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Ecole Nationale Superieure des Sciences de la Mer et de l'Amenagement du Littoral


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The Superior National School of Marine Science and Coastal Planning (ENSSMAL) is a school for training and research in the fields of oceanography, land, and coastal management. It is located in the heart of an exceptional academic environment, the large university campus Dely Ibrahim involving the University of Algiers, the University of continuing education, university town. The ENSSMAL is a young and dynamic hotel that combines academic training and scientific and technical research. It provides multidisciplinary training course level scale (Ingéniorat) and post-graduation (Magister and Doctorate).
His coaching staff, its training and research programs, and its close relationship with the socio-economic sector national and foreign cooperation partners are the basis of its performance and success. These strengths allow the school to open up to the world of quality and excellence in its areas of competence. The objectives set by the ENSSMAL are part of a broad development prospect of marine science and applications resulting in Algeria. Indeed, both on a fundamental level than in practice.

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