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About Me

  1. Manor House International school is located in a remote urban area/community. New Cairo is a new development that was started as an expansion for residential/businesses/schools and universities to escape the crowded areas of Nasr City and Heliopolis. The existing and potential residence is a mixture of upper- to upper-middle-class families who chose to escape the congested city life for a quite well-planned housing development that exists in a pollution-free area. Manor House International School, American Division tries to provide a dynamic learning environment within a flexible framework that provides both student and teacher the opportunity to be creative and bring about the best out of both parties. The school’s curricula and instructional methods are translations and applications of the school’s vision and mission of thriving to provide a holistic learning experience and instill the basic premise of “Know Thy Self”. The majority of our stakeholders belong to middle and upper-middle socioeconomic classes. Moreover, the majority of our students and teachers are Egyptians both Christian and Muslim. Hence, the school’s cultural realm is predominantly Egyptian. However, the school safeguards rights of minority groups, such as expatriates and special needs students, within our community through providing allowances, such as accommodations for special needs students, and holidays for expatriates that aren’t mandated in the school calendar, as long as they do not conflict with our vision and direction. Manor House International School teachers and administrators are united with the cause of improving education and bringing well-educated, well-respected human beings. We don’t, solely, measure our success with student’s GPA or performance on standardized tests. Our success is mainly measured by the student’s overall well-being. Since classrooms are small and teachers get the leverage of spotting the student who is lagging, direct action is taken (whether through an action plan, or simply through talking to the student to get to the root cause of the problem and try to solve it) to ensure that no child is left behind. Students’ performance is measured based on formative and summative assessments to provide unbiased results, which allows different types of students to get the utmost benefit from the class. Manor House American School hopes to get to a point where the current elementary students can study more advanced subjects, and have more rigorous assessments when they reach high school than the current high school students. This can be accomplished through establishing a solid educational foundation within those students. A foundation that is solid enough to handle dynamic education. Parents and students are highly involved in the school’s improvement process through their physical presence within the school whether as volunteers or just to discuss new ideas and implementations that would ultimately improve the school environment. The school tries to transform every teacher and staff member to also be a counselor for both parents and students. Parents approach the school administration to find the best practices to deal with their children, both school and parents devise plans to steer students who strayed back to the path, not just within the school but even at home. Hence, the administration finds itself playing the role of the liaison between students and their parents The school thrives to provide numerous alternatives for students to find the best fit that suits them after graduation. Thus, the school is already a partner with the British University in Egypt (BUE), and the Future University in Egypt (FUE). Based on those partnerships, Manor House International School students are entitled to several privileges, such as discounts and scholarships to the top students. The launch of a diverse extracurricular program allows students to experience, experiment, and ultimately get an intimation of who they are. The program includes sports activities, such as swimming, ping pong, soccer, choreography……etc. and non-sports activities such as the book club, science club, drama club……etc. Manor House International School, American Division would ultimately want to reach the point of creating an aggregated strong community that has strong ties with a society that is actively influencing and is actively influenced by the dynamic realm of the world. The school is proud of its current efforts to reach its vision and direction and is optimistic that with the support of its stakeholders it will exert more efforts in that direction. View full school
  2. Uxendon Manor is a thriving primary school, achieves high standards and provides high-quality education for all pupils. We are a creative, inclusive, and caring community in which each member is valued. Positive values and the rights of the whole community are central to all aspects of school life. All members are aware of their responsibilities and take these seriously, becoming 21st Century rights-respecting citizens. The spiritual, moral, and cultural development of the child is at the core of our ethos. We have high expectations of all learners. There is a strong ‘children first’ culture. The diversity of the community is viewed positively by the school successfully builds upon the pupils’ home and previous educational experiences. A growth mindset is promoted and encouraged across the whole school – anything is possible with imagination. Learning takes place in a relaxed but focused atmosphere where children enjoy ‘having a go’ at a wide range of activities, they feel secure enough to take risks and embrace challenges. We are fully committed to ensuring that every child reaches their potential. We have very high expectations for our children to move the school forward. This includes promoting the highest standards of behavior, excellent teaching and learning, up-to-date resources, and the ‘old-fashioned’ values of honesty, manners, and respect. The school first opened on May 24th, 1937 with 329 children. The school was built to accommodate the large number of children resulting from the expansion of housing in the 1930s. Most of the children originally came from Kenton Council School. The class sizes were much bigger than class sizes today with between 40 and 50 children in each of the seven classes. In the Nursery and Reception classes, children work towards the Early Learning Goals. There are seven areas of learning: Understanding of the World Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication and Language Literacy Mathematics Physical Development Expressive Arts and Design. In Nursery, we focus on the three prime areas: Personal, Social, and Emotional Development Communication and Language and Physical Development. In Reception, we focus on the three prime areas as well as the four specific areas Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World, and Expressive Arts and Design. At Uxendon Manor we aim to provide a broad, balanced, and creative education set within the new National Curriculum introduced in 2014. We continually update our curriculum policies and practices in line with national requirements. Children are taught English and Mathematics every day as we try to reach the targets which we set with the local authority each year. We also focus on Computing (Information & Communication Technology), Science, Religious Education, History, Geography, Art, Design & Technology, Music, PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship, and Emotional Development), Physical Education and French in Key Stage 2 (Year 3 to Year 6) are incorporated into class lessons. School topics and specially chosen themes appropriate to the children’s ages and interests are taught as part of our Creative Curriculum lessons, which we introduced in September 2009. As well as linking subjects to the overall theme or topic, each year group arranges a series of enrichment activities, such as workshops, trips, and ‘hands-on’ interactive sessions to enhance children’s enjoyment and learning. View full school
  3. Manor has an excellent reputation. We all value working in partnership together with our young people to achieve the best outcomes for every student. Here at Preston Manor School children have the unique opportunity to stay with us throughout their school career, making lifelong friendships and moving smoothly from one phase to the next. Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfill their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe, and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high-quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up. Our community is rightly proud of this school and its successes from the consistently high performance in public examinations to the wide range of enrichment activities we offer. At Preston Manor, we wish to instill an enjoyment of learning and a desire to always learn more. We have the highest ambitions and expectations for every student in all aspects of school life and strive to nurture these qualities in every child. We want all children to fulfill their potential both academically and socially so that they leave us with the widest range of choices open to them and prepared for a globally changing future. Underpinning our educational philosophy are the values of the Co-operative Trust and developing a ‘growth mindset’ in all our students. Nurturing the development of the ‘whole child’ is of key importance to us. We believe the character, life skills and confidence to be gained from this approach are beyond measure. We also offer a broad curriculum and know that excellence will be achieved by constantly providing students with appropriate challenges, raising aspirations, and insisting that good behavior enables great learning. Our school is a harmonious and respectful one, wherein in line with our school’s crest, students agree that with rights come responsibilities. Preston Manor is a very inclusive school. Our young people are treated as individuals, we celebrate diversity and we are strongly committed to equality of opportunity. We value the partnerships we have with families and the wider community, the quality of relationships we build, and the rich variety of backgrounds and experiences that our students bring to Preston Manor. As a Co-operative Trust school, we enjoy working with and learning from other schools both in the local community and beyond. We take pride in our caring ethos and welcoming atmosphere and strive to make all who visit feel our hospitality. At Preston Manor, we seek to provide an education that enables our students to gain university places of their choice, the desire to continue learning lifelong, the skills needed to be successful in the workplace, and the ability to be emotionally aware. It is our ambition for students to leave us well prepared to be active citizens of both today and the future. We are a thriving All-Through school in Brent and we aim to be an excellent and memorable school. We have the highest aspirations for all children to enjoy learning in a safe and inclusive environment. We aim to be an excellent and memorable school that supports all children, students, and staff to achieve as highly as possible. We recognize our duty to contribute to a society in which there is a common vision and sense of belonging and the diversity of our multicultural community is appreciated, celebrated, and valued. This means ensuring that similar life opportunities are available to all and strong, positive relationships are developed at home, in school, and the wider community. As a member of the family of Cooperative Trust Schools we are committed to offering inclusive and comprehensive education to our students and children but with the benefits of greater curriculum freedoms embracing the Co-operative values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity retaining our existing admissions policy...
  4. At Norbury Manor Primary School Our priority is to ensure that our pupils receive an excellent education in a nurturing environment that encourages our pupils to Make Every Moment Count. We are dedicated to continuing to build opportunities for pupils to achieve the highest academic standards ensuring that they are known well as individuals and that their unique personalities, talents, and interests are given the opportunities to flourish within and beyond the classroom. We aim to achieve excellence in all areas so that our children, regardless of their starting point, are enthusiastic, independent learners who view the world around them with enquiring minds and give them the resources to be ‘learners today and leaders tomorrow.’ We believe that children whose parents are involved and interested in their learning do well. We involve parents in their children’s learning and encourage them to be active members of the school community. Parent communication is organized to encourage wide participation and honest conversation. We expect all parents to support their children’s educational aspirations and achievements. The school curriculum is designed to match the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculums and is characterized by “Depth to Enable Breadth". Our Curriculum has evolved from Brian Males and Ed Hirsch's ideas of curriculum development and our drive for depth before breadth. The roots of our tree symbolize the key skills and values that will ensure our pupils are stable and have the fundamental skills to turn their dreams into reality. Our trunk symbolizes the strength of their character and the experiences that mold them while the leaves and branches are the concepts the pupils learn throughout their life. As our pupils grow and the seasons change, their knowledge grows, their opinions change, and sometimes their ideas are strengthened. The seed that starts our journey is based on the ‘Talk for Writing’, Busy Ants, and ‘Not as you know it’ curriculum. Our approach aims to engage and motivate our pupils using quality text that is studied over several weeks. Cross-curricular links are made to support children’s understanding of the text. For example, they could be reading the book ‘Carries war and studying World War II in History.
  5. Through challenging aspirations, we are going to inspire each child to succeed in a high-achieving and caring environment. Every child’s happiness, today and in the future, is at the center of everything we do. Through an inspirational curriculum, we aim to ensure equality throughout their experience by giving each child a powerful voice and ensuring we provide excellent learning opportunities for all. The Manor Academy’s partnerships with specialist organizations and schools give our students countless opportunities for unique, life-enhancing experiences. Our partnership with The Royal Ballet School, for example, means that our students get access to workshops and classes led by specially trained ballet teachers. The facilities at The Manor Academy include our own sports center, a full-sized all-weather sports pitch, an outstanding cafe offering hot and cold foods, a construction center and an engineering workshop, advanced ICT facilities, and a comprehensive library. It is an exciting time to be working with Manor Academy as both students and staff at the school have worked hard to achieve a rapid rise in outcomes over the past two years. There is a lot to be proud of at Manor Academy and I aim to work with staff and students at the school to ensure that the quality of provision and outcomes for our students improve even further in the future. At Manor Academy, we are very proud of our reputation for the high standards of teaching, behavior, and academic achievement. We have high expectations and encourage all students to meet them. Through challenging aspirations, we are going to inspire each child to succeed in a high-achieving and caring environment. Every child’s happiness, today and in the future, is at the center of everything we do. Through an inspirational curriculum, we aim to ensure equality throughout their experience by giving each child a powerful voice and ensuring we provide excellent learning opportunities for all. The Manor Academy, working in close collaboration with The Two Counties Trust and its other committed partners, seeks to provide a high-quality educational experience for our students. Providing a full range of relevant opportunities to enable your child to develop and progress to become active citizens. Gaining both academic qualifications and personal skills, that provides them with the courage and confidence to lead a successful and happy life.
  6. "All pupils will aspire to gain achievement in line with and better than National Expectations." Manor Oak is a vibrant, inclusive, confident community, where every child is nurtured to achieve their full potential. We are a happy, safe, and welcoming school, with an exciting range of learning opportunities. We take pride in our school and our achievements and by the time children are ready to move to school, they leave us fully prepared for their future learning journey. Aspire We value each child individually, recognizing their skills, talents, and needs, supporting all areas equally, enabling them to achieve their full potential. Every staff member supports the future aspirations of the child. We are an inclusive school, welcoming young people from across the community. We understand the needs of individual learners and have high expectations of progress for everyone. We encourage tolerance and respect for others. Our children are enthusiastic, they love coming to school! Our attendance is above the national average and we celebrate good attendance. We offer a wide range of learning experiences for our children using a variety of activities, play, and exploration to support each child's development. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage and Birth to Three Matters Frameworks to deliver an exciting and stimulating play-based curriculum. The Nursery provides a happy and safe environment for children to develop their pre-school skills. We believe that children who attend our Nursery make extremely good progress throughout their time at school. Our school motto, 'Aspire, Challenge, Empower' promotes the philosophy of British Values so that children have a desire to better improve their lives, to have the confidence to challenge both themselves and others in their learning and their attitudes, and to be empowered citizens through asserting their own needs developing healthy attitudes and taking responsibility and ownership for their lives. Our school serves a diverse community and we take a responsibility to provide opportunities for children that generate respect for difference and tolerance of other faiths and cultures. This is achieved by having excellent role models and through our rich curriculum where we teach children to understand different faiths and beliefs and how these have shaped our modern-day Britain. Children are taught to behave well and abide by rules using our detailed behavioral policy as a vehicle to achieve this. The ‘rule of law’ is reinforced with our links with the local police and fire services. We aspire to direct children to generate a vision of working life and how to make positive personal and social contributions. The active School Council together creates a voice for pupils to generate fairness and change within the school. The curriculum at Manor Oak Primary School has been developed to ensure that our students receive full National Curriculum coverage delivered in a way that promotes meaningful connections across subjects. It is designed to open children's eyes to the wider world around them and the possibilities that lie within it, whilst giving them a firm grounding in moral, social, and emotional well-being. We follow an inquiry-based curriculum so that pupils are encouraged to ask questions and learn the knowledge more systematically. Our topic program is carefully balanced and planned to be age-appropriate across the years. It is important to us that art, music, English, numeracy, and science are also linked to the main topic. Experiences will be enriched in the form of a variety of clubs, trips, workshops, visiting speakers, or themed weeks that take place throughout the year. Our topics generally have a history and geography base so that we teach location and place knowledge, weather and climate skills, and knowledge and about significant historical events, people, and places in our locality. At Manor Oak, we believe that effective learning takes place when there is considerable emphasis on active involvement, opportunities to talk both imaginatively, expressively and to explain and clarify thinking. Our curriculum includes not only the formal requirements of the national curriculum but also the ‘hidden curriculum, where the children learn from the way they are treated and expected to behave. We aim to teach children how to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and co-operate with others while developing knowledge and skills so that they achieve their true potential. We actively promote British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs to prepare our pupils for life in modern-day Britain.
  7. Manor Infant School provides all our children with a challenging, engaging, and safe environment that promotes a lifelong love of learning. We are committed to ensuring high-quality education is accessible for all. Our accessibility plan can be found below. Please contact the school office if you have any questions or concerns regarding accessibility. All the subjects included in our curriculum provide differentiation and balance. They are adapted to suit the needs of all our children so that they may grow and develop whilst in our care. Applications for nursery places should be made directly with the school as described in the next section. Applications for places in Reception classes (or for older children) must be made via the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. Children can be admitted on a part-time basis, at the beginning of the academic year in which they are four. Applications to begin in our Nursery must be made by parents/carers directly to the school. Distance from home to school to be used as a tie-breaker for pupils who have an equal claim for a place in a nursery using the above criteria. It should be noted that a place in a Nursery does not guarantee or give priority to a place in a Reception Class. If you would like to apply for a school place for your child, the Barking & Dagenham School Admissions Team will process your application. The school policy for Special Educational Needs (SEN) is one of integration and equal opportunity so that all pupils have access to the National Curriculum and are encouraged to achieve to their full potential. The school follows the DCSF guidelines as stated in the Code of Practice for SEN 2014. If our assessments show that a child may have a learning difficulty a range of strategies are used that make full use of classroom and school resources. This level of support is called SEN Support. Should a child continue to demonstrate significant cause for concern a request for an Education and Health Care Plan can be made to the LA. If an EHC Plan is issued the LA is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the provision in liaison with the school. At each stage, the child’s progress is reviewed regularly. Parents are informed and consulted at each of the stages and their views are essential in providing a strong partnership between home and school. Each new member is given an induction session outlining the school’s SEN policy, procedures, and provision. There is also close consultation with Manor Junior School to ensure continuity and progression with supporting individual children in the transfer between the Infant and Junior Schools. The school has responded to the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 2005 by preparing a Disability Equality Scheme (DES). The implementation and impact of the scheme are monitored by the Governors. There is also an Action Plan relating to the DES which runs alongside a Disability Access Plan. These are both reviewed every year and form part of the School Development Plan. Keeping children safe is a high priority for our whole school community. We strive to keep everyone safe while they are in school and within our curriculum, we teach a range of age-appropriate skills to help children keep themselves safe in a variety of contexts. We are very keen to work in partnership with parents and carers in this important area. As well as the information listed below, we hold regular coffee mornings and information meetings to discuss issues such as e-safety and health issues. Look out for more information in our newsletter and our Facebook page. Lorraine helps parents to become involved in their child’s education. Equip parents and carers with further knowledge and skills to support their child’s learning, parents can have access to informal networking opportunities such as coffee mornings and parent forums. They can gain access to a variety of workshops, personal development sessions, adult learning courses, and family learning sessions as well as structured evidence-based parenting programs. Lorraine provides One-to-One confidential support where individual parents/families can discuss issues that may be affecting their family’s well-being. Our PSA supports parents in the early identification of any difficulties impacting a child at home or school. She directs parents to the appropriate services for support in areas such as health, housing, debt, bereavement, family separation, returning to work, childcare and activities, etc. Lorraine offers support at key transition points, such as joining and moving through the school and on to secondary school.
  8. Manor Junior School is a warm and friendly place where all pupils are nurtured and encouraged to do their best and achieve their potential in whatever direction this may take. We are committed to providing activities and experiences to support and go beyond the National Curriculum and offer a whole range of opportunities not only for our pupils but also for their families and the local community. Education at Manor Junior School is exciting, purposeful, challenging, and fulfilling and we hope that this website gives you a snapshot of life at Manor. Manor Junior School is a mainstream junior school with an attached specialist resourced provision for hearing impaired pupils. At Manor Junior School we regard inclusion as synonymous with equal opportunity. This belief underpins all aspects of our work both within the school and our interaction with the wider community. Inclusion is the process of removing barriers to participation and learning so that everyone benefits fully from educational opportunities. We track and monitor all children’s progress carefully through ongoing teacher assessment and also more formal testing. Pupils that are performing below expectations are therefore identified quickly so that interventions can be put in place. In the first instance, difficulties are likely to be addressed within the classroom by the class teacher. If you have any concerns about your child’s progress please speak to the class teacher first. If the needs are more complex the class teacher will liaise with the SENCo (special educational needs coordinator). Children entering the school will take part in screening for dyslexia and speech and language difficulties. If a child is found to have difficulties in either of these areas we will communicate this with their parents. All pupils with special educational needs and /or disability SEND are placed on the school’s special educational needs list and will have a personalized learning plan (PLP) put in place. The PLP sets out targets for the child which will be reviewed regularly and formally once a term. Parents and children will be involved in these targets and progress outcomes will be shared at the termly review. Additional assessments may be carried out as appropriate including the testing of their reading and spelling age. This helps us to track finer progress and ensure that interventions being used are helping each child make progress. The child’s class teacher will ensure that lessons are accessible for them and that activities are adapted where necessary to ensure they are included fully and able to make progress. On occasions, pupils may require additional adult support in the classroom from the class teacher or a Learning Support Assistant (LSA). LSAs also deliver intervention programs outside of the classroom to help pupils make accelerated progress in identified areas. Pupils who need this additional level of support will be identified by the class teacher and SENCo. School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please contact the school office. If you wish to request a paper copy (free of charge) of any policy then please contact the school office. Ongoing assessment of the child’s needs helps us to make decisions about the level of support they require. The class teacher monitors the progress of all their pupils and the SENCo will monitor the progress of all children. Additional advice and support may be sought by the school as needed from external agencies. We will regularly communicate with parents about the level of support their child is receiving and if this needs to change at any point. We run an extensive range of after-school clubs for all pupils and activities within these clubs will be adapted to meet the needs of the pupils attending so that all pupils are fully included. Homework club runs weekly after school and can be of particular benefit for pupils with SEND as they can access support from school staff and resources during this time to complete their homework. Our family link worker runs additional workshops after school and on some Saturdays where pupils can work alongside their parents on skills such as cookery. The school maintains good links with outside agencies and values their advice and support. These services include educational psychology, speech, and language therapy, occupational therapy, pediatricians, child and adolescent mental health (CAMHS), children’s services, Primary Behaviour Support, youth crime prevention team (YCT), GPs, and school health and local authority specialists, for example, specialist teacher advisory service. All parents and families of pupils attending Manor Junior are seen as Friends of the School. We also liaise with organizations within the local community. In conjunction with your support, we try to organize additional events and opportunities for the children in school and within the community. We also work with you to raise funds to provide additional resources and experiences for the pupils.
  9. Cedars Manor School caters to children between the ages of three and eleven and we are also the base for Harrow’s Provision for Hearing Impaired pupils. Cedars Manor School takes pride in our multi-cultural community and believes that all children can be encouraged to do their best and succeed. Each child is valued as an individual and we work with parents/ carers to foster self-confidence, self-discipline, and mutual respect. Cedars Manor School is a happy school, committed to inspiring a love of high-quality teaching and learning, creating an inclusive educational environment where every child feels safe. We are wholly committed to meeting our responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of children and young people in our care. We recognize the important part we have to play in identifying children and young people at risk of abuse and neglect and in securing appropriate support for them and their families. At Cedars Manor School we have established a Safeguarding Team to ensure the smooth and efficient implementation of our safeguarding policies and practices. The definition of British Values was set out by the government in the 2011 Prevent Strategy. ‘To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.’ Cedars Manor is a Rights Respecting School, through this, we uphold and teach pupils about British Values. We also teach the British Values through Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PHSE) and Religious Education (RE) as well as delivering a broad and balanced curriculum. The school takes opportunities to actively promote British Values through: Assemblies Electing a school council Positive behavior policy allowing pupils to develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain. Democracy is an important value at our school. Pupils have the opportunity to have their voices heard through our School Council. The elections of members of the School Council are based on pupil votes. Each class elects a member to represent their views. Pupils are taught the value and the consequences when laws are broken. We have a strong but positive behavior policy. Pupils learn about the consequences of actions and the difference between right and wrong. Through this, we consistently promote our high expectations of all at Cedars Manor School. Pupils are actively encouraged to make choices at our school, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school, we provide boundaries for our children to make choices safely, through the provision of a safe environment and planned curriculum. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our e-Safety teaching and PSHE lessons. Pupils are given the freedom to make choices in all aspects of school life. Our community is made up of people from a wide range of backgrounds. We aim to promote the understanding and appreciation of different faiths and cultures both within our school and the wider world. We actively promote courtesy and good manners towards all. We actively monitor and tackle all forms of bullying and harassment (This includes cyberbullying, prejudice-based bullying related to appearance, SEN (Special Educational Needs), sex, race, religion and belief, and disability). Mutual respect is at the heart of what we believe and is taught through: Children learn that their actions affect their rights and those of others. The importance of caring, sharing, and listening to others. The following of the Cedars Way Collective worship themes such as respect, patience, and tolerance. We encourage all pupils to understand that they have rights and responsibilities as citizens within Cedars Manor School and the wider community. We aim to give each child an awareness of the world in the context of the past, present, and future. To understand some of how we find out and about the past. History in the Early Years is taught by looking at their own lives and families. This builds in Key Stage one by looking at famous people and events from long ago. In Key Stage Two, we teach from the Stone Age to 1066, also looking at the ancient civilizations of the Greeks and Egyptians. History is taught through visits, pictures, artifacts, and written sources.
  10. Bensham Manor School is an oversubscribed secondary special school situated in Thornton Heath North West Croydon. We are very proud of the fact that we were are a “Communication Friendly” school. This underpins the whole life of the school and our curriculum focuses on language and functional skills development for all our students. Bensham Manor School is a large oversubscribed secondary special school for students with a wide range of special needs. We make provision for students who have statements of educational needs which include autism, complex needs, speech, language, and communication difficulties. We aim to recognize and respond to the individual needs of students and provide them with a relevant and challenging curriculum. We have a Post 16 provision on site. All students have a statement of special educational needs or Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which is reviewed annually. We work hard to ensure students are successful and we celebrate and recognize achievement and effort in all areas of the curriculum. Our close partnership with parents and carers is instrumental in supporting students to make their best progress. We work hard to make sure students are safe and happy and we are always willing to hear what you think we can do better. Our school is a calm and productive learning environment where the staff team seeks to maximize the potential of every student and to take advantage of every learning opportunity. The curriculum is broad balanced and fit to support our pupils into the 21st Century. We work collaboratively with professionals from other agencies to fully support our pupils both at school and at home. We work closely with parents and carers to plan for and effectively meet every pupil's needs. We are fully committed to the principles of Every Child Matters. We have established an exciting dynamic and proactive ASD support group to support parents, carers, and other professionals in supporting ASD pupils. We are planning a program of training and support aimed at our parents and carers in the main school. We have recently established the Friends of Bensham Manor, an organization made up of parents, carers, and staff who will be working to support fundraising and a program of social and Educational Activities. We offer support and training for mainstream schools in the Borough, including the opportunity for mainstream staff to complete an SEN Placement at Bensham Manor. We always try to build a close relationship between home and school to ensure information is shared and to solve any problems that might occur as quickly as possible. Parents are always encouraged to contact the school if they feel there is a problem they would like to discuss with the staff. The Form Tutors, Heads of Year, Senior Management Team are always happy to discuss any issues a parent might have. The Deputy Head is the designated officer for Child Protection and Looked After Children and should be contacted if there are any problems in these areas. There may be occasions when staff are concerned about a child's welfare and feel it necessary to make a referral to Social Services for help and support for that pupil. Referrals are always made by the Deputy Head, or in her absence, the Assistant Head. At all times the health, safety, and well-being of that child remain paramount. Bensham Manor School’s curriculum gives pupils access to creative learning opportunities tailored to their individual needs. Together with our partners, we work to continue to be at the forefront of successful, innovative curriculum design with overall breadth and balance, which provides the young people with their full entitlement. As a result, the young people benefit from excellent opportunities in all aspects of our curriculum to achieve and improve their skills (including social), knowledge, understanding, well-being, and physical development. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum at an appropriate and challenging level. This supports young people in developing a core foundation of knowledge and skills that will prepare them for further study, training, and employment. We support young people to attain the highest level of recognized qualifications appropriate to them. Our beliefs and philosophies of teaching and learning are underpinned by the values of collaborative practice. As a school, our therapists and teachers work together to ensure that students have the best possible experience at the school. Strategies and interventions are researched based and targeted to support the needs of the students. We believe that every child can succeed and we have tailored our curriculum to develop their literacy, employability, and independent living skills. Bensham Manor students are lively, thoughtful, and always ready to participate in a wide range of curriculum and extra-curricular activities. They are a remarkable group of young people and it is an enormous privilege to work alongside them as they make the journey following the transition from primary school to adulthood.
  11. Hillingdon Manor School opened in 1999 as an independent school to provide a tailored learning environment for children and young people with autism. Since opening its doors, Hillingdon Manor has continued to grow in population and now has over 190 pupils on roll. Hillingdon Manor is an independent specialist school for children on the autistic spectrum between three and a half and nineteen years of age. Hillingdon Manor School strives to provide effective, specialist education and support to pupils with an autistic spectrum condition and their families, which will allow pupils to achieve their full potential in education and life. Located over three sites for primary and secondary, the school offers a unique mix of education and support to pupils within a wide spectrum of needs and abilities. Personalized teaching and learning within an autistic specific environment allows pupils’ individual needs to be addressed completely and their capabilities fully realized Our school provides a setting for pupils to access an enriching curriculum, designed to enhance daily-living skills and increase life opportunities. As well as specially trained teachers, our school benefits from full-time on-site speech and language therapists and occupational therapists, with access to a range of interventions such as drama and music therapy and clinical psychology. At the very core of our work lies a multi-disciplinary approach by which teachers and therapists are infrequent liaisons. Classes are small in number with a high staff to pupil ratio. A significant number of our pupils go on to take GCSE or college courses. We strive to support pupils grow in confidence and to develop a sense of identity through an environment that embraces uniqueness and promotes equality for all. Hillingdon Manor School actively promotes British Values of democracy, rule of law, and the rights of the individual in the context of the tolerant and diverse society of modern Britain. We ensure that respect for both criminal and civil law is embedded in the curriculum and explicitly taught as part of the life skill of distinguishing right from wrong. Hillingdon Manor School promotes principles that provide students with a broad general knowledge of public services, public institutions, and the voluntary sector in England. Our strong emphasis on visual supports and displays creates a purposeful learning environment and computer programs such as Widget and Boardmaker support this. Every class has a visual timetable and the interactive learning board outlines the structure of each lesson, the key language, and the behavior that is expected. Pupils have access to pads to support learning. Structured approaches are also used which include: Picture Exchange Communication System, TEACCH, and Makaton. At Hillingdon Manor School, we aim to provide a broad and balanced education for all the children within a happy, stimulating, and healthy environment and we want each child to achieve the best he or she can. We have excellent teachers, teaching assistants, therapists, office staff, and site managers who all work as part of a very close team. Our Governing Body plays an essential role in the development and success of the school. Parents work with us in partnership and we have a strong sense of community. Children come to us from seventeen different Local Authorities in London and the Home counties and we continue to build partnerships with agencies to ensure all our pupils have the best start in life. We value the importance of celebrating achievement to build children’s self-esteem. Our Weekly Star of the Week assemblies is used formally to celebrate the children’s achievements both inside and outside of school. Parents are welcome to join us in our sharing Assemblies throughout the year. Each class group has been named after lines from the London underground as a result of discussions from a previous school council. The school council, Eco-Council, and Eco-Warriors represent pupil’s views and meet regularly. Pupil's voice is an important part of school life and their ideas are discussed and acted upon. We have reward systems in place that encourages positive behavior and children work towards going on reward trips at the end of each term and ‘Golden time’ on Friday afternoons. During our end-of-year assembly, all pupils are awarded for their achievements across the year. Yiewsley Grange School (Primary) Yiewsley Grange High Street Yiewsley UB7 7QP Tel: +44 20 1895420315
  12. Drayton Manor offers a wide range of opportunities, academic, practical, cultural, and sporting to all students. The school thinks and works in terms of individual students, their personal development, their academic tuition, their interests, and their career needs. The school’s curriculum aims, as stated by the Governing Body, are: To promote the maximum possible development of individual student's talents and potential within a tolerant and caring community To help students to develop a lively, enquiring mind and the ability to question, argue rationally, and apply themselves to tasks and physical skills To help students to acquire in all areas of the curriculum the knowledge, understanding, and skills relevant to adult life, employment, and leisure in a fast-changing world To encourage students to use language and number effectively To promote equal opportunities for all, to counter racism, sexism, and all other forms of discrimination whenever they occur To encourage respect for religious and moral values and tolerance of other races, religions, and ways of life To help students to understand the world in which they live and the interdependence of individuals, groups, and nations, including awareness of economic and environmental issues To help students to appreciate human achievement and aspirations in all forms of human endeavor To support students in the development of their personal and social skills The community deserves a great school on its doorstep and we believe Drayton Manor gives people in the surrounding area a sense of pride. One of our missions is to ensure our students are role models and members of the public and visitors to the school often compliment us on the exemplary conduct of our students. Just one example of this is when one of our teachers was walking from one part of the school to another with a pile of books and was offered assistance by students on seven occasions. We are confident that this mentality of doing good things with no expectation of reward will go a long way to making our student's ideal members of the community and serve them and the country well in the future. What is also impressive about our students is how much they willingly contribute to running societies, coaching sports teams, helping with Open Evenings, Parents’ Evenings, and many other events, and in many other ways. Drayton Manor is a calm and purposeful place where good manners and good behavior are considered essential. We do not doubt that this moral education and the way it is combined with academic prowess is one of the main reasons that the school is so oversubscribed. The school has very high standards and everyone knows what is expected of them and this helps create what Ofsted describes as “the extremely harmonious atmosphere”. This allows us to support individuals so they make outstanding progress. Our teachers have excellent subject knowledge and are adept at, not only preparing our students for examinations but at building their confidence so they are very well prepared for their future lives, whatever their chosen path. If you were to visit Drayton Manor, you would see lesson after lesson where students are focussed on their studies and working in an orderly and thoughtful manner. In our Sixth Form for example, where virtually every student in Year 13 will go on to university, you would see a very high level of discussion reflecting the students’ mature approach to their study, their diligence, and how seriously they plan their work. The skillful way in which our teachers share their knowledge, experience, and passion for their subjects, the stimulating curriculum, and imaginative resources and the fact that our students feel secure and safe in and around the school are factors that are all combined to ensure that they make outstanding progress. We teach in the region of 2000 lessons every week. The immaculate way in which our students wear our uniform, the lovely environment, with its handsome main building and other tasteful developments, all beautifully maintained - these are all further contributory factors to the sense of belonging those at the school have.
  13. Downe Manor, where everybody has the opportunity to be inspired to reach their full potential through memorable learning experiences. Downe Manor is a well-established and successful primary school. Visitors and pupils tell us that we are a harmonious school community with good pupil & staff relationships and that we provide good teaching and additional support to all children. We have a dedicated, committed, and talented staff and a broad, exciting, and relevant curriculum that enables Downe Manor to develop and extend the different abilities of all children. Downe Manor benefits from a new purpose-built school, specialist facilities, and extensive grounds. We endeavor to provide a happy and stimulating environment for all pupils and staff. Children and learning are at the heart of the school. To achieve educational success we set high standards and we keep to them. We believe that successful learning comes through effective teaching, interesting lessons, hard work, effective behavior management, and good attendance. We are determined to maximize the learning of all our children, increase their sense of self-belief and strengthen their respect for each other. We want children at Downe Manor to enjoy their learning, have fun and learn creatively. We constantly strive to improve ourselves and the outcomes for all of our children. We are ambitious and have very high expectations of children's behavior and their learning. At Downe Manor Primary School we respect and value all children and are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our pupils so they can learn, in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. We believe every pupil should be able to participate in all school activities in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from harm. This is the responsibility of every adult employed by or invited to deliver services at Downe Manor Primary School. We recognize our responsibility to safeguard all who access school and promote the welfare of all our pupils by protecting them from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, neglect, and bullying. Where deemed appropriate, the school will seek medical advice and guidance on the best procedures to support pupils to enable them to take part as fully and safely as is possible in all school activities. We expect parents/guardians to advise the school of their child’s specific medical needs. Details will be recorded and held on the school’s computer system. They will be displayed in the medical welfare room and in classrooms out of sight of other pupils, to alert the teacher (and any temporary supply staff) to such needs – this includes asthma and anaphylaxis.
  14. We are a large, successful, and happy primary school. We offer a broad curriculum enriched by the Power of Reading, Maths Mastery, and an exciting Arts program. We have recently become a Rights Respecting school and we are working towards being awarded UNICEF's Rights Respecting School bronze award. Through working in partnership with pupils, parents /carers, and outside agencies we aim to provide a supportive and stimulating learning environment where every child can succeed. Our school provides inclusive opportunities in a secure environment, embracing an exciting and creative curriculum that allows all children to become confident, happy, and self-motivated learners. We teach a broad and balanced curriculum, yet place a high emphasis on developing basic skills in Mathematics and English to ensure our children are well prepared for the next stage of their education. We follow the Primary National Curriculum but where possible try to deliver as many of the key skills through a termly theme. We encourage active learning and enhance the curriculum whenever possible by planning visits out or indeed visitors in. We aim to nurture, inspire and challenge all our pupils. Please explore this section of our website to help you understand our teaching philosophy. Please spend some time reading our curriculum outlines for each year group. In addition to specific subjects, we teach, model, and discuss a range of values, which underpin our school vision and add to the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural education of the children here. We explicitly draw out the values of modern Britain to ensure the children in our care have the best possible start to being active and caring citizens. Most of the classroom subjects are covered by the statutory National Curriculum, but we also teach skills, attitudes, and dispositions for learning which we believe help us meet our vision for the education of the children here. Whatever the subject, children are taught through a variety of teaching styles and approaches. The children are encouraged to work cooperatively as a member of the class or a group, or as an individual. They may work with children of a similar ability or in mixed ability groups. We ensure through planning, resourcing, and differentiation that every child has equal access to the curriculum. At Frith Manor Primary School we are committed to nurturing, inspiring, and challenging all of our pupils. We are developing an ethos of building learning power throughout Frith Manor. We want all our pupils to 'own' their learning and develop successful learning techniques. This is made possible through training and exercising their 'learning muscles. We continue to self-improve as a school through reflecting on our practice and ensuring that we keep up to date with new initiatives sometimes by networking with other schools and external agencies. We are a 'Good' school and as we maintain our focus for ensuring that all pupils receive the best education we also make it our priority to concentrate on personal development, behavior, and welfare.
  15. At Clapham Manor Primary School Our values are founded on the belief that every person in our school community has the right to enjoy happiness, freedom, safety, security, and a sense of their worth, because we are all different, but equal. Everyone has a right to be treated with respect and understanding and we do not tolerate any form of prejudice. We hope your child will be sensitive towards the needs of others and grow into a thinking and responsible young person who can contribute to and benefit from the diverse society which makes up our school. We ensure that all pupils, regardless of race, class, gender, disabilities, special needs, religion, or culture, have equal access to a broad, balanced, and differentiated curriculum and are provided with opportunities to develop their self-esteem, confidence, and full potential in a rich and stimulating environment. Parents and carers are the child’s first teachers and Clapham Manor encourages you to participate fully in your child’s education. Close working relationships between parents, teachers, and children ensure the best possible opportunities for achievement, progress, and success. The school is going through an exciting program of initiatives. Our wilderness garden and other natural-world learning experiences are being used by all pupils and teachers as an embedded part of our curriculum. We are developing our gardens into beds to grow fruit, vegetables, and herbs to be used in cooking lessons and school lunches. Any surplus will be part of the upper school pupils' enterprise and commerce activities by being sold at Venn Street Market. Our most recent building activity has been to create a science laboratory centered around food. This laboratory combines all the resources of a food technology room with the ability to do exciting food science projects and learning. We aim to provide the highest standards of education, in an inclusive environment, through effective learning and teaching for all, with a broad, balanced and personalized, relevant curriculum that includes all statutory requirements. We value equity and inclusion and believe that in supporting all learners to become confident individuals able to live safe, healthy, and fulfilling lives they will become lifelong learners and responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society that deals effectively with economic, social, and cultural change.
  16. Brindishe Manor is a community school where learning together is seen as a very important part of the education we offer. The school building is traditionally designed and dates from the turn of the century. Each group of children or class has its classroom. Our site is fully accessible and most classes have direct access to the outdoors. All classes have access to shared spaces around the building such as resources areas or learning zones, our two large hall spaces, our music and dance room, and our outdoor learning spaces. Though the building might look traditional, we use it in a modern way. Children will use different spaces in the school depending on the curriculum area or the type of learning in which they are involved. They are not always limited to one classroom under the direct supervision of their teacher. You might imagine this creates a lot of noise as children move around our varied and compact site. It doesn’t – Brindishe Manor is a very quiet and calm school. Children learn in a calm and considerate way and behave responsibly. Our flexible approach to learning encourages a feeling of commitment and belonging in our children. They are encouraged to see themselves as part of the whole school, they get to know all members of staff and all members of staff know them. Teaching and support staff work closely together sharing responsibility for making a very organized and educationally stimulating environment, ensuring that resources are well looked after and available. They also help all children to behave well and become successful learners. Structure and organization are important to us and we have clear procedures and policies for every aspect of school life. These are carefully applied to ensure that Brindishe Manor children achieve high standards, are well supported in their learning, and develop a strong sense of community and good citizenship. We expect and work towards the high achievement of all pupils. Each child’s contribution to the classroom and school is welcomed and valued. We make sure that they have the opportunity to learn to the best of their ability and to raise their academic achievement. Education at Brindishe Schools is designed to benefit all of our children and to celebrate the rich, cultural diversity of Lewisham’s local community.
  17. Manor Primary School & Nursery is a happy, safe, and inspiring community school with the highest expectations and aspirations for all of our pupils. Dedicated teaching and support staff enable every child to excel and explore their passions through broad, balanced, and rich learning opportunities. Our traditional Victorian school building provides a 21st Century education equipping our pupils with the skills and attributes required to become lifelong learners. Manor School is a very happy, caring, and supportive school. We have a great team of teachers and support staff that work hard to ensure that all the children make good progress. Our aim is that every child reaches their potential, and is well-equipped when they leave Manor and can continue achieving throughout secondary school. We are forward-thinking and provide a curriculum that is both stimulating and challenging. We believe in Community, Determination, Excellence, Responsibility, and Respect. These are our five core values that are at the heart of everything we do at Manor. We believe that close cooperation between home and school is essential, and aim to keep parents as informed as possible about the progress their children are making, the methods we use to teach the children, and ways in which they can support their children’s learning. The manor is multi-cultural – 74% of our children speak English as an additional language, and 42 languages are spoken by staff and children. We value and celebrate the diversity of cultures and religious beliefs within the school. We have high expectations of all our staff and pupils. The behavior of pupils is very good, and we focus a lot on developing each child’s ability to understand and improve their learning skills. We provide many opportunities for children to involve themselves in the wider life of the school, and to take responsibility for aspects of school life. We have worked hard to make our 3 stories Victorian building and playground as welcoming as possible. The main entrance and the landscaping have helped this enormously. Manor Primary School is a vibrant learning community where everyone is enthusiastic, motivated, and valued. We offer a warm welcome to all in a secure, nurturing environment that is both creative and stimulating. We develop enthusiastic learners, who are independent and creative thinkers with open, enquiring minds. Our children are motivated, confident, and responsible learners and citizens. Learning takes place in a wide range of ways at Manor, both in and out of the classroom. As a state-maintained primary school, we follow the National Curriculum as a basis for our children’s learning. The children frequently go on educational visits to a wide range of places they regularly visit art galleries we have visitors, such as authors, theatre companies, professionals, to school provide an additional layer to the children’s experiences. All these give the children a breadth to their learning that you cannot provide purely in a classroom. Our curriculum provides practical approaches and direct experiences. Children are encouraged and taught to talk about and share ideas to develop their language and thinking. To reinforce and develop these skills, in-class the children have opportunities to debate, role play, and give presentations. A very important part of the children’s learning is investigating and problem-solving, designing and making things, researching and finding out, as well as learning to use the wide range of ICT that is available to them.
  18. We are part of the LEO Academy Trust. At Manor Park, we believe that every child is entitled to the best possible education and we are committed to providing this through high standards in teaching and learning, by promoting self-esteem, and by ensuring that all children feel valued. At Manor Park Primary we believe that the provision of a visually attractive and stimulating environment is an important part of developing thought. Each child's strengths will be encouraged and nurtured and their weaknesses addressed. Our mission statement is Confident Children Enjoying Learning and this reflects our commitment to child-centered learning offering a creative curriculum promoting independence. Our core values are: To promote opportunities for every child to think creatively and critically to solve problems and to make a difference for the better. To develop confidence so children believe they can achieve. To have high expectations of ourselves, children and others. To realize the importance of reflection time to think and see the way forward. To promote the values of co-operation and teamwork. For children to ASK questions. To realize mistakes are great learning opportunities. To take a considered risk and to develop resilience. We have an exciting Curriculum at Manor Park Primary. In all-year groups, children are encouraged to question and consider points of view with a focused lesson on philosophy for learning. Independence is promoted and a well-embedded creative linked curriculum is in place which is based on the Cornerstones Curriculum and is supported by themes allowing many cross-curricular links to be made within different areas of the curriculum as well as being enriched through trips, outside learning, and after school clubs. Throughout the year, teachers choose the Imaginative Learning Projects they are going to teach from the ones available for their year group. The children’s interests are taken into account when deciding on which project to teach with a particular class. The projects are usually taught across a half term but this can be longer or shorter depending on the project. As a school, we value and celebrate the diverse heritages of everybody at Manor Park. Alongside this, we value and celebrate being part of Britain. In general terms, this means that we celebrate traditions, such as customs in the year, for example, Remembrance during the Autumn term, and the annual visit from the Pantomime around Christmas. We also celebrate the Saints days St. George for England, St. David for Wales, and St. Andrew for Scotland. The children at Manor Park are taught from the very beginning of their education here how to treat others properly despite their differences, beliefs, or backgrounds. The recent Ofsted report stated, "all staff and pupils say that their school operates as a harmonious community." Outside agencies and school trips often report how well behaved the students are. The children are encouraged to express their views and beliefs in a supportive and respectful environment. Through P4C and PSE, the children put forward their opinion and learn to be accepting of the difference between them. They are given the choice throughout the school.
  19. Manor House International school is located in a remote urban area/community. New Cairo is a new development that was started as an expansion for residential/businesses/schools and universities to escape the crowded areas of Nasr City and Heliopolis. The existing and potential residence is a mixture of upper- to upper-middle-class families who chose to escape the congested city life for a quite well-planned housing development that exists in a pollution-free area. Manor House International School, American Division tries to provide a dynamic learning environment within a flexible framework that provides both student and teacher the opportunity to be creative and bring about the best out of both parties. The school’s curricula and instructional methods are translations and applications of the school’s vision and mission of thriving to provide a holistic learning experience and instill the basic premise of “Know Thy Self”. The majority of our stakeholders belong to middle and upper-middle socioeconomic classes. Moreover, the majority of our students and teachers are Egyptians both Christian and Muslim. Hence, the school’s cultural realm is predominantly Egyptian. However, the school safeguards rights of minority groups, such as expatriates and special needs students, within our community through providing allowances, such as accommodations for special needs students, and holidays for expatriates that aren’t mandated in the school calendar, as long as they do not conflict with our vision and direction. Manor House International School teachers and administrators are united with the cause of improving education and bringing well-educated, well-respected human beings. We don’t, solely, measure our success with student’s GPA or performance on standardized tests. Our success is mainly measured by the student’s overall well-being. Since classrooms are small and teachers get the leverage of spotting the student who is lagging, direct action is taken (whether through an action plan, or simply through talking to the student to get to the root cause of the problem and try to solve it) to ensure that no child is left behind. Students’ performance is measured based on formative and summative assessments to provide unbiased results, which allows different types of students to get the utmost benefit from the class. Manor House American School hopes to get to a point where the current elementary students can study more advanced subjects, and have more rigorous assessments when they reach high school than the current high school students. This can be accomplished through establishing a solid educational foundation within those students. A foundation that is solid enough to handle dynamic education. Parents and students are highly involved in the school’s improvement process through their physical presence within the school whether as volunteers or just to discuss new ideas and implementations that would ultimately improve the school environment. The school tries to transform every teacher and staff member to also be a counselor for both parents and students. Parents approach the school administration to find the best practices to deal with their children, both school and parents devise plans to steer students who strayed back to the path, not just within the school but even at home. Hence, the administration finds itself playing the role of the liaison between students and their parents The school thrives to provide numerous alternatives for students to find the best fit that suits them after graduation. Thus, the school is already a partner with the British University in Egypt (BUE), and the Future University in Egypt (FUE). Based on those partnerships, Manor House International School students are entitled to several privileges, such as discounts and scholarships to the top students. The launch of a diverse extracurricular program allows students to experience, experiment, and ultimately get an intimation of who they are. The program includes sports activities, such as swimming, ping pong, soccer, choreography……etc. and non-sports activities such as the book club, science club, drama club……etc. Manor House International School, American Division would ultimately want to reach the point of creating an aggregated strong community that has strong ties with a society that is actively influencing and is actively influenced by the dynamic realm of the world. The school is proud of its current efforts to reach its vision and direction and is optimistic that with the support of its stakeholders it will exert more efforts in that direction.
  20. Forres Sandle Manor School (FSM) is an independent preparatory day and boarding school for boys and girls aged 3 to 13, situated in the small town of Fordingbridge, Hampshire. Set in beautiful grounds on the edge of the New Forest, our School’s location was recorded as far back as the Doomsday Book. Today, we provide a holistic, rounded education that prepares children for the next stage of their education and adult life. “At Forres Sandle Manor School, we strongly believe that happy children succeed. This ethos underpins everything we do and creates a community of children who are confident, eager to learn, brave enough to take risks, and caring for each other. At a time when young people’s peace of mind is being eroded by a range of external pressures, we aim to create an environment where children can just be children, with the freedom to find and explore their passions. Our innovative new Saturday morning enrichment activities, focused on children’s creative and personal development, are a great example of this. As a non-selective school, we believe that the richness of our community is its variety, and we support all children, wherever they sit academically, to achieve their potential. We’re proud of our high flyers and scholars who are nurtured and stretched through our Able Child Programme, but we’re also bursting with pride for the children who overcome challenges to achieve their goals, and our excellent Learning Centre provides tailored support for children who learn differently. Despite being a school with a predominant focus on the pastoral – or perhaps because of it – our pupils excel academically. Last year, 100% of our leavers won places at their first-choice senior schools. We aim to create an atmosphere where to excel is not just acceptable, it’s cool! Our Able Child program identifies the ablest children in each subject area, every year, using class performance and test scores, and ensures that they are given extension activities that will challenge and stimulate them. Besides, we offer targeted acceleration through our scholarship and 11plus workshops. We also recognize that not everyone learns at the same pace or in the same way. Experienced staff in our Learning Centre provide individual support to help children who are struggling with literacy or numeracy as well as helping them in the classroom so that they can take part in a full and rich curriculum. We see learning differences as temporary stumbling blocks rather than barriers, and we encourage all our children to aim high. We see education as a partnership between school and home, and keep parents regularly informed about their child’s progress through termly and half-termly reports, year group reviews, and twice-yearly parent-teacher meetings, as well as informal feedback.
  21. Our school is spaced over a large site, with extensive grounds. It has recently undergone significant redevelopment to cater to our increasing numbers. We are very proud of our new library and new dining room/studio. There is a mixture of provision both indoors and out with several specifically designed outdoor learning areas to interest and engage our children. We have extensive sports fields that are regularly used by many of our after-school sports clubs. You will find our classrooms equipped with the latest technology. We also have a bespoke ICT suite and additional laptops that can be moved from class to class. Our investment in technology ensures that our pupils are prepared for the modern world. Our playgrounds have a range of climbing/play equipment and a range of specifically designed areas, including a low-level climbing wall with a safety surface. We intend that our children can enjoy their play as much as their work. At Colham Manor we aim to provide a happy, caring, safe and secure environment where all children reach their potential. It is a school where standards continue to rise and Ofsted has recently praised the caring nature of our staff and the pupil’s behavior, amongst many other things. Our priority is to ensure that children reach the highest standards possible and children’s learning is thoroughly tracked and regularly reviewed. We also place a high emphasis on developing independence, confidence, and co-operation, so that our children are ready for the next step in their lives. We have a hugely popular breakfast club that is run by school staff. For a small charge, parents can leave their children in a safe environment where they can enjoy a healthy breakfast, play games, and chat with friends. The After School Club is run by Colham Manor Primary School and was set up in September 2013. There is always an adult to child ratio of at least 1:8 and the setting is staffed by school staff. There is a range of toys, games, and activities on offer both inside and out, giving the children the opportunity to play independently and also with adult interaction. The club is open from 3.15 pm – 5.45 pm daily and a healthy snack is provided. If you would like more information about the club or would like to book a place for your child please speak to the school office. We offer a wide range of clubs both at lunchtime and after school. These allow our children opportunities to experience new activities or participate in their hobbies. As well as learning new skills, our clubs allow our children to develop their esteem, confidence and build friendships. Our clubs are run by a mixture of school staff and outside providers Colham Manor is an inclusive primary school. We are proud of how we value and support all our children. We expect all our children to reach their full potential and support their individual needs to ensure they can reach the highest standards they are capable of. Teachers plan lessons to ensure all children make progress in class, taking into account their ability level and individual needs. Some of our children have specific needs that require extra support additional to what can be provided in the classroom. For these children, we provide specific support programs, delivered by trained staff in the Launch Pad, a specially resourced provision for children with additional needs. These children may be identified as having special educational needs or at the early stages of learning English as an additional language.
  22. There are lots of wonderful and exciting things happening at our school. A vision has to be shared and nurtured, it has to incorporate all aspects of the community in which we live and, above all, it has to be built on dreams but also be realistic and achievable. My vision is clear as to the high standards of education that we demand the pupils of Oakington Manor. Children only get one chance at education. Our vision is to create a safe, caring, and inclusive environment where children feel respected, and are motivated to succeed. Children will enjoy learning and will actively work together to be the best they can. Pupils working together as a team can only accomplish this environment. Whilst standards are good at Oakington Manor, we can never be complacent. We have achieved a great deal and, to fulfill our dream, we will never stop striving for excellence. Our exceptionally strong ethos of pastoral care exemplifies our commitment to addressing the emotional, as well as educational needs of our learners. We strive to maintain and develop a collaborative atmosphere between staff, parents, and learners to promote racial harmony in an environment of transparency and openness by providing an excellent learning environment. We proudly showcase the work we are doing with 3D technology in our newly built Learning Resource Centre (LRC). Oakington Manor is a large exciting 3 form entry primary school with 730 pupils. We are located in Wembley, very close to the fabulous Wembley Stadium, home of the Football Association. Oakington Manor has recently turned into an academy as of April 2016 and is now part of Excellence in Education along with our federated school Furness Primary School. The curriculum we offer is based on the agreed aims of the school and the provision of a good education with an emphasis on high standards of work, achievement, and conduct. Oakington Manor was built in 1937, however, it was not all built at the same time. The oldest part of the school is the Main building. Next, just after the war, the white huts were built. This was about 1946. Then, as more children came to the school, the pink and brown huts were built. The school stayed like that for about 20 or 30 years. In 1995 the school had a new hall and kitchen. Even today more changes are happening, a new nursery, a new ICT suite and library, new classrooms, and a new playground are being built. At our schools, we ensure that through our school vision, values, rules, diverse curriculum we promote tolerance and respect for all cultures, faiths, and lifestyles. We also ensure that this ethos is reflected and implemented effectively in school policy and practice and that there are rigorous risk assessments in place to safeguard and promote students’ welfare. We must prepare our children for life in modern Britain and to keep them safe. Pupils who attend our school have the right to learn in safety. We do not tolerate bullying of any kind and will challenge derogatory language and behavior towards others. Religious education encourages reflection and critical thinking to develop an understanding of how we can celebrate our heritage and home cultures whilst also embracing the commonality of values in different religions. Our circle time supports pupils’ understanding of what it is to live in multicultural British society, to challenge injustice and prejudice. Through our humanities curriculum, we explore pupils’ responsibilities as global citizens and the rule of law, including the role of democratic advocacy for change. Artsmark provides a benchmark for arts provision that encourages schools to showcase the opportunities they offer in art, dance, drama, and music. We achieved our Gold status again in October 2014. The world record was for the largest reading lesson in multiple venues involved 2, 735 participants across 27 venues in an event organized by the Evening Standard (UK) as part of their 'Get London Reading' campaign in London, UK, on 26 March 2012. We are very proud of the award as it reminds our children just what lengths we will go to, to keep them healthy. Good, nourishing freshly cooked food is served daily in our kitchen.
  23. Uxendon Manor is a thriving primary school, achieves high standards and provides high-quality education for all pupils. We are a creative, inclusive, and caring community in which each member is valued. Positive values and the rights of the whole community are central to all aspects of school life. All members are aware of their responsibilities and take these seriously, becoming 21st Century rights-respecting citizens. The spiritual, moral, and cultural development of the child is at the core of our ethos. We have high expectations of all learners. There is a strong ‘children first’ culture. The diversity of the community is viewed positively by the school successfully builds upon the pupils’ home and previous educational experiences. A growth mindset is promoted and encouraged across the whole school – anything is possible with imagination. Learning takes place in a relaxed but focused atmosphere where children enjoy ‘having a go’ at a wide range of activities, they feel secure enough to take risks and embrace challenges. We are fully committed to ensuring that every child reaches their potential. We have very high expectations for our children to move the school forward. This includes promoting the highest standards of behavior, excellent teaching and learning, up-to-date resources, and the ‘old-fashioned’ values of honesty, manners, and respect. The school first opened on May 24th, 1937 with 329 children. The school was built to accommodate the large number of children resulting from the expansion of housing in the 1930s. Most of the children originally came from Kenton Council School. The class sizes were much bigger than class sizes today with between 40 and 50 children in each of the seven classes. In the Nursery and Reception classes, children work towards the Early Learning Goals. There are seven areas of learning: Understanding of the World Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication and Language Literacy Mathematics Physical Development Expressive Arts and Design. In Nursery, we focus on the three prime areas: Personal, Social, and Emotional Development Communication and Language and Physical Development. In Reception, we focus on the three prime areas as well as the four specific areas Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World, and Expressive Arts and Design. At Uxendon Manor we aim to provide a broad, balanced, and creative education set within the new National Curriculum introduced in 2014. We continually update our curriculum policies and practices in line with national requirements. Children are taught English and Mathematics every day as we try to reach the targets which we set with the local authority each year. We also focus on Computing (Information & Communication Technology), Science, Religious Education, History, Geography, Art, Design & Technology, Music, PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship, and Emotional Development), Physical Education and French in Key Stage 2 (Year 3 to Year 6) are incorporated into class lessons. School topics and specially chosen themes appropriate to the children’s ages and interests are taught as part of our Creative Curriculum lessons, which we introduced in September 2009. As well as linking subjects to the overall theme or topic, each year group arranges a series of enrichment activities, such as workshops, trips, and ‘hands-on’ interactive sessions to enhance children’s enjoyment and learning.
  24. Pine Manor College is a private four-year liberal arts college situated on over 45 wooded acres in the Chestnut Hill section of Brookline, Massachusetts, only a few miles outside of Boston. For over 100 years, Pine Manor College has provided a student-focused education and tailored mentoring grounded in the liberal arts tradition. Serving a majority of first-generation and low-income students, Pine Manor College promotes diversity. Students from various linguistic, economic, and cultural backgrounds experience a unique learning environment that transforms them, preparing them for successful careers in an ever-changing world. With competencies grounded in the liberal arts tradition, our graduates enter employment and advanced studies with critical thinking skills, a commitment to civic engagement, and immediate job and long-term career opportunities. Pine Manor College offers four core areas of study in Healthcare and Biomedical Sciences, Business and Management, Early Childhood Education, and Humanities and Social Sciences. The College also offers a master's degree via its highly regarded MFA in Creative Writing Program. The College also provides its students the opportunity to further their athletic pursuits in the college setting. Pine Manor College competes in Division III NCAA Athletics. It offers 5 Women's Varsity sports: basketball, cross-country, soccer, softball and volleyball, and 5 NCAA Men's Varsity Sports: basketball, cross-country, soccer, baseball, volleyball. The mission of Pine Manor College is to make sure that all graduates are prepared to take meaningful steps in their lives: engaging in new jobs and careers, continuing to learn, and positively contributing to their communities. Students, including those who are the first in their families to attend College, who are looking for a purposeful education in a personalized and inclusive learning community, will find a home at Pine Manor College. We offer our students an intentionally individualized education and tailor our programs to meet them where they are. The idea that learning happens one student at a time is woven into our fabric, along with a strong commitment to community building. Diversity and inclusion are our strengths. Students learn from a wide range of instructors, mentors, and advisors, and each other. Together, we have found ways to harness the power of the whole Pine Manor College community and its many off-campus partners in what is genuinely a borderless learning environment focused on one outcome: student success. Pine Manor College is all about your success. We achieve our mission of 'Educating with Purpose' by getting to know you, your dreams, aspirations, and motivations. Our faculty and staff are committed to your success as much as to your academic achievements. If you are just as committed to reaching your goals, we will be thrilled to join forces with you and support your journey. Pine Manor College is not your typical College. Just minutes from downtown Boston, the College enjoys about 50 acres of landscaped grounds. Our beautiful campus, located in the sought-after Brookline neighborhood of Chestnut Hill, is home to under 500 students. And it is indeed a home away from home. Our small community is our strength. It allows our faculty and staff to provide a support structure rarely seen on college campuses. Our learners' community includes 84% of students who are the first in their families to go to College and 85% who are coming from underrepresented communities. We thrive on our uniqueness and celebrate our focus on student success, and to achieve that, we created the Student Success Initiative. Among other resources, the initiative designates both an Academic Coach and a Success Coach to each one of our students, essentially providing at least two mentors to support you on your college journey. Our priority is to ensure all of our students feel empowered and encouraged throughout their career at Pine Manor College. There are concrete outcomes to that individualized approach: For the last two years, all of our graduates - yes, 100% of our 2016 and 2017 graduating classes - were either employed or pursuing advanced degrees within six months of graduation. They came to Pine Manor College dreaming of a B.A. degree; however, they completed their education with a career! Pine Manor College is among the most affordable private colleges and universities in the country. At Pine Manor, our student population receives ongoing financial-aid consultation, and assistants which may include need-based and merit-based scholarships and grants, loans, and work-study. We encourage every student to consider all sources of financial aid carefully. PMC's strong liberal arts tradition prepares students not only for their careers but also for their lives! The College combines this vital liberal arts education with our effective academic programs. We emphasize the importance of learning outside and inside the classroom by incorporating internships, service-learning projects, and community-based research. Each major program requires completion of a one-semester senior internship (16 hours per week). These internships have been most successful in helping students to secure entry-level positions in their chosen field. Some students use the internship as a platform for further postgraduate studies. Furthermore, the College has ongoing relationships with institutions in the Boston area that facilitate student entry into internships and postgraduate employment and education. Individualized student portfolios document skills such as effective communication, critical thinking, collaboration, citizenship, and integrated and applied to learn, which will be invaluable in our students' workplaces, families, and communities. View full university
  25. Pine Manor College is a private four-year liberal arts college situated on over 45 wooded acres in the Chestnut Hill section of Brookline, Massachusetts, only a few miles outside of Boston. For over 100 years, Pine Manor College has provided a student-focused education and tailored mentoring grounded in the liberal arts tradition. Serving a majority of first-generation and low-income students, Pine Manor College promotes diversity. Students from various linguistic, economic, and cultural backgrounds experience a unique learning environment that transforms them, preparing them for successful careers in an ever-changing world. With competencies grounded in the liberal arts tradition, our graduates enter employment and advanced studies with critical thinking skills, a commitment to civic engagement, and immediate job and long-term career opportunities. Pine Manor College offers four core areas of study in Healthcare and Biomedical Sciences, Business and Management, Early Childhood Education, and Humanities and Social Sciences. The College also offers a master's degree via its highly regarded MFA in Creative Writing Program. The College also provides its students the opportunity to further their athletic pursuits in the college setting. Pine Manor College competes in Division III NCAA Athletics. It offers 5 Women's Varsity sports: basketball, cross-country, soccer, softball and volleyball, and 5 NCAA Men's Varsity Sports: basketball, cross-country, soccer, baseball, volleyball. The mission of Pine Manor College is to make sure that all graduates are prepared to take meaningful steps in their lives: engaging in new jobs and careers, continuing to learn, and positively contributing to their communities. Students, including those who are the first in their families to attend College, who are looking for a purposeful education in a personalized and inclusive learning community, will find a home at Pine Manor College. We offer our students an intentionally individualized education and tailor our programs to meet them where they are. The idea that learning happens one student at a time is woven into our fabric, along with a strong commitment to community building. Diversity and inclusion are our strengths. Students learn from a wide range of instructors, mentors, and advisors, and each other. Together, we have found ways to harness the power of the whole Pine Manor College community and its many off-campus partners in what is genuinely a borderless learning environment focused on one outcome: student success. Pine Manor College is all about your success. We achieve our mission of 'Educating with Purpose' by getting to know you, your dreams, aspirations, and motivations. Our faculty and staff are committed to your success as much as to your academic achievements. If you are just as committed to reaching your goals, we will be thrilled to join forces with you and support your journey. Pine Manor College is not your typical College. Just minutes from downtown Boston, the College enjoys about 50 acres of landscaped grounds. Our beautiful campus, located in the sought-after Brookline neighborhood of Chestnut Hill, is home to under 500 students. And it is indeed a home away from home. Our small community is our strength. It allows our faculty and staff to provide a support structure rarely seen on college campuses. Our learners' community includes 84% of students who are the first in their families to go to College and 85% who are coming from underrepresented communities. We thrive on our uniqueness and celebrate our focus on student success, and to achieve that, we created the Student Success Initiative. Among other resources, the initiative designates both an Academic Coach and a Success Coach to each one of our students, essentially providing at least two mentors to support you on your college journey. Our priority is to ensure all of our students feel empowered and encouraged throughout their career at Pine Manor College. There are concrete outcomes to that individualized approach: For the last two years, all of our graduates - yes, 100% of our 2016 and 2017 graduating classes - were either employed or pursuing advanced degrees within six months of graduation. They came to Pine Manor College dreaming of a B.A. degree; however, they completed their education with a career! Pine Manor College is among the most affordable private colleges and universities in the country. At Pine Manor, our student population receives ongoing financial-aid consultation, and assistants which may include need-based and merit-based scholarships and grants, loans, and work-study. We encourage every student to consider all sources of financial aid carefully. PMC's strong liberal arts tradition prepares students not only for their careers but also for their lives! The College combines this vital liberal arts education with our effective academic programs. We emphasize the importance of learning outside and inside the classroom by incorporating internships, service-learning projects, and community-based research. Each major program requires completion of a one-semester senior internship (16 hours per week). These internships have been most successful in helping students to secure entry-level positions in their chosen field. Some students use the internship as a platform for further postgraduate studies. Furthermore, the College has ongoing relationships with institutions in the Boston area that facilitate student entry into internships and postgraduate employment and education. Individualized student portfolios document skills such as effective communication, critical thinking, collaboration, citizenship, and integrated and applied to learn, which will be invaluable in our students' workplaces, families, and communities.
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