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    职位名称:特药事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:白城 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们特药事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,致力于改善免疫挑战、罕见疾病和血液疾病、癌症以及神经系统疾病患者的生活。从研发到销售,我们的优秀团队进行通力合作,创新治疗方案,不断改进产品,满足未满足的需求,并与社区密切联系。我们每一天都在追求科学奇迹,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 在公司政策和程序指引下向客户提供及时准确的专业支持,建立合作伙伴关系在公司政策和程序指引下充分利用资源进行有效的客户拜访,完成或超越业务指标在公司政策和程序指引下规划和组织各种会议或活动,挖掘区域市场潜力通过公司管理系统以及其他合规的渠道和方式,收集市场和客户信息,进行分析,反馈和建议完成上级经理指派的其他各项工作 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 本科及以上学历,医学、药学相关专业优先不少于1年医药行业工作经验 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 主观能动性强、能够迅速适应市场环境变化、优秀的沟通、分析和协调能力能够在压力下积极工作、具有快速学习能力具有团队精神,跨部门沟通、协作能力 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job title: Specialty Care-District Manager Location:Liuzhou About the job Ready to push the limits of what’s possible? Join Sanofi and you can play a vital part in the performance of our entire business while helping to make an impact on millions around the world. As District Manager within our Specialty Care business, you’ll integrate resources and cooperation across departments to achieve goals. We are an innovative global healthcare company, committed to transforming the lives of people with immune challenges, rare diseases and blood disorders, cancers, and neurological disorders. From R&D to sales, our talented teams work together, revolutionizing treatment, continually improving products, understanding unmet needs, and connecting communities. We chase the miracles of science every single day, pursuing progress to make a real impact on millions of patients around the world. Main responsibilities: For Sales Management Based on the regional sales target and marketing plan, develop sales planFollow up of the sales activities and sales performance of the districtDo A&P, OP budget planning and controlling.Make budget with the sales representatives anddefinethe territories.Manage reps' reports and system applicationsVisit Key CustomersFor People management Provide coaching, training and evaluation of the representativesMotivate the team Other duties, as assigned About you What you should have? College Degree or AboveAt least 3 years with pharmaceutical industry and 1 years sales force management experienceIndustry/product knowledge If you want to be part of a team that puts patients first, plays to win in digital era with courage, integrity, respect and trust, to inspire your own career journey through a care & collaborate platform, and with special focus on below competency: Good business planning skillsGood coaching skillsGood selling skillsGood interpersonal skills Why choose us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team.Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally.Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact.Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave. Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary. Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    About the job Ready to push the limits of what’s possible? Join Sanofi and you can play a vital part in the performance of our entire business while helping to make an impact on millions around the world. As KA Manager within our Vaccine business, you’ll integrate resources and cooperation across departments to achieve goals. We are an innovative global healthcare company that helps the world stay ahead of infectious diseases by delivering more than 500 million vaccine doses a year. Across different countries, our talented teams are exploring new technologies to protect people and promote healthy communities. We chase the miracles of science every single day, pursuing progress to make a real impact on millions of patients around the world. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES关键职责 To promote and develop the regional public health sector and create a positive policy environment - Establishing and maintaining good communication with relevant government departments in the region under its jurisdiction according to the needs of the business. - Influencing regional policies, including vaccination policies, distribution management filings, regional non-regulation vaccine pre-tender policies, etc.. - Analyzing public health policy developments and maintaining smooth internal communication and collaboration. 推动及开发区域公共卫生领域,营造良好的政策氛围 根据业务的需要,与所辖区域的相关政府部门建立并保持良好沟通; 影响区域政策,包括疫苗接种政策、流通管理备案、区域非免规疫苗招标前期政策等; 分析公共卫生政策发展,保持顺畅的内部沟通和协作。 To support regional business and product development, build and maintain academic platforms and empower CDC at all levels - Building regional communication platforms to effectively communicate the company's product values and propositions and provide advice for corporate decision making. - Implementing central projects. - Focusing on business objectives, identify competitive opportunities and explore new promotion and project models with innovative thinking models. 以支持区域业务及产品发展为目标,搭建及维护学术平台,赋能各级疾控 搭建区域沟通平台,有效传递公司的产品价值和主张,并为公司决策提供建议; 执行中央项目; 结合区域内业务目标,发现竞争机会,以创新性思维模式探索新的推广、项目模式。 Communication system establishment for target customers in the region - Use of intra-regional communication platforms to make a statement and reach more target customers 区域内目标客户的传播体系建立 运用区域内传播平台发声,覆盖更多目标客户 Policy environment shaping at provincial and municipal levels - FLU publicly funded project management and coordination of business activities related to the implementation - Collecting and analyzing data related to the regional business and providing it to the company's decision makers. - Leveraging partnerships with decision makers to support contingency planning in crisis situations. 省市区层面政策环境塑造 FLU公费项目管理,协调与开展相关的业务活动;收集分析区域业务相关数据,提供给公司决策层;在危机情况下,利用决策者与的合作关系支持应急计划。 CONTEXT OF THE JOB/MAJOR CHALLENGES岗位背景/主要挑战(Highlight most significant aspects of the environment, which affect the job. Describe the most important problems to resolve to achieve the job’s major purpose.) (简述影响本工作的最为重要的因素。描述为完成本工作的主要目的而需要解决的最重要问题。) The job needs good communication, presentation and interpersonal skills; attention to details and analytical abilities; can work under high pressure and hold positive attitude and willingness. 本岗位工作需要具备良好的沟通、演讲和人际关系处理技能,关注细节以及分析能力。要求能够在高压下工作,并需持有积极的态度和意愿。 DIMENSIONS/SCOPE工作范畴/范围(Provide numerical data if available to describe the size of the job, or its impact on the business. Use annual figures and specify currency. Figures should include budgetary responsibility, purchasing authority, resources available. Highlight the key decisions made in this job. Outline the sphere of the job, such as whether the accountabilities are global, country specific, or function specific.) (如可行请提供数据量化描述本工作的工作量,或其对业务的影响。使用年度数据并指明货币。数据应当包括预算责任、采购权、可用资源。简述在本工作中所作的关键决定。归纳本工作的范围,例如这些职责是否是全球性的、特定国界的、或特定职能部门的。) To deliver required performance aligned to established objectives, company’s value and competency. 交付符合既定目标以及公司价值和能力素质所要求的绩效。 REQUIREMENTS任职要求(Required education, experience, certifications, and competencies.)(要求的教育背景、经历、证书和能力素质) A degree in life sciences such as biological, medical, or pharmaceutical or degree in marketing or business administration from a credible institution生物学、医学或药学等生命科学学位,或市场营销及商业管理学位。 Good communication with officials from central government and local government 能够较好地与中央政府和当地政府官员沟通。 At least 3 years’ working experience in similar KAfunction in a multinational pharmaceutical, biological and/or vaccines company; with record of successfully facilitating the interests of multinational companies在跨国制药、生物制品和/或疫苗公司的KA职能部门的相似职位上有至少3年工作经验,具备成功促进跨国公司利益的记录。 Good communication skills in both written and oral form.良好的书面和口语沟通技能。 Good computer skills in Office Word, Excel, Power-point, Outlook, and office facilities良好的Office Word、Excel、Powerpoint、Outlook办公软件和办公设施技能。 Good writing skill is required要求有较好的写作技能。 Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary. Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together. Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job title: Area Business Manager •Location: Remote / Field •Travel: Ability to travel up to 50% of the time to customers, conventions, training, and other internal meetings. •Job Type: Full time About the Job: Ready to push the limits of what’s possible? Join Sanofi in one of our corporate functions and you can play a vital part in the performance of our entire business while helping to make an impact on millions around the world. As the Area Business Manager within our T1D Early Detection Sales Team and you will be responsible to clinically educate, increase the awareness of T1D stages and facilitate the identification of at-risk patients through screening. You will work closely with health care providers on an individual and account level, and closely with internal matrix partners to accelerate the identification and referral of patients at risk of developing Type 1 Diabetes. Main Responsibilities: Engage Primary Care customers within assigned geographical territory and deliver clinically focused message to educate on T1D risk, early detection through screening & treatment options. Develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of each identified account including strategic goals, value drivers, key access stakeholders, relevant business metrics, and unique challenges/emerging needs. Develop account business plans for your geography including prioritization of investments, integration of vertical pathways and identification of spheres of influence, as well as referral pathways in close collaboration with the respective KAM. Develop deep understanding of contracting, internal and external workflows, key stakeholders, business segment and clinical evaluation/screening models. Develop and deepen strategic partnerships: Account interactions to include but are not limited to Pediatricians and General Practitioners identified as having the ability to drive early T1D detection, and other defined health decision makers at the account level. Support clinical advocacy (e.g., gaining KOL endorsement), understand pull-through hurdles, org structures & customer ways of working to ensure cross-functional/ departmental coordination. Planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating marketing programs including lectures, patient meetings, speaker programs, dinner programs and others. About You: B.A. / B.S. degree required; advanced degree preferred. Have a valid driver’s license and willingness to travel on the job (~50% of travel given field-based role) Minimum of 3 years pharmaceutical experience Proven track record of success in various field-based sales roles, experience in Primary Care and Pediatric setting is a plus. Expertise in clinical data, disease education, diagnostics, product information, selling skills, business analytics and market trends A solution-oriented mindset enabling effective and creative problem solving with customers’ needs as a primary focus. Utilize effective, professional communications to cultivate strong working relationships with both internal and external colleagues; displays flexibility in your approach to people and situation. Why Choose Us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team. Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally. Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. The salary range for this position is $120,000 - $160,000. In addition to sales incentive (role may my eligible for long term incentive depending on level and performance); all compensation will be determined commensurate with demonstrated experience. Employees may be eligible to participate in Company employee benefit programs. Additional benefits information can be found through the link, www.benefits.sanofiusallwell.com OR Home – Sanofi (myflex-benefits.ca) This position is eligible for a company car through the Company’s FLEET program. #GD-SA #LI-SA #LI-Remote #aT1D Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job title: Area Business Manager •Location: Remote / Field •Travel: Ability to travel up to 50% of the time to customers, conventions, training, and other internal meetings. •Job Type: Full time About the Job: Ready to push the limits of what’s possible? Join Sanofi in one of our corporate functions and you can play a vital part in the performance of our entire business while helping to make an impact on millions around the world. As the Area Business Manager within our T1D Early Detection Sales Team and you will be responsible to clinically educate, increase the awareness of T1D stages and facilitate the identification of at-risk patients through screening. You will work closely with health care providers on an individual and account level, and closely with internal matrix partners to accelerate the identification and referral of patients at risk of developing Type 1 Diabetes. Main Responsibilities: Engage Primary Care customers within assigned geographical territory and deliver clinically focused message to educate on T1D risk, early detection through screening & treatment options.Develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of each identified account including strategic goals, value drivers, key access stakeholders, relevant business metrics, and unique challenges/emerging needs.Develop account business plans for your geography including prioritization of investments, integration of vertical pathways and identification of spheres of influence, as well as referral pathways in close collaboration with the respective KAM.Develop deep understanding of contracting, internal and external workflows, key stakeholders, business segment and clinical evaluation/screening models.Develop and deepen strategic partnerships: Account interactions to include but are not limited to Pediatricians and General Practitioners identified as having the ability to drive early T1D detection, and other defined health decision makers at the account level.Support clinical advocacy (e.g., gaining KOL endorsement), understand pull-through hurdles, org structures & customer ways of working to ensure cross-functional/ departmental coordination.Planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating marketing programs including lectures, patient meetings, speaker programs, dinner programs and others. About You: B.A. / B.S. degree required; advanced degree preferred.Have a valid driver’s license and willingness to travel on the job (~50% of travel given field-based role)Minimum of 3 years pharmaceutical experienceProven track record of success in various field-based sales roles, experience in Primary Care and Pediatric setting is a plus.Expertise in clinical data, disease education, diagnostics, product information, selling skills, business analytics and market trendsA solution-oriented mindset enabling effective and creative problem solving with customers’ needs as a primary focus.Utilize effective, professional communications to cultivate strong working relationships with both internal and external colleagues; displays flexibility in your approach to people and situation. Why Choose Us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team.Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally.Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact.Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. The salary range for this position is $120,000 - $160,000. In addition to sales incentive (role may my eligible for long term incentive depending on level and performance); all compensation will be determined commensurate with demonstrated experience. Employees may be eligible to participate in Company employee benefit programs. Additional benefits information can be found through the link, www.benefits.sanofiusallwell.com OR Home – Sanofi (myflex-benefits.ca) This position is eligible for a company car through the Company’s FLEET program. #GD-SA #LI-SA #LI-Remote #aT1D Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job title: Area Business Manager •Location: Remote / Field •Travel: Ability to travel up to 50% of the time to customers, conventions, training, and other internal meetings. •Job Type: Full time About the Job: Ready to push the limits of what’s possible? Join Sanofi in one of our corporate functions and you can play a vital part in the performance of our entire business while helping to make an impact on millions around the world. As the Area Business Manager within our T1D Early Detection Sales Team and you will be responsible to clinically educate, increase the awareness of T1D stages and facilitate the identification of at-risk patients through screening. You will work closely with health care providers on an individual and account level, and closely with internal matrix partners to accelerate the identification and referral of patients at risk of developing Type 1 Diabetes. Main Responsibilities: Engage Primary Care customers within assigned geographical territory and deliver clinically focused message to educate on T1D risk, early detection through screening & treatment options.Develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of each identified account including strategic goals, value drivers, key access stakeholders, relevant business metrics, and unique challenges/emerging needs.Develop account business plans for your geography including prioritization of investments, integration of vertical pathways and identification of spheres of influence, as well as referral pathways in close collaboration with the respective KAM.Develop deep understanding of contracting, internal and external workflows, key stakeholders, business segment and clinical evaluation/screening models.Develop and deepen strategic partnerships: Account interactions to include but are not limited to Pediatricians and General Practitioners identified as having the ability to drive early T1D detection, and other defined health decision makers at the account level.Support clinical advocacy (e.g., gaining KOL endorsement), understand pull-through hurdles, org structures & customer ways of working to ensure cross-functional/ departmental coordination.Planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating marketing programs including lectures, patient meetings, speaker programs, dinner programs and others. About You: B.A. / B.S. degree required; advanced degree preferred.Have a valid driver’s license and willingness to travel on the job (~50% of travel given field-based role)Minimum of 3 years pharmaceutical experienceProven track record of success in various field-based sales roles, experience in Primary Care and Pediatric setting is a plus.Expertise in clinical data, disease education, diagnostics, product information, selling skills, business analytics and market trendsA solution-oriented mindset enabling effective and creative problem solving with customers’ needs as a primary focus.Utilize effective, professional communications to cultivate strong working relationships with both internal and external colleagues; displays flexibility in your approach to people and situation. Why Choose Us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team.Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally.Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact.Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. The salary range for this position is $120,000 - $160,000. In addition to sales incentive (role may my eligible for long term incentive depending on level and performance); all compensation will be determined commensurate with demonstrated experience. Employees may be eligible to participate in Company employee benefit programs. Additional benefits information can be found through the link, www.benefits.sanofiusallwell.com OR Home – Sanofi (myflex-benefits.ca) This position is eligible for a company car through the Company’s FLEET program. #GD-SA #LI-SA #LI-Remote #aT1D Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job title: Key Account Manager Location:CABA, Argentina Sobre el empleo: Mantener, explorar y desarrollar relaciones fuertes con los clientes en línea con la estrategia del negocio Pharma. Para ello, desarrollará plan táctico (CP) y estratégico (M-LP), ejecutando planes de negocio y acciones comerciales innovadoras, logrando KPIs y alineados a los procedimientos y objetivos de ventas. Trabajará en conjunto con diversas áreas (Comercial & Customer engagement, Tenders, Acceso, Revenue, Finance, Marketing, etc.). Principales Responsabilidades: Analiza el mercado y el comportamiento de los clientes (RTM: Droguerías, Financiadores, Instituciones);Desarrolla e implementa Planes de Cuentas alineados a Objetivos “Pharma”, considerando la táctica y estrategia;Genera y evalúa análisis de rentabilidad de los clientes (conocimiento financiero: GTN, GM, Volumen);Realiza la matriz de segmentación: descuento, unidades, ROI, etc.;Arma BC/Acuerdos, monitoreando performance y vencimientos;Participa en el armado de la TM de Ventas, analizando SIT, Sell Out y Market Share, y haciendo follow-up de sus cuentas;Seguimiento de Ventas y calendarización de visita a clientes;Trabaja en forma conjunta con áreas cross (Customer Engagement, BU, Medical, Acceso, Revenue, Supply, Finance) a fin de alinear frente a stakeholders internos y externos, y garantizar el flujo comercial;Contacto con Customer Care para seguimiento de pedidos y respuesta a los clientes;Conoce la política comercial y asegura su respectivo cumplimiento junto a las leyes y regulaciones locales, el Código Ético de Sanofi Sobre ti: Experiencia: Al menos 3/5 años de experiencia como KAM o posiciones similares dentro de la industria farmacéutica (no excluyente). Educación: Universitario en Administración, Ingeniería, Negocios/Marketing o afines. Idiomas: Inglés intermedio avanzado Why choose us? Add four standard Sanofi selling points and up to three additional selling points that are specific to the role, team or location. Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused teamDiscover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationallyEnjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact.}Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention, and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks gender-neutral parental leave Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary. Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! #LI-LAT #LI-HYBRID Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Medical Science Liaison – Nurse EducatorHiring Manager: Alicia Greenwood About the job We are seeking a passionate and experienced Respiratory Nurse Educator who has spent a career walking alongside respiratory patients, who has a deep understanding of the complex challenges faced by respiratory patients and is passionately committed to excellence in nursing education. The successful candidate will design, implement, and evaluate cutting-edge educational programs for respiratory nursing departments within the NHS with a special emphasis on COPD. We are an innovative global healthcare company, committed to transforming the lives of people with immune challenges, rare diseases and blood disorders, cancers, and neurological disorders. From R&D to sales, our talented teams work together, revolutionizing treatment, continually improving products, understanding unmet needs, and connecting communities. We chase the miracles of science every single day, pursuing progress to make a real impact on millions of patients around the world. Main responsibilities Develop and deliver innovative educational programs and materials focused on respiratory diseases, particularly COPDProvide ongoing support and training to nursing staff to enhance their clinical skills and knowledgeCollaborate with medical and cross-functional colleagues internally to ensure cohesive and comprehensive educational initiativesEvaluate the effectiveness of educational programs through feedback, assessments, and performance metricsStay abreast of relevant advances in the field including guidelines and best practice in respiratory care, and integrate these into training programsFoster a culture of continuous learning and professional development within nursing teamsContribute to the development and implementation of policies and procedures related to respiratory nursing education About you Registered Nurse (NMC registration essential)Extensive clinical experience in respiratory care, with a focus on COPDProven track record in nursing education and professional developmentStrong knowledge of the UK healthcare system and NHS structuresExcellent communication and interpersonal skillsAbility to work collaboratively within a multidisciplinary teamProficiency in designing and delivering educational programs using various teaching methods and technologies Why choose us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused teamDiscover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationallyEnjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impactTake good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leaveJoin us in shaping the future of respiratory care and making a difference in the lives of patients across the NHS Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary. Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! #LI-EUR Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:疫苗事业部-医院客户经理 地点:北京 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们疫苗事业部的医院客户经理,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,每年生产超过5亿剂疫苗,致力于预防传染病。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队正在探索新技术,以保护和促进民众及社区的健康。我们每一天都在追求科学奇迹,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 高效执行中央市场策略在区域的落地实施,针对区域市场特点和需求及时优化实施方式,推动项目和业务往前,高效落地中央市场策略,推动市场项目在区域的高效落地执行.与业务团队密切配合,推动区域业务需求的达成和医院客户项目对业务的助力.推动其它区域新业务模式的探索,助力业务转化.对医院业务模式的关键客户进行专业化沟通,提升其参与免疫预防宣教和干预工作的支持度,并与之进行合作共同推动医生对疫苗宣教模式的建设。按照相关管理要求对目标关键医院客户如产科、儿科、儿保、呼吸、院感HCP进行持续、有效的专业拜访与管理,提升客户支持度。与各类关键医院客户开展合作,共同推广产科、儿科、儿保等疫苗宣教模式,影响客户的观念和行为。在上述过程中发现问题、洞察需求、提供针对性解决方案、优化合作流程,为区域医务人员有效推广模式指定可行的实施方案。关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 医药或相关行业大学本科或以上学历至少三年相关领域工作经验,熟悉目前的医药产品及生物制品相关法规、政策熟悉医药产品及生物制品销售及推广活动等方面的工作经验和应用知识 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 良好的职业道德,具备高度的责任感;追求业绩,交付结果良好的业务管理及计划能力良好的人员辅导、激励、发展技能良好的决策技能,勇于担当良好的跨部门协作能力 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:疫苗事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:亳州 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们疫苗事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,每年生产超过5亿剂疫苗,致力于预防传染病。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队正在探索新技术,以保护和促进民众及社区的健康。我们每一天都在追求科学奇迹,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 按照公司政策及策略,拜访疫苗接种点、疾控中心和其他医疗保健机构,推广疫苗产品,达到日常拜访的KPI。执行学术推广活动,达成年度设定的工作目标,。做好辖区管理工作:维护现有市场的客户并开发潜力市场的客户,做好客户关系的信息管理工作。学习和掌握产品特性及推广的关键信息,在推广活动中进行产品宣讲,发挥产品竞争优势。遵守公司员工手册规定的行为规范,符合公司SOP要求。 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 医学、药学、公共卫生等相关专业大学本科或以上学历优先考虑,若非相关专业大专(含高职)以上学历,需具有两年以上医药相关行业公司从业经历;不少于1年医药行业工作经验 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 良好的学习能力;良好的人际沟通及交往能力;良好的服务客户能力;有效执行,实现目标;良好的承受压力的能力; 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:糖尿病事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:杭州 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们糖尿病事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:疫苗事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:北京级别:(仅适用于内部职位描述)招聘经理:(仅适用于内部职位描述) 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们疫苗事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,每年生产超过5亿剂疫苗,致力于预防传染病。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队正在探索新技术,以保护和促进民众及社区的健康。我们每一天都在追求科学奇迹,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 按照公司政策及策略,拜访疫苗接种点、疾控中心和其他医疗保健机构,推广疫苗产品,达到日常拜访的KPI。执行学术推广活动,达成年度设定的工作目标,。做好辖区管理工作:维护现有市场的客户并开发潜力市场的客户,做好客户关系的信息管理工作。学习和掌握产品特性及推广的关键信息,在推广活动中进行产品宣讲,发挥产品竞争优势。遵守公司员工手册规定的行为规范,符合公司SOP要求。 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 医学、药学、公共卫生等相关专业大学本科或以上学历优先考虑,若非相关专业大专(含高职)以上学历,需具有两年以上医药相关行业公司从业经历;不少于1年医药行业工作经验 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 良好的学习能力;良好的人际沟通及交往能力;良好的服务客户能力;有效执行,实现目标;良好的承受压力的能力; 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:特药事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:温州 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们特药事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,致力于改善免疫挑战、罕见疾病和血液疾病、癌症以及神经系统疾病患者的生活。从研发到销售,我们的优秀团队进行通力合作,创新治疗方案,不断改进产品,满足未满足的需求,并与社区密切联系。我们每一天都在追求科学奇迹,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 在公司政策和程序指引下向客户提供及时准确的专业支持,建立合作伙伴关系在公司政策和程序指引下充分利用资源进行有效的客户拜访,完成或超越业务指标在公司政策和程序指引下规划和组织各种会议或活动,挖掘区域市场潜力通过公司管理系统以及其他合规的渠道和方式,收集市场和客户信息,进行分析,反馈和建议完成上级经理指派的其他各项工作 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 本科及以上学历,医学、药学相关专业优先不少于1年医药行业工作经验 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 主观能动性强、能够迅速适应市场环境变化、优秀的沟通、分析和协调能力能够在压力下积极工作、具有快速学习能力具有团队精神,跨部门沟通、协作能力 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:CV&T事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:杭州 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们糖尿病事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Location:Wulumuqi About the job Ready to push the limits of what’s possible? Join Sanofi and you can play a vital part in the performance of our entire business while helping to make an impact on millions around the world. As Regional Marketing Manager within our DBU business, you’ll integrate resources and cooperation across departments to achieve goals. We are an innovative global healthcare company with a focus on immunology that extends to innovation in diabetes and transplant medicine. Across different countries, our talented teams are determined to deliver a best-in-class customer experience using the best of digital, artificial intelligence and personal know-how. With a focus on immunology that extends to innovation in diabetes and transplant medicines, we pursue progress to make a real impact on millions of patients around the world. Main responsibilities: Participation in national strategic planning and marketing technical budget plan development Regional tactical cycle plans development/execution and local market info reporting to central Regional brand management including organizing Brand Champain and managing Regional KOL Regional market intelligenceOther duties, as assigned About you What you should have? College Degree or AboveAt least 3 years with pharmaceutical industryAt least 1 year sales force management experienceIndustry/product knowledge If you want to be part of a team that puts patients first, plays to win in digital era with courage, integrity, respect and trust, to inspire your own career journey through a care & collaborate platform, and with special focus on below competency: Good marketing planning skillsGood project management skillsGood selling skillsGood interpersonal skills Why choose us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team.Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally.Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact.Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave. Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary. Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:糖尿病事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:克拉玛依 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们糖尿病事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:基层医疗事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:楚雄 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们基层医疗事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:基层医疗事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:德宏州 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们基层医疗事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job title: Area Business Manager •Location: Remote / Field •Travel: Ability to travel up to 50% of the time to customers, conventions, training, and other internal meetings. •Job Type: Full time About the Job: Ready to push the limits of what’s possible? Join Sanofi in one of our corporate functions and you can play a vital part in the performance of our entire business while helping to make an impact on millions around the world. As Area Business Manager within our T1D Early Detection Sales Team and you will be responsible to clinically educate, increase the awareness of T1D stages and facilitate the identification of at-risk patients through screening. You will work closely with health care providers on an individual and account level, and closely with internal matrix partners to accelerate the identification and referral of patients at risk of developing Type 1 Diabetes. Main Responsibilities: Engage Primary Care customers within assigned geographical territory and deliver clinically focused message to educate on T1D risk, early detection through screening & treatment options. Develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of each identified account including strategic goals, value drivers, key access stakeholders, relevant business metrics, and unique challenges/emerging needs. Develop account business plans for your geography including prioritization of investments, integration of vertical pathways and identification of spheres of influence, as well as referral pathways in close collaboration with the respective KAM. Develop deep understanding of contracting, internal and external workflows, key stakeholders, business segment and clinical evaluation/screening models. Develop and deepen strategic partnerships: Account interactions to include but are not limited to Pediatricians and General Practitioners identified as having the ability to drive early T1D detection, and other defined health decision makers at the account level. Support clinical advocacy (e.g., gaining KOL endorsement), understand pull-through hurdles, org structures & customer ways of working to ensure cross-functional/ departmental coordination. Planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating marketing programs including lectures, patient meetings, speaker programs, dinner programs and others. About You: B.A. / B.S. degree required; advanced degree preferred. Have a valid driver’s license and willingness to travel on the job (~50% of travel given field-based role) Minimum of 3 years pharmaceutical experience Proven track record of success in various field-based sales roles, experience in Primary Care and Pediatric setting is a plus. Expertise in clinical data, disease education, diagnostics, product information, selling skills, business analytics and market trends A solution-oriented mindset enabling effective and creative problem solving with customers’ needs as a primary focus. Utilize effective, professional communications to cultivate strong working relationships with both internal and external colleagues; displays flexibility in your approach to people and situation. Why Choose Us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team. Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally. Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. The salary range for this position is $120,000 – 160,000. In addition to sales incentive (role may my eligible for long term incentive depending on level and performance); all compensation will be determined commensurate with demonstrated experience. Employees may be eligible to participate in Company employee benefit programs. Additional benefits information can be found through the link, www.benefits.sanofiusallwell.com OR Home – Sanofi (myflex-benefits.ca) This position is eligible for a company car through the Company’s FLEET program. #GD-SA #LI-SA #LI-Remote #aT1D Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    About The Job We deliver 4.3 billion healthcare solutions to people every year, thanks to the flawless planning and meticulous eye for detail of our Manufacturing & Supply teams. With your talent and ambition, we can do even more to protect people from infectious diseases and bring hope to patients and their families. As a Processing Technician for Sanofi Consumer Healthcare, your job will be to manufacture bulk blend products, ensuring efficient set-up, operation, tear-down, and cleaning of equipment. Your knowledge of cGMPs (current Good Manufacturing Practices) and SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) will help drive seamless production in our processing area. At Sanofi Consumer Healthcare, we build trusted and loved brands that connect with hundreds of millions of consumers worldwide. Our mission is to enable better self-care for individuals and communities, while also contributing to a healthier planet. We strive to act as a force for good by integrating sustainability along our business and employees’ mission and operate responsibly from both a social and environmental point of view. To achieve this, we need people who can shape the future of our business and help us on our journey to becoming the best fast-moving consumer healthcare company in and for the world. This is a 3rd shift position. Hours: 10:00pm - 6:00am Main Responsibilities: As a Processing Technician, you will: Ensure the quality and quantity of raw materials are accurately measured to produce finished bulk products according to specific formulations and procedures. Learn to operate various equipment, including mills, grinders, conveyors, mixers, and tableting presses, to create tablets, ointments, creams, liquids, and powders. Monitor the manufacturing process and implement control factors to keep production within acceptable limits. Maintain detailed production records, follow step-by-step procedures, and complete production orders efficiently. Keep equipment and work areas clean, organized, and well-maintained. About You Education & Experience: You must have a High School Diploma or GED, plus at least one year of manufacturing experience, preferably with high-speed packaging or assembly equipment. Technical Skills: You should have a strong mechanical aptitude and ability to understand equipment operations, with the capacity to lift heavy loads (25-60 lbs). Attention to Detail: You must maintain close visual attention during manufacturing processes to ensure quality and safety. Special Requirements: You must comply with the dress code (uniforms, safety gear), be willing to undergo necessary training, and be able to work in conditions with exposure to dust, grease, and packing machinery hazards. Desired Qualifications: Additional qualifications such as Lean Six Sigma Certification, previous pharmaceutical experience, and familiarity with Production Automation Systems like SAP are desirable. Why Choose Us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team. Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally. Take good care of yourself and your family with benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs with 3 weeks paid vacation and at least 14 weeks of gender-neutral parental leave. Enjoy a well-crafted rewards package with competitive pay that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Receive a generous sign-on bonus to welcome you aboard. Take advantage of our robust 401k program and tuition reimbursement to further your future, education and career. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA #LI-Onsite Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    About The Job We deliver 4.3 billion healthcare solutions to people every year, thanks to the flawless planning and meticulous eye for detail of our Manufacturing & Supply teams. With your talent and ambition, we can do even more to protect people from infectious diseases and bring hope to patients and their families. As a Processing Technician for Sanofi Consumer Healthcare, your job will be to manufacture bulk blend products, ensuring efficient set-up, operation, tear-down, and cleaning of equipment. Your knowledge of cGMPs (current Good Manufacturing Practices) and SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) will help drive seamless production in our processing area. At Sanofi Consumer Healthcare, we build trusted and loved brands that connect with hundreds of millions of consumers worldwide. Our mission is to enable better self-care for individuals and communities, while also contributing to a healthier planet. We strive to act as a force for good by integrating sustainability along our business and employees’ mission and operate responsibly from both a social and environmental point of view. To achieve this, we need people who can shape the future of our business and help us on our journey to becoming the best fast-moving consumer healthcare company in and for the world. This is a 2nd shift position. Hours: 2:00pm - 10:00pm Main Responsibilities: As a Processing Technician, you will: Ensure the quality and quantity of raw materials are accurately measured to produce finished bulk products according to specific formulations and procedures. Learn to operate various equipment, including mills, grinders, conveyors, mixers, and tableting presses, to create tablets, ointments, creams, liquids, and powders. Monitor the manufacturing process and implement control factors to keep production within acceptable limits. Maintain detailed production records, follow step-by-step procedures, and complete production orders efficiently. Keep equipment and work areas clean, organized, and well-maintained. About You Education & Experience: You must have a High School Diploma or GED, plus at least one year of manufacturing experience, preferably with high-speed packaging or assembly equipment. Technical Skills: You should have a strong mechanical aptitude and ability to understand equipment operations, with the capacity to lift heavy loads (25-60 lbs). Attention to Detail: You must maintain close visual attention during manufacturing processes to ensure quality and safety. Special Requirements: You must comply with the dress code (uniforms, safety gear), be willing to undergo necessary training, and be able to work in conditions with exposure to dust, grease, and packing machinery hazards. Desired Qualifications: Additional qualifications such as Lean Six Sigma Certification, previous pharmaceutical experience, and familiarity with Production Automation Systems like SAP are desirable. Why Choose Us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team. Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally. Take good care of yourself and your family with benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs with 3 weeks paid vacation and at least 14 weeks of gender-neutral parental leave. Enjoy a well-crafted rewards package with competitive pay that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Receive a generous sign-on bonus to welcome you aboard. Take advantage of our robust 401k program and tuition reimbursement to further your future, education and career. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA #LI-Onsite Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    About The Job We deliver 4.3 billion healthcare solutions to people every year, thanks to the flawless planning and meticulous eye for detail of our Manufacturing & Supply teams. With your talent and ambition, we can do even more to protect people from infectious diseases and bring hope to patients and their families. As a Processing Technician for Sanofi Consumer Healthcare, your job will be to manufacture bulk blend products, ensuring efficient set-up, operation, tear-down, and cleaning of equipment. Your knowledge of cGMPs (current Good Manufacturing Practices) and SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) will help drive seamless production in our processing area. At Sanofi Consumer Healthcare, we build trusted and loved brands that connect with hundreds of millions of consumers worldwide. Our mission is to enable better self-care for individuals and communities, while also contributing to a healthier planet. We strive to act as a force for good by integrating sustainability along our business and employees’ mission and operate responsibly from both a social and environmental point of view. To achieve this, we need people who can shape the future of our business and help us on our journey to becoming the best fast-moving consumer healthcare company in and for the world. This is a 2nd shift position. Hours: 2:00pm - 10:00pm Main Responsibilities: As a Processing Technician, you will: Ensure the quality and quantity of raw materials are accurately measured to produce finished bulk products according to specific formulations and procedures. Learn to operate various equipment, including mills, grinders, conveyors, mixers, and tableting presses, to create tablets, ointments, creams, liquids, and powders. Monitor the manufacturing process and implement control factors to keep production within acceptable limits. Maintain detailed production records, follow step-by-step procedures, and complete production orders efficiently. Keep equipment and work areas clean, organized, and well-maintained. About You Education & Experience: You must have a High School Diploma or GED, plus at least one year of manufacturing experience, preferably with high-speed packaging or assembly equipment. Technical Skills: You should have a strong mechanical aptitude and ability to understand equipment operations, with the capacity to lift heavy loads (25-60 lbs). Attention to Detail: You must maintain close visual attention during manufacturing processes to ensure quality and safety. Special Requirements: You must comply with the dress code (uniforms, safety gear), be willing to undergo necessary training, and be able to work in conditions with exposure to dust, grease, and packing machinery hazards. Desired Qualifications: Additional qualifications such as Lean Six Sigma Certification, previous pharmaceutical experience, and familiarity with Production Automation Systems like SAP are desirable. Why Choose Us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team. Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally. Take good care of yourself and your family with benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs with 3 weeks paid vacation and at least 14 weeks of gender-neutral parental leave. Enjoy a well-crafted rewards package with competitive pay that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Receive a generous sign-on bonus to welcome you aboard. Take advantage of our robust 401k program and tuition reimbursement to further your future, education and career. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA #LI-Onsite Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:糖尿病事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:遂宁 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们糖尿病事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:特药事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:成都 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们特药事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,致力于改善免疫挑战、罕见疾病和血液疾病、癌症以及神经系统疾病患者的生活。从研发到销售,我们的优秀团队进行通力合作,创新治疗方案,不断改进产品,满足未满足的需求,并与社区密切联系。我们每一天都在追求科学奇迹,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 在公司政策和程序指引下向客户提供及时准确的专业支持,建立合作伙伴关系在公司政策和程序指引下充分利用资源进行有效的客户拜访,完成或超越业务指标在公司政策和程序指引下规划和组织各种会议或活动,挖掘区域市场潜力通过公司管理系统以及其他合规的渠道和方式,收集市场和客户信息,进行分析,反馈和建议完成上级经理指派的其他各项工作 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 本科及以上学历,医学、药学相关专业优先不少于1年医药行业工作经验 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 主观能动性强、能够迅速适应市场环境变化、优秀的沟通、分析和协调能力能够在压力下积极工作、具有快速学习能力具有团队精神,跨部门沟通、协作能力 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:糖尿病事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:晋城 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们糖尿病事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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