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  • Westminster Christian Academy


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    We believe that God is the creator and sustainer of all things and that Jesus Christ is the only redeemer of our fallen world. As a covenantal school, we are committed in partnership with home and Church to a quality education based on these truths. Our curriculum provides an academically diverse student body with knowledge in the traditional liberal arts and the skills and wisdom needed to apply that knowledge. Teachers are committed to designing and employing creative teaching strategies to meet this goal and encourage the development and application of Christian character in our students. At Westminster, the highest quality academics are dynamically integrated with biblical truth, resulting in a world-class education that yields graduates prepared to make a profound difference in the world for Christ.
    Westminster Christian Academy honors Jesus Christ by providing an excellent education, rooted in biblical truth as interpreted by the Westminster Confession of Faith, for Christian parents' children. Faculty and staff enable students to discover and embrace a biblical view of the world and integrate that view into every life area.
    Knowing God, loving His Word, and living for Him is at the heart of the Westminster experience. Students learn that "all truth is God's truth" in every aspect of life in and outside of school (e.g., in the Bible classroom, on the stage, on the athletic field, and in the guidance counselor's office). Students are challenged to live out their faith in their relationships, character, and service for others.
    Westminster's doors are open to all Christian families in the St. Louis region who desire a Christ-centered secondary school experience for their children. Academic programs are designed to meet the learning needs of all children in the family, and financial aid is available to help qualified families who cannot pay the full cost of tuition. Families representing all of God's people ("every tribe and language and people and nation") have an equal opportunity to a place at Westminster.
    Westminster affirms that it was God's intent for the world to be a diverse place (Genesis 9:19). We also believe God intends that his Church, in the name of Christ, would include people from every nation, tribe, people, and language (Revelation 7:9). Therefore, Westminster will strive to be a place where diversity is pursued, embraced, and valued. Diversity means "comprised of people from differing cultural and ethnic backgrounds." Westminster affirms this definition of diversity and broadens it to include diversity in our students' learning styles, denominations, and socioeconomic statuses.
    Westminster's curriculum and programs are designed to integrate biblical truth into every aspect of the school experience. Students and families should prayerfully consider the curricular and co-curricular choices available at Westminster and make decisions to maximize opportunities to learn and grow in knowledge, wisdom, and grace. We encourage parents and students to carefully and jointly consider the program of instruction and courses that will comprise a student's academic life at Westminster.

    Westminster Christian Academy
    Founding year: 1970
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Dr. Barrett Mosbacker (Head)
    Number of staff: 0








    Address: Westminster Christian Academy, 800 Maryville Centre Drive Town & Country, Missouri, 63017, United States

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