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  • Houston Christian School


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    Our calling as a Christian school is not to offer an alternative program to the public school system. Those of us, who have committed our vocational careers to Christian education, firmly believe in all parents' great calling. Deuteronomy 6 tells us that we are to train our children to love the LORD with all their hearts, soul, mind, and strength. Ultimately, we seek to prepare our young people for an increasingly secular world.
    Kenneth Coley (2006) discusses this concept in his book The Helmsman: leading with courage and wisdom. "Our ultimate goal for our children must be for each one to view all of life from a scripture-centered perspective rather than a human-centered perspective that is taught in secular schools.
    This does not mean that our school is a safe and isolating bubble that prevents interaction with a more fantastic world. Christian education should promote critical thinking and provide a safe environment for students to ask questions to seek answers. If we send our children to HCS to protect them from worldly affairs, our purpose is incomplete. We should be choosing Christian education because we believe wholeheartedly in what the Bible says in Proverbs 22:6, which instructs parents to train their children in the way he should go. We are blessed in our community because we see ourselves as assisting parents to teach their children a biblical Christian worldview. We hope that all our graduates leave HCS prepared to be salt and light in a world that is increasingly bitter and dark.
    Welcome to Houston Christian School! It is our prayer that your years in Grades K-6 will be pleasant, that the days and weeks will be filled with the satisfaction of learning things, with the growth of friendship, with the sounds of singing. Student progress through the school subjects will be formally reported to parents three times on report cards. Telephone calls will be made, and other notes will be sent as necessary. The learning assistance teacher is available to help students experiencing difficulties. Students, teachers, and parents need to work carefully and cooperatively so that each student can make sufficient progress.
    Students are required to attend school except for illness or other legitimate reasons as determined by parents. Please note the four rules for good schooling on the previous page. Parents are asked to call the school when students are to be kept at home. The office records attendance on the computer to be submitted to The Ministry of Education.
    The doors will be opened for students to come to school at 8:25 am. Students are to remain on the playground until the bell rings on cold winter days when the temperature is less than -15°C, the principal or a teacher will open the doors so that students can wait for school to begin in the entrance.
    Recess and noon-hour are good times for most students. Playing together is easy and fun, but it needs lots of respect for each other. Young Christians need to watch out for weaker students, for those that are shy, and for those who find it hard to make friends. Always treat others with kindness and friendliness. Do not make fun of them, do not call them names do not push or hurt them. Once at school, students must not leave the school grounds until it is time to go home. Elementary students are not permitted to go to nearby stores at recess, noon-hour or while waiting for the bus or ride home.
    Students in grades 7-10 must take the classes presented in the course schedule. Students in grades 7-8 are required to take French and Fine Arts by Provincial Policy--unless an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is on file in the office. Students in grades 11-12 will be asked to make course selections for the following school year from a list of choices every spring. The course list will vary from year to year as student interest and teacher expertise change. Of the courses offered, only those with sufficient enrollment will be offered.
    A student can become a Secondary School Apprentice. A student accepted into this program can have his or her hours at work count for high school graduation credits and towards completion of an apprenticeship. To be accepted into the program, the student needs a job under a journeyman apprentice's supervision. Students also have the option of enrolling in Distance Education courses depending on their interests and need.

    Houston Christian School
    Founding year: 1998
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Mr. Marshall Duzan (Head)</li><li><i class="fa fa-venus"></i><b>Gender: </b>Mixed (Co-education)</li><li><i class="fa fa-group"></i><b>Grades or Year Groups: </b>KG to Grade 12</li><li><i class="fa fa-map-pin"></i><b>Postal Code: </b>V0J 1Z0
    Number of staff: 0
    Address: Houston Christian School, 2161 Caledonia Ave Houston, British Columbia, V0J 1Z0, Canada

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