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  • Langley Park School for Boys


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    Langley Park School for Boys is committed to providing every student at the school with a high-quality education. We take pride in what we do and strive to foster a clear identity and an excellent reputation. We ensure that each child has access to a rich and rounded curriculum and has the opportunity to develop, excel, and achieve their full potential. We promote a culture of high expectation, of leaders and governors, staff and students, and we constantly strive to improve and to be the best we can be. We promote a supportive and collaborative environment across the school, working together and with parents and the community to achieve our objectives. At Langley Park School for Boys, we prepare our students for their life after school.

    Strategic Objectives:

    • To educate the whole child and to offer an outstanding academic, physical and extra-curricular education.
    • To offer a rich and relevant curriculum with wide subject choice.
    • To expect and to achieve high standards of progress and attainment throughout the school and at every key stage.
    • To promote equality and diversity and to develop a culture of inclusion in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and able to participate fully in school life.
    • To teach the importance of good citizenship and to promote the 3 C’s - Courtesy, Common Sense, and Cooperation.
    • To prepare our students for life after school.
    • To be the school of choice for the community.
    • To be an outward-facing school and to establish effective working relationships with Langley Park School for Girls, local primary schools, and with parents and the community.
    • To recruit, develop and retain high-quality teachers and staff.
    • To maintain financial stability and rigorous financial controls
    • To maintain high standards of governance.
    • To avoid complacency, to continue to improve, and to deliver on the priorities of the School Development Plan

    Langley Park School for Boys has a specialist provision for students on the autistic spectrum. This provision is fully integrated and all suitable students must have a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Condition (formerly Disorder) and be academically able to access the mainstream curriculum. Places are extremely limited and all applications are dealt with directly by the Local Authority. Admissions are agreed in collaboration with the school at a Placement Selection Panel administered by the Local Authority.

    Langley Park School for Boys (LPSB) is an inclusive school working towards the ethos of Quality First Teaching. LPSB offers the following range of provisions to support children with communication and interaction, cognition and learning difficulties, social, mental, and emotional health problems, sensory or physical needs.

    We are a school which has a great tradition of turning out confident, articulate, intelligent and adaptable young people and we aim to continue to raise standards even further in the future. Our GCSE results are excellent with 82% of the boys achieving the national benchmark of 5 or more A*-C passes including English and Maths this year. Our large co-educational Sixth Form is also exceptional and our A level pass rate is very high with almost 60% of students achieving the highest grades of A*-B. Over 75% of our Sixth Form students took up university places this summer and many of these were with prestigious Russell Group universities.

    However, Langley Park School for Boys will always be about much more than just the academic, and we believe very strongly in educating the ‘whole child.

    We continue to thrive and enjoy enormous success in sport with rugby, hockey, cricket, and athletics teams all reaching local and national finals in recent years.

    We also have exceptional talent in the Performing Arts, and both our music and drama departments put on a wide variety of musical and theatrical performances every year, taking full advantage of our modern fully equipped theatre.

    All of our students also get the opportunity to take part in numerous outdoor education activities with Borrowdale Camp in the Lake District, and the Dover Camp residential visits being an annual feature of the school calendar.

    All of these wonderful opportunities are presented in a fantastic modern new building by a team of exceptionally talented and dedicated teachers and support staff, who like our students are always prepared to ‘go the extra mile.’

    Langley Park School for Boys
    Founding year: 1901
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 1744
    Genders Accepted: Boys
    Leadership: Head Teacher: Steve Parsons
    Address: South Eden Park Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 3BP, United Kingdom

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