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  • Trinity School at Meadow View


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    Our campus in Falls Church, Virginia, is the third in the nationally acclaimed Trinity Schools program. For more than three decades, Trinity Schools have provided a unique culture where young men and women develop the intellectual habits they need for a lifetime of discovering the truth, practicing goodness, and creating beauty. In our core curriculum, we give all of our students signature learning experiences: Socratic seminars on the best of Western literature, the application of the MATLAB computing language to advanced math and science problems, intensive training in writing, with particular focus on the analytic essay, and a wide range of performance opportunities, where all our students compose, sing, paint and act.

    Our learners' community is coed, but our classes are single-sex, with no more than 20 students per classroom. This maximizes the ability of the individual student to learn well and to develop good friendships. Ours is also an ecumenical Christian culture marked by daily prayer and a moral order deeply rooted in Scripture and Christian tradition. Our ecumenism is a sign of Christian unity and one vital source of our joint mission to serve God and our neighbors.

    The mission of Trinity Schools is to impart basic ordered knowledge about the world and train students in necessary intellectual skills and qualities of mind to be of use to God in the wise care and governance of his creation and the building of his kingdom. We accomplish this by establishing a culture marked by the discovery of truth, the practice of goodness, the creation of beauty, and the development of intellectual and aesthetic habits of mind. Trinity School is a community of learners characterized by the rigorous exploration of reality, the free and disciplined exchange of ideas, and active participation in the fine arts.

    The educational objectives of Trinity School can effectively be arranged under the categories of the true, the good, and the beautiful. About truth, our goals include that our students develop the ability to discover and understand it wherever it is found. Further, we want our students to possess an ever-increasing knowledge and understanding of reality: how things stand in all inquiry spheres. Additionally, we expect to see and aid in developing a sense of wonder within our students: wonder about reality and a desire to learn more. We want to inculcate within them a love for the truth.

    About goodness, our goals include that our students desire the good in their own lives and the world. We want them to become morally and spiritually severe persons. Further, we want our students to develop the ability to recognize the good. Finally, we desire that the students appropriate the practices that will produce right in their own lives and the lives of those around them.

    About beauty, our goals include that the students develop the ability to recognize and love beauty and attain proficiency in the skills required to produce beautiful things in art, music, and drama. We intend for our students, thereby, to develop a love of beauty in its various expressions. In addition to these overarching goals, we also intend that every student develop particular skills and qualities. These include the following:

    • Linguistic literacy: Our students know how language works and can employ it with accuracy and effectiveness. This includes the knowledge of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and other language rules, the ability to formulate a thesis, and defend it.
    • Mathematical literacy: Our students know how mathematics works and are proficient in its use to apply it in scientific settings. This includes the ability to use symbolic manipulation, representation, and abstraction to develop proofs and understanding of formal systems.
    • Scientific literacy: Our students know the basic facts, principles, and concepts of geology, biology, chemistry, and physics that they are equipped to learn more in each of these areas.
    • Aesthetic literacy: Our students develop an awareness of and appreciation for narrative structure, metaphor, order, proportion, line, color, rhythm, melody, harmony, etc.
    • Fundamental literacy: Our students can gather information from observation, experience, and reflection to abstract, analyze, synthesize, apply, and evaluate knowledge.
    • Qualities of thought: Our students exhibit a sense of wonder, strong imagination, clarity, precision, consistency, relevance, depth of inquiry, intellectual honesty, and intellectual humility.
    • Personal qualities: Our students possess the habitual vision of greatness, moral and spiritual seriousness, endurance, regard for others, humility, honesty, and moral imagination.
    • Social virtues: Our students show respect for others and their views that they recognize the dignity of all humans, and can converse and dialogue intelligently that they possess an ecumenical spirit in all matters of Christianity.


    Trinity School at Meadow View
    Founding year: 1981
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Dr. Katherine Yohe (Head)
    Number of staff: 0






    Address: Trinity School at Meadow View, 2849 Meadow View Rd, Falls Church, Virginia, 22042, United States

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