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  • Robert Land Academy


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    Robert Land Academy's private boarding school has over 40 years of success working with boys to achieve their potential and gain admission to post-secondary programs. Our program has a proven track record in providing benefits for boys diagnosed with or exhibiting characteristics of ADD/ADHD/ODD/NLD/NVLD and other Learning Disabilities, as well as for boys who benefit from a structured distraction-free environment.
    We provide a structured private boarding school program with an emphasis on academic remediation, university admission, and the development of the self-care, self-discipline, and self-direction required for successful adulthood. At our boarding school in Ontario, Canada, our rural location is removed from an urban setting's distractions. We provide a distraction-free environment with no cell phones, computer games, personal laptops, personal computer access, Facebook, and girlfriends.
    Robert Land Academy offers a physical activity program that promotes a healthy lifestyle and personal growth. Team sports promote working together and the development of personal life skills. Nutritionally balanced and healthy meals are provided—an emphasis on regular self-care and routine.
    The vast majority of all students experience a dramatic improvement in their academic performance and success within the first semester. Students in modified academics are encouraged and assisted in moving back into mainstream academic courses. Over the past decade, 100% of the graduating class applicants have been accepted to a university or college.
    The military theme of the Robert Land Academy military school for boys is the foundation of its structured and disciplined learning and living community. Value-based expectations for proper conduct, with clearly defined rules and roles, have their objective, accepting responsibility for personal choice and the development of rational thought.
    With a focus on the development of mind, body, and character, the Academy addresses the boy's needs as a whole to actualize his potential by gaining mastery over himself. Robert Land Academy utilizes a military model to reinforce the importance of structure, discipline, accountability, and self-determination. The demanding intellectual and physical challenges are accompanied by training support and encouragement to help each student develop self-confidence and self-worth through genuine achievement.
    The highly structured environment at Robert Land Academy is intended to support and encourage boys to reach their potential. Responsibility and accountability are stressed as a means of producing the realization that each action has consequences. Boys who do not behave appropriately are subject to discipline that includes physical exercise and loss of privileges. More severe issues can result in loss of rank, loss of weekend leaves, or labor duties around the Academy.
    The program's purpose is to help boys help themselves become the best that they can be, whether this is in the context of preparing to do an assignment in mathematics or practicing for the upcoming basketball game. Our goal is to stimulate the growth of a sense of responsibility and self-determination and, by so doing, prepare each boy for a fulfilled, productive and happy adulthood.
    Boys are admitted to Robert Land Academy military school based upon our assessment of their potential for success. The majority of our boys have experienced some level of difficulty related to attitude, concentration, focus, respect for authority, or respect for themselves. A significant portion of them has been described as being ADD, ADHD, ODD, or some other form of Learning Disability.
    An overwhelming majority of our students experience a dramatic improvement in their academic performance and success within the first semester of enrolment. Over the past decade, 100 percent of the graduates who applied to the college or university were accepted.
    In addition to improved academic performance, the average boy's health and fitness level are greatly improved through diet, exercise, and activity. Weight issues, low physical fitness levels, and general lethargy are positively addressed through mandatory participation in all aspects of the program. Improved physical fitness contributes to a more positive outlook on life, greater self-confidence, and higher energy levels. These combined with concentrated remediation and structured mandatory study halls results in a new chance for success.
    Robert Land Academy is a school for troubled youth located near Toronto, Ontario. We offer a structured learning and living environment that focuses on boys' needs with behavioral issues that may not be achieving success in the traditional school system.
    At Robert Land Academy, the academic program is combined with high physical activity levels, authentic leadership, coaching, and supervision. Our program has shown itself to have significant success in dealing with troubled boys who are not working to their full potential or who have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), and other Learning Disabilities (LD).
    With a focus on the development of mind, body, and character, our school addresses the boy's needs as a whole to actualize his potential by gaining mastery over himself. Robert Land Academy utilizes a military model to reinforce the importance of structure, discipline, accountability, and self-determination for these troubled youths. The demanding intellectual and physical challenges are accompanied by training support and encouragement to help each student develop self-confidence and self-worth through genuine achievement.
    The highly structured environment at Robert Land Academy is intended to support and encourage boys to reach their potential. Responsibility and accountability are stressed as a means of producing the realization that each action has consequences.
    An overwhelming majority of our students experience a dramatic improvement in their academic performance and success within the first semester of enrollment. Over the past decade, 100 percent of the graduates who applied to the college or university were accepted.
    Robert Land Academy military school is organized into three divisions - or companies - each corresponding to Junior (Grades 5, 6, 7 & 8), Intermediate (Grades 9 & 10), and Senior (Grades 11 & 12) Divisions. Each company is structured around specific developmental priorities relative to age and grade level. Whereas each company has a particular focus, the program as a whole is united by a common philosophy and method. Academic and athletic success requires coaching to ensure a continuum between effort and achievement.

    Robert Land Academy
    Founding year: 1978
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Boys
    Leadership: Mr. Kevin Wendling (Headmaster)
    Number of staff: 0





    Address: Robert Land Academy, 6727 S Chippawa Rd, Wellandport, Ontario, L0R 2J0, Canada

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