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    职位名称:CV&T事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:杭州 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们糖尿病事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:糖尿病事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:台州 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们糖尿病事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:糖尿病事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:昆明级别:L1招聘经理:张弼 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们糖尿病事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:基层医疗事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:曲靖宣威 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们基层医疗事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:疫苗事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:大同 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们疫苗事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,每年生产超过5亿剂疫苗,致力于预防传染病。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队正在探索新技术,以保护和促进民众及社区的健康。我们每一天都在追求科学奇迹,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 按照公司政策及策略,拜访疫苗接种点、疾控中心和其他医疗保健机构,推广疫苗产品,达到日常拜访的KPI。执行学术推广活动,达成年度设定的工作目标,。做好辖区管理工作:维护现有市场的客户并开发潜力市场的客户,做好客户关系的信息管理工作。学习和掌握产品特性及推广的关键信息,在推广活动中进行产品宣讲,发挥产品竞争优势。遵守公司员工手册规定的行为规范,符合公司SOP要求。 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 医学、药学、公共卫生等相关专业大学本科或以上学历优先考虑,若非相关专业大专(含高职)以上学历,需具有两年以上医药相关行业公司从业经历;不少于1年医药行业工作经验 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 良好的学习能力;良好的人际沟通及交往能力;良好的服务客户能力;有效执行,实现目标;良好的承受压力的能力; 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:疫苗事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:太原 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们疫苗事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,每年生产超过5亿剂疫苗,致力于预防传染病。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队正在探索新技术,以保护和促进民众及社区的健康。我们每一天都在追求科学奇迹,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 按照公司政策及策略,拜访疫苗接种点、疾控中心和其他医疗保健机构,推广疫苗产品,达到日常拜访的KPI。执行学术推广活动,达成年度设定的工作目标,。做好辖区管理工作:维护现有市场的客户并开发潜力市场的客户,做好客户关系的信息管理工作。学习和掌握产品特性及推广的关键信息,在推广活动中进行产品宣讲,发挥产品竞争优势。遵守公司员工手册规定的行为规范,符合公司SOP要求。 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 医学、药学、公共卫生等相关专业大学本科或以上学历优先考虑,若非相关专业大专(含高职)以上学历,需具有两年以上医药相关行业公司从业经历;不少于1年医药行业工作经验 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 良好的学习能力;良好的人际沟通及交往能力;良好的服务客户能力;有效执行,实现目标;良好的承受压力的能力; 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:糖尿病事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:大同 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们糖尿病事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job title: Diabetes - Marketing Manager - Shanghai About the job Ready to push the limits of what’s possible? Join Sanofi in one of our corporate functions and you can play a vital part in the performance of our entire business while helping to make an impact on millions around the world. As Marketing Manager within our Diabetes, you’ll have a broad career development platform, be able to develop vertically or horizontally within the team and company, participate in the company's main promotion projects, enhance personal abilities, and establish and expand your own network and connections through extensive influence and more resources in the pharmaceutical and health system. We are an innovative global healthcare company, committed to transforming the lives of people with immune challenges, rare diseases and blood disorders, cancers, and neurological disorders. From R&D to sales, our talented teams work together, revolutionizing treatment, continually improving products, understanding unmet needs, and connecting communities. We chase the miracles of science every single day, pursuing progress to make a real impact on millions of patients around the world. Main responsibilities: • Define organic and non-organic growth opportunities. i. Formulate strategic roadmap and identify high growth areas and disease indications. Design innovative and strategic program to realize business impact ii. Unlocks innovative new business models/services across the experience journey to deliver value and business growth. iii. Consistently delivers integrated plans grounded in insight and is successful in developing optimal plans to un-lock growth. iv. Supports the cross functional team to scenario plan and to evaluate different opportunities and risks. Quantifies any consequence on the forecast and integrated brand strategy. • Champions local insight to gain a deep understanding of the people we serve along the experience journey i. Prioritize target segments through meaningful and actionable segmentation to influence behaviour change for growth. ii. Provide deep analysis of business insight based on internal sales data, external reference data and marketing research report • Create an integrated and engaging omnichannel strategy with an optimum media/channel mix (on and off-line) that delivers the required behaviour change and brand growth i. Develop creative ideas, compelling brand assets and content for target segments/ personas to drive behaviour change and brand growth ii. Build and leveraging strong agency partnerships; inspiring and motivating our partners to deliver outstanding work which meets agreed growth metrics iii. Leverage multiple data sources and real time analytics to continuously evaluate and optimize the performance of brand campaigns, ideas, assets and content against agreed metrics About you Working Experience: At least 5 years of product management experience, multinational pharmaceutical companies is preferredTransversal Skills:Excellent communication and interpersonal skillsFunctional Skills: Championing People,Growth Mindset,Obsessive ExecutionEducational background: Bachelor degree or above (major in medicine, public health or marketing is preferred)Language requirements: Proficiency in English and fluent Mandarin Why choose us? Working together with a mutually supportive and future-oriented team to achieve scientific miracles.You have unlimited opportunities to grow your talents and promote your career development both at home and abroad.Enjoy thoughtful and well-designed reward programs that recognize your contributions and expand your influence.Enjoy a variety of health and wellness benefits to take care of yourself and your family, including high-quality medical care, prevention and wellness programs, and at least 14 weeks of gender-neutral parental leave. Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary. Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job title: CV&T - Senior Brand Manager - Shanghai About the job Ready to push the limits of what’s possible? Join Sanofi in one of our corporate functions and you can play a vital part in the performance of our entire business while helping to make an impact on millions around the world. As Senior Brand Manager within our CV&T , you’ll have a broad career development platform, be able to develop vertically or horizontally within the team and company, participate in the company's main promotion projects, enhance personal abilities, and establish and expand your own network and connections through extensive influence and more resources in the pharmaceutical and health system. We are an innovative global healthcare company, committed to transforming the lives of people with immune challenges, rare diseases and blood disorders, cancers, and neurological disorders. From R&D to sales, our talented teams work together, revolutionizing treatment, continually improving products, understanding unmet needs, and connecting communities. We chase the miracles of science every single day, pursuing progress to make a real impact on millions of patients around the world. Main responsibilities: CV therapeutical area experienceKOL management experienceStrong project execution and management experienceDrive innovation for marketing of the brand, contribute new ideas and approaches and help build a cutting-edge marketing culture.Cultivate strong relationships with customers while developing deep market insightsFoster strong partnerships with medical affairs, market access, marketing operations, market research, legal, regulatory, advocacy and other functions to ensure aligned objectives, understanding and implementation of the brand strategies .Manage advertising agency partner and other vendors to ensure execution towards objective About you Working Experience: 3-5 years of product management experience, multinational pharmaceutical companies is preferredTransversal Skills:Excellent communication and interpersonal skillsFunctional Skills: Championing People,Growth Mindset,Obsessive ExecutionEducational background: Bachelor degree or above (major in medicine, public health or marketing is preferred)Language requirements: Proficiency in English and fluent Mandarin Why choose us? Working together with a mutually supportive and future-oriented team to achieve scientific miracles.You have unlimited opportunities to grow your talents and promote your career development both at home and abroad.Enjoy thoughtful and well-designed reward programs that recognize your contributions and expand your influence.Enjoy a variety of health and wellness benefits to take care of yourself and your family, including high-quality medical care, prevention and wellness programs, and at least 14 weeks of gender-neutral parental leave. Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary. Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job title: Diabetes - Senior Brand Manager - Shanghai About the job Ready to push the limits of what’s possible? Join Sanofi in one of our corporate functions and you can play a vital part in the performance of our entire business while helping to make an impact on millions around the world. As Senior Brand Manager within our Diabetes , you’ll have a broad career development platform, be able to develop vertically or horizontally within the team and company, participate in the company's main promotion projects, enhance personal abilities, and establish and expand your own network and connections through extensive influence and more resources in the pharmaceutical and health system. We are an innovative global healthcare company, committed to transforming the lives of people with immune challenges, rare diseases and blood disorders, cancers, and neurological disorders. From R&D to sales, our talented teams work together, revolutionizing treatment, continually improving products, understanding unmet needs, and connecting communities. We chase the miracles of science every single day, pursuing progress to make a real impact on millions of patients around the world. Main responsibilities: Responsible for product lifecycle planning and executionIdentify and select business growth opportunities, and formulate clear customer behavior goals.Manage product line and brand life cycle management to bring continuous and stable growth.Ability to develop, execute and manage customer engagement plansDevelop an omnichannel plan to drive customer behavior change.Ability to present production requirements clearly and directly to creative and media suppliers. Produce creative and competitive branded content to create a great experience for customers.Timely and effective market insights, including healthcare environment and KOLs, continuously optimized based on data and reports.Cross-functional collaboration ability About you Working Experience: 3-5 years of product management experience, multinational pharmaceutical companies is preferredTransversal Skills:Excellent communication and interpersonal skillsFunctional Skills: Championing People,Growth Mindset,Obsessive ExecutionEducational background: Bachelor degree or above (major in medicine, public health or marketing is preferred)Language requirements: Proficiency in English and fluent Mandarin Why choose us? Working together with a mutually supportive and future-oriented team to achieve scientific miracles.You have unlimited opportunities to grow your talents and promote your career development both at home and abroad.Enjoy thoughtful and well-designed reward programs that recognize your contributions and expand your influence.Enjoy a variety of health and wellness benefits to take care of yourself and your family, including high-quality medical care, prevention and wellness programs, and at least 14 weeks of gender-neutral parental leave. Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary. Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:特药事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:上海 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们特药事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,致力于改善免疫挑战、罕见疾病和血液疾病、癌症以及神经系统疾病患者的生活。从研发到销售,我们的优秀团队进行通力合作,创新治疗方案,不断改进产品,满足未满足的需求,并与社区密切联系。我们每一天都在追求科学奇迹,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 在公司政策和程序指引下向客户提供及时准确的专业支持,建立合作伙伴关系在公司政策和程序指引下充分利用资源进行有效的客户拜访,完成或超越业务指标在公司政策和程序指引下规划和组织各种会议或活动,挖掘区域市场潜力通过公司管理系统以及其他合规的渠道和方式,收集市场和客户信息,进行分析,反馈和建议完成上级经理指派的其他各项工作 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 本科及以上学历,医学、药学相关专业优先不少于1年医药行业工作经验 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 主观能动性强、能够迅速适应市场环境变化、优秀的沟通、分析和协调能力能够在压力下积极工作、具有快速学习能力具有团队精神,跨部门沟通、协作能力 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:CV&T事业部-医学信息沟通代表-上海 地点:上海 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们糖尿病事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
  1. Sanofi

    Supply Chain Intern - Seoul

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    Job Title: Supply Chain Intern Location: Seoul, South Korea 100% in the office Job type: trainee At Sanofi Consumer Healthcare, we have one overarching mission - to work passionately, challenging ourselves and our industry every day, to build a healthier future by helping people, help themselves, bringing “Health in Your Hands”. Our teams are building trusted & loved brands that connect with hundreds of millions of consumers worldwide, enabling better self-care for individuals and communities, while also contributing to a healthier planet. To fulfill this mission, we are embarking our consumers, our customers, healthcare professionals, and our employees in this journey because this is what will make us become the “Best Fast-Moving Consumer Healthcare (FMCH) Company In & For the World”. We strive to act as a force for good by integrating sustainability along our business and employees’ mission and operate responsibly from both a social and environmental point of view. To achieve this, we need strong talent who will help us shape the future of our Consumer Healthcare business and challenge our industry. At Sanofi Consumer Healthcare, we aspire to create a work environment where people can thrive, grow, and be at their best every day. Our priority is working with integrity to improve the health and well-being of people and communities where we operate, working towards making a positive impact in the world. About the job Purpose of hiring : Provide hands on experiences in supply chain area to a trainee. To provide practical experience in overall SCM to talent who are interested in supply chain work in the Fast Moving Consumer Healthcare area. To support overall S&OP process, import customs clearance, product warehousing, customer orders and inventory management, etc.To provide an opportunity to gain practical experience by utilizing SAP POWER BI and a web-based SCM solution Excel etc. About you: * University student or post university student. (Business administration, Industrial Engineering is preferred, but not necessary) * Logical thinking and strategic approach * Initiative and problem-solving capability with in-depth analysis. * Good communication & Interpersonal skill * Excellent MS office skill (Excel, Power point). Experience with SAP, POWER BI are preferred. * Team player Pursue progress, discover extraordinary Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
  2. Sanofi

    Brand Manager - Seoul

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    Job Title: Brand Manager Localtion: South Korea Job type: Full time At Sanofi Consumer Healthcare, we have one overarching mission - to work passionately, challenging ourselves and our industry every day, to build a healthier future by helping people, help themselves, bringing “Health in Your Hands”. Our teams are building trusted & loved brands that connect with hundreds of millions of consumers worldwide, enabling better self-care for individuals and communities, while also contributing to a healthier planet. To fulfill this mission, we are embarking our consumers, our customers, healthcare professionals, and our employees in this journey because this is what will make us become the “Best Fast-Moving Consumer Healthcare (FMCH) Company In & For the World”. We strive to act as a force for good by integrating sustainability along our business and employees’ mission and operate responsibly from both a social and environmental point of view. To achieve this, we need strong talent who will help us shape the future of our Consumer Healthcare business and challenge our industry. At Sanofi Consumer Healthcare, we aspire to create a work environment where people can thrive, grow, and be at their best every day. Our priority is working with integrity to improve the health and well-being of people and communities where we operate, working towards making a positive impact in the world. About the job This position will play a key role in achieving brand objectives for the largest business size in Sanofi CHC Korea. This role will be responsible for maintaining strong business performance by developing and leading brand campaigns and opening up new opportunities to further grow the brand. Also, this position will contribute in shaping brand strategy that will influence AMEA region and the Global. He/she will be a team member of KR Brand & Innovation team and work closely with the AMEA region, ASEA zone as well. Main responsiblities: Organization Context This position will directly report to ASEA Zone Brand Lead Key Accountabilities Achieve annual sales, profit and market share target through strong execution of marketing programs.Contributing to the corporate planning cycle, providing strategic input to long term plans.Development of the brand offering and marketing plan including communications, activations, PR, online, and etc. in Consumer Healthcare category.Manage media planning and execution including all digital development and ensure activation impactsWork with CMI to identify consumer / shoppers insights that should be embedded in Brand activation plans.Analyze market trends and activation results in order to propose action plans to maximize growth.Be in charge of project management to ensure successful and timely completion through cross-functional coordination and communicationWork with multiple stakeholders: Sales team (on & offline), Trade marketing, product development, RA, QA, Medical, SCM, Procurement, and also region/global stakeholders.Lead ad hoc strategic projects that contributes to brand growth in short & long term.Management of day to day marketing operation and A&P budget About you Qualifications & Requirements: Education: University degree or above (major in business or marketing related subject is desirable) Experience & Knowledge:Require at least 6 years of experience in FMCG marketing within a renowned multinational companyExperience of a new product launchBrand/Product management experience in Health Functional Food(건강기능식품) will be a plusProject management experience with regional and international HQ is a plusExperience of managing external agencies Core Competencies & Skills:Challenger mindset to break the status quoAbility to work with minimal supervision with problem solving skillsExecutional excellence and leadership in driving brand growthStrong analytical thinking, action planning and organizingStrategic thinking, creativity and problem-solvingTeam spirit, persuasiveness & influence, highly collaborative with all cross functional partnersAbility to be flexible and adapt quickly to changing strategies and prioritiesExcellent communicator both written and verbal, especially in groups, preparing and delivering presentationsPursue progress, discover extraordinary! Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    About the job Job Purpose/Priorities: Ensure that product registration or business licenses are obtained and maintained in line with the business plan and in compliance with local regulation and SOP. Ensure that regulatory strategy is set-up and executed in align with GRA strategy and launch strategy. Provide regulatory supports to other functions. Main responsibilities: Product Registration & Maintenance Set up registration strategy according to the launch strategy of NME. Develop bridging strategy to obtain marketing authorization from MFDS in collaboration with GRA and local cross-functional team. Prepare MFDS application according to the local regulation/requirements/SOP and ensure filings and approval. Secure product license by updating CMC, CCDS, and safety information. Review promotional materials to comply with local regulation and Sanofi SOP. Manage business licenses appropriately. Regulatory intelligence and policy shaping in align with Sanofi strategy. Provide relevant regulatory consultation and insight to internal functions. Collaborate with other functions for cross-functional projects based on regulatory environment. Foster, establish and maintain close working relationships with MFDS, MoHW and trade associations. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with internal and external stakeholders. About You Experience: more than 5 years’ experience in regulatory affairs Soft skills: - Good communication & interpersonal skills - Strong collaborative ability and dedication to team accomplishment - Drive to succeed (individually and as a team) with a strong work ethic - Innovative strategic thinker - Agile mindset ​Technical skills: - Good knowledge of regulations of pharmaceutical affairs - Comprehensive knowledge in pharmacy ​Education: Pharmacist or University degree in life science Languages: Fluent Korean and English (reading, writing, and speaking skill) Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    About the job Our Hubs are a crucial part of how we innovate, improving performance across every Sanofi department and providing a springboard for the amazing work we do. Build a career and you can be part of transforming our business while helping to change millions of lives. Ready? Our Team: Real Estate & Workplace supports the cultural transformation journey of Sanofi to meet the needs of all generations with modern, digital, collaborative workplaces that are diverse, inclusive, and sustainable. Our workplace is rooted in hospitality principles and integrates the latest technologies and best-in-class services to fuel the passion of our people to bring their best self to work, where they can deliver outstanding performance and growth. Our strategy is built on pioneering the evolution of the workplace, leading in environmental stewardship, and revolutionizing our ways of working. Main responsibilities: As the Workplace Experience Transversal Program Manager, you will be responsible for supporting the WX organization in performance monitoring of the Real Estate and Workplace function, improving the workplace experience of our Residents, in line with the new Workplace Experience model for the Asia + India and South Korea, Australia & New Zealand MCOs, as part of the International region. The role encompasses working on projects and programmes in hospitality services, workplace services, vendor relations, and employee well-being initiatives that align with Sanofi’s culture and values, to create an inclusive, efficient, and inspiring workspace. Concurrently, you will support the in-country WX Teams to integrate and align the local execution of the global WX strategy by project managing the various global and regional initiatives. Support the Head of Workplace Experience Office for Asia + India, South Korea, Australia & New Zealand in the coordination of various projects & programmesWork with the Global Workplace Transformation Team to download best practices and programmes to be shared with the WX Team in the MCOs, and to coordinate the collection of data and information as requested for performance measurementsCoordination of the iWX Project in support of the new WX model by:gathering and validating inputs from countries in the MCOs (Australia, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam)coordinating transition meetings and Go Live preparation for the deployment of the iWX Project in the named countries, and others as they are scheduledcollating governance reports and identifying trends in operations that require further investigationManaging and maintaining the Teams/SharePoint sites used to support the iWX Project and other Projects or ProgrammesSupport the deployment of appy and other WX digital applicationsCoordinate the support of Corporate Audits and the follow up CAPA plansUndertake WX operational audits to ensure compliance and work with the in-country WX Managers to propose improvement plansAssist with the analysis and monitoring of WX OPEX and CAPAX budgets in the MCOsManage complex projects within the Workplace Experience, Real Estate, HSE & Security scopesSupport the Record & Information Management (RiM) Team by helping in the deployment of RiM policies and programmesNegotiate, align & manage services with External Service Partners, as neededDevelop, implement, and lead successful strategies and tactics to improve operational effectiveness and efficiency About you Experience: At least 5+ years of relevant workplace services experience Soft skills:Experience in hospitality management, workplace services, or related people-facing rolesRole model for Hospitality attitude and behavioursGuest Focused with Strong Customer Service skillsHigh Level of Integrity with a strong Sense of ResponsibilityExcellent communication skills and interpersonal abilitiesAutonomous, with demonstrated self-directedness in ambiguous environments and ability to manage through influenceHas Empathy for othersCultural AwarenessPro-active, Agile, Readiness to go the "extra mile" in times of challenge and uncertaintyCreative solution seeking skillsOpen minded, High capacity and willingness to engage across multiple disciplinesTeamwork orientedAbility to coach and mentor Team membersAdaptability, Multitasking & Organizational skills Technical skills:Proficient in project management and budget oversightKnowledge of workplace safety standards and regulations Education: As appropriate for the requirements of the Role Languages: Proficiency in English required, both spoken and written, with other regional languages being highly beneficial Why choose us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team.Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally.Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary. Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Position Title: Maintenance Manager – Vaccines Duration: Fixed-Term - Contract End Date: December 19, 2025 Department: Process Maintenance Location: Toronto, Ontario About the job We deliver 4.3 billion healthcare solutions to people every year, thanks to the flawless planning and meticulous eye for detail of our Manufacturing & Supply teams. With your talent and ambition, we can do even more to protect people from infectious diseases and bring hope to patients and their families. Your job, as Maintenance Manager within our Process Maintenance Team, will be to Directly supervise and co-ordinate maintenance work groups by providing on-going leadership and performance feedback to efficiently and effectively maintain the site’s Infrastructure, Equipment, Systems and Building Services at a level that meets safety, regulatory compliance and/or applicable government guidelines and codes thus ensuring there is no loss of production or products. We are an innovative global healthcare company with one purpose: to chase the miracles of science to improve people’s lives. We’re also a company where you can flourish and grow your career, with countless opportunities to explore, make connections with people, and stretch the limits of what you thought was possible. Ready to get started? Main responsibilities: Manage the execution of the Preventative Maintenance program in the GMP buildings at the Toronto Site. Supervise the trades personnel and the maintenance contractors to ensure the timely completion of assignments across the site. Review work orders and close them in CMMS (SAP) once the maintenance work is completed and properly documented. Provide maintenance support to the APUs as needed Responsible for all Mechanical rooms, the Pest control program and site repairs About you Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Engineering. 3-5 years Building and Equipment Maintenance experience within the pharmaceutical industry. Experience working with Maintenance personnel for at least 3-5 years in a supervisory position. Have a good understanding of all trades, current Maintenance best practices, GMP/GLP and common issues addressed by Maintenance Why choose us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team. Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally. Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention, and wellness programs. Sanofi is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and inclusion. Our goal is to attract, develop and retain highly talented employees from diverse backgrounds, allowing us to benefit from a wide variety of experiences and perspectives. We welcome and encourage applications from all qualified applicants. Accommodations for persons with disabilities required during the recruitment process are available upon request. #GD-SP #LI-SP​ #LI-Onsite​ ​ Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Position Title: Regional Business Director- Gastroenterology - Great Lakes Position Location: Great Lakes which includes Ohio, Michigan and Indiana. About the job Are you ready to share the future of medicine? The race is on to speed up drug discovery and development to find answers for patients and their families. Your skills could be critical in helping our teams accelerate progress. Join our Gastroenterology Team as a Regional Business Director and you’ll help patients and families affected by rare and debilitating diseases. We are an innovative global healthcare company, committed to transforming the lives of people with immune challenges, rare diseases and blood disorders, cancers, and neurological disorders. From R&D to sales, our talented teams work together, revolutionizing treatment, continually improving products, understanding unmet needs, and connecting communities. We chase the miracles of science every single day, pursuing progress to make a real impact on millions of patients around the world.​ Main Responsibilities: Regional Business Director (RBD) Gastroenterology – Dupixent, will be responsible for successfully leading a 9-person sales team, promoting Dupixent to Gastroenterologists. Responsible for delivering business results for assigned region through leadership and management of sales efforts for the Dupixent franchise. Motivates, train, develop and lead an accomplished team of specialty sales professionals – Area Business Managers (ABMs) to achieve and exceed business goals within the region. Works to identify, interview, hire, and deploy a sales team for future indication of Eosinophillic Esophagitis (EoE). Responsible for the oversight of all aspects of sales, managed markets pull through, local speaker/thought leader development, promotional programming, samples and budget management for your region. Develop regional business plans based on national sales goals, expectations, and available resources, including Regional and Territory strategies and tactics, as well as resource allocation. Prepare regional business reviews to present to senior leadership team. Spend majority of your time in the field with ABMs in order to support individual development, as well as provide coaching, direction and feedback. Effectively partners with Regeneron sales leadership to deliver on initiatives and strengthen performance of Dupixent. About you: BA/BS Degree desired, preferably in life sciences of business. Minimum of 8 years in healthcare, biopharmaceutical sales and/or marketing experience with at 5-7+ years in specialty care/biologics or specialty pharmacy experience, with demonstrated successful sales results. Minimum of 3-5 years Field Management experience or equivalent leadership experience, with documented sales achievements, strongly preferred. Gastroenterology, Respiratory and/or biologic or specialty experience preferred Strong understanding of the reimbursement landscape and expertise with Managed Markets pull-through strongly preferred. Strong commercial business acumen, strategic, critical thinking/problem solving and creative thinking capabilities. Excellent guidance and motivation skills, ability to lead and empower ABMs effectively. Team oriented. Excellent interpersonal skills and communication skills, ability to develop important relationships with key stakeholders, and resolve conflict. Why Choose us Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team.​​ Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally.​​ Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact.​​ Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave.​ Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law.​ #GD-SG ​ #LI-GZ​ #LI-Remote The salary range for this position is $140,625.00 - 187,500.00. All compensation will be determined commensurate with demonstrated experience. Employees may be eligible to participate in Company employee benefit programs. Additional benefits information can be found through the link, www.benefits.sanofiusallwell.com OR Home – Sanofi (myflex-benefits.ca) ​ This position is eligible for a company car through the Company’s FLEET program.​ ​​ Candidates must complete all fleet safety training and must maintain an acceptable driving record regarding accidents and incidents. Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job Title: Regional Account Director - N. Cal., Utah and Nevada Region ​Location: Salt Lake City, Utah Additional locations: Las Vegas, NV, Reno, NV ​ About the job ​ Are you ready to share the future of medicine? The race is on to speed up drug discovery and development to find answers for patients and their families. Your skills could be critical in helping our teams accelerate progress. Join our Market Access team as a Regional Account Director and you’ll help patients and families affected by rare and debilitating diseases. We are an innovate global healthcare company, committed to transforming the lives of people with immune challenges, rare disease and blood disorders, cancers, and neurological disorders. From R&D, to sales, our talented teams work together, revolutionizing treatment, continually improving products, understanding unmet needs, and progress to make a real impact on the millions of patients around the world. ​ Main responsibilities:​ ​ Build account business plans that articulates approach for achieving access goals for each productImplements strategies and tactics to support appropriate formulary placement and reimbursement (coverage, coding, payment, and patient access) across assigned customers.Where applicable, negotiates cost effective contracts that delivers access to our products Responsible for positive business outcomes within assigned accountsCreates clear messages for dissemination to sales on important payer trends, reimbursement changes, and billing requirements that will positively impact product utilizationRepresents the Market Access organization, with professionalism and integrity, at national payer organizations, local and State-specific conferences, industry meetings and internally with various departments and leadership teamsMaintains accurate account information within customer databases ​ About you ​ Experience: Minimum 8 years field-based pharmaceutical/biotech Sales and/or Marketing experience with at least 3 years of direct managed care experiencePrevious first-line sales managementEstablished relationships with Pharmacy Directors and Medical Directors within key assigned accountsDemonstrated knowledge of payer decision-making for formulary processes, coverage, coding and patient access to drugs, biologicals, medical devicesExperience in Specialty Pharmacy and patient support servicesExperience with medical benefit productsTherapeutic experience in Rare Diseases and/or Rare Blood DisordersExperience negotiating contracts and agreements Soft and technical skills: ​ Exceptional communication skills that include verbal, written and presentation abilitiesOutstanding consultative and networking capabilitiesExcellent project management skills, with the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneouslyEffective oral and written communication skillsEducation: Bachelor's degree required; Master’s/advanced degree preferred Why Choose Us Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team.​​ Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally.​​ Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact.​​ Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave.​ Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law.​ #GD-SA ​ #LI-SA #LI-Remote The salary range for this position is US$153,750.00 - 205,000.00 (annual). All compensation will be determined commensurate with demonstrated experience. Employees may be eligible to participate in Company employee benefit programs. Additional benefits information can be found through the link, www.benefits.sanofiusallwell.com OR Home – Sanofi (myflex-benefits.ca) Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:基层医疗事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:阿拉善左旗、巴盟 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们基层医疗事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Position Title: Partnering Contract Manager Department: Partnering Location: Cambridge, MA About the job Are you ready to shape the future of medicine? The race is on to speed up drug discovery and development to find answers for patients and their families. Your skills could be critical in helping our teams accelerate progress. Join our R&D Transactions team as Partnering Contract Manager and you’ll manage Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDA) for representatives of Partnering teams. We are an innovative global healthcare company with one purpose: to chase the miracles of science to improve people’s lives. We’re also a company where you can flourish and grow your career, with countless opportunities to explore, make connections with people, and stretch the limits of what you thought was possible. Ready to get started? Main responsibilities: Managing Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDAs) at Partnering level. Actively manage the CDA Legal database gathering all precedents from previously negotiated CDAs and be able to pro-actively use them in future negotiations. Managing the MyCDA tool. Training of Partnering newcomers on CDA process and MyCDA tool, communicating Tips & Tricks and other relevant updates. Coordinate activities with other team members. Continuously improve the autonomy and efficiency of the Partnering CDA program. About you Minimum high school degree with 1-3 years of professional experience in a contract management role is required, ideally some in pharma/biotech industry. Project Management: Agile, highly organized, reactive, and a self-starter. Problem Solving: The ability to independently analyze, solve problems, and propose solutions in daily workflows. Strong communication and negotiation skills for effective interaction with internal business partners, and CDA requestor from Business Development, Digital and Venture teams, legal teams, and senior management. Ability to comply with confidentiality rules. Why choose us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team. Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally. Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention, and wellness programs. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA ​ #LI-SA​ #LI-Onsite Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job title: Head Marketing, US Rare Diseases Location: Cambridge MA Grade: L5-2 Hiring Manager: Duane Clark About the Job Sanofi Rare Diseases are on a mission to modernize and rebuild a successful 30+ year rare disease business model so that we are positioned to deliver new therapies over the next 5 years and maintain our leadership position in the pharma environment. The model we are deploying is not only new to Sanofi, but new to our pharma peers. Success of this mission will mean revamping, modernizing, and bringing in a talent dense team that can make faster decisions closer to the customers we serve. The Head, Marketing will be tasked with building an even more productive and talent-dense team that raises the bar from where we are today, with fewer people than today and making our approach better & faster with more impact. Main Responsibilities This role has high visibility for building our business today and executing on future launches. This senior role will be expected to add insights across all launches and of course existing therapeutic areas; one team, common goals, single mission. Leadership Leads a talent-dense marketing team and a vocal member of the USLT. Set customer-centric vision and standards for a high performing team fostering a culture of excellence, collaboration, and innovation. Responsible for 7 brands, 5 TAs and 3 additional launches over the next 3 years. Cross-Functional Collaboration Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams including sales, medical affairs, market access, and regulatory affairs to ensure alignment and integration of initiatives. Strategic Planning Set above-brand portfolio strategy and chairs integrated Brand plan development. About you A minimum of a Bachelor's degree is required; MBA is highly valued A minimum of 12 years of overall professional business experience within Sales and Marketing is required Rare Disease experience that encompasses strategy and decision making is preferred Demonstrated Senior leadership experience with strong cross-functional skills and ability to collaborate effectively across functions. Established Marketing skills. Patient, HCP, Account, & Digital marketing experience with multiple brands. Demonstrated expertise in omnichannel, modular marketing and content / channel strategy. Field experience, preferably field leadership Global and US experience preferred. Track record of selecting talent-dense, high performing teams and developing talent. Ability to travel up to 30% overall is required Why Choose Us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team. Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally. Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SG; #LI-GZ; #LI-Onsite​ Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Cargo: Supervisor de Producción Farmacéutica Ubicación: Ocoyoacac100% de trabajo presencial Tipo de contrato: Indeterminado Acerca de la posición Somos un líder mundial en vacunas humanas por más de 100 años. Desarrollamos y producimos una amplia gama de vacunas de alta calidad para proteger a personas de todo el mundo de enfermedades graves en todas y cada una de las etapas de la vida. Hemos continuado con un fuerte crecimiento y los mejores productos en su clase para protegernos contra muchas enfermedades como la gripe, la meningitis, la poliomielitis, la tos ferina, la bronquiolitis y mucho más. Mejoramos la vida de las personas desarrollando soluciones innovadoras de vacunación contra muchas enfermedades. Innovamos en la fabricación de vacunas a través de la digitalización y participamos en asociaciones para la prevención de enfermedades, para maximizar de forma sostenible el impacto de la vacunación. Brindamos a los empleados la oportunidad de crecer y los alentamos a desarrollar trayectorias profesionales diversificadas dentro de la organización Sanofi. Nuestro equipo: Como Supervisor de Producción, asegurarás la ejecución y coordinación de las actividades de proceso de tu área, apegado totalmente al programa de producción. Serás responsable de que se lleven a cabo en tiempo y forma todas las actividades de fabricación cumpliendo con las regulaciones locales en materia de seguridad y buenas prácticas de fabricación y requerimientos corporativos (de seguridad y de calidad). Principales responsabilidades: Asegurar que las actividades del proceso de producción sean llevadas a cabo en cumplimiento de las buenas prácticas de fabricación, requerimientos de seguridad local y corporativa así con los requerimientos éticos y de recursos humanos del grupo Sanofi.Administración de tiempos y movimientos de su proceso a cargo y autorización de tiempo extra de su personal a cargo.Aplicación del reglamento interno de trabajo para sí mismo y para con el personal a cargo.Elaboración, revisión y aprobación de documentos y registros.Asegurar que se realicen registros de todas las actividades de fabricación realizadas por escrito y en los diferentes sistemas electrónicos.Colabora transversalmente y trabaja en equipo con otras áreas de producción y otras áreas del sitio liderando con el ejemplo y se asegura de desarrollar competencias de habilidades suaves para sí mismo, compañeros y reportes a cargo.Identificar los impactos / aspectos y riesgos de HSE y GMP´s significativos generados por sus actividades o procesos, buscando siempre generar la menor cantidad siguiendo los procedimientos internos para su disposición Acerca de tí Experiencia: Experiencia amplia como Supervisor de Producción en productos estériles y en manejo de personal Habilidades sociales: Liderazgo, manejo de grupos, capacidad de análisisHabilidades técnicas: Operaciones de filtración, transferencia de líquidos, esterilización por calor húmedo. Conocimientos en preparación de material antes de esterilización. Manejo de material estéril. Conocimiento de limpieza y sanitización en áreas controladas. Excelentes conocimientos de cuartos limpios y clasificaciones de cuartos. Conocimientos en procesos de productos biológicos, calificación de quipos y/o validación de procesosEducación: Licenciatura o Ingeniera afin al área como QFB, IQ, IBT, etc.Idiomas: Inglés hablado (capaz de atender auditorías)Indispensable contar con disponibilidad para rolar turnos y trabajar en fines de semana de manera ocasional Perseguir el progreso, descubrir extraordinarios Mejor está ahí fuera. Mejores medicamentos, mejores resultados, mejor ciencia. Pero el progreso no sucede sin personas: personas de diferentes orígenes, en diferentes ubicaciones, haciendo diferentes funciones, todo unido por una cosa: el deseo de hacer realidad los milagros. Así que seamos esas personas. En Sanofi, ofrecemos igualdad de oportunidades a todos, independientemente de su raza, color, ascendencia, religión, sexo, nacionalidad, orientación sexual, edad, ciudadanía, estado civil, discapacidad o identidad de género. Vea nuestro video ALL IN y vea nuestras acciones de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión en sanofi.com. #LI-LAT #LI-onsite Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Cargo: Analista de Validación de Sistemas Computarizados México, Ocoyoacac100% trabajo presencial Tipo de contrato: Temporal (hasta 2027) Acerca de la posición Somos un líder mundial en vacunas humanas por más de 100 años. Desarrollamos y producimos una amplia gama de vacunas de alta calidad para proteger a personas de todo el mundo de enfermedades graves en todas y cada una de las etapas de la vida. Hemos continuado con un fuerte crecimiento y los mejores productos en su clase para protegernos contra muchas enfermedades como la gripe, la meningitis, la poliomielitis, la tos ferina, la bronquiolitis y mucho más. Mejoramos la vida de las personas desarrollando soluciones innovadoras de vacunación contra muchas enfermedades. Innovamos en la fabricación de vacunas a través de la digitalización y participamos en asociaciones para la prevención de enfermedades, para maximizar de forma sostenible el impacto de la vacunación. Brindamos a los empleados la oportunidad de crecer y los alentamos a desarrollar trayectorias profesionales diversificadas dentro de la organización Sanofi. Nuestro equipo: Como Analista de VSC, serás responsable de asegurar que el programa de CSV se cumpla, darás seguimiento puntual a la resolución oportuna de la validación de sistemas computarizados en apego a los estándares de Sanofi, guías internacionales y requerimientos regulatorios. Descripción Específica: (Principales Responsabilidades) 1.- Llevar el cumplimiento de las actividades asignadas del Programa de CSV. Generando la estrategia de acuerdo con el Plan Maestro de Validación del sitio y acordando oportunamente con los usuarios el préstamo de equipo y ejecución de estos. 2.- Generar protocolos y reportes de validación. Generando los análisis de riesgo cuando sea requerido y ejecutar los protocolos de calificación de personal aplicable al puesto de acuerdo con las actividades designadas por el área de Ingeniería y Validación. 3.- Generar los PNO's que sean requeridos por cumplimiento de GMP's. Dando seguimiento a la actualización en tiempo de los PNOs; Generando análisis de impacto y calidad cuando se aplica, manteniendo en el departamento de Ingeniería y Validación un ambiente apegado a las GMP’s y en comunicación constante, de respeto y de alto compromiso por el cumplimiento de todas las actividades que le corresponden al área. 4.- Dar seguimiento a la generación y cierre en tiempo de Desviaciones, CCR y Análisis de riesgos, dando seguimiento al cierre oportuno de los hallazgos de calidad, derivados de ejecuciones o auditorias e inspecciones. Identificar los impactos/aspectos y riesgos de GMP’s significativos generados por sus actividades o procesos, buscando siempre generar la menor cantidad siguiendo los procedimientos internos para su disposición. 5.- Cumplir con los requisitos de HSE y con las GMP's. Conocer y capacitarse en los cursos relacionados a HSE y GMPs de Sanofi. Dar seguimiento a los proveedores de validación a su cargo (cuando aplique) asegurando que cumplan con los requerimientos de seguridad y de GMP´s. Acerca de tí Experiencia: Conocimiento amplio en validación y calificación de sistemas computarizadosHabilidades sociales: Habilidad para comunicarse y para trabajar en equipoHabilidades técnicas: Experiencia en industria farmacéutica en el área de calificación y/o validación de sistemas computarizados, implementación de sistemas, conocimientos en GMP´s, Buenas Prácticas de Documentación, Buenas Prácticas de Ingeniería, auditorías a proveedores, impartición de cursos relacionados al área y requerimientos de seguridad y medio ambiente.Educación: Licenciaturas en áreas fisicoquímicas, o afines.Idiomas: Inglés técnico Perseguir el progreso, descubrir extraordinarios Mejor está ahí fuera. Mejores medicamentos, mejores resultados, mejor ciencia. Pero el progreso no sucede sin personas: personas de diferentes orígenes, en diferentes ubicaciones, haciendo diferentes funciones, todo unido por una cosa: el deseo de hacer realidad los milagros. Así que seamos esas personas. En Sanofi, ofrecemos igualdad de oportunidades a todos, independientemente de su raza, color, ascendencia, religión, sexo, nacionalidad, orientación sexual, edad, ciudadanía, estado civil, discapacidad o identidad de género. Vea nuestro video ALL IN y vea nuestras acciones de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión en sanofi.com. #LI-LAT Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称:糖尿病事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:沈阳 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们糖尿病事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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