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  • National School of Engineers of Saint-Etienne


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    The ENISE has a library of 600 m2 on two levels. It welcomes students from Monday to Friday. Engineering students can work there, borrow books and periodicals, consult encyclopedias and diverse papers, and databases on CD-ROM. Intranet/Internet access is also provided. The library stock is mainly specialized in the subjects taught at the ENISE: Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering and includes an essential stock in management/economy.
    Students and researchers can also use the REB (Interlibrary Loan Service) to borrow documents in libraries outside Saint-Etienne.
    The ENISE Library is part of the BREEZE network (networked computerized libraries of Saint-Etienne). This network allows the consultation of a standard catalog supplied by the libraries of Higher Education of Saint-Etienne and by the municipal libraries. A single card then allows students to borrow free books in different libraries of the network.
    The research conducted by the faculty members ensures an education level corresponding to the latest scientific and technological achievements in the disciplinary field of the majors offered by the School.
    The 25 faculty members of ENISE, 40 Ph.D. and 17 engineers and technicians in charge of the Platform for teaching and research, assisted by three people responsible for the administration, research two laboratories.
    Laboratory of Tribology and Systems Dynamics (LTD), UMR CNRS (UMR 5513) common with the Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Laboratory of Diagnostics and Engineering of Industrial Processes (DIPI), Host Team (EA 3719) of MENSR.
    This Platform proposes sharing the cutting-edge educational and research equipment accessible to both engineering students and demonstrators and the industrial environment as a vehicle for collaboration. The primary objective is to provide the ENISE with excellent equipment all grouped at one site visible and accessible to the academic and industrial world.
    As for the ENISE engineers' training, this Platform will be equipped with advanced installations and machines in perfect consistency with the educational programs in various ENISE specialties: GM - GC - GS - GSI. It can also be a means for developing distance education for enterprises and developing industrial projects.
    In the framework of diverse calls for projects (ANR, FUI, European projects, clusters, Equipment of Excellence, Laboratory of Excellence, Cimrev Federation, etc.), the MMS Platform is viewed as an asset of excellence that must be sustained by innovative projects.
    The ENISE aims to become a European institution of excellence in Science and Technology to enhance its attractiveness (incoming mobility, international research contracts).
    The School wishes to amplify its support system for the international development of local businesses. This includes the sending of engineering students on internships in the subsidiaries of these companies and the recruitment on a local scale right level candidates (Accepted on Consideration), who will follow the training of engineers at the ENISE before integrating the subsidiary of the company.
    The ENISE has historically based its development of international partnerships on relying on the ENI network and unique collaborations (e.g., two H2020 European contracts since 2014). The School wishes to coordinate and consolidate its historical partnerships with Argentina, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Spain, the USA, Russia, and the RMEI network.
    For its development, the School will reflect on countries and priority institutions. With this in mind, the School intends to rely on the international networks of the Lyon Central School (ECL), National Engineering School (ENI) group, the Lyon University (UdL), and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region to develop large-scale institutional collaborations related to areas of scientific expertise.
    The International Relations Service (DRI) is led by a university professor, a member of CODIR. He has been involved in international assignments since the beginning of his career (1996) in the framework of European project development and management (from BRITE/Euram to HORIZON 2020), and until recently within the framework of standardization activities (ISO-ASTM). The service is under the responsibility of an Engineer for Studies with two administrative members of staff (trilingual English, German, Russian), each having more than 15 years of experience in setting up international projects (Research, Training, Cluster).
    The DRI assumes the management of incoming and outgoing mobility of engineering students, master students and teachers, and exchange agreements and dual degrees. The international relations department accompanies and regularly follows students in their mobility projects due to their administrative, logistical, and educational procedures. It ensures the management of the follow-up of their period abroad.
    In order to develop international recognition, the ENISE responds to numerous European (Erasmus), regional (Coopera, etc.), and international (Brafitec, Arfitec, etc.) tenders in line with its strategy.
    These exchanges are intended to develop and maintain partnerships. Thus, several internships at ENISE of Professor Pascalin Team Kapen are a part of a collaboration with l'Université des Montagnes (UTM, Cameroon), which has resulted in the creation of a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering in the UdM with a view to potential enrolment on an ENISE Master's degree program. Regarding the recruitment of its professors, the school attaches great importance to the candidates' international dimension and their aptitudes to develop teaching in English. For example, recent years have seen recruiting professors of Italian, Russian, and Romanian nationalities.
    The ENISE attaches particular importance to the combination of engineer training associated with international training in a partner institution. Students have the opportunity to follow an academic period or complete a dual degree.
    The association with the Ecole Centrale de Lyon, and its attraction potential, together with the simplification of the curriculum through the development of a new educational model at the ENISE, should make it possible to promote both outgoing and incoming mobility.

    National School of Engineers of Saint-Etienne
    Founding year: 1961
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Francois-Marie Larrouturou (Director)
    Number of staff: 0
    Type: Universities
    Address: National School of Engineers of Saint-Etienne, 58, Rue Jean Parot, Saint Etienne, 42023, France

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