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The Al Jaheli Institute of Science and Technology was established in 2008 by the government at the Emirate of Abu Dhabi to give extraordinary professional Education and guidance and train Emiratis to work adequately as a significant aspect of the UAE workforce.

The study programs were characterized in association with the local business and a reasonable focus on the UAE job market. The Education and guidance we convey depend on managers' necessities and empower students to gain practical, business-related abilities, keeping in mind the end goal to guarantee a great degree.

Al Jaheli Institute is a part of ADVETI, which is authorized by the Ministry of Higher Education, and our Certificate and Diploma programs are licensed to grant Levels 4 and 5 inside the Emirates Qualification Framework. Each program characterizes a qualification that will empower our graduates to enter specialized and professional work as technicians and managers or proceed with their advanced education studies.

Al Jaheli Institute of Science and Technology is pleased to have an all-around qualified and exceptionally experienced personnel to ensure professional Education and preparation at a global level of greatness. Al Jaheli Institute of Science and Technology takes a commonsense approach with hands-on involvement in very much prepared research facilities and workshops. The practical part of the Education will lead the entire program, and internships in applicable enterprises are set up to guarantee that students gain essential abilities to improve their professional prospects.

Extracurricular Activities and Events 

We provide extracurricular exercises to improve the student learning experience while learning at the Institute. The Students Activities Policy arranges an extensive variety of activities, for example, sports teams and clubs. Individuals might organize these exercises from staff or students through the Student Services Department.

Special occasions and extracurricular exercises are held at the Institutes consistently over the year. These incorporate such occasions as the celebration of:

  • UAE National Day,
  • Flag Day,
  • Martyr's Day,
  • The Al Jaheli Career Fair,
  • Health campaigns and
  • Open days

Apart from these occasions, the organization expects to deliver an assortment of workshops and seminars to improve the student's learning, capacities, and abilities. Examples consist of the following workshops: innovative thinking and problem-solving skills, defeating stress, developing self-confidence, time management skills, and fire safety measures.

We encourage and commend student accomplishments both inside the Institutes and in the community. Students have the chance to take an interest in different games and recreational exercises and competitions.

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