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    Обязанности:Управление командой (KAM)Разработка ежегодного и ежемесячного плана по объёму, выручке, рекламным программам и бюджетам для клиентовРассчёт экономических составляющих CDA и маркетинговых программ для клиентовПроведение годовых переговоров с сетями для достижения с ними соглашенийОтслеживание соблюдения ассортимента в соответствии со стандартами и отсутствием Out of Stock. Достижение клиентами месячных и годовых планов по объёмам и выручке по брендам, соблюдение основных KPIs, проведение рекламных программ и внедрение стандартов исполнения у вверенных клиентовРегулярное и эффективное взаимодействие со средним и высшим менеджментом национальных клиентовВзаимодействие со всеми смежными функциямиТребования:Высшее образованиеПоследний профильный опыт работы не менее 7 летГлубокое понимание процессов в соответствующей области.Высокий уровень навыков коммуникации, презентацииСвободное владение специализированными информационными системами и офисными приложениямиАнглийский язык на уровне не ниже Upper Intermediate желательно Условия: Официальное оформление в штат компании ООО "ПепсиКо Холдингс" на должность "Национальный менеджер по работе с ключевыми клиентами"Соблюдение ТК РФ в полном объемеСтабильная заработная плата, ежегодное повышение заработной платы по результатам работыГрафик работы 5/2Оформление медицинской книжки за счет компании, ДМС страхование, страхование жизниВозможности для развития в корпоративном университете компании (изучение иностранных языков, цифровая библиотека книг, участие в развивающих тренингах личностного роста, профессиональных курсах, IT).Возможность профессионального и карьерного роста
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    Overview PepsiCo Product Management Overview: The Product Management team is tasked with articulation of the vision and leading the execution and implementation of PepsiCo’s next generation global Digital and Data infrastructure. The scope encompasses the full Strategy & Transformation agenda, leading all Digital and Data product roadmap initiatives, and is intended to manifest as components of a Data/Digital platforms which enable all business functions at Global scale. The IBP Sr. Product Manager will be a critical member of the global IBP product management team. They own technical solution delivery and will work cross functionally with process, adoption, and strategy teams to deliver IBP for a local market. The Product Manager will have to adapt to the dynamic needs of the business and ensure IBP is positioned to drive optimal business value. This includes balancing the development of a global product vs. local market needs. This role will focus on driving the IBP Product across demand planning elements, including overall team management across the PepsiCo Forecast Engine, demand integration with SAP IBP, Demand Control, Product Management Review, Demand Management Review, Integrated Review, and Management Business Review workstreams. Responsibilities Own design, build and deployment of the IBP product in a local market Act as the integrator role for all streams of work for the market​Own and manage the product roadmap and prioritization of features to be enabled for the market, in collaboration with the Global IBP product managers/CoE Manage cross workstream dependencies​, Own overall quality of product being deliveredMeasure, manages and reports on KPIs for the product in the marketLead key stakeholders, business engagement, and product managers to socialize product plans and requirements, research, brainstorm and validate new functionality, and address any product issuesSit alongside the IBP business ownerDemonstrate passion for excellence related to product design, delivery, and engineering Qualifications Must Haves for the role - Supply and demand Planning implementation experience on solutions like O9, JDA, Kinaxis15+ years of product management with experience creating strategic product roadmaps and working with cross-functional teams in a highly-matrixed environment and Data Integration4+ years CPG demand planning or similar experience IBP, Demand Planning, S&OP or S&OE experience preferredExperience building and launching products from ideation through launch and revisionStrong knowledge and experience in agile methodologies, experience working with multiple scrum teams on simultaneous buildsExperience managing daily technical and design directionBachelor’s degree required; Bachelor’s degree engineering related dCPG experience preferredSkills, Abilities, Knowledge: Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, along with the ability to influence and demonstrate confidence in communications with senior level management.Positive and flexible attitude to enable adjusting to different needs in an ever-changing environment.Strong leadership, organizational and interpersonal skills; comfortable managing trade-offs.Proactively drives impact and engagement while bringing others along.Ability to lead others without direct authority.Differentiating Competencies Required: Understands both the engineering and business side of the Products released Places the user in the center of decision making Teams up and collaborates for speed, agility, and innovation World-class organization and accountabilityOperates effectively in matrix relationships across organizational barriers Able to seamlessly transition between visionary/strategic focus and hands-on getting things done
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    Responsibilities Формування корпоративної звітності для юридичної особи ПрАТ «ВБД Україна» з дотриманням вимог політик PepsiCo, включаючи:розрахунок трансформаційних коригувань;завантаження даних в міжнародну систему обліку Pepsico HFM;належне оформлення супровідної документації; виконання контрольних процедур по закриттю фінансового періоду. Розрахунок визначених трансформаційних коригувань GAAP для юридичної особи ТОВ «Сандора». Проведення внутршіньогрупової звірки та виконання щомісячного контролю на базі платформи Suncore. Підготовка циклу звітів щодо обємів реалізації, забезпечення коректності завантаження даних та необхідної синхронізації між звітними модулями. Підготовка додаткових звітних розкритттів (валютні баланси, типи благодійності, продажі у роздрібних цінах і т.д.) Підтримка системи внутрішніх контролів, їх перевірка на відповідність корпоративним політикам та процедурам PepsiCo:моніторинг змін в глобальних політиках Pepsico та актуалізація нововведень на локальному рівні;виконання інших доручень напряму від фінансового контролера щодо внутрішніх контролів. Інформаційна підтримка основних користувачів корпоративної звітності (команда звітності Сектору, фінансово-плановий відділ, відділ податкового обліку, відділ локального обліку та інші), включаючи підготовку презентаційних матеріалів та їх обговорення на крос-функціональних зустрічах. Qualifications Освіта – вища: економіст/ фінансист/ бухгалтер.Досвід у фінансовій сфері не менше 3х років, для представників міжнародних аудиторських компаній – від 1 року.Знання принципів бухгалтерського обліку; розуміння міжнародних стандартів звітності; міжнародна бухгалтерська сертифікація є значною перевагою.Англійська мова – не нижче рівня intermediate.Готовність працювати в умовах мультизадачності та жорстких термінів (у разі перепрацювання – надається вихідний).
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    Responsibilities Somos a PepsiCo: Fazer parte da PepsiCo significa estar em uma das maiores empresas de alimentos e bebidas do mundo, com produtos que são apreciados mais de um bilhão de vezes por dia, por consumidores de mais de 200 países, e que está engajada em ajudar a construir um sistema alimentar mais sustentável. No Brasil desde 1953, a PepsiCo conta com marcas reconhecidas como QUAKER®, TODDY®, TODDYNHO®, ELMA CHIPS®, RUFFLES®, DORITOS®, CHEETOS®, FANDANGOS®, EQLIBRI™, GATORADE®, KERO COCO®, H2OH!®, PEPSI® entre outras. A PepsiCo é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades únicas e contrata pessoas qualificadas e diversas, independente de sexo, raça, identidade de gênero, religião, nacionalidade, idade ou deficiência. Aqui você encontra um time diverso, formado por pessoas únicas, livres para ser quem são,movidas a desafios em um ambiente dinâmico, que buscam crescimento profissional e são inspiradas por nossa missão de Criar Mais Sorrisos a Cada Gole e a Cada Mordida. Somos motivados(as) a inovar e desenvolver produtos de qualidade para diversas ocasiões de consumo, guiados(as) sempre por sete comportamentos: Foco no Consumidor, Agir como Dono, Focar e Fazer Acontecer com Rapidez, Expressar opinião sem medo, Elevar o nível do talento e da diversidade, Celebrar o sucesso e Agir com integridade. Saiba mais sobre nossa cultura e vida na PepsiCo: https://stories.pepsicojobs.com/ #LI-BRASIL No que você vai trabalhar: Responsável pelas negociações, vendas e entregas das linhas de produtos PepsiCo definidos para o seu canal de atuação, dentro da máxima disciplina na execução dos padrões e políticas da companhia: fiscal, financeiro, contábil e comercial.Responsável por garantir o atingimento/superação dos objetivos de vendas, respeitando a política comercial e mantendo o crescimento sustentável de sua rotaUtilizar o veículo disponibilizado pela empresa, bem como garantir a sua melhor condução e preservação, de acordo com as leis de trânsito vigentes e políticas da Cia.Responsável pela utilização e manuseio do coletor de dados, de acordo com a orientação da empresa.“A companhia se reserva o direito de modificar as especificações, habilidades e requerimentos da posição de acordo com suas necessidades” Qualifications Quem estamos buscando? Ensino Médio completo.Experiência na área de Vendas, preferencialmente em Bens de Consumo.CNH categoria C, D ou E.Residir: Pirajuí e Reginópolis/SP.O que você pode esperar de nós: Um ambiente de trabalho híbrido que promove um equilíbrio saudável entre vida pessoal e profissional;Uma cultura dinâmica e inclusiva;Uma equipe de apoio que irá encorajar o seu crescimento e desenvolvimento profissional;Oportunidade de trabalhar com projetos relevantes e impactantes para o negócio;Oportunidade de retribuir à comunidade com nossos Programas de Voluntariado; Na PepsiCo, valorizamos a diversidade e a inclusão e reconhecemos como a coisa certa a fazer para o nosso negócio e sociedade. A PepsiCo é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades únicas e contrata pessoas qualificadas e diversas, independente de sexo, raça, identidade de gênero, religião, nacionalidade, idade ou deficiência. Acreditamos que somos Mais Fortes quando temos representatividade dentro da companhia, independentemente de nossa aparência, de onde viemos ou de quem amamos. A diversidade de talentos e um ambiente inclusivo promovem o engajamento dos(as) funcionários(as), promovem a criatividade e impulsionam a inovação. A companhia se reserva o direito de modificar as especificações, habilidades e requerimentos da posição de acordo com suas necessidades.
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    Responsibilities Виконання установленого плану продажів по всім категоріям;Виконання національних/локальних задач і цілей компанії;Розвиток ввіреної території, розширення активної клієнтської бази (АКБ);Забезпечення та підтримка стандартів компанії по візуалізації та мерчандайзингу в торгових точках; Контроль за рівнем дебіторської заборгованості;Виконання задач по пенетрації та ефективності холодильного/торгового обладнання; Підтримка довгострокових партнерських взаємовідносин з клієнтами. Qualifications Досвід роботи в сфері FMCG від одного року; Освіта —вища, середньо-спеціальна; Водійське посвідчення категорії «В» та власне авто (автомобільний маршрут); Володіння ПК, MS Office на рівні користувача; Орієнтованість на клієнта, демонстрація цінностей компанії, орієнтованість на результат; Комунікабельність і здатність до навчання.
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    Overview Full Time Merchandiser Ottawa About Us PepsiCo’s mission is to create smiles with every sip and every bite. We are committed to bringing our beloved consumer brands to market while doing good for the planet and our communities. Our success lies in our people. We offer our employees opportunities to make a meaningful impact, gain new skills and build successful careers in a diverse and inclusive workplace. Bring your unique perspective. Bring curiosity. Bring ingenuity. Bring drive. Because what makes you unique, makes us better. About You You’re ambitious and hard-working and see every challenge as an opportunity. You pride yourself on being motivated, strong and a team player, and you have strong organizational skills. You want a job that will maximize your earning potential as well as open doors for the future and prefer to be out in the world rolling up your sleeves than behind a desk all day. Your experience may include customer service. This is a great role for students in all kinds of programs. It’s also a great fit for people who work successfully with a high degree of independence and have experience dealing with people. Responsibilities In this role you will help us get our famous brands to the people who love them across Canada. Here’s what you’ll be doing: Merchandising Pepsi products into store shelving, racks, coolers and displays using manual or powered equipment Supporting execution of store promotions by ensuring all shelves are filled and promotional materials are maximized Working collaboratively with the Account Sales Representatives and Delivery teams to provide top quality servicing of all Pepsi accountsMaintaining back-room stock in neat and orderly conditionRotating out expired products to ensure freshness of Pepsi products Qualifications Qualifications: You have a High School Diploma, Professional Studies Diploma or EquivalenceYou hold a valid Class 5 License and have access to your own vehicle You’re physically fit (lifting large items up to 50 lbs. is part of the job) You enjoy working independently and are self-motivatedYou have excellent time management skillsAdditional skills you may have (not required, these are assets) Prior merchandising or customer service experiencePrevious grocery store experienceWhat you can expect from us: A working environment that puts health and safety first$22.84 per hour with full-time hours and overtime opportunitiesGreat people and culture – proudly bring your whole self to work! Future opportunities. We are one of Canada’s top 10 employers of youth. Ask us more in your interview Application Process Visit pepsicojobs.comShortlisted candidates will be contacted for an initial phone screening interview. Please review our realistic job preview it will be referenced throughout the interview process. #PBC
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    Overview PepsiCo Beverages Full Time Seasonal Production Worker In this role you will help us get our famous brands to the people who love them all across Canada. You’re fit and you’ve got grit. You like to win even if the only competition is yourself. You’re a team player and pride yourself on being easy-going, motivated, and tough. You want a job that rewards you for your strengths with no run around, good pay and a great team culture. Your experience includes a background in environments where teamwork is critical. You’ve worked physically challenging jobs where safety is important. We hire for attitude and train for specific skills. Please review our realistic job preview it will be referenced throughout the interview process Compensation: $28.95 per hour with full-time hours and overtime opportunities What you can expect from us: A working environment that puts health and safety first Earn up to $15K over the summer – ask us how Great people and culture – proudly bring your whole self to work! Future opportunities. We are one of Canada’s top 10 employers of youth. Ask us more in your interview! Responsibilities Schedule: Ideal Candidates are flexible to work different shifts. Days: 6am-2pm Afternoons: 2pm-10pm Nights: 10pm – 6am Efficiently operating the can and bottle line packing and labeling machines Operating can and bottle line palletizers and pallet wrappers. Conducting daily quality testing and paperwork Loading raw materials on the production lines Safely operating the lifting devices Keeping work area orderly and clean Following team leader’s instructions with precision Physical demands and working conditions:  You can lift/carry up to 50lbs and push/pull up to 35lbs You are comfortable working in a multi-temperature environment Qualifications You have a High School Diploma, Professional Studies Diploma or Equivalence You are a team player who strives for efficiency. You have writing and mathematics skills that allow you to complete required paperwork accurately. You’re physically fit. Additional skills you may have (not required, these are assets) Knowledge of the operation of wrapper and conveying systems Knowledge of Can/Bottle Line Packers and conveying systems About Us   PepsiCo’s mission is to create smiles with every sip and every bite. We are committed to bringing our beloved consumer brands to market while doing good for the planet and our communities. Our success lies in our people. We offer our employees opportunities to make a meaningful impact, gain new skills and build successful careers in a diverse and inclusive workplace. Bring your unique perspective. Bring curiosity. Bring ingenuity. Bring drive. Because what makes you unique, makes us better.  #PBC
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    Overview PepsiCo Beverages Full Time Summer Student Opportunity - Warehouse Worker Join us for the Summer! A great opportunity to build a foundation for future internships and career opportunities with PepsiCo. About Us   PepsiCo Beverages Canada is recognized as one of Canada's Top Employers for Young People (2023). PepsiCo’s mission is to create smiles with every sip and every bite. We are committed to bringing our beloved consumer brands to market while doing good for the planet and our communities. Our success lies in our people. We offer our employees opportunities to make a meaningful impact, gain new skills and build successful careers in a diverse and inclusive workplace. Bring your unique perspective. Bring curiosity. Bring ingenuity. Bring drive. Because what makes you unique, makes us better.  This is a great role for students in all kinds of programs. In this role you will help us get our famous brands to the people who love them all across Canada. You’re ambitious and hard-working and see every challenge as an opportunity. You pride yourself on being motivated, strong and a team player, and you have strong organizational skills. You want a job that will maximize your summer earning potential as well as open doors for the future and prefer to be out in the world rolling up your sleeves than behind a desk all day.     Please review our realistic job preview it will be referenced throughout the interview process Compensation: $28.43 per hour with full-time hours and overtime opportunities What you can expect from us: Future opportunities. We are one of Canada’s top 10 employers of youth A working environment that puts health and safety first Great people and culture – proudly bring your whole self to work! Responsibilities Schedule: Ideal Candidates are flexible to work different shifts. DaysAfternoonsNightsPreparing clients’ orders using an automated Voice Pick system Building stable, secure, and accurate pallets Moving products that can weigh up to 60lbs Loading/unloading trucks Performing all tasks safely and efficiently Completing reports Following team leader’s instructions with precision. Physical demands and working conditions:  You can lift/carry 60 lbs. repetitively for up to 8 – 10 hours a day  You are comfortable working in a multi-temperature environment Qualifications You have a High School Diploma and currently enrolled in a Professional studies Diploma/ Degree program You are a team player You’re physically fit You have basic writing and mathematics skills that allow you to complete required paperwork accurately Additional skills you may have (not required, these are assets) Walkie rider or forklift experience Previous warehouse experience
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    Overview PepsiCo’yu keşfetmeye ve bu ikonik uluslararası şirketin bir parçası olmaya hazır mısınız? PepsiCo’nun güçlü yönlerinden biri de insan kaynağı. Dünyanın dört bir yanında herkese istedikleri lezzetleri ve ihtiyaçları olan besinleri vermek için çok çalışıyoruz. Hep birlikte kazanmak adına; gezegenimizin, insanlarımızın, toplumlarımızın ve ticari uygulamalarımızın sürdürülebilirliğini sağlamak için sürekli yenilikler yaparak küresel ölçekte hayal ediyor ve yerel ölçekte harekete geçiyoruz. En iyisi olma yolunda Fayda Gözeten Performans ilkemize uygun davranıyor ve gezegeni paylaştığımız topluma bağlılık sergiliyoruz. İşteki gerçek yaşamın tadını dolu dolu çıkarırken aynı zamanda öğrenmek ister misiniz? İş, özel hayat dengesini kurmanızı sağlayacak esneklikten faydalanmaya ne dersiniz? PepsiCo’nun merkezinde çalışanları vardır. Şirketin Yetenek Sürdürülebilirliğine olan bağlılığı sayesinde çalışanlarımızın gelişimini desteklemeye devam ediyoruz. İzmir'de yerleşik Satış ekibimize katılacak Yerinde Tüketim Satış Şefi arıyoruz. Rolü üstlenen kişi Yerinde Tüketim Satış Şefi olarak görev alacak ve doğrudan Bölge Müdürü’ne bağlı olacak. Kendin Olabileceğin Bir Yer PepsiCo, eşit fırsatlar sunan bir işverendir. Farklı yeteneklere, geçmişlere, yaşam tarzlarına, cinsel yönelimlere, cinsel kimliklere, gereksinimlere ve beklentilere sahip kişiler için erişilebilir, kapsayıcı, açık ve kucaklayıcı bir iş yeri ortamı sağlayarak tüm bireylerin mesleki potansiyellerini en yüksek seviyede ortaya çıkarmalarına yardım ediyoruz. Responsibilities Sorumlu olduğu aylık ve yıllık satış hedeflerini gerçekleştirmek; elemanları için bölge hedefleriyle uyumlu açık ve ulaşılabilir hedefler koymakHaftalık toplantılarla hedeflere göre gelişimi gözden geçirmek ve gerektiğinde iyileştirme yönünde eyleme geçmek.Görev aldığı Kanalda noktalarla gerekli anlaşmaları yapmak ve bütçelendirmek, PepsiCo satış süreç ve araçlarını etkin bir şekilde uygulamak ve satış hacmini arttırmak, aksiyonlar almak, Alt Kanal bazında karlılık hedeflerine uygun anlaşma tekliflerinin hazırlanmasını yönetmek Fiyatlandırma, promosyon, kampanya ve diğer satış strateji ve aktivitelerinin satış noktalarında eksiksiz olarak uygulanmasını sağlamak, Satış çalışanlarını etkin bir şekilde yönetmek; yönetimindeki çalışanlara bölge hedefleriyle uyumlu, açık ve ulaşılabilir hedefler koymak, performanslarını takip etmek ve PepsiCo satış süreçleri ile ilgili gerekli eğitimleri vermek, liderlik etmek.Bölge ekipman yerleşimi ve yeni satış noktası hedeflerini koymak Qualifications Üniversite mezunu (Lisans ve üzeri)İngilizce bilenHızlı Tüketim tecrübesi olanKariyer hedefi olanErkek adaylar için askerlik görevini tamamlamış veya muafSeyahat engeli olmayan
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    Overview Why PepsiCo? PepsiCo UK is home to some of the world's most loved food and drink products. Making every day favourites like Walkers, Quaker, Doritos, Pipers and Monster Munch, to name a few! We have a fantastic reputation for developing and launching products that our consumers love. PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers around the world more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories. The company generated $91 billion in net revenue in 2023. In the UK we pride ourselves on being a great place to work and in 2023 have been awarded the Times Top 50 Employers for Gender Equality (formerly Times Top 50 Employers for Women) for the 18th year in a row and Top Employer for the 12th year in a row. We offer a competitive salary, quarterly bonus incentive, critical Illness cover, discounted gym membership, market-leading health and wellbeing support, generous company pension plus so much more. In 2024 we have enhanced our extended parental leave offering, now paying in full for 26 weeks of maternity leave and 10 weeks for paternity leave for those who have the respective length of service. We’re also pushing our benefits to be more pep+ by offering electric cars through salary sacrifice with a partnership with Octopus Energy. Join the world of PepsiCo Supply Chain, our famous Leicester manufacturing site is the world’s largest crisp factory producing millions of bags every day. It’s already a great plant but our ambition is to make it even greater. We not only want to be the largest crisp factory in the world, we want to be the best and that’s where you come in! Your leadership, innovation and problem solving skills will be utilised to the fullest; where in this fast paced and ever changing environment, we can go from idea to implementation in a matter of days. You will be inspired by the drive of your team and feel a true sense of connection and comradery with your colleagues who are proud to work in Leicester. Position Summary Reports to: Site Maintenance Manager Direct reports: None Working Hours: Continental shift pattern (4 on, 4 off) working 12 hour shifts, rotating between days and nights each block which will also include working weekends and bank holidays. This will average to 42 hours per week. Responsibilities Main Accountability To provide a safe, high-quality, cost-effective maintenance service to site assets including preventative, predictive and breakdown maintenance ensuring achievement of Factory Key Performance Indicators, targets and budgets. To provide technical support to Operational teams, Technicians and Operations Management, monitoring maintenance activities, routines and procedures for accuracy, effectiveness and completion. To drive line performance to meet targets co-ordinating technical & operational activities. Roles & Responsibilities • Provide technical expertise for Electrical and Mechanical maintenance of plant equipment whilst carrying out reactive and PPM using electrical, control system and mechanical engineering skill set. • Key responsibility for reviewing production targets and priorities / balance the lines to meet them with minimal waste. • Act as the effective link between Operations & Engineering. • Support site contractor activity through issuing Permit to Works and review of risk assessments and method statements (RAMS). • Responsible for co-ordination of contractors and contracts including issuing of PTW. • Coaching and supporting the Manufacturing Technician (MT) group to develop their technical skills. • Provide support to and involvement in site Project and Change Initiatives (CI’s) as appropriate. • Undertakes tasks which require data and strong diagnostics to identify and act upon underlying root cause issues. Qualifications Minimum Qualifications: • Good electrical and mechanical maintenance skills. • Experience within a production environment. • NVQ L3 or equivalent time served Engineering apprenticeship with proven hands on experience. • City & Guilds 2391 holder • Strong team player who demonstrates a continuous improvement approach. • Ability to manage and prioritise workloads to support business needs. • Computer literate (Word, excel, etc). Preferred (but not essential) Qualifications: • Experience within a FMCG or high-volume continuous production environment. • Experience of leading and coaching a team. • Working knowledge of PLC systems- Allen Bradley and/or Siemens an advantage. • Working knowledge of CMMS and SCADA systems and the associated applications (further training will be provided by PepsiCo). Salary & Benefits: • £52,485.72 per annum (inclusive of shift allowance) • Quarterly Bonus Incentive • Competitive Pension Scheme • 23 days holiday (with the option to buy/sell holiday) • PPE provided by the business • Staff discount shop • Cycle to work scheme • Subsidised Canteen • Long Service Rewards We pride ourselves on our superb work force. The people in this business genuinely care about doing a great job! We have a common goal - strive to continuously improve our business performance and our own personal development. With the majority of executive team having been promoted organically, we are continually developing and encouraging our employees to push themselves further and offer them support with their continual learning. Career progression is incredibly important to us and we provide great opportunities to grow a long term career. We are an equal opportunity employer and comply with the Equality Act 2010, we value diversity at our company; it is an essential part of our success. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, pregnancy or maternity, marital/civil partnerships, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or gender reassignment, disability or race including; colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin. To enable you to be at your best we will ensure you are provided with any physical or non-physical adjustments to support your participation in the job application and interview process. Please speak to the Recruiter directly about any support you need.
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    Responsibilities Somos a PepsiCo: Fazer parte da PepsiCo significa estar em uma das maiores empresas de alimentos e bebidas do mundo, com produtos que são apreciados mais de um bilhão de vezes por dia, por consumidores de mais de 200 países, e que está engajada em ajudar a construir um sistema alimentar mais sustentável. No Brasil desde 1953, a PepsiCo conta com marcas reconhecidas como QUAKER®, TODDY®, TODDYNHO®, ELMA CHIPS®, RUFFLES®, DORITOS®, CHEETOS®, FANDANGOS®, EQLIBRI™, GATORADE®, KERO COCO®, H2OH!®, PEPSI® entre outras. A PepsiCo é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades únicas e contrata pessoas qualificadas e diversas, independente de sexo, raça, identidade de gênero, religião, nacionalidade, idade ou deficiência. Aqui você encontra um time diverso, formado por pessoas únicas, livres para ser quem são,movidas a desafios em um ambiente dinâmico, que buscam crescimento profissional e são inspiradas por nossa missão de Criar Mais Sorrisos a Cada Gole e a Cada Mordida. Somos motivados(as) a inovar e desenvolver produtos de qualidade para diversas ocasiões de consumo, guiados(as) sempre por sete comportamentos: Foco no Consumidor, Agir como Dono, Focar e Fazer Acontecer com Rapidez, Expressar opinião sem medo, Elevar o nível do talento e da diversidade, Celebrar o sucesso e Agir com integridade. Saiba mais sobre nossa cultura e vida na PepsiCo: https://stories.pepsicojobs.com/ #LI-BRASIL No que você vai trabalhar: Responsável pelas negociações, vendas e entregas das linhas de produtos PepsiCo definidos para o seu canal de atuação, dentro da máxima disciplina na execução dos padrões e políticas da companhia: fiscal, financeiro, contábil e comercial.Responsável por garantir o atingimento/superação dos objetivos de vendas, respeitando a política comercial e mantendo o crescimento sustentável de sua rotaUtilizar o veículo disponibilizado pela empresa, bem como garantir a sua melhor condução e preservação, de acordo com as leis de trânsito vigentes e políticas da Cia.Responsável pela utilização e manuseio do coletor de dados, de acordo com a orientação da empresa.“A companhia se reserva o direito de modificar as especificações, habilidades e requerimentos da posição de acordo com suas necessidades” Qualifications Quem estamos buscando? Ensino Médio completo.Experiência na área de Vendas, preferencialmente em Bens de Consumo.CNH categoria C, D ou E.Residir: Tupa, Adamantina, Bastos, Paraguaçu/SP.O que você pode esperar de nós: Um ambiente de trabalho híbrido que promove um equilíbrio saudável entre vida pessoal e profissional;Uma cultura dinâmica e inclusiva;Uma equipe de apoio que irá encorajar o seu crescimento e desenvolvimento profissional;Oportunidade de trabalhar com projetos relevantes e impactantes para o negócio;Oportunidade de retribuir à comunidade com nossos Programas de Voluntariado; Na PepsiCo, valorizamos a diversidade e a inclusão e reconhecemos como a coisa certa a fazer para o nosso negócio e sociedade. A PepsiCo é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades únicas e contrata pessoas qualificadas e diversas, independente de sexo, raça, identidade de gênero, religião, nacionalidade, idade ou deficiência. Acreditamos que somos Mais Fortes quando temos representatividade dentro da companhia, independentemente de nossa aparência, de onde viemos ou de quem amamos. A diversidade de talentos e um ambiente inclusivo promovem o engajamento dos(as) funcionários(as), promovem a criatividade e impulsionam a inovação. A companhia se reserva o direito de modificar as especificações, habilidades e requerimentos da posição de acordo com suas necessidades.
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    Overview As part of the overall digital strategy, PepsiCo is building industry-standard enterprise-scale Digital Platforms & Services to radically transform and support its global businesses. In support of this effort, PepsiCo is looking for an experienced hands-on leader to deliver creative solutions to meet the broader enterprise objectives by spearheading Hyper-Automation (RPA, artificial intelligence & machine learning and Conversational Interfaces) initiatives in our global organization. As an Intelligent Automation technical delivery leader, you will be responsible to provide people and technical leadership, oversight and mentorship for delivering end-to-end business processes solutions using Automation, Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cognitive tech., while maintaining and leading communication with global business teams, and senior leaders. This is truly a rewarding opportunity for personal and professional growth as you work with some of the best minds in the industry to deliver groundbreaking hyper-automation solutions and make an impact by using your critical thinking skills to identify creative solutions for real world business problems. Responsibilities Define and evengelize the business architecture for Hyperautomation portfolio of technologies in context of key business processes (e.g., HR services, marketing, accounts payable, customer support, etc.)Lead the core DevOps team and collaborate with Enterprise Architects, Sector IT stakeholders, cloud and security engineering on projects design, requirement, architecture and delivery for Hyperautomation portfolio with particular focus on:Conversational interfaces (chatbot, voicebot, virtual assistant)OCR, ICR and Translation Integration with legacy systems,Emerging technologies (Generative AI)Provide leadership on the setting up the conversational interface design center, including design guides, run-books and resuable asset creation. Create offerings for conversational interface design services across the organization, globallyTake active part in Hyperautomation technology scouting, tech stack selection, platfrom implementation & customization and manage tech induction & refresh cyclesLead and maintain internal customer relationships while working with business and IT leads to accomplish goalsLead the preparation and presentation of materials to senior leadershipWork within fast paced agile development methodology (i.e. SAFe Agile) to accomplish our goals with entrepreneurial spiritCompensation & Benefits: The expected compensation range for this position is between $106,300 - $177,850 based on a full-time schedule. • Location, confirmed job-related skills and experience will be considered in setting actual starting salary • Bonus based on performance and eligibility; target payout is 15% of annual salary paid out annually. • Paid time off subject to eligibility, including paid parental leave, vacation, sick, and bereavement. • In addition to salary, PepsiCo offers a comprehensive benefits package to support our employees and their families, subject to elections and eligibility: Medical, Dental, Vision, Disability, Health and Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts, Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Insurance (Accident, Group Legal, Life), Defined Contribution Retirement Plan. Qualifications Strong communication and organizational skills with the ability to deal with ambiguity while juggling multiple priorities and projects at the same time Years of Experience: Bachelors Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Engineering, or in an equivalent / related fieldMinimum 10+ years of hands-on development experience with a deep understanding of programming concepts3+ years of hands on ML experience, particularly in applying NLP/NLU techniques in VAs including understanding of common NLP techniques such as text classification, tokenization, part of speech tagging, text mining, named entity recognition3+ years of experience leading global tech teams as Product Owner and delivering world class user experience at scale (5000+ users)TechSkills: Expertise in a variety of Deep Learning architectures including Residual Networks, RNN/CNN, Transformer, and Transfer LearningProficient with programming languages such as Java, Python or C#Hands-on experience with MS Azure cloudExperience with the lifecycle of VAs / chatbots / voice-bots and understanding of conversation and user-design and VA dialog flowsExcellent eye for detail/understanding of each step of the conversation design processFamiliarity with Messaging & Chat as well as Social Media experiences and management platforms Experience with AI speech recognition technologiesKnowledge of language translations or translation toolsFamiliarity with retail and food&bev industry trends and technology innovationsUnderstanding of website/mobile app development and content management systemsNonTechSkills: Ability to author technical and non-technical documents for varying audiences (e.g., security personnel, end users, sr. leadership)Ability to analyze situations, evaluate multiple perspectives, collect evidence, ask questions, and use critical thinking skillsStrong quantitative background with analytics experience. Proven track record in solving business problems through fact based and scientific analytics. The ability to translate analytical insights into clear recommendations and effectively deliver it to technical and non-technical partnersExperience with hands-on development on Conversation AI platforms (e.g., IBM Watson, Azure Power VA, etc.)Experience with Design Thinking, User Journey Mapping and User Research. Focus on delivering optimal user exeprienceExperience partnering and collaborating with global teams having various responsibilitiesGood verbal and written communication skillsWhat can you expect from us: Competitive compensation packageA flexible work environment that promotes a healthy balance between personal and professional lifeA dynamic and inclusive cultureA support team that will foster your professional growth and developmentOpportunity to work with relevant and impactful projects for the businessOpportunity to give back to the community with our volunteer programs EEO Statement All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, or disability status. PepsiCo is an Equal Opportunity Employer: Female / Minority / Disability / Protected Veteran / Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity If you'd like more information about your EEO rights as an applicant under the law, please download the available EEO is the Law & EEO is the Law Supplement documents. View PepsiCo EEO Policy. Please view our Pay Transparency Statement
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    Responsibilities Доставляє та передає ТМЦ підприємства споживачам, вживає заходів щодо збереження автомобіля та майна в ньому.Використовує автомобіль компанії відповідно до правил експлуатації вантажного транспорту.Забезпечує коректне професійне водіння автомобіля, що максимально гарантує збереження вантажів та технічно справний стан автомобіля.Дотримується правил подачі автомобіля під навантаження та розвантаження вантажів, перевіряє відповідність укладання та кріплення вантажу на автомобілі вимогам безпеки руху та забезпечення збереження автомобіля.Здійснює перевірку технічного стану та прийом транспортного засобу перед виїздом на лінію, здачу його та постановку на відведене місце після повернення в автопарк.Перевіряє повноту та правильність заповнення всіх реквізитів дорожнього листа перед виїздом на лінію.Здійснює доставку продукції клієнту строго за фактичною адресою доставки (точки доставки), зазначеною у накладному та маршрутному листі.Сприяє експедитору з в.о. касира у формуванні замовлень згідно з накладними та допомагає здійснювати вивантаження, перенесення та передачу готової продукції, ТМЦ клієнтам (при виїзді у супроводі експедитора з в.о. касира). Самостійно здійснює всі перелічені операції при одиночному виїзді. Qualifications Освіта- середня або середня спеціальнаОфіційний стаж на аналогічній посаді з роботою на в/а не менше 3 роківПраво керування одиночними автомобілями всіх типів та марок категорії транспортних засобів «С»Бажано досвід роботи в доставці продукції разом з експедитором
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    Overview Performs the analysis of business requirements and translates into an enterprise data design. Defines & develops architecture design standards, principles and best practices for end to end analytics development. Ensures analytics solutions are modelled following best practices and are performant and scalable. Works closely with Global Information Architecture to provide input into the standards, execute POC when needed and leverage Data & Analytics tools in alignment with Enterprise strategy Responsibilities • Translates functional design into technical specifications and is able to supervise the team that develops code configuration • Has a solid understanding of different components/tools required to deliver analytics products and identifies the architecture required for the different initiatives managed making sure it is affordable, scalable and aligned with Global Enterprise Architecture patterns and approved tools. • Consult with cross-teams and prepare a project timeline. - • Should be able to provide the estimates for technical implementation. (Build, design and reporting) • Lead and monitoring data modelling and design principles, standards and best practices • Collaboarate and monitor the development of data model and design plan that maximizes re-usability and reduces redundancy. Makes sure the proposed data model is scalable and affordable. • Oversee existing solutions/platform utilisation, impact, benefit and resolve day-to-day operational issues • Helps to build and test solutions using the defined data model • Work with the design team to create documentation for all the metadata related to data modelling and design • Utilizes Agile and DevSecOps framework to maximize customer value and ensure fast time to market without compromising quality • Act as the key liaison to all other functional areas, including business units, the information technology department, and outside vendors • Work with IT team to build test scripts to enable UAT of new tools and conduct UAT testing as required • Conduct necessary QC checks across multiple data sources on a periodic basis to ensure ongoing data integrity and quality • Consult broader team as needed to support them in accessing and using data to carry out their day-to-day tasks Qualifications • Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/Computer Science with 6+ years of related business experience • Background in data and analytics, strong experience in data modelling - Microsoft Azure Data Lake & Databricks • Should have experience as a Business Analyst for at least 2 years • Should have experience in handling communications with Business and technical stakeholders • Should have FMCG domain experience for at least 2 years • Good understanding of data warehousing concepts and design principles. Any technology - Azure or any other databases • Should have strong hands-on experience in writing SQL commands. • Experience in understanding of data warehouses/data lakes build process • Knowledge of ingesting data from multiple sources and working with cloud platforms (Preferably Azure) for data warehousing/advanced analytics. • Proven experience in creating complex data models across multiple business needs and preparing data for reports/dashboarding consumption. • Exposure to “Point of Sale” (Nielsen, IRI, etc.) databases/metrics • Experience in Business Intelligence tools like Tableau, Power BI • Experience working with Agile methodology/ DevSecOps. • Fluent in relational database concepts and dimensional modelling for decision support systems • Experience managing technical teams, able to deliver high-quality products. • Experience managing business interests, able to satisfy different stakeholders' expectations. • Proven results in implementing solutions to support Analytics / Reporting requirements with a high degree of collaboration.
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    Overview PepsiCo operates in an environment undergoing immense and rapid change. Big-data and digital technologies are driving business transformation that is unlocking new capabilities and business innovations in areas like eCommerce, mobile experiences and IoT. The key to winning in these areas is being able to leverage enterprise data foundations built on PepsiCo’s global business scale to enable business insights, advanced analytics and new product development. PepsiCo’s Data Management and Operations team is tasked with the responsibility of developing quality data collection processes, maintaining the integrity of our data foundations and enabling business leaders and data scientists across the company to have rapid access to the data they need for decision-making and innovation. What PepsiCo Data Management and Operations does: • Maintain a predictable, transparent, global operating rhythm that ensures always-on access to high-quality data for stakeholders across the company • Responsible for day-to-day data collection, transportation, maintenance/curation and access to the PepsiCo corporate data asset • Work cross-functionally across the enterprise to centralize data and standardize it for use by business, data science or other stakeholders • Increase awareness about available data and democratize access to it across the company As Data Modeling Specialist, you will be the key technical expert overseeing data modeling and drive a strong vision for how data modeling can proactively create a positive impact on the business. You'll be empowered to create & lead a strong team of data modelers who create data models for deploying in Data Foundation layer and ingesting data from various source systems, rest data on the PepsiCo Data Lake, and enable exploration and access for analytics, visualization, machine learning, and product development efforts across the company. As a member of the data modeling team, you will create data models for very large and complex data applications in public cloud environments directly impacting the design, architecture, and implementation of PepsiCo's flagship data products around topics like revenue management, supply chain, manufacturing, and logistics. You will independently analyzing project data needs, identifying data storage and integration needs/issues, and driving opportunities for data model reuse, satisfying project requirements. Role will advocate Enterprise Architecture, Data Design, and D&A standards, and best practices. You will be a key technical expert performing all aspects of Data Modeling working closely with Data Governance, Data Engineering and Data Architects teams. You will provide technical guidance to junior members of the team as and when needed. The primary responsibilities of this role are to work with data product owners, data management owners, and data engineering teams to create physical and logical data models with an extensible philosophy to support future, unknown use cases with minimal rework. You'll be working in a hybrid environment with in-house, on-premise data sources as well as cloud and remote systems. You will establish data design patterns that will drive flexible, scalable, and efficient data models to maximize value and reuse. Responsibilities Key Accountabilities: • Independently complete conceptual, logical and physical data models for any supported platform, including SQL Data Warehouse, EMR, Spark, DataBricks, Snowflake, Azure Synapse or other Cloud data warehousing technologies. • Governs data design/modeling – documentation of metadata (business definitions of entities and attributes) and constructions database objects, for baseline and investment funded projects, as assigned. • Provides and/or supports data analysis, requirements gathering, solution development, and design reviews for enhancements to, or new, applications/reporting. • Supports assigned project contractors (both on- & off-shore), orienting new contractors to standards, best practices, and tools. • Develop a deep understanding of the business domain and enterprise technology inventory to craft a solution roadmap that achieves business objectives, maximizes reuse. • Partner with IT, data engineering and other teams to ensure the enterprise data model incorporates key dimensions needed for the proper management: business and financial policies, security, local-market regulatory rules, consumer privacy by design principles (PII management) and all linked across fundamental identity foundations. • Drive collaborative reviews of design, code, data, security features implementation performed by data engineers to drive data product development. • Assist with data planning, sourcing, collection, profiling, and transformation. • Create Source To Target Mappings for ETL and BI developers. • Show expertise for data at all levels: low-latency, relational, and unstructured data stores; analytical and data lakes; data streaming (consumption/production), data in-transit. • Develop reusable data models based on cloud-centric, code-first approaches to data management and cleansing. • Partner with the data science team to standardize their classification of unstructured data into standard structures for data discovery and action by business customers and stakeholders. • Provide data modelling technical guidance to junior members of modeling team • Create documentation for learnings and knowledge transfer. Qualifications Qualifications: • 10+ years of overall technology experience that includes at least 6+ years of data modeling and systems architecture. • 5+ years of experience with Data Lake Infrastructure, Data Warehousing, and Data Analytics tools. • 6+ years of experience developing enterprise data models. • 4+ years in cloud data engineering experience in at least one cloud (Azure, AWS, GCP). • 4+ years of experience with building solutions in the retail or in the supply chain space. • Expertise in data modeling tools (ER/Studio, Erwin, IDM/ARDM models). • Fluent with Azure cloud services. Azure Certification is a plus. • Experience scaling and managing a team of 3+ data modelers. • Experience with integration of multi cloud services with on-premises technologies. • Experience with data profiling and data quality tools like Apache Griffin, Deequ, and Great Expectations. • Experience with at least one MPP database technology such as Redshift, Synapse, Teradata or SnowFlake. • Experience with version control systems like Github and deployment & CI tools. • Experience with Azure Data Factory, Databricks and Azure Machine learning is a plus. • Experience of metadata management, data lineage, and data glossaries is a plus. • Working knowledge of agile development, including DevOps and DataOps concepts. • Familiarity with business intelligence tools (such as PowerBI). • BA/BS in Computer Science, Math, Physics, or other technical fields. Skills, Abilities, Knowledge: • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, along with the ability to influence and demonstrate confidence in communications with senior level management. • Strong change manager. Comfortable with change, especially that which arises through company growth. Able to lead a team effectively through times of change. • Ability to understand and translate business requirements into data and technical requirements. • High degree of organization and ability to manage multiple, competing projects and priorities simultaneously. • Positive and flexible attitude to enable adjusting to different needs in an ever-changing environment. • Strong leadership, organizational and interpersonal skills; comfortable managing trade-offs. • Foster a team culture of accountability, communication, and self-management. • Teams up and collaborates for speed, agility, and innovation.  • Experience with and embraces agile methodologies.  • Strong negotiation and decision-making skill.  • Experience managing and working with globally distributed teams. • Ability to work with virtual teams (remote work locations); lead team of technical resources (employees and contractors) based in multiple locations across geographies. • Lead technical discussions, driving clarity of complex issues/requirements to build robust solutions What makes us different? Hybrid work model & collaborative office experience to enable innovationEntrepreneurial environment in leading international companyProfessional growth possibilities & learning opportunitiesVariety of benefits to support your physical, emotional and financial wellbeingVolunteering opportunities to help external communitiesDiverse team from over 25 countriesHave a stake in D&I strategy and Bring your whole self to work About PepsiCo We believe that culture should be at the cornerstone of everything we do at PepsiCo. We operate with start-up mindset – agile, innovative and not afraid of failure. We want our team to come to work every day excited to explore new ways bring enjoyment, refreshment and fun to the world. PepsiCo Positive (pep+) is the future of our organization – a strategic end-to-end transformation, with sustainability at the center of how we will create growth and value by operating within planetary boundaries and inspiring positive change for the planet and people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PO5CdBmWjUY So, if you’re ready to be a part of a playground for those who think big, we’d love to chat. We encourage the diversity of applicants across gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, social background, religion or belief and disability#LI-Hybrid #Locations: Barcelona, Spain
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    Overview We are PepsiCo Sales. We are game changers, mountain movers and history makers. We are a diverse group, spread among 200 countries and united by a shared set of values and goals. That’s why we Perform with Purpose. Together, we blaze new trails, succeed, celebrate and never settle for second best. At PepsiCo, we’re committed to performing well as individuals and in teams, to strengthen the company as a whole. Are you hungry to be a part of the World’s largest portfolio of billion dollar food and beverage brands? Then now is the time to explore the opportunities of PepsiCo: what makes you unique makes us better. Pepsi Beverages North America (PBNA) is PepsiCo’s beverage manufacturing, sales and distribution operating unit in the United States and Canada. This position will be part of the North America Beverage organization. Responsibilities The Merchandising Team Lead is responsible for leading a team of frontline employees to merchandise orders to key customers in a fast-paced direct store delivery environment. Apply knowledge of merchandising principles to drive productivityManage multiple priorities while allocating resources between accountsBrief the frontline employees on scheduling and meeting delivery goalsAnticipate potential customer issues; apply contingency planning to avoid customer dissatisfactionTrain frontline employees and utilize PBC processes and toolsUnderstand cost per unit constraints when meeting customer needs Help employees prioritize the work and promote teamworkSupervise daily operations, delegate tasks and monitor progressSet productivity and service targets, measure performance to drive accountabilityCompensation and Benefits: The expected compensation range for this position is between $65,000 -$73,000 based on a full-time schedule. Location confirmed job-related skills and experience will be considered in setting actual starting salary. Bonus based on performance and eligibility; target payout is 10% paid out quarterly. Paid time off subject to eligibility, including paid parental leave, vacation, sick, and bereavement. In addition to salary, PepsiCo offers a comprehensive benefits package to support our employees and their families, subject to elections and eligibility: Medical, Dental, Vision, Disability, Health and Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts, Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Insurance (Accident, Group Legal, Life), Defined Contribution Retirement Plan. Qualifications Bachelor’s degree and/or equivalent work experienceAbility to work a flexible schedule including early mornings, evenings and weekendsMust be willing and able to lift up to 60 lbs. periodically This position is limited to persons with indefinite right to work in the United States EEO Statement All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, or disability status. PepsiCo is an Equal Opportunity Employer: Female / Minority / Disability / Protected Veteran / Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity If you'd like more information about your EEO rights as an applicant under the law, please download the available EEO is the Law & EEO is the Law Supplement documents. View PepsiCo EEO Policy. Please view our Pay Transparency Statement
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    Overview We Are PepsiCo Join PepsiCo and dare to transform! We are the perfect place for curious people, thinkers and change agents. From leadership to front lines, we're excited about the future and working together to make the world a better place. Being part of PepsiCo means being part of one of the largest food and beverage companies in the world, with our iconic brands consumed more than a billion times a day in more than 200 countries. PepsiCo Mexico is one of the most significant consumer product companies in the country. Our product portfolio, which includes 22 of the world's most iconic brands, such as Sabritas, Gamesa, Quaker, Pepsi, Gatorade and Sonrics, has been a part of Mexican homes for more than 116 years. A career at PepsiCo means working in a culture where all people are welcome. Here, you can dare to be you. No matter who you are, where you're from, or who you love, you can always influence the people around you and make a positive impact in the world. Know a little more: PepsiCoJobs Join PepsiCo, dare to transform. Responsibilities The Opportunity The Sector’s Content Development Lead for Creative Design is responsible for managing the creative team producing content work for our marketing clients in Pepsico Foods North America. This position works in close collaboration with the business's Content Development Lead for Accounts and the Strategy/Copywriteres to ensure that the work intake and priorization maximazes the use of our resources while safeguarding quality of service, efficiency and creative excellence. This position is the contact between the Brand Marketing Team, D3, PepsiCo Design Team and Agencies of Record that serve the brands during the creative process to capture requirements, assign resources, schedule work and ensure delivery. This role is also responsible for upskilling the creative team and developing transferable skills in our associates so they can easily transition between digital, packaging, in-store, video and business engagement. The ideal candidate must be a strategic and creative leader with proven experience managing creative teams (specially design teams as the 100% of the team are designers) producing all types of content work, while partnering with internal and external third parties. In addition to people management, this position requires a seasoned professional with a keen eye for art direction, special for shopper marketing materials: POS, Packaging Adaptations, Banner Ads and Social Media. Someone who will ensure that our delivery sticks to the brief, and if the brief, timelines or desired outcomes are ambiguous, will help our accounts team and clients to land the correct requirements. This person needs to demonstrate a positive, do-what-it-takes attitude; be a natural connector who develops strong relationships among various groups, and anticipate and solve problems all while being highly organized. Your Impact As Creative Solutions Sr Manager your scope would consist of Team Leadership & Development Lead, mentor and manage the Art Directors for the different business verticals in the group creating a fertile work environment rooted in the PepsiCo Way and fostering collaboration, learning and sharing of best practices with other sector leads. Collaborate with Learning & Development and other sector’s content development leads to create and deploying plans to skill up our associates and maintain them at the forefront of the industry. Develop our team leads into professional people managers, ensuring a culture of respect, high performance, and fun. Art Direction, Brand Consistency, and Quality Assurance Establishing and maintaining high standards for design work; ensures all output aligns with the brand voice and delivers the brief. Incorporates feedback mechanisms and analyzes feedback from internal clients and the team to raise the bar in talent and service. Project Management and resource allocation Accountable for the management of the entire lifecycle of a content development project once initiated by a brief received by the Accounts team. Identify and allocate the correct resources, manage priorities, ensure feedback is captured in the different rounds of feedback, and that all assets are correctly stored and catalogued in our asset management platforms. Works with the Enterprise Service Management group and our team leads to maintain record keeping of billable hours, administrative work and proper documentation of the work pipeline in the official tools. Ensure that the team does not deviate from the established ways of working and propose improvements for them. Collaboration with Accounts & Strategy Ensure correct engagement and integration with the accounts and strategy team to execute briefs correctly, collaborate with the clients and account executives to communicate the needs and requirements of the brief in a language that can be understood by the creative/art/design team and translate it into a deliverable. Maintain feedback loops in each project and in a recurrent fashion to maintain client satisfaction. This collaboration also presents a cohesive team with structured ways of working. Innovation Stay at the forefront of design trends, content development techniques and a common creative workflow in the industry; explore and adopt new tools and methodologies, partnering with insights, marketing, design, and tapping into their extended network of agencies, vendors and partners to help us stay relevant and up-to-speed with the market. Qualifications Who Are We Looking For? Degree in Design with professional experience of +10 years working with large agency design teams for multinational clients in the CPG category.Experience managing cross-functional teams.Previous experience on shopper marketing design work: POS, Banner Ads, Retailers such as: Kroger, Target, Walmart, Sams Club, among others. Strong track record of demonstrating ability to oversee a range of accounts and projects with detail-oriented lens.Strong understanding of brand management, brand communications, and multichannel marketing strategies.Strong understanding of content marketing, specially with strong design skillsets, including strategy, development and publishing, with special focus on digital, point of sale, 3D and interactive.Strong consumer empathy & customer-centricity. Demonstrated ability to place the consumer at the heart of everything while leading creative teams and managing agency product.Leadership: Orchestrator, Influencer, non-hierarchical: Strong track record of developing and inspiring teams of marketing / creative professionals. Proven collaboration abilities, strategic thinking and leadership skills.Able to work within a matrix organization and manage multiple stakeholdersMust be open to occasional travel (approx. 10-15% of time). If this is an opportunity that interests you, we encourage you to apply even if you do not meet 100% of the requirements. What can you expect from us: Opportunities to learn and develop every day through a wide range of programs. Internal digital platforms that promote self-learning. Development programs according to Leadership skills. Specialized training according to the role. Learning experiences with internal and external providers. We love to celebrate success, which is why we have recognition programs for seniority, behavior, leadership, moments of life, among others. Financial wellness programs that will help you reach your goals in all stages of life. A flexibility program that will allow you to balance your personal and work life, adapting your working day to your lifestyle. And because your family is also important to us, they can also enjoy benefits such as our Wellness Line, thousands of Agreements and Discounts, Scholarship programs for your children, Aid Plans for different moments of life, among others. We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate based on race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status. We respect and value diversity as a work force and innovation for the organization.
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    Overview We Are PepsiCo PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. PepsiCo generated more than $79 billion in net revenue in 2021, driven by a complementary beverage and convenient foods portfolio that includes LAY’S ®️, DORITOS ®️, CHEETOS ®️, GATORADE ®️, PEPSI ®️, QUAKER ®️ and more. PepsiCo's product portfolio includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages, including many iconic brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales. Guiding PepsiCo is our vision to Be the Global Leader in Beverages and Convenient Foods by Winning with PepsiCo Positive (pep+). pep+ is our strategic end-to-end transformation that puts sustainability and human capital at the center of how we will create value and growth by operating within planetary boundaries and inspiring positive change for planet and people. Our employees drive our culture. No two days are the same; we are dynamic and full of passionate teams that embrace new ideas through our collaborative spirit. At PepsiCo, we know that our company can only succeed when our associates and the society we serve flourishes. We are committed to fostering a diverse workforce by creating a collaborative, equitable and inclusive space where everyone, regardless of what we look like, where we come from or who we love, has a voice. At PepsiCo we create a Space to be y( )u. Learn more about our culture and life at PepsiCo: https://stories.pepsicojobs.com/ Manage payroll and employee related payments, ensure accurate financial representation for both P&L and Balance sheet, partner with HR team and ensure compliance with PepsiCo policies and procedures (e.g., GCS) and Co- own/support HR team in maintaining up to date H2R cycle and ensure meeting GCS requirements. Responsibilities Partner with BU HR team as well as CBS HR team and ensure smooth payroll and employee related payment process.Share new initiatives and areas of improvements with SC Controller and follow through for implementation.Work proactively with peers to achieve common business objectives and reach optimized status Understand organizational values, set objectives, work for common goals and self-develop for carrier progress.Ensure timely payroll monthly payment through:Effective review over payroll files received from CBS HR TeamTimely payroll upload on bank portal for paymentPost payroll related entries postingMonitor SSC (IBM) execution and ensure accurate financial postings.Review end of service settlement and paymentOwn control function related costs (people and non-people) and ensure accurate and timely reporting to sector.Support in building control cost AOP as well as rolling forecastMaintain and reconcile accrual accounts for compensation and benefits related costs.Prepare balance sheet review with proper cause of change vs PAGO/YAGOSupport both external and internal audit on people cost related requests.Ensure business compliance with Statutory, Legal and Taxation requirements, PepsiCo corporate and local business policies & procedures, and ethical business practices.Partner with BPO (Business process Owner) and CO (Control Owner) in GCS and Fraud risk assessment, monitoring self-testing and remediation of failures.Update GCS H2R process as necessary Ensure adherence to SoA as per approved local policies and enforce execution.Ensure timely GCS testing (Quarterly) testing.Effective execution of ControlUnderstand the objective of the control - Ongoing. Document the test script attributes for effective execution of the control - As necessary.Evaluate the effectiveness of the control through testing - Quarterly/As necessary. Maintain an audit trail to evidence execution of the activities, sufficient to enable re-performance by independent 3rd party - On going.Remediate any control deficiency - As necessary.Provide results of verification - As necessary Qualifications Bachelor’s degree in financeAt least 2 years of core finance experience.Hands on experience in SAP software modules.High on Initiative and Analytical thinking.Good relationships building and interpersonal skills.Good supervisory skills.
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    Overview We Are PepsiCo PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. PepsiCo generated more than $79 billion in net revenue in 2021, driven by a complementary beverage and convenient foods portfolio that includes LAY’S ®️, DORITOS ®️, CHEETOS ®️, GATORADE ®️, PEPSI ®️, QUAKER ®️ and more. PepsiCo's product portfolio includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages, including many iconic brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales. Guiding PepsiCo is our vision to Be the Global Leader in Beverages and Convenient Foods by Winning with PepsiCo Positive (pep+). pep+ is our strategic end-to-end transformation that puts sustainability and human capital at the center of how we will create value and growth by operating within planetary boundaries and inspiring positive change for planet and people. Our employees drive our culture. No two days are the same; we are dynamic and full of passionate teams that embrace new ideas through our collaborative spirit. At PepsiCo, we know that our company can only succeed when our associates and the society we serve flourishes. We are committed to fostering a diverse workforce by creating a collaborative, equitable and inclusive space where everyone, regardless of what we look like, where we come from or who we love, has a voice. At PepsiCo we create a Space to be y( )u. Learn more about our culture and life at PepsiCo: https://stories.pepsicojobs.com/ PepsiCo’s Law and Compliance & Ethics function helps to drive business objectives and achieve sustainable business results, while also protecting PepsiCo – legally, ethically and reputationally. Our structure follows the business, with dedicated lawyers and legal professionals supporting each Sector and their respective BUs/markets, along with Global Group/Corporate professionals to support certain practice areas and meet specific governance needs of PepsiCo, Inc. Like all departments, we’re committed to working Faster, Stronger and Better. We’re continually looking for ways to leverage technology, simplify and enhance our processes, and expand and transform our capabilities. This allows us to accommodate evolving business needs and provide the best legal services to keep PepsiCo moving forward. We’re also committed to diversity and inclusion both within our department and the broader legal profession. By joining our award-winning Middle East Business Unit (“ME BU”) Legal team as a Legal Analyst, you will be an integral member of the PepsiCo family helping to support our business functions across the region. Responsibilities Consideration, review and preparation of ME BU legal documentation.Providing legal advice to ME BU clients.Overseeing sanctioned markets document management and managing OFAC compliance matters.Drafting internal executive governance memos.Developing and maintaining timely business trackers for Legal, Control and Franchise.Maintaining the corporate data register to ensure uptodate legal data is always held on our business partners.Supporting risk mitigation through initiatives such as template preparation and reviews, business practice reviews etc.Undertaking legal research and providing legal analysis.Responsible for the management, coordination and updating of digital legal tools.Management of external counsel.Document management.First point of contact for all TPDD matters.Translating complex Arabic language legal documents into English. Qualifications Law Degree from a mid-top tier school.3-5 years of experience in a law firm or in-house.Experience in drafting reviewing and negotiating corporate contracts and dealing with suppliers, customers and different stakeholders.Fluency in English and Arabic, both spoken & written.
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    Обязанности:Develop, align and approve Sourcing strategy with MSO BCCA, Russia/Europe procurement and internal market customers. Support Procurement SR Director and MSO BCCA in developing and aligning Directs and Indirects strategy.Understands Region dynamics (macroeconomic, business needs, market trends) for strategy development. Informs and provides feedback about market and/or category insights. Analyze Directs and Indirects market to ensure supply/demand intelligence, consider supply risks and pricing changes, to forecast price and performance ratio and risks for both current year and in a long-term perspective for cost planning.Cooperates with MSO BCCA , Russia/Europe Procurement for developing and implementating the optimal model of commercial supplier relationship and terms of indirect procurement delivery, by preparing relevant agreements.Develops and approves local contracts, subject to complience with both local legislation and optimal model of commercial supplier relationship, based on European agreements. In liaison with MSO BCCA , Russia/Europe Procurement, developes group’s business plans, budgets and forecasts for effective resource planning, coordinates usage of global pricing model in BCCA.Reconciles actual prices and deviations from business plans, takes part in all budget forecast cycles (AOP, SBP, P4F, P9F, etc.). Ensures accurate rebate tracking / reconciliation process and timely updates to the business. Develops and implements productivity and cost reduction projects and ensures they are properly tracked and reported via Power Steering system throughout the year. Ensures translating of imported raw materials to local sources to minimize supply and production cost risks.Ensures compliance of the assigned categories to global quality & supplier approval policies / BCCA legislations. Organizes interaction with local directs and indirects suppliers in technologies improvement and compliance of their products to the standards to ensure guaranteed supply of adequate materials and costs reduction.Ensures achievement of short- and medium-term goals through building a high-qualified team, ensuring its development and training, creating a positive and effective work organization in compliance with the legislation of BCCA countries, PepsiCo global standards, local policies and procedures.Ensure timely preparation, consolidation and submission of activity management reports in order to facilitate management-decision making, other reports related to assigned categories and projects at the request of administrative or functional managers.Establish, maintain at the required level and ensure further development of cooperation with other divisions of the Company to obtain timely support and deliver required indirect procurements and materials, develop new types of products, reduce product costs, and ensure stability of supplies. Through meetings, teleconferences and electronic communications, ensure constant interaction with the European Direct and Indirect Procurement Group in order to achieve optimal commercial terms of cooperation with key suppliers and economic effects in the procurement scale.Support PEP+ sustainability programs;As part of responsabilities he will be developing purchasing strategies, ensure market intelligence, aligning purchasing strategies with business strategies and priorities; ensure a pragmatic approach on Centralised versus regional or local.Требования:University degree (graduate of TOP University) - Management / Economics;Minimum 5 years of experience with proven track record, preferably from large FMCG: ProcurementGood business accumen, knowledge of financial fundamentals and excellent anylitical skillsExcellent knowledge of procurement processes and category sourcing approaches in best in class procurement organisations and ability to implement them in complex environmentStrong internal customer management skills: capacity to listen, understand and capture internal clients needs and deliver appropriate solutionsCapacity to build trustful relationship in all levels of organizationGreat skills of working in cross-functional projects, matrix organisationExcellent communication, negotiation and influencing skillsExperience in people management 3+ yearsLanguages: fluent English
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    Overview Are you ready to explore PepsiCo and be part of this iconic multinational? PepsiCo's strength is its people. Around the world, we're working hard to give people the tastes they crave and the nutrition they need. We dream globally and act locally, constantly innovating to sustain our planet, our people, our communities, and our business practices for winning together. We are committed to Performance with Purpose; pushing to be best and fully committed to the people we share the planet with. Seize the day for real life on the job Learning? Enjoy some flexibility that will ensure you are balancing your personal and professional life? Our employees are at the heart of PepsiCo. Through the Company's dedication to Talent Sustainability, we continue to support the development of employees. We are looking for a Payroll Manager to join our Finance team in Istanbul. Directly report to Payroll Sr Supervisor. A Space to Be You PepsiCo is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to providing an accessible, inclusive, open and welcoming workplace environment for people with different abilities, backgrounds, lifestyles, sexual orientation, gender identity, needs and expectations, helping all individuals to make the most of their professional potential. Responsibilities Ensure accurate consolidation and submission of payroll allowance & reduction files to outsourced company on time Manage payroll adjustment needs by being in connect with HR team together with service provider Conduct month-end closing process for payrollFollow-up new regulations and regulatory changes for payroll and ensure proper actions are taken by both Pepsico and outsourced company on time.Follow-up manager bonus payments and make proper accounting adjustments. Key responsible for legal requirements regarding to payroll - contact with Legal, Tax, HR, SGK & Tax consultants.Follow-up and monitor company payroll incentives with SGK consultants and ensure proper incentives are included in payroll on time by outsourced company.Follow-up manual salary payments which are not completed on salary payment. Ensure payroll account reconciliations are completed monthly and necessary actions are taken on time.Follow-up SGK payments with treasury team and identify the differences between payroll and bank system with SGK consultant. Follow-up ad-hoc payroll requests (payslip requests etc..)Support to third party service provider about the expat x-charge invoicing and REOC charge processes to sector. Qualifications Min 5 years experience in Payroll operations with strong control backgroundUniversity Degree in Business Administration, EconomicsExcellent knowledge of English & TurkishExcellent knowledge of Payroll ERP and ERP systems such as Oracle, SAPExcellent communication skills and ability to work with stakeholders at all levels of the organization. Competent in process and data management.Labor relations and Law knowledge.
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    Responsibilities Somos a PepsiCo: Fazer parte da PepsiCo significa estar em uma das maiores empresas de alimentos e bebidas do mundo, com produtos que são apreciados mais de um bilhão de vezes por dia, por consumidores de mais de 200 países, e que está engajada em ajudar a construir um sistema alimentar mais sustentável. No Brasil desde 1953, a PepsiCo conta com marcas reconhecidas como QUAKER®, TODDY®, TODDYNHO®, ELMA CHIPS®, RUFFLES®, DORITOS®, CHEETOS®, FANDANGOS®, EQLIBRI™, GATORADE®, KERO COCO®, H2OH!®, PEPSI® entre outras. A PepsiCo é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades únicas e contrata pessoas qualificadas e diversas, independente de sexo, raça, identidade de gênero, religião, nacionalidade, idade ou deficiência. Aqui você encontra um time diverso, formado por pessoas únicas, livres para ser quem são,movidas a desafios em um ambiente dinâmico, que buscam crescimento profissional e são inspiradas por nossa missão de Criar Mais Sorrisos a Cada Gole e a Cada Mordida. Somos motivados(as) a inovar e desenvolver produtos de qualidade para diversas ocasiões de consumo, guiados(as) sempre por sete comportamentos: Foco no Consumidor, Agir como Dono, Focar e Fazer Acontecer com Rapidez, Expressar opinião sem medo, Elevar o nível do talento e da diversidade, Celebrar o sucesso e Agir com integridade. Saiba mais sobre nossa cultura e vida na PepsiCo: https://stories.pepsicojobs.com/ #LI-BRASIL No que você vai trabalhar: Responsável pelas negociações, vendas e entregas das linhas de produtos PepsiCo definidos para o seu canal de atuação, dentro da máxima disciplina na execução dos padrões e políticas da companhia: fiscal, financeiro, contábil e comercial.Responsável por garantir o atingimento/superação dos objetivos de vendas, respeitando a política comercial e mantendo o crescimento sustentável de sua rotaUtilizar o veículo disponibilizado pela empresa, bem como garantir a sua melhor condução e preservação, de acordo com as leis de trânsito vigentes e políticas da Cia.Responsável pela utilização e manuseio do coletor de dados, de acordo com a orientação da empresa.“A companhia se reserva o direito de modificar as especificações, habilidades e requerimentos da posição de acordo com suas necessidades” Qualifications Quem estamos buscando? Ensino Médio completo.Experiência na área de Vendas, preferencialmente em Bens de Consumo.CNH categoria C, D ou E.Residir: Serra/ES. O que você pode esperar de nós: Um ambiente de trabalho híbrido que promove um equilíbrio saudável entre vida pessoal e profissional;Uma cultura dinâmica e inclusiva;Uma equipe de apoio que irá encorajar o seu crescimento e desenvolvimento profissional;Oportunidade de trabalhar com projetos relevantes e impactantes para o negócio;Oportunidade de retribuir à comunidade com nossos Programas de Voluntariado; Na PepsiCo, valorizamos a diversidade e a inclusão e reconhecemos como a coisa certa a fazer para o nosso negócio e sociedade. A PepsiCo é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades únicas e contrata pessoas qualificadas e diversas, independente de sexo, raça, identidade de gênero, religião, nacionalidade, idade ou deficiência. Acreditamos que somos Mais Fortes quando temos representatividade dentro da companhia, independentemente de nossa aparência, de onde viemos ou de quem amamos. A diversidade de talentos e um ambiente inclusivo promovem o engajamento dos(as) funcionários(as), promovem a criatividade e impulsionam a inovação. A companhia se reserva o direito de modificar as especificações, habilidades e requerimentos da posição de acordo com suas necessidades.
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    Overview Are you ready to explore PepsiCo and be part of this iconic multinational? PepsiCo's strength is its people. Around the world, we're working hard to give people the tastes they crave and the nutrition they need. We dream globally and act locally, constantly innovating to sustain our planet, our people, our communities, and our business practices for winning together. We are committed to Performance with Purpose; pushing to be best and fully committed to the people we share the planet with. Seize the day for real life on the job Learning? Enjoy some flexibility that will ensure you are balancing your personal and professional life? Our employees are at the heart of PepsiCo. Through the Company's dedication to Talent Sustainability, we continue to support the development of employees. We are looking for a Net Revenue Management Insights Manager to join our Insights team (based) in Istanbul. The individual will be responsible for Net Revenue Management Insights Manager and directly report to Business Intelligence & RM Insights Manager. A Space to Be You PepsiCo is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to providing an accessible, inclusive, open and welcoming workplace environment for people with different abilities, backgrounds, lifestyles, sexual orientation, gender identity, needs and expectations, helping all individuals to make the most of their professional potential. Responsibilities Develop key RM insights in order to guide RMS team to develop category brand price architecture.Manage Strategic RMI projects to develop strategic insights on opportunities to differentiate pricing by channel, pack formats, define what is driving differentiated price perception and which levers PEP has to pull to change the positioning, based on consumer perception.Execute PPA researches such as Bchopp, which builds a holistic understanding that enables RM Strategy to develop consumer / shopper driven pack price architecture by channel / region / occasion. Fuel RM strategy with strategic insights by assessing satisfaction with current PEP and competitor PPA, identifying the white spaces for PEP in PP portfolio, linking pricing strategy & price tier management with Occasions, Channels, Shopping Mission/Region.Analyze long term trends, interaction across various product segments, channels in order to define future opportunities.Manage analysis and run ad-hoc tactical researches to define brand/category/SKU / channel based price elasticities to fuel discussions around channel /customer level PPA differentiation.Execute detailed PPA researches (Neurosience, ConJoint, Perceived Value etc.) to validate pricing, promo and pack-price scenarios.Regularly track price range, define hot price points, monitor category / brand performances within price ranges, highlight bestselling SKUs for each range and identify opportunity areas to gain competitive advantage in market.Develop advance promotion insights in order to drive shopper-centric approach and support DX & RMI head to guide RMS team while shaping strategical and tactical promo decisions.Partner up w/ ESSA CoE team in tool development process and implementation of key ESSA NRM Insight projects (price tiering, etc)Execute in-market tests of key NRM plans and hypothesis and provide insight to shape NRM strategies.Provide pricing insights to highlight new pack type / size introduction, delist and price increase/decrease opportunities which will maximize the market share, revenue, and volume.Post tracking and reporting of all key NRM actions and measuring size of the prize. Actively participate and share key insights in quarterly NRM councils. Qualifications Strong Revenue Management insight capability – minimum 7-8 year-experience in revenue management insights, analytics or revenue management strategy teams.Commercial experience especially in revenue management is an asset.Highly numerate with very strong analytical thinking with proven ability to connect data & insight from category consumption, brands drivers, macro & micro economic trends, and future forces of consumer change and deliver clear outlook scenarios along with implications for the business. Strong communication and presentation skills to be able to clearly distil a lot of complex data and information into actionable insights for the marketing/business. Ability to convert complexity into simplicity, emphasizing the broad picture and picking out key detailStrong analytical skills, able to synthesize and integrate learning from multiple sources and see the connections in data, trends, events etc. to generate insights.Ability to combine data, judgment and experience to make effective decisions in complex situations and when there is a lot of uncertainty or ambiguity.Ability to manage, coach and develop agencies/people Experience in developing and maintaining relationships with external agencies.Proven ability to collaborate with a broader groups, high communication skills Fluent English& Turkish
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    Responsibilities Somos a PepsiCo: Fazer parte da PepsiCo significa estar em uma das maiores empresas de alimentos e bebidas do mundo, com produtos que são apreciados mais de um bilhão de vezes por dia, por consumidores de mais de 200 países, e que está engajada em ajudar a construir um sistema alimentar mais sustentável. No Brasil desde 1953, a PepsiCo conta com marcas reconhecidas como QUAKER®, TODDY®, TODDYNHO®, ELMA CHIPS®, RUFFLES®, DORITOS®, CHEETOS®, FANDANGOS®, EQLIBRI™, GATORADE®, KERO COCO®, H2OH!®, PEPSI® entre outras. A PepsiCo é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades únicas e contrata pessoas qualificadas e diversas, independente de sexo, raça, identidade de gênero, religião, nacionalidade, idade ou deficiência. Aqui você encontra um time diverso, formado por pessoas únicas, livres para ser quem são,movidas a desafios em um ambiente dinâmico, que buscam crescimento profissional e são inspiradas por nossa missão de Criar Mais Sorrisos a Cada Gole e a Cada Mordida. Somos motivados(as) a inovar e desenvolver produtos de qualidade para diversas ocasiões de consumo, guiados(as) sempre por sete comportamentos: Foco no Consumidor, Agir como Dono, Focar e Fazer Acontecer com Rapidez, Expressar opinião sem medo, Elevar o nível do talento e da diversidade, Celebrar o sucesso e Agir com integridade. Saiba mais sobre nossa cultura e vida na PepsiCo: https://stories.pepsicojobs.com/ #LI-BRASIL No que você vai trabalhar: Responsável pelas negociações, vendas e entregas das linhas de produtos PepsiCo definidos para o seu canal de atuação, dentro da máxima disciplina na execução dos padrões e políticas da companhia: fiscal, financeiro, contábil e comercial.Responsável por garantir o atingimento/superação dos objetivos de vendas, respeitando a política comercial e mantendo o crescimento sustentável de sua rotaUtilizar o veículo disponibilizado pela empresa, bem como garantir a sua melhor condução e preservação, de acordo com as leis de trânsito vigentes e políticas da Cia.Responsável pela utilização e manuseio do coletor de dados, de acordo com a orientação da empresa.“A companhia se reserva o direito de modificar as especificações, habilidades e requerimentos da posição de acordo com suas necessidades” Qualifications Quem estamos buscando? Ensino Médio completo.Experiência na área de Vendas, preferencialmente em Bens de Consumo.CNH categoria C, D ou E.Residir: Vitória ou Cariacica/ES.O que você pode esperar de nós: Um ambiente de trabalho híbrido que promove um equilíbrio saudável entre vida pessoal e profissional;Uma cultura dinâmica e inclusiva;Uma equipe de apoio que irá encorajar o seu crescimento e desenvolvimento profissional;Oportunidade de trabalhar com projetos relevantes e impactantes para o negócio;Oportunidade de retribuir à comunidade com nossos Programas de Voluntariado; Na PepsiCo, valorizamos a diversidade e a inclusão e reconhecemos como a coisa certa a fazer para o nosso negócio e sociedade. A PepsiCo é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades únicas e contrata pessoas qualificadas e diversas, independente de sexo, raça, identidade de gênero, religião, nacionalidade, idade ou deficiência. Acreditamos que somos Mais Fortes quando temos representatividade dentro da companhia, independentemente de nossa aparência, de onde viemos ou de quem amamos. A diversidade de talentos e um ambiente inclusivo promovem o engajamento dos(as) funcionários(as), promovem a criatividade e impulsionam a inovação. A companhia se reserva o direito de modificar as especificações, habilidades e requerimentos da posição de acordo com suas necessidades.
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    Responsibilities Somos a PepsiCo: Fazer parte da PepsiCo significa estar em uma das maiores empresas de alimentos e bebidas do mundo, com produtos que são apreciados mais de um bilhão de vezes por dia, por consumidores de mais de 200 países, e que está engajada em ajudar a construir um sistema alimentar mais sustentável. No Brasil desde 1953, a PepsiCo conta com marcas reconhecidas como QUAKER®, TODDY®, TODDYNHO®, ELMA CHIPS®, RUFFLES®, DORITOS®, CHEETOS®, FANDANGOS®, EQLIBRI™, GATORADE®, KERO COCO®, H2OH!®, PEPSI® entre outras. A PepsiCo é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades únicas e contrata pessoas qualificadas e diversas, independente de sexo, raça, identidade de gênero, religião, nacionalidade, idade ou deficiência. Aqui você encontra um time diverso, formado por pessoas únicas, livres para ser quem são, movidas a desafios em um ambiente dinâmico, que buscam crescimento profissional e são inspiradas por nossa missão de Criar Mais Sorrisos a Cada Gole e a Cada Mordida. Somos motivados(as) a inovar e desenvolver produtos de qualidade para diversas ocasiões de consumo, guiados(as) sempre por sete comportamentos: Foco no Consumidor, Agir como Dono, Focar e Fazer Acontecer com Rapidez, Expressar opinião sem medo, Elevar o nível do talento e da diversidade, Celebrar o sucesso e Agir com integridade. Saiba mais sobre nossa cultura e vida na PepsiCo: https://stories.pepsicojobs.com/ #LI-BRASIL No que você vai trabalhar: Responsável pelas negociações, vendas e entregas das linhas de produtos PepsiCo definidos para o seu canal de atuação, dentro da máxima disciplina na execução dos padrões e políticas da companhia: fiscal, financeiro, contábil e comercial.Responsável por garantir o atingimento/superação dos objetivos de vendas, respeitando a política comercial e mantendo o crescimento sustentável de sua rotaUtilizar o veículo disponibilizado pela empresa, bem como garantir a sua melhor condução e preservação, de acordo com as leis de trânsito vigentes e políticas da Cia.Responsável pela utilização e manuseio do coletor de dados, de acordo com a orientação da empresa.“A companhia se reserva o direito de modificar as especificações, habilidades e requerimentos da posição de acordo com suas necessidades” Qualifications Quem estamos buscando? Ensino Médio completo.Experiência na área de Vendas, preferencialmente em Bens de Consumo.CNH categoria C, D ou E.Residir: Cachoeiro de Itapemirim ou Castelo/ES.Disponibilidade para viagens.O que você pode esperar de nós: Um ambiente de trabalho híbrido que promove um equilíbrio saudável entre vida pessoal e profissional;Uma cultura dinâmica e inclusiva;Uma equipe de apoio que irá encorajar o seu crescimento e desenvolvimento profissional;Oportunidade de trabalhar com projetos relevantes e impactantes para o negócio;Oportunidade de retribuir à comunidade com nossos Programas de Voluntariado; Na PepsiCo, valorizamos a diversidade e a inclusão e reconhecemos como a coisa certa a fazer para o nosso negócio e sociedade. A PepsiCo é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades únicas e contrata pessoas qualificadas e diversas, independente de sexo, raça, identidade de gênero, religião, nacionalidade, idade ou deficiência. Acreditamos que somos Mais Fortes quando temos representatividade dentro da companhia, independentemente de nossa aparência, de onde viemos ou de quem amamos. A diversidade de talentos e um ambiente inclusivo promovem o engajamento dos(as) funcionários(as), promovem a criatividade e impulsionam a inovação. A companhia se reserva o direito de modificar as especificações, habilidades e requerimentos da posição de acordo com suas necessidades.
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