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  • Mount Evelyn Christian School


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    MECS began as a dream in the mid-1950s! Christian parents dreamed of education with a Christian perspective for their children – and grandchildren. In the 1960s, they organized themselves and were very active in raising funds. In 1964, the pioneers formed their Association of Parents for Christian Education, Mount Evelyn, and accelerated the pace of work to establish a Christian school. With daring and vision in 1970, they purchased our wonderful six-hectare school property. Their dreams were realized when they opened Mount Evelyn, Christian Primary School on the 3rd of February 1973 – a full 19 years after the very first fundraising effort. The school opened with three teachers teaching 80 children in Years Foundation to 6 in three composite groups.
    We have two main motives for operating as a Christian school. The first is that we believe that Jesus Christ is to be Lord over every single part of life, including the education of our children. The second is that God has given parents, the responsibility of nurturing their children. Their education is a major part of that.
    MECS sees its primary task as unfolding God’s world with children in the educational domain (families and church also do this but in other domains of life). This involves students understanding that they are God’s creative handiwork, unique, precious, and loved, made in God’s image, and gifted in many ways. They also learn how to work and play within the world, and what God asks of them. As students understand themselves, their world, and have a healthy view of the calling God has for them, they are well equipped and positioned to engage as active participants in society and as disciples of the Lord.
    Such a holistic understanding stands in stark contrast to the broad Australian view that schools exist to provide students with basic skills and the where-with-all to get a good job at the end of the process. One is a view of God’s kingdom and the call to serve, the other, the material world in which one needs to work. Two very different views about education.

    Mount Evelyn Christian School
    Founding year: 1973
    Website: Visit Website
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Ms. Narelle Sketcher (Principal)
    Address: Mount Evelyn Christian School, 135 York Rd, Mount Evelyn, Australian Capital Territory, VIC 3796, Australia

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