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  • GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology


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    The Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIK) is one of Pakistan's most prestigious engineering institutes. GIK has known the world over for setting a standard of excellence in the field of engineering. Over the years, the Institute has produced bright, innovative graduates employed at some of the most respectable firms worldwide. The Institute aspires to be a center of excellence in engineering sciences and technology, which acts as an effective change agent and a model for others to emulate. It is autonomous and independently chartered and is funded by the private sector. It strives to attract faculty of outstanding talent and provide the students with a supporting and enabling environment. It hopes to produce graduates who distinguish themselves by their professional competence, humanistic outlook, ethical rectitude, pragmatic approach to problem-solving, and organizational and managerial skills. Given these attributes, they should be able to respond adequately to Pakistan's needs and be the vanguard of their techno-industrial transformation.
    All of these activities are student-organized. At present, GIK has more than 20 student societies. These organizations provide the students with various opportunities to indulge in their aesthetic interests and experience working in a professional environment. Moreover, these societies instill in their members the priceless qualities of teamwork and leadership.
    Out of his frequent interaction with the foreign and local experts, a center of excellence in engineering sciences and production technology ought to be established in the country, a center whose standards of education are comparable to those of its counterparts in the advanced countries. This idea's transformation into a practical proposition took place in December 1985 when the Benevolent Community Care and Infaq Foundation donated Rs. Fifty million for setting up an institute in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for the promotion of science and technology.
    A milestone in the evolution of the Institute was the registration in June 1988 of its parent body, namely, the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Sciences and Technology in Pakistan (SOPREST). Mr. Ghulam Ishaq Khan (late), then the President of the country, was elected the President of the Society for life.
    The task of conceiving and formulating the Institute's raw form and features was entrusted to a group of eminent scientists and engineers. These professionals started the transformation of the dream into reality at a galloping pace. The civil works at the campus site were started in early 1990. An interim office of the Institute was set up in August 1992, where senior professionals with outstanding backgrounds worked in a cohesive group to evolve the educational aims and philosophy of the Institute, its curricula, and details of state-of-the-art equipment for its laboratories and workshops.
    The Institute symbolizes the immense altruism and concern for collective welfare that exists in the private sector. It is the first privately-funded Institute of its kind in the country and dedicated to bringing our engineering education at par with the advanced countries.

    GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology
    Founding year: FindME
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Mr. Jehangir Bashar (Rector)
    Number of staff: 0
    Type: Universities
    Address: GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Tarbela Road, Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa, Topi, Swabi, 23640, Pakistan

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