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    职位名称:基层事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:磐石 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们糖尿病事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:基层事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:敦化 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们糖尿病事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:特药事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:赣州 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们特药事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,致力于改善免疫挑战、罕见疾病和血液疾病、癌症以及神经系统疾病患者的生活。从研发到销售,我们的优秀团队进行通力合作,创新治疗方案,不断改进产品,满足未满足的需求,并与社区密切联系。我们每一天都在追求科学奇迹,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 在公司政策和程序指引下向客户提供及时准确的专业支持,建立合作伙伴关系在公司政策和程序指引下充分利用资源进行有效的客户拜访,完成或超越业务指标在公司政策和程序指引下规划和组织各种会议或活动,挖掘区域市场潜力通过公司管理系统以及其他合规的渠道和方式,收集市场和客户信息,进行分析,反馈和建议完成上级经理指派的其他各项工作 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 本科及以上学历,医学、药学相关专业优先不少于1年医药行业工作经验 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 主观能动性强、能够迅速适应市场环境变化、优秀的沟通、分析和协调能力能够在压力下积极工作、具有快速学习能力具有团队精神,跨部门沟通、协作能力 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:疫苗事业部-客户经理 地点:周口 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们疫苗事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,每年生产超过5亿剂疫苗,致力于预防传染病。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队正在探索新技术,以保护和促进民众及社区的健康。我们每一天都在追求科学奇迹,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 按照公司政策及策略,拜访疫苗接种点、疾控中心和其他医疗保健机构,推广疫苗产品,达到日常拜访的KPI。执行学术推广活动,达成年度设定的工作目标,。做好辖区管理工作:维护现有市场的客户并开发潜力市场的客户,做好客户关系的信息管理工作。学习和掌握产品特性及推广的关键信息,在推广活动中进行产品宣讲,发挥产品竞争优势。遵守公司员工手册规定的行为规范,符合公司SOP要求。 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 医学、药学、公共卫生等相关专业大学本科或以上学历优先考虑,若非相关专业大专(含高职)以上学历,需具有两年以上医药相关行业公司从业经历;不少于1年医药行业工作经验 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 良好的学习能力;良好的人际沟通及交往能力;良好的服务客户能力;有效执行,实现目标;良好的承受压力的能力; 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:疫苗事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:nan'y 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们疫苗事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,每年生产超过5亿剂疫苗,致力于预防传染病。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队正在探索新技术,以保护和促进民众及社区的健康。我们每一天都在追求科学奇迹,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 按照公司政策及策略,拜访疫苗接种点、疾控中心和其他医疗保健机构,推广疫苗产品,达到日常拜访的KPI。执行学术推广活动,达成年度设定的工作目标,。做好辖区管理工作:维护现有市场的客户并开发潜力市场的客户,做好客户关系的信息管理工作。学习和掌握产品特性及推广的关键信息,在推广活动中进行产品宣讲,发挥产品竞争优势。遵守公司员工手册规定的行为规范,符合公司SOP要求。 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 医学、药学、公共卫生等相关专业大学本科或以上学历优先考虑,若非相关专业大专(含高职)以上学历,需具有两年以上医药相关行业公司从业经历;不少于1年医药行业工作经验 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 良好的学习能力;良好的人际沟通及交往能力;良好的服务客户能力;有效执行,实现目标;良好的承受压力的能力; 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:疫苗事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:郑州职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们疫苗事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,每年生产超过5亿剂疫苗,致力于预防传染病。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队正在探索新技术,以保护和促进民众及社区的健康。我们每一天都在追求科学奇迹,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 按照公司政策及策略,拜访疫苗接种点、疾控中心和其他医疗保健机构,推广疫苗产品,达到日常拜访的KPI。执行学术推广活动,达成年度设定的工作目标,。做好辖区管理工作:维护现有市场的客户并开发潜力市场的客户,做好客户关系的信息管理工作。学习和掌握产品特性及推广的关键信息,在推广活动中进行产品宣讲,发挥产品竞争优势。遵守公司员工手册规定的行为规范,符合公司SOP要求。 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 医学、药学、公共卫生等相关专业大学本科或以上学历优先考虑,若非相关专业大专(含高职)以上学历,需具有两年以上医药相关行业公司从业经历;不少于1年医药行业工作经验 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 良好的学习能力;良好的人际沟通及交往能力;良好的服务客户能力;有效执行,实现目标;良好的承受压力的能力; 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:特药事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:唐山 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们特药事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,致力于改善免疫挑战、罕见疾病和血液疾病、癌症以及神经系统疾病患者的生活。从研发到销售,我们的优秀团队进行通力合作,创新治疗方案,不断改进产品,满足未满足的需求,并与社区密切联系。我们每一天都在追求科学奇迹,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 在公司政策和程序指引下向客户提供及时准确的专业支持,建立合作伙伴关系在公司政策和程序指引下充分利用资源进行有效的客户拜访,完成或超越业务指标在公司政策和程序指引下规划和组织各种会议或活动,挖掘区域市场潜力通过公司管理系统以及其他合规的渠道和方式,收集市场和客户信息,进行分析,反馈和建议完成上级经理指派的其他各项工作 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 本科及以上学历,医学、药学相关专业优先不少于1年医药行业工作经验 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 主观能动性强、能够迅速适应市场环境变化、优秀的沟通、分析和协调能力能够在压力下积极工作、具有快速学习能力具有团队精神,跨部门沟通、协作能力 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:CV&T事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:广州 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们CV&T事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:CV&T事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:广州 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们CV&T事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES关键职责 (Listed key responsibilities, with clear action needed, achievement & delivery and how to meet the requirement. Each responsibility needs to include time allocation(%), and total percentage should be 100%.) (列举本工作的关键职责。对于每个关键职责,指出应采取的措施、将要达到的最终结果,以及如何完成该职责。需包括花在每种职责上的时间百分率。总百分率应为100 %。) Lead the team to initiate the marketing activities and achieve the team’s goals of business target, product promotion and market access. 管理团队执行产品推广工作,达成产品推广目标和产品准入目标。 Manage and guide the team members to visit local POV, CDC, and other medical care institution, deliver product information and promote products effectively, ensure the whole team to achieve the KPI of visiting target on the basis of the company’ s policies and market strategies.按照公司政策及产品推广策略,管理和指导团队成员拜访所在地区疫苗接种点,疾病控制中心和其他医疗保健机构,传递正确有效的产品信息,推广公司疫苗产品,并且管理团队一致达到公司规定的日常拜访的KPI要求。 Manage and coach team members by co-visit, set job objectives for team members, and motivate them to fulfill their key accountabilities.针对重要业务和需要指导代表,进行协访并给予具体的指导,制定团队成员的具体工作目标并管理团队的执行工作。 Lead the team to organize academic activities in accordance with the company’s policies and marketing strategies, expand and penetrate the market with both new and existing products, achieve goals of market access.按照公司政策及产品推广策略,管理团队执行产品的学术推广活动,达成团队年度设定的工作目标,包括重点产品推广目标,新市场的产品准入等主要工作。 Complete team’s business planning and territory management on the basis of the company’s policies and market strategies, select target customer accurately, set territories reasonably, ensure team members to maintain customer information regularly; gathering market information, support related departments in the tendering and bidding activities.按照公司推广政策的规定,做好团队整体的业务规划和辖区管理工作,准确的选择目标客户,合理地设定辖区,确保团队准确维护目标客户的信息,收集市场信息,支持相关部门完成招投标工作。 Lead the team to initiate the promotion activity in professional way and comply with the proper codes of conduct. 管理团队执行专业推广,遵守正确的行为规范。 Guide the team to possess the product characteristics and key information about the market promotion, pass the product knowledge test in order to promote products effectively and efficiently; perform professional and proficiently using the product knowledge in promotional activities, express products competitive advantage. Ability to apply business operation knowledge and management concepts to promotion activities and daily team management.指导团队学习和掌握产品特性及推广的关键信息,通过相关产品知识考试;并且在推广活动中能够熟练运用产品知识进行产品宣讲,发挥我们的产品竞争优势。并且能学习医药行业的商业运营知识和管理学理念用于实际产品推广和团队管理工作。 Ensure team members to comply with the codes of conduct specified in Employee Handbook, meet the requirement of SOP, ensure no violations while perform promotion activities; use all promotional materials and deliver product information in an appropriate and honest way according to the marketing strategies; circulate company’s policies effectively.在执行日常推广工作中,管理团队遵守公司员工手册规定的行为规范,符合公司SOP要求,无违规违纪行为;并且在执行推广活动时,按照市场营销策略正确使用产品推广材料,正确有效传达产品信息。并且正确传达公司的各项政策。 Monitor team promotional activities and expense reports to ensure the validity and existence of promotional activities监督团队的推广活动与账单,以确保推广活动的真实发生 Report adverse reaction events promptly in accordance with the company’s policies and assist relevant departments to dealing with it.按照公司流程及时上报不良反应事件并协助公司相关部门处理。 Develop staff positively and keep team stable. 积极发展人员和稳定团队管理。 Clearly understand the company's recruitment process, selection criteria and job qualifications of representatives, in order to keep the team stable in long term.清楚了解公司的招聘流程,了解代表的任职要求和选拔标准,进行稳定有序的团队管理工作。 Ensure team’s daily work in an orderly manner, actively provide education or training for reserve talent, provide guidance on career development to talents; create a positive team culture and build the team’s core competitiveness.保持团队日常工作有序进行,积极培养后备人才,为优秀人才指导职业发展目标,创造有利于发展的工作条件。并且创造积极向上的团队文化,打造团队的核心竞争力。 REQUIREMENTS任职要求Education: 本科或以上学历,医学、药学、公共卫生等相关专业优先考虑Experience: 至少3年以上制药相关行业工作经验, 具有团队和区域管理经验的优先考虑;Competencies and traits: 良好的职业道德,具备高度的责任感;追求业绩,交付结果良好的业务管理及计划能力良好的人员辅导、激励、发展技能良好的决策技能,勇于担当良好的跨部门协作能力 Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:疫苗事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:阜阳 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们疫苗事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,每年生产超过5亿剂疫苗,致力于预防传染病。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队正在探索新技术,以保护和促进民众及社区的健康。我们每一天都在追求科学奇迹,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 按照公司政策及策略,拜访疫苗接种点、疾控中心和其他医疗保健机构,推广疫苗产品,达到日常拜访的KPI。执行学术推广活动,达成年度设定的工作目标,。做好辖区管理工作:维护现有市场的客户并开发潜力市场的客户,做好客户关系的信息管理工作。学习和掌握产品特性及推广的关键信息,在推广活动中进行产品宣讲,发挥产品竞争优势。遵守公司员工手册规定的行为规范,符合公司SOP要求。 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 医学、药学、公共卫生等相关专业大学本科或以上学历优先考虑,若非相关专业大专(含高职)以上学历,需具有两年以上医药相关行业公司从业经历;不少于1年医药行业工作经验 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 良好的学习能力;良好的人际沟通及交往能力;良好的服务客户能力;有效执行,实现目标;良好的承受压力的能力; 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:CV&T事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:昆明 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们CV&T事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    aT1D Early Detection Area Business Manager, Seattle South, WA------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Area Business Manager (ABM), T1D Early Detection About the Job: Ready to push the limits of what’s possible? Join Sanofi in one of our corporate functions and you can play a vital part in the performance of our entire business while helping to make an impact on millions around the world. As the Area Business Manager within our T1D Early Detection Sales Team and you will be responsible to clinically educate, increase the awareness of T1D stages and facilitate the identification of at-risk patients through screening. You will work closely with health care providers on an individual and account level, and closely with internal matrix partners to accelerate the identification and referral of patients at risk of developing Type 1 Diabetes. Main Responsibilities: Engage Primary Care customers within assigned geographical territory and deliver clinically focused message to educate on T1D risk, early detection through screening & treatment options. Develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of each identified account including strategic goals, value drivers, key access stakeholders, relevant business metrics, and unique challenges/emerging needs. Develop account business plans for your geography including prioritization of investments, integration of vertical pathways and identification of spheres of influence, as well as referral pathways in close collaboration with the respective KAM. Develop deep understanding of contracting, internal and external workflows, key stakeholders, business segment and clinical evaluation/screening models. Develop and deepen strategic partnerships: Account interactions to include but are not limited to Pediatricians and General Practitioners identified as having the ability to drive early T1D detection, and other defined health decision makers at the account level. Support clinical advocacy (e.g., gaining KOL endorsement), understand pull-through hurdles, org structures & customer ways of working to ensure cross-functional/ departmental coordination. Planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating marketing programs including lectures, patient meetings, speaker programs, dinner programs and others. About You: B.A. / B.S. degree required; advanced degree preferred. Have a valid driver’s license and willingness to travel on the job (~50% of travel given field-based role) Minimum of 3 years pharmaceutical experience Proven track record of success in various field-based sales roles, experience in Primary Care and Pediatric setting is a plus. Expertise in clinical data, disease education, diagnostics, product information, selling skills, business analytics and market trends A solution-oriented mindset enabling effective and creative problem solving with customers’ needs as a primary focus. Utilize effective, professional communications to cultivate strong working relationships with both internal and external colleagues; displays flexibility in your approach to people and situation. Why Choose Us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team. Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally. Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. The salary range for this position is $120,000 - $160,000. In addition to sales incentive (role may my eligible for long term incentive depending on level and performance); all compensation will be determined commensurate with demonstrated experience. Employees may be eligible to participate in Company employee benefit programs. Additional benefits information can be found through the link, www.benefits.sanofiusallwell.com OR Home – Sanofi (myflex-benefits.ca) This position is eligible for a company car through the Company’s FLEET program. #GD-SA #LI-SA #LI-Remote #aT1D Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    aT1D Early Detection Area Business Manager, Seattle North, WA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Area Business Manager (ABM), T1D Early Detection About the Job: Ready to push the limits of what’s possible? Join Sanofi in one of our corporate functions and you can play a vital part in the performance of our entire business while helping to make an impact on millions around the world. As the Area Business Manager within our T1D Early Detection Sales Team and you will be responsible to clinically educate, increase the awareness of T1D stages and facilitate the identification of at-risk patients through screening. You will work closely with health care providers on an individual and account level, and closely with internal matrix partners to accelerate the identification and referral of patients at risk of developing Type 1 Diabetes. Main Responsibilities: Engage Primary Care customers within assigned geographical territory and deliver clinically focused message to educate on T1D risk, early detection through screening & treatment options. Develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of each identified account including strategic goals, value drivers, key access stakeholders, relevant business metrics, and unique challenges/emerging needs. Develop account business plans for your geography including prioritization of investments, integration of vertical pathways and identification of spheres of influence, as well as referral pathways in close collaboration with the respective KAM. Develop deep understanding of contracting, internal and external workflows, key stakeholders, business segment and clinical evaluation/screening models. Develop and deepen strategic partnerships: Account interactions to include but are not limited to Pediatricians and General Practitioners identified as having the ability to drive early T1D detection, and other defined health decision makers at the account level. Support clinical advocacy (e.g., gaining KOL endorsement), understand pull-through hurdles, org structures & customer ways of working to ensure cross-functional/ departmental coordination. Planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating marketing programs including lectures, patient meetings, speaker programs, dinner programs and others. About You: B.A. / B.S. degree required; advanced degree preferred. Have a valid driver’s license and willingness to travel on the job (~50% of travel given field-based role) Minimum of 3 years pharmaceutical experience Proven track record of success in various field-based sales roles, experience in Primary Care and Pediatric setting is a plus. Expertise in clinical data, disease education, diagnostics, product information, selling skills, business analytics and market trends A solution-oriented mindset enabling effective and creative problem solving with customers’ needs as a primary focus. Utilize effective, professional communications to cultivate strong working relationships with both internal and external colleagues; displays flexibility in your approach to people and situation. Why Choose Us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team. Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally. Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. The salary range for this position is $120,000 - $160,000. In addition to sales incentive (role may my eligible for long term incentive depending on level and performance); all compensation will be determined commensurate with demonstrated experience. Employees may be eligible to participate in Company employee benefit programs. Additional benefits information can be found through the link, www.benefits.sanofiusallwell.com OR Home – Sanofi (myflex-benefits.ca) This position is eligible for a company car through the Company’s FLEET program. #GD-SA #LI-SA #LI-Remote Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Responsible for planning and executing medical activities and make sure timely and effective execution aligned to medical strategy. Reporting to TA Medical head 1. Key accountabilities 1-1. Lead Medical Strategy ■ Lead and monitor the execution of the Japan Medical Plan to ensure on-time and on-budget delivery of all tactical activities or deliverables ■ Provide medical and technical input into medically accurate development of Brand promotional materials in close alignment with marketing team and communicate the details and progress of the Medical Plan to local Medical Team, the Global Medical and all parties responsible for execution ■ Work with cross-functional, multidisciplinary teams to facilitate the creation of medical strategies about products to answer unsolicited medical requests from internal and external stakeholders and ensure strategic and cross-functional alignment across the organization and any joint ventures to achieve the medical mission of supporting safe and appropriate use of a particular brand(s)/ projects ■ Leverage (unmet) medical needs in order to support lifecycle opportunities based on patient needs on a rolling basis through the development cycle 1-2. Evidence generation ■ Liaise with key internal stakeholders to help develop, secure approval for and implement independent post approval studies that have the potential to support Sanofi products. Review, approve and supervise all aspects of clinical study programs, including preparation of study protocols, case report forms, study reports, statistical analysis plans, clinical trial guidelines and the accurate and timely reporting of study data ■ Oversee conduct of all clinical studies in adherence to both Company standards, and government/industry regulations (GCP/ICH) ■ Actively engage regional thought leaders, investigators and potential investigators in two-way scientific communication around ISS/phase IV studies ■ Lead the review and approval of the concepts/protocols of Post-Authorization Safety/Effectiveness Studies (PASS/PAES), Investigator Sponsored Study (ISS) and Diagnostic Testing Programs, according to applicable SOP(s) ■ Advise on locally driven early stage clinical trial plans ■ Maintain up-to-date working knowledge and adherence of all applicable prevailing guidance, regulation, and law that mandates the nature in which pharmaceutical organizations function including but not limited to local health authority. 1-3. Lead Medical Communication/Publication and Exchange ■ Provide medical leadership and expertise to sales, marketing, legal and regulatory functions for marketed products and drugs in development. ■ Lead Publication strategy planning and its execution. Lead activities related to article publications, presentations at congresses and symposia ■ Provide medical review or support to the medical designee for scientific review and approval of promotional material and medical materials in compliance with corporate standards and government/ industry regulations. ■ Establish and maintain contact with Key Opinions Leaders (KOLs)/ Key Thought Leaders (physicians and researchers) with high level scientific and business communication skills within pertinent medical community ■ Lead to shape field strategies in line with global medical director group and local MSLs ■ Develop and maintain scientific relationships with KOLs/TLs to create awareness and understanding of the therapeutic area and products, and facilitate scientific exchange with KOLs ■ Fosters the establishment and maintenance of external scientific advisory boards and assists in advocacy development ■ Develop and leverage medical/scientific insights through attendance at scientific meetings to further develop own knowledge base in line with company and medical strategy, and remain informed of current developments within pertinent medical and scientific communities through familiarity with current literature, attendance at meetings, conventions, professional associations, ■ Conduct/attend/present at Advisory Boards initiated by the affiliate organization if there is a clear need for specific medical input ■ Support medical information role in alignment with medical information lead 2. Requirements 2-1. Education/experience ■ Degree: MD and/or PhD is mandatory. MBA is a desirable additional option ■ Min 5-year experience in R&D and/or Medical in pharmaceutical companies including at least three years of Medical Manager/Medical Advisor’s role ■ Understanding of pharma industry related knowledge including GCP, health economics etc. ■ Research and publication experience in immunology (dermatology, respiratory, rheumatology, gastroenterology etc.) 2-2. SKILLS/KNOWLEDGE ■ Scientific acumen: Therapeutic area knowledge, experience in medical research & development ■ Statistical & data interpretation: Analytical thinking and understanding of causation ■ Medical paper writing: Experience in writing of scientific medical papers (as appropriate) ■ Strategic acumen: Understanding strategic needs of affiliate organization important for completion of tasks ■ Must be fluent in Japanese and business level English to negotiate with global stakeholders ■ Process Related Core Competencies ■ Focus on scientific exchange: Dedicated to serving HCP needs, feedback, establishes and maintains effective relationships ■ Effective Communication: Written communications and presentation skills ■ Other skills: Approachability, Interpersonal savvy Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job title: Medical-Senior Medical Science Liaison Location: Chengdu About the job Join an insuring team, cooperate with brilliant people across the business and experience digital & innovative ways of working. Have broad presence and resources within healthcare ecosystem to help you establish and expand your own network and connections. We are an innovative global healthcare company with a focus on immunology that extends to innovation in diabetes and transplant medicine. Across different countries, our talented teams are determined to deliver a best-in-class customer experience using the best of digital, artificial intelligence and personal know-how. With a focus on immunology that extends to innovation in diabetes and transplant medicines, we pursue progress to make a real impact on millions of patients around the world. Main responsibilities: Through prior scientific engagement experience, Senior MSLs quickly build relationships and establish networks to ensure valuable trusted relationships with healthcare professionals, payers and healthcare institutions.To lead projects in the delivery of the field-based objectives described in the Country Medical Plan.To play lead the collation, analysis, and evaluation of data in the Insights Generation process.To establish and nurture cross functional partnerships with internal stakeholders.To contribute to evidence-generation activities (supporting local needs for the clinical research unit).All MSLs comply with the local and corporate compliance frameworks for external and internal interactions and completes all global/local mandatory trainings.About you Experience: experienced in a clinical or academic setting, hospital, or industrySoft and technical skills: Basic understanding of TA / disease area & relevant products preferred; Basic literature & clinical data consolidation & analysis skills; Strong presentation skills and verbal negotiation skills.Education: Master’s degree in medicine, pharmacy, or biomedical scienceLanguages: Good command of English, both in written and spokenWhy choose us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team.Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally.Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact.Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention, and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave.Play an instrumental part in creating best practice within our manufacturing facility.Our Waterford site is easily accessible from the M9 and offers excellent facilities including a subsidized restaurant and newly refurbished gym. Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary. Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    About The Job We deliver 4.3 billion healthcare solutions to people every year, thanks to the flawless planning and meticulous eye for detail of our Manufacturing & Supply teams. With your talent and ambition, we can do even more to protect people from infectious diseases and bring hope to patients and their families. Your job as a Packaging Technician for Sanofi Consumer Healthcare involves ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of diverse packaging machinery, from slat fillers to thermoformers and cappers. You'll be responsible for the equipment's set-up, cleaning, and maintenance, playing a vital part in our production process. At Sanofi Consumer Healthcare, we build trusted and loved brands that connect with hundreds of millions of consumers worldwide. Our mission is to enable better self-care for individuals and communities, while also contributing to a healthier planet. We strive to act as a force for good by integrating sustainability along our business and employees’ mission and operate responsibly from both a social and environmental point of view. To achieve this, we need people who can shape the future of our business and help us on our journey to becoming the best fast-moving consumer healthcare company in and for the world. This is a 3rd shift position. Monday - Friday: 10:30pm – 6:30am Main Responsibilities: Use tools to efficiently disassemble and reassemble machinery as needed. Prepare packaging lines for various products, ensuring components and equipment are set up correctly. Provide packaging supplies and bulk products as required to maintain smooth operations. Monitor product quality and reject any materials or packages not meeting FDA-cGMP standards. Document and maintain proper fill levels according to product specifications. Operate packaging lines following Set-Up Sheets, SPIs (Standard Packaging Instructions), SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures), and other procedures. Ensure a safe work environment, report any hazards, and continuously develop your skills to comply with FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices) requirements. About You Education & Experience: You must have a High School Diploma or GED, along with at least one year of manufacturing experience, including operating high-speed packaging or assembly equipment. Technical Competencies: You should be proficient in operating various packaging machinery and tools, including electric and manual lift trucks, tape machines, and equipment like fillers, cappers, labelers, and bundlers. Physical Ability: You must be capable of lifting 25-60 pounds, standing or walking for extended periods, and demonstrating exceptional coordination, manual dexterity, and mechanical aptitude. Special Requirements: You are required to comply with dress code regulations, be willing to undergo necessary training, and work in conditions with exposure to product, dust, grease, and packing machinery hazards. Pre-employment Testing: You need to complete the required pre-employment testing. Desired Qualifications: Additional qualifications such as Lean Six Sigma Certification, previous pharmaceutical experience, and familiarity with Production Automation Systems like SAP are desirable. Why Choose Us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team. Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally. Take good care of yourself and your family with benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs with 3 weeks paid vacation and at least 14 weeks of gender-neutral parental leave. Enjoy a well-crafted rewards package with competitive pay that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Receive a generous sign-on bonus to welcome you aboard. Take advantage of our robust 401k program and tuition reimbursement to further your future, education and career. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA #LI-Onsite Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Operador de Produção I – Sólidos Orais Local: BR / Campinas City / Medley Prazo Determinado (1 ano)2° Turno (14:30-23:19) ​Descrição da função O setor de Produção é responsável pela fabricação de cápsulas e comprimidos através dos processos de: pesagem, granulação, compressão, encapsulamento e revestimento, utilizando equipamentos específicos para cada atividade e em conformidade com os procedimentos operacionais padrão. Para cada etapa do processo existem controles e registros específicos que requerem muita atenção durante a execução. O trabalho em equipe é reforçado em nosso time, pois o atingimento das metas é o resultado do comprometimento de todos! Nossa missão é promover acesso à saúde, através de soluções inovadoras que vão muito além de medicamentos, sendo assim nosso time trabalha com os seguintes valores: Simplicidade: Escolhas baseadas em caminhos simples, diretos e objetivos. Excelência em negócios: Compromisso com a busca de excelência, através de inovação, qualidade, agilidade e resultados. Ações responsáveis: Buscar atender às necessidades da sociedade com responsabilidade, por meio de ações que envolvam colaboradores e comunidades, respeitando os aspectos ambiental e social. Integridade: Agir com integridade, cumprindo a legislação vigente e respeitando colaboradores, parceiros, fornecedores e clientes. Oferecemos 4,3 bilhões de soluções de cuidados de saúde todos os anos, graças ao impecável planeamento e atenção minuciosa aos detalhes das nossas equipes de Fabricação e Fornecimento. Com o seu talento e ambição, poderemos reforçar a proteção das pessoas contra doenças infecciosas e dar esperança aos pacientes e suas respectivas famílias. Principais responsabilidades: Atenção nas operações de Fabricação, com atividades relacionadas à segurança – Mandatório.Atenção nas operações de rotina de trabalho, com atividades relacionadas à Qualidade do produto (separação de materiais, registros, controle de entrada e saída de materiais e produtos, abastecimentos das linhas, retirada de amostras, e prennchimento de documentação, etc..).Atenção aos procedimentos de Limpeza dos equipamentos.Atenção na separação de resíduos industriais.Cumprimento dos procedimentos operacionais vigentes.Manter o conhecimento e cumprir com os princípios de Ética e Integridade, políticas da Sanofi e códigos de conduta que regulam o mercado farmacêutico. Cumprir e promover as políticas de Saúde, Segurança e Meio Ambiente (HSE) da Sanofi, com objetivo de prevenir ocorrência de acidentes, evitar riscos para a saúde, promover o bem-estar dos colaboradores e reduzir os impactos ambientais resultantes da execução de atividades do trabalho. Apoiar a estratégia e as iniciativas de Diversidade e Inclusão da Sanofi para assegurar que todos os colaboradores e parceiros sejam tratados com respeito e recebam oportunidades iguais. Sobre você Competências pessoais necessárias: Dinamismo, Organização, Trabalho em equipe, boa comunicação e pró-atividade.Formação acadêmica: Curso técnico em qualquer área. Porque deve nos escolher? Ambiente de trabalho diverso e clima leve.Multinacional de prestigio no mercado.Oportunidade de crescimentoOportunidade de desenvolvimento Persiga a Progresso. Descubra o Extraordinário. O progresso não seria possível sem as pessoas; pessoas de diferentes origens, em diferentes locais, desempenhando cargos diferentes, mas todas unidas por um objetivo comum: o desejo de fazer os milagres acontecerem. Você pode se tornar uma dessas pessoas. Procure a mudança, acolha novas ideias e explore todas as oportunidades que temos para oferecer. Persiga o progresso e descubra o extraordinário conosco. Na Sanofi, oferecemos as mesmas oportunidades a todos, sem olhar a raça, cor, ascendência, religião, sexo, nacionalidade, orientação sexual, idade, cidadania, estado civil, deficiência ou identidade de gênero. Veja o nosso vídeo ALL IN e conheça as nossas ações de Diversidade, Equidade e Inclusão em sanofi.com! Atenção As Frases Abaixo *Sempre visando a segurança e bem-estar de nossos colaboradores, o comprovante de vacinação COVID 19 é um item imprescindível para todos os empregados, estando presente na lista de documentos de admissão. #LI-LATAM Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Operador de Produção I – Sólidos Orais Local: BR / Campinas City / Medley Prazo Determinado (1 ano)2º Turno (das 14h30 às 23h19): Quinta a Segunda Descrição da função O setor de Produção é responsável pela fabricação de cápsulas e comprimidos através dos processos de: pesagem, granulação, compressão, encapsulamento e revestimento, utilizando equipamentos específicos para cada atividade e em conformidade com os procedimentos operacionais padrão. Para cada etapa do processo existem controles e registros específicos que requerem muita atenção durante a execução. O trabalho em equipe é reforçado em nosso time, pois o atingimento das metas é o resultado do comprometimento de todos! Nossa missão é promover acesso à saúde, através de soluções inovadoras que vão muito além de medicamentos, sendo assim nosso time trabalha com os seguintes valores: Simplicidade: Escolhas baseadas em caminhos simples, diretos e objetivos. Excelência em negócios: Compromisso com a busca de excelência, através de inovação, qualidade, agilidade e resultados. Ações responsáveis: Buscar atender às necessidades da sociedade com responsabilidade, por meio de ações que envolvam colaboradores e comunidades, respeitando os aspectos ambiental e social. Integridade: Agir com integridade, cumprindo a legislação vigente e respeitando colaboradores, parceiros, fornecedores e clientes. Oferecemos 4,3 bilhões de soluções de cuidados de saúde todos os anos, graças ao impecável planeamento e atenção minuciosa aos detalhes das nossas equipes de Fabricação e Fornecimento. Com o seu talento e ambição, poderemos reforçar a proteção das pessoas contra doenças infecciosas e dar esperança aos pacientes e suas respectivas famílias. Principais responsabilidades: Atenção nas operações de Fabricação, com atividades relacionadas à segurança – Mandatório.Atenção nas operações de rotina de trabalho, com atividades relacionadas à Qualidade do produto (separação de materiais, registros, controle de entrada e saída de materiais e produtos, abastecimentos das linhas, retirada de amostras, e preenchimento de documentação, etc..).Atenção aos procedimentos de Limpeza dos equipamentos.Atenção na separação de resíduos industriais.Cumprimento dos procedimentos operacionais vigentes.Manter o conhecimento e cumprir com os princípios de Ética e Integridade, políticas da Sanofi e códigos de conduta que regulam o mercado farmacêutico. Cumprir e promover as políticas de Saúde, Segurança e Meio Ambiente (HSE) da Sanofi, com objetivo de prevenir ocorrência de acidentes, evitar riscos para a saúde, promover o bem-estar dos colaboradores e reduzir os impactos ambientais resultantes da execução de atividades do trabalho. Apoiar a estratégia e as iniciativas de Diversidade e Inclusão da Sanofi para assegurar que todos os colaboradores e parceiros sejam tratados com respeito e recebam oportunidades iguais. Sobre você Competências pessoais necessárias: Dinamismo, Organização, Trabalho em equipe, boa comunicação e pró-atividade.Formação acadêmica: Curso técnico em qualquer área. Porque deve nos escolher? Ambiente de trabalho diverso e clima leve.Multinacional de prestigio no mercado.Oportunidade de crescimentoOportunidade de desenvolvimento Persiga a Progresso. Descubra o Extraordinário. O progresso não seria possível sem as pessoas; pessoas de diferentes origens, em diferentes locais, desempenhando cargos diferentes, mas todas unidas por um objetivo comum: o desejo de fazer os milagres acontecerem. Você pode se tornar uma dessas pessoas. Procure a mudança, acolha novas ideias e explore todas as oportunidades que temos para oferecer. Persiga o progresso e descubra o extraordinário conosco. Na Sanofi, oferecemos as mesmas oportunidades a todos, sem olhar a raça, cor, ascendência, religião, sexo, nacionalidade, orientação sexual, idade, cidadania, estado civil, deficiência ou identidade de gênero. Veja o nosso vídeo ALL IN e conheça as nossas ações de Diversidade, Equidade e Inclusão em sanofi.com! Atenção As Frases Abaixo *Sempre visando a segurança e bem-estar de nossos colaboradores, o comprovante de vacinação COVID 19 é um item imprescindível para todos os empregados, estando presente na lista de documentos de admissão. #LI-LATAM Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    KEY ACCOUNT RIO DE JANEIRO - RJ - Atendimento exclusivo drogarias Venancio & D1000 Varejo. A Sanofi dedica-se a apoiar as pessoas ao longo de seus desafios de saúde. Somos uma companhia biofarmacêutica global com foco em saúde humana. Prevenimos doenças por meio de nossas vacinas e proporcionamos tratamentos inovadores para combater a dor e aliviar o sofrimento. Nós estamos ao lado dos poucos que convivem com doenças e dos milhões que lidam com doenças crônicas. Você gostaria de mudar a vida de pacientes? Está preparado para usar sua excelente bagagem e habilidade de lidar com pessoas? Inovação é parte do seu jeito de trabalhar? Você tem paixão por transformação e mudança? Neste Cargo Você terá a chance de fazer a gestão de duas contas chave no Rio de Janeiro e região. Responsabilidades principais: Gestão de Sell In e Sell Out junto ao cliente;Implementação das Estratégias de Marketing e Trade Marketing das Marcas CHC da Sanofi junto de PDVS independentes Visitados e Não Visitados;Gerenciamento de KPIs de Distribuição e Market ShareLiderar reuniões de JBPs trimestrais, propondo ações assertivas para eventuais correções de rota;Foco especial em projetos de inovação em Gestão de Categoria, Digital, Mídia de Varejo e SupplyLiderar indiretamente equipe de Merchandising que visita as farmácias da Pague Menos para garantir compliance dos acordos negociados e melhoria continua da execuçãoAcompanhar execução Omnichannel/Digital junto a equipe de E-commerce, garantindo crescimento acelerado no canal digitalTrabalhar em conjunto com áreas internas buscando cooperação transversal;Desenvolver estratégias customizadas, atacando as oportunidades existentes dentro da Conta;Gestão direta junto aos KPIs financeiros (P&L) e Gross to NetGarantir avaliação de ROI – Retorno sobre investimento das principais iniciativasPromover a cultura de Ética e Integridade nos Negócios em sua equipe servindo como um modelo ao garantir adequado conhecimento e cumprimento dos princípios de ética e integridade, políticas da Sanofi e códigos de conduta que regulam o mercado farmacêutico.Cumprir e promover as políticas de Saúde, Segurança e Meio Ambiente (HSE) da Sanofi, nas quais inclui-se o Programa de Segurança Viária (Road Safety), garantindo igual compromisso dos seus liderados, com o objetivo de prevenir a ocorrência de acidentes, evitar riscos para a saúde, promover o bem-estar dos colaboradores e reduzir os impactos ambientais resultantes da execução de atividades do trabalho Apoiar a estratégia e as iniciativas de Diversidade e Inclusão da Sanofi para assegurar que todos os colaboradores e parceiros sejam tratados com respeito e recebam oportunidades iguais. Para ser bem-sucedido neste cargo, precisamos de candidatos com os seguintes requisitos: Educação: Nivel Superior concluído. Experiência & conhecimento: Experiência na Gestão de Contas Nacionais / Regionais;Experiência em Trade Marketing ou área de Operações;Dominar conhecimentos financeiros;Conhecimento da operação de distribuição end-to-end;Foco Execução/merchandising – Liderança Indireta;Capacidade de desenvolver ideias disruptivas e com foco em inovação;Domínio da Metodologia IQVIA, criação e interpretação de dados através de Power BI para elaboração de diagnósticos e planos de ação. Línguas: Inglês avançado ou fluente será considerado um diferencial Competências: Liderança de time, Foco no Resultado, Cooperação Transversal, Foco no Cliente, Proatividade, Capacidade Analítica e Perfil Resiliente. O que faz este cargo único? Liderar a Área Comercial de um dos maiores Laboratórios Farmacêuticos do Mundo junto as maiores redes de farmácias do Sudeste. ATENÇÃO AS FRASES ABAIXO: *A Sanofi é uma empresa que acredita em igualdade de oportunidades. Queremos refletir a diversidade das nossas comunidades, sendo e fazendo o melhor de nós todos os dias para transformar a prática da medicina. Com mais de 100 mil pessoas em 90 países, a Sanofi está transformando inovação científica em soluções de cuidados com a saúde em todo o mundo. A diversidade é uma prioridade para nós e todas as nossas vagas consideram nossos 5 pilares de inclusão: equilíbrio de gêneros, etnia, pessoas com deficiência, LGBTQIA+ e +50 (etaridade), portanto, todos os candidatos qualificados serão considerados para nossas posições. #LI-CHC Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Serão 4 dias presenciais na planta em Suzano-SP e 1 na modalidade home-office. Sobre a area: A área de PPM no site é responsável por gerenciar o portfólio de produtos CHC, atuando diretamente na gestão de produtos. A gestão se dá através de lançamento de produtos, prunning, divestments e também expansão de mercado de produtos. A posição permite atuação transversal no site e também participação de projetos estratégicos globais. Sobre a posição: Principais Responsabilidades: - Coordenar de forma estratégica as atividades no site de sourcing case, garantindo a unificação correta e ágil de informações (regulatórias, qualidade, investimentos, e análise econômica financeira), assim como determinação de ações necessárias para cumprimento dos prazos para projetos aprovados. - Garantir através de ferramentas adequadas e correto acompanhamento o cumprimento das entregas previstas em projetos da área de PPM. - Consolidar e apresentar dados de produtos comercializados da CHC na Sanofi, dando visibilidade de condições técnicas, volume e capacidade do site para atendimento das demandas de lançamentos, a fim de dar uma visão estratégica. - Participar ativamente de reuniões com a equipe de SC, PPM globais, Comercial e Inovação, apresentando andamento de projetos. - Coordenar atividades para preparação de lançamento de novos produtos e novas SKUs em Suzano, garantindo o cumprimento dos prazos estabelecidos com o business, e com handover completo e formal para o site. - Realizar as etapas prévias vinculadas a preparação de dados em casos de divestment, coletando informações precisas com o business de forma a garantir robustez e cumprimento de prazos no due diligence. - Garantir que as atividades relacionadas a divestment no site sejam realizadas conforme contrato (mudanças sistêmicas, alterações de arte de materiais de embalagem, alinhamento com planejamento). - Realizar ondas de revisão do portfolio de produtos de Suzano para identificação, proposição e execução de prunings, visando otimização deste portfolio. - Apoiar a estratégia e as iniciativas de Diversidade e Inclusão da Sanofi para assegurar que todos os colaboradores e parceiros sejam tratados com respeito e recebam oportunidades iguais. - Manter o conhecimento e cumprir com os princípios de Ética e Integridade, políticas da Sanofi e códigos de conduta que regulam o mercado farmacêutico. - Cumprir e promover as políticas de Saúde, Segurança e Meio Ambiente (HSE), com objetivo de prevenir ocorrência de acidentes, evitar riscos para a saúde, promover o bem-estar dos colaboradores e reduzir os impactos ambientais resultantes da execução de atividades do trabalho. Sobre Você: Para ser bem-sucedido neste cargo, precisamos de candidatos com os seguintes requisitos: Educação: Graduação concluída nos cursos de farmácia, engenharia, administração ou correlatos. Experiência & conhecimento: Atuação prévia em indústria farmacêutica e profundo conhecimento dos diversos processos fabris;Sólidos conhecimentos de assuntos/rotinas industrias (produção, capacidade, COGs, investimentos);Conhecimento na ferramenta SAP;Conhecimento de processos de supply chain é um diferencial. Línguas: Inglês avançado é mandatório (conversação e escrita);Espanhol é um diferencial. Persiga o progresso, descubra o extraordinário: O melhor está lá fora. Melhores medicações, melhores resultados, melhor ciência. Porém o progresso não acontece sem pessoas – pessoas de diferentes origens, em diferentes localizações, em diferentes posições, todas juntas para um propósito: o desejo de fazer milagres acontecerem. Então, vamos ser essas pessoas. Na Sanofi, nós provemos oportunidades iguais independentemente da raça, cor, ancestralidade, religião, sexo, nacionalidade, orientação sexual, idade, cidadania, estado civil, deficiência ou identidade de gênero. Assista o nosso ALL IN video e veja as ações de igualdade de diversidade e inclusão na sanofi.com! #LI-CHC Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    aT1D Early Detection Area Business Manager, Portland, OR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Area Business Manager (ABM), T1D Early Detection About the Job: Ready to push the limits of what’s possible? Join Sanofi in one of our corporate functions and you can play a vital part in the performance of our entire business while helping to make an impact on millions around the world. As the Area Business Manager within our T1D Early Detection Sales Team and you will be responsible to clinically educate, increase the awareness of T1D stages and facilitate the identification of at-risk patients through screening. You will work closely with health care providers on an individual and account level, and closely with internal matrix partners to accelerate the identification and referral of patients at risk of developing Type 1 Diabetes. Main Responsibilities: Engage Primary Care customers within assigned geographical territory and deliver clinically focused message to educate on T1D risk, early detection through screening & treatment options.Develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of each identified account including strategic goals, value drivers, key access stakeholders, relevant business metrics, and unique challenges/emerging needs.Develop account business plans for your geography including prioritization of investments, integration of vertical pathways and identification of spheres of influence, as well as referral pathways in close collaboration with the respective KAM.Develop deep understanding of contracting, internal and external workflows, key stakeholders, business segment and clinical evaluation/screening models.Develop and deepen strategic partnerships: Account interactions to include but are not limited to Pediatricians and General Practitioners identified as having the ability to drive early T1D detection, and other defined health decision makers at the account level.Support clinical advocacy (e.g., gaining KOL endorsement), understand pull-through hurdles, org structures & customer ways of working to ensure cross-functional/ departmental coordination.Planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating marketing programs including lectures, patient meetings, speaker programs, dinner programs and others. About You: B.A. / B.S. degree required; advanced degree preferred.Have a valid driver’s license and willingness to travel on the job (~50% of travel given field-based role)Minimum of 3 years pharmaceutical experienceProven track record of success in various field-based sales roles, experience in Primary Care and Pediatric setting is a plus.Expertise in clinical data, disease education, diagnostics, product information, selling skills, business analytics and market trendsA solution-oriented mindset enabling effective and creative problem solving with customers’ needs as a primary focus.Utilize effective, professional communications to cultivate strong working relationships with both internal and external colleagues; displays flexibility in your approach to people and situation. Why Choose Us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team.Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally.Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact.Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. The salary range for this position is $120,000 - $160,000. In addition to sales incentive (role may my eligible for long term incentive depending on level and performance); all compensation will be determined commensurate with demonstrated experience. Employees may be eligible to participate in Company employee benefit programs. Additional benefits information can be found through the link, www.benefits.sanofiusallwell.com OR Home – Sanofi (myflex-benefits.ca) This position is eligible for a company car through the Company’s FLEET program. #GD-SA #LI-SA #LI-Remote #aT1D Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Reference No. R2750666 Position Title: Solution Architect - Patient Services Data Department: Patient Services, R&D and M&S Location: Toronto, Ontario About the job At Sanofi, we’re committed to providing the next-gen healthcare that patients and customers need. It’s about harnessing data insights and leveraging AI responsibly to search deeper and solve sooner than ever before. Join our Digital Team as Solution Architect and you can help make it happen. Your job? You are accountable for the relevant selection and usage of IT components and standards (security, technical product) in alignment with the technology Strategy and Enterprise Architecture policies and guidelines We are an innovative global healthcare company with one purpose: to chase the miracles of science to improve people’s lives. We’re also a company where you can flourish and grow your career, with countless opportunities to explore, make connections with people, and stretch the limits of what you thought was possible. Ready to get started? Main Responsibilities Lead the patient data hub design of solutions for large projects and programs; through expert knowledge translate high-level business requirements into data models and appropriate metadata, test data, and data quality standards. Implements required patient hub architecture and design to meet business use case requirements and expand capabilities including patient journey insights and KPI steward understanding key metrics across all patient interactions and secondary use of patient information. Direct and control large specialist teams to undertake the delivery of a comprehensive patient data-centric project. Work as part of the program management team on large program, governing and shaping the delivery of projects. Work closely with external suppliers to ensure solution makes best use of technology and meets requirements. Lead collaborative team working with other areas within Digital to ensure that all solutions are complete, operable, conform to business processes, and meet the business needs with the agreed quality of service. Responsible throughout the entire project lifecycle for the end-to-end solution of the project and compliance with enterprise data model and logical data groups. Lead and participate in the peer review and quality assurance of project architectural artifacts across Digital teams through governance forums. Report key architecture decisions and implications to the architectural governance forums. Define and manage standards, guidelines, and processes to ensure patient data hub quality. Ensure technology solutions are in alignment with patient data architecture principles and target state. Work with Digital teams, business analysts and data analytics teams to understand patient data needs and develop solutions. About You Bachelor’s degree with minimum of 7 years of experience in Patient Data Architecture, with specialization in relevant technologies (SFDC HealthCloud, MySQL, Veeva, Tibco/Informatica, public cloud services: AWS, Azure). Ability to translate functional requirements into technical/solution design. The candidate must be detailed oriented, customer driven, able to work well across time zones on a truly global team, and a team player. The ideal candidate will have experience providing consumer or patient facing technologies. Strong experience with Agile based development, preferably with direct experience as Solution Architect. Preferred experience with GxP, HIPAA and GDPR regulations Demonstrate professional and reliable behavior on a consistent basis Why choose us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team.​ Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally.​ Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact.​ Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave.​ Sanofi is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and inclusion. Our goal is to attract, develop and retain highly talented employees from diverse backgrounds, allowing us to benefit from a wide variety of experiences and perspectives. We welcome and encourage applications from all qualified applicants. Accommodations for persons with disabilities required during the recruitment process are available upon request. #DBBCA​ #LI-Onsite ​ Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Position Title: Manager, ETS Process Compliance – Vaccines Duration: Fixed-Term - Contract End Date: March 6, 2026 Department: ETS Compliance Location: Toronto, Ontario About the job We deliver 4.3 billion healthcare solutions to people every year, thanks to the flawless planning and meticulous eye for detail of our Manufacturing & Supply teams. With your talent and ambition, we can do even more to protect people from infectious diseases and bring hope to patients and their families. Your job, as Manager, ETS Process Compliance within our ETS Compliance team, will be responsible for supporting CAPA planning, Deviation Investigations, ensuring ETS compliance and execution of continuous improvement initiatives within Engineering & Technical Services (ETS) department. We are an innovative global healthcare company with one purpose: to chase the miracles of science to improve people’s lives. We’re also a company where you can flourish and grow your career, with countless opportunities to explore, make connections with people, and stretch the limits of what you thought was possible. Ready to get started? Main responsibilities: Review CAPAs associated with recurring issues and escalate any issues to ETS Platform Leaders via Deviation/CAPA review board. Coordinate the CAPA implementation timeline in coordination with ETS planning & scheduling team. Ensure that investigation reports and/or manufacturing investigation reports and root cause analysis (RCA) are clear, concise, and comprehensive. Support deviation investigation team to determine the scope of the investigation by collaborating with Quality Operations (QO), Manufacturing and Subject Matter Experts (SME) as appropriate in real time on the shop floor. Lead and coordinate internal and external regulatory audits representing ETS Lead cross-functional team meetings to review deviations/CAPA/CCR and topics relevant to ETS compliance Prepare for Regulatory inspections by drafting investigation briefing packages / hot topics as applicable About you Minimum B.Sc. in Microbiology, Biochemistry, Engineering, Biotechnology or Related Science 1-2 years of previous relevant experience in Commercial Manufacturing, Manufacturing Technology, Quality Operations or similar role. High level of knowledge of cGMPs in pharmaceuticals/biological manufacturing environment Experience in regulatory inspections. Experience with deviation management, CAPA, and change control. Sanofi is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and inclusion. Our goal is to attract, develop and retain highly talented employees from diverse backgrounds, allowing us to benefit from a wide variety of experiences and perspectives. We welcome and encourage applications from all qualified applicants. Accommodations for persons with disabilities required during the recruitment process are available upon request. #GD-SP #LI-SP​ #LI-Onsite​ ​ Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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