficiency and productivity.  Determine overdue and current load position including looking 3 to 6 months ahead of demand trend to establish daily part scheduling and material release strategy  Ensure operator TPM compliance for optimum machine uptime.  Lead and facilitate within the assigned area including planning, developing, implementing and evaluating ongoing operational issues.  Responsible for manufacturing technicians’ discipline, attendance, safety and quality issues.  Plan, direct, supervise, and evaluate workflow.  Recognize and recommend improvements to increase operational efficiencies.  Coach and develop manufacturing technicians’ skills, establish job expectations and manage work performance.  Provide analysis and presentation to Leadership when call upon.  Any other tasks as assign by Manager. RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date Posted: 2024-06-11Country: SingaporeLocation: 18 Bedok South Road, SingaporePosition Role Type: Unspecified Setup, operate and maintain one core group of CNC/NC Manual machines in the cell/processSetup, operate and maintain all measuring equipment, gages and fixtures for making accurateInspection checksPerform simple troubleshooting of machinesAble to read and interpret blueprintsWork in an orderly fashion keeping work areas, benches and machinery in a tidy and clean condition after used. Notify the Supervisor of any machine or tooling problems which could jeopardize product quality or infringe safe work conditions Engage in any other activities or responsibilities as requested by the Supervisor RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date Posted: 2024-06-24Country: PhilippinesLocation: Lot 18 3rd Street, First Philippine Industrial Park, Tanauan City, Batangas, PhilippinesPosition Role Type: Unspecified Ensures efficiency and accuracy of Product Configuration.Works on complex problems where analysis of situations or data requires an in-depth evaluation of various factors. Exercises judgment within broadly defined practices and policies in selecting methods, techniques and evaluation criteria for obtaining results.Develops/Improves Product Data Management Processes and Procedures.Supports in ensuring that metrics and KPIs are met.Able to adjust to non-routine situations by defining and utilizing appropriate methods and processes.Review Engineering Change Notice/Order (ECN/ECO) in ISS to evaluate the impact on Manufacturability, Production Planning, Inventory and Supply Chain.Implement ECN/ECO/DCR in ISS to ensure that the Enterprise Resource Planning (JD Edwards Oracle) captures the latest design data cited in the latest engineering data.Assign and monitor CCB tasks and closely coordinate with other departments, Homesite and RDCs to complete any open tasks.Resolve engineering change management queries and collaborate with Design for any engineering concerns.Monitor part revisions and resolve mismatches for different supported products.Support and improves existing engineering change flows, systems. Create, evaluate and buy-off new processes and procedures. Support in preparation for Engineering Change Management (e.g., EASA and AS9100) Audit. RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date Posted: 2024-06-23Country: PhilippinesLocation: Lot 18 3rd Street, First Philippine Industrial Park, Tanauan City, Batangas, PhilippinesPosition Role Type: Unspecified Title: Operations / Inventory Analyst JOB SUMMARY Performs duties related to overall operations and inventory management analytics. Provides data aiding in strategic planning and decision making that focus on inventory, operations, repair and materials management / fulfillment functional areas. Primary Responsibilities: Gather and maintain data-related business processing and reporting, including entering information in systems, databases, and creating new programs to accurately present critical dataAnalyze data/report trends/behavior provided by various teams within the organization; Interpreting data to ensure a high level of accuracy, timeliness, usefulness for department / business leadersPrepare business presentations for the business leaders by gathering data and modeling strategies to provide an overview of processes, procedures, performance targets/metricsDesign and develop reporting tools that can be deployed across the different value streams / departments / focused factories; Closely working with Business Systems Analysts in developing databases and systems in developing databases and systems for managing and securing business’ data.Works across the different value streams / focused factories, conferring with Leaders in Operations, Repairs, Supply Chain, Engineering, Customer Service, Finance, Warehousing to have a deeper understanding of the current shortcomings to assist in assessing solutionsExperience/Qualifications Basic Qualifications: 5+ years experience in a related roleExcellent data management and analytic skillsGeneral understanding of Aerospace and manufacturing processesMust have strong communication skills and be process-oriented and results drivenPreferred Qualifications: Experience in analytics, in an operations or supply chain roleDistribution and/or Operations experienceProject management or process improvement methodology experienceEducation Bachelor's Degree from an accredited university is required. Collins Aerospace, a Raytheon Technologies company, is a leader in technologically advanced and intelligent solutions for the global aerospace and defense industry. Collins Aerospace has the capabilities, comprehensive portfolio and expertise to solve customers’ toughest challenges and to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving global market. The next chapter of our future as an aerospace company is here, and we are excited about what this means for our employees and customers! Get onboard the Collins Aerospace Operations team and play a part in managing our innovative products from inception to delivery. The Operations team continues to grow and aims to strengthen the connection of Manufacturing Operations, Supply Chain and Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) across Collins Aerospace. In this dynamic environment, you will have the opportunity to network across our businesses and functions, all while improving the productivity, quality and efficiency of our operations worldwide. We make modern flight possible for millions of travelers and our military every second. Our major product lines are on-board virtually every aircraft flying. Be it keeping passengers safe with our emergency power generation systems, or creating a positive in flight experience through reliable cabin pressure controls and quieter engines, Power & Controls focuses on delivering a best-in-class experience to our customers. We hire the top people in the industry. Their ideas drive our performance, and their integrity keeps our customers happy. Join us as we take flight! Collins Aerospace Diversity & Inclusion Statement: Diversity drives innovation; inclusion drives success. We believe a multitude of approaches and ideas enable us to deliver the best results for our workforce, workplace, and customers. We are committed to fostering a culture where all employees can share their passions and ideas so we can tackle the toughest challenges in our industry and pave new paths to limitless possibility. WE ARE REDEFINING AEROSPACE. * Please consider the following role type definitions as you apply for this role. Onsite: Employees who are working in Onsite roles will work primarily onsite. This includes all production and maintenance employees, as they are essential to the development of our products. Hybrid: Employees who are working in Hybrid roles will work regularly both onsite and offsite. Ratio of time working onsite will be determined in partnership with your leader. Remote: Employees who are working in Remote roles will work primarily offsite (from home). An employee may be expected to travel to the site location as needed. Regardless of your role type, collaboration and innovation are critical to our business and all employees will have access to digital tools so they can work with colleagues around the world – and access to Collins sites when their work requires in-person meetings. RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date Posted: 2024-06-24Country: PhilippinesLocation: Lot 18 3rd Street, First Philippine Industrial Park, Tanauan City, Batangas, PhilippinesPosition Role Type: Unspecified provide solutions to advanced Engineering issues.Works on advanced engineering problems where analysis of situations or data requires an in-depth evaluation of various factors. Exercises judgment within broadly defined practices and policies in selecting methods, techniques, and evaluation criteria for obtaining results.Develop/Improve Engineering Processes and ProceduresSupport in ensuring that metrics and KPIs are meet.Able to recommend decisions or actions that consider implications to his work and section.Able to do the complex task alone with quality, minimum supervision, starts to assume leader responsibility.Able to adjust to non-routine situations by defining and utilizing appropriate methods and processes.Perform manufacturing processes documentation such as electronic Work Instructions (SPL, PRDP, JDe, etc.)Implement process improvement.Prepares plans, process specifications, production aids and assembly fixtures.Support process studies and define work standards to support manufacturing operations.Implements process sustainability measures. QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor’s degree in engineering preferably Mechanical or Computer or Electrical Eng’g.A working knowledge on the principle of process control, process improvement and manufacturing.Constantly measures for the effectiveness of processes and strives to meet more difficult objectives.Generates new ideas and manages change effectively.Initiates and develops relationships with and gains the confidence and cooperation of people within and outside the business.A results-oriented employee who sets challenging goals and achieves results, whilst prioritizing tasks and overcoming obstacles.Excellent written and verbal communication skills with the ability to present ideas and information clearly at all levels. Has the ability to adapt style and listens to and validates different opinions. RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date Posted: 2024-06-24Country: PhilippinesLocation: Lot 18 3rd Street, First Philippine Industrial Park, Tanauan City, Batangas, PhilippinesPosition Role Type: Unspecified RESPONSIBILITIES •Responsible for all or a major portion of processing operations in a plant•Oversees production operations (shopfloor management, workforce management, and flow disruption management), maintenance, plant engineering, scheduling, and personnel.•Manages and supervises the work of manufacturing production disciplines in the Operations function.•Performs professional or management work regularly across multiple Manufacturing disciplines.•Work with production planning and material supply functions to ensure attainment of Daily, Weekly and Monthly Productivity Plan and Delivery.•Ensure attainment of Daily and Monthly Delivery plan through effective planning and monitoring of production.•Work with manufacturing support teams to ensure products are manufactured in accordance with company systems and procedures in meeting customer, international standards, regulative and legislative requirements.•Work with engineering teams to ensure the correct information is available at the right place at the right time.•Work with OPEX to support a continuous improvement culture using lean manufacturing tools and techniques within the structures of the business.•Support the Business Unit Quality Manager in maintaining an effective Quality Management System (QMS), including quality programs and events.•Conduct regular line audits to ensure that the QMS is being implemented and continuously updated.•Work with Human Resource Department to ensure compliance to Company Policies and Procedures and develop a strong management and labor relationship.•Manage direct report technicians and Team Leads by setting clear targets and timely provision of performance feedback.•Ensure team compliance to standard procedures and/or work instructions, process specifications and operating parameters.•Work with manufacturing and/or design engineering to ensure that best practices are updated and implemented.•Participate in establishing and modifying operational methods and processes by recommending changes in materials, equipment, and procedures.•Ensure non-wastage of company resources. Support manufacturing programs on cost reduction through efficient use of materials or recommendation of alternatives.•Ensure 100% compliance of all subordinates to Environmental, Health and Safety requirements.•Promote open communication amongst team members, between leadership and associates to foster healthy working relationships.•Abide by and implement discipline based on applicable standards and company policies.•Develop needed skills of all associates through clear training and developments plans formulated and implemented together with the Training team•Conduct periodic performance assessment of all direct reports and provide timely feedback through one-on-one discussions. Provide regular coaching and mentoring when necessary•Adheres to and participates in all EHS practices and standards across the site, including but not limited to proactive reporting of observed hazards and recommendations to ensure the safety and wellbeing of self and others. QUALIFICATIONS •Bachelor’s degree and at least 2 years of relevant experience with knowledge of technical or operational practices for product manufacturing•With strong leadership skills•Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.•Experience in wiring harness manufacturing assembly process.•Proficient in problem-solving methodologies.•Organizational skill with the ability to handle multiple priorities.•Proficient in MS Office applications.•Can work with minimum supervision. RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date Posted: 2024-06-21Country: PhilippinesLocation: Lot 18 3rd Street, First Philippine Industrial Park, Tanauan City, Batangas, PhilippinesPosition Role Type: Unspecified OPERATIONS TECHNICIAN Nature of Work: Under close supervision, performs limited electronic, electromechanical or mechanical production sub-assembly and assembly operations of a repetitive nature to build up and assemble routine assembles by performing the following duties. Overview of Responsibilities: •Perform routine tasks in preparation for assembly, and has multiple skill level for assembly activities •Handle more complex equipment and machinery •Train other assemblers in the standard work and explain requirements and key points. •Ability to perform quick failure analysis and propose actions to the team lead/supervisor •Has leadership skills, a good communicator both verbal and written •Give suggestions to Supervisors on how to maximize production operation with focus on safety, quality and productivity. •Has the initiative in work and a good team worker •Assembles and/or installs various electrical and/or mechanical components where operation and sequence are specified by blueprints, wire lists, diagrams or previously established shop practices. •Utilizes small hand tools such as soldering irons, wire strippers, crimpers, wrenches, screwdrivers, pliers, and hammers. •Work with Manufacturing team to ensure Product on time delivery by ensuring attainment of daily and monthly production target. •Work with Quality Team to ensure products are manufactured in accordance with company systems and procedures, meeting customer / international •Other duties may be assigned. •Has knowledge on IPC Standard, soldering and de-soldering . Requirements: •1 to 3 years related experience and/or training; Equivalent combination of education and experience is acceptable. •Ability to read and comprehend simple instructions, short correspondence, and memos. Ability to write simple correspondence. •Ability to effectively present information in one-on-one and small group situations to customers, clients and other employees of the organization •Ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide in all units of measure, using whole numbers, common fractions, and decimals. Ability to compute rate, ratio and percent, and to draw and interpret bar graphs •Experience in modern manufacturing tools techniques (CI, Kaizen, 5S, etc.). RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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    Date Posted: 2024-06-24Country: SingaporeLocation: 18 Loyang Lane, SingaporePosition Role Type: Unspecified Collins Aerospace is actively seeking a Manager Quality Compliance Systems to support our Singapore, location. This position is for a quality manager who will work as a leader to achieve objectives that will have a significant impact on the business. Primary Responsibilities: Develops, modifies, applies, and maintains quality evaluation, control systems and protocols. Provides analysis and explanations of testing and inspection plans, methods and technologies to assure reliability and conformance of products and processes. Analyzes and makes recommendations for corrective actions for nonconformities and/or design problems for internally produced products & processes. Utilizes UPPAP core elements (e.g. PFMEA, MSA, Process Flow and Control Plans, etc.) to identify and make recommendations for managing risk in product development. Manages processes to ensure all requirements are met for work transfer and process change management including Resourcing Gate and Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) acceptance. Reviews process control documentation to ensure it is in compliance with requirements, objectives, and/or contracts. Develops, modifies, applies and maintains quality evaluation, control systems and protocols for materials being processed into partially finished or finished products. Working with product design and specification, devises testing plans, methods and equipment to assure reliability of product.  Collaborates internally to ensure quality standards are in effect. Ensures that projects and process control documentation are compliant with requirements, objectives and/or contracts. Identifies and manages risk in product development primarily utilizing and driving UPPAP core elements (e.g. PFMEA, MSA, Process Flow and Control Plans, etc.). Develops proactive quality initiative strategies and drives their implementation. Performs Escape management procedures, root cause analysis, and recommends corrective action for design problems for internally produced products & processes. Ensures all requirements are met for work transfer and process change management including Resourcing Gate and Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) acceptance. Designs and implements product engineering changes to satisfy quality issues raised by customers. Responsible for development of new inspection technologies or methodologies to assure product conformance. Responsible for CAAS/ CAAC/ EASA/ FAA regulatory action Basic Qualifications: Strong interpersonal skills with experience in negotiating, having difficult conversations, and ability to work well with factory management, hourly employees, and internal stakeholders Manufacturing process knowledge (assembly, inspection, test) Demonstrate ability to understand engineering drawings, work instructions, Bill of Materials (BOMs), consumable materials control, process disciplines and tool control Bachelor’s degree and 8 years of prior relevant experience. OR Advanced Degree in a related field and minimum 5 years’ experience. OR In absence of a degree, 12 years of relevant experience is required Engineering/Other Technical Positions: Typically requires a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) and a minimum of 8 years of prior relevant experience unless prohibited by local laws/regulations. Preferred Qualifications: STEM degree highly desired Quality background preferred ZDP, ACE, Lean, Six Sigma, Root Cause Analysis experience Ability to interpret specs Data Mining experience Quality Certifications (ASQ, CQE) Onsite: Employees who are working in Onsite roles will work primarily onsite. This includes all production and maintenance employees, as they are essential to the development of our products. Regardless of your role type, collaboration and innovation are critical to our business and all employees will have access to digital tools so they can work with colleagues around the world – and access to Collins sites when their work requires in-person meetings. Collins Aerospace, a Raytheon Technologies company, is a leader in technologically advanced and intelligent solutions for the global aerospace and defense industry. Collins Aerospace has the capabilities, comprehensive portfolio and expertise to solve customers’ toughest challenges and to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving global market. Our Avionics team advances flight deck solutions, airborne communications, vision systems, sensors and fire protection for commercial and military customers around the world. That means we’re helping people reach their destination safely and keeping pilots, passengers, flight crews, airlines, airports and military personnel connected and informed. And we’re providing industry-leading fire protection and safety systems that our customers can count on when it matters most. Are you ready to learn from the most knowledgeable experts in the industry, develop the technologies of tomorrow and reach new heights in your career? Join our Avionics team today. You could be a great fit for our Quality organization if: You take immense satisfaction and pride in the quality of your work. You’re the first to point out opportunities for continuous improvement (even outside of work…not at all to the annoyance of your friends and family). You understand the absolute importance of adhering to compliance…all while making your customers proud by achieving a zero-defect quality delivery plan. OK. We got it. You live and breathe Quality. So do we! For us at Collins Aerospace, quality is personal. People’s lives and safety depend on the quality of our products. From the child flying for the first time, to the men and women who save lives, to the astronaut exploring outer space – what we do matters, every day. If you checked the boxes above, we invite you to join the Quality organization as we work to be the best aerospace company for the world by delighting our customers with 100 percent on-time delivery and zero-defect parts. Collins Aerospace Diversity & Inclusion Statement: Diversity drives innovation; inclusion drives success. We believe a multitude of approaches and ideas enable us to deliver the best results for our workforce, workplace, and customers. We are committed to fostering a culture where all employees can share their passions and ideas so we can tackle the toughest challenges in our industry and pave new paths to limitless possibility. WE ARE REDEFINING AEROSPACE. Some of our competitive benefits package includes: Medical, dental, and vision insurance Three weeks of vacation for newly hired employees Generous 401(k) plan that includes employer matching funds and separate employer retirement contribution, including a Lifetime Income Strategy option Employee Scholar Program, tuition reimbursement program Life insurance and disability coverage Optional coverages you can buy: Pet Insurance, Home and Auto, additional life insurance, accident insurance, critical illness insurance, group legal Ovia Health, fertility and family planning Employee Assistance Plan, including up to 5 free counseling sessions Incentives for a Healthy You Bright Horizons, back-up child / elder care and college coach resources Autism Benefit Doctor on Demand, virtual doctor visits Adoption Assistance Teladoc Medical Experts, second opinion program And more! Nothing matters more to Collins Aerospace than our strong ethical and safety commitments. As such, all U.S. positions require a background check, which may include a drug screen. Note: * Background check and drug screen required (every external new hire in the U.S.) * Drug Screen only performed on re-hires who have been gone for more than 1 year At Collins, the paths we pave together lead to limitless possibility. And the bonds we form – with our customers and with each other -- propel us all higher, again and again. Apply now and be part of the team that’s redefining aerospace, every day. RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
    • Full Time
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    Date Posted: 2024-06-03Country: PhilippinesLocation: Lot 18 3rd Street, First Philippine Industrial Park, Tanauan City, Batangas, PhilippinesPosition Role Type: Unspecified In charge of overseeing NCR/QN for the designated Business Unit. Monitor NCR/QN based on turnaround time, inventory, and cost. Follow the daily routine as per standard procedures for managing Non-conformances and adhere to Quality Cardinal Rules Conduct initial assessment of material defects identified at IQC. Initiate and lead CFT conversations regarding material problems affecting production. Proficient in innovative problem-solving techniques and root cause analysis through the use of methodologies like why-why analysis, Fault Tree Analysis, 3C, 8D, DIVE etc. Key understanding of quality tools and quality management system Familiar with 5S methodologies Participate in all EHS practices and standard across the site. Experienced in inspection and FAI processes. Capable of verifying material defects through visual inspection, dimensional checks, and using GD&T for characteristics verification with the ability to provide informed judgments. Skilled in interpreting engineering drawings. Knowledgeable in engineering theories and practices. Skilled in handling IQMS, JDE and SAP Transactions Proficient presentation and communication skills. Capable of communicating with individuals at all organizational levels. Adheres to participate in all EHS practices and standards across the site, including but not limited to proactive reporting of observed hazards and recommendations to ensure the safety and well-being of self and others. QUALIFICATIONS Engineering degree or similar industry qualification. In absence of a degree, 6 years of relevant experience is required. Excellent written and oral communication skills in English. Strong communication skills (written and oral). Experience in manufacturing assembly process. High proficiency in problem-solving methodologies. Organizational skill with the ability to handle multiple priorities. High proficiency in MS Office applications. Can work with minimum Supervision. Must not have had any disciplinary case within the past year. Must not be under Performance Improvement Plan. With at least a year in his/her current position. Collins Aerospace, a Raytheon Technologies company, is a leader in technologically advanced and intelligent solutions for the global aerospace and defense industry. Collins Aerospace has the capabilities, comprehensive portfolio and expertise to solve customers’ toughest challenges and to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving global market. You could be a great fit for our Quality organization if: You take immense satisfaction and pride in the quality of your work.You’re the first to point out opportunities for continuous improvement (even outside of work…not at all to the annoyance of your friends and family).You understand the absolute importance of adhering to compliance…all while making your customers proud by achieving a zero-defect quality delivery plan. OK. We got it. You live and breathe Quality. So do we! For us at Collins Aerospace, quality is personal. People’s lives and safety depend on the quality of our products. From the child flying for the first time, to the men and women who save lives, to the astronaut exploring outer space – what we do matters, every day. If you checked the boxes above, we invite you to join the Quality organization as we work to be the best aerospace company for the world by delighting our customers with 100 percent on-time delivery and zero-defect parts. We make modern flight possible for millions of travelers and our military every second. Our major product lines are on-board virtually every aircraft flying. Be it keeping passengers safe with our emergency power generation systems, or creating a positive in flight experience through reliable cabin pressure controls and quieter engines, Power & Controls focuses on delivering a best-in-class experience to our customers. We hire the top people in the industry. Their ideas drive our performance, and their integrity keeps our customers happy. Join us as we take flight! Collins Aerospace Diversity & Inclusion Statement: Diversity drives innovation; inclusion drives success. We believe a multitude of approaches and ideas enable us to deliver the best results for our workforce, workplace, and customers. We are committed to fostering a culture where all employees can share their passions and ideas so we can tackle the toughest challenges in our industry and pave new paths to limitless possibility. WE ARE REDEFINING AEROSPACE. * Please consider the following role type definitions as you apply for this role. Onsite: Employees who are working in Onsite roles will work primarily onsite. This includes all production and maintenance employees, as they are essential to the development of our products. Hybrid: Employees who are working in Hybrid roles will work regularly both onsite and offsite. Ratio of time working onsite will be determined in partnership with your leader. Remote: Employees who are working in Remote roles will work primarily offsite (from home). An employee may be expected to travel to the site location as needed. Regardless of your role type, collaboration and innovation are critical to our business and all employees will have access to digital tools so they can work with colleagues around the world – and access to Collins sites when their work requires in-person meetings. RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class. Privacy Policy and Terms: Click on this link to read the Policy and Terms
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