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  • Universte de Batna


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    When the university was created, it started with two institutes, Law sciences, and Arabic Literature and Language. It later gained two other institutes including Economic sciences, and Agronomy. In 1985 the university was reorganized under a new administrative structure called INES (National Institutes of High Education), and in 1990, it was again replaced by many institutes, each of which contains many departments. In 2001, it was reorganized to a set of faculties with its departments. The new and the most important site of the university, located in the southern area of the city of Batna, has four faculties, the central library, and many infrastructures.
    It is worth mentioning that the stress here on the University's visibility in the community, and the roles that must be carried out for his service, and guide local development to the development and prosperity of a ship, and this will only be achieved if everyone believed that the messianic role of knowledge to our organization, and then work hard in light of the objective conditions required to achieve the renaissance intellectual and scientific in favor of the university and the country.
    We are now working and make every effort to support the termination of new restructuring and to ensure the necessary stability so, we emphasize to all the academic community and its various that this transition period needs to unite everyone to overcome obstacles that may confront us during the implementation of this sensitive process, each from his position, until the All stages smoothly and quietly, and without any impact on the various teaching and administrative interests of the two universities.

    Universte de Batna
    Founding year: 1977
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 19000
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Prof. Dr. Abdul Salam (Director)
    Type: Universities
    Address: Universte de Batna, 1, Rue Chahid Boukhlouf Mohamed El Hadi , Batna, 05000, Algeria

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