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Columbia International School


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Columbia International School offers motivated students a safe and healthy learning environment wherein in small classes each student is actively engaged in their learning process. In technology and resource-rich classrooms, dynamic and highly qualified teachers support and challenge students to understand the changing world around them. Our teachers incorporate the healthy whole-child concept, recognizing that social and emotional development along with academic progress is essential for each child. Columbia International School also provides students with opportunities to become involved in many aspects of school life, including social and cultural events, community events, and extracurricular activities. These experiences will enable students to develop skills as responsible global citizens and as leaders within our school and our extended school community. I urge you to take full advantage of the many wonderful opportunities, experiences, and advice that will be available to you at Columbia International School. Let Columbia International School’s 21st-century learning open up the world for you.
Columbia International School uses the curriculum of the Province of Ontario, Canada, one of the most advanced and respected education systems in the world to explore the world around them. Our school effectiveness and improvement frameworks and our regular Canadian and WASC certification processes along with tremendous support from our parent’s organization ensure our ongoing development as a learning community. All teachers are involved in continuous learning through Columbia International School’s professional learning circles. Our wireless one-to-one laptop environment allows both teachers and students to access the latest information and learning strategies. Our goal is to create a fun, challenging, and supporting lifelong learning environment that allows our students to develop an appreciation of different cultures and perspectives as well as possess superior communication skills and an excellent command of the English language and to have the knowledge and skills to be successful global citizens in the 21st century.
If this sounds like the educational environment you would like to be part of, then I urge you to explore the information contained on this website and to make a sound decision for your child. Please feel free to contact the school for any additional information or to schedule a visit.
Columbia fosters the personal growth of each student, instills a sense of social awareness, and encourages respect for achievement. The school strives to develop powers of critical and creative thought, preparing its students both for the demands of post-secondary education in English-speaking universities and life as international people. Recognizing the importance of personal development and self-esteem for success in life, the school provides students with varied opportunities for achievement and personal fulfillment through academic studies and other extra-curricular pursuits.
Starting school is an exciting time in your child’s life. Columbia International School is proud to offer an English-based kindergarten program that establishes a strong foundation for learning in the early years for students four and five years old. At Columbia International School, your child is entering an environment that values the uniqueness of each child and the diversity of all its learners. In a safe and caring learning environment teachers work to promote the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of every child to ensure he or she is successful at school. Cradled in the “whole child” philosophy our kindergarten offers a healthy and safe learning environment where each child while actively engaged in their learning process, is supported and challenged to reach their highest potential. Caring and experienced teachers provide opportunities for growth in six major areas: Personal and Social Development, Language, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Health and Physical Activity, and the Arts.
Columbia International School’s elementary program incorporates a positive whole child approach that recognizes the need for each child to be healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. The small class size and the collaborative nature of discovery learning methodologies allow for the physical, social, emotional, and academic development of each student. The student-centered approach means purposeful and challenging experiences are designed around ideas, concepts, and themes that are meaningful to students. Caring and highly qualified teachers use the latest strategies to support each student’s language development in our literacy-rich classrooms. In this way, your child develops fluency in both English and Japanese.
Columbia Junior High School Program! Our Junior High School for students from grades 7-9 offers two program tracks one for those students who are proficient in English and another program track for students who are beginners or need language support. Small class sizes and our specialized and highly qualified teaching staff ensure individualized attention to language and academic needs and the personal growth and development of each student. In our wireless one-to-one laptop environment, students use the latest technology to support their learning. We encourage all students to get involved in the many programs and activities made available to them at Columbia. Teachers and parents communicating, supporting, and working together are important components of student success. At Columbia, we are committed to offering you a student-centered academic and co-curricular program ensuring an active fun, and rewarding learning experience for your child.
Since our founding, we have offered our students one of the most challenging and globally recognized courses of study based on the Ontario (Canada) curriculum. Why Ontario? Well, Ontario consistently places at or near the top in reading, math, and science when compared to other jurisdictions in Canada and worldwide. For example, in comparative studies, Ontario Grade 4 student reading abilities are among the best in the world. In the most recent Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) assessment, Ontario was in the top 3 globally. In addition, 91% of Ontario Grade 10 students met or exceeded the critical science benchmark in the most recent Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study. In fact, on a global comparison, Ontario (and Canada) has consistently ranked near the top in the PISA ratings, much higher than the United States and Great Britain!

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