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  • Belarusian State Pedagogical University


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    Our University is one of the oldest universities in our country. Thanks to the traditions, it combines academism, openness, and innovations.
    The University has gained a good reputation and has become a leader in teacher training for 100 years of its glorious and rich history. Outstanding scientists and teachers, famous scientific schools and centers, a high standard of professional and interpersonal ethics, the continuity of traditions, and the possibility of transferring rich pedagogical and life experience to the younger generations are BSPU nowadays.
    Our University is always ready to share experience and adopt innovation; that is why we are open to fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of education. BSPU is a member of the Euroasian universities association. This fact shows that professional training is maintained at a very high level, and it confirms that our University can integrate into the international community.
    Our teachers and professors apply a creative and innovative approach to their work, and they try to develop the individual abilities of every student. Our main aim is to train a new formation specialist, an active, open-minded, and self-confident person.
    We do our best to give our students an education that can meet the best standards. At the University, a classical approach that combines fundamentality, practice, and the pedagogical focus is applied. We take into consideration the current global trends in higher education to choose a development model with the students as the future intellectual elite of Belarus in its center. We are proud of the past and the present of our University, we cherish its honor and reputation.
    According to the world ranking of universities webometric sites (Webometrics Ranking of World Universities), updated in January 2017, the BSPU site position takes ninth place among Belarusian universities. The UN/UNDP in the Republic of Belarus has awarded the University a Certificate of appreciation for socially meaningful activities in achieving sustainable development goals and creating an inclusive society in Belarus.
    Admission of foreign citizens and stateless persons to the institution of higher education is carried out based on an agreement for training a specialist getting higher education at the expense of the budget, an agreement for training a specialist on a paid basis, that is concluded by the institution of higher education with foreign citizens and stateless persons (with legal representatives of minor foreign citizens and stateless persons when they present documents confirming the status of a legal representative of a minor foreign citizen or stateless person) or with representatives of foreign citizens and stateless persons acting under Power of attorney certified by a notary or an authorized official, as well as a legal entity (individual entrepreneur, individual) paying tuition fees (if any). Additionally, besides the requirements established by law, an agreement provides the parties' responsibility for payment of expenses in case of deportation of a foreign citizen and a stateless person outside the Republic of Belarus.
    Higher education is the level of basic training aimed at developing the student's personality and intellectual and creative abilities, enabling him to obtain specialized theoretical and practical knowledge. At the end of the training course, the student gets a certification of a higher education specialist and a Master's degree.
    Following special permission (license) to carry out educational activities, BSPU provides getting higher education in 79 specialties and six specializations. All the specialties have passed state accreditation (Certificate). 11 Faculties and 56 Departments provide designing and implementation of educational programs of higher education.
    The system of training pedagogical staff at the University includes four / five-year training of specialists at the first stage of higher education with the possibility of continuing education to obtain the Master's degree at the second stage of higher education (Master's Degree Course). After obtaining a Master's degree, a graduate of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank has the right to continue his/her education doing Ph.D. studies and then Doctorate studies.
    The training of students in higher education institutions is organized in full-time and extramural (including distance education) forms of education. The terms of training depend on the complexity of the educational program and the form of education.
    The Ministry of Education is the primary employer of graduates studying at the expense of the Republican budget. To strengthen the practical orientation of training specialists in the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, there are 41 affiliated branches of the Departments that provide the educational process and the organization of an internship for students in secondary schools, preschool, and specialized education institutions.
    The University provides students with ample opportunities for self-improvement and advanced training. Students can get additional training at the Additional Education Center. The first stage of higher education provides training for specialists who want to obtain higher education and have fundamental and specialized knowledge and skills. At the end of the training course, the student gets a certification of a specialist and is given a diploma of higher education, which grants him/her the right for employment according to the received qualifications in the order established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the right for training on the Master's Degree Course.
    BSPU implements educational programs of higher education of the first stage, providing certification of a specialist obtaining higher education, and educational programs of higher education of the first stage, providing the certification of a specialist obtaining higher education and integrated with educational programs of secondary special education in 61 specialties and six specializations. The terms of training at this stage range from 4 to 5 years. The terms of training on the extramural form of education are extended for one more year.
    The admission of foreign citizens and stateless persons is carried out based on the agreement on training specialists at the expense of the national budget or at the expense of individual and legal persons, concluded by the University with foreign citizens and stateless individuals or their representatives (legal representatives of minor foreign citizens and stateless persons (upon presentation of documents confirming the status of the legal representative of a minor foreigner or a stateless person) or with foreign citizens and stateless persons acting under a power of attorney, certified by a public notary or an authorized official, as well as a legal entity ( individual entrepreneur, a natural person) carrying out the payment of tuition fees (if any), where besides the conditions laid down by the law, the liability of the parties to pay the expenses in case of sending a foreign citizen out of the bounds of the Republic of Belarus is stipulated.

    Belarusian State Pedagogical University
    Founding year: 1914
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 1200
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Alexander I. Zhuk (Rector)
    Number of staff: 0
    Type: Universities




    Address: Belarusian State Pedagogical University, 18 Sovetskaya Street, Minsk , 220050, Belarus

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