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  • German International School Jeddah


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    The DISJ is an acknowledged German school abroad that is close to the Red Sea, in the beautiful port city of Jeddah.

    The Mission Statement of the German International School Jeddah (DISJ) has been in existence since 2004/2005. In 2011, the respective committees decided on new specific principles and the Mission Statement was completely edited as well as newly written. It expresses the values shared by the school's pupils, teachers, parents, and employees. It influences our way of acting and thinking and is obligatory for the entire school community.

    Our Mission Statement consists of the following eight guiding principles:

    • The DISJ is an acknowledged German school abroad which maintains a high level of quality from kindergarten up to IB
    • The DISJ is a school for families with a German language background and for those who plan a future in a culture of the German language.
    • Working together in a democratic and confident atmosphere offers everybody a sense of belonging and solidarity within the school. This is based on a European liberal understanding.
    • Respect and tolerance are a solid foundation for productive cooperation between teachers and students.
    • The school takes advantage of its cultural diversity among students and their parents.
    • At the DISJ we equally encourage and demand that students work to their highest ability. This is an open and constantly changing process.
    • Furthermore, we support the individual development of every child and young adult.
    • The DISJ’s main focus is on language education.

    The Kindergarten at the DISJ is made up of two groups, 3 to 4-year-old 'Caterpillars' and 4 to 5-year-old 'Butterflies'. All children spend playtime together. That way the young ones can learn from the older children.

    First, we begin with our morning circle, which we use specifically to introduce new subjects and discuss the daily routine. The subjects are inspired by the different seasons and traditional festivities in Germany. Songs and creative works are chosen fittingly to the subjects and if possible, we end the subject with a trip.

    To make the entrance into the German language easier for our Kindergarten children, we offer German as a foreign language (DaF) four times a week. Here the children in small groups, are playfully introduced to the German language, here the learning level is consistently increased. After the second year of Kindergarten, it is time to move to preschool, or rather the 'Wobbly Tooth' group. This year is the preparation year for the first grade. Through differentiated exercises, the children develop concentration and increase their stamina to blossom their mathematically logical imagination. Additionally, to the language-sensitive daily routine, there is also specific German language training.

    Generally, it is important to our teachers, especially in these early years, to offer every child the possibility to develop their personality, become independent, and explore the world around them.

    For that, we want to offer a space of security, in which the child can grow in a known and loving atmosphere while feeling respected and happy.

    In September DISJ welcomed new first graders for the 43rd time to begin their school journey in our Elementary School. Together with those who have been with us for a while, they will learn from each other about their diverse cultural backgrounds within a nurturing environment where every voice is heard. In our vibrant school community, all children are immersed in German culture and traditions. DISJ is a “Deutsche Auslandsschule” (German school abroad). Our language of instruction is German. Students who lack language proficiency are receiving DaF- lessons. (German as a foreign language) As in other German schools abroad, our Elementary School follows the curriculum of Thüringen state in all subjects. (Except Arabic Mother Tongue)

    During the afternoons the students can choose among a large variety of age group tailored extracurricular activities. During vacation language and culture, camps are offered in Germany.

    At DISJ Elementary School we believe that learning is not just about the acquisition of facts. With an eye on the future, we have a holistic approach to learning and teaching to develop critical, independent thinkers and confident leaders. Differentiation is used in our classrooms to meet each student’s individual needs.

    Together with our Elementary faculty, we support the children as they demonstrate responsibility, respect, friendship, kindness, and honesty. We know that these foundational years are truly a once in a –lifetime experience and it’s our privilege to partner with families through this important time.

    After primary school, the Orientation level in year 5 follows. The respective teachers will assess the pupils’ acquired proficiency level during this year. Accordingly, the pupils will be assigned to three acknowledged German proficiency levels (“Hauptschule”, “Realschule” or “Gymnasium”). The change from one level/type of school to another remains possible depending on the child’s performance and the decision of the class conference (= the respective teachers have to decide on this issue). At the end of the 10th grade, the final examinations for the intermediate school certificate (Realschulabschluss or Ü11) take place.

    In years 6 to 10, grammar-school teaching will be adjusted for pupils with “Hauptschul-level” or “Realschul-level”. French is compulsory for grammar-school pupils as a second foreign language. The pupils can acquire different degrees:

    • Certificate of completion of compulsory basic schooling (Hauptschulabschluss) after year 9 Intermediate School Certificate after year 10
    • Authorization to the upper school (Gymnasiale Oberstufe) after year 10.

    Homework supervision in the 6th lesson will take place if necessary.

    Pupils with difficulties in the German language will receive special remedial education in the subject “German as a foreign language” (DaF) if possible. The pupil can also receive additional lessons in French, English, or Arabic (for example the DELF offer of the Alliance Française).

    The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB-DP) is taught in the upper school. It is a good replenishment of the German Curriculum which ceases after year 10 and the intermediate school certificate. The IB-DP curriculum is drawn up and provided by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). After the successful completion of the entire two-year Diploma Programme, the pupils receive the “Gemischtsprachiges International Baccalaureate” (GIB) as a final diploma.

    The GIB is comparable to the German Abitur and has been an acknowledged diploma in Germany since 1986 (see KMK→Hochschulzugang). This diploma gives the students international access to universities.

    IIn the IB-DP six subjects will be taught which are respectively assigned to six subject groups (Group 1: Studies in language and literature, Group 2: Language acquisition Group 3: Individuals and Societies Group 4: Sciences Group 5: Mathematics Group 6: The arts). The pupils choose courses from the six subject groups taking three subjects at a higher level (HL) and three at standard level (SL).

    Two out of the six subjects have to be language courses (Group 1 and 2) – one will be taught on a level of a native speaker, the other is a language acquisition course. Furthermore, one subject is chosen from Group 3, Group 4, and Group 5 is mandatory. The sixth subject can be freely chosen from all subject areas and artistic subjects offered at the school.

    German International School Jeddah
    Website: Visit Website
    Leadership: Heidrun Lindner (Headmaster)
    Address: German International School Jeddah, Asmaa Bint Abi Bakr, Ar Rabwah, Jeddah , 23449, Saudi Arabia

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