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National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute


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NTU "KhPI" has developed its Learning Content Management System (LCMS) to solve problems using e-learning resources in all education forms. NTU "KhPI" organizes student education activity from the moment of application to the training program. It supports a full quantity of materials, starting from the course structure's prior planning and content development to integrating into the educational process. It provides a clear separation of available functionality for different users as administrators, course authors, developers, teachers, students, guests, etc. In the interaction between students and teachers, electronic messages with options for e-mail copies and RSS-syndication are used.

Keeping of the main principles of the Bologna process, implementing ECTS in the learning process, gaining experience in students mobility organization using primary ECTS documents during university study of the students of other higher education institutions as well as organizing the learning process applying module approach indicate the right way that was chosen.
Gained experience of development and implementation of the new generation of curricula for bachelor study, implementing a new list of specialties for Specialist and Master preparation kept Educational and Methodical Board reviewing the scheme of preparation of specialists as well as accepting schemes' Bachelor' – 'Specialist,' 'Bachelor' – 'Master.'
Recognition of the new scheme of preparation of specialists forced to amend the training's term and content. Bachelor's and Master's curricula approved in April 2011 will come into force from the 1st of September 2011/2012 academic year.
Improvement of specialists preparation, implementation of the strategic task – integration into European and world educational structure – cause the necessity to modernize the structure of the university's educational and methodological work administration.
NTU "KhPI" is one of the leading higher education institutions which define the strategy of the specialist's preparation, economic and technical policy in Ukraine. And its alumni will always have profound fundamental and professional preparation, effusive humanist and moral world-view, and the real specialists of the 3d millennium having the sense of responsibility for the results of their activities.
The International Education Faculty prepares international students for education at the universities in Ukraine and offers a challenging program in a nurturing environment, with small classes, individual attention, and outstanding teachers as our hallmarks. A traditional and structured yet creative curriculum serves a range of diverse students within a family-like environment. The International Education Faculty creates an atmosphere of academic excellence, as we seek to instill students with a love of learning and provide sound preparation for higher education.
The International Education Faculty encourages positive attitudes, fosters leadership, and consistently reinforces responsible behavior's values and standards. By working together, teachers and students strive to engender self-confidence and guide students toward their highest potential. Students who face challenges with enthusiasm, a faculty that nurtures their growth and teachers, who support the many facets of students' life join in forming the International Education Faculty family.
The International Education Faculty offers different types of programs: multi-week, semester, or full year. We also offer summer language classes. By having a variety of program options, the International Education Faculty offers all students the opportunity to take the full slate of courses or pick up extra credits in core subjects through a convenient and easy schedule.
The International Education Faculty is a premier destination for international students from different countries around the world. We help prepare students for higher education in Ukraine for their choosing.
The International Education Faculty offers a full regular curriculum in Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Sciences, Technical Drawing, Ecology, History, Economics, Culture, Russian and Ukrainian languages that will ensure students meet and exceed their academic goals and find places in the Universities and Colleges of their choosing. Our Faculty guarantees entry to Ukrainian universities without exams.
The International Education Faculty has an excellent track record: all of our students have been accepted to the universities of their choice!
In previous years, the International Education Faculty has been host to international students from Austria, Georgia, China, Vietnam, different Arabic and African countries. However, our Faculty is excited to expand its international student body while offering a world-class education.
In today's global career market, individuals with international education have an extreme advantage. Here, at the International Education Faculty, we help individuals develop into globally-oriented Scientists, Mathematicians, Engineers, Medicines, and Business oriented individuals. We look forward to having the opportunity to play a role in your child's education and prepare them for a successful life and career.
The International Education Faculty staff are highly trained, experienced, and focused on delivering outstanding academic programs. The International Education Faculty has a family-oriented, nurturing environment where all students feel safe and cared for. Our main goal is to help students find themselves, both from an educational perspective, and become healthier mentally and emotionally.
Our multicultural faculty population provides the same stimulating environment our students will experience later in University life and later in the real world.
Teachers at the International Education Faculty have an incredible spectrum of knowledge and a passion for delivering it. We teach and guide our students as they carve an excellent road to success. We believe that a teacher's primary goal is to provide individualized attention, which will allow students to conquer any obstacles they encounter on their journeys through life. To ensure this, our teachers are trained and experienced in teaching multicultural classrooms through differentiated instruction, with a strong focus on multiple intelligences.
Our Faculty offers students an enriched academic program for university entrance. Our goals are to challenge and motivate each student to reach their full potential, both academically and emotionally. Our balanced curriculum helps prepare students for university and beyond, and they mature into well-round citizens, life-long learners, and leaders within their professional way. Our curriculum is fully integrated using cutting edge technology and computer-based teaching exercises.
The International Education Faculty's curriculum is built on four core subjects: Russian/Ukrainian languages, Maths, Computing, and History. With these four subjects as a foundation, our curriculum then expands to include other necessary subjects. These include but are not limited to Physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing, Ecology, and Economics…
At the International Education Faculty, we ensure that our students are given the tools and resources they need to learn. Students develop their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills and their grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and idioms and refresh or obtain their knowledge in Maths and Computing, Physics and Chemistry, Technical Drawing and History, Ecology, and Economics.
The International Education Faculty believes that each student can succeed as long as they are given the right opportunity and resources. We offer small class sizes and individual teacher time for each student. Education and learning are unique for every student, so our students enjoy small classes and a low teacher to student ratio at the International Education Faculty. This combination provides an ideal learning environment where students are free to develop self-esteem and confidence in their learning. This also allows each teacher to create individualized lesson plans for each student to allow each student to advance at their own pace. This keeps students enthusiastic, motivated, and eager to learn. The International Education Faculty believes that every student should have the opportunity to pursue higher education and works to ensure that every student achieves their educational goals.
In our rigorously developing world, we must think globally. A careful analysis of many areas of study would reveal that there exist much interconnection and overlap. The beauty of knowing how to spot these similarities allows us to see the world in a different light, which in turn allows us to solve difficult problems and make tough decisions. Hence, we teach our students to see the patterns, connections, and similarities in everything they pursue. This results in a more complete and profound understanding of class topics and their application to the real world. To achieve this multifaceted goal, we designed programs that stem from the students' interests and integrate knowledge across the curriculum's different strands. The result is a carefully designed program where problem-solving, brilliancy, creativity, and academic excellence are fostered.

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