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  • Integrated Thebes International School


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    It is our pleasure to welcome you and your children to a new school year. We look forward to working together for their benefit and welfare. We promise to spare no effort to make your child's school experience a happy and rewarding one. We assure you that our job requires extensive cooperation and understanding between the parents and the school. Please feel free to contact us at any time for issues concerning your child. We, in turn, will keep you informed, through written reports and personal contact, of your child's progress and activities at school.

    As in any operation involving several people, certain rules must be formulated and enforced to allow the operation to run smoothly and effectively, to create a safe environment, and to enhance the job that needs to be done. This is especially true in dealing with children. Children are constantly learning by observing the world around them. They are prone to make mistakes and to experience success or failure. This is quite natural, and thus we place a great emphasis on the student's responsibility for his/her behavior. Both the parents and the school have to cooperate to reinforce good behavior and work towards eliminating undesirable behavior.

    When parents and schools work together, to create the best possible program for a child, a true partnership will prevail. An honest, two-way communication, characterized by mutual concern and respect, will help to create an environment, where concerns can be discussed openly, solutions generated, and success applauded and shared. We aim to have this environment prevailing at our school.

    We aspire to graduate intellectual, creative generations who are scientifically and technologically distinct, upholding values and ethics, and who can keep up with the times and meet the challenges of the future. The School Aims To:

    • Implement Professional development and sustainable education for workers at the organization as well as students.
    • Provide various means that would achieve academic targets.
    • Make ideal usage of the latest technology.
    • Activate all the curricular and extra-curricular activities.
    • Participate in the greening of the environment with the help of the parents.
    • Activate the social role inside and outside the institution.
    • Activate the program of ethical values for the upbringing of positive Egyptian students.
    Integrated Thebes International School
    Website: Visit Website
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Address: Integrated Thebes International School, Al Shorouk, Cairo Governorate, 11566, Egypt

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