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    Location: (HE)Office_Bad Honnef Job ID: R0036663 Date Posted: 2023-12-14 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY LTD Profession (Job Category): Quality Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: Yes Job Description: As part of the Business Unit Transformers Operations team, you will be responsible for driving sustainable and transformational change across multiple transformer factories, focused on safety, quality and process improvement of the transformer drying processes. You will work with our transformer factories worldwide, with a wide variety of technologies and equipment, coordinating insulation drying and oil processing related projects and support equipment investments globally. You will share your knowledge by delivering global trainings to local process engineers. Our flexible work practices help you optimize personal and business performance while creating an environment where all employees can develop their skills and grow. For this role we follow a hybrid work structure where you can work remotely or from the office, as needed, based on demands of specific tasks or personal work preferences. Your responsibilities Act as the global process expert for transformer insulation drying processes, equipment, oil treatment and oil filling related processes. This includes methods and equipment for the entire power transformer business. Support local factory experts with equipment and process related issues. Provide expert support to our factories for process improvement activities, equipment investments, upgrades, and equipment relocations. Conduct factory assessments and follow the implementation of the global manufacturing platform. Drive implementation in a systematic manner. Develop standard equipment requirements, linked with process performance and critical to quality characteristics. Develop and update documentation such as production standards, quality inspection cards related to the drying and oil systems deployed in the transformer factories. Optimize and improve the drying operations maximizing the asset utilization, at lowest cost, while making sure that the quality standards and customer requirements are met. Drive innovation in production, including automation and digitalization. Support OHS responsible with technical solutions and routines within own expertise area. Build and maintain partnerships with global suppliers for drying and oil processing equipment, in cooperation with respective category manager and supply quality manager. Your background Experience in operations from a relevant industry (>5 years). Analytical skills in areas such as automation, thermodynamics, and vacuum. Strong analytical and systemic problem-solving skills with clear passion to develop and drive changes. International experience, working with different countries and cultures. Fluent written and spoken English matched with excellent communication skills. University degree
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    Location: Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil Job ID: R0036412 Date Posted: 2024-01-09 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY BRASIL LTDA. Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Analisar as solicitações técnicas e apoiar nos processos da área, envolvendo a elaboração de relatórios, planilhas, informações gerais e outras solicitações, contribuindo com a agilização e o desenvolvimento das atividades e objetivos da área. Responsabilidades: 1. Analisar e executar atividades técnicas de suporte e apoio designadas, entregando os processos / programas conforme padrões estabelecidos e nos prazos acordados. 2. Compilar dados e preparar relatórios especiais, apresentações, etc. 3. Apoiar na elaboração de controles e fechamento de informações para compilação de indicadores e acompanhamento de resultados, acompanhando a análise de dados recebidos, verificando alterações e produzindo relatórios. 4. Fornecer apoio em atividades técnicas de departamento / projeto, monitorando gastos x orçamentos, verificando requisições / faturas, etc., controlando e acompanhando o pagamento de contas e outros. 5. Acompanhar, quando necessário, as atividades voltadas à realização de obras, serviços, manutenção preventiva e corretiva. 6. Organizar e manter arquivos e registros para controle de documentos. 7. Executar atividades técnicas diversas de suporte administrativo conforme solicitado pela gestão. 8. Contribuir no adequado atendimento aos clientes internos, mediante ao fornecimento de documentos, informações e soluções técncias de problemas. Seu Background: Formação: Ensino médio completo. Cursando Superior em Administração, Economia, Engenharia e áreas afins.Desejável inglês.
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    Location: (HE)Office_Blumenau Job ID: R0040209 Date Posted: 2024-01-12 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY BRASIL LTDA. Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Esta carga é responsável por conceituar, desenvolver, modificar, analisar e otimizar cálculos de projetos de transformadores, equipamentos, sistemas ou instalações, incluindo especificações para fabricação (de tamanho moderado ou porções de grandes projetos, soluções especializadas) de forma eficiente, econômica e de acordo com as especificações do contrato, obedecendo aos padrões de qualidade e aos requisitos de segurança. visando obrigações e alterações técnicas dos produtos da empresa, para implantação. Responsabilidades: 1. Executar, orientar e desenvolver projetos básicos ou parte de projetos para fabricação de peças de produtos da empresa (transformadores), subcomponentes e ou equipamentos, por meio de desenhos e croquis, cálculos de dimensões, capacidade , massa, volume, etc., utilizando-se de estações / aplicativos CAD, providenciando os ajustes e otimizações permitidas. 2. Atuar como especialista em desenho técnico ou consultor examinando, lendo e interpretando normas e especificações técnicas, e demais documentos de projeto completos para conformidade e garantia de qualidade, assim como gerar as listas de materiais desenvolvidos (incluindo parafusos, arruelas, entre outros itens do transformador), seguindo as especificidades específicas, procedimentos da área e padrões da empresa. 3. Prestar suporte técnico aos responsáveis ​​pelo controle dos contratos em desenvolvimento, quanto às reivindicações, novas alterações de escopo de trabalho, (projetos) impacto de custos, impacto no tempo, quantificações de risco, etc., orientando-se com a gestão da área e ou Engenheiros mais experientes, esclarecendo as dúvidas e fornecendo soluções e soluções de projetos com qualidade e rentáveis ​​conforme a exigência do cliente, previsão orçamentária e contrato, assim como garantindo a adesão aos padrões de segurança e mitigação de riscos potenciais. 4. Estudar requisitos operacionais do projeto com base em layouts, esboços e necessidades técnicas otimizando custos, efetuando e orientando os Projetistas mais novos em cálculos técnicos para embasar seu trabalho, assim como prestar suporte técnico às áreas, acompanhar montagens, desenhos técnicos mecânicos, entre outras demandas de apoio. 5. Elaborar os planos de execução, por meio da definição de métodos e processos mecânicos, atendendo à sequência de programação de atividades de projetos, alterações e revisões (mecânicas, cálculos) buscando contribuir para atendimento às demandas, características e prazos acordados com clientes, orientando e prestando informações necessárias para garantir os padrões de qualidade, mecânica e produtividade rotineiras. 6. Contatar, eventualmente, fornecedores e consultar de serviço, para avaliar orçamentos e prazos de entrega, orientar e realizar visitas e perícias técnicas, atestando ou recomendando a compra ou a contratação de terceiros bem como clientes para prestar assistência técnica orientando ou fazendo reparos, ajustes e adaptações. 7. Orientar e prestar assistência técnica ao cliente e à equipe de produção, esclarecendo as dúvidas técnicas ou orientando sobre o desenvolvimento dos serviços, elaborando detalhadamente os projetos, desenhos modelos CAD para produção, incorporando lições aprendidas, nos vários modelos, materiais e fornecedores, analisando e mitigando os riscos, acompanhando testes de montagem e funcionalidade do produto, assim como a atualização da lista de materiais até a conclusão dos desenhos, obtendo assim desenhos e modelos de qualidade. 8. Subsidiar as demais áreas de negócios (Compras, Planejamento, Operações), através da organização das listas técnicas e cadastros dos itens no sistema de gestão da empresa, SAP. 9. Propor melhoria técnica, métodos e sequências de configuração de testes existentes com base na experiência e no conhecimento de novas tendências e equipamentos. 10. Atuar de acordo com o Plano Diretor de Segurança, utilizando os EPIs necessários para a execução das atividades na fábrica. Seu Background: Formação: Ensino médio completo, Desejável cursando Superior em Engenharia ElétricaInglês mínimo intermediárioDomínio de Ferramentas e Metodologia de design e desenhos e Projetos. Conhecimento de softwares de desenhos / projetos, AUTOCAD, CREO e E3, esse último sendo um diferencialDomínio em ferramenta de ERP SAPDesenvolvimento de projeto de transformadores monofásicos, trifásicos, autotransformadores, transformadores defasadores, transformadores multipulsos. Dimensionamento geométrico e tolerância, Engenharia e análise de valor, sistemas de qualidade
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    Location: Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil Job ID: R0041256 Date Posted: 2024-01-17 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY BRASIL LTDA. Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Responsável por estabelecer critérios de linha de base para planejar e programar a carga de trabalho relativa a vários projetos de engenharia. Preparar relatórios de status de planejamento e agendamento de projetos e recomendar ações corretivas. Realizar o pré-planejamento necessário para examinar o escopo do trabalho e serviços, estrutura analítica do trabalho, qualidade e quantidades de engenharia, obrigações financeiras e contratuais e divisão de responsabilidade para controlar e relatar as atividades de planejamento e programação.Trabalhar com terceiros para garantir que os planos sejam realistas e alcançáveis; analisar as informações de progresso do contratante de terceiros. Preparar cronogramas para comissionamento e start-up. Auxiliar a equipe de controle do projeto no estabelecimento de um índice de desempenho do projeto. Responsabilidades: Liderar, acompanhar e fornecer suporte de maior complexidade para a equipe de “bidding” durante o processo de oferta na elaboração de um Cronograma Macro de Proposta, com as estimativas de duração dos processos e fornecimentos.Liderar e/ou elaborar EAP (Estrutura Analítica do Projeto / Work Breakdown Structure) após aceitação, detalhando todo o fornecimento que faz parte do contrato.Liderar e/ou elaborar Cronograma Detalhado do Projeto na inicialização do Projeto, expandindo todas as tarefas das Engenharias, de Suprimentos e posteriormente de Serviços de Campo.Acompanhar o avanço de todas as tarefas e acompanhar a evolução e andamento do projeto, através da Lista de Documentos de Engenharia, dos Planos de Suprimentos e dos Relatórios de Avanço de Obra.Validar material desenvolvido pelos demais membros da equipe e/ou elaborar o relatório gerencial durante a execução do Projeto, onde serão reportadas as curvas S das disciplinas de Engenharia, de Suprimentos e dos Serviços de Campo, indicando os desvios acumulados em cada processo.Validar material desenvolvido pelos demais membros da equipe e/ou elaborar relatório de Medição de On Time Delivery das tarefas determinadas do Projeto, classificadas por processo, bem como de medição de Aderência ao Planejado de todas as tarefas em execução, também classificadas por Processo.Validar material desenvolvido pelos demais membros da equipe e/ou elaborar relatório identificando os pontos críticos do Projeto, como atrasos, má qualidade, falta de avanço, problemas de fornecimento, etc., além do caminho crítico do Projeto e uma análise de riscos e oportunidades.Liderar o suporte para a equipe do Projeto na elaboração dos boletins de medição, dos relatórios de receita, das previsões de Cash In e de Cash Out. O seu background: Formação: Superior Completo - desejável Engenharia Elétrica ou Civil.Idiomas: Desejável Inglês Avançado e Espanhol IntermediárioDisponibilidade para viagensDominar processos e métodos de planejamento de projetos, materiais e produção.Domínio do sistema de gestão SAP (módulo MM e PS).Conhecimento avançado em MS Project.Primavera P6.Excel e Desenhos Técnicos.Conhecimento em Obra Civil e em Montagem Eletromecânica.Conhecimento em Gestão de Projeto e de Construção de Subestações.
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    Location: Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil Job ID: R0042252 Date Posted: 2024-01-26 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY BRASIL LTDA. Profession (Job Category): Quality Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Contribuir para o aumento da eficiência operacional, qualidade e produtividade em toda a cadeia produtiva, através da participação no asseguramento da Qualidade de materiais recebidos de fornecedores e do nosso produto, etapa a etapa, contribuindo com a satisfação do cliente final. Responsabilidades: 1. Apoiar a operação nas questões técnicas relacionadas a Análise e Solução de Problemas. 2. Recomendar processos, métodos e rotinas de trabalho que assegurem uma maior e mais eficiente produtividade aliada a uma minimização de custos, prestar suporte as áreas da empresa, desenvolver padrões através de processos, procedimentos e fluxos de trabalho, realizar padronização de formulários e auditorias internas, ser um multiplicador interno de procedimentos e normas, administrar documentos relacionados à área de qualidade. 3. Apoiar as áreas envolvidas no aprimoramento dos processos de fabricação/ produção: - Executar mapeamentos de processo de menor complexidade nas áreas de negócio visando estabelecer processos padronizados e capturando oportunidades de melhoria; - Utilizar/suportar metodologias da qualidade (Lean 6 Sigma, 5S, Kaizen, PDCA entre outras) para solução de problemas identificados; - Auxiliar a área produtiva na compreensão e solução de problemas; - Participar da investigação das causas raizes e da elaboração de planos de ação para a tratativa de Não Conformidades apontadas pelas inspeções do produto, processo produtivo, interagindo com as áreas responsáveis para o encaminhamento das soluções. 4. Apoiar as atividades relacionadas as certificações de Qualidade. 5. Conduzir ações para melhoria continua do "5S" na área da Qualidade . 6. Apoiar o Processo Produtivo, identificando problemas, não-conformidade e dificuldades na Produção, proveniente de desvios de Fornecedores Externos, Engenharia do Produto, Ineficiência de nossos processos produtivos ou erros operacionais em nossa fábrica 7. Assegurar andamento da Produção de acordo com o Planejado, assegurando qualidade de materia prima adquirida, conforme especificações da Engenharia do Produto Seu Background: Formação: Ensino Médio Completo. Desejável formação Técnica com conhecimento de Desenho Técnico. Inglês desejávelLeitura e Interpretação de desenhos técnicos e mecânicos, Ferramentas básicas da Qualidade para Análise e Solução de Problemas (Pareto, Espinha de Peixe, Gráficos de evolução), vivência em empresas metal-mecânica na área de Inspeção de Qualidade, Qualidade, ou Produção.Conhecimento em certificações / Auditorias, em processos de melhoria contínua, Processo Fabril de Caldeirados ou Máquinas, Metrologia, Interno da ISO 9001:2015.Solução de Problemas – 8D / 4Q ou outra metodologia.SAP – módulo QM. Conhecimento: Ferramentas de Qualidade: 5S, PDCA, Lean 6Sigma, Kaizen.
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    Location: Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil Job ID: R0036248 Date Posted: 2024-01-30 Company Name: HITACHI ASTEMO CAMPINAS LTDA Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Unidade de negócios de freio: Nossa unidade de negócios de freios é uma das maiores fabricantes mundiais de soluções de frenagem automotiva. Nossos produtos – freios a disco, freios a tambor, freios de estacionamento eletromecânicos e rotores – são dedicados a automóveis de passageiros, comerciais leves e veículos de duas rodas por meio de fabricantes de equipamentos originais e canais de distribuição de reposição. Temos uma presença global com operações na Europa, Ásia, África do Sul, América do Norte e do Sul. Na Hitachi Astemo, respeitamos uns aos outros, nunca passamos a responsabilidade e trabalhamos de forma criativa para cumprir nossa missão. Aos nossos colaboradores são dadas oportunidades entusiasmantes para se desenvolverem e crescerem num negócio verdadeiramente internacional, onde se orgulham de fazer parte de uma equipa colaborativa e inovadora. ​Diversidade e Inclusão são valorizadas para construir e alavancar um ambiente de trabalho inclusivo e abraçar a diversidade para desbloquear todo o nosso potencial. Acreditamos que isto nos dará força para impulsionar grandes inovações para criar novos valores para as pessoas, os veículos e a sociedade, e para libertar todo o nosso potencial para nos tornarmos líderes globais em tudo o que fazemos. Atividades: Liderar atividades de projeto/teste de acordo com os requisitos dos clientes, contribuindo para os projetos do cliente e equipes de engenharia locais adicionais, gerente de pessoas para Engenheiros de Produto, CAD e instalações de laboratório; gestão orçamentária. Requisitos: Formação em Engenharia Mecânica, Mecatrônica, Elétrica e áreas correlatas; Experiência sólida em indústria automotiva, preferencialmente com conhecimento em projetos de engenharia de freios. Local: Campinas, SP
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    Location: Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil Job ID: R0042766 Date Posted: 2024-02-06 Company Name: HITACHI ASTEMO CAMPINAS LTDA Profession (Job Category): Sales, Marketing & Product Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Brake Business Unit: Our Brakes business unit is one of the world's largest manufacturers of automotive braking solutions. Our Products – Disc Brakes, Drum Brakes, Electromechanical Parking Brakes and Rotors - are dedicated to passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, and two-wheelers through original equipment manufacturers and aftermarket distribution channels. We have a global presence with operations in Europe, Asia, South Africa, North and South America. At Hitachi Astemo, we respect each other, never pass on responsibility, and work creatively to fulfill our mission. Our employees are given exciting opportunities to develop and grow in a truly international business, where they are proud to be part of a collaborative and innovative team. Diversity and Inclusion are valued for building and leveraging an inclusive work environment and embracing diversity to unlock our full potential. We believe this will give us the strength to drive great innovations to create new value for people, vehicles and society, and to unleash our full potential to become a global leader in everything we do. Activities: To manage Key accounts for BRBU in South America. High level skills in new business acquisitions and price adjustments. Good knowledge on price forecast and budget preparation. Requirements: Degree in Business Administration, Mechanical, Mechatronics Engineering and related areas; Solid experience in the automotive industry, preferably with knowledge of brakes. Local: Campinas, SP
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    Location: Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil Job ID: R0042122 Date Posted: 2024-02-09 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY BRASIL LTDA. Profession (Job Category): Sales, Marketing & Product Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Implementar e liderar tecnicamente as apresentações de forma proativa das atividades promocionais, vantagens tecnológicas, qualidades e especificidades da marca de maneira técnica e profissional sobre a aplicação dos: produtos, sistemas ou serviços, e ferramentas Hitachi Energy, conforme a Divisão / área de atuação e mercado, orientando o time de aplicação com menor experiência (Pl, Jr, Analistas e Técnicos), visando contribuir com a concretização da demanda, identificação e desenvolvimento de oportunidades de mercado apoiando o desenvolvimento do portfólio de clientes e em relacionamentos de longo prazo, prestando suporte as equipes/ área de Vendas. Responsabilidades: 1. Prospectar negócios mediante a liderança técnica, preparação e efetivação de planos de visitas promocionais, bem como realizar as revisões regulares de status, incluindo a análise e o resultado destas visitas a potenciais clientes de diversos segmentos/canais, realizando um mapeamento das oportunidades identificadas, junto ao time comercial e de negócios da Hitachi Energy. 2. Executar a homologação de produtos / sistemas / serviços Hitachi Energy, atendendo as demandas originárias da equipe de vendas, equipe de produtos e ou de clientes apresentando portfólio e as características técnicas do produto, sistema ou serviços Hitachi Energy, conforme sua responsabilidade, e de treinamentos teóricos, solucionando eventuais dúvidas do usuário, e orientando os profissionais de Aplicação com menor experiência. 3. Implementar atividades promocionais proativamente para o grupo-alvo de cliente, incluindo apresentações técnicas, demonstrações, seminários e material didático, assim como palestras e treinamentos técnicos diversos, gerando demanda e homologando produtos Hitachi Energy nestes clientes, com uma ênfase para as demandas de mais complexas e prioridade para aqueles que se destacariam pela influencia no faturamento da empresa. 4. Acompanhar o desenvolvimento de projetos mediante visitas em empresas de engenharias e engenharias de clientes finais, para propor soluções e aplicações dos produtos, sistemas e serviços Hitachi Energy, sinalizando os participantes de mercado ao time comercial e interno, utilizando-se destes eventos para treinar membros da área com menor experiência. 5. Entender as necessidades atuais e futuras e garantir que o cliente tenha uma adequada compreensão da oferta completa de produtos / sistemas / serviços da Hitachi Energy, recursos e benefícios, durante as atividades de promoção, assim como buscar estabelecer e manter relacionamentos eficazes a longo prazo com os clientes do grupo alvo. 6. Promover reciclagem, treinamento e lançamento de produtos ao time comercial regionalizado, prestando suporte para manter as equipes comerciais e técnicas com os conhecimentos atualizados, apoiando o desenvolvimento continuo das competências e conhecimentos técnicos, comerciais, de design e comportamentais (membros da equipe própria e equipe comercial/ colaboração cruzada). 7. Garantir as atividades de marketing eficientes e forte proposição de valor para os clientes usando técnicas promocionais efetivas, assim como comunicar os detalhes de acordo com a oferta e a estratégia da Hitachi Energy. 8. Auxiliar o time de suporte técnico e comercial e/ou o cliente em questão no processo de similaridade de produtos / sistemas e serviços / conversão de marca em projetos, buscando encontrar a melhor solução comercial/técnica para cada projeto. Seu Background: Formação em Engenharia Elétrica preferencialmente (ênfase em eletrotécnica); Ou Civil conforme área de atuação. Desejavel uma especialização vinculada a área de atuação. Inglês e Espanhol AvançadoExperiência com vendas de serviços para transformadores (Manutenção e reparo)Disponibilidade para viagensPacote Office, Sales Force, SAP, Power BIProfundos conhecimentos de Mercado de Vendas e Inteligência de Negócios, Processos de Vendas e Ferramentas, Contrato de Vendas e Gerenciamento de Riscos.Conhecimentos gerais de produtos / sistemas / serviços, conforme área de atuação, ex.: equipamentos elétricos de potência em alta tensão;Vivência e experiência com Marketing, Promoção, Aplicação e Vendas.
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    Location: Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil Job ID: R0036710 Date Posted: 2023-11-27 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY BRASIL LTDA. Profession (Job Category): Sales, Marketing & Product Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Participar e preparar ofertas técnicas e comerciais através de levantamento de custos referente relacionados aos sistemas, serviços ou produtos (conforme aplicável para a área), etc. Responsabilidades: 1. Assegurar a preparação dos aspectos técnicos e financeiros da oferta (de menor complexidade), indicando os preços e condições de negociação. 2. Estimar os custos através das atividades do projeto / analisando o gerenciamento interno dos mesmos, as atividades de engenharia, a quantificação de horas demandadas, materiais e equipamentos definido pela equipe de operações e/ou engenharia de aplicação PL e SR. 3. Participar da definição da tecnologia mais adequada e tipo (s) de produto / sistemas / serviços para ser usado com base nas características de aplicação e a configuração, de acordo com a oferta de necessidades comerciais e métricas de qualidade requerida, e quando necessário recorrer ao suporte da Engenharia de Aplicação – Especialistas. 4. Analisar e avaliar as questões técnicas específicas e riscos associados. 5. Garantir o atendimento das partes que compõe os itens da proposta e a análise das interfaces de escopo de fornecedores, coordenando a primeira visita técnica para buscar as informações, assim como obter as informações das áreas internas, sobre os custos dos itens relevantes. 6. Prestar suporte à Vendas, assegurando o apoio técnico necessário para a gerência da área, durante reunião técnica com os clientes. 7. Identificar e avaliar potenciais fornecedores de equipamentos e materiais necessários no projeto e suas ofertas para alinhamento com as especificações, bem como colaborar com a área de SCM (Compras) para coordenar as solicitações de orçamento dos sub empreiteiros e sub fornecedores. 8. Organizar documentação sobre as premissas de oferta/ordens de compra, assim como registrar as decisões tomadas durante o desenvolvimento e preparação da proposta. 9. Fornecer informações para o processo de avaliação de risco em conformidade com a política da Hitachi Energy e quando necessário participa na avaliação do risco – Risk Review. 10. Participar nas negociações com o cliente sobre aspectos técnicos, contratual e comercial do conteúdo da proposta. Seu Background: Formação superior completa em Engenharia Elétrica preferencialmente (ênfase em eletrotécnica); ou Civil conforme área de atuação. Experiência em vendas técnicas de transformadores.Desejável alguma experiência em empresas de grande porte de mesmo segmento, concessionárias de energia, geração de energia e sistemas metro-ferroviário de energia.Conhecimentos de Planilha de cálculo e Autocad básico;Conhecimento de gestão de projetos / engenharia técnicaInglês avançado
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    Location: (Astemo)BRCI Campinas Plant Job ID: R0040198 Date Posted: 2024-02-16 Company Name: HITACHI ASTEMO CAMPINAS LTDA Profession (Job Category): Human Resources Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Unidade de negócios de freio: Nossa unidade de negócios de freios é uma das maiores fabricantes mundiais de soluções de frenagem automotiva. Nossos produtos – freios a disco, freios a tambor, freios de estacionamento eletromecânicos e rotores – são dedicados a automóveis de passageiros, comerciais leves e veículos de duas rodas por meio de fabricantes de equipamentos originais e canais de distribuição de reposição. Temos uma presença global com operações na Europa, Ásia, África do Sul, América do Norte e do Sul. Na Hitachi Astemo, respeitamos uns aos outros, nunca passamos a responsabilidade e trabalhamos de forma criativa para cumprir nossa missão. Aos nossos colaboradores são dadas oportunidades entusiasmantes para se desenvolverem e crescerem num negócio verdadeiramente internacional, onde se orgulham de fazer parte de uma equipa colaborativa e inovadora. Diversidade e Inclusão são valorizadas para construir e alavancar um ambiente de trabalho inclusivo e abraçar a diversidade para desbloquear todo o nosso potencial. Acreditamos que isto nos dará força para impulsionar grandes inovações para criar novos valores para as pessoas, os veículos e a sociedade, e para libertar todo o nosso potencial para nos tornarmos líderes globais em tudo o que fazemos. Conhecimentos: Cultura geral em todas as áreas de RH Profundo know how dos processos de RH (Recrutamento e seleção, treinamento e desenvolvimento e gestão de desempenho) Conhecimento da legislação trabalhista e outras regulamentações relacionadas a RH Bons conhecimentos de HRIS Habilidades em MS Office (Word, Excel, PPT, Outlook, etc.) Nível de inglês proficiente Local: Campinas, SP
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    Location: Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil Job ID: R0036766 Date Posted: 2024-02-19 Company Name: HITACHI ASTEMO CAMPINAS LTDA Profession (Job Category): Finance Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Requirements Brake Business Unit: Our Brakes business unit is one of the world's largest manufacturers of automotive braking solutions. Our Products – Disc Brakes, Drum Brakes, Electromechanical Parking Brakes and Rotors - are dedicated to passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, and two-wheelers through original equipment manufacturers and aftermarket distribution channels. We have a global presence with operations in Europe, Asia, South Africa, North and South America. At Hitachi Astemo, we respect each other, never pass on responsibility, and work creatively to fulfill our mission. Our employees are given exciting opportunities to develop and grow in a truly international business, where they are proud to be part of a collaborative and innovative team. Diversity and Inclusion are valued for building and leveraging an inclusive work environment and embracing diversity to unlock our full potential. We believe this will give us the strength to drive great innovations to create new value for people, vehicles and society, and to unleash our full potential to become a global leader in everything we do. Activities: Lead all financial site/plant activities including budget preparation, forecast, closing, discrepancies. Ensure compliance with tax obligation and financial statement Requirements: Solid experience in financial management (accounting, controllership and finance); High level of attention to detail with strong data interpretation skills and interfacing with corporate reporting systems; Management of KPIs and management reports for senior management decisions; Excellent verbal and written communication skills to interact with various levels of the organization (assertive communication); Understanding of accounting principles; Solid knowledge of accounting principles, regulatory compliance for industry; Fluent English. Experience in the automotive industry will be a plus. Local: Campinas, SP
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    Location: Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil Job ID: R0043451 Date Posted: 2024-02-20 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY BRASIL LTDA. Profession (Job Category): Quality Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Assegurar a implementação de processos de melhoria contínua, eficiência operacional e produtividade na cadeia de valor, incluindo orientação na manutenção do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade e suas certificações, visando melhorar a satisfação do cliente, fortalecer a marca Hitachi Energy no mercado, aumentar a competitividade e a rentabilidade da empresa em um ambiente de trabalho seguro e de acordo com os objetivos estratégicos, políticas e procedimentos estabelecidos. Responsabilidades: 1. Definir e garantir a implementação da estratégia de Qualidade e Excelência Operacional (Q&OpEx) em linha com a estratégia Local/Regional/Global. Monitorar o progresso do plano estratégico e reportar os resultados nas ferramentas específicas (RELEX e Opex Analyser) 2. Atuar em conjunto com a Alta Gestão e gerentes de negócio para promover a cultura de qualidade e o atendimento à Política da Qualidade Hitachi Energy, bem como o cumprimento dos objetivos e metas da qualidade. 3. Analisar criticamente os indicadores (KPIs) de Q&OpEx coordenando ações de correção quando observados desvios em relação às metas estabelecidas. Suportar os gerentes de negócio nas análises críticas de seus indicadores de desempenho (KPIs) suportando a definição de ações de correção, quando necessário. Atuar em conjunto com os gerentes de negócio para definir metas e alinhar prioridades para garantir a melhoria contínua da cadeia de valor. 4. Garantir o atendimento das diretrizes e politicas relacionadas a retroalimentação do cliente (pesquisa de satisfação - NPS - e atendimento de reclamações - CCRP). Gerenciar os treinamentos e definir estratégia de suporte aos usuários nas ferramentas específicas para retroalimentação do cliente. Gerenciar o processo de CCRP, como: performance (aceite e resolução no prazo), dias em abertos, análise e tomada de ação. Gerenciar, em conjunto com o account manager, o processo de NPS, como: análise e plano de ação para os cartões vermelhos. Reportar os resultados dos processos de retroalimentação de clientes para a para a alta gestão, definir e implementar estratégias para a melhoria contínua dos índices de satisfação do cliente. 5. Assegurar as Certificações de Qualidade para as unidades e negócios da empresa, garantindo o atendimento a todos os requisitos normativos e a liderança nas auditorias externas de certificação coordenando o envolvimento das diversas áreas internas no cumprimento de todas as etapas e atividades necessárias. 6. Avaliar continuamente os resultados obtidos nas certificações, bem como acompanhar a implementação dos planos de ação corretivos (se necessário),definindo, em conjunto com os responsáveis por cada área, o cronograma da ação e responsabilidades. 7. Gerenciar estratégias que visam aprimorar os processos de fabricação/ produção bem como os processos administrativos da área de negócios, como: mapeamento de processos, sistema de documentação da organização no que se refere a normas e procedimentos e controle de registros dos processos, implementação de metodologias de qualidade e OPEX, processos de controle de qualidade de produtos e serviços, controle da qualidade de fornecedores e processo de garantias e after care. Seu Background: Formação; Superior completo preferencialmente em Engenharia. Desejável Pós/MBA em gestão.Inglês avançado/fluente.Espanhol desejável.Conhecimento de ferramentas de qualidade como: Six Sigma, 5S, Lean Manufacturing, PDCA, Kanban, e outros. Gestão de equipes e projetos.Vivência em gestão de Projetos de Excelência Operacional. Conhecimento operacional dos processos dos negócios.Responsável pelo cumprimento dos procedimentos e controles internos na sua área de atuação, e assegurar a aplicação e atualização dos procedimentos e controles internos, identificar e mitigar os riscos da operação.
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    Location: Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil Job ID: R0044446 Date Posted: 2024-02-20 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY BRASIL LTDA. Profession (Job Category): Customer Service & Contact Center Operations Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Missão: Apoiar o comprador em atividades relacionadas à área de Compras, tais como colocação de pedidos, cadastro de materiais e outros, contribuindo com a agilização dos trabalhos e atendimento das demandas da área. Responsabilidades: 1. Follow-up de entregas de materiais 2. Colocação de pedidos para os casos que já tenha sido negociado pelo comprador 3. Correções de pedidos de compras de acordo com tabelas de preços 4. Workflow de cadastros de materiais Seu Background: Ensino médio completo, Cursando Nível Superior em Administração de Empresas e áreas afinsConhecimento emMS-Office, desejável Inglês Intermediário
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    Location: Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil Job ID: R0042579 Date Posted: 2024-02-20 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY BRASIL LTDA. Profession (Job Category): Quality Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Realizar a gestão do desenvolvimento de atividades de melhoria contínua dos processos de fabricação na unidade, mediante a realização de ações de análise de performance das diversas linhas, da prestação de suporte técnico para outros setores da área industrial, bem como por meio de pesquisas, testes e de viabilização de inovações, visando contribuir para o atingimento dos objetivos de produtividade, custo e qualidade. Responsabilidades: 1. Garantir a melhoria e desenvolvimento contínuo dos processos de fabricação, mediante a gestão da identificação, pesquisa e análise de máquinas e equipamentos e a constante proposição de mudanças e novas aplicações, de acordo com os objetivos e prioridades definidas. 2. Assegurar a qualidade do desenvolvimento de projetos conduzidos por parceiros externos, prestando suporte técnico na operação e alertando sobre os pontos críticos da área. 3. Incentivar o aumento da produtividade buscando alternativas para otimizar os processos, através da coordenação de projetos de automação e/ou mecanização, racionalização, simplificação ou terceirização, entre outros. 4. Coordenar a instalação e início de operação de novos equipamentos/tecnologias com o objetivo de assegurar a absorção da nova tecnologia sem impactos na eficiência operacional da área. 5. Garantir a realização de estudos de viabilidade técnica e econômica para implantação de novos processos e tecnologias, considerando a aquisição de novos equipamentos e investimentos em geral. 6. Planejar e realizar a coordenação de estudos para eliminar desvios e problemas operacionais e identificar oportunidades de melhoria e/ou redução de custos. Seu Background: Formação: Superior completo preferencialmente em Engenharia de Produção, Processos.Inglês avançado/fluente.Espanhol desejável.Conhecimento em Metodologia LeanConhecimento de ferramentas qualidade, Sistemas Operacionais da Área, Software de Controle/Acompanhamento Projetos, Software de Simulação de Processos e Análise Estatística.
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    Location: (HE)Office_QC, Saint-Laurent Job ID: R0036097 Date Posted: 2023-12-11 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CANADA INC. Profession (Job Category): Legal, Compliance & Audit Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: General Information:Hitachi Energy is seeking a Contract Manager (Subcontracts) for its North America Grid Integration business located in its Montreal office, or potentially hybrid/remote. This role is responsible for performance of contract management responsibilities on grid integration engineering, procurement, and construction (EP or EPC) projects throughout the North America Region. Responsibilities: Ensure a portfolio of subcontract agreements in the business and follow contract and claim management methodologies in accordance with the PGGI Contract Management Instruction. Beyond subcontract management, future opportunities for customer agreement management are available. Review and comment on commercial and technical tender terms and requirements, and the overall execution strategy taking into account risk, pricing, scope, and schedule. Participate and support product groups throughout contract life cycle: proposal, formation, administration and closeout. Ensure timely and accurate execution of commercial aspects in portfolio of contracts (i.e. claims, variation orders, warranties, provisions, guarantees, etc.) Managing claims, developing claim strategies, preparing notifications/correspondence and related documentation (amendments, change orders, and other contract related documents); Enforce and defend Hitachi Energy's contractual interests throughout the project's lifecycle, including monitoring and assessment of changes and deviations in accordance with contract requirements and the PGGI Contract Management Instruction. In cooperation with Legal, develop negotiation strategies, support negotiations, and handle formal dispute resolution (mediation, litigation, arbitration or others). Notify and liaise with Legal to report major claims and keep them updated on any critical developments during project execution. Preparation of risks and opportunities analysis/presentations, kick-off meetings, strategy papers, definition of overall project claim strategies, etc.; Leading contract and claims negotiations and settlements together with the project management and Legal where appropriate; General advice and support to project management, site management, procurement/supply department and other project team members in the execution of Customer Contracts, Consortium Agreements, Subcontracts/Supply contracts to secure Hitachi Energy's contractual rights and entitlements; Working with Legal and Supply Chain/Subcontracts to define customer contract flow downs to Subcontracts, Supply contracts and Consortium Agreements; Support and participation in weekly and monthly project status meetings with Project team, Customers, Subcontractors and Suppliers; Coaching Project Team Members in commercial awareness, contract and claims management topics. Preparing a monthly executive report to management on the overall additional costs and claim status for Sites under execution. Living Hitachi Energy’s core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business. Qualifications: Bachelor's degree Ability to read, write, speak and negotiate in French and English. years or more experience in EPC power generation, substations, converter stations, grid integration, transmission or similar industrial plant Contract Management functions (w/ emphasis on civil and electrical installations desired), processes and management/administration of varying sizes and types of contractual agreements. Law degree (desirable, but not required) Candidate must already have work authorization that would permit them to work for Hitachi Energy in Canada. Solid experience in change management, claim management and contract-related legal issues and the possible effects in the relevant areas of responsibility regarding proposal stage and/or project execution. Ability to interface with the customer and subcontractors regarding all matters related to contracts and projects including those related to the review and process of changes. Commercial acumen, skilled negotiator with a proactive approach to problem solving; Excellent leadership and interpersonal skills; Great attention to detail. Highly professional and able to work with minimal supervision; Results oriented. Able to work cooperatively across all levels delivering on commitments; Experiences in working within internationally staffed teams and with international contractual partners; Ability to work effectively under pressure, meet deadlines, and adjust to changing priorities; Willingness to work at or visit project sites for short or extended durations and to travel both nationally and internationally; High degree of inter-cultural sensitivity and integrity; Systematic and structured work style. Law degree (desirable, but not required) Only selected applicants will be contacted.
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    Location: (HE)Office_QC, Saint-Laurent Job ID: R0021393 Date Posted: 2023-05-17 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CANADA INC. Profession (Job Category): Legal, Compliance & Audit Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: General Information: Hitachi Energy is seeking a Contract Manager (Subcontracts / Consortiums) for its North America Grid Integration business located in its Raleigh, NC office or potentially remote . This role is responsible for performance of contract management responsibilities on Grid integration engineering, procurement, and construction (EP or EPC) projects throughout the North America Region. This position can possibly be remote in the continental U.S. and may require up to 10% travel. Responsibilities: Ensure timely and accurate performance of contract management activities for the portfolio of contracts assigned, including but not limited to EP or EPC customer/owner agreements, and potentially consortium or major subcontract agreements (Civil / Installation) if required. In full coordination with project teams, Legal and Contract Management, lead contract management responsibilities through proposal, formation, execution, administration, change/claims management, closeout, warranty, and disputes. Develop claim strategies, prepare notifications, correspondence, and other applicable contract documentation in coordination with the project team (amendments, change orders, etc.). Enforce and defend PGGI's contractual interests, including monitoring and assessment of changes and deviations in accordance with contract requirements and the PGGI Contract Management Instruction. Notify and liaise with Legal regarding major claims and critical developments during project execution. Prepare contract deliverables matrix and present contractual portion of project kick-off meetings. Lead contract and claims negotiations and settlements together with project management and Legal where appropriate. Provide advice and support to the business, project management, site management, procurement/supply chain department and other project team members during contract lifecycle to secure PGGI’s contractual rights and entitlements. Work with Legal and Supply Chain/Subcontracts to define customer contract flow down provisions. Support and participate in weekly and monthly project status meetings with project team, customers, subcontractors, and suppliers as applicable. Coach project team members on commercial awareness, contract and claims management topics. Preparing a monthly executive report on overall additional costs and claim status for projects in execution. Qualifications: Ability to read, write, speak, and negotiate in French and English.  Bachelor’s degree. Experience in EPC contractual agreements. Solid experience in change management, claim management and contract related legal issues and the possible effects in the relevant areas of responsibility regarding proposal stage and/or project execution. Ability to interface with the customer and subcontractors regarding all matters related to contracts and projects including those related to the review and process of changes. Commercial acumen, skilled negotiator with a proactive approach to problem solving. Excellent leadership and interpersonal skills. Great attention to detail. Highly professional and able to work with minimal supervision. Results oriented. Able to work cooperatively across all levels delivering on commitments. Ability to work within internationally staffed teams and with international contractual partners. Ability to work effectively under pressure, meet deadlines, and adjust to changing priorities. Willingness to work at or visit domestic and potentially international project sites or offices for short or extended durations. High degree of inter-cultural sensitivity and integrity. Systematic and structured work style. Juris Doctor/legal background beneficial, but not required. experience in EPC power generation, substations, converter stations, grid integration, transmission, or similar industrial plant Contract Management functions (w/ emphasis on civil and electrical installations desired), processes and management/administration of varying sizes and types of contractual agreements. Only selected applicants will be contacted.
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    Location: Varennes, Quebec, Canada Job ID: R0037496 Date Posted: 2023-11-29 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CANADA INC. Profession (Job Category): Engineering & Science Job Schedule: Full time Remote: Yes Job Description: At Hitachi Energy, our purpose is advancing a sustainable​ energy future for all. We bring power to our homes, schools, hospitals and factories. Join us and work with fantastic people, while learning and developing yourself on projects that have a real impact to our communities and society. Bring your passion, bring your energy, and be part of a global team that appreciates a simple truth: Diversity + Collaboration = Great Innovation General Information: The service representative will be responsible for executing service work at customer sites ensuring working according to Hitachi Energy and legislative Health and Safety requirements, according to the project schedule and budget, and with utmost professionalism and courtesy to customer staff. Responsibilities: Proficient in all aspects of a wide variety of standalone Power Products and their applications such as Transformers (most important). HV knowledge will be an added weight during the evaluation. Good knowledge of Electric Power Equipment Uses a great deal of analytical skills and makes decisions on complex and technical issues. Is able to build customer relationships and makes recommendation to customers with regards to equipment performance. Performs field activities including trouble shooting and repair of existing & legacy equipment , assembly, installation, testing, commissioning and start-up of new Power equipment Works in collaboration with other departments (sales, marketing and engineering) and bring Field Service expertise. Acts as a mentor towards other Field Service Employees. Handles post commissioning warranty activities Reviews, interprets and comments on technical specifications prior to starting work Recommends technical strategy and resolve technical problems Participates in department administrative tasks Follows scheduling and administrative procedures Participates in technical training Prepare technical reports following site work Qualifications: Familiar with utility substation construction and utility work sites A trade education, college or university diploma/degree in a technical field (electrical, mechanical, etc.) Electrical field service experience of at least 5 years or other relevant substation / transformer experience (i.e. manufacturing, engineering design, factory project management) Sound knowledge of and hands-on experience in Substations Construction, servicing, maintaining, commissioning and repairing of power Transformers and Power System Equipment. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Strong customer relationship skills Goal-oriented and self-starter attitude Strong problem solving and analytical skills Experience with relevant planning and scheduling tools Ability to formulate solutions to technical problems, prepare technical quotations and reports Safety minded and proven safe work record Must be willing to travel for development when required Must be willing to travel as part of the position’s requirement to provide service for the customers (Primarily in Quebec Canada but will also be required to support the other regions within Canada and international assignments as they occur) Must be willing to work under indifferent working conditions and hours of work Must have and maintain a valid Canadian driver’s license and driver’s record acceptable to the Government of Quebec and Hitachi Energy Fleet requirements More about us Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon-neutral future. We are advancing the world’s energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 38,000 people in 90 countries. In fiscal year 2020 we generated business volumes of around $10 billion USD as reported by Hitachi. www.hitachienergy.com Only selected applicants will be contacted.
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    Location: Raleigh, North Carolina, United States Job ID: R0034918 Date Posted: 2023-11-08 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY USA INC Profession (Job Category): Customer Service & Contact Center Operations Job Schedule: Full time Remote: Yes Job Description: General Information: Hitachi Energy is seeking a remote NAM Category Manager - Transformers and Components for its Raleigh, NC location. This role is responsible for translating the Business Line category strategy to regional level and driving regional execution, continuous improvement (CIPS) activities to support Power Grid Transformers (PGTR) NAM business objectives on total cost of ownership and supply performance. Deliver on all Procurement and Logistics (PL) regional targets: cost reduction including BCC sourcing, supplier classification maps, coordinated project management activities, supplier payment terms, lead-time reductions and supplier performance targets for quality and on-time delivery. Help drive supply chain operational excellence in largest business line of Hitachi Energy. Your Responsibilities: Perform total cost of ownership (TCO) sourcing activities and/or mitigate risks.Conduct negotiations and establish contracts and service level agreement for regional suppliers and monitor contract compliance.Collaborate technically with Engineering to propose application alternatives and drive consolidation within the category.Drive cost reduction based on technical requirements and data analysis.Analyze commodity spend, market dynamics, and price developments. Collect and rationalize inputs from factories to feed into sourcing strategy.Regularly communicate strategy including quarterly CIPS reviews and negotiations results to factories in the region to deliver market allocation, price, lead time, MOQ, and Terms & Conditions information and control its usage in the local ERP systems.Support factory implementation of the strategy in a timely manner. Drive selected regional or factory level SCM projects.Actively promote standardization.Manage and resolve critical supplier shortcomings.Develop cost breakdown analysis, should costing, and run regular benchmarks for responsible categories tied to key raw material index’s.Ensures that group and local health, safety and environmental guidelines and directives are implemented as top priority.Living Hitachi Energy’s core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business.up to 25% travel Your Background: Master's degree in Business & management.Candidate must already have work authorization that would permit them to work for Hitachi Energy in the United States. Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE)-Females/Minorities/Protected Veterans/Individuals with Disabilities Protected veterans and qualified individuals with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation if you are unable or limited in your ability to use or access Hitachi Energy career site as a result of your disability. You may request reasonable accommodations by calling a Hitachi Energy HR Representative at 1-888-504-2007 or by sending an email to: us-pg-askhr@abb.com. Resumes and applications will not be accepted in this manner.
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    Location: Raleigh, North Carolina, United States Job ID: R0043317 Date Posted: 2024-02-21 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY USA INC Profession (Job Category): Project/Program Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: As a core member of the Human Resources Operations and reporting to HR Project Manager, North America, you will deliver HR Projects that support the HR community, business managers and employees. The role requires engagement with business stakeholders, cross-functional teams, and offshore processing teams. It’s an exciting opportunity to join and manage as one of your first project, the transition to a new time and attendance system for North America. In this role, you will assist with the execution, driving and overseeing HR Operations projects and initiatives across the Service Lines: Benefits, Compensation, Employee Lifecycle and Payroll. Ensures all activities are performed in accordance with Hitachi Energy policies, guidelines and standards, contractual agreements, quality standards, financial targets, and schedule commitments. Delivery of projects requires use of appropriate project management processes. As the HR Operations Project Manager, your primary duties would include: Leads assigned project and process improvements, defining mission statement, allocating project tasks, motivating and monitoring internal and external resources to accomplish all tasks and milestones wholly and timely.Develops project charter and plans describing how the project will be executed for communication to project team members and key stakeholders, approval, and as the basis for execution.Plan and tracks all project and process improvement activities.Maintain RAID LogEffectively organizes, monitors, and controls activities to ensure achievement of planned gates and efficient utilization of available resources.Monitors and controls project costs and finances. Identifies, contains, and reduces risk and ensures all opportunities are captured and acted uponEnsures Compliance and projects follow the sound methodology and execution practices per standard Hitachi Energy internal directives and procedures.Effectively communicates appropriate information to project stakeholders.Formalizes acceptance of the project and concludes all project activities.Delivers project documentation and ensures handover to the BAU organization.Maintains project portfolio and provides updates to the HR Leadership TeamRecommend changes to HR system functionality and support systems implementation/upgrade in functional responsibility.Recommend and participate to the enhancements and simplification of existing processes and procedures based on feedback and experience within the HR Services Organization Requirements Bachelor’s degree in HR, Business Management or related disciplineAt least 8 years experience in HR, 5 of which functionally leading HR projects and process improvement initiativesProven experience in HR / HR Shared Services (Payroll, Compensation & Benefits, Employee Lifecycle)Excellent project and process management skills and experienceSHRM preferredLean Six Sigma, quality and process improvement experiences, ideally holder of a Six Sigma certification (Green Belt or higher)High degree of client orientation and service mind-setStrong analytical approach to problem solving, high degree of proactive behavior and result orientationExcellent communication skills (oral, written and presentation skills) with demonstrated ability in managing stakeholder.Outstanding structured thinking and self-organization, deadline focusedExcellent PowerPoint and Excel skillsAbility to build relations and work efficiently across various countries / cultures Type of work: Hybrid/remote, candidate would preferably reside in the Raleigh, NC or Montreal, QC area Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE)-Females/Minorities/Protected Veterans/Individuals with Disabilities Protected veterans and qualified individuals with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation if you are unable or limited in your ability to use or access Hitachi Energy career site as a result of your disability. You may request reasonable accommodations by calling a Hitachi Energy HR Representative at 1-888-504-2007 or by sending an email to: us-pg-askhr@abb.com. Resumes and applications will not be accepted in this manner.
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    Location: Raleigh, North Carolina, United States Job ID: R0038972 Date Posted: 2023-12-20 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY USA INC Profession (Job Category): Human Resources Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: General Information: Hitachi Energy is seeking for a HR Operations Time & Attendance Lead North America for its Raleigh, NC location. Your Responsibilities: Collaborate with HR leadership and key stakeholders in supporting time and attendance service delivery and sharing best practices.Develop and manage strategic solutions for process, identifying overall needs (Local, Regional & Global).Work closely with local time SMEs in driving initiatives and enhancementsDrive the requirements gathering process, performing impact analysis for HR processes, supporting development and testing, and monitoring implementation.Prepare local and global guidelines & instructions for time and attendance process.Delivering training for new time SMEs or when new features are released.Supporting and creation of standard and ad hoc reports and answering questions from time SMEs.Receive and act on error notifications generated by integrations.Responsible for Tier 2 and 3 HR tickets resolution providing support for complex and major issues.Log tickets with IT or vendor and manage escalations.Support Local Time SMEs for clocks.Communicate with Local SMEs in case of general incident and interacting with Support Manager / Business Analyst.Manage vendor KPIs and act as HR Time Support & Escalations for leadership.Living Hitachi Energy’s core values of safety and integrity, which means taking responsibility for your own actions while caring for your colleagues and the business. Your Background: 5+ years of experience as a time expert with UKG Pro Workforce Management (previously Kronos Dimensions) or ADP Workforce Management.Candidate must already have work authorization that would permit them to work for Hitachi Energy in the United States.Demonstrated experience in requirements gathering, testing and implementation of time systems.Demonstrated ability in stakeholder communication and management.Demonstrated ability in coaching and training.Good project management skills. Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE)-Females/Minorities/Protected Veterans/Individuals with Disabilities Protected veterans and qualified individuals with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation if you are unable or limited in your ability to use or access Hitachi Energy career site as a result of your disability. You may request reasonable accommodations by calling a Hitachi Energy HR Representative at 1-888-504-2007 or by sending an email to: us-pg-askhr@abb.com. Resumes and applications will not be accepted in this manner.
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    Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Job ID: R0041738 Date Posted: 2024-02-26 Company Name: HITACHI RAIL STS CANADA, INC. Profession (Job Category): Other Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Hitachi Rail STS USA is looking for an enthusiastic self-motivated HSE Feild Advisor who thrives in a fast-paced environment. The successful candidate is comfortable performing a wide range of HSE Advisor tasks and interfacing with the project and consortium level team as well as subcontractors and suppliers to ensure the proper execution of the project in accordance with applicable planning documents and contractual requirements. The position is based in Mississauga, Canada. About Us A career at Hitachi Rail will help create a legacy. With operations in every corner of the world, our work goes to the cutting-edge of digital transformation and technology. From the multi-cultural strength of our global organization to the sustainable and innovative ways we work to bring people together, there’s something for everyone to get stuck into. And that’s where you come in. Accountabilities: Implement, maintain, and continually improve the HSE Management System on the project in line with International Standards, IMS, and Local Procedures.Be available at the project work site for Electrical Construction activities and Testing & Commissioning of subsystems.Supporting team in preparing and updating Safe Method StatementDeliver HSE Inductions and execute field coaching for Subcontractors and Hitachi employees Visit the sites for the inspections and audits to ensure the HSE requirements are met as per the project and STS expectations.Ensure the implementation of the STS activities in compliance with HSE Policies, HSE Legislative requirements, HSE Customer Requirements and the HSE Management System of the project and HSE Management System of STS (IMS).Ensure the implementation of the HSE hazard identification, risk assessment and determination of necessary controls measures.Ensure HSE Participation and Consultation.Implement and execute the task in line with HSE expectation as per HSE Manager directions.Implement the necessary HSE training program.Ensure that suppliers and subcontractors engaged on the Project are operating in accordance with GBMS supplier requirements.Ensure the identification of emergencies and the management procedure for response.Ensure the monitoring, reporting and communication of the site work performance.Investigate all HSE accidents and incidents as per the project and local guidelines.Ensure that nonconformities are identified, and corrective/preventive actions are considered to mitigate it and avoid the recurrence.Actively engaging subcontractors, workers, and supervisors by having a focused field presence to improve HSE performance and address concerns.Ensure that working areas are inspected on a regular basis in compliance with local legislation and the HSE Management System.Report to the Hurontario HSE Manager.WSIB experience is an asset.Working knowledge of Certification of Recognition (COR) Required Skills & Experience NCSO (National Construction Safety Officer) or CHST (Certified Health & Safety Technician)Bachelor’s Degree in a Safety / Environment3+ Years of experience in Construction Safety and HealthCommunication, presentation and training Development and Delivery ExperienceExperience integrating into project teams and engaging stakeholders from across all disciplines in the HSE ProgramComprehensive knowledge of Ontario OHS act and regulations, Ontario Environment Protection act and regulations.Experience implementing programs and policies within ISO 14001 and 45001 Certified OrganizationsDemonstrated ability to inspect and evaluate workplace environments, equipment, and practices for compliance with corporate and legislative requirements, standards, and regulations.Ability to complete written reports and electronic communications expeditiously and with a high degree of accuracy and professionalism while in the field.Computer proficiency with a strong knowledge of PCs and software applications related to the work, such as MS Office, Word, Excel, Access, SharePoint, etc.A valid non-probationary Class “G” Driver’s LicenseDemonstrated ability to identify and act on safety-related issues, conduct root cause incident investigations and handle both uncomfortable and sensitive situations.Ability to travel internally and internationally.Strong interpersonal skills; able to interact positively with all levels inside and outside the organization.Proactive and excellent problem solverAbility to manage multiple priorities simultaneously and meet the time demands of unpredictable activities, capable of handling pressure and challenges in a dynamic business environment.Strong analytical, critical thinking, troubleshooting, problem-solving skills, and a high degree of accuracy and attention to detail.Desired Skills & Experience: 2+ Years of Construction Projects Benefits: Hitachi Rail STS employees enjoy a comprehensive benefits package including Competitive Pay, Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance, Short & Long Term Disability, Life & Accident Insurance, Savings Plan, and Paid Vacation. We also offer a number of Work/Life Programs such as Flextime and a variety of Training and Development opportunities. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those under consideration will be contacted. Join us at www.hitachirail.com/careers It is our commitment at Hitachi Rail STS USA Inc. to create a diverse environment and we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. We would be delighted if you would be one of our followers! Have a glance at our LinkedIn page https://www.linkedin.com/company/hitachirailsts/ #LI-JB1
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    Location: Remote - Quebec, Canada Job ID: R0015015 Date Posted: 2023-01-24 Company Name: HITACHI HIGH-TECH CANADA, INC. Profession (Job Category): Sales, Marketing & Product Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Product Sales Specialist LOCATION: Remote, Canada GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Product Sales Specialist is responsible for creating and supporting business for HTC’s microscopy and analytical product portfolios. Specific responsibilities include sales opportunity prospecting and management, performing product demonstrations and customer training, coordinating pre-sales (marketing) and post-sales (support) initiatives, and preparing and achieving ongoing sales forecasts. The primary territory for this position is Canada but will support efforts in all of the Americas. The Product Sales Specialist will report to the Sales and Marketing, Senior Manager of HTC, and will work closely with sales, applications, operations, and service staff to establish and grow the Hitachi microscopy and analytical business. PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES Conduct Microscopy/Analytical sales and business development initiatives to achieve/exceed the company’s sales goals.Perform sales calls and track sales activities in the territory.Prepare and present customer proposals/quotations and compelling product presentations.Provide product demonstrations (pre-sales) and technical customer support (post-sales).Develop and maintain strategic customer relationships.Participate in the planning and execution of company marketing programs and events.Identify, develop, and target key market segments and industries to increase market share.Organize and report information on market requirements, industry trends, price points and other useful sales/product/market data for the territory.Utilize and leverage SFc CRM for leads, contacts, sales opportunities, quotes, forecasts, and product/marketing collateral.Maintain and report accurate opportunity pipeline and order forecast details.Work with the factory, internal staff, vendors, partners, and customers to promote Hitachi products and increase revenue and unit sales to achieve company goals and objectives. EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS BS / BA in related Science field. EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS REQUIREMENTS Five or more years of customer-facing sales experience, which includes providing technical and scientific presentations within the field of Scientific Instrumentation, Consumables or Technical services. Product line and technology knowledge in one or more of the following disciplines: Sample preparation, optical inspection, material/chemical analysis or electron microscopy.Candidates with experience in the areas of metallurgical, geological, aerospace, automotive and semiconductor would be a plus. Have an established network of customer contacts in both Academia and Industry.Additional skills required for managing customers, accounts, and sales opportunities, such as planning, organizing, communicating, conducting presentations, writing letters and proposals, and documentation.Demonstrated the ability to work well with and influence others, including colleagues and customers.Solid organizational skills.Ability to travel.Excellent English - written, verbal, and presentation skills.Fluency in French and/or Spanish is a plus. The above job description has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees with this classification. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties, responsibilities and qualifications required of employees assigned to this job.
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    Location: (HE)Office_QC, Varennes Job ID: R0043762 Date Posted: 2024-02-28 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY CANADA INC. Profession (Job Category): Customer Service & Contact Center Operations Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: General Information: Hitachi Energy is hiring a buyer for its Varennes plant. Reporting to the Planning and Procurement Manager, the buyer will be responsible for the procurement of components and services required for the manufacture of our products, in compliance with company policies and procedures. The buyer will play an active role in supporting and resolving problems within his/her work team, in collaboration with colleagues. Responsibilities: Purchasing and logistics Issue supplier purchase orders using requisitions generated by MRP and/or the planning department; Follow-up on supplier delivery date confirmations and ensure compliance; Follow-up on missing parts in collaboration with the planning and production departments; Validate and optimize purchase prices and prepare quotation requests; Participate in the processing and resolution of payables exceptions; Manage and analyze component inventories, in collaboration with the planning department; Identify problems related to material and inventory management parameters in the SAP software package and suggest modifications as required; Participate in the preparation of purchasing forecasts for our strategic suppliers; Prepare, maintain and communicate various performance indicators; Promote continuous improvement of procedures and processes within his/her department and the company. Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in procurement, logistics, management or manufacturing-related field; 2 to 3 years' experience in a similar position; Any other combination of training and experience deemed relevant; Knowledge of SAP software, an asset; Good knowledge of the Office Suite, particularly Excel; Advanced French and English, spoken and written. Excellent organizational skills and ability to multi-task; Demonstrated ability to demonstrate rigor, resourcefulness, initiative and determination; Strong problem-solving skills; Ability to work as part of a team, team player and strong ability to manage priorities. Only selected applicants will be contacted.
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    Location: (HE)Office_Monselice Job ID: R0044625 Date Posted: 2024-03-01 Company Name: HITACHI ENERGY LTD Profession (Job Category): Quality Management Job Schedule: Full time Remote: Yes Job Description: For our Transformers Business Unit we are looking for Global Operations Manager Services (f/m/d). Responsible for defining the Manufacturing Process Definition & Improvement focuses on manufacturing/service and operational improvement and cost savings to improve the organization's profitability and efficiency including Analyze designs, methods and internal manufacturing/ Service processes. Develop strategies and initiatives for operational efficiency. Implement process improvements and changes in product(service) design and manufacturing methods. Implements continuous improvement initiatives using various Lean methodologies and principles (e.g., 5S, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED), Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Kaizen, etc.) Define, develop, and operationalize global standards, processes and operating procedures, through HUB and local service organizations. Drive digital transformation in field service and operations, deploying and leveraging digital platforms such as Lumada EAM or field service solutions. Develop and drive innovative training concepts and technologies, together with global, regional and local stakeholders, ensuring ramp up of execution capability at speed and at scale, matching requirements of GPG TCS 2030 strategy. Manage global CAPEX allocation for Service, in line with GPG TCS strategy, and support HUBs and units with the project execution. Your responsibilities: Focus on longer term strategic actions to improve safety, operating efficiency, and productivity in the entire value chain, to improve customer satisfaction and reduce operating costs in a safe working environment.Leads the definition of manufacturing platforms and production systems, including IS, to drive standardization of processes, documentation and equipment.Defines global best practices and organizes benchmarking/ assessments and problem solving to ensure efficient utilization of global expertise.Leads load balancing/cross-HUB planning activities in the GPG to optimize results, maximizing the of global footprintConduct feasibility studies for new factory set ups, incl. CIMTs. Defines footprint strategy in-line with BU.Supports new product introduction, incl. piloting. Drives innovation in production, including automation and digitalization. Your background: Bachelor’s degree in mechanical or electrical engineering10+ years of operational experience in Service Manufacturing Industry . Fluent in English.Willingness to travel on business requirements.
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    Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Job ID: R0045836 Date Posted: 2024-03-05 Company Name: HITACHI RAIL STS CANADA, INC. Profession (Job Category): Customer Service & Contact Center Operations Job Schedule: Full time Remote: No Job Description: Hitachi Rail STS Canada is looking for an enthusiastic self-motivated Supply Chain Planner who thrives in a fast-paced environment. The successful candidate is comfortable performing a wide range of Supply Chain Planning tasks and interfacing with the project and consortium level team as well as subcontractors and suppliers to ensure the proper execution of the project in accordance with applicable planning documents and contractual requirements. The position is based in Mississauga, ON, Canada. About Us A career at Hitachi Rail will help create a legacy. With operations in every corner of the world, our work goes to the cutting-edge of digital transformation and technology. From the multi-cultural strength of our global organization to the sustainable and innovative ways we work to bring people together, there’s something for everyone to get stuck into. And that’s where you come in. Job Responsibilities - • Ensure the external cost planning and forecast (for materials, services, packages and subcontractors) during the project execution phase in collaboration with cost controlling dept. • Ensure the submission of all project Supply Chain inputs required to define and issue the Integrated Project Plan • Ensure the issuing and distribution to the project teams of the planning and logistics relevant docs (Logistic Plan, MPS, Inventory Report, etc) • Ensure the project material delivery (including spare parts and repairing of failed material) in accordance with the project plan and coordinating all planning & logistics activities • Ensure the “launch of the production” on the basis of project requirements (Transfer orders, Purchase orders, advance demand, ...) in alignment with the project schedule • Ensure the issuing of the Purchase Requests for all materials, external services, packages and subcontractor to ensure project on time delivery • Ensure the monitoring and reporting on supplier performances (including logistic provider) in terms of production, FAT, lead time, shipment , project warehouse management and compliance with contractual requirements • Ensure the issuing of the supplier logistic and supply planning documentation in alignment with contractual requirements (Performance Bond, Transportation Plan, Procurement Plan, Fabrication Plan, …) • Ensure the identification and implementation of project mitigation actions due to the risk of potential misalignments of the supplier performances in comparison with the contractual requirements (delays in material FAT and/or delivery, …) • Ensure the creation of a SES (Service Entry Sheet) and Work Progress Certificate (WPC), based on the supplier achievement of project milestones, authorizing the Subcontractor to issue an invoice. Benefits: Hitachi Rail STS employees enjoy a comprehensive benefits package including Competitive Pay, Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance, Short & Long Term Disability, Life & Accident Insurance, Savings Plan, and Paid Vacation. We also offer a number of Work/Life Programs such as Flextime and a variety of Training and Development opportunities. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those under consideration will be contacted. Join us at www.hitachirail.com/careers It is our commitment at Hitachi Rail STS Inc to create a diverse environment and we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. We would be delighted if you would be one of our followers! Have a glance at our LinkedIn page https://www.linkedin.com/company/hitachirailsts/ #LI-JB1
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