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    职位名称:糖尿病事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:兰州 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们糖尿病事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    KEY RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES: أداء إجراءات التصنيع وفقا لتعليمات التشغيل المدرب عليها. العمل على تحقيق الانتاجية اليومية المطلوبة طبقا لأسلوب التصنيع الجيد المدرب عليه تنفيذ برنامج النظافة و الترتيب اليومى للمعدات و الخطوط الأنتاجية. تغيير الملابس في الغرف الخاصة وفقا للمبادئ التوجيهية لارتداء ملابس الانتاج أداء المهام الأخرى المكلف بها من رئيسه فى العمل. أحترام ميثاق الأخلاق و قوانين الشركة و القيم الأجتماعية الاتصال بالادارة الهندسية في حالة الأعطال. مسئوليات الصحة و السلامة للعاملين بالانتاج : العامل على علم كامل بالمخاطر الفيزيائية الناجمة عن طبيعة عمله و ان يلتزم بتعليمات التشغيل و السلامة و الصحة المهنية لتجنب حدوث اى اصابات. - معرفة مستوى الضوضاء فى المكان و و الالتزام بارتداء مهمات الوقاية المسلمة له يلتزم العامل باستعمال وسائل الوقاية و يتعهد بالعناية بما فى حوزته و تنفيذ التعليمات الصادرة للمحافظة على صحته و وقايته من حوادث العمل و عليه الا يرتكب اى فعل يقصد به منع تنفيذ التعليمات او اساءة استعمال الوسائل الموضوعة لحماية و سلامة العمال معه او تغييرها او الحاق ضرر او تلف بها العامل على علم كامل بالمخاطر الميكانيكية الناجمة عن طبيعة عمله - على سبيل المثال الالتزام بتعليمات التشغيل و السلامة و الصحة المهنيةالواجب اتباعها فى التعامل مع الاجزاء المتحركة فى الالات ( التأكد من وجود ابواب الحماية و عمل جميع مفاتيح الامان ) يمتلك العامل الوعى الكافى عن المخاطر الكيميائية الناجمة عن طبيعة عمله و على سبيل المثال - على علم كاملبمخاطر المواد الكيميائية التى يتعامل معها من خلال بطاقات التعريف للمواد الكيماوية (MSDS) - على علم بأفضل الطرق للتعامل مع هذه الكيماويات. - معرفةمهمات الحماية اللازمة له و اللالتزام بارتدائهاللتعامل مع تلك المواد. معرفة و تطبيق افضل االاساليب للقيام بعمله بشكل أمن . الالتزام بعدم لمس اجزاء الماكينة بدون فصل الكهرباء تماما و استخدام ادوات العزل . (LOTO) العامل على علم كامل بالمخاطر الكهربائية الناجمة عن طبيعة عمله و كيفية الوقاية منها و ذلك عن طريق : فصل التيار قبل عمليات الاصلاح.و استخدام مهمات الوقاية الشخصية المناسبة للتيار الكهربى المعرض له العامل.مهام اخرى: القيام باعمال اخري كما يعهد له احترام ميثاق اخلاقيات المهنة مسئول عن احترام ميثاق الحفاظ علي البيانات الشخصية Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job title: Finance Business Partner Pharma Africa *This job post is subject to local legal and social procedures where applicable. About the job Strategic context: Sanofi is implementing an ambitious plan “DRIVE” complementing Play to Win Strategy with 3 main objectives (I) keep fueling our pipeline (II) make Sanofi a modern science driven healthcare company (III) serving our patients. In this context, Sanofi made the decision to evolve its commercial model from GBU-specific country organizations to a more standardized and consistent approach, boosting efficiency. The focus will be on (I) Key Markets and most innovative products as major drivers for growth and (II) a cross-GBUs efficiency model with optimized country set-up. The 10 key markets represent more than 75% of Sanofi’s current sales, and also of the Group’s future growth. Our Team: Ready to push the limits of what’s possible? Join Sanofi in one of our corporate functions and you can play a vital part in the performance of our entire business while helping to make an impact on millions around the world. As Finance Business Partner Pharma Africa within our Finance team, you’ll help find new, innovative ways to work. The team is heavily focused on transformation, so there will be lots of opportunities for you to improve processes and implement best-in-class ways of working. Africa Finance team is a team who undertake the financial excellence responsibility within the continent, aiming to maximize and ensure sustainable growth, either from Sales standpoint or BOI standpoint. Sanofi business is rolled out within 44 countries out of Africa 54 country of different business models and products segmentations, managing both Pharma and Vaccine with B24 at 1.2 Bn Sales & 5% GR. Pharma Business is of 70% contribution Vs. 30% for Vaccine. FBP Pharma Egypt and South Africa role, will directly report to FBP Pharma Africa and will lead and actively contribute to Pharma GR maximization within Specialty care Egypt and entire pharma scope for South Africa. As part of her/his main responsibilities, the FBP: Contributes to the business value creation by working closely with Business heads. Challenges the status quo aiming at improving efficiency in the way we do business​ (e.g. new Go To Market, digital model) as a One Pharma and One Finance team. Provides commercial and financial decision support aligned with strategic priorities and contributing to the Pharma Africa strategy. Identifies proactively financial risks and opportunities, developing corrective actions to close gaps where they are required. Ensures the consistency of macro-economic hypothesis in the planning / budgeting / forecasting processes. Is accountable for MCO performance (beyond budget tracking) to identify risks and opportunities to dynamically re-allocate resources in the MCO she/he oversees. Prepares forward looking analyses, focusing not only on past performance, but also foreseeing Risks & Opportunities in coming quarters/years with action plan proposals to ensure target achievements. Co-pilots and challenges the business investments and resources allocation through the appropriate use of KPIs, prioritization measures and operational analysis. Is responsible for defining, implementing, and managing the Controlling processes within its perimeter and ensuring that Internal Control requirements are met. Works with GenMed finance teams to deliver simplifications and BOI through global and local divestments initiatives. Develops accurate financials for the forecasts, budget, start plan processes that reflect the business strategy. Coordinates with key internal stakeholders across various discipline and groups. Ensures right level of financial communication within GenMed and alignment with Business / Financial Planning Performance Is accountable for team's development and management. Supports the change management to drive transformation within Pharma for the respective markets within scope ,she/he oversees and in charge of. About you. Education and Experience BA or master’s degree in finance, Economics, Business Administration or similar Deep business acumen and detailed market knowledge, other business experience is a Plus. Multicultural/ Multicounty experience and exposure from the international environment Professional Knowledge and Skills Strong Business acumen with experience within Pharma industry Great ability to Multi-tasking, Result orientation and agility. Strategic thinking: Anticipate future trends, “what if scenarios”, deal with complexity, build a comprehensive business strategy. Strong communication skills to build commitment, create adherence and interact efficiently with senior leaders and peers in GenMed and Pharma within Egypt and South Africa markets. Excellent organizational skills as well as strong analytical skills Proven ability to manage multiple projects as well as work effectively with cross-functional partners and cross -cultural and environment. Ability to drive process improvement and change initiatives across the organization. Excellent team player, able to think and act as One Finance beyond the GBU boundaries, to connect. Very good analytical skills to challenge and detect risks, draw the big picture and propose remediation or improvement actions Pursue progress, discover extraordinary. Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary. Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    职位名称: 基层事业部-医学信息沟通代表 地点:铁岭 职位说明 准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们糖尿病事业部的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。 赛诺菲是一家创新型全球医疗保健公司,专注于免疫学,并在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新。在不同的国家,我们的优秀团队利用先进的数字技术、人工智能和个人专业知识,致力于提供一流的客户体验。我们专注于免疫学,在糖尿病和移植医学领域进行创新,追求进步,为全球数百万患者提供切实的帮助。 主要职责: 临床医生拜访医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动 关于候选人 期待怎样的你? 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先1-3年临床推广工作经验优先 期待你是一个能尊重、懂合作、有勇气、很正直的人,并且具备以下行为特质: 高效执行力良好的抗压能力良好的人际沟通技巧良好的推广技巧良好的专业基础及学术能力良好的时间管理与区域管理技能 为什么选择赛诺菲? 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。 追寻发展。探索菲凡。 进步需要我们每个人的参与——不论其背景、地域、或职业,我们都有一个共同的愿望:创造奇迹。你也可以成为其中的一员。我们不断追求变革,拥抱新思想,探索我们所能提供的一切机会。让我们一起追求进步。共同发现菲凡。 在赛诺菲,不分种族、肤色、血统、宗教、性别、国籍、性取向、年龄、公民身份、婚姻状况、残疾或性别认同,我们为所有人提供平等的机会。 请观看我们的《ALL in》视频,并在官网(sanofi.com)上查看赛诺菲的多元化、公平与包容倡议! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
  1. Sanofi

    Intern - Shanghai

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    Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Sr. Marketing Analyst – VIE Contract Location: São Paulo, BrazilFlexible working: 60% home and 40% office About the job At Sanofi Consumer Healthcare, we have one overarching mission - to work passionately, challenging ourselves and our industry every day, to build a healthier future by helping people, help themselves, bringing “Health in Your Hands”. Our teams are building trusted & loved brands that connect with hundreds of millions of consumers worldwide, enabling better self-care for individuals and communities, while also contributing to a healthier planet. To fulfill this mission, we are embarking our consumers, our customers, healthcare professionals, and our employees in this journey because this is what will make us become the “Best Fast-Moving Consumer Healthcare (FMCH) Company In & For the World”. We strive to act as a force for good by integrating sustainability along our business and employees’ mission and operate responsibly from both a social and environmental point of view. To achieve this, we need strong talent who will help us shape the future of our Consumer Healthcare business and challenge our industry. At Sanofi Consumer Healthcare, we aspire to create a work environment where people can thrive, grow, and be at their best every day. Our priority is working with integrity to improve the health and well-being of people and communities where we operate, working towards making a positive impact in the world. Our Team The position is part of the CHC Brand & Innovation area at Sanofi, the direct team involved in this opportunity is composed by 3 lovely people that are engaged in building great strategies and actions in a cooperate model. The position We are looking for a Sr. Marketing Analyst to be focused on Oscal brand, a portfolio of food supplement composed by 4 skus to care of health bone, specially in women. The brand changed it positioning recently, so there is a big challenge to build and establish this new moment with the HCPs and consumers. Main responsibilities: - Responsible by elaboration of short- and long-term strategy to drive sustainable sales growth and profitability; - Constant analysis of results and action plan creation when necessary; - Guarantee the execution of brand plan approved; - Elaboration of communication materials with transversal areas (Multichannel Engagement & Scientific Affairs) and execution of digital campaigns; - Budget planning and control; - Responsible by organization of events and samples planning; About you - Solid experience in Marketing area, previous experience with HCPs is a plus. - Ability to work in team - Strong communication to deal with transversal areas such as Medical, Regulatory Affairs, Legal, etc - Fluent English, Spanish is plus Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job title: Global Head of Medical Writing US - Vaccines Location: Swiftwater, PA About the Job: Under the direction of the Global Head of Medical Writing & Translation, you will lead and manage a team of professional Medical Writers (MW) in the U.S. and France engaged in the planning, authoring, compilation, review, and approval of medical, scientific, regulatory documents supporting vaccine development and licensure. You will work in close collaboration with the other managers in Clinical Programs and Clinical Sciences to accomplish business objectives. You will also represent the MW platform in key meetings to define platform strategy and provides guidance and leadership in development medical writing related processes.  We are an innovative global healthcare company that helps the world stay ahead of infectious diseases by delivering more than 500 million vaccine doses a year. Across different countries, our talented teams are exploring new technologies to protect people and promote healthy communities. We chase the miracles of science every single day, pursuing progress to make a real impact on millions of patients around the world. Main responsibilities: Coordinates and ensures delivery of Medical Writing activities and deliverables Plans and manages the day-to-day assignment of work to individual medical writing team members. This includes writing of clinical study protocols, study reports, Phases I-IV, informed consent documents, investigator’s brochures, briefing packages and clinical CTD summary documents.Ensures that MW complete all required documentation related to their work on clinical documents including filing required documents to the TMF.Provides guidance on interpretation of ICH guidelines and regulations on authoring of clinical documentsEnsures proactive, timely reporting on progress of operational components (quality, compliance, performance), communicates operational opportunities and risks to the Global Head and other appropriate individuals within the Clinical Programs and Clinical Sciences organization.Contributes to the development of the outsourcing strategy for the global platformIdentifies the needs for contracted resources or for outsourcing to CRO partners.Ensures activities related to his/her platform are conducted with optimum quality and efficiency, meet global regulatory requirements, company SOPs, and are in alignment with the overall Clinical Sciences/Programs strategy and priorities Responsible for the management of a global team of medical writers Leads and manages the Medical Writing team; responsible for recruitment, management and development of medical writers globally.Focuses on developing skills and capabilities that support strategic goals and objectives of the organization. Attracts, motivates and retains qualified staff to ensure the attainment of Medical Writing goals and objectivesCoaches and mentors team membersEnsure training requirements are appropriately followed and tracked at the platform level Process and Continuous improvement Leads/Contribute to the development of appropriate templates and guidelines to ensure a consistent and compliant approach to the writing of clinical documents.Establishes culture of continuous learning and improvementStays abreast of new regulatory guidance and industry-wide initiatives that impact Medical Writing and recommends appropriate actionsIdentifies process issues requiring resolution at the platform level and proposes solutions About You: An advanced degree in Science with expertise in the writing of clinical regulatory documents used to support clinical development and licensure. Two to three years’ experience directly managing medical writers engaged in the preparation of CTD submissions and other regulatory documents.Knowledge of Vaccine Clinical Development is an asset.Willingness to travel internationally on occasion. Why choose us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team.Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally.Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact.Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA #LI-Hybrid Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job Title: Lead Production Technician Location: Swiftwater, PA About the Job This position is 2nd shift, 3:00 PM - 11:30 PM The Lead Production Technician is responsible for supporting the Manager with the day-to-day shop floor management, coordinating activities of production personnel and communication with support teams, and monitoring line performance to ensure production targets and quality standards are met whilst fostering a culture of working safely. We deliver 4.3 billion healthcare solutions to people every year, thanks to the flawless planning and meticulous eye for detail of our Manufacturing & Supply teams. With your talent and ambition, we can do even more to protect people from infectious diseases and bring hope to patients and their families. Your job, as a Production Operator within our Formulation and Filling Team, will have the potential to transform the practice of medicine, turning the impossible into possible for millions of people. We are an innovative global healthcare company that helps the world stay ahead of infectious diseases by delivering more than 500 million vaccine doses a year. Across different countries, our talented teams are exploring new technologies to protect people and promote healthy communities. We chase the miracles of science every single day, pursuing progress to make a real impact on millions of patients around the world. WHO WE ARE Sanofi Pasteur is the vaccines division of Sanofi. We believe in a world in which no one suffers or dies from a vaccine-preventable disease. The Swiftwater site is located in northeast Pennsylvania and is home to the production of over 120 million doses of vaccine each year. At Sanofi Pasteur’s Swiftwater site, we manufacture and market vaccines to help prevent diseases —some of which have seasonal demand. Given this seasonality, peak manufacturing periods require greater levels of labor and it is important that we have the optimal number of employees to meet the demand. At the same time, we must adjust staffing during non-peak times. Performs production in accordance with volume fluctuation, business needs, and effective procedures in the manufacturing area. This position is responsible for manufacturing activities in the assigned area. Also, possesses the ability to work independently to assist standard scheduled maintenance and perform minor equipment repairs. During both Northern Hemisphere and Non-Peak periods technicians may be required to move to another department or location within the Swiftwater operations on a short-term, long-term, or permanent basis due to production needs. Technicians should expect to work in multiple buildings within the Biologics platform. Immunization against Influenza is required to operate within the manufacturing building. Some overtime work/off-shift work hours may be required based on business needs. Summary of Purpose/Major Responsibilities Key Accountabilities Coordinates daily operation in accordance with volume fluctuation, business need, and effective procedures. Continually monitors production activities with emphasis on safety, quality, efficiency and cost. Drives change over activates and targets Works to complete quality documentation (deviation investigations, PDR’s, logbooks, etc) accurately in a timely manner. Reviews quality documentation for completeness and releases commodities as required. Writes, reviews, and revises PDR’s, SOP’s and SWI’s as needed. Supports deviations and continuous improvement projects Participates/Leads in team meetings. Actively communicates improvement ideas, issues, concerns, etc to team members. Assist in leading the shift change meetings and is responsible for assisting in the distribution of the shift change report. Plan daily/weekly production activities based on Packaging planning schedule and works to schedule operators/technicians for production. Informs managers of any production problems or concerns and recommends solutions. All other duties assigned Context of the Job/Major Challenges The GMP production environment requires attention to the details and accuracy within good documentation practices. The multi shift GMP production environment that exists generates the need to work overtime as required often with short notice and the working of various shifts depending on business needs and production cycles. The focus to create and maintain a safety culture that is proactive and striving for zero injuries is of the utmost importance and an expectation for all employees. Is a trained designee to supervise shop floor activities including daily operations, maintaining adequate stock/supplies and maintenance needs. Ensure operational area is running as intended to meet all operational goals. Real time review of process documentation. Participates or leads in all aspects of production process (SAP, Labware, Trackwise/Phenix, Gibraltar, etc.). Works to resolve all production issues and understands next steps to guide others through the process to complete them. Ensure preparedness for oncoming shifts. Acts as a liaison with support groups as needed. Works with Senior Technicians and Managers to ensure continuous operation. Dimensions/Scope Their responsibilities are, but are not limited to: Safety: Follows all procedures put into effect to ensure your safety as well as the safety of others. Reports all safety issues, concerns, incidents and near misses to the team leadership. Provides input for potential safety issues as well as contributing ideas for corrective and preventative actions. Ensures proper training and safety practices are followed in the areas. Follows effective procedures to ensure the production of a safe and efficacious product. Utilizes +QDCI boards for Safety issues Quality: FDA audit understanding and awareness. Ensures process in areas is following proper procedures at all times Identifies possible deviation occurrences and prevents or aids in investigations and root cause analysis. Ensures completion and review of quality documentation (PDR’s, logbooks, etc.) accurately in a timely manner for process area assigned. Understands the function of the quality group and works with them to maintain a positive rapport. Writes edits and reviews process documentation for completeness. Identifies areas of deficiency and offers suggestions for improvements. Delivery: Performs production in accordance with volume fluctuation, business need, and effective procedures. Must be flexible to ensure staffing for changing business volume and needs Completes tasks and corresponding documentation as required by cGMP to ensure document completion and real time review. Works to prepare assigned areas for the oncoming shifts to ensure continuous operation and staffing. Accountable for the completion of Real Time SAP transactions in an accurate and timely manner to ensure accurate inventory. Post completion, reviewed PDR prior to PDR review delivery to ensure no documentation errors remain. Cost: Executes procedure as documented to avoid deviations. Responsibly uses material in an efficient manner to reduce waste. Actively communicates improvement ideas, issues, concerns, etc. to team members along with providing solutions. Works to resolve all production issues related to area of work. Involvement: Works to become trained in all assigned training modules. Trains and orients new team members (at any level) as assigned. Mentors Associate and Production techs. Participates and leads team meetings. Understands respect, professionalism and confidentiality. Ensures all materials required for production are available prior to need. Has a thorough working knowledge of cGMP’s and works to help others understand. Ensures all areas within the department are adequately covered at all time for current shift and upcoming shifts. In on time and attends and participates in Shift Change. Involved in at least one cross functional teams where necessary to complete projects in an effective and timely manner. Trainer –Train and guide Personnel in proper work procedures, use of equipment, cGMP’s, safe work techniques and SAP to assure timely signoffs and consistency in training. Maintains qualified trainer status. All other duties as assigned. About you Requirements Education/Experience The Lead Production Technician is expected to have experience and knowledge including but not limited to the following: HS equiv and 5+ in cGMP or Pharmaceutical experience Associates with 3+ in cGMP or Pharmaceutical experience Bachelor's with 2+ in cGMP or Pharmaceutical experience Must meet all Sr. Production Technician requirements. Additionally must have 1 + year leading teams in a Production environment. 1 + years training others in cGMP tasks. Must be considered an SME in at least one processing area. Must have training coordinator access in Isotrain and be able to enter training into the system. Must be qualified to complete PDR final reviews. Experience in a cGMP area. Prior or related experience recommended. Must have knowledge and access to systems (SAP, Trackwise, Master Labware, HSE Trackwise, key user access to SAP). Must have knowledge and access to systems in applicable buildings and processes which have these systems (SFD, PI, BAS). Requires good mechanical skills, computer skills and is detail oriented. Must have basic mechanical aptitude, good comprehension skills, retention skills, troubleshooting and manual dexterity. Why Choose Us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team. Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally. Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave. THE FINE PRINT For influenza production roles (excluding FFIP roles): candidate must be able to be receive influenza vaccine which is required for building access For aseptic area production roles (excluding Flu production tech roles): candidate must be able to obtain and maintain current aseptic gowning qualification This position may be required to be moved or temporarily flexed to another department or building within the FFIP operation due to business needs. Additionally, candidates should expect to work in multiple buildings. Some over-time/off-shift work hours may be required based on business needs. We will attempt to provide as much advance notice as possible, two weeks where applicable if any such change is needed. Must be able to lift up to 25 lbs., and bend/lift/move objects as part of the job. Able to stand for up to 8 hours a day (with occasional breaks) Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SP #LI-SP #LI-Onsite​ Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Reference No. R2744593 Position Title: Lead, Business Analytics & Insights Department: Commercial Business Support & Analytics Location: Toronto, Ontario Are you ready to shape the future of medicine? The race is on to speed up drug discovery and development to find answers for patients and their families. Your skills could be critical in helping our teams accelerate progress. Join our Regulatory Affairs Team as Project Leader and you’ll be responsible for the Regulatory Affairs (RA) project management of development and marketed products. Specialty Care We are an innovative global healthcare company, committed to transforming the lives of people with immune challenges, rare diseases and blood disorders, cancers, and neurological disorders. From R&D to sales, our talented teams work together, revolutionizing treatment, continually improving products, understanding unmet needs, and connecting communities. We chase the miracles of science every single day, pursuing progress to make a real impact on millions of patients around the world. Main responsibilities: · Responsible for supporting the organization’s performance tracking and management system using and integrating multiple data sources. · Manage the environmental/market assessment process; work with Global Business Operations/Competitive Intelligence. · Lead franchises/TAs interpretation and analysis of key business indicators to identify and communicate trends, and issues · Develop relationships with internal key contacts (other affiliates, Region, Global, and other GBUs) in order to share best practice; take part in cross-functional transformation programmes; obtain acceptance of and approval of Canadian projects; and influence global Sanofi Genzyme business operations strategy. About you· · Expert in using complex data sets and database management skills (SQL) · BA/BS in Business or Finance or relevant area · Leading others through business area management · biotech/pharmaceutical industry experience involving sales, marketing, business operations, and/or analytics. Advanced degree (MBA, MSc, etc) highly preferred Pursue Progress Discover Extraordinary Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! Sanofi is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and inclusion. Our goal is to attract, develop and retain highly talented employees from diverse backgrounds, allowing us to benefit from a wide variety of experiences and perspectives. We welcome and encourage applications from all qualified applicants. Accommodations for persons with disabilities required during the recruitment process are available upon request. Thank you in advance for your interest. Only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted. Follow Sanofi on Twitter: @SanofiCanada and on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sanofi #GD-SG #LI-GZ Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Medical Manager- CHC ANZ Location: Virginia, Brisbane (Also open to Sydney) About the job Are you ready to shape the future of Medicine? The race is on to speed up drug discovery and development to find answers for patients and their families. Your skills could be critical in helping our teams accelerate progress. Join our Therapeutic team as Medical Manager, where you’ll be responsible for championing consumer outcomes and business success, using scientific expertise to inspire, partner and lead. You will work cross-functionally to deliver the strategic planning and delivery of the Medical brand plan and take a leadership role in communication with Key Opinion Leaders. Brands include Over the Counter (OTC) and VMS (Vitamins & Supplements). At Sanofi Consumer Healthcare, we build trusted and loved brands that connect with hundreds of millions of consumers worldwide. Our mission is to enable better self-care for individuals and communities, while also contributing to a healthier planet. We strive to act as a force for good by integrating sustainability along our business and employees’ mission and operate responsibly from both a social and environmental point of view. To achieve this, we need people who can shape the future of our business and help us on our journey to becoming the best fast-moving consumer healthcare company in and for the world. Main responsibilities: Guidance and input into brand strategy and medical/clinical direction of brands Clinical evaluation of new product opportunities Key Opinion Leader (KOL) mapping and engagement to ensure we have market access and a clinical voice supporting the brands Liaison with global medical to ensure we are up to date with clinical platforms and information for our brands and customers Development and implementation of customer education programs Engaging with the Marketing Teams and Regional Medical Affairs team to ensure common understanding of the integrated brand planning process and role expectations Managing risk and providing medical guidance About you Experience: Must have a solid understanding of the Australian Health Care System Proven background in Medico- Marketing/ Medical Affairs experience OR prior Doctors OR Medical Science Liasions (VMS or Pharma a bonus) Soft and technical skills: Excellent communication, teamwork and ability to establish strong professional relationships is essential Education: Relevant qualifications in a Medical/ Pharma or Science discipline Languages: Excellent written and verbal English required Why choose us? Collaborate with multiple functions and build your knowledge and skills. Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally. Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Play an impactful part in creating best practices and get exposure onsite daily to our manufacturing site and science lab Join a passionate and supportive team of experts working with globally loved OTC or VMS brands Enjoy our recently refurbished Virginia, Brisbane offices and immerse yourself in our onsite, state of the art manufacturing facility where you will see our products come to life! Endless development and progression opportunities both locally, regionally and globally Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job title: People Director, North America Location: Bridgewater, NJ Company Overview: Sanofi is a leading organization in the Bio Pharma industry, committed to innovation, excellence, and fostering a positive and inclusive workplace. With a global presence and a dynamic work environment, we pride ourselves on our culture of continuous improvement and employee empowerment. As we continue to grow, we are seeking a visionary and strategic leader to join our team as the People Director for our North America operations. About the job The People Director North America will be responsible for deploying a unified P&C local strategy that supports the company’s business objectives and the Global CoEs strategic initiatives, enhance employee engagement, and fosters a high-performance culture. This role requires a strategic thinker with strong leadership skills, knowledge of social relations, appetite for IA and innovation, and a passion for cultivating a positive workplace culture and developing people. We are an innovative global healthcare company with one purpose: to chase the miracles of science to improve people’s lives. We’re also a company where you can flourish and grow your career, with countless opportunities to explore, make connections with people, and stretch the limits of what you thought was possible. Ready to get started? Main Responsibilities: People & Culture Leadership: Develop and implement P&C roadmap, focusing on high impact activities such as workforce planning, Talent management and Development, Culture and DCI, in support of global GBUs GFs and CoEs global strategies. Act as a strategic partner to senior leadership, providing insights and guidance on P&C matters, coordinates all P&C matters within the Country. Represent P&C and sit at the NA Country Council. Manage a P&C team. Employee Engagement and Culture: Champion initiatives to promote a positive and inclusive workplace culture. Designs and implements programs to enhance employee engagement and retention. Foster a positive work environment and well-being. Talent Management: Ensure Talent strategy deployment at Key Market level. Partner with the NA Council to support their individual development. In partnership with the GBU/GF PBPS and TM leads, review the NA Leadership Team succession plan depth to ensure appropriate talent density. Drive the importance of the talent principles through coaching of the leadership level, including encouraging bold moves on talent across the Key Market. Performance Management: Drive the performance management process at country level. Develop and implement strategies to improve employee performance and productivity. Social Relations: Manage employee relations issues, ensuring compliance with local labor laws and company policies. Advise key stakeholders on the NA social strategy to sustain the business. HR Operations: Ensure HR processes are efficient, scalable, and aligned with best practices. Follow P&C metrics and analytics at Country level to aim Best in Class. Manage the relations with People Services at local level, focus on improving service experience and efficiency, partner with business operations. Diversity Culture, and Inclusion (DCI): Lead the deployment of DCI initiatives in relation with the global CoE, promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace. About you Bachelor’s degree in human resources, Business Administration, or related field; Master’s degree preferred. Minimum of 15 years of HR experience, with at least 5 years in a senior leadership role with a strong social relations background. Proven experience in developing and implementing P&C strategies that drive business results. Great leadership and management skills, with the ability to inspire and motivate a team. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to build strong relationships at all levels of the organization & ability to represent P&C NA externally. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to make data-driven decisions. Demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Fluent in English. Benefits: Competitive salary and performance-based bonuses. Comprehensive health and wellness benefits. Opportunities for professional development and career advancement. Flexible working arrangements. A supportive and collaborative work environment. Why Choose Us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team. Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally. Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave. Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA #LI-Onsite​ Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Regional Public Affairs ManagerArea of competence: Toscana, Emilia-Romagna, Marche e Abruzzo Job type: Permanent, Full time About the job The aim of this role is to reinforce the management of relations with Regional Decision Makers to drive GBUs Public Affairs (PA) goals and trasversal PA priorities, developing and implementing strategic programs at national and regional level in multistakeholders approach, contributing also to reinforce Sanofi's position and image, monitor and accompany global legislative initiatives and policy trends. Ready to push the limits of what’s possible? Join Sanofi in one of our corporate functions and you can play a vital part in the performance of our entire business while helping to make an impact on millions around the world. As Regional Public Affairs within our Public Affairs Team, you’ll work for all Sanofi GBUs, with a focus on Regions and also supporting engagement with key stakeholders (FIMG, Federfarma, FIASO, FIMP, etc.) and coordinated impactful initiatives. Main responsibilitiesEstablishes, maintains and develops appropriate relationships with Regional Decision makers in the Regions identified, develop and implement multistakeholders programs in partnership with local authorities, Third parties, Patient Associations working for all Sanofi portfolio (pharma and vaccines) Collects and analyses the national dynamics of policy decisions, in collaboration with other corporate functions involved, for better access our innovative products in HC plans; In doing so, works towards adopting and monitoring action plans adapted to diverse healthcare and social contexts; handles, for this purpose, diversified communicational tools and materials, especially prepared for proper and contextualized communication of the value of innovation, and specifically designed to meet the institutional needs Contributes to communicating the value of Sanofi solutions for public health and the savings for the National and Regional Healthcare Service among policy decision-makers, strictly monitoring also regional legislative measures Gathers internal and external customers needs with respect to projects aimed at demonstrating the value of Healthcare and prevention through collaboration Work with national and regional decision-makers for the implementation of the National Plan, adapting it to the evolving scenario and preparing, in case of deviations, proper corrective actions, also performing a 'competitive intelligence' monitoring in the area, to understand the evolution dynamics of the national and regional context ​ About youExperience: working experience in the field of healthcare in pharma company or public affairs agencies and proven experience in networking with Stakeholders in /healthcare- National and regional portfolio contacts in healthcare Soft and technical skills: Ability to identify and segment KOLs, decision-makers and relevant stakeholders of the area in scope and excellent relationship building skills: Strong understanding of the policy context in terms of regulations and institutional structures and ability to develop effective strategies in order to build and maintain partnerships with relevant institutions and political authorities. In-depth knowledge regulations and governance for pharma and vaccines sector Education: should ideally hold a Politic Science, Economics, Law or Communication science degree Languages: Italian as mother tongue, fluent in English Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary. Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch ‘One day at Sanofi’ and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion initiatives at sanofi.com #LI-EUR #LI-Hybrid Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Immunology Pipeline Field Medical AdvisorLocation: Hybrid Position Job type: Permanent, Full time About the jobThe Immunology Pipeline Field Medical Advisor works in a new innovative team with a strategic role for the company, high visibility in country and strong relationship with European and Global teams. This role requires excellent communication and relationship skills, ability to establish and develop HCPs networks driving the implementation of actionable insights into pre-launch medical strategic and tactics plans related to Sanofi immunological products. Immunology Pipeline Field Medical Advisor has a highly collaborative role requiring a high level of influence among internal functions, working closely with European and Global medical affairs teams as well as other departments with focus on Clinical Study Unit (CSU), HEOR, Regulatory, Market Access and Public Affair. The Immunology Pipeline Field Medical Advisor represents a key contributor for the local Site Engagement Plans of Sanofi immunology pipeline. Main responsibilities: Implement internal/ external engagement plans establishing trusted relationships with HCPs, professional bodies, and guideline committees. Analyze and interpret new scientific data, literature, competitive trends, product opportunities and adjust medical and educational activities accordingly. Address adequately all unsolicited medical questions according with all applicable regulations and internal policies. Drive the development and execution of internal/external Site Scientific Engagement plans. Ensure the development of core behaviors with a constant concern to meet legal, regulatory, ethical, and social responsibility standards required by local laws and organizational policies, procedures and culture. Collaborate with other countries as per need in the Sanofi Immunology medical affairs team. About youExperience: Proven Pharmaceutical industry and customer facing medical experience; knowledge of Immunology Field is preferred. Soft and technical skills: Ability to work well in both a team environment and independently. Ability to develop strong relationships with patient organizations and other key stakeholder. Use of omnichannel tools and able to communicate via digital channels from remote (non-office based) environment. Education: Master’s Degree in Medicine or other Degree in Life Science subject is mandatory; PhD is an advantage. Languages: Business English communication skills. Pursue progress. Discover extraordinary. Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! #LI-EUR Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Immunology Pipeline Field Medical AdvisorLocation: Hybrid Position Job type: Permanent, Full time About the jobThe Immunology Pipeline Field Medical Advisor works in a new innovative team with a strategic role for the company, high visibility in country and strong relationship with European and Global teams. This role requires excellent communication and relationship skills, ability to establish and develop HCPs networks driving the implementation of actionable insights into pre-launch medical strategic and tactics plans related to Sanofi immunological products. Immunology Pipeline Field Medical Advisor has a highly collaborative role requiring a high level of influence among internal functions, working closely with European and Global medical affairs teams as well as other departments with focus on Clinical Study Unit (CSU), HEOR, Regulatory, Market Access and Public Affair. The Immunology Pipeline Field Medical Advisor represents a key contributor for the local Site Engagement Plans of Sanofi immunology pipeline. Main responsibilities: Implement internal/ external engagement plans establishing trusted relationships with HCPs, professional bodies, and guideline committees. Analyze and interpret new scientific data, literature, competitive trends, product opportunities and adjust medical and educational activities accordingly. Address adequately all unsolicited medical questions according with all applicable regulations and internal policies. Drive the development and execution of internal/external Site Scientific Engagement plans. Ensure the development of core behaviors with a constant concern to meet legal, regulatory, ethical, and social responsibility standards required by local laws and organizational policies, procedures and culture. Collaborate with other countries as per need in the Sanofi Immunology medical affairs team. About youExperience: Proven Pharmaceutical industry and customer facing medical experience; knowledge of Immunology Field is preferred. Soft and technical skills: Ability to work well in both a team environment and independently. Ability to develop strong relationships with patient organizations and other key stakeholder. Use of omnichannel tools and able to communicate via digital channels from remote (non-office based) environment. Education: Master’s Degree in Medicine or other Degree in Life Science subject is mandatory; PhD is an advantage. Languages: Business English communication skills. Pursue progress. Discover extraordinary. Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! #LI-EUR Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Immunology Pipeline Field Medical AdvisorLocation: Hybrid Position Job type: Permanent, Full time About the jobThe Immunology Pipeline Field Medical Advisor works in a new innovative team with a strategic role for the company, high visibility in country and strong relationship with European and Global teams. This role requires excellent communication and relationship skills, ability to establish and develop HCPs networks driving the implementation of actionable insights into pre-launch medical strategic and tactics plans related to Sanofi immunological products. Immunology Pipeline Field Medical Advisor has a highly collaborative role requiring a high level of influence among internal functions, working closely with European and Global medical affairs teams as well as other departments with focus on Clinical Study Unit (CSU), HEOR, Regulatory, Market Access and Public Affair. The Immunology Pipeline Field Medical Advisor represents a key contributor for the local Site Engagement Plans of Sanofi immunology pipeline. Main responsibilities: Implement internal/ external engagement plans establishing trusted relationships with HCPs, professional bodies, and guideline committees. Analyze and interpret new scientific data, literature, competitive trends, product opportunities and adjust medical and educational activities accordingly. Address adequately all unsolicited medical questions according with all applicable regulations and internal policies. Drive the development and execution of internal/external Site Scientific Engagement plans. Ensure the development of core behaviors with a constant concern to meet legal, regulatory, ethical, and social responsibility standards required by local laws and organizational policies, procedures and culture. Collaborate with other countries as per need in the Sanofi Immunology medical affairs team. About youExperience: Proven Pharmaceutical industry and customer facing medical experience; knowledge of Immunology Field is preferred. Soft and technical skills: Ability to work well in both a team environment and independently. Ability to develop strong relationships with patient organizations and other key stakeholder. Use of omnichannel tools and able to communicate via digital channels from remote (non-office based) environment. Education: Master’s Degree in Medicine or other Degree in Life Science subject is mandatory; PhD is an advantage. Languages: Business English communication skills. Pursue progress. Discover extraordinary. Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! #LI-EUR Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job title: Senior Director Clinical Development Location: Swiftwater, PA or Waltham, MA About the job This role in the Meningitis Franchise will provide clinical and R&D expertise and lead one or more clinical trials and/or programs in the development of a pentavalent meningococcal vaccine. The Senior Director Clinical Development is the clinical/medical/scientific expert who supports the translation of a target product profile into a feasible Clinical Development Plan (CDP), taking into account scientific environment, resource possibilities, clinical feasibility and timely execution. This requires a good understanding of the possibilities and limitations of the operational environment, team leadership skills, communication skills, knowledge of the therapeutic area, ability to understand business needs and how to translate them into feasible operational plans. We are an innovative global healthcare company that helps the world stay ahead of infectious diseases by delivering more than 500 million vaccine doses a year. Across different countries, our talented teams are exploring new technologies to protect people and promote healthy communities. We chase the miracles of science every single day, pursuing progress to make a real impact on millions of patients around the world. Main responsibilities Provide scientific and clinical leadership in the design and development of clinical studies and programs for Sanofi Vaccines R&D. Have global responsibility and ownership for the Clinical Strategy, the respective Clinical Development Plans (CDP) and study protocols for projects/programs.Ensure that CDPs are written in accordance with the Target Product Profile (TPP), Integrated Evidence Generation Plan (IEGP) and according to Franchise and Global Project Team strategy and assures global consistency across regions.Provide clinical and R&D expertise, guidance and direction in the context of the region/country, in which they operate.Establishes the conditions essential for determining the safety of all subjects involved in Clinical trials for the vaccine development candidates they oversee. About you You will lead the clinical study team and as such requires leadership skills, communications skills, ability to operate in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams, ability to inspire teams.Physician, with training in Pediatrics, Internal Medicine or Infectious Diseases in addition to training or experience in immunology, preferred. MD is a minimum scientific qualification.5-10 years pharmaceutical industry experience preferred, with exposure to diverse array of vaccine programs in early and late-stage development or5-10 years or more experience conducting early and late-stage vaccine clinical trials in an academic environmentDemonstrated scientific productivity (publications, research reports, etc.) and ability to critically review/interpret research data, preferred.Demonstrated planning, organizational skills, interpersonal, problem solving and excellent written and verbal communication skills.Ability to work independently across many interfaces and platforms in a matrix, cross-cultural environment is essential.Written and oral fluency in English required.M.D. with completion of an approved residency training program in a related field or equivalent is preferred. Why choose us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team.Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally.Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact.Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA#LI-SA#LI-Hybrid Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job title: Global Medical Communications & Education Lead, Dupilumab Location: Cambridge, MA Within the Global Medical Immunology team, we are proud to support Sanofi’s unrelenting commitment to scientific exploration and to work on dupilumab in the therapeutic area(s) of dermatology, pulmonology, rhinology, or gastrointestinal diseases. Are you ready to shape the future of medicine? The race is on to speed up drug discovery and development to find answers for patients and their families. Your skills could be critical in helping our teams accelerate progress. Join our Medical Communications team as the Global Medical Communications & Education Lead, Dupilumab and you’ll provide impactful medical strategy and expertise. Main Responsibilities: Reporting to the Global Scientific Director, this key role will ensure successful development and execution of medical communications & education plans for dupilumab, through: Leading cross-functional medical communication/education planning efforts Developing strategically aligned, balanced, and accurate scientific communication points to guide the development of internal and external global and local medical communication Ensuring delivery of high-quality, fair-balanced, scientifically/clinically accurate medical communications resources including, scientific platforms, lexicons, and FAQs/trainings and disease backgrounders in accordance with established timelines, compliance guidelines/policies, and budgets Developing global medical education plans based on medical strategies and identified HCP educational gaps Designing and developing educational content, in collaboration with internal partners and external HCP experts, for live education programs, congress symposia, online/digital education, multi & omnichannel HCP education, field medical tools, slide decks, and medical booth exhibits About you Experience: 3+ years experience in the biotechnology or pharmaceutical industry Experience in Medical/Legal review committees and familiarity with Veeva/Promomats/4M or similar content review systems preferred Knowledge of industry guidelines pertaining to interactions with health care providers (e.g., PhRMA Code, AdvaMed guidelines) and digital/medical educational (e.g., EFPIA/IFPMA) Expertise in Pulmonology, Rhinology, Gastroenterology and/or Dermatology preferred Soft and Technical skills: Must possess the ability to provide strategic input and drive multiple complex projects Excellent interpersonal, written, and verbal communication skills required Strong project management skills and the ability to oversee agency partners and associated budget Education: Advanced degree in a scientific discipline: MD, PhD, PharmD Languages: English Why choose us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team. Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally. Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave. Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary. Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch ‘One day at Sanofi’ and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion initiatives at sanofi.com! #GD-SG ​ #LI-GZ​ #LI-hybrid Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job title: Field Medical Operations Associate Director, Respiratory/Gastroenterology Location: Remote - United States Our Medical function serves as a valued strategic partner with Clinical, Commercial, Regulatory, and Market Access on therapeutic solutions to support patients’ needs. The US Field Medical team is proud to support Sanofi’s deep commitment to chasing the miracles of science to improve the lives of patients. Are you ready to shape the future of medicine? The race is on to speed up drug discovery and development to find answers for patients and their families. Your skills could be critical in helping our teams accelerate progress. Join our US Medical team as the Field Medical Operations Associate Director, Respiratory/Gastroenterology and you’ll provide impactful medical strategy and expertise. Main Responsibilities: Delivering strategic field medical plans and communications that equip the Respiratory and Gastroenterology field medical teams with the right strategic plans for engagements with KOLs and study sites. Accountable to provide strategic input to the respective medical teams on disease and product plans for Field Medical execution in collaboration with Field Medical Leaders. Will play an important role in helping the team achieve its goals and sharing the team’s learnings across the organization by coordinating the planning, tracking, and reporting of key initiatives. Align Veeva to field medical objectives to demonstrate alignment between field activity and medical strategy (to include study support and KOL engagement). Interface with Medical Excellence Leads (local and global) to identify efficiencies, best practices, and ensure consistent implementation and lead cross-functionally to implement medical excellence initiatives. About you Experience: Establish and monitor KPIs across field medical objectives to assess and demonstrate the impact and value of field medical activities. Develop communication plans for escalating field medical impact monthly, quarterly, annually. A minimum of 3 years of relevant experience in a Field Medical role Up to 30% travel may be required for field visits, company, and scientific meetings. Soft and Technical skills: Knowledge of medical affairs strategies Build and execute communication plans and tools to effectively lead the team to deliver against field medical objectives. Education: Advanced degree in a scientific discipline: MD, PhD, PharmD, NP, PA Languages: English Why choose us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team. Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally. Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave. Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary. Progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. You can be one of those people. Chasing change, embracing new ideas and exploring all the opportunities we have to offer. Let’s pursue progress. And let’s discover extraordinary together. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch ‘One day at Sanofi’ and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion initiatives at sanofi.com! #GD-SA ​ #LI-SA​ #LI-Remote Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job Title: North America Real Estate Project Manager Location: Cambridge MA or Bridgewater NJ About the job: We are an innovative global healthcare company with one purpose: to chase the miracles of science to improve people’s lives. We’re also a company where you can flourish and grow your career, with countless opportunities to explore, make connections with people, and stretch the limits of what you thought was possible. Ready to get started?​ Sanofi is seeking an experienced candidate to contribute to our mission of delivering best-in-class workplaces for the advancement of science and improvement of people’s lives. The NA Real Estate Team directs commercial real estate projects of varying size, scale, and use. In this role, the Project Manager will support cross-functional teams throughout the project lifecycle. The position requires competency in management, planning, budgeting, contract administration, and project delivery. We are seeking candidates with leadership propensity and the capacity to build collaborative relationships with clients, project team members, and stakeholders. The ideal candidate should be analytical, results-driven, self-motivated, and have a minimum of 4 years of project management experience in the commercial Environment. Main Responsibilities: Partner with key business partners across the organization to understand project requirements and objectives Collaborate with wide-array of critical consultant partners, in advancement of capital projects and lease optimization and management. Maintain excellent dashboards monitoring budget/schedule parameters and meet or exceed stakeholder expectations for project outcomes. Provide ad hoc consultation for master planning and related studies that incorporate criteria for optimizing facility operations and alignment with corporate guidelines for sites. Cross functional team leadership experience across Capital investment projects Manage a portfolio of Real Estate projects across workplace strategy, interior fit outs, people moves and strategic changes Obtain a working knowledge of Sanofi Real Estate portfolio, lease administration practices, maintaining landlord relationships Provide continuous monitoring of rent payments, rent abstracts, landlord communications Execute project status updates, project team and / or steering committee material. Provide strategic budgeting supporting all NA RE FM capex projects related to real estate decision making (divestments, site closures, new portfolio cost assessments). Align policies and procedures to regional standards, and drive implementation with stakeholders Develop and own project organization and communication charts relating to the projects assigned Develop project team work plans and updates to Senior Leaders, including power point, Sharepoint tools, etc. and execute against deliverables. Execute analysis on metrics data to identify value in processes and activities. Contribute to both internal and external meetings to ask qualifying questions to identify impacts of the project on the business, keeping accurate notes to hold accountability of project team members and distribute action plans. Act as the knowledge expert for the engagement team, managing internal databases (Sharepoint, etc.) and/or portals designed to facilitate project team communications, documentation and coordination About you: Bachelor’s degree w/ minimum of 6 years of relevant experience Experience in commercial leasing MBA optional Highly proficient in use of MS Office Suite, including Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word 4+ Years’ experience in Project and portfolio management Establishes priorities and timelines to effectively manage workload. Able to work effectively and efficiently under pressure Possess creative and curious approach to tackle complex challenges, leveraging internal tools and resources to achieve favorable results Strong organizational, analytical, mathematical, project management and customer service skills Excellent written and oral communication skills. Proficient in working with excel models and creating PowerPoint presentations and dashboards. Strong interpersonal skills Must be a self-starter - have a high degree of personal initiative, Flexible disposition. Microsoft Excel proficiency is a Plus Why Choose Us Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team.​​ Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally.​​ Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact.​​ Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave.​ Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA ​ #LI-SA​ #LI-Onsite Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job title: Manager, Global Regulatory Affairs CMC Location: Bridgewater, NJ About the job: The Manager, Global Regulatory Affairs CMC is accountable for global strategic management of a portfolio of development projects and/or marketed products within GRA CMC & Devices Departments (Small Molecules Marketed, Small Molecules Development, Products, Biologics, and Vaccines). This individual is responsible for global regulatory CMC strategies, submission dossiers and approvals, including direct contact/liaison with FDA/EMA, for new or marketed chemical entities, biological entities, vaccines. The incumbent creates collaborative working relationships with Global Regulatory Affairs (GRA), Regional GRA, Country Regulatory Groups, Technical and Quality Groups within R&D and Industrial Affairs, External Alliance Partners, Project Direction/Management (R&D Development, Pharma Operations teams), Human Resources, Legal, Finance, and Regulatory Health Authorities. Main responsibilities: Develops global regulatory CMC strategies and risk assessments for development projects and/or marketed products (new or marketed chemical entities, biological entities, vaccines) in collaboration with other parts of GRA. Assures effective involvement with change control systems. Assures that positive and collaborative relationships are developed with CMC teams to achieve the implementation of appropriate regulatory strategies. Assures that, for major CMC activities that have a critical regulatory and/or financial impact, appropriate strategies are developed to manage the activities, and risks are identified, communicated and mitigated as necessary. Assures that appropriate contacts with Health Authorities, in collaboration with Country Regulatory Groups, are initiated and addressed in an effective and timely manner, whilst developing positive and favorable relationships. Responsible for direct contact/liaison with US FDA and EMA on specific CMC topics. Supports strategic negotiations with worldwide Regulatory Health Authorities so that appropriate and pragmatic positions are negotiated with the highest Probability of Success (POS).Manages or directly contributes to the CMC writing, preparation, review and approval of regulatory CMC dossiers for submission in collaboration with R&D Functions, Industrial Affairs Functions and GRA Regulatory Operations. Ensures that submission dossiers meet appropriate quality standards; strategies and mitigated risks are developed and communicated, and deadlines are achieved.Ensures that technical and regulatory CMC issues are appropriately resolved with optimal solutions. As applicable, support the regulatory inspection process for development projects and marketed products.Contributes knowledge and expertise on GRA Regulatory Science and Policy activities, as well as other related internal or external policy initiatives, in order to assure that appropriate Sanofi visibility and input is recognized. Monitors the review of local and international Health Authority regulations and guidelines, contributes to the commenting process and/or develops position papers. Assures that current Health Authority thinking and trends (paradigm shifts) are understood and broadly communicated. Engages with internal and external Regulatory Policy Organizations/Programs in order to develop and maintain appropriate Sanofi representation in these activities. About you: Minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree; advanced degree (Masters, PhD) in a science/health field (Analytical, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Biological/Biotechnology Sciences etc.), or equivalent is preferred.1-5 years of direct Regulatory CMC experience is preferred, however more than 5 years may be applicable for certain associates within an individual contributor career path. Global operational experience with a mid/large-size Regulatory CMC and Devices Organization. Must have some knowledge of global regulations/guidelines, key Health Authority/Industry thinking and trends, and be capable of resolving strategic technical and regulatory issues. Technical pharmaceutical CMC experience (laboratory, manufacturing, etc.) is desirable.Should demonstrate initiative, some independent thinking, anticipatory foresight, and be able to communicate effectively to internal and external audiences. Experience working for a Regulatory Health Authority is preferred. Fluency (oral and written) in English language is required. Potential to be able to mentor and train staff is desirable but not essential. This position requires minimal travel (
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    At Sanofi, we’re committed to providing the next-gen healthcare that patients and customers need. It’s about harnessing data insights and leveraging AI responsibly to search deeper and solve sooner than ever before. Join our Digital Global Business Unit as Regional Head of Investigations and Monitoring, North America and you can help make it happen. Your job? The Global Head of Commercial Data Foundations is responsible for the overall Commercial Data Foundations strategy and implementation of all digital/data products including: Build best-in-class Commercial Data Foundations capabilities providing quality data at scale efficiently to power priority use cases & enable data-driven decision-making across commercial teams.Drive high standardization, simplification & efficiency of data platform landscape via convergence, simplification, silo breaking & harmonization​.Design and guide Sanofi overall strategy on Commercial Data Foundations to pro-actively prepare the organization to meet current and future commercial needs for data-drive use cases.Design / build / run prioritized digital products to continuously expand & improve Commercial Data Foundations towards highest value data assets & features.Work closely with global data COE and commercial advanced analytics & AI teams to define data & analytics tools / platforms / technology required to maximize value of data foundations.Collaborate with digital and business units to establish and implement the relevant commercial data standards and best practices including on commercial data governance/management with the GTMC organizationCollaborate closely with business to ensure adoption & impact of Commercial Data Foundations. Our Global Digital Business Team is focused on driving and accelerating digital transformation via delivery of digital products (marketing technology platforms, digital therapeutics, patient support, Medical, AI, etc.) across the different Global Business Units, therapeutic areas and markets. Our digital products are directed at patients, physicians and/or payers. This team works to implement Sanofi’s Digital strategy by bringing dedicated expertise internally at Sanofi and externally with digital and/or technology partners to build the core digital foundation and drive growth thru digital across all business areas. The Global Head of Commercial Data Foundations leads Commercial Data Foundations team which consists Commercial Data Foundations product lines, commercial data engineering center of excellence & commercial data governance custodianship lead. S/he creates and maintains the vision and the priorities across all related digital initiatives, identify new digital opportunities, prioritize business units wide digital initiatives, manage the delivery and act as a change catalyst across the three business units’ leadership teams. Working closely with the different business senior leaders, and across the different digital product lines, s/he ensures that we are clearly identifying customer needs, prioritizing features, and guiding the work. S/he spearheads in the development of business approach to identify, measure, and monitor the business impact of each or across multiple digital solutions. Main responsibilities: Accountable for Commercial Data Foundations strategy for commercial domain based on business priorities and changing ecosystem,Responsible for leading and managing the Commercial Data Foundations product portfolio with a goal to scale to a global distributionResponsible for leading Commercial Data Engineering center of excellenceResponsible for data governance enablement in commercial in collaboration with GBU data governance leader (GTMC Insights & Analytics head) About you: Job Skills & Competencies A minimum of a bachelor’s degree is required in a relevant field, such as: Computer Science, Data Science, Information Technology, Statistics, Business Administration with a focus on Information Systems, master’s degree (preferred) in a specialized area, such as: Data Science, Business Analytics, MBA with a focus on technology management.Solid industry background and understanding & possess a strong business acumen.Proven record of creating and implementing successful digital initiatives.Successful management of large digital and technology initiatives.Successful at building a culture of performance and accountability.Proven record of developing people and leadership skills in diverse marketsLanguages: English a must, French a plus, other languages a plus Technical Competencies Programming Skills e.g. Python, R, or Java for data manipulation, automation, and model development.Advanced Data Analysis Skills with proficiency in statistical analysis, predictive modelling, and data mining techniques.Data Management: Experience with relational databases e.g., SQL, NoSQL, Graph/Vector databases and Data Lakes.Proficiency in Data Visualization Tools like Tableau, Power BI, or QlikMachine Learning and AI: Knowledge of machine learning algorithms and techniques for predictive analytics, clustering, and classification tasks.Data Governance and Compliance: Understanding of data governance principles, compliance regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA), and best practices for data management.\Data Integration: Experience with data integration tools and techniques for combining data from disparate sources, APIs, and systems (i.e. IICS preferred).Cloud Computing: Familiarity with cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud for scalable storage, computation, and analytics.Data Warehousing: Knowledge of data warehousing concepts and experience with platforms like Redshift, Snowflake, or Google BigQuery.Data Quality Assurance: Ability to ensure data quality and integrity through data cleansing, validation, and error handling processes.Advanced Analytics Techniques: Understanding of advanced analytics techniques such as sentiment analysis, network analysis, and text miningExperience with API development and integration. Why Choose Us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team. Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally. Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks’ gender-neutral parental leave. Contribute to continuous improvement of current programs aligned to Sanofi’s Play to Win approach. Pursue progress, discover extraordinary Better is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com! Sanofi Inc. and its U.S. affiliates are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers committed to a culturally diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race; color; creed; religion; national origin; age; ancestry; nationality; marital, domestic partnership or civil union status; sex, gender, gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; disability; veteran or military status or liability for military status; domestic violence victim status; atypical cellular or blood trait; genetic information (including the refusal to submit to genetic testing) or any other characteristic protected by law. #GD-SA #LI-SA #LI-Onsite​ Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Job Title - Head of Global Communications, Rare Diseases Location - Cambridge, Massachusetts Sanofi is seeking a strategic, motivated and experienced communications professional for the position of Head of Global Communications, Rare Diseases. This position will be responsible for planning and managing external and internal communications for the global Rare Diseases franchise, for both current and future indications. The Sanofi Rare Diseases Franchise includes groundbreaking medicines for Gaucher disease, Pompe disease, Fabry disease, mucopolysaccharidosis I (MPS I) and acid sphingomyelinase deficiency (ASMD), in addition to and rare blood disorders, including hemophilia, acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (aTTP), and cold agglutinin disease (CAD). Main Responsibilities: Provide strategic leadership in the creation and implementation of impactful communication programs, internally and externally, across indications. This may include disease awareness/brand integration programs; branded communication activity; digital communications; new product launches Develop and manage comprehensive communication strategies internally and externally to support the business unit priorities, including partnering with global media relations to ensure aligned messaging and positioning Liaise with partner/collaborator companies to ensure aligned communications around alliance products/pipeline assets Good working knowledge of the overall digital and social media landscape with the ability to deliver innovative approaches and plans within this growing and important space. Manage a small team of communicators specifically assigned to the rare disease franchise Contribute to executive communications and thought leadership plan in alignment with global executive communications and employee engagement strategies Collaborate with the Internal Communications team on internal communications/engagement initiatives with the objective to engage employees with priority messages. Liaise and partner with U.S. and global colleagues across Communications and Public Affairs and Patient Advocacy Manage agencies, budgets, and timelines Experience in pharmaceutical product areas, specifically rare and hematologic diseases such as Gaucher, Fabry, Pompe, hemophilia an advantage, but not required About you: Strong ability to work effectively across functions, levels, and business units; proven collaborator. Ability to counsel and interface with senior executives and communications peers Ability to research, develop, deliver and measure communications strategies and plans with a goal of showcasing communications successes to internal and external audiences Expertise in communications concepts, both internal and external, practices, strategies, and tactics based on understanding of key audiences and corporate objectives. Excellent networking and relationship-building skills and the ability to interact with confidence with various levels and functions. A minimum of a Bachelor's degree in Life Sciences, Communications, Business Administration or Journalism is required. A minimum of 12 years of professional experience in Communications experience in the pharmaceutical area is required. Pharmaceutical product PR communications background is required Previous experience in formally managing or leading a team is preferred Demonstrated collaboration, negotiation and influencing skills; demonstrated ability to work with senior leaders is required Strong issues management capabilities are required Strong organizational skills are required Ability to collaborate in a heavy matrix environment is essential Position may require up to 20% business travel Why choose us? Bring the miracles of science to life alongside a supportive, future-focused team. Discover endless opportunities to grow your talent and drive your career, whether it’s through a promotion or lateral move, at home or internationally. Enjoy a thoughtful, well-crafted rewards package that recognizes your contribution and amplifies your impact. Take good care of yourself and your family, with a wide range of health and wellbeing benefits including high-quality healthcare, prevention and wellness programs and at least 14 weeks' gender-neutral parental leave. Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Функціональні обов'язки: інформування медичної і фармацевтичної громадськості про препарати компанії з метою забезпечення продажів на ввіреній території (м. Львів); виконання щоденної норми візитів; організація та участь в конференціях, круглих столах, групових презентаціях та ін.; збір та аналіз інформації на своїй території; ведення щоденної звітності згідно стандартів компанії. Вимоги до кандидатів: досвід роботи медичним представником розцінюватиметься як перевага; вища медична або фармацевтична освіта розцінюватиметься як перевага; знання ПК: Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook. водійське посвідчення категорії «В» та наявність водійського стажу. здатність забезпечувати довгострокові відносини з клієнтами: вміння встановлювати контакт, визначати потреби та переконувати. здатність самостійно керувати своїм робочим часом та задачами заради досягнення результату: вміння створювати та реалізовувати чіткий план цілей на кожен день Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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    Lean & Performance Intern Scoppito, L’Aquila About the job Vuoi iniziare la tua carriera nel mondo HealthCare? Unisciti a Sanofi e avrai l’opportunità di crescere e sviluppare le tue competenze sotto il coordinamento di stimolanti colleghi, contribuendo a fare la differenza nella vita di migliaia di persone in tutto il mondo. Come tirocinante nel team Lean & Performance, entrerai a far parte del Sanofi Manufacturing System (SMS) e ti interfaccerai con colleghi di tutto il sito produttivo. Avrai l’opportunità di imparare come funzionano processi aziendali e come ottimizzarli (riducendo gli sprechi) e porterai attivamente il tuo contributo nell’implementazione di iniziative di miglioramento continuo. Siamo un'azienda della salute, innovativa e globale, e siamo guidati da uno scopo: sfidare i confini della scienza per migliorare la vita delle persone. Lavorare in Sanofi significa appassionarsi al proprio lavoro, crescere di giorno in giorno esplorando tra innumerevoli opportunità, costruire stimolanti relazioni e superare i limiti di ciò che pensavi fosse possibile. Ready to get started? Le attività che seguirai con il tuo team Supporterai l’implementazione e aggiornamento degli standard lean del Sanofi Manufacturing System all’interno del sito produttivo e verrai coinvolto/a nell’esecuzione di training ai colleghi coinvoltiImparerai a monitorare le Site Performance, raccogliendo i dati utili alla valutazione dei risultati settimanali e mensili (Site Dashboard & KPI) e imparerai a identificare e implementare le azioni di miglioramentoVerrai coinvolto/a in attività di Performance Governance, lavorando sui meccanismi operativi in place per la gestione e miglioramento delle performance interne ed esterne al sito (osservazioni Gemba)Supporterai il processo di strategy deployment all’interno dei vari reparti del sito e seguirai i relativi follow up mensili Chi cerchiamo Laurea in Ingegneria Gestionale, Ingegneria Meccanica o Laurea Scientifica (CTF, Chimica etc)Buona conoscenza dell’inglese (Livello B2 o superiore)Abilità relazionali e organizzative, forte curiosità verso i processi aziendaliAutomunito/a (il sito produttivo è raggiungibile solo con mezzi propri) Perché Sanofi? Dai vita ai miracoli della scienza entrando a far parte di un team coinvolgente e orientato al futuroInizia il tuo percorso professionale sotto il coordinamento di un tutor qualificato che stimolerà la tua crescita professionale e ti aiuterà a muovere i tuoi primi passi nel mondo del lavoroLo stage è svolto in presenzaTi offriamo un’opportunità di tirocinio di 6 mesi. È previsto un rimborso spese e accesso gratuito alla mensa aziendale #Onsite #EarlyTalent Pursue Progress. Discover Extraordinary. Il progresso non avviene senza le persone – persone con background diversi, con origini diverse, con ruoli diversi, tutti uniti da un desiderio comune: far accadere i miracoli. Tu puoi essere una di queste persone. Segui con noi il cambiamento, abbraccia le nuove idee ed esplora tutte le opportunità che abbiamo da offrirti. Ricerchiamo il progresso e scopriamo insieme lo straordinario. In Sanofi, garantiamo pari opportunità a tutti indipendentemente da razza, colore, discendenza, religione, sesso, nazione d’origine, orientamento sessuale, età, cittadinanza, stato civile, disabilità o identità sessuale. Guarda il nostro ALL IN video e scopri le azioni di Diversity Equity and Inclusion su sanofi.com! Pursue progress, discover extraordinaryBetter is out there. Better medications, better outcomes, better science. But progress doesn’t happen without people – people from different backgrounds, in different locations, doing different roles, all united by one thing: a desire to make miracles happen. So, let’s be those people. At Sanofi, we provide equal opportunities to all regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, ability or gender identity. Watch our ALL IN video and check out our Diversity Equity and Inclusion actions at sanofi.com!
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