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  • New Cairo British International School


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    Webpages around the world may be similar, but if ours encourages you to visit us in person and take a tour, we guarantee that you will be impressed with our facilities, and more importantly, how we use them. But a school is much more even than facilities, and what makes NCBIS so special, is our student body a vibrant, dynamic, inquisitive, hard-working, creative, and extremely motivated group of young people who are a joy to be with and to teach, and who graduate as “world-class scholars and more importantly first-class citizens”.
    While undoubtedly Cairo possesses many fine International Schools, NCBIS in New Cairo, is unique in its ethos and internationalism. As a “not for profit organization”, 100% of the fees are reinvested into the school allowing a continual upgrade of facilities and equipment, keeping us at the cutting edge of IB World Schools in the Middle East and beyond.
    Currently, 63 nationalities are represented at NCBIS, and by our NGO status, we must maintain at least 60% expatriate student body, which provides that immediate international identity. It can be felt as soon as you enter the campus with a multilingual “welcome” followed by a parade of the flags of many of our most representative nationalities.
    Once inside the school, that all-important international-mindedness becomes even more apparent as you can’t but help notice students mixing, conversing contentedly in the playground language of English, and integrating into the “one family” that we are so keen to maintain. International-mindedness is one of the key attributes of both the Student and Teacher “Learner Profile” and at NCBIS it is a key component of everything we aim for.
    Our school is incredibly welcoming and it is the first thing that new students comment on. We work hard to keep it that way too, providing each new student with a buddy and monitoring their integration closely. We also encourage parents to join our wonderful Parents’ Group to work closely with the school on joint initiatives, as well as to socialize both within and outside school. The group organizes regular coffee mornings, lectures, social activities, and dances and is instrumental in coordinating traditional and much-acclaimed events like Halloween and International Day. Together with the Parents’ group we also organize charity fund-raising days for our CAS groups and an annual Family Day which is the highlight of the year’s calendar.
    Finally, we wouldn’t be a family if we didn’t keep in touch with our alumni, sharing and celebrating their successes at university and beyond, inviting them back to tour their second home, sharing anecdotes and inspirational messages with our student body, and of course, marveling at our constant change and upgrading. We meet them in school, at universities, and will even seek them out overseas! Well, they are our extended family and NCBIS is so much more than a “school”!
    The NCBIS mission is to provide a learning environment that supports academic achievement whilst promoting personal growth through the attributes of the IB Learner profile, within a caring international community committed to the traditional values of honesty, courtesy, respect, integrity, and fair play.
    In 2021 NCBIS is an international school of renown that provides an education of excellence by which students are prepared for a rapidly changing world where skills, values, attitudes, and attributes are as important as knowledge. This education enables students to fulfill their academic, sporting, and artistic potential and develop a positive and creative mindset that enables them to achieve success at school and in later life. This is achieved in a happy atmosphere and safe and stimulating physical environment that is conducive to academic learning as well as personal and social growth. NCBIS will continue to be celebrated for its warm and caring ethos and its positive contribution to a sustainable and just world.
    Our Primary school students follow the Primary Years Programme (PYP), a course of study that ‘prepares students to be active participants in a lifelong journey of learning. The Dutch stream, an integral part of our school history and culture, also bases their curriculum on the PYP but modify it where necessary. In Key Stage 3, the first three years of secondary school, we offer the English National Curriculum leading to the IGCSE / GCSE examinations in Key Stage 4. Our senior students have the opportunity to take the prestigious IB Diploma, an internationally renowned program of study that opens the doors to the best universities in the UK and around the world.
    None of this would be possible without teachers of the highest caliber, recruited from the best UK and international schools worldwide. In all our endeavors we are fortunate to receive tremendous parental support. We foster a sense of community and understand that positive home-school links are key to our success. We proudly celebrate our successes but at the same time, we are proactive and forward-looking and realize that change and improvement must be constant.

    New Cairo British International School
    Founding year: 1998
    Website: Visit Website
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Mr. Principal: John Bagust


    Address: New Cairo British International School, Road 17, 1st District, 3rd Zone،, Cairo Governorate, 11566, Egypt

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