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    Overview This role requires a proactive and very analytic staff who conducts Source To Contract process challenges and ensure KPIs and SLAs. This person will be an important connection with cross function team and GP category leaders with the aim to set up capability/service management, governance policies and driving process improvements. This person will be support but not limited to all Source to Contract tasks covering APAC regions, aim to driving process improvement and automation. Responsibilities Ensure automation, standardization and simplification are implemented in the GBS Source To Contract processes in the hub and create benchmark with other HubsContinuously improve user and vendor support management process, content responses and implementation plans, as part of ongoing service innovation Provide guidance and support to users regarding to S2C related policies, etc. Provide full visibility of the S2C processes, suppliers, items, etc. to maximize Procurement strategies and negotiationsAssure supported tasks alignment with Global Category Strategies Constant communication and collaboration with stakeholders and legal team to get accurate information and measure performance and fulfillment of deliveries and quality of documents.Other S2C related add hot tasks. Qualifications 5+ years working experience in procurement, basic knowledge on S2C and P2P.University’s degreeAbility to analize data coming from different sources.Skills preseting and building dashboards, PPT, excel files to internal and external user Familiar with ERP system(ARIBA/SAP etc. )Able to speak- read – understand English.Multicultural work experience Procurement – finance – analytics background
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    Обязанности:Осуществление сбора образцов для анализаОсуществление контроля качества готового продукта, входного сырья и воды и воздуха согласно требованиям действующего законодательства стандартам и процедур компанииКонтроль технологического процесса выработки всех видов продукции согласно установленным видам контроляОсуществлять контроль санитарно-гигиенического состояния цехов, оборудования, рук и одежды работников цехаОрганизовывать и контролировать подготовку посуды, помещений, приборов и материалов к микробиологическим исследованиямОсуществлять приготовление и контроль сред и реактивов; вести документацию, регистрировать результаты анализовТребования:Образование: средне-техническое или высшее, специальность инженер-микробиолог, инженер-технолог, специалист по микробиологииОпыт работы: стаж работы в лаборатории в должности лаборанта химико-бактериологического анализа, инженера-микробиолога не менее 1 годаДополнительные знания микробиологии, знание методик отбора и выполнения анализовУверенный пользователь ПКМЫ ПРЕДЛАГАЕМ: Оформление в штат, Акционерное общество "Вимм-Билль-Данн"Официальное трудоустройство согласно ТК РФ, полный соц. пакетСтабильная заработная плата, выплата 2 раза в месяц, ежегодная индексация заработной платыГрафик работы: 1 смена с 8 до 20 ч./1 смена с 20 до 8 ч./2выходныхОплата больничных и отпусковДополнительное медицинское страхование + страхование жизни и здоровья (получение бесплатной мед.помощи в ряде платных клиник)Предоставляется бесплатная спец. одеждаПрохождение мед. комиссии за счет работодателяКорпоративный автобус для доставки сотрудниковКорпоративное обучение, возможности профессионального и карьерного ростаСрочный трудовой договор на время отсутствия основного сотрудника Условия: Стабильная заработная плата, выплата 2 раза в месяц, ежегодная индексация заработной платы График работы сменный: день с 8.00 до 20.00/ночь 20.00-8.00/отсыпной/выходной. Официальное трудоустройство согласно ТК РФ, полный соц. пакет Оплата больничных и отпусков Дополнительное медицинское страхование + страхование жизни и здоровья (получение бесплатной мед.помощи в ряде платных клиник) Предоставляется бесплатная спец. одежда Бесплатное горячее питание в ночные смены Прохождение мед. комиссии за счет работодателя Столовая на территории предприятия Возможность доставки служебным транспортом на работу/ с работы (Автозавод, Щербинки, Кстово, пл.Советская, ст.м. Пролетарская) Место работы: г. Нижний Новгород, ул. Ларина 19. Оформление в штат , Акционерное общество "Вимм-Билль-Данн"
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    Обязанности:•Поддержка отдела Продаж и сотрудников дистрибьюторов 3PD при работе с автоматизированными системами iSales/ 1С: •Ввод новых клиентов в базу; Ввод новых маршрутов; •Актуализация клиентских и канальных иерархий, приоритетов ТТ; •Контроль поступления заявок по продажам от ТК; •Контроль отображения остатков в КПК для ТК, ведение мапинга по продуктам; •Консультации по получению доступа к системам; •Работа с обращениями от пользователей автоматизированных систем продаж •Консультация и решение возникающих проблем при работе с системой iSales; •Обеспечение качества данных системы iSales и учетной системы дистрибьютора 1С согласно регламентам •Создание инцидентов по неработоспособности системы; •Поддержка мастер данных по дистрибьюторам и продуктам в системе; •Разбор возникающих ошибок при применении промо ТК; •Анализ и выявление ошибок расхождений при расчете компенсаций промо Требования:•Высшее образование (IT/ техническое предпочтительно); •Опыт работы 1 год •Аналитические навыки, умение работать с большими объемами данных, внимание к деталям; •ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНОЕ Знание Excel •Понимание принципов работы отдела продаж компаний FMCG (продажи товаров массового спроса); •Понимание особенностей работы торгового представителя и мерчендайзера на маршруте продаж/в полях;
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    Обязанности:•Поддержка отдела Продаж и сотрудников дистрибьюторов 3PD при работе с автоматизированными системами iSales/ 1С: •Ввод новых клиентов в базу; Ввод новых маршрутов; •Актуализация клиентских и канальных иерархий, приоритетов ТТ; •Контроль поступления заявок по продажам от ТК; •Контроль отображения остатков в КПК для ТК, ведение мапинга по продуктам; •Консультации по получению доступа к системам; •Работа с обращениями от пользователей автоматизированных систем продаж •Консультация и решение возникающих проблем при работе с системой iSales; •Обеспечение качества данных системы iSales и учетной системы дистрибьютора 1С согласно регламентам •Создание инцидентов по неработоспособности системы; •Поддержка мастер данных по дистрибьюторам и продуктам в системе; •Разбор возникающих ошибок при применении промо ТК; •Анализ и выявление ошибок расхождений при расчете компенсаций промо Требования:•Высшее образование (IT/ техническое предпочтительно); •Опыт работы 1 год •Аналитические навыки, умение работать с большими объемами данных, внимание к деталям; •ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНОЕ Знание Excel •Понимание принципов работы отдела продаж компаний FMCG (продажи товаров массового спроса); •Понимание особенностей работы торгового представителя и мерчендайзера на маршруте продаж/в полях;
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    Обязанности:Реализация стратегии компании в области ценообразования и промо, участие в планировании ежемесячных промо активностей;Регулярное взаимодействие с кросс-функциями (Sales, DX/Trade Marketing, Marketing, Finance) – обработка и согласование дополнительных запросов по промо, участие в расчете бизнес-кейсов;Анализ эффективности промо (pre/post-evaluation), разработка практических рекомендаций по улучшению их эффективности (ROI, Uplift);Участие в ежемесячном и годовом процессе оценки и планирования объемов – расчет прогноза и факта инкрементальных промо объемов;Ежемесячное ведение и контроль промо бюджетов, подача и корректировка ежемесячного прогноза промо-бюджета, анализ отклонений факта от плана, расчет эффекта изменений на P&L, участие в годовом финансовом планировании;Координирование и контроль процесса ежемесячного начисления резервов по промо расходам, разработка подходов, улучшающих точность прогнозирования резервов;Имплементация стратегии ценообразования – обновление прайс-листа во внутренних системах компании, подготовка уведомлений для партнеров об изменении цен, коммуникация изменений кросс-функциям.Требования:Высшее образование;Опыт работы в функциях Sales Finance/ Finance Planning/ Revenue Management от 2-х лет;MS Excel на уровне продвинутого пользователя;Знание английского языка не ниже Intermediate;Понимание P&L и принципов финансовой отчетности;Приветствуется опыт работы в учетной системе 1С;Аналитическое мышление, внимание к деталям, дисциплинированность, проактивность и самостоятельность, развитые коммуникативные навыки, нацеленность на результат.
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    Обязанности:Построение и развитие способностей торгового отдела;Проведение тренингов и посттренинговое сопровождение с целью развития и поддержания и закрепления способностей и достижения стандартов исполнения;Участие в разработке системы оплаты торговых команд с целью выполнения целей бизнеса;Развитие региональных менеджеров посредством тренингов и коучингов;Разработка календаря тренингов (по каналам) основываясь на приоритетах бизнеса;Регулярное обновление содержания тренингов, учитывая бизнес изменения;Организация и проведение программ обучения менеджеров в соответствии с календарем тренингов;Обучение менеджеров навыкам совместной работы в полях.Требования:Опыт работы в FMCG продажах не менее 5 лет;Опыт работы Супервайзером отдела продаж не менее 1 года;Навыки проведения презентаций и фасилитационные навыки;Навыки создания обучающего контента; Знание русского и узбекского языков;Хорошие коммуникационные навыки;Готовность к командировкам не менее 70% рабочего времени.
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    Обязанности:The role is responsible for driving implementation of Pepsico LSS and TOP projects strategy for E2E Supply Chain (SC) in BCCA. Build people capability through training, coaching and certification to promote, develop and sustain problem-solving & continuous improvement culture on all levels of BU E2E SC organization. Lead creation & support delivery of LSS project pipeline (incl. cross-functional), enabling & equipping teams to achieve complex BU MWB goals. Project planning, coordination and control in Dairy, Snacks, Juices and Beverages process streams across the regions in order to achieve project key performance indicators, by the analysis of the results, by optimization processes of SC. PROJECT MANAGMENT Exercise effective control over planned expenses when executing the approved project budget, excluding unreasonable costs and production losses;During his absence, ensure the proper progress of the project by implementing the necessary appropriate control points and reporting;Timely carry out the necessary actions in the Company’s information systems, provided, among other things, by internal regulations and procedures;Lead and coordinate major and minor capital projects within the framework of the construction of the plant in Almaty for MAKE&MOVE blocks, ensuring compliance with PepsiCo project management standards and principles;Manage, define and develop strategies for the implementation of the capital investment plan for production and in partnership with the company's Engineering department, as well as the Senior Management of the Supply Chain function;As part of the project, participate in the technical review process for capital projects by engaging functional and business expertise to determine the scope and implement initiatives to reduce investment and operating costs to ensure sustainable growth of the company's profits;Manage internal and external project teams involved in the delivery of capital projects;Lead, manage and ensure delivery of all technical design work; Responsible for providing technology intelligence capabilities to support capacity planning for growth, improving technical productivity capabilities and ensuring alignment of capital investment programs;Support the project team's ability to deliver projects on time, on budget, and to scope;Lead technical projects in SC BCCA;Manage technical production standards.LSS Lead key LSS productivity improvement projects worth at least $750k per year individual projects/through coaching from concept to completion to set the world-class workplace standard in lean manufacturing;Identify integration issues with other projects/processes and coordinate improvements with relevant project/process owners to achieve project objectives;Share best practices at the venues and in the European sector;Support the construction of a Productivity management system (measures to improve operational efficiency);Agree with the business LSS officer on the target number of active kaizen leaders on site/function and identify potential candidates; Support BU E2E SC strategy development (3-5 year horizon) and regular review of identified initiatives to achieve agreed BU E2E SC MWBs;Maintain effective collaboration between BU & Sector (CoE/CTS teams) by timely communication, alignment on plans and required support;Explore opportunities to roll-out LEAN/LSS beyond SC organization to unlock Holistic Cost Management (HCM) potential in non-ops areas.Требования:Education: Higher technical;Required skills: English language - Fluency, work with a technique computer user skills;Total work experience: 5 years in the food industry. In the manufacturing operation support (MOS) department for at least 2 years;Deep understanding the key performance indicators, reporting and performance management systems;Possession technological skills training (certificate of conformity of the regional expert trainer in the direction of the process of potato);Understanding of core LEAN principles and processes;Advance facilitator and trainer;Qualified «Green belt» is an advantage;Decision making - see the relationship in the data, trends, etc.;Focus on results - focused on the work for solving complex problems;Building a Talent - shares his knowledge with others, to build a strong potential in the team;Inspire confidence - Demonstrates consistency in action.
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    Обязанности:Подготовка и согласование бизнес планов и бюджетов по проекту GTM, обеспечение наличием ресурсов, необходимых для достижения целей отдела, в рамках целевых показателей и финансовых процедур департамента Разработка и внедрение инструментов и процедур: Оценка, разработка и внедрение инструментов и процедур по построению маршрутов, в рамках политик PI касательно торговых команд на DSD и дистрибьюторских территориях, обеспечение стандартизированных и унифицированных методологий и процессов.Разработка и поддержание метода расчета и оценки эффективности маршрутов (ресурсы/затраты).Разработка и обновление информации по методологии и мануалам для обучения и минимизирования изменений в командах ASMов и TSMов и в процессе построения маршрута в полях.Обеспечение лучшими маршрутами и инструментами, решения по наилучшим маршрутам на IT Market & Launch, коммуникации с IT и провайдерами программного обеспечения по улучшению инструментов и системы отчетности.Участие в создании и разработке отчетностиПостроение маршрутов и внедрение Лидирует внедрение процесса построения маршрутов по GTM в Казахстане и Кыргызстане согласно бизнес плана. Обеспечивает правильной сегментацией/классификацией клиентов и планом производительности для достижения показателей по GTM.Контролирует показатели по маршрутам, предоставляет обоснование отклонений и предложения корректирующего плана.Лидирует и внедряет процесс торговой маршрутизации.Принимает участие в создании инструментов (система и отчетность) для поддержания эффективного руководства над показателями по продажам.Обучает непосредственных исполнителей (ASMов, TSMов), предоставляет функциональную поддержкуИсполнение Рабочих методик Time Motion для GTM Курирует внедрение анализа временных затрат, оценки и анализа текущей ситуации по всем сферам, соответствие и нормализация клиентской базы данных. Свод всех важных факторов для построения эффективных и производительных маршрутов. Разработка плана мероприятий. Предложение и поддержка внедрения адекватных корректирующих действий для достижения целевых показателей по производительности маршрутов GTM.Предоставление адекватных корректировок для достижения целевых показателей по производительности маршрутов GTM посредством адекватных рабочих методик для торговых командРазработка и предоставление отчетности Разработка KPI.GTM reporting.Отслеживание и рекомендации по Route KPIs.Резервы ЭТК по торговым командам Дистрибьюторов.Свод данных по расходам на торговые команды в разрезе Дистрибьюторов, городов, команд.AOP по торговым командам.Участие в постановке планов по торговым командам в части корректности данных по количеству маршрутов и составу ТК, Выяснение и урегулирование возникших вопросов в рамках GTM. Требования:Высшее образование;Опыт работы 3-4 годаОбязателен опыт работы полевым сотрудников в отделе продаж (мерчандайзер, торговый представитель, супервайзер) – не менее 2 летОпыт работы в команде поддержке продаж – отдел трейд маркетинга, отдел отчётности, отдел поддержки систем автоматизации продаж не менее 1 года Знание принципов работы отдела продаж компаний FMCG (продажи товаров массового спроса);Знание особенностей работы торгового представителя и мерчендайзера на маршруте продаж/в полях;Аналитические навыки, умение работать с большими объемами данных, внимание к деталям;Навык подготовки и проведения тренингов + он-лайн тренингов; Английский уровня Intermediate будет преимуществом
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    Обязанности:Контроль качества данных в iSales (клиенты, продукты, прайс листы и т.д.) и устранение возникающих ошибок;Загрузка прайс листов с рекомендованными ценами по Узбекистану;Поддержка качественной клиентской базы, GPS, Классификация ТТ, проверка на задвоение, ежемесячно;Заливка Мастер Данных в систему iSales, Segments, Customer Type, коммуникация с IT-поддержкой в Воронеже;Постоянный мониторинг работоспособности системы iSales, контроль разрешения инцидентов (взаимодействие с IT и бизнес экспертами iSales) на территории Узбекистана;Линейный руководитель для команды iSales координаторов Узбекистана (планирование работы, постановка задач и их контроль, актуализация и разработка должностных инструкций, актуализация и разработка инструкций);Обеспечение сверки данных между iSales и УСД Дистрибьюторов, устранение расхождений в целях достижения установленных норм по Узбекистану;Курирование 1С программистов дистрибуторов по корректности данных при обмене 1С дистрибуторов с iSales;Обеспечение предоставления корректных и своевременных данных из системы iSales/1C дистрибьютора;Проработка процедур по поддержке, развитию мастер данных по дистрибьюторам, продуктам и торговым точкам в системе iSales;Взаимодействие со смежными подразделения для поддержания функционала iSales (финансовый, юридический отделы, трейд-маркетинг, логистика);Поддержка проектов по развитию систем продажТребования:• Высшее образование (IT/ техническое предпочтительно); • Опыт работы: 2-3 года; • Аналитические навыки, умение работать с большими объемами данных, внимание к деталям; • Понимание принципов работы отдела продаж компаний FMCG (продажи товаров массового спроса); • Большим плюсом будет понимание особенностей работы торгового представителя и мерчендайзера на маршруте продаж/в полях; • Дисциплинированность, ответственность, целеустремленность, доброжелательность, нацеленность на результат, самоорганизованность. • Знание Excel на продвинутом уровне; • Опыт работы с IT интеграциями по передаче данных (Опыт с 1С – будет преимуществом), автоматизацией процессов продаж (SFA)
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    Обязанности:Анализ, подготовка и закрытие резервов по части CDA в конце отчетного периода. Выполнение ежемесячного и квартального анализа резервов, подготовка отчетной документации и обеспечение закрытия резервов по договорам CDA в установленные сроки.Согласование и контроль сумм компенсаций по ретробонусам, взаимодействие с дистрибьюторами для подтверждения расчетов и данных, мониторинг выполнения обязательств по ретробонусам.Ведение учета и контроль выполнения заказов на закупку в системе 1С, обеспечение своевременного выполнения заказов, взаимодействие с координаторами для согласования условий и выполнения контрактов CDA.Создание и регулярное обновление трекера условий по договорам CDA, внесение изменений и обновлений в зависимости от новых соглашений и корректировок, обеспечение точности и актуальности данных.Создание и ведение баз данных моделей и контрактов CDA, анализ условий контрактов и их влияние на финансовые показатели компании, обеспечение актуальности данных и их доступности для анализа.Проведение детального анализа условий контрактов, проверка и подтверждение данных по договорам 9M с клиентами и дистрибьюторами, обеспечение соответствия данных установленным требованиям и условиям.Анализ текущих показателей по договорам CDA, участие в разработке стратегий и рекомендаций для улучшения эффективности выполнения договоров, проведение регулярных оценок и оптимизаций.Создание и ведение календаря моделей CDA, обеспечение его актуальности и доступности для отдела продаж, координация работы с отделом продаж для оптимизации выполнения планов.Учет и анализ использования оборудования, предоставленного клиентам по условиям договоров CDA и DX, регулярное обновление данных и проведение анализа эффективности использования оборудования.Участие в проведении анализа эффективности использования оборудования, интеграция результатов анализа в общую оценку по договорам CDA, разработка рекомендаций по оптимизации использования оборудования.Участие в проведении внутренних аудитов по части CDA, оценка эффективности и соблюдения контрольных процедур, разработка и внедрение улучшений по результатам аудитов.Работа в программах Excel, 1C, SAP.Требования:Высшее образование (экономическое, финансы);Опыт работы в финансах от 1 года;Уверенный пользователь Excel;Опыт работы с программами 1C, SAP;Английский язык Intermediate.
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    Обязанности:Учет налогов и сборов (НДС, налог на доходы, транспортный налог, сбор по импорту тары, сбор за размещение рекламы); учет услуг с нерезидентами импорт/экспорт; анализ затрат для расчета налога на прибыль;Предоставление статистической отчетности по компании;Анализ, учет и сопровождение внешнеэкономических договоров Компании.Требования:Высшее экономическое образование;Отличные знания налогового законодательства и законодательства о бухгалтерском учете и отчетности, порядка ведения ВЭД (импорт и экспорт товаров и услуг из/в ЕАЭС, стран Европы), валютного регулирования;Опытный пользователь 1С версия 8.2, Excel, ILEX; Опыт работы в области бухгалтерского и налогового учета не менее 5 лет;Желательно: опыт работы в международных компаниях, компаниях с иностранными инвестициями опыт постановки и внедрения ПО для автоматизации бухгалтерского учёта знание английского языка на уровне Pre-Intermediate и выше
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    Обязанности: Контролировать работу склада по приему, хранению и отпуску готовой продукции и материалов; Контролировать работы по внутрискладской обработке готовой продукции – штабелированию, сортировке, упаковке; Участвовать в инвентаризации и ведении физического подсчета готовой продукции и других материальных ценностей; Выполнять требования по хранению, расположению и визуализации торгового и складского оборудования в соответствии с требованиями стандартов Компании; Соблюдать требования по охране труда, техники безопасности, пожарной безопасности, производственной санитарии, правила внутреннего трудового распорядка, дисциплину труда. Требования:Опыт работы на складах не требуется, но будет являться преимуществом;Опыт работы с готовой продукцией;Опыт работы с программами WMS и SAP, но готовы обучать;Ответственность в работе, аккуратность, внимательность, энергичность. Условия: 2 д. в д./2 вых./2 д. в н./ 2 вых.
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    Overview The SVP, Global Strategy & Enterprise Transformation is seeking a direct reporting Chief of Staff. This role will be an integral part of the Leadership Team and will be responsible for supporting the SVP in advancing the function, managing special projects, driving day-to-day operations, and supporting internal events & communications Responsibilities Chief of Staff Main Areas of Responsibility Function Advancement: Establish a bird's-eye view across the team, and multiple functional partners, working to connect the dots to help the team maintain momentum in a highly dynamic working environment Enable connectivity across the Global Strategy community (i.e., corporate, global, sector, business unit) by managing function-wide programming, knowledge & resource repository, and team connectionsRepresent SVP’s priorities to the team, ensuring clarity and progress; facilitate any support the team may need (e.g., additional inputs; 1:1; etc.), developing processes that maximize information flow and knowledge sharing across the Leadership Team (LT)Special Projects: Serve as liaison and point of contact for initiatives and sector/cross functional partnerships; collaborate with counterparts across Strategy & Transformation (S&T) and sectors to maintain alignmentSpecific accountabilities associated with managing special projects include: scoping, work-planning, setting review cadence, building content & orchestrating across functional partners, and ensuring work is delivered on timeOperations: Partner with S&T Business Ops, Finance and HR on analytics, budgeting, resource management, and reporting for the functionManage relationships between procurement and external vendors (e.g., syndicated data sources, etc.)Partner with the Executive Assistant to oversee the function’s annual calendar, ensuring urgent meetings are prioritized, and order of discussions and decisions is appropriate to achieve ultimate objectivesInternal Events & Communications: Plan and execute staff, LT, and global functional meetings: lead development of agenda, coordinate timely guest speakers, distribute pre-reads, capture all follow-ups, and ensure clarity around next stepsPartner with HR to plan and execute annual team events, offsites, and functional updatesDevelop presentation materials for the SVP’s speaking engagementsPartner with Comms to drive the function’s overall messaging strategy (define audiences and associated messages; prioritize interactions; advise on content) Qualifications 15 years of experience in business, strategy, or other highly cross-functional rolesBachelor’s degree required (MBA strongly preferred)Proven collaborative, leadership, and influencing capabilitiesStrategic mindset with an ability to think broadly, refine questions, and develop analytical approachOutstanding project management skills & attention to detailStrong verbal and written communication skills that educate and influence senior leadersAbility to drive work forward independently, with a strong sense of urgency and process-oriented approach Global outlook with sensitivity and awareness of social and cultural differences
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    Overview This role adds value to the Pakistan Enabling Functions unit (HR, Finance, Corp Affairs, Legal & IT) (Pakistan, Afghanistan) through the digitization of business processes and delivery of technology solutions Manages business partner relationships for the assigned functions including delivery and spend Acts as business contact point for assigned functions to capture demand, coordinate with IT organization and manages delivery of IT projects Works closely with Sector IT team to ensure timely delivery of solutions and services to meet business priorities, comply with agreed SLA with minimal business disruption Identifies, assess and promotes leverage of existing and new technologies for increased productivity or new capability building Actively participates in relevant business initiatives and process changes implementation. Ensure compliance of IT Control (Policies & Procedures) Responsibilities Deliver Growth Manage cross functional business partner relationships on project teams to deliver value-adding solutions to the business. Manage the demand shaping into specific projects including prioritization with stakeholders and identification of resources. End-to-end delivery of the projects covered by the annual operating plan and IT stakeholder management for the Pakistan Foods business Create Efficiency Timely provide business update on overall projects Captures the critical capability gaps of area(s) of ownership and works with the appropriate teams to design solutions to fill those gaps Owns the solution agenda end-to-end from initiation to execution to business leverage covering assigned business processes including global solutions Seek continuous improvement on system and process based on incident/problem found Improve system and information usage and capabilities Deliver the quality project per PLM; meeting scope of work identified, finished on time and within budget. Ensure compliance with IT control standard Drive Future Success Establishes relationships with senior business leadership/management to shape up future demand. Leverages the long-term road map defined by the technology and solutions architecture, while recommending alternatives to meet the business processes and financial requirements of the business unit Identify, assess and promote leverage of existing technologies and the use of new technologies for increased productivity or new capabilities for the business Improve user capability through the delivery/coordination of training programs Leadership Team Accountabilities Pakistan IT Leadership team – core member Pakistan Functional leadership team Qualifications - 6 to 9 years of relevant experience
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    Overview Acctg Ops Sr Analyst Responsibilities The GBS Control AP Tax Compliance Sr. Analyst is responsible for managing IRS compliance activities for the PepsiCo GBS Control North America organization, including 1099 and 1042 reporting for all PepsiCo US divisions. Key responsibilities include preparation of annual 1099 and 1042 statements and forms from data analysis to filing, providing of guidance for master data requirements and foreign invoice audits, and reconciliation of withholding liability accounts. In addition, this individual will partner with the BPO service provider, PepsiCo Tax and Legal, IT and other groups as appropriate to ensure the ongoing integrity of PepsiCo data, tax compliance reporting, and processes. Key Responsibilities: Lead 1099/1042 reporting activities, including data preparation and analysis, and research and corrections as neededConduct review of foreign vendor W8s and questionnaires, leveraging tax knowledge and resources to interpret the information and ensure proper vendor master setupEnsure proper handling of 1042 withholding, including determination and remittanceLead review, dissemination and coordination of process changes in response to the annual issuance of Pub. 1220Provide expert guidance over master data requirements and foreign invoice audits to ensure proper reporting and withholdingOwn withholding liability account reconciliation in multiple ERPsLead research and 1099 reissuances in response to B-noticesCoordinate and support various projects related to IRS compliance Ensure all processes operate within a well-controlled environment, including compliance with data security and access policies, systems security and access policies, and process controls Ensure execution and verification of key operating and SOX controlsIdentify and surface issues and risks and build strategies to mitigate, control and prevent these eventsContribute to ad hoc projects and corporate/division initiativesSupport internal, external, federal and state financial audit requests and inquiriesActively engage in the support and development of the PepsiCo’s culture and work environmentThe successful candidate will possess advanced knowledge of regulatory tax code and excellent analytical, communication and presentation skills, and be capable of building collaborative relationships to work effectively with others and drive for results in a dynamic and fast-paced environmentCompensation and Benefits: The expected compensation range for this position is between $72,500 - $121,300 based on a full-time scheduleLocation, confirmed job-related skills and experience will be considered in setting actual starting salaryBonus based on performance and eligibility; target payout is 8% of annual salary paid out annuallyPaid time off subject to eligibility, including paid parental leave, vacation, sick, and bereavementIn addition to salary, PepsiCo offers a comprehensive benefits package to support our employees and their families, subject to elections and eligibility: Medical, Dental, Vision, Disability, Health and Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts, Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Insurance (Accident, Group Legal, Life), Defined Contribution Retirement Plan Qualifications Minimum Job Requirements: 4 years Tax compliance experienceBachelor’s degree in Accounting/Finance/Business or 8 years Tax compliance experienceHigh level of computer literacy with Enterprise software, including SAP S4 Hana, and/or business systems, reporting tools, etcStrong Excel skills: pivot tables, merging data sets, etcAbility to exercise sound independent judgementExcellent analytical and problem-solving capabilitiesProficient written and oral communication skills and the demonstrated ability to clearly, concisely and persuasively communicate oral and written messages to both internal and external audiences of varying levels using appropriate tone, grammar and word usageStrong work ethic, self-confidence, self-starter, highly motivated with the ability to work with minimal guidancePreferred Requirements: CPA, MBA and/or tax preparer certification preferred EEO Statement All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, or disability status. PepsiCo is an Equal Opportunity Employer: Female / Minority / Disability / Protected Veteran / Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity If you'd like more information about your EEO rights as an applicant under the law, please download the available EEO is the Law & EEO is the Law Supplement documents. View PepsiCo EEO Policy. Please view our Pay Transparency Statement
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    Overview Somos PepsiCo ¡Únete a PepsiCo y atrévete a transformar! Somos el hogar perfecto para personas curiosas, pensadoras y agentes de cambio. Desde el liderazgo hasta la primera línea, nos emociona el futuro y trabajamos en equipo para hacer del mundo un lugar mejor Ser parte de PepsiCo significa formar parte de una de las mayores empresas de alimentos y bebidas del mundo, con nuestras marcas icónicas que se consumen más de mil millones de veces al día en más de 200 países. En Andinos, PepsiCo cuenta con marcas reconocidas como DETODITO®, TROPICANA®, CHEESE TRIS®, CONCORDIA®, PLATANITOS®, KCHITOS®, entre otras. Una carrera en PepsiCo significa trabajar en una cultura donde todas las personas son bienvenidas. Aquí, puedes atreverte a ser tú. No importa quién seas, de dónde seas o a quién ames, siempre puedeEn s influir en las personas que te rodean y causar un impacto positivo en el mundo. Conoce un poco más: PepsiCoJobs Únete a PepsiCo, atrévete a transformar. Responsibilities La oportunidad Garantizar que el proceso de recepción de la mercancía, cartones, exhibidores e insumos de planta sean procesados debidamente y realizar el seguimiento del levantamiento de los pedidos y despachos hacia los clientes. Tu impacto Como ANALISTA DE ALMACEN tus funciones constarían de… Procesar en sistema la de entrada de los despachos de cada material que ingresa al almacén de Producto Terminado, cartón, exhibidores y Suministros de las Plantas, Centros de Distribución y MIxing.Realizar el monitoreo diario a las Bodegas (DV01, PT02, PT03, DF01).Realizar el seguimiento a los transitos desde planta o Mixing.Elaborar el reporte de las novedades de los despachos recibidos desde planta/mixing.Elaboración de Guías SADASPlanificación del transporte (Elaboración e impresión de las HR, Inicio y fin de carga según se requiera.Recepción de Fleteros y Despachadores. (Cierre de Transporte)Traspaso de Mercancía entre Bodegas y estatus (Call Center; PT02, OB01/Devoluciones Lotes Z y M)Elaboración de Salidas de Almacén (PPC/ Faltante en Caja).Reporte de Inventarios Diarios. (Ventas).Recepción de Pedidos. Qualifications ¿A quién buscamos? Profesional Universitario o Técnico Superior, en Administración, Almacenes y Distribución, Producción Industrial, Ingeniería Industrial, o carreras a fines. Experiencia en logística y distribución de productos de consumo masivo.Experiencia en Manejo y control de Inventarios. Si esta es una oportunidad que te interesa, te alentamos a postularte aún si no cumples con el 100% de los requisitos. Qué puedes esperar de nosotros: Oportunidades para aprender y desarrollarte todos los días a través de una amplia oferta de programas.Plataformas internas digitales que promueven el self-learning.Programas de desarrollo de acuerdo con habilidades de Liderazgo.Entrenamientos especializados de acuerdo con el rol.Experiencias de aprendizaje con proveedores internos y externos.Nos encanta celebrar el éxito, por lo que contamos con programas de reconocimiento por antigüedad, comportamientos, liderazgo, momentos de vida, entre otros. Programas de bienestar financiero que te ayudarán a alcanzar tus metas en todas las etapas de la vida.Un programa de flexibilidad que te permitirá balancear tu vida personal y laboral, adaptando tu jornada laboral a tu estilo de vida. Y porque tu familia también es importante para nosotros, ellos también pueden gozar de beneficios como nuestra Línea de Bienestar, miles de Convenios y Descuentos, programas de Becas para tus hijos, Planes de Ayuda para diferentes momentos de vida, entre otros. En PepsiCo, estamos comprometidos con impulsar un equipo de trabajo diverso al crear un espacio colaborativo, equitativo e incluyente, en donde todos y todas independientemente de cómo nos vemos, de dónde somos o a quién amamos- tengamos una voz. Ofrecemos oportunidades únicas para contratar personas calificadas y diversas, independientemente de su género, raza, orientación sexual, religión, nacionalidad, edad o discapacidad.
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    PBNA $25.10 / hourClick Here to watch our Realistic Job Preview Video Position operates one or multiple pieces of manufacturing equipment. This may include moving raw material handling to the production line, and/or filling, capping, sealing, labeling or packaging product. Removes damaged products or supplies, as needed. Position responsible for production, package, and flavor changeovers. Maintains required product inspection processes. Performs basic troubleshooting and minor repairs to ensure production equipment runs efficiently. Position requires lifting, carrying, and pushing/pulling cases weighing 20-45 pounds per case repeatedly over a long work period. This position requires walking or standing most of the time during the shift and may include stooping, crawling and crouching over and under conveyors. Position may be required to work weekends and/or holidays. PRIMARY ACCOUNTABILITIES: * Operate and monitor production line(s) to ensure efficiency * Remove or shift materials and/or finished products to facilitate proper flow * Ensure package and product quality * Perform preventative maintenance * Operate all manufacturing equipment (including new technologies) efficiently and safely * Clean equipment and area before, during, and after shift * Maintain clean work area through good housekeeping practices * Expedite repairs to line, working with maintenance as necessary * Keep daily records of down time and machine operations * Work well with others in a team-oriented atmosphere * Regular, reliable, predictable attendanceBASIC QUALIFICATIONS: 18 years or older HELPFUL EXPERIENCE: Experience with high speed production lines (e.g., high output, high performance equipment, fast paced production environment, etc.) Experience with pallets (e.g., operating a forklift, stacking/bundling product, etc.) Experience operating a packing machine (e.g., stacking, bundling, and wrapping product, etc.) Experience operating a filler machine (e.g., ensuring right mix of product, operating production computer, etc.) Experience operating a palletizer (e.g., building pallets, managing product changeovers, etc.) Experience reading blueprints (e.g., read schematics on a machine, understanding production product flow, etc.) Experience reading schedules (e.g., products being produced, understanding production requirements, production planning, managing changeovers, etc.) Experience with computers in a manufacturing setting (e.g., electronic settings, line speed, pressures, basic troubleshooting, solving for faults/alarms and resetting equipment, etc.) Experience with sanitization (e.g., basic procedures/steps, GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES in a food plant, identifying risks) Experience with minor mechanical repairs (e.g., jams, using tools, making basic adjustments to equipment, etc.) Experience with preventative maintenance (e.g., inspecting and maintaining equipment, detecting and correcting issues before they occur, etc.) Our Company will consider for employment qualified applicants with criminal histories in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and all other applicable laws, including but not limited to, San Francisco Police Code Sections 4901-4919, commonly referred to as the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance; and Chapter XVII, Article 9 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, commonly referred to as the Fair Chance Initiative for Hiring Ordinance.>All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, or disability status. PepsiCo is an Equal Opportunity Employer: Female / Minority / Disability / Protected Veteran / Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity If you'd like more information about your EEO rights as an applicant under the law, please download the available EEO is the Law & EEO is the Law Supplement documents. View PepsiCo EEO Policy. Please view our Pay Transparency Statement
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    PBNA $22.25 / hourCLICK HERE to view our Merchandiser Realistic Job Preview Video Position is responsible for product merchandising within large volume stores (Grocery, etc.). This includes stocking shelves, rotating shelved product, setting up displays, stocking and rotating products in coolers, organizing and rotating products in storage rooms, and moving products from storage to the sales floor. This position interacts with personnel at the store location. This position is labor intensive, requiring lifting, loading, pushing, and pulling cases weighing from 20-45 pounds per case, as well as bending, reaching, and squatting while merchandising and moving products. This job follows a consistent schedule with specific start times and customers (opportunity to attain different work schedules with time.) PRIMARY ACCOUNTABILITIES: Merchandise store shelving, coolers and displays with products in assigned accounts Rotate products in the backroom and on the shelf Transport products to and from backroom to shelf location Use equipment to transport products (e.g., U Boats, hand trucks, pallet jacks, etc.) Display promotional material such as signs and banners in accounts Keep back room stock in neat and orderly condition Communicate store issues to store managers and Pepsi management Build customer relationships at the store level Comply with operating procedures (e.g., scan-in/scan-out, following designated route, etc.) Service accounts during designated times established by management Deliver customer service (e.g., communication, rapport building, attentiveness to customer needs, etc.) Ability to operate under minimal supervision (self-managed role) Use hand held devices to write/input orders Regular, reliable, predictable attendance BASIC QUALIFICATIONS: 18 years or older Pass the physical capabilities test (if applicable) Must have car or personal transportation to access multi-store locations within assigned shift Valid driver's license Proof of insurance HELPFUL EXPERIENCE: Working for a retail business or grocery store (e.g., understanding store operations, knowing the backroom and inventory, stocking aisles and shelves, etc.) Moving products within a store (e.g., safely stacking and moving products on equipment such as a u-boat, hand truck/dolly and/or breakdown, etc.) Merchandising products (e.g., filling shelves, building displays, making products look attractive, rotating products, cleaning shelves, eliminating out of stocks and out of date products, etc.) Managing backroom/stock room inventory (e.g., organizing pallets, stacking and storing inventory or products, etc.) Serving customers (handling customer complaints, responding to customer requests, or meeting customer needs) For positions that require use of a personal vehicle for a sales route, mileage reimbursement is provided. Our Company will consider for employment qualified applicants with criminal histories in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and all other applicable laws, including but not limited to, San Francisco Police Code Sections 4901-4919, commonly referred to as the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance; and Chapter XVII, Article 9 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, commonly referred to as the Fair Chance Initiative for Hiring Ordinance. >All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, or disability status. PepsiCo is an Equal Opportunity Employer: Female / Minority / Disability / Protected Veteran / Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity If you'd like more information about your EEO rights as an applicant under the law, please download the available EEO is the Law & EEO is the Law Supplement documents. View PepsiCo EEO Policy. Please view our Pay Transparency Statement
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    PBNA $22.25 / hourCLICK HERE to view our Merchandiser Realistic Job Preview Video Position is responsible for product merchandising within large volume stores (Grocery, etc.). This includes stocking shelves, rotating shelved product, setting up displays, stocking and rotating products in coolers, organizing and rotating products in storage rooms, and moving products from storage to the sales floor. This position interacts with personnel at the store location. This position is labor intensive, requiring lifting, loading, pushing, and pulling cases weighing from 20-45 pounds per case, as well as bending, reaching, and squatting while merchandising and moving products. This job follows a consistent schedule with specific start times and customers (opportunity to attain different work schedules with time.) PRIMARY ACCOUNTABILITIES: Merchandise store shelving, coolers and displays with products in assigned accounts Rotate products in the backroom and on the shelf Transport products to and from backroom to shelf location Use equipment to transport products (e.g., U Boats, hand trucks, pallet jacks, etc.) Display promotional material such as signs and banners in accounts Keep back room stock in neat and orderly condition Communicate store issues to store managers and Pepsi management Build customer relationships at the store level Comply with operating procedures (e.g., scan-in/scan-out, following designated route, etc.) Service accounts during designated times established by management Deliver customer service (e.g., communication, rapport building, attentiveness to customer needs, etc.) Ability to operate under minimal supervision (self-managed role) Use hand held devices to write/input orders Regular, reliable, predictable attendance BASIC QUALIFICATIONS: 18 years or older Pass the physical capabilities test (if applicable) Must have car or personal transportation to access multi-store locations within assigned shift Valid driver's license Proof of insurance HELPFUL EXPERIENCE: Working for a retail business or grocery store (e.g., understanding store operations, knowing the backroom and inventory, stocking aisles and shelves, etc.) Moving products within a store (e.g., safely stacking and moving products on equipment such as a u-boat, hand truck/dolly and/or breakdown, etc.) Merchandising products (e.g., filling shelves, building displays, making products look attractive, rotating products, cleaning shelves, eliminating out of stocks and out of date products, etc.) Managing backroom/stock room inventory (e.g., organizing pallets, stacking and storing inventory or products, etc.) Serving customers (handling customer complaints, responding to customer requests, or meeting customer needs) For positions that require use of a personal vehicle for a sales route, mileage reimbursement is provided. Our Company will consider for employment qualified applicants with criminal histories in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and all other applicable laws, including but not limited to, San Francisco Police Code Sections 4901-4919, commonly referred to as the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance; and Chapter XVII, Article 9 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, commonly referred to as the Fair Chance Initiative for Hiring Ordinance. >All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, or disability status. PepsiCo is an Equal Opportunity Employer: Female / Minority / Disability / Protected Veteran / Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity If you'd like more information about your EEO rights as an applicant under the law, please download the available EEO is the Law & EEO is the Law Supplement documents. View PepsiCo EEO Policy. Please view our Pay Transparency Statement
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    PBNA $19.10 / hourCLICK HERE to view our Merchandiser Realistic Job Preview Video Position is responsible for product merchandising within large volume stores (Grocery, etc.). This includes stocking shelves, rotating shelved product, setting up displays, stocking and rotating products in coolers, organizing and rotating products in storage rooms, and moving products from storage to the sales floor. This position interacts with personnel at the store location. This position is labor intensive, requiring lifting, loading, pushing, and pulling cases weighing from 20-45 pounds per case, as well as bending, reaching, and squatting while merchandising and moving products. This job follows a consistent schedule with specific start times and customers (opportunity to attain different work schedules with time.) PRIMARY ACCOUNTABILITIES: Merchandise store shelving, coolers and displays with products in assigned accounts Rotate products in the backroom and on the shelf Transport products to and from backroom to shelf location Use equipment to transport products (e.g., U Boats, hand trucks, pallet jacks, etc.) Display promotional material such as signs and banners in accounts Keep back room stock in neat and orderly condition Communicate store issues to store managers and Pepsi management Build customer relationships at the store level Comply with operating procedures (e.g., scan-in/scan-out, following designated route, etc.) Service accounts during designated times established by management Deliver customer service (e.g., communication, rapport building, attentiveness to customer needs, etc.) Ability to operate under minimal supervision (self-managed role) Use hand held devices to write/input orders Regular, reliable, predictable attendance BASIC QUALIFICATIONS: 18 years or older Pass the physical capabilities test (if applicable) Must have car or personal transportation to access multi-store locations within assigned shift Valid driver's license Proof of insurance HELPFUL EXPERIENCE: Working for a retail business or grocery store (e.g., understanding store operations, knowing the backroom and inventory, stocking aisles and shelves, etc.) Moving products within a store (e.g., safely stacking and moving products on equipment such as a u-boat, hand truck/dolly and/or breakdown, etc.) Merchandising products (e.g., filling shelves, building displays, making products look attractive, rotating products, cleaning shelves, eliminating out of stocks and out of date products, etc.) Managing backroom/stock room inventory (e.g., organizing pallets, stacking and storing inventory or products, etc.) Serving customers (handling customer complaints, responding to customer requests, or meeting customer needs) For positions that require use of a personal vehicle for a sales route, mileage reimbursement is provided. Our Company will consider for employment qualified applicants with criminal histories in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and all other applicable laws, including but not limited to, San Francisco Police Code Sections 4901-4919, commonly referred to as the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance; and Chapter XVII, Article 9 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, commonly referred to as the Fair Chance Initiative for Hiring Ordinance. >All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, or disability status. PepsiCo is an Equal Opportunity Employer: Female / Minority / Disability / Protected Veteran / Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity If you'd like more information about your EEO rights as an applicant under the law, please download the available EEO is the Law & EEO is the Law Supplement documents. View PepsiCo EEO Policy. Please view our Pay Transparency Statement
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    Overview Na PepsiCo estamos comprometidos em atrair os melhores talentos, pessoas movidas a desafios e inspiradas por oportunidades de crescimento pessoal e profissional. Somos centrados em nossos clientes e consumidores, para assim alcançar resultados ao fazer negócios da forma correta, agindo com integridade, de forma ágil e responsável. Somos a PepsiCo: Fazer parte da PepsiCo significa estar em uma das maiores empresas de alimentos e bebidas do mundo, com produtos que são apreciados mais de um bilhão de vezes por dia, por consumidores de mais de 200 países, e que está engajada em ajudar a construir um sistema alimentar mais sustentável. No Brasil desde 1953, a PepsiCo conta com marcas reconhecidas como QUAKER®, TODDY®, TODDYNHO®, ELMA CHIPS®, RUFFLES®, DORITOS®, CHEETOS®, FANDANGOS®, EQLIBRI™, GATORADE®, KERO COCO®, H2OH!®, PEPSI® entre outras. A PepsiCo é uma empresa que oferece oportunidades únicas e contrata pessoas qualificadas e diversas, independente de sexo, raça, identidade de gênero, religião, nacionalidade, idade ou deficiência. Aqui você encontra um time diverso, formado por pessoas únicas, livres para ser quem são movidas a desafios em um ambiente dinâmico, que buscam crescimento profissional e são inspiradas por nossa missão de Criar Mais Sorrisos a Cada Gole e a Cada Mordida. Somos motivados(as) a inovar e desenvolver produtos de qualidade para diversas ocasiões de consumo, guiados(as) sempre por sete comportamentos: Foco no Consumidor, Agir como Dono, Focar e Fazer Acontecer com Rapidez, Expressar opinião sem medo, Elevar o nível do talento e da diversidade, Celebrar o sucesso e Agir com integridade. Saiba mais sobre nossa cultura e vida na PepsiCo: https://stories.pepsicojobs.com/ #LI-BRASIL Responsibilities Principais responsabilidades: Responsável pelas negociações, vendas e entregas das linhas de produtos PepsiCo definidos para o seu canal de atuação, dentro da máxima disciplina na execução dos padrões e políticas da companhia: fiscal, financeiro, contábil e comercial.Responsável por garantir o atingimento/superação dos objetivos de vendas, respeitando a política comercial e mantendo o crescimento sustentável de sua rota.Utilizar o veículo disponibilizado pela empresa, bem como garantir a sua melhor condução e preservação, de acordo com as leis de trânsito vigentes e políticas da Cia.Responsável pela utilização e manuseio do coletor de dados, de acordo com a orientação da empresa. Qualifications Quem estamos buscando? Ensino Médio completo.Experiência na área de Vendas, preferêncialmente em Bens de Consumo.CNH categoria C ou D.Disponibilidade para viagens constantes.Residir em Cachoeiro do Itapemirim e Região/ES. O que você pode esperar de nós: Um ambiente de trabalho híbrido que promove um equilíbrio saudável entre vida pessoal e profissional;Uma cultura dinâmica e inclusiva;Uma equipe de apoio que irá encorajar o seu crescimento e desenvolvimento profissional;Oportunidade de trabalhar com projetos relevantes e impactantes para o negócio;Oportunidade de retribuir à comunidade com nossos Programas de Voluntariado;
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    Overview Pepsico is currently looking for a Maintenance Technician to join our Lethbridge team! What you can expect from us: Competitive compensation and comprehensive benefits designed to fit your unique needs.A dynamic and inclusive culture that promotes you to bring your whole-self to work.Inspiring positive change for people and the planet with sustainability goalsA supportive team that will encourage your professional growth and development.Compensation: $46.16 per hour Responsibilities Perform preventative and predictive maintenance on manufacturing plant equipment.Repair equipment and facilities and perform breakdown analysis.Install and upgrade production lines with new equipment and technology.Participate in safety and quality initiatives on site.Work with other technicians, contractors, and production employees to ensure facility operates at optimal capacity. Qualifications Certified Journeyman Electrician or Millwright (Alberta or Red Seal)Certified HVAC, Steam engineer 5th class or Industrial plumber experience, instrumentation and PLCs would be considered an asset.Minimum of one year of experience in a manufacturing/production environment.Physical demands and working conditions: Must be able to lift/carry 45-60 lbs. constantly for 8-12 hours a day.Must be able to push/pull up to 80 lbs. frequently.Must be able to perform constant standing, walking, bending, twisting, squatting, reaching, and grasping.Completing Safety, Quality/Food Safety training and adhering to the Safety and Food Safety policies that is required for your area. Why work at PepsiCo? At Frito Lay Canada, we are the saviours of the smiles and heroes of the hangry. You’re invited to be a part of a global team of innovators who make, move, and sell these products—which are enjoyed by more than 1 billion people a day. A career at Frito Lay Canada means working in a culture where everyone’s welcome. It takes a lot of muscle power and pride to create products that deliver smiles. This is a place where you stand out when you join in. Become a Frito Lay Canada team member. #PFCSC #INDSC
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    Overview Somos PepsiCo ¡Únete a PepsiCo y atrévete a transformar! Somos el hogar perfecto para personas curiosas, pensadoras y agentes de cambio. Desde el liderazgo hasta la primera línea, nos emociona el futuro y trabajamos en equipo para hacer del mundo un lugar mejor Ser parte de PepsiCo significa formar parte de una de las mayores empresas de alimentos y bebidas del mundo, con nuestras marcas icónicas que se consumen más de mil millones de veces al día en más de 200 países. En Andinos, PepsiCo cuenta con marcas reconocidas como DETODITO®, TROPICANA®, CHEESE TRIS®, CONCORDIA®, PLATANITOS®, KCHITOS®, entre otras. Una carrera en PepsiCo significa trabajar en una cultura donde todas las personas son bienvenidas. Aquí, puedes atreverte a ser tú. No importa quién seas, de dónde seas o a quién ames, siempre puedeEn s influir en las personas que te rodean y causar un impacto positivo en el mundo. Conoce un poco más: PepsiCoJobs Únete a PepsiCo, atrévete a transformar. Responsibilities La Oportunidad Supervisar las funciones diarias generales del Almacén, asegurar la mejora continua de los procesos, del servicios y seguridad del almacen, mantener al equipo orientado al cumplimiento de las metas requeridas por Ventas, coordinación las actividades con todos los departamentos, coordinar las responsabilidades de recepción, envío y manejo de materiales en el almacén apoyándose con su personal. Tu Impacto Como SUPERVISOR DE ALMACEN, tus funciones constarían de: Gestionar la recepción y entrega de productos terminados de manera oportunaEjecutar seguimiento de los pedidos pendientesMonitorear el tránsito regularmente y compensar en coordinación con las plantas, MC o CDOptimizar diseño de almacén y patrones de carga de camiones de ruta que minimicen el tiempo de cargaAsegurar el cumplimiento de la guía de ruta de transporte y optimizar los requisitos de transporteControlar la precisión en los envíos y productos recibidos recibidos para que la pérdida sean mínimas y se mantenga la trazabilidadAsegurar que se mantengan los niveles óptimos de inventario para satisfacer las necesidades de ventas diariasBrindar un servicio oportuno al departamento de ventas minimizando los costos de almacénMonitorear, documentar y comunicar los SKU con baja rotaciónDesarrollar equipos para resolver los problemas operativos diarios y alcanzar objetivos de rendimiento a corto y largo plazo.Brindar un liderazgo que impulse los cambios comerciales y minimice el impacto en las personasDesarrollar la capacidad de las personas mediante relaciones efectivas con los empleados, contratación, capacitación y comunicación para el personalMotivar a los miembros del equipo para lograr el cumplimiento de los objetivosEjecutar seguimiento a las actividades de turno / almacénVelar por el cumplimiento establecido en el contrato colectivoMantener todos los estándares y capacitación sobre limpieza y seguridadHacer seguimiento a la frescura de los productos asegurándose de que todos los procedimientos de FIFO sean cumplidos.Asegurar la identificacion a tiempo del desecho del producto vencido,que la misma tenga la documentación adecuada y que se gestione mensualmente la salida del producto con el proveedor asignadoIdentificar y ejecutar oportunidades de productividad para ayudar a las instalaciones a cumplir con el AOPAsegurar y participar en el conteo de Inventario Fisico del Almacen, explicando y notificando las variaciones y ejecutando la actualización en el sistemaManejar Indicadores de GestionAsegurar que todos los informes diarios y mensuales, KPI / baja rotacón / se emitan con precisión y a tiempo, y que los mismo expreses cualquier desviación de los objetivos y se tomen las medidas adecuadas para evitar erroresAdministrar políticas y procedimientosImpulsar a su personal al cumplimiento de su jornada LaboralAsegurar que todos los estándares de Seguridad Alimentaria sean seguidos por controles regulares, en coordinación con los Supervisores de Seguridad AlimentariaDebe informar todos los incidentes a tiempo y con la documentación correctaSupervisar las devoluciones de ventas y asegurar que se verifique el inventario y se actualice diariamente.Garantizar el Layout en el almacenReportar en el tiempo oportuno para su pago de las obligaciones laborales, derivadas por horas extras, feriados trabajados al personal de almacénMantener programas de trabajo para minimizar los daños en el almacenamiento dentro de las pautas establecidas. Qualifications ¿A quién buscamos? Profesional Universitario o Técnico Superior, en Administración, Logística y Distribución, Producción Industrial, Ingeniería Industrial, o carreras a fines Mínimo 3 a 4 años de experiencia laboral en el Area del Almacen.Experiencia laboral en empresas de consumo masivo.Experiencia en supervisión de personalExperiencia laboral en procesos de servicio al cliente interno y externo.Experiencia en Manejo y control de InventariosExperiencia en el manejo de Windows Office Excel intermedio y Power pointConocimientos del Sistema SAPAlta capacidad de análisisOrientación al servicio al clienteOrientación al logro de resultadosResponsable, ordenado, disciplinado, estructurado,planificado, perseverante y colaborador.Proactividad y compromiso organizacional.Toma de decisionesAutogestiónRedacción y generación de Informes y Reportes.Habilidad para trabajar bajo presión, negociador e influenciador.Habilidad para mantener comunicación abierta y efectiva con diversos niveles de la organizaciónAlto grado de integridad, con valores y principios claros.Ser capaz de identificar oportunidadesHablar con honestidad y franqueza Capacidad para dar y recibir retroalimentación constructiva.Habilidad de liderazgo con la capacidad de obtener resultados.Habilidad de comunicación para motivar y asegurar el personal y la línea de apoyo / cooperación.Enfocado en resultados.Si esta es una oportunidad que te interesa, te alentamos a postularte aún si no cumples con el 100% de los requisitos. Qué puedes esperar de nosotros: Oportunidades para aprender y desarrollarte todos los días a través de una amplia oferta de programas.Plataformas internas digitales que promueven el self-learning.Programas de desarrollo de acuerdo con habilidades de Liderazgo.Entrenamientos especializados de acuerdo con el rol.Experiencias de aprendizaje con proveedores internos y externos.Nos encanta celebrar el éxito, por lo que contamos con programas de reconocimiento por antigüedad, comportamientos, liderazgo, momentos de vida, entre otros. Programas de bienestar financiero que te ayudarán a alcanzar tus metas en todas las etapas de la vida.Un programa de flexibilidad que te permitirá balancear tu vida personal y laboral, adaptando tu jornada laboral a tu estilo de vida. Y porque tu familia también es importante para nosotros, ellos también pueden gozar de beneficios como nuestra Línea de Bienestar, miles de Convenios y Descuentos, programas de Becas para tus hijos, Planes de Ayuda para diferentes momentos de vida, entre otros. En PepsiCo, estamos comprometidos con impulsar un equipo de trabajo diverso al crear un espacio colaborativo, equitativo e incluyente, en donde todos y todas independientemente de cómo nos vemos, de dónde somos o a quién amamos- tengamos una voz. Ofrecemos oportunidades únicas para contratar personas calificadas y diversas, independientemente de su género, raza, orientación sexual, religión, nacionalidad, edad o discapacidad.
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    Overview PepsiCo is a global leader in the in the food and beverage industry with sustainability at the center of its corporate strategy. The corporation has a portfolio of billion-dollar brands such as Pepsi, Lays, Gatorade, and Quaker which are instrumental to the future growth of the company. This leadership role is integral to the success of the global Research and Development (R&D) organization by leading a robust Life Sciences science and technology program that can guide an evolution of the global portfolio toward a collection of more positive choice products for consumers. This leader will integrate core life science capabilities with expertise in nutrition, physiology, kinesiology, and epidemiology in collaboration with the regional life science and R&D teams. Furthermore, this leader will be responsible for a life science research strategy to fuel long term growth across our portfolio of brands while leading a science program that aims to deliver tangible substantiated benefits and enables differentiated positioning of PepsiCo brands. Translation of the program to internal and external stakeholders is necessary to drive visibility for the science-based approach PepsiCo is taking for portfolio transformation and innovation. Lastly, this role will be integral to ensuring the R&D organization is well represented in all forums that influence market potential. Responsibilities KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES: Responsibility for leading a team of experts in the areas of nutrition, sports science, epidemiology, and will partner with cross functional teams within R&D, public policy and government affairs, legal, and communication functions to develop and advance science & technology roadmaps that support innovation and evolution of food and beverage products. This leader will advance a research program resulting in intellectual property where feasible and who will ensure integrity of the scientific process. This leader will seek full alignment for the program with appropriate R&D teams and BUs, while prioritizing to ensure the program is focused on limited but big opportunities. This leader’s program will also be expected to build scientific substantiation for product positioning and claims to capture growth opportunities and provide product differentiation at point of sale.This leader will be responsible for the continued career development of a team of life science experts who will be both direct and indirect reports. The team includes highly specialized SMEs with advanced degrees in the scientific disciplines of nutrition, physiology, kinesiology and health. These highly sought-after experts are integral to the ambition of PepsiCo’s transformation and will continue to provide PepsiCo with a competitive edge.This leader will be expected to contribute life science expertise, advanced thought leadership and experience, executional excellence, and operational leadership at an executive level to guide strategic evolution of our food and beverage portfolios over the long-term.Long-term strategic guidance provided through this role is expected to shape and guide innovation for PepsiCo positive choice formats and purposeful renovation of core brands. Ability to guide translation of science to consumer ready positioning and confidently engage on scientific topics with key influencers and opinion leaders globally is a priority expectation.This role is expected to anticipate opportunities and challenges to PepsiCo’s health and wellness impact and ensure readiness to respond from a position based on science and nuanced by the business environment and growth ambitions. This leader will continue the backed by science legacy established by the Gatorade Sports Science institute, and Health and Nutrition Science groups and in doing so engage with a broad range of external stakeholders such as government, academia, non-governmental organizations, trade associations, industry peers and health influencers.This position has responsibility for people, project, and process management to drive innovation growth and mitigate brand risk. This requires a broad scope and understanding of US and International nutrition agendas, competitors, and legal/regulatory frameworks.Compensation and Benefits: The expected compensation range for this position is between $146,100 - $289,900 based on a full-time schedule.Location, confirmed job-related skills and experience will be considered in setting actual starting salary.Bonus based on performance and eligibility; target payout is 35% of annual salary paid out annually and an additional target payout of 15% of annual salary is paid out over 3 years following the end of the performance period.Long term incentive equity may be awarded based on eligibility and performance.Paid time off subject to eligibility, including paid parental leave, vacation, sick, and bereavement.In addition to salary, PepsiCo offers a comprehensive benefits package to support our employees and their families, subject to elections and eligibility: Medical, Dental, Vision, Disability, Health and Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts, Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Insurance (Accident, Group Legal, Life), Defined Contribution Retirement Plan and Car Program Qualifications SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE: PhD degree in related Life science (nutrition, kinesiology, biochemistry etc.) with 15+ years’ experience in Life science research in a commercial environment.Ability to lead a team and coordinate their research program strategically aligned to the food and beverage category priorities.Demonstrated ability in commercially relevant research and translation to business imperatives.Significant network of experts in various fields related to nutrition, physiology and health and demonstrated examples of external presence and influence. Strong publication and IP record. Strong leadership presence and ability to work and communicate effectively in cross functional teams, while aggressively working together to meet timelines.Ability to simultaneously manage multiple projects in a fast-paced environment. Excellent interpersonal, and communication skills.Flexibility and ability to work with diverse cultural backgrounds, personalities, work styles with in various levels of the organization.Use scientific technical expertise for identification and evaluation of trends/ innovations in nutrition science and novel ingredients.Champion nutrition education and training for internal audiences.Enable sound business decisions and generate positive business results. EEO Statement All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, or disability status. PepsiCo is an Equal Opportunity Employer: Female / Minority / Disability / Protected Veteran / Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity If you'd like more information about your EEO rights as an applicant under the law, please download the available EEO is the Law & EEO is the Law Supplement documents. View PepsiCo EEO Policy. Please view our Pay Transparency Statement
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    Overview On the PepsiCo eCommerce team, our Sales Associates own the relationships with strategic retailers, including Walmart, Amazon, Instacart and more, to drive significant and sustained growth for PepsiCo brands, while building new capabilities and strategies to win in a quickly evolving omni-channel world. To ensure we win in this space we have established a dedicated eCommerce group, bringing together world-class talent from F&B, digital, and key customers. PepsiCo US eCommerce team is building capabilities that leverage strengths in eCommerce sales, distribution, digital marketing, and product/package development to enhance online relevance and sustainable long-term advantage. You’ll be working with a globally recognized product portfolio, experimenting with assortment, pricing, and fulfillment, and making a real and visible impact – with the opportunity to collaborate and grow cross-functionally. We’re seeking an eCommerce Sales Manager to lead the omnichannel sales strategy and customer relationship for the Amazon Fresh Online & Physical Stores across PepsiCo Beverages North America (PBNA) . The portfolio includes brands such as Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Gatorade, Starry, Aquafina, and more. Responsibilities In this role you will have several distinct responsibilities and priorities: Customer Sales Relationship: Own the relationship with Amazon Fresh, focusing on assortment strategy, pricing/promotional strategy, new product launches, customer management, and delivering results.Annual Operating Plan: Develop and execute the plan to accelerate growth, win market share, and deliver profit targets.Team Management: Manage one sales specialist to develop talent and bench strength.Cross-Functional Partnership: Collaborate with Commercialization, Marketing, Supply Chain, and Finance to develop and execute brand plans that meet annual and quarterly objectives.Competencies required for the position: Leadership & Strategic Thinking – ability to analyze wide array of facts/trends/needs and put them together in a strategic “story line” to influence senior leadership decisions across channels and functions Cross-functional “literacy” – as evidenced by the ability to work with support functions such as Supply Chain, Marketing and Finance in capacities ranging from customer planning to forecastingBias for action – Entrepreneurial mindset & Instinct for execution – as evidenced by strong organizational skills, prompt follow-up, and focus on task completion; disruptive thinker willing to challenge the existing assumptions and guardrails within eCommerce to accelerate the growthStrong Problem-solving capabilities & analytical skills – as evidenced by a track record of finding feasible solutions to complex problems, especially in an environment with incomplete information and tight timelinesSound communication skills – as evidenced by the ability to educate and influence both the eCommerce leadership team and customer team to act in the best interest of internal and external stakeholders through written and verbal communicationsResilience – as evidenced by the courage to maintain a positive attitude when faced with obstacles and the willingness to develop alternative approaches to overcome them. Can shift gears easily, is willing to take on new challenges and works to resolve issues.Compensation & Benefits: The expected compensation range for this position is between $100,000 - $182,500 based on a full-time schedule.Location, confirmed job-related skills and experience will be considered in setting actual starting salary.A business development incentive equity may be awarded based on eligibility and performance.Paid time off subject to eligibility, including paid parental leave, vacation, sick, and bereavement.In addition to salary, PepsiCo offers a comprehensive benefits package to support our employees and their families, subject to elections and eligibility: Medical, Dental, Vision, Disability, Health and Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts, Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Insurance (Accident, Group Legal, Life), Defined Contribution Retirement Plan. Qualifications BA/BS College Degree (Masters strongly preferred)5+ Yrs Sales, Marketing, and/or Strategy experienceKnowledge of digital/online spaceStrong analytical and communication skillsExperience gaining cross-functional alignment, ability to influence to gain project/program supportExperience developing a strategic business plan, annual operating plan, execution tactics, and channel strategy development (preferred, not required)We believe that culture should be at the cornerstone of everything we do at PepsiCo eCommerce. We operate with a start-up mindset – agile, innovative and not afraid of failure. We want our team to come to work every day excited to explore new ways of bringing enjoyment, refreshment and fun to the world. So if you’re looking to solve real world problems at a company that has the resources to make real change, then we want you at PepsiCo. EEO Statement All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, or disability status. PepsiCo is an Equal Opportunity Employer: Female / Minority / Disability / Protected Veteran / Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity If you'd like more information about your EEO rights as an applicant under the law, please download the available EEO is the Law & EEO is the Law Supplement documents. View PepsiCo EEO Policy. Please view our Pay Transparency Statement
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