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  • Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University


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    Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University has proved to be one of the 20 best universities among 200 higher educational institutions of Ukraine of the IV accreditation level according to the UNESCO rating in 2007. TNTU is a member of the European University Association where it aptly represents new educational and scientific technologies at the international level.
    I hope that travelling around our site will be exciting and useful to you. Here you will discover the pages of our University's history and the latest news you will learn about its various activities and student life's peculiarities. It will help you make the right decision while choosing your future speciality or establishing mutually beneficial contacts in the educational and scientific realms.
    Becoming a student at our University, you can acquire, together with the fundamental knowledge in the chosen subject, an excellent economic education you can also master foreign languages and acquire practical skills that will help you to rival successfully at the international labour market.
    The University is named after Ivan Pul'uj, famous physicist and electrical engineer, great scientist, an outstanding cultural and political figure.
    Ivan Pul'uj was born on February 2nd, 1845 in the town of Hrymailiv. In 1864 he graduated from the Ternopil Gymnasium with honours. To continue his education, Ivan entered the Theological Department of the Vienna University, and after graduation from it, he became a student of Philosophy Department. Having finished his studying, Ivan Pul'uj started to investigate physical processes and phenomena.
    After receiving an Associate Professor Degree in Vienna, the scientist had worked as a Professor of the German Prague polytechnical Institute over 30 years (from1884 to 1916 ). He was the Dean of Physical Faculty and the Rector of this establishment.
    Professor Ivan Pul'uj was well - known in scientific circles as a famous theorist and experimentation, the author of many unique scientific papers and significant inventions. He is recognized as an expert in electric power stations and a highly qualified Specialist in ancient languages.
    In his researches, Pul'uj was very close to the discovery of the place of X-ray's origin. He made the first X-ray photographs. All his experiments with X-rays were made by him, using vacuum tubes of his design. His attention was also focused on molecular physics problems, studying the cathode rays properties and nature. He published dozens of articles and booklets, more than 50 scientific papers.
    Ivan Pul'uj is a brilliant translator of the Bible in the original. He is famous for his playful attitude towards protecting the rights of the Ukrainian people, their political freedoms and native language, for his great organizational, cultural and educational work. The scientist created the fund of helping poor Ukrainian students who studied abroad, and he assisted in solving the problems of Ukrainian refugees during World War 1.
    The great scientist, cultural and public figure Ivan Pul'uj died on January 31st, 1918 in Prague where he was buried. His inventions and scientific papers are a significant pride for world science. Nowadays his name takes one of the first places in the list of outstanding Ukrainian culture figures. Celebrating the 150th anniversary of Pul'uj birthday, many events devoted to his memorable date were held in Ternopil, Hrymailiv, Lviv and Kyiv. The international scientific-educational conference was held, the bust of the well-known scientist was erected at our University. Austrian Professor Petro Pul'uj, the scientist's grandson, visited Ukraine and took part at the conference.
    Ivan Pul'uj will always remain in our hearts as the symbol of the Ukrainian people's intellectual wealth, landmark of the future achievements of the state.
    The origins of the University reached 1960 when Ternopil All-technical Department of the Lviv Polytechnic Institute with the extra-mural and part-time study forms was organized on March 11th. Stolyarchuk V.P., PhD was appointed the Head of the Department, and 12 teachers conducted the training. In February 1962 Shcherbakov A.O., PhD started working as the Head of the Department. At the same time, full-time specialist training was opened.
    On May 15th 1964 the Department was reorganized into Ternopil affiliate of Lviv Polytechnic University with the first chairs of higher mathematics, drawing geometry and graphics, technical mechanics, physics and energetics. Shcherbakov A.O., PhD became director of the affiliate. In 1964-1968 new chairs were formed: the Chair of social and political sciences, theoretical mechanics, foreign languages, metal technologies, machine tools and instruments, physics, general and theoretical electrics and physical education. At that time the affiliate trained specialists in the following specialities: mechanical engineering, metal cutting machine tools and instruments, electrical measuring equipment and radio equipment.
    In March 1968 Polishchuk A.G., PhD became director of the affiliate. The intense work on the necessary instrumentation of teaching rooms and laboratories, expansion of the teaching areas, replenishment of the teaching staff with Candidates and Doctors of Science, organization of the Extra-Mural Studies Department and creation of the chair affiliates at production was being conducted.
    In October 1985 Shabliy O.M., Sc.D was appointed director of the Ternopil affiliate of Lviv Polytechnic University. He initiated the opening of new specialities: technology and equipment of the welding production, automation of the technological processes and productions, instrumentation, biotechnical and medical apparatuses and systems construction of the new teaching building. Due to the heads and staff's active and influential work on February 27th 1991, Ternopil InstrumentationInstitute was created based on the Ternopil affiliate of Lviv Polytechnic University, being the second higher educational institution of this direction in Ukraine. The first rector chosen by the staff was Shabliy O.M., Sc.D. At that time the Institute comprised three departments integrating 13 chairs. The available quantity of students was in 2420. One hundred fifty teachers worked at the Institute, 76 of them being Candidates and Doctors of Science. Since April 1995 the educational institution has named the outstanding Ukrainian scientist and public man Ivan Pul'uj. By the InterbranchAccreditation Commission's decision, in 1994 the Institute was accredited as an IV level educational institution.
    The creation of the Institute was a powerful impetus to the new quality changes and further growth. The restructuring of the region's economy and the necessity of providing staff for overcoming the crisis helped change the orientation of the Institute and carry out its considerable structural reconstruction. The Institute has practically lost its narrow applied line gradually transforming into the multibranch higher technical educational institution.
    Considering the staff's real developments and achievements, the Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 1536 from December 30th 1996 approved the creation of Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj State Technical University based on Ternopil InstrumentationInstitute. Academician Shabliy O.M. became the rector of the University.
    University is an educational, scientific, engineering and cultural centre of the western region of Ukraine. Nowadays it is the only higher technical educational institution of the region providing the training of specialists of all qualification levels, Doctors and Candidates of Science for the region also comprising Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnytskyy and Rivne.
    Since 1999 the University has been a full member of the European University Association, uniting more than 600 European universities. It also holds membership in the national association of rectors from 43 countries which is the leading representative organ for the higher educational institutions in Europe. The European University Association is a consultative member of the Supporting group of the Conference of Ministers of Education from European countries. The University takes an active part in fulfilling one of the main tasks of the association, which is creating the European higher education space where students, teachers and scientists would be able to accomplish their intentions and ideas based on the established European educational norms.
    On September 16th 2005 Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj State Technical University joined the European Declaration of the higher educational institutions of the Magna Charta Universitatum comprising fundamental principles, rights and duties of the universities as the outposts of culture, knowledge and research and uniting more than 530 leading universities of Europe, among them 14 from Ukraine.
    The range of specialities taught at the affiliate, Institute and, finally, University has gradually extended, and presently the number of specialities for Bachelor, Specialist, and masters reach the number of 20. Altogether they are united in 15 directions.
    Eight departments are functioning within the University: Computer Technologies Department, Department of Computer Information Systems and Program Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department, Food and Processing Production Department, Mechanical Engineering Department, Economy and Entrepreneurship Department, Department of Management and Business in Production, Department of Testing Instruments and Radio Computer Systems. The training is also conducted at the International studies centre and Pre-university studies centre. The Post-graduate studies centre organizes re-training and skill upgrading.
    Thirty-four chairs assure the educational process. Among them there are 5 humanitarian chairs (Ukrainian Studies and Philosophy Psychology in Production Foreign Languages Sports and Physical Rehabilitation and Physical Education) 3 fundamental chairs (Higher Mathematics Physics and Mathematical Methods in Engineering) 4 all-engineering chairs (Graphic Modeling Information Science and Mathematical Modeling Construction Mechanics and Electrical Engineering) and 22 specialized chairs (Mechanical Engineering Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering Food Biotechnology and Chemistry Food Technologies Equipment Production Marketing Production Management Entrepreneurship Management Computer Sciences Machine Tools, Device and Machines Design Technical Mechanics and Agricultural Machine Building Illuminating Engineering Welding Production Technologies and Equipment Apparatuses and Testing Instruments Biotechnical Systems Automation of Technological Processes and Production Computer Integrated Technologies Energy-Saving and Energy Management Power Consumption Systems and Computer Technologies in Power Industry Radio Computer Systems Economic Cybernetics Economic Theory, Finance, Registry and Control).
    The following training centres are functioning at the University: Information technologies centre comprising the regional CISCO academy, regional centre for the certified specialists training on Microsoft IT Àñàdemy and SUN Microsystems, the laboratory of the Shnaider-Electricenterprise and certification examination centre of the European Virtual University. The graduates of the academy receive certificates of the international standard.
    Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj Technical University also includes the Technical College in Ternopil and the Gusyatyn and Zboriv Colleges situated in Gusyatyn and Zboriv.
    Presently the general enrollment of students, masters and post-graduate students in the University alone comprises around 6000 persons. The available licensed amount of full-time bachelors is 945 persons, masters - 325 and specialists - 695 persons the amount of distance studies bachelors is 900 persons, masters - 320 and specialists - 865 persons.
    TSTU has founded and is a leading member of the regional educational and scientific amalgamation "Technical personnel", the Junior Academy of Sciences, educational and scientific complexes "Svitlo", "Gazda", "Dostatok", "Agromash", "Computer" and "Proforientatsiya". Pre-university student training is conducted at the Technical Lyceum of the university and amalgamation "Vatra" and at the lyceum school in Dobryvody, specialized schools and gymnasiums.
    In 1995 the University transferred to the specialist training under the Ministry of Education of Ukraine's educational and professional programs. The education model approved envisions, besides the high professional training, the accomplishment of task-oriented programs of the intense fundamental training and computer education, modernization of the economic sciences teaching, humanization of the educational process, development of the foreign language teaching and advance in the legal education of specialists.
    The teaching staff is represented by 332 teachers, one of them being a Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, another is a member of the New-York Academy of Sciences there are 10 Academicians and Corresponding Members of the branch Academies of Sciences of Ukraine, 48 Doctors of Science, Professors and 214 Candidates of Science, Professor Assistants. Among them, there are many well-known and esteemed scientists and pedagogues: Academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences, Sc.D., Professor, Honored Man of Science and Technology of Ukraine Shabliy O.M. Academician, Honored Inventor of Ukraine, Sc.D. Gecko B.M., Sc.D. Rybak T.I. Professors Didukh L.D., Kovalchuk Y.P., Molchanov A.D., Nikonenko V.M., Shtefanych D.A.., Zubchenko I.I., Stukhlyak P.D., Yasnij P.V., Lutsiv I.V., Yukalo V.G. Professor Assistants Grynchutskyy V.I., Mykhaylyshyn M.S., Kryvyy P.D., Tataryn B.P., Lobas V.V., Shelestovskyy B.G., Kukharska V.B., Prots Y.I., Yamko M.P., Bunyak A.M., Juk M.P., Bakushevych I.V., Yavorskyy B.I., Mylyk M.P. etc.
    Many of our graduates have connected their further work to the University, among them Academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, Rector, Sc.D. Petro Yasniy Vice-Rector for Teaching and Educational Affairs, Sc.D. Ihor Lutsiv the member of the Writer Association of Ukraine, public man, Vice-Rector for Humanitarian Education and Pedagogical Work, PhD. Oleg Herman Head of Computer Technologies Department, Sc.D., Stukhlyak P.D. Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, PhD, Yuriy Palyvoda Head of Department of Management and Business in Production, PhD. Andriy Oksentiuk etc. We are proud of our graduates occupying responsible posts at Ternopil enterprises - amalgamation "Vatra", Combine Factory, factory "Saturn", and other enterprises in different regions of Ukraine.
    University students can acquire a master degree and continue their studies as post-graduate and doctoral students. 4 specialized councils on the PhD (Sc.D.) thesis defence are functioning well-known scientific schools both in Ukraine and abroad were created. Over the last three years, 27 persons have obtained the degree of Candidate of Science and five persons obtained the Doctor of Science degree.
    Our scientists' works were on repeated occasions exposed at the international exhibitions, especially at the exhibitions of medical instrumentation, information technologies (1997 - 2006, Hanover, Federal Republic of Germany), etc. The developments were exposed at the I and II International investment forums of the Ternopil region. High estimation of the results of research conducted by the scientists of the University is confirmed by the awards and diplomas obtained at the exhibitions.
    In 1995 TSTU became the first Ternopil higher educational institution to initiate the publication of the "Scientific Herald" with more than 200 pages. TSTU is also a co-founder of another specialized scientific edition - "Galician Economic Herald".
    The University cooperates actively with foreign educational and scientific institutions in the branch of education and research. In particular, it has ties with the Compien University (France), Ukrainian Free University (FRG), Technical University "Wroclaw Polytechnic", Rzeszow Polytechnic, Hua Zhong Technical University (China), Institute for Materials Testing, Materials Science and Strength of Materials at the University of Stuttgart, University of Maribor (Slovenia), CISCO, Schneider-Electric, Microsoft, electronic enterprises etc. Within the framework of the cooperation, numerous agreements are signed, joint research in the branch of mass transfer processes is conducted with the Compien University and the Pierre and Marie Curie University (France). Joint research is also conducted with the scientists of the University of Birmingham (United Kingdom), Lulea University (Sweden) and University of Maribor (Slovenia) in the branch of destruction mechanics. Scientific cooperation with the joint Ukrainian-Chinese science park in Tzinan (China) is conducted as well.
    The University's physical infrastructure and its structures comprise 11 education, science and research buildings with the general area of around 60 000 sq. meters, six dormitories, gyms, student canteens, and accommodations for the art activities.
    In 2003 a sports and recreation centre "Polytechnic" with a 25-metre swimming pool of the Olympic type with 200-seat grandstand, a big a gym with spectator stood for 350 persons, a gymnastic area, a workout room, a weightlifting room as well as an aerobics and fitness hall was put in commission. The Olympic champions and world and European skiing, kickboxing, weightlifting and swimming champions train and work at the University. University basketball team, well-known in the sports circles, is a winner among Western zone teams.
    The University implements modern higher school development tendencies in its activities to the full extent it satisfies the region's needs and the district in the highly qualified specialists, acting as a scientific and cultural centre.
    He coordination council supports the Bologna process, and credit-modular system, system of modular control, rating system of the students' knowledge estimation and education quality control system is functioning in the University. The concepts of Magna Charta Universitatum are being implemented in the University. The academic teaching staff is conducting fundamental and professional education, approximately 80% of whom possess Dr.Sc. and PhD degrees.
    Multi-level educational programs, which consider the experience of the best technical and technological universities of the world, are functioning in the University. Educational activity in the University is based on students' possibility to choose from the wide range of academic programs and subject courses. Nine faculties carry out training of specialists according to the 23 majors of Bachelor's degree, 25 specialities of Specialist's degree and 14 specialities of Master's degree in 14 subject areas: «Informatics and Computing Equipment» «Information Security» «Automatics and Management» «Civil Engineering and Architecture» «Transport and Transport Infrastructure» «Biotechnology» «Radio Engineering» «Radio-Electronic Devices and Communication», «Metrology, Measurement Equipment and Information and Measurement Technologies» «Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics» «Mechanical Engineering and Materials Working Equipment» «Food Industry and Processing of Agricultural Production» «Management and Administration», «Economics and Entrepreneurship» «Socio-Political Sciences». Training of foreign students is realized according to the Bachelor's and Master's Degree programs (Ukrainian and English languages of instruction), and also at the preparatory Department.

    Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
    Founding year: 1960
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 8200
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Petro Yasniy (Rector)
    Number of staff: 0
    Type: Universities





    Address: Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ruska str., 56, Ternopil , 46001, Ukraine

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