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    Location: Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil Job ID: R0045968 Date Posted: 2024-03-11 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY BRASIL LTDA. Profession (Job Category): Customer Service & Contact Center Operations Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Realizar compras e contratação de produtos e serviços de média complexidade e valor, desde o surgimento da demanda até a entrega dos materiais e serviços na empresa, através de recebimento das requisições, verificação das especificações, análise de cotações de preços, negociação de preços, prazos, fechamento dos contratos e acompanhamento dos processos (GBS), incluindo controle até a entrega final, visando suprir todas as áreas da empresa no atendimento de suas necessidades, sempre focando as melhores condições de preço, qualidade, prazo e condições de fornecimento. Responsabilidades: 1. Atender as necessidades de solicitação de compra, recebendo e analisando as especificações internas, buscando identificar os fornecedores potenciais para o processo. 2. Realizar o fechamento de compras dentro das melhores condições de preço, qualidade, prazo de entrega, através da análise de cotações e negociações com os fornecedores. 3. Assegurar a entrega nos prazos estabelecidos dos materiais/serviços comprados, realizando o acompanhamento dos pedidos e contratos enviados. 4. Atuar na melhoria da qualidade dos produtos e redução de custos, desenvolvendo novas alternativas. 5. Verificar a qualidade e idoneidade dos fabricantes, através da homologação do fornecedor, do produto e serviço a ser adquirido. 6. Avaliar o desempenho dos fornecedores e prestadores de serviços, através do acompanhamento diário das rotinas de compras e contratações. 7. Criar acordos de fornecimento, através de contratos, com o objetivo de gerar economia nas negociações de materiais, equipamentos e serviços realizados pela área. 8. Fornecer suporte para vendas em propostas e informações de mercado relevantes. Seu Background: Formação superior completa desejável em Administração de Empresas / Economia Inglês intermediário Conhecimento de manufatura Conhecimento de sistemas integrados (ERP/SAP) Técnicas de compras e negociação Conhecimento tributos / legislação fiscal Conhecimento de planejamento de demanda Conhecimento de metodologia de avaliação de fornecedores #LI-Hybrid
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    Location: Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil Job ID: R0045963 Date Posted: 2024-03-13 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY BRASIL LTDA. Profession (Job Category): Administration & Facilities Job Schedule: Part time Remote: No Job Description: Responsabilidades:Acumular experiência profissional por meio de um estágio e aprender por execução de tarefas conforme orientações para apoiar as operações da Hitachi Energy.Planejar custos, fazer interface com diferentes áreas, incluindo: compras, controladoria, administração e projetos.Elaboração de normas, processos, controlar prazos de entregas e ajudar no planejamento de resultados operacionais.Executar as ordens no sistema, bem como acompanhar entrada e saída de materiais.Facilitação de diferentes áreas com os operadores de máquinas e times da fábrica.Realizar reports para a área de planejamento de materiais e de produçãoAtender as demandas de clientes, e auxiliar em estratégia de estoque.Background:Formação: Engenharia mecânica, Engenharia de Produção, Engenharia Elétrica.Conhecimento em Excel (mandatório).Idioma: inglês intermediário (desejável).Conhecimento em ERP (desejável).Conhecimento em SAP (desejável).Perfil: Planejador, analitico e focado Diversidade + colaboração = grande inovaçãoNa Hitachi Energy, vivemos de acordo com essa equação poderosa. Junto com clientes e parceiros, estamos promovendo um futuro de energia sustentável para todos. Só reconheceremos esse futuro quando todos tiverem um lugar à mesa em uma cultura inclusiva e colaborativa.
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    Location: (HE)Office_Blumenau Job ID: R0032630 Date Posted: 2023-12-15 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY BRASIL LTDA. Profession (Job Category): Administration & Facilities Job Schedule: Part time Remote: No Job Description: Para essa posição você terá as seguintes responsabilidades: Atuar e colaborar junto ao time de Engenharia de vendas e contratos, com a finalidade de obter as informações pertinentes aos projetos em andamento.Atuar com diferentes softwares e ferramentas diariamente, para interpretação de dados e especificações de clientesAuxiliar em Planejamento de toda carga referente as linhas de transformadores DRY e DTR.Acompanhar e planejar atividades de melhoria contínua, incluindo análises de redução de custos, aumento de produtividade e redução de danos. Acompanhar e apoiar em planejamento de rotinas da fábrica junto aos colaboradores dessas áreas.Para essa posição será importate: Cursar as faculdades de Engenharia Elétrica, Energia e áreas correlatas, com previsão para se formar a partir de dezembro de 2025.Conhecimentos em Inglês Intermediário (Desejável)Conhecimentos em Excel (Desejável)Conhecimentos em Autocad e/ou SolidWorks (Desejável)
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    Location: Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil Job ID: R0045031 Date Posted: 2024-03-08 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY BRASIL LTDA. Profession (Job Category): Sales, Marketing & Product Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Responsável por coletar, compilar e analisar dados de mercado para feedback à Diretoria e Divisões da companhia sobre mudanças macroeconômicas, tendências comerciais, atividades competitivas, oportunidades e desafios de mercado. Em colaboração com as Divisões, coletar e analisar dados de cliente, concorrente e produto, para ter o correto entendimento sobre a posição da unidade de negócio e produto no mercado. Mapear projetos estratégicos para a companhia em segmentos diversos do mercado, elaboração de reports para tomada de decisão, treinar novos funcionários Hitachi Energy na função de BI em Latam (Argentina, Chile, Peru, etc.) e no Brasil em todas as divisões e ser o ponto de referência para implementação de novas ferramentas de inteligência de mercado. Responsabilidades: Coletar, compilar e analisar dados de mercado sobre mudanças macroeconômicas, tendências comerciais, atividades competitivas, oportunidades e desafios de mercado.Suporte de informações gerenciais ao GAM/SAM & IniciativasAcompanhamento, análise, validação e report da performance de vendas das contas estratégicas e iniciativas de negócio.Garantir que as ordens indiretas para as contas estratégicas possam ser devidamente alocadas nas respectivas contas, incluindo e acompanhando o processo via MOE (Manual Order Entry).Garantir que todas as empresas do grupo estejam corretamente ligadas à matriz, através do MasterClearing Application.Análise estatística das contas - controle de oportunidade: levantamento dados estatísticos em portais eletrônicos.Reportes gerenciais: apresentações, KPIs, controles / Acompanhamento de custos, projeções: budget e forecast de vendas e custos, desenvolvimento e acompanhamento de novos reports.Elaborar e preparar novos materiais que serão apresentados pelos Diretores da companhia e para clienttes internos e externos.Dar subsídios através de informações de mercado, performance de vendas, dados de concorrentes etc., para a tomada de decisão na definição dos prinicipais alvos de Marketing. Produzir os planos em conformidade com a estratégia e o mercado global e estratégia da Divisão/Unidade de Negócios, garantindo que estes sejam alcançados.Ser ponto de referência na implementação de novas ferramentas de inteligência de mercado ou de relacionamento com clientes (CRMs), treinar novos usuários, disseminar a informação de boas práticas. Seu Background: Formação superior completa em áreas correlatas. Desejável curso de especialização na áreaInglês avançado/fluente (obrigatório)Espanhol desejávelDomínio do Salesforce, SAP, Pacote Office, PowerBI e ABACUSDesejável experiência no segmento elétricoMercado e Inteligência de negócios, Domínio dos processos e ferramentas de vendas, Finanças, Orçamento e Previsão Orçamentária #LI-Hybrid
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    Location: Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil Job ID: R0043901 Date Posted: 2024-02-15 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY BRASIL LTDA. Profession (Job Category): Other Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Sobre a Hitachi Energy A Hitachi Energy é uma empresa líder mundial em tecnologia que está promovendo um futuro com energia sustentável para todos. Atende clientes nos setores de serviços públicos, indústria e infraestrutura com soluções e serviços inovadores em toda a cadeia de valor. Junto com clientes e parceiros, é pioneira em tecnologias e possibilita a transformação digital necessária para acelerar a transi-ção energética em direção a um futuro neutro em carbono. Está desenvolvendo o sistema mundial de energia para torná-lo mais sustentável, flexível e seguro, equilibrando ao mesmo tempo o valor social, ambiental e econômico. A Hitachi Energy tem um histórico comprovado e uma base instalada inigualável em mais de 140 países. Integramos mais de 150 GW de links HVDC ao sistema de energia, ajudando nossos clientes a viabilizar mais energia eólica e solar. Sediada na Suíça, emprega mais de 40.000 pessoas em 90 países e gera cerca de 10 bilhões de dólares em volumes de negócios . Sobre essa oportunidade: Buscamos fortalecer nossa equipe com talentos diversos e habilidades únicas. Pensando nisso, abrimos o Banco de Talentos da Hitachi Energy dedicado a identificar, atrair e desenvolver profissionais com deficiência. Nosso banco de talentos busca perfis que serão avaliados por suas experiências profissionais, competências técnicas, habilidades e interesses que se encaixam com nossas oportunidades em áreas como: EngenhariaRecursos HumanosJurídicoMarketing & VendasFinançasSupply ChainAdministração e outras áreas. Se você é uma pessoa com deficiência que está interessada em fazer parte do nosso time, convidamos você a se inscrever em nosso Banco de Talentos. Diversidade, Equidade e Inclusão na Hitachi Energy: Na Hitachi Energy, acreditamos que Diversidade + colaboração = grande inovação. Junto com clientes e parceiros, estamos promovendo um futuro de energia sustentável para todos e, só reconheceremos esse futuro quando todos tiverem um lugar à mesa em uma cultura inclusiva e colaborativa. Por isso, criamos o Diversity 360, a nossa visão que garante que a diversidade, a equidade e a inclusão estejam no centro do nosso sucesso comercial de longo prazo. Acreditamos no poder da diversidade de pensamento e que é tarefa de todos construir um local de trabalho que a promova.
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    Location: (HE)Office_Blumenau Job ID: R0022658 Date Posted: 2023-06-01 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY BRASIL LTDA. Profession (Job Category): Sales, Marketing & Product Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Responsabilidade: Realizar a gestão da área de Gerenciamento de Projetos da divisão de Transformadores de Distribuição, assegurando o atendimento do escopo dos projetos, especificações dos contratos, padrões de qualidade e requisitos HSE. Aplicar as melhores práticas em Gestão de Projetos de forma a garantir que as atividades de cada projeto sejam executadas de acordo com as políticas da empresa, acordos comerciais, objetivos financeiros e prazos acordados, visando garantir a satisfação do cliente e o alcance dos resultados planejados. Mitigação de riscos, habilidade de comunicação, gestão de pessoas, senso de propriedade, cumprimento de metas e resultados planejados e definidos pela organização contribuindo na sustentabilidade do negócio. Principais Atividades: Garantir a governança e controle do portfolio de projetos seguindo as melhores práticas de gestão de projetos e de acordo com as políticas e procedimentos definidos pela Hitachi.Gerir o desenvolvimento e busca de constante melhoria continua nos processos com base nas melhores práticas de mercado e nas lições aprendidas em outros projetos;Coordenar as análises de projetos (project reviews) junto aos gerentes de projetos, com foco na avaliação de riscos, planejamento, projeção financeira, faturamento, cashflow, atendimentos aos marcos do projeto e cumprimento das obrigações contratuais;Assegurar a correta gestão dos riscos (risk management) e das mudanças, reinvindicações/demandas (claim management);Monitorar e atuar de forma efetiva os indicadores de performance (KPIs) da área, revisando, ajustando e suportando quando necessário;Assegurar o cumprimento do processo de gestão de projetos conforme definido em procedimento interno e adequá-lo, quando necessário, levando em conta requisitos e principios da ISO9001;Disseminar as instruções, políticas, atualizações, boas práticas, solitações e conhecimentos com a equipe;Suportar a equipe na tomada de decisões e resolução de problemas. Avaliar desvios e garantir a correta atuação da equipe para obter os melhores resultados no projeto. Assegurando as margens estabelecidas na venda bem como buscar os possiveis upsides;Desenvolver continuamente a área de gestão de projetos para que esteja estruturada de acordo com o modelo de negócios da empresa com recursos adequados e dirigida adequadamente, orientando, motivando e desenvolvendo a equipe;Garantir a gestão do desenvolvimento da equipe buscando integração e melhoria continua para atingir os resultados de acordo com as estratégias da Hitachi. Bem como designar os gerentes de projeto de acordo com as suas competências e habilidades;Gerir a equipe e assegurar o acompanhamento da execução dos contratos desde o início do projeto até o seu encerramento, através do controle e monitoramento. Bem como proporcionar correta orientação e direcionamento para entrega dos resultados esperados;Gerenciar a ocupação da equipe (workload) e garantir a adequada distribuição dos projetos para a melhor execução;Participar de processo de contratação, bem como atuar efetivamente no processo de retenção e motivação da equipe.Defender os interesses contratuais da Hitachi com os clientes e fornecedores durante todo o ciclo de vida do projeto, incluindo monitoramento e avaliação de mudanças e desvios,obtendo o suporte da área Jurídica quando necessário para o desenvolvimento da estratégia de negociação. Background: Formação preferencialmente em Administração de Empresas ou Engenharia.Inglês fluenteConhecimento em gerenciamento de projetosHabilidade em gestão de pessoas Conhecimentos desejáveis: Conhecimento em tranformadores e/ou outros equipamentos da área de energia; Conhecimento dos produtos, serviços e sistemas da Hitachi Energy;Noções jurídicas e tributárias;Conhecimento e aplicação das Políticas e Normas de Saúde, Segurança do Trabalho e Integridade.
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    Location: Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil Job ID: R0046495 Date Posted: 2024-03-15 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY BRASIL LTDA. Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: As R&D Electrical Engineer, you will join our South America R&D Center, an organization leading continuous research and development activities on transformers. Specifically, you will be part of the R&D Team in Blumenau (Brazil), and you will contribute to the development of projects related to the electrical performance of distribution transformers and contribute to the successful roadmap execution. Your Responsibilities: Propose and analyze innovative ideas in the electrical design of distribution transformers to fulfill the challenging technical requirements of transformer for new marketsDefine Design of Experiments for validating the proposed solutionsDesign and supervision of the manufacturing and testing of the prototypesLead the RD project execution, to ensure the performance, time and cost are within the expectationsDocument project progress, obtain conclusions and derive the design rules of the validated solutionsProtect the validated solutions by applying the corresponding IP solutionSupport other RD colleagues from all Hitachi Energy RD community by analyzing and optimizing the electrical design of other RD projectsProvide punctual technical support to factories, salespeople and customersLiving Hitachi Energy’s core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business Your Background: BSc or MSc in Electrical Engineering or similar. Higher formal educational will be meriting.Experience in electrical design of transformersAdvanced knowledge of magnetic, dielectric and/or thermal designBackground in use of electrical FEM simulation shall be well valuableInitiative, creativity, “out of the box” thinking and great attention to detailCollaborative, solution-oriented approach, and strong communication skillsProject managements skillsEnglish proficient , both written and spoken
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    Location: Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil Job ID: R0046074 Date Posted: 2024-03-15 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY BRASIL LTDA. Profession (Job Category): Sales, Marketing & Product Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Principais responsabilidades: Realizar tarefas administrativas comerciais, dentro da unidade de negócios chamada Produtos de Alta Tensão, apoiando a equipe de Vendas e auxiliando na elaboração de propostas comerciais, atendendo necessidades dos clientes, buscando estabelecer relacionamento comercial e apoiando com a concretização das vendas Prestar suporte aos vendedores, parceiros comerciais (distribuidores, OEM´s, EPC´s, etc.) e as outras áreas da empresa. Atender e suportar a demanda e dúvidas comerciais de clientes, utilizando-se dos recursos disponíveis, como: Sales Force, Site, Planilhas de Cálculo de Preços, Planilhas de Custo de Materiais, Políticas e Procedimentos de Vendas e de Registros. Identificar clientes e oportunidades potenciais, direcionando as informações para avaliação da equipe de Vendas e Marketing. Manter estreito relacionamento com os vendedores locais, apoiá-los para a apresentação de cotações e preços. Conferir se pedidos do cliente correspondem ao que foi cotado (preços, quantidade, impostos aplicáveis, prazos de entrega, condições de pagamento, etc) e garantir que o processo seja registrado, atualizando nas ferramentas de controle (ex. Sales Force) e transferido para a área de operações a gestão do processo. Controlar documentos do departamento facilitando a sua rastreabilidade e pronto atendimento as necessidades dos clientes e sistema da qualidade. Atualizar tabela dos produtos, preços, catálogos de referência, cotações, prazos de entrega e dados de mercado, entre outros. Para essa posição será importante: Possuir Ensino técnico completo ou Ensino Superior em Andamento e desejável que seja em Eletrotécnica ou Eletrônica. Conhecimentos em: AutoCAD e Leitura de Desenhos Elétricos (Mandatório)Possuir no mínimo dois anos de experiência no setor Administrativo (Desejável)Conhecimento Intermediário em Pacote Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) (Desejável)Possuir Inglês Intermediário (Nível Intermediário) Será um diferencial ter Noções Tributárias e Fiscais.
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    Location: Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil Job ID: R0046516 Date Posted: 2024-03-15 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY BRASIL LTDA. Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: As R&D Mechanical Engineer, you will join our South America R&D Center, an organization leading continuous research and development activities on transformers. Specifically, you will be part of the R&D Team in Blumenau (Brazil), and you will contribute to the development of projects related to the electrical performance of distribution transformers and contribute to the successful roadmap execution. Your Responsibilities:​ Propose and analyze innovative ideas in the Mechanical design of distribution transformers to fulfill the challenging technical requirements of transformer for new marketsDefine Design of Experiments for validating the proposed solutionsDesign and supervision of the manufacturing and testing of the prototypesLead the RD project execution, to ensure the performance, time and cost are within the expectations.Document project progress, obtain conclusions and derive the design rules of the validated solutions.Support other RD colleagues from all Hitachi Energy RD community by analyzing and optimizing the structural or thermal design of other RD projectsProvide punctual technical support to factories, salespeople and customersLiving Hitachi Energy's core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business Your Background: BSc or MSc in Mechanical Engineering or similar. Higher formal educational will be meriting.Experience in mechanical design of transformersAdvanced knowledge of mechanical of solids, manufacturing process and/or thermal designGood Knowlagent of design tool, preferences PTC Creo.Background in use of FEA simulation shall be well valuableInitiative, creativity, "out of the box" thinking and great attention to detailCollaborative, solution-oriented approach, and strong communication skillsProject managements skillsEnglish proficient, both written and spoken
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    Location: Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada Job ID: R0045709 Date Posted: 2024-03-13 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CANADA INC. Profession (Job Category): Administration & Facilities Job Schedule: Full time Remote: Yes Job Description: General Information: We are looking for a Site logistics coordinator responsible for the receipt, handling, storage, preservation and maintenance of goods and materials on HVDC converter station in Laprairie, QC. Responsibilities: The Site Logistics Coordinator is responsible for the receipt, handling, storage, preservation and maintenance of goods and materials on HVDC sites. Ensure close collaboration with the Supply Chain Management (SCM) organization for the proper identification of the material to the delivered to site by HVDC and its suppliers, weights and dimensions, the schedule of delivery and the storage requirements ​Coordinate with Subcontractors for deliveries of goods within their scope. For Material delivered by HVDC, ensure proper coordination with the Transport and Logistics organization for the schedule of delivery of goods to the sites. Receipt and unload material upon arrival to the site. Perform a visual inspection of goods and materials. Identify missing, incomplete, or damaged material and start the required claim process. For any missing, incomplete, or damaged material, start the quality claim process in the applicable application. Track the claim items and the defined delivery dates for the claimed material. Prepare, maintain, and execute the preservation plan for the material delivered to the site. Ensure that the maintenance plan for the site is available and execute as per defined operational intervals. Manage the Spare Parts, unused goods, and the disposal of scrap material. Maintain all relevant certificates, logs, and records for the received or handed over material, preservation records and maintenance records. Qualifications: High School and/or technical degree Previous experience with transport logistics and/or material handling HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) training and certifications Knowledge and confidence with the use of Microsoft Office applications Diligent, structured and teamwork personality Operation certificate for truck and lifting equipment is a plus Proficiency with handling a computer and interacting with applications and programs. Fluency in French and English language is required. Only selected applicants will be contacted.
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    Location: Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada Job ID: R0045516 Date Posted: 2024-03-14 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CANADA INC. Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: Yes Job Description: General Information: We are excited to announce that Hitachi Energy – Montreal is seeking a skilled Civil Construction Manager to join our HVDC team. In this role, you will be responsible for overseeing all aspects of construction, from site preparation to the installation of high voltage equipment, for an HVDC converter station in Chateauguay, Montreal, Quebec. As the Site Manager, you will bring your expertise to manage all phases of the project, ensuring that it is completed on time and within budget. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in civil construction and experience in managing large-scale projects. If you are a highly motivated individual looking to join a dynamic and innovative team, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity. Hitachi Energy – Montreal is committed to providing a diverse and inclusive work environment that fosters growth and development. Responsibilities: You act as the main interface to the Customer on all contractual matters and maintain a good relationship with local authorities and organizations. You manage manpower requirements on site and drive the site activities to achieve the contractual mile-stones and targets. You ensure that all personnel on site are well informed about the Scope of Work (SoW) and Division of Work (DoW) You manage change management on site, including variation orders to subcontractors. You warrant that all tests are performed and accepted by the customer according to contractual conditions. You foster a culture of proper understanding and adherence by all site personnel to the Health, Environment and Safety requirements of the business, Customer, and local authorities. You ensure that all activities are done with the expected quality and that all quality records are created and properly archived. You ensure that all permits, licenses, and requirements are in place for a compliant execution of the site activities. You ensure a structured, up-to-date, and reliable documentation handling on site and towards the Headquarters. You guarantee that all activities are performed within the defined contractual schedules and milestones, understand the project budget and ensure that costs for the site activities are maintained within budget. You ensure that contractual obligations are met and to the satisfaction of our customers. You are assigned as Site Manager in medium to large EPC converter station projects, complex Consortium projects, or as Deputy Site Manager in large EPC converter station projects. Living Hitachi energy's core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in mechanical, electrical, or civil engineering Experience (minimum 10 years) working as a Site Manager on construction sites, within the Quebec province, in the energy sector or similar industries, particularly in medium and large size projects. Fluent in English language, written and oral. Fluent in French language, written and oral. Sound commercial awareness, contracts management experience and business acumen Experience in Civil Works, Installation and/or Commissioning Relevant and Certified knowledge and experience in the field of HSE Very structured and organized, good people management skills, collaboration and team working spirit, resilient, excellent customer interface and communication skills. Willingness to travel throughout Canada, USA, and worldwide. Only selected applicants will be contacted.
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    Location: (HE)Office_QC, Saint-Laurent Job ID: R0030533 Date Posted: 2024-03-14 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CANADA INC. Profession (Job Category): Project/Program Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: General Information: Attention all bilingual, engaged, and driven individuals! We are seeking a Construction Site Controller to join our CHPE/Chateauguay project. As a key member of both the site management team and the overall project controlling team, you will be responsible for managing cost-control and forecasting from the construction sites located at the Chateauguay site. The Construction Site Controller will actively drive the project's financial performance from a site perspective and share local site responsibility for commercial and financial aspects. If you are ready to take on this exciting opportunity, apply now! Responsibilities: Custodian of the change management for activities at site Ensure that all the construction costs are booked against the correct PO and cost positions Be the financial interface for and with the PCCM and provide support to the Site management team Ensure consistency between balances reported in ERP system with all other tools used for recording costs (procurement, manpower subcontractor). Ensure tight control of costs – both invoiced and un-invoiced Follow up of purchases at site. Involvement in risks and opportunities meetings on behalf of site Provide overall project with forecasts from site Qualifications: Fluent in English and French both written and spoken Proven experience working within construction or on large multinational projects Excellent team building and communications skills Proactive, driven, and positive attitude High service orientation and the ability to work independently Strong problem-solving skills Ability to make quick but balanced decisions Honesty and personal integrity Knowledge of SAP and Excel Financial knowledge with financial degree preferable Only selected applicants will be contacted.
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    Location: Varennes, Quebec, Canada Job ID: R0046418 Date Posted: 2024-03-15 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CANADA INC. Profession (Job Category): Human Resources Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: General Information: Hitachi Energy is looking for a Training Coordinator for its Varennes site. The person will be responsible for indicating training courses to learners, coordinating training periods with trainers and documenting the training received. The person will participate in the layout of a centralized training matrix and ensure its deployment. The ideal candidate will have expertise in working with stakeholders, learning management systems and IT tools. This position reports to the Site Training and Development Manager. Responsibilities: Work in partnership with cross-functional teams, including Operations, Human Resources, Quality, Health & Safety, Engineering and Continuous Improvement, to coordinate training activities; Record, maintain and track employee training progress and qualifications in a learning management system or equivalent; Collaborate and coordinate resource management for training activities; Ensure that training implementation is aligned with the standards and expectations set by the Training Manager; Develop and produce detailed reports on the results and effectiveness of training programs and participant feedback, using the data to guide future training strategies and continuous improvement efforts; Communicate and schedule training sessions, ensuring that programs are delivered in a timely and effective manner, based on plant activities and employee availability; Assist in the execution of training plans, where appropriate. Qualifications: More than two years' relevant experience in coordination, ideally of training, including administration of a learning management system. Experience as an effective communicator and organizer of agendas and schedules. Strong communication skills, both written and oral, at all levels of staff and management teams. Experience in managing a learning management system or equivalent database. Strong analytical skills, with experience in producing and interpreting training reports and indicators. Knowledge of current training practices, tools and resources in the manufacturing industry. Proficiency in Microsoft Office suite programs. Only selected applicants will be contacted.
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    Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Job ID: R0044393 Date Posted: 2024-02-29 Company Name: HITACHI RAIL STS CANADA, INC. Profession (Job Category): Quality Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Hitachi Rail is looking for an enthusiastic self-motivated Construction QA/QC expert who thrives in a fast-paced environment. The successful candidate is comfortable performing a wide range of tasks from administrative to strategic. The position is based in Mississauga, Canada About Us A career at Hitachi Rail will help create a legacy. With operations in every corner of the world, our work goes to the cutting-edge of digital transformation and technology. From the multi-cultural strength of our global organization to the sustainable and innovative ways we work to bring people together, there’s something for everyone to get stuck into. And that’s where you come in. Accountabilities: Follow the work progress of all Construction activities to accurately oversee Hitachi and Subcontractor quality standards.Managing quality site installation for the following system installation: Power supply/Traction power, Telecom, Signalling, and depot equipment.Managing subcontractor quality teams and ensuring that the quality requirements have been understood and fulfilled. Controlling the correct implementation of Method of Statement and the inspection test plan.Managing IR’s, Punch List, Snag list, NCRs, and quality issues with the contract authority. Ensuring correct installation of the systems according to approved drawings, manuals, and specificationsManaging PICO test (continuity, insulation and HIPOT test) for the cables, equipment and final check in order to ensure the integrity of the system before testing and energization phase.Managing internal handover between installation to testing and commissioning team as well as the final handover to the service provider. Training and overlooking subcontractors on construction specification, policies, and procedures, including safety measures, to make sure high-quality installation are executed. Conducting regular audits of production lines or departments to ensure compliance with company standards and project requirements.Managing the construction activities related to quality involving a team of employees working on specific tasks towards common goals.Providing guidance and support to employees and/or subcontractors in their work teams to ensure that they are performing their jobs effectively.Specifying and controlling the quality of work performed by STS Subcontractors for the installation and construction scope. Performing all Quality control inspections and tests as necessary to ensure compliance with Contract requirements.Maintaining and managing all the Quality Control records for the project in Procore. Required Skills/ Knowledge: A minimum of 5 years of relevant and experience.Detailed knowledge of Design-Build projects.Understanding of Construction quality standards Ability to familiarize with contractual documents such as construction specification.Excellent communication skills toward the client and to relay information back to subcontractorAble to meet deadlines and successfully handle pressures associated with site construction works.Ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from managers, employees, peers, and third parties.Ability to maintain the integrity of confidential business information. Desired Skills/ Knowledge: Construction and installation of rail transit systems or other complex systems in urban environments.Effective Partnering and Teaming skills.Technical writing.Construction Management software such as Procore.MS Office tools. Education: Engineering or industrial management background. Relevant knowledge to ensure that the company is producing high-quality installation and documents that meet customer expectations. Languages: Written and spoken English proficiency. Benefits Hitachi Rail employees enjoy a comprehensive benefits package including Competitive Pay, Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance, Short & Long Term Disability, Life & Accident Insurance, a Retirement Savings Plan, and Paid Vacation. We also offer a number of Work/Life Programs such as Flextime and a variety of Training and Development opportunities. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those under consideration will be contacted. Join us at www.hitachirail.com/careers It is our commitment at Hitachi Rail STS Inc to create a diverse environment and we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. We would be delighted if you would be one of our followers! Have a glance at our LinkedIn page https://www.linkedin.com/company/hitachirailsts/ #LI-JB1
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    Location: Varennes, Quebec, Canada Job ID: R0046416 Date Posted: 2024-03-19 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CANADA INC. Profession (Job Category): Human Resources Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Hitachi Énergie is looking for a training and development manager for its Varennes site. The person will be responsible for the design and deployment of training programs that facilitate improvement in organizational performance. The person will also be responsible for the orientations of the training department in addition to the daily management of 2 designers within the team and the training coordinator. Reporting to plant management, this position will ensure that training programs are designed and implemented using North America Training Center processes and best practices to ensure engagement and employee development. The ideal candidate has expertise in adult learning methodologies, training program development, and working collaboratively with stakeholders. Managing training programs and driving organizational transformation are essential to the success of this position. Responsibilities: Direct and guide the creation of training programs to meet the needs of the organization; Establish and manage a team of specialists who will support training on site; Develop the capacities of trainers; Ensure that training implementation complies with defined standards and expectations; Monitor, guide and communicate training effectiveness measures (KPIs) and identify trends, in order to promote continuous improvement of programs and processes; Actively participate in benchmarking performance and sharing best practices with internal and external partners/locals; Maintain a training management system to monitor, control and measure the effectiveness of training; Work with subject matter experts to produce effective training materials using adult learning methodologies; Provide training to employees. Qualifications: University degree in teaching, industrial relations, training and development, organizational development, instructional design, or equivalent; More than 6 years of relevant experience in training project management, including training program design, administration and evaluation; Experience as an effective facilitator/coach (preferably in the area of direct worker training); Experience with learning management systems and authoring tools; Mastery of Microsoft Office suite programs; Work experience in a manufacturing field is an asset. Only selected applicants will be contacted.
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    Location: Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada Job ID: R0046926 Date Posted: 2024-03-20 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CANADA INC. Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: General Information: Do you want to enable green energy transition, and together with colleagues build customized embedded control systems consisting of both software and hardware to meet our customers’ and the world’s needs for sustainable, flexible and insecure energy? We are convinced that HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) technology, solutions for energy transfer with direct current at high voltages, is a long-term sustainable solution. The technology is used for energy transmission over long distances and to connect electricity networks with minimal losses. In addition to energy transfer, HVDC technology also alleviates electricity quality problems and can contribute to the stabilization of connected power grids. For offshore wind power or long-distance underwater transmissions, direct current is the only realistic energy transmission alternative. We are looking for a HVDC Test Engineer to join our HVDC team at Hitachi Energy – Montreal. You will be part of a team of talented engineers working for Control and protection, reporting to the HVDC Engineering Manager in Canada. You will be responsible for preparing documents and procedures for tests, setup simulations schemes with hardware in loop systems, and run those simulations with real control equipment. If you have experience in hardware in loop, testing control and protection equipment, you are eager to learn, and you enjoy working on a global structure of high technology and innovation, apply now! Responsibilities:Create simulator model and configuration setup in RSCAD / Hypersim Support testing of delivery projects Participate in the testing in our Factory System Test Be involved in the development of our testing processes Live Hitachi Energy’s core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business. Qualifications:You have proven experience in electrical engineering and with high voltage equipment. You hold a bachelor’s or master's degree within the relevant technical area. Knowledge of real time simulators RTDS and OPAL RT To succeed and thrive, you need an attention to the details while still being able to grasp the bigger picture. Equally important is your ability to work individually as well as in teams, and to take leadership of assigned tasks. You are proud of and take responsibility for the work you do at Hitachi Energy. As you will be a part of a global business, fluency in English is required, written and spoken alike. French speaking is an asset Only selected applicants will be contacted.
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    Location: Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada Job ID: R0046731 Date Posted: 2024-03-19 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CANADA INC. Profession (Job Category): Project/Program Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) is a product group in Hitachi Energy, that develops, manufactures, and sells DC transmission systems on a global market. HVDC technology is used for example to transmit Power over long distances, on overhead lines or via submarine cables. You will work in a large HVDC project being responsible for the local scope where you report to the project director. In the project you will assist in the creating of project management plans which you will monitor and act upon during the project execution. As local leader for the execution of the project you ensure that all related activities are performed in accordance with Hitachi Energy policy, contractual agreements, quality standards, health, safety & environment requirements, financial targets, as well as schedule commitments. Responsibilities: In tender work you analyze project schedules, create project management plans and calculate project execution cost. Identifies, qualifies, quantifies, and manages project risks, and ensures that all opportunities are identified and pursued. Drives the formal acceptance of the project, contract close-out and its acknowledgement by the customer. Coordinates with and support Supply Chain Management in supplier negotiations, claims and project changes. Builds and maintains strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders and effectively communicates with all stakeholders. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in an engineering field or equivalent. Extensive experience of executing large projects. Experience managing projects under different contractual models. Proactive and highly organized, experience in coordinating multiple teams. Influencing and engaging leadership skills. Excellent written and verbal communication. Financial knowledge and commercial skills to manage the project. Only selected applicants will be contacted.
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    Location: (HE)Office_QC, Saint-Laurent Job ID: R0047052 Date Posted: 2024-03-22 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CANADA INC. Profession (Job Category): Sales, Marketing & Product Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: Yes Job Description: General Information: Hitachi energy is seeking an Employer Brand and University Relations Specialist - North America. This is a remote opportunity. This role will partner cross-functionally with North America talent management, early careers, and diversity, equity & inclusion as well as key stakeholders and leaders in the business. This role is responsible for executing the University Relations strategy in Canada, including partner management with schools that align with the company's hiring goals and Diversity 360 strategy. This role will also focus on employee advocacy and strengthening the brand ambassador network in North America. The Employer Brand and University Relations Specialist will report to the North America Sr. Employer Brand Manager. The ideal candidate is based in Canada, passionate about university relations management, and must have the flexibility to travel for career fairs and company events. Responsibilities Support the employer brand strategy by managing university and vendor relationships in Canada. Oversee Hitachi Energy’s presence at Canadian campus events including career fair registration, the creation of recruitment marketing materials, ordering swag, and hosting training sessions for campus ambassadors. Collaborate with the Early Career Program Manager and University Recruiter to source candidates at partner universities. Travel to in-person campus events to connect with students across Canada. Identify and launch new third-party partnership opportunities to support Hitachi Energy’s Diversity 360 strategy. Support the employee advocacy strategy through social media content creation and team member engagement. Ensure proper communication with all stakeholders across the enterprise at various touchpoints. Support the Sr. Employer Brand Manager on internal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion activities including employee resource groups. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university Candidate must already have work authorization that would permit them to work for Hitachi Energy in Canada. Minimum 2 years of experience in Talent Acquisition, Employer Branding and/or Digital Marketing Minimum 2 years of university relations experience Experience with copywriting and social media content creation. Strong passion for university relations management and connecting with early career talent. Ability to think “big picture” across countries and business initiatives and translate into actionable priorities. Strong commitment to and passion for incorporating Diversity, Equity & Inclusion into all you do as a talent professional. Excellent interpersonal, coaching, influencing, and communication skills. Experience designing and gaining approval on strategic plans and successful measurable outcomes. Demonstrates initiative as well as project and/or event management skills. Only selected applicants will be contacted.
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    Location: Raleigh, North Carolina, United States Job ID: R0028255 Date Posted: 2024-03-22 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CANADA INC. Profession (Job Category): Quality Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: General Information: The Quality & Continuous Improvement Specialist will report to the HUB Quality Manager – NAM providing supporting with Projects and Service teams in Canada, USA, and Mexico to ensure the products and services of our organization meet or exceed customer expectations and quality standards. The Quality Specialist will be responsible for overseeing aspects of the Quality Management and CI System. A successful candidate will be able to ensure processes, and procedures meet NAM regulatory and quality standards, and promptly resolve any issues or discrepancies that may arise. Responsibilities: Responsible to support assigned functional team on any quality issues, analysis, and improvement(s), organizing relevant departments to conduct root cause analysis, implement measures for improvement, and follow up on the effectiveness of improvement. Provide support to the Project Quality Managers (PQM) with Tender and Project Execution activities related to Quality Planning, Assurance and Control. Responsible for the quality issue summary and Lesson learned data base accuracy and control. Maintain NCRs, processing records, follow up on timely resolution, and improvement, and generate One-page reports. Responsible for planning, scheduling, and documenting the execution of internal audits for the Quality department. Provide support during internal audits, certification audits and management reviews. Participate in continuous improvement projects. Maintain quality management system records, files, and databases in a neat and orderly fashion and in compliance with the document management system and applicable standards. Responsible for quality data performance analysis and Quality reporting/KPIs as assigned Analyze QA and/or other data for trends and issue reports, as needed. Use various statistical analyses to solve business/quality problems. Responsible for the implementation of the QOT (Quality Observation Tour) in support of the PQMs during site visit. Responsible for PFMEA and Control plan setup in support to the PQMs Provide support for the Final Acceptance Tests and technical risk review. Provide effective and efficient internal and external customer service. Living Hitachi Energy’s core values of safety and integrity means taking responsibility for your actions while caring for your colleagues and the business. Other tasks as assigned. Qualifications: General college diploma in Engineering preferably, or with a specialty related to the position Bachelor's (Technical) degree (BS) from a four-year college or university, or a minimum of five years related experience and/or training, or equivalent combination of education and experience. Knowledge of high voltage products or electrical power systems is desirable Background in quality function, engineering, product development, manufacturing, or project management Proficiency with multiple computer systems such as MS Office, SAP, SharePoint Strong attention to detail, schedule oriented, assertive. Highly organized Fluent English (French skills is an asset) Experience in quality management and / or project management will be considered a plus Certified ISO9001 internal auditor. Six Sigma or Lean Sigma green belt certified Good communication and cultural sensitivity Experience with SharePoint a plus. Willingness to travel if needed (max 10%) Only selected applicants will be contacted.
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    Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada Job ID: R0020296 Date Posted: 2023-05-23 Company Name: HITACHI RAIL STS CANADA, INC. Profession (Job Category): Other Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Hitachi Rail STS Canada is looking for an enthusiastic self-motivated Sr.Project Planner who thrives in a fast-paced environment. The successful candidate is comfortable performing a wide range of engineering tasks from administrative to strategic. The position is based in downtown Toronto, Canada. About Us A career at Hitachi Rail will help create a legacy. With operations in every corner of the world, our work goes to the cutting-edge of digital transformation and technology. From the multi-cultural strength of our global organization to the sustainable and innovative ways we work to bring people together, there’s something for everyone to get stuck into. And that’s where you come in. Experience Required 5+ to 8 Years Career Level Experienced (Non-Manager) Education Required Bachelor's Degree Accountabilities (duties listed as bullets) Plan the construction and commissioning work on day-by-day basisWork with company leaders and third parties to produce detailed plans for the Project activities and all planned deliverablesAssist Lead Planner in producing project control reports including variation reports regarding time and budget as required by the Project ManagerAssist Lead Planner with the attendance of meetings with the customer and subcontractors regarding scheduling and project issues, ensuring that company interests are fully representedMonitor work in progress to ensure that work is executed in compliance with the requirements of the contract and scheduleParticipate in the Change Order Management processExecution of other duties as directed by the Lead Planner and/or Project Manager Required Skills & Experience (MUST-HAVE minimum requirements) 5- 8 years of relevant project planning experienceStrong experience with using Primavera P6Ability to use Microsoft ProjectStrong ability to understand and analyze dependency logic and project critical pathHighly motivated and adaptable to a time-sensitive environment in order to respond quickly and effectively to unanticipated high workloads, events and emergenciesMust be able to meet deadlines and effectively handle pressures associated with this roleAbility to effectively present information and respond to questions from groups of managers, employees, Project constituents, third parties and general public Desired Skills & Experience 3- 5 years of experience with rail construction projects3- 5 years of experience with large infrastructure construction projectsExperience with schedule analysis tools (Ex. TILOS, Acument FUSE, Other) Excellent understanding of project management techniques, in addition to effective planning and scheduling skills.Excellent communication and influencing skills in liaising with project stakeholders in the development of project schedules, while identifying milestones and critical paths4 years degree in Business or Engineering, Ontario P.Eng highly desirable.2 years experience in Railway Systems/ Signaling projects.Clear Criminal Background Check. Benefits: Hitachi Rail STS employees enjoy a comprehensive benefits package including Competitive Pay, Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance, Short & Long Term Disability, Life & Accident Insurance, Savings Plan, and Paid Vacation. We also offer a number of Work/Life Programs such as Flextime and a variety of Training and Development opportunities. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those under consideration will be contacted. Join us at www.hitachirail.com/careers It is our commitment at Hitachi Rail STS Inc to create a diverse environment and we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. We would be delighted if you would be one of our followers! Have a glance at our LinkedIn page https://www.linkedin.com/company/hitachirailsts/ #LI-JB1
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    Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada Job ID: R0045163 Date Posted: 2024-03-05 Company Name: HITACHI RAIL STS CANADA, INC. Profession (Job Category): Other Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Hitachi Rail is looking for an enthusiastic self-motivated SENIOR INSTALLATION ENGINEER, who thrives in a fast-paced environment. The successful candidate must have a solid experience in rail context with managing wayside installation design and routing cables along the track and within the technical rooms. Expertise in ​MEP integration for Mass transit, Big Construction, Oil and Gas or other Complex Industrial Plant. The position is based in Toronto (Canada). About Us A career at Hitachi Rail will help create a legacy. With operations in every corner of the world, our work goes to the cutting-edge of digital transformation and technology. From the multi-cultural strength of our global organization to the sustainable and innovative ways we work to bring people together, there’s something for everyone to get stuck into. And that’s where you come in. Accountabilities Ensure that the project is compliant with the contract, the system requirements and the local electrical regulations.Design and instruct subcontractor designer to route cables within the technical rooms and along the track system, managing filling ratio, existing pathways challenging, proposing new pathways etc..Manage and seek resolution of the technical Interfaces between the engineering installation works and technological Systems/subsystems;Ensure the application of quality procedures for the emissions of the documents at every stage of the design;Interface with the civil designer to make sure the integrated Hitachi design can be implemented;Identify the critical issues in the development of the project, especially during the interfaces, and propose mitigation actions;Represent the Installation engineering team and support the design choices with all stakeholders;Ability to work in a BIM environment as part of the project delivery strategy, according to the BIM Execution Plan. Required Skills/ Knowledge From 5 up to 10 year experience of Electrical Works in the Railway Engineering context especially developed in the area of construction and installation Design. Additional expertise in the railways contexts is considered as a plus. Knowledge Expected: Operative competencies Interface with civil stakeholders in order to make sure the installation design can be implemented and its needs are considered.Ability to identify, understand and overcome installation challenging when developing the design;Size pathways and raceway, considering the subsystems’ designFamiliar with Requirement Traceability Matrix and the Interface Registers tools.Design management of contractors and sub-contractor activities: contract requirements and design processes-control;Previous experience in construction is a plus.Demonstrate critical attention to detail and deadlines and are self-motivated;Possess the ability to adapt well to change in direction and priorities in a project and deadline-oriented environment;Solid experience in transit in context with managing wayside installation design and routing cables along the track and within the technical rooms.MEP integration for Mass transit, Big Construction, Oil and Gas or other Complex Industrial Plant would easily adapt.Clear Criminal Background Check. Soft Skills Ability to stay organized and maintain project records; Team working Co-operative approach Mobility Mindset Software Must be able to proficiently use Revit, Aconex, Bluebeam and Microsoft Office (Word/Excel) (Autodesk Revit or 3D software are considered a plus); Education Electrical Engineering University Degree or Equivalent Technical Background Languages Written and verbal English communication skills Benefits: Hitachi Rail STS employees enjoy a comprehensive benefits package including Competitive Pay, Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance, Short & Long Term Disability, Life & Accident Insurance, Savings Plan, and Paid Vacation. We also offer a number of Work/Life Programs such as Flextime and a variety of Training and Development opportunities. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those under consideration will be contacted. Join us at www.hitachirail.com/careers It is our commitment at Hitachi Rail STS Inc to create a diverse environment and we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. We would be delighted if you would be one of our followers! Have a glance at our LinkedIn page https://www.linkedin.com/company/hitachirailsts/ #LI-JB1
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    Location: Varennes, Quebec, Canada Job ID: R0034261 Date Posted: 2023-10-20 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CANADA INC. Profession (Job Category): Production & Skilled Trades Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: At Hitachi Energy, our purpose is to advance a sustainable​ energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals, and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation General Information: The Transformers business line is a global technology leader and the world's largest supplier of transformers. We are pioneers in digital transformer technologies, working at the frontier of renewable energy and ultra-high voltage AC and DC applications. Responsibilities Repair and maintain machinery, plumbing, structure, and fixtures in accordance with blueprints and other drawings, as well as manual labour and building codes. Assemble and install machinery and equipment in accordance with specifications such as layout plans, blueprints, and other drawings. Operate machine tools to repair or manufacture equipment parts. Perform preventive maintenance. Clean or lubricate machines or machine parts. Measure, cut and install piping. Other general maintenance work. May assist with electrical maintenance. Select, requisition, and check required materials. Complete required check sheets and documents, including work orders. Respond to factory service calls. Participates in the design and implementation of projects from the Industrial Engineering Department. Requirements: Diploma of Collegial Studies (DEC) (standard 3-year term) Knowledge and skills acquired through previous experience: 3 years. Training or apprenticeship period: 2 to 4 years. Manual dexterity and accuracy. Variety of your task: Work is varied. Responsibility for material and equipment during handling. Problem solving. Consequences of actions: Very important More about us Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 38,000 people in 90 countries. In fiscal year 2020 we generated business volumes of around $10 billion USD as reported by Hitachi. www.hitachienergy.com Only selected applicants will be contacted.
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    Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada Job ID: R0037304 Date Posted: 2023-12-05 Company Name: HITACHI RAIL STS CANADA, INC. Profession (Job Category): Other Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Hitachi Rail STS Canada is looking for an enthusiastic self-motivated Principal System Engineer - Integrator who thrives in a fast-paced environment. The successful candidate is comfortable performing a wide range of engineering tasks from administrative to strategic. The position is based in downtown Toronto, Canada. About Us A career at Hitachi Rail will help create a legacy. With operations in every corner of the world, our work goes to the cutting-edge of digital transformation and technology. From the multi-cultural strength of our global organization to the sustainable and innovative ways we work to bring people together, there’s something for everyone to get stuck into. And that’s where you come in. Accountabilities: Define Concept of Operations for the project including identifying operational scenarios and use casesDefine System Architecture for the project (logical, functional, and physical architectures)Lead scope/requirement discussions with technical teams and customerLead System Requirements effort and maintain the Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)Acquire deep understanding of subsystems provided by external suppliers and ensure compatibility at system levelIdentify, define, control and manage system interfacesDecompose System Requirements to lower-level elements and work with the engineering teams to ensure proper allocationServe as the project’s cross-functional technical interface between product development, engineering, manufacturing, verification & validation, commissioning, and RAMS teams.Identify, define, control and manage system interfacesAcquire deep understanding of subsystems provided by external suppliers and ensure compatibility at system levelSupport project Engineering in all technical decisionsActive participation in optimal overall project technical solutionSupport Customer design review and internal design reviewsSupport lab, factory, and field testingExecution of System Integration TestDefine impact analysis for proposed changes to the system and support System Configuration Management through the whole lifecycleEnsure compliance with company processesUnderstands and integrates applicable CMMI, CENELEC, AREMA, IEEE, IPC, etc standards.Provide support to Projects external stakeholders (Customers, Users, Tenders) and participate to the budget estimation. Required Skills/Knowledge: 5-10 year engineering with a minimum 5 years’ as a lead systems/design engineer.Experience in managing External Integration Consultant PackagesExperience in managing external stakeholders such as Civil Partners/External Contractors/SuppliersExtensive understanding and/or prior experience with engineering lifecycles, delivery, and HW/SW integration lifecycle and demonstrate the ability to deliver solutions to closurePrior experience managing small-medium sized projects and project teamsStrong prior experience with Microsoft Office suite, requirements management systems (e.g. Doors), product lifecycle management systems, defect tracking tools, and software configuration toolsDemonstrated ability to lead, engage, and manage tasking of cross-functional teams of varying skills/experienceBuilds effective relationships and has exceptional communication and leadership skillsAbility to acquire deep understanding of new technologies with minimal guidanceAbility to communicate complex ideas to peers, management, and customers in a simplified mannerStrong technical troubleshooting and problem solving abilitiesStrong prior experience applying fundamental Systems Engineering concepts:V-lifecycle,System ArchitectureRequirements Management,Configuration Management,Interface Management,Deep competency in interactions between mechanical, electrical, and software components in complex electromechanical systemsSuccess with multi-tasking across multiple projects at given timeDetail oriented with excellent organizational skills Desired Skills/Knowledge: PE certification in California within an Electrical Engineering disciplineExperience with Construction / Civil Work and application standardsPrefer Expertise in any ONE or more of the following:High Speed Railways SystemPower systems including traction power and medium to low voltage designsEMI / EMC system integration and validationTelecoms and Network designsAutomated control design and development systemsConventional signaling control designsCBTC (Communication based train control) systems and designsKnowledge and/or experience working with Railway, Signaling Applications and/or ERTMS systemsPrior experience collaborating with a diverse, cross-functional team across multiple geographic locationsKnowledge of job-specific tools (Doors, others may apply) is an advantageExperience in BIM design processKnowledge of FRA/FTA regulationsClear Criminal Background Clear. Education: Bachelor’s Degree or master’s degree in Electrical/Electronic, Mechanical Engineering or equivalent work experience. Languages: English-Proficient Benefits: Hitachi Rail STS employees enjoy a comprehensive benefits package including Competitive Pay, Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance, Short & Long Term Disability, Life & Accident Insurance, Savings Plan, and Paid Vacation. We also offer a number of Work/Life Programs such as Flextime and a variety of Training and Development opportunities. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those under consideration will be contacted. Join us at www.hitachirail.com/careers It is our commitment at Hitachi Rail STS Inc to create a diverse environment and we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. We would be delighted if you would be one of our followers! Have a glance at our LinkedIn page https://www.linkedin.com/company/hitachirailsts/ #LI-JB1
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    Location: Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada Job ID: R0037319 Date Posted: 2024-03-14 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CANADA INC. Profession (Job Category): Administration & Facilities Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Intern to support the HV M&S team.
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    Location: Quebec, Quebec, Canada Job ID: R0043554 Date Posted: 2024-02-08 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CANADA INC. Profession (Job Category): Communications & Corporate Affairs Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: General Information: Hitachi Energy is looking for a Customer Success - Team Leader to provide superior external customer service and coordinate with his team and relevant resources to increase customer satisfaction. Responsibilities: Single point of contact for customers “the voice of the customer” for all post-order transactions. Develop a knowledge of the customer; identify and predict customer needs. Maintain a positive and high quality customer experience throughout the entire process (order to shipping). Process orders, acknowledgements, requests for information, etc. Coordinate communication to and from customer including product information, engineering, production, quality, test, shipping, service, warranty, etc. Review customer order; verify customer information and notes. Maintain customer records and documentation. Work with confidential customer information. Accurately log all customer interactions in data management system. Input and track orders, change notices and cancellations. Respond to customer queries and product needs in a timely manner. Proactively communicate order status update to customers. Promptly identify and escalate customer issues for resolution. Ensures the resolution of customer issues from start to finish by coordinating with Sales, Operations, Supply Chain Management, and other teams. Collect and use multiple sources of data to create and analyze stats for KPI. Manage and lead a team of 2 customer success specialists Qualifications: College diploma and 5 plus years of experience in customer service roles. Must be fluent in both French and English. Experience with Team management, an asset. Good knowledge of MS Office. High focus on customers and their needs. Strong sense of urgency and prioritization. Strong communication skills. Structured and detail oriented. Shows discretion and judgment. Knowledge in logistics, an asset. Only selected applicants will be contacted.
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