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  1. The founding of another university in East Java Unair (Universitas Airlangga) on November 10, 1954, brought about some significant consequences to the status of PTPG Malang. Since then, PTPG Malang merged with Unair and became one of the university's four faculties. It was not until four years later that the status change was officially declared whereby PTPG Malang became Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Airlangga University (Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan FKIP-Unair). In 1963 FKIP- Unair was converted into an independent institution, namely Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Malang or better known as IKIP Malang). The year 1999 marked another critical change to the institution's status where IKIP Malang obtained a more significant mandate and was transformed into Malang State University (Universitas Negeri Malang UM). Presently UM has eight faculties and one Post Graduate: Faculty of Education Faculty of Letters Faculty of Mathematics and Science Faculty of Economics Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Sport Science Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Educational Psychology and Post Graduate. The university's vision is to achieve an excellent and authoritative university's status in immortalizing/upholding the Three Principles of Higher Education (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi). The university's mission is to provide student-centered tertiary education that enshrines effective learning and capitalizes on technological advances. To carry out and encourage research in education pure science technology arts and culture and sports, the findings of such research will be useful for the development of knowledge and people's well-being. To carry out and perpetuate community service programs that seek to empower society through science and technology, social and cultural sciences, and sport. To exercise an autonomous, accountable, and transparent higher education governance that guarantees a sustainable quality improvement. The symbol of UM is set on a circle, which signifies the university's focus on anticipating global development. The tree of life (the kalpataru) is depicted in green, symbolizing the awareness of the importance of the environment in science and technology. The green curve resembling foot symbolizes the institutional continuity of IKIP (Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Institute of Teacher Training and Education), which has been transformed into Universitas Negeri Malang (UM State University of Malang). The yellow star is the symbol of Pancasila, the basic philosophy of the nation and the state. The letters of UM are designed in four tangential lines to symbolize the four values orientation that is the value of universal knowledge, the value of nationhood, the value of humanity, and the value of culture in order to realize the mission vision and function of UM. The yellow flower bud is designed in three parts under the protection of the Kalpataru tree, where the central upright part symbolizes generations' education. The left and right petals symbolize the dual study programs: educational and non-educational. The three petals of flower bud as a whole represent the Three Principles of Higher Education Institutions (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi). Three interlocking circles inspire the Learning University. The three interlocking circles symbolize the continuous learning process at the State University of Malang. The three interlocking arcs that form a stylized initial of UM's abbreviation exemplify the closely related and positive relationships in the exchange among the academic community members (student lecturers and staff of the State University of Malang) and the community. Three Interlocking Circles and Three Interlocking Arcs Forming the Initials of UM The three interlocking arcs or curves that form the UM's initials also symbolize UM's three channels' contribution to the local region. National and global development. Through (1) education, (2) research, and (3) application of science and technology in society. There are 4 (four) primary colors in the logo of the UM brand name. They are sky blue, green gold, and deep blue. Sky blue is an attractive and pleasing color representing a youthful spirit eager to learn and progress. Green is a color of growth and life. It represents the campus as a vehicle for the academic community to live and grow. Golden is a color of nobility and energy. Excellence is the primary objective that will be endeavored with a burning spirit. Deep blue is a symbol of stability and depth. These two characters are essential for the provision of educational services in a higher education institution.
  2. The era of information technology has brought significant changes in global life. Terms of acceleration, competition, and uncertainty become accompanying equivalent progress in every area and at every level of life. To deal with the progression, we have to prepare many things. The most important preparation is to ensure that we can be the roles and creators of the future. Realizing this, the University of Merdeka Malang, as an institution of higher education which has been trusted by the public for 50 years, committing to preparing the nation's children to be excellent individuals who are not only ready to be a part of the future but also competent to become the future creators. We are fully aware that this is not a simple task. However, we are confident that we will go beyond because we are always supported by great lecturers and dedicated teaching staff who most are have been certified as qualified lecturers. We also have staffs and employees who are ready to provide excellent service, and we are supported primarily by the spirit of the young students who are creative and innovative. We get tremendous support from graduates who are very proud of their alma mater and support the university's motion to realize the dream together into a world-class university. This year, Universitas Merdeka Malang is trusted by BPKLN (Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation) Kemendikbud RI (Ministry of National Education and Culture) to achieve the excellent scholarship opportunities for Strata 1 (S1) and Strata 2 (S2) students for the joint degree program and to earn a double degree at university abroad which have cooperated with University of Merdeka Malang. Title of 50 Promising University has spurred us to make quality as our activities in creating a generation of superior character, ethical and virtuous, and competent in every field that has been selected. East Java Government awards us as a competent pioneer campus by our efforts to establish a professional certification agency that allows each graduate to have professional certification according to the field and complete the degree they will bear. Many issues discussed above make the main reason for us to invite all interested students who want to study at college in diploma, undergraduate and graduate, to join the University of Merdeka Malang. Whatever your interest, your passion, and ambition are, join us to be the creator of the future who will be a part of the solution for the future. Salam Merdeka. "Malang Kucecwara" in Malang's slogan means "God has destroyed the false and enforced the right." Apart from being a popular tourism spot, Malang is also rich in traditional and historical values. Being historically wealthy, Malang is also a heaven for archaeologists yearning to study ancient temples. There are world-famous Hindu temples, such as Singosari and Badut. Besides its ancient buildings, Malang is also a proud host of natural beauty. The province's loyal visitors are often found enjoying the beaches in the southern part of Malang, i.e., Balekambang and Sempu, and the wondrous scenery in the area of one of the world's most active volcanoes, Mount Semeru, in the east. The history of the Malang Regency could be revealed through the Dinoyo inscription 760 AD as the primary official document to support Malang's birth before a new inscription was discovered in 1986, so far revealed. According to the inscription, it was concluded that the 8th century was the beginning of the existence of the Malang Regency's government due to the birth of King Gajayana's ruling of his kingdom in Malang. From the Dinoyo inscriptions, it is noted that the inscription used the "Candra Sengkala" or "Chronogram" Calendar and stated that the birth date of Malang Regency was on Jum'at Legi (sweet Friday) of 28 November 760 AD. Last but not least, Malang is also famous for its original language: Boso Walikan. Bahasa Walikan Malangan—whose name means the "Reversed language of Malang"—used only in Malang's city—pulls from both the Indonesian and Javanese lexicon flipping around their pronunciation so that the Indonesian Mobil 'car' becomes labor and Javanese are 'child' becomes kera. This mixed language functions not only to express the world's experience "through the eyes of a Malangese but" its use is also the performative creation of urban identity.
  3. The State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang was established by Presidential Decree No. 50 on June 21 st 2004. Realizing the ideas of several East Java famous figures to establish Islamic higher educational institutions under the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Establishment committee of IAIN Surabaya Branch was found through the Ministry of Religious Affairs'Decree No. 17 of 1961. This committee was assigned to establish the Faculty of Shariah in Surabaya and the Faculty of Tarbiyah in Malang. Both are faculty branches of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga, which was inaugurated by the Minister of Religious Affairs on October 28, 1961. On October 1 st 1964 Faculty of Islamic Theology(Ushuluddin) was also established in Kediri through the Ministry of Religious Affairs' Decree No. 66/1964. In its development, the three branches of the faculty were merged and structurally administered under the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Sunan Ampel as established in the Ministry of Religious Affairs'Decree No. 20 1965. Based on this decree, the Faculty of Tarbiyah Malang became a branch faculty of IAIN Sunan Ampel. In a subsequent development, through Presidential Decree No. 11, 1997, the Faculty of Tarbiyah Malang IAIN Sunan Ampel changed its status into a State Islamic Institute of Malang (STAIN) by other faculty branches of IAIN in Indonesia, 33 institutes in total. Therefore, since that time, STAIN Malang had become an independent institute of Islamic higher education apart from IAIN SunanAmpel. In the strategic development plan, as stated in the Strategic Plan of STAIN Malang's Ten Year Development Plan (1998 / 1999-2008 / 2009), in the second half period of its development, STAIN Malang transformed its institutional status from an institute into a university. Through earnest efforts, the proposal to increase its status into a university was approved by President as manifested in the Presidential Decree No. 50, dated June 21, 2004, and was inaugurated by the Minister, Prof. H. A. Malik Fajar, M.Sc on behalf of the President on October 8, 2004, by the name of the State Islamic University (UIN) Malang with its main task was to conduct a program higher education in the Islamic religious sciences and general sciences. Thus, June 21 st 2004, is used as the birthday of this University. The University had once been named Indonesia-Sudan Islamic University (UIIS) as the implementation of cooperation between the Indonesian and Sudan government. It was inaugurated by the Vice President, Dr. H. Hamzah Haz, on July 21 st 2002, which was also attended by high officials of the Sudanese government. In the theoretical paradigm, the University develops knowledge from the scientific methods through logical reasoning such as observation, experimentation, surveys, interviews, and so on and from the Quran and Hadith, which is known as the integration paradigm. Therefore, the position of Islamic studies subjects such as the Qur'an and the Hadith, and Fiqh are very central in the framework of scientific knowledge integration. Located in Jalan Gajayana 50, Dinoyo Malang with 14 hectares campus area, this University modernizes itself physically since September 2005 with the Rector's building, faculty, administrative offices, lecture, laboratories, student affairs, training, sports, business center, polyclinic, mosques, and boarding school using the funding from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) through the IDB Approval Letter No. 41 / IND / 1287 dated August 17, 2004. On January 27, 2009, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, agreed to title the University with The State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Given the name is relatively long, on the speech on the 4th anniversary, the Rector abbreviated the University's name into UIN Maliki. With Magnificent and modern physical performance and through determination, passion, and strong commitment of all members of the academic and by pleading the blessing and guidance of Allah the Almighty, the University aims to be the center of excellence and the center of Islamic civilization as a step to implement the teachings of Islam as a mercy to the world (al Islam Rahmat li al- alamin).
  4. The University of Kanjuruhan Malang was a merger between two colleges, namely IKIP PGRI of Malang and STIBA Kanjuruhan of Malang, where both colleges under the same Foundation (YPLP PT-PGRI). This foundation then changed its name become PPLP PT PGRI based on Indonesian National Education ministry decree number 106/D/O/072001, where those two colleges merged into the University of Kanjuruhan Malang. Now, the University of Kanjuruhan Malang endlessly increases the number of physically and non-physically, internally and externally, to improve the learning process's speed. After merging two colleges into the University of Kanjuruhan Malang, the next goal is to be a leading university in the nation by creating great programs to give the University of Kanjuruhan Malang's student's sufficient skills to face the globalization challenges such as entrepreneurship and e-learning. Our vision is to become a leading university in 2025. Missions are Conducting science and technology-based learning. Purposes are Producing competitive, creative, independent, tolerant, democratic, and religious alumnus. Producing high-quality researches. Creating high-quality human resources. Creating a multicultural and representative campus. Logo Symbol and meaning: Ganesha Throne symbolizes the leader's courage and fairness in enforcing justice and truth. An Elephant Ivory in Ganesha's right hand symbolizes a weapon in leadership. A Bowl Full of Tirta Amarta (water of life) in Ganesha's left hand and Ganesha's trunk symbolizes a leader who is always ready to lead and always in the frontline to protect his people in every danger and also always ready to help those who needs help. Ganesha sits on lotus leaves, which symbolizes glory. Ganesha in the past symbolizes science. It is in line with the University of Kanjuruhan Malang as an educational institution. Pentagon symbolizes that the University of Kanjuruhan Malang is based on Pancasila (Five Principles of Indonesia. Belief in God, Humanity, Unity, Democracy, and Justice) Colors Azure symbolizes sincerity Dark blue symbolizes persistent behavior. White symbolizes holiness Yellow symbolizes magnanimity Red symbolizes bravery to defend the truth. Black symbolizes eternality Grey symbolizes wisdom, maturity, unselfishness, calmness, and fairness. The University of Kanjuruhan Malang is strategically situated and is easily accessible using both private and public transportation. It also has a pleasant environment that supports teaching and learning activities. The facilities are The Classroom atmosphere is created as comfortable as possible. It is supported by multimedia facilities, such as LCD, OHP in each class. Video Conference Facility enables students to study interactively. The learning place for on the job training can be livelily accessed from the classroom. This enables students to criticize and give feedback on the teaching and learning process done by teachers. Also, the lecturers can monitor the students without going to the school directly.
  5. The University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) has been serving the Nation since 1964 and improving and enhancing academic quality. I am a Drs. H. Fauzan, M.Pd, UMM Rector for the period of 2016-2020, will continue UMM struggle to be more advanced and improve the quality in all fields in terms of education curriculum, infrastructure, student services, cooperation, expansion, and international programs. I am determined to make UMM an IT-based campus, so that all academic, financial, administrative, and other services are more effective and efficient. Currently, UMM has 10 Undergraduate Programs with 3 Diploma Programs, 35 Undergraduate Studies, 11 Masters Programs, 3 Doctoral Programs, and 5 Professional Programs. The total number of students is now more than 30 thousand from all corners of the country and abroad. 1.127 lecturers support UMM, 597 employees, also 400 Professors and Doctors. With talented human resources and complete facilities, UMM is ready to educate students to become professional graduates, have a noble character, and give the best for Nation. In addition to running a core business in higher education, UMM has also expanded in various fields. Some Profit Centers currently owned by UMM are UMM Inn Hotel, UMM SPBU, UMM Bookstore, UMM Medical Center, UMM Hospital, UMM Dome, Taman Sengkaling UMM, Yamaha and Rinjani Workshop, UMM Press Publishing Center, and others. Through the Development of these profit centers, UMM is expected to have other income sources to improve existing education quality. The University of Muhammadiyah Malang was founded in 1964 and initiated by Muhammadiyah Leadership in Malang. In the beginning, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was affiliated with the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta established by Yayasan Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah Jakarta with the Deed of Notary R.Sihojo Wongsowidjojo in Jakarta No. 71 on June 19, 1963. At that time, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang had three faculties: Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, which included the Islamic Education Department. The three faculties obtained the registered status from Education and Culture Ministry, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, in 1966 by the Decree Number 68/B-Swt/p/1966 dated December 30, 1966. Vision is in 2030 being a leading University in the Development of science, technology, and art (IPTEKS) based on Islamic values. Missions are Conducting education and learning professionally based on research and Development of science and technology. Conducting research that contributes to the Development of science and technology. Conducting devotion to the research-based society to improve people's welfare. Conducting cooperation with other mutually beneficial parties. Organizing coaching and Development of academic community based on Islamic values and muhammadiyah. Organizing university institutional governance professionally based on Islamic values. The purpose of UMM Producing civitas academic that can master and develop science and technology based on research Producing research products that contribute to the Development of science and technology. Creating service products based on research to improve people's welfare Creating various cooperations in science and technology at International standard Producing civitas academic that has good behavior based on Islamic values and Kemuhammadiyahan Actualizing professionalism of university institutional-based on Islamic values and Kemuhammadiyahan. The goals are increasing the quantity and quality of academicians in the mastery and Development of research-based science and technology. Development of an academic community that can master and develop science-based research. Increasing the quantity and quality of research products that contribute to the Development of science and technology, developing research products that contribute to the Development of science and technology. Increasing the quantity and quality of research-based service products to improve people's welfare. Development of research-based service products to improve people's welfare. Increasing cooperation in the field of science and technology of international standard. Developing cooperation in the international science and technology field to International Recognition. Improving the implementation of Islamic and Muhammadiyah values by the academic community on life inside and outside the campus. Developing peaceful, tolerant, and modern Islamic and Muhammadiyah values as the implementation of progressive Islam. Institutional strengthening and its units based on the policy and job description following Islamic and Muhammadiyah values. Improving work ethic and organizational behavior of the institution based on Islamic and Muhammadiyah values.
  6. The University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) has been serving the Nation since 1964 and improving and enhancing academic quality. I am a Drs. H. Fauzan, M.Pd, UMM Rector for the period of 2016-2020, will continue UMM struggle to be more advanced and improve the quality in all fields in terms of education curriculum, infrastructure, student services, cooperation, expansion, and international programs. I am determined to make UMM an IT-based campus, so that all academic, financial, administrative, and other services are more effective and efficient. Currently, UMM has 10 Undergraduate Programs with 3 Diploma Programs, 35 Undergraduate Studies, 11 Masters Programs, 3 Doctoral Programs, and 5 Professional Programs. The total number of students is now more than 30 thousand from all corners of the country and abroad. 1.127 lecturers support UMM, 597 employees, also 400 Professors and Doctors. With talented human resources and complete facilities, UMM is ready to educate students to become professional graduates, have a noble character, and give the best for Nation. In addition to running a core business in higher education, UMM has also expanded in various fields. Some Profit Centers currently owned by UMM are UMM Inn Hotel, UMM SPBU, UMM Bookstore, UMM Medical Center, UMM Hospital, UMM Dome, Taman Sengkaling UMM, Yamaha and Rinjani Workshop, UMM Press Publishing Center, and others. Through the Development of these profit centers, UMM is expected to have other income sources to improve existing education quality. The University of Muhammadiyah Malang was founded in 1964 and initiated by Muhammadiyah Leadership in Malang. In the beginning, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was affiliated with the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta established by Yayasan Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah Jakarta with the Deed of Notary R.Sihojo Wongsowidjojo in Jakarta No. 71 on June 19, 1963. At that time, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang had three faculties: Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, which included the Islamic Education Department. The three faculties obtained the registered status from Education and Culture Ministry, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, in 1966 by the Decree Number 68/B-Swt/p/1966 dated December 30, 1966. Vision is in 2030 being a leading University in the Development of science, technology, and art (IPTEKS) based on Islamic values. Missions are Conducting education and learning professionally based on research and Development of science and technology. Conducting research that contributes to the Development of science and technology. Conducting devotion to the research-based society to improve people's welfare. Conducting cooperation with other mutually beneficial parties. Organizing coaching and Development of academic community based on Islamic values and muhammadiyah. Organizing university institutional governance professionally based on Islamic values. The purpose of UMM Producing civitas academic that can master and develop science and technology based on research Producing research products that contribute to the Development of science and technology. Creating service products based on research to improve people's welfare Creating various cooperations in science and technology at International standard Producing civitas academic that has good behavior based on Islamic values and Kemuhammadiyahan Actualizing professionalism of university institutional-based on Islamic values and Kemuhammadiyahan. The goals are increasing the quantity and quality of academicians in the mastery and Development of research-based science and technology. Development of an academic community that can master and develop science-based research. Increasing the quantity and quality of research products that contribute to the Development of science and technology, developing research products that contribute to the Development of science and technology. Increasing the quantity and quality of research-based service products to improve people's welfare. Development of research-based service products to improve people's welfare. Increasing cooperation in the field of science and technology of international standard. Developing cooperation in the international science and technology field to International Recognition. Improving the implementation of Islamic and Muhammadiyah values by the academic community on life inside and outside the campus. Developing peaceful, tolerant, and modern Islamic and Muhammadiyah values as the implementation of progressive Islam. Institutional strengthening and its units based on the policy and job description following Islamic and Muhammadiyah values. Improving work ethic and organizational behavior of the institution based on Islamic and Muhammadiyah values. View full university
  7. The University of Kanjuruhan Malang was a merger between two colleges, namely IKIP PGRI of Malang and STIBA Kanjuruhan of Malang, where both colleges under the same Foundation (YPLP PT-PGRI). This foundation then changed its name become PPLP PT PGRI based on Indonesian National Education ministry decree number 106/D/O/072001, where those two colleges merged into the University of Kanjuruhan Malang. Now, the University of Kanjuruhan Malang endlessly increases the number of physically and non-physically, internally and externally, to improve the learning process's speed. After merging two colleges into the University of Kanjuruhan Malang, the next goal is to be a leading university in the nation by creating great programs to give the University of Kanjuruhan Malang's student's sufficient skills to face the globalization challenges such as entrepreneurship and e-learning. Our vision is to become a leading university in 2025. Missions are Conducting science and technology-based learning. Purposes are Producing competitive, creative, independent, tolerant, democratic, and religious alumnus. Producing high-quality researches. Creating high-quality human resources. Creating a multicultural and representative campus. Logo Symbol and meaning: Ganesha Throne symbolizes the leader's courage and fairness in enforcing justice and truth. An Elephant Ivory in Ganesha's right hand symbolizes a weapon in leadership. A Bowl Full of Tirta Amarta (water of life) in Ganesha's left hand and Ganesha's trunk symbolizes a leader who is always ready to lead and always in the frontline to protect his people in every danger and also always ready to help those who needs help. Ganesha sits on lotus leaves, which symbolizes glory. Ganesha in the past symbolizes science. It is in line with the University of Kanjuruhan Malang as an educational institution. Pentagon symbolizes that the University of Kanjuruhan Malang is based on Pancasila (Five Principles of Indonesia. Belief in God, Humanity, Unity, Democracy, and Justice) Colors Azure symbolizes sincerity Dark blue symbolizes persistent behavior. White symbolizes holiness Yellow symbolizes magnanimity Red symbolizes bravery to defend the truth. Black symbolizes eternality Grey symbolizes wisdom, maturity, unselfishness, calmness, and fairness. The University of Kanjuruhan Malang is strategically situated and is easily accessible using both private and public transportation. It also has a pleasant environment that supports teaching and learning activities. The facilities are The Classroom atmosphere is created as comfortable as possible. It is supported by multimedia facilities, such as LCD, OHP in each class. Video Conference Facility enables students to study interactively. The learning place for on the job training can be livelily accessed from the classroom. This enables students to criticize and give feedback on the teaching and learning process done by teachers. Also, the lecturers can monitor the students without going to the school directly. View full university
  8. The founding of another university in East Java Unair (Universitas Airlangga) on November 10, 1954, brought about some significant consequences to the status of PTPG Malang. Since then, PTPG Malang merged with Unair and became one of the university's four faculties. It was not until four years later that the status change was officially declared whereby PTPG Malang became Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Airlangga University (Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan FKIP-Unair). In 1963 FKIP- Unair was converted into an independent institution, namely Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Malang or better known as IKIP Malang). The year 1999 marked another critical change to the institution's status where IKIP Malang obtained a more significant mandate and was transformed into Malang State University (Universitas Negeri Malang UM). Presently UM has eight faculties and one Post Graduate: Faculty of Education Faculty of Letters Faculty of Mathematics and Science Faculty of Economics Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Sport Science Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Educational Psychology and Post Graduate. The university's vision is to achieve an excellent and authoritative university's status in immortalizing/upholding the Three Principles of Higher Education (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi). The university's mission is to provide student-centered tertiary education that enshrines effective learning and capitalizes on technological advances. To carry out and encourage research in education pure science technology arts and culture and sports, the findings of such research will be useful for the development of knowledge and people's well-being. To carry out and perpetuate community service programs that seek to empower society through science and technology, social and cultural sciences, and sport. To exercise an autonomous, accountable, and transparent higher education governance that guarantees a sustainable quality improvement. The symbol of UM is set on a circle, which signifies the university's focus on anticipating global development. The tree of life (the kalpataru) is depicted in green, symbolizing the awareness of the importance of the environment in science and technology. The green curve resembling foot symbolizes the institutional continuity of IKIP (Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Institute of Teacher Training and Education), which has been transformed into Universitas Negeri Malang (UM State University of Malang). The yellow star is the symbol of Pancasila, the basic philosophy of the nation and the state. The letters of UM are designed in four tangential lines to symbolize the four values orientation that is the value of universal knowledge, the value of nationhood, the value of humanity, and the value of culture in order to realize the mission vision and function of UM. The yellow flower bud is designed in three parts under the protection of the Kalpataru tree, where the central upright part symbolizes generations' education. The left and right petals symbolize the dual study programs: educational and non-educational. The three petals of flower bud as a whole represent the Three Principles of Higher Education Institutions (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi). Three interlocking circles inspire the Learning University. The three interlocking circles symbolize the continuous learning process at the State University of Malang. The three interlocking arcs that form a stylized initial of UM's abbreviation exemplify the closely related and positive relationships in the exchange among the academic community members (student lecturers and staff of the State University of Malang) and the community. Three Interlocking Circles and Three Interlocking Arcs Forming the Initials of UM The three interlocking arcs or curves that form the UM's initials also symbolize UM's three channels' contribution to the local region. National and global development. Through (1) education, (2) research, and (3) application of science and technology in society. There are 4 (four) primary colors in the logo of the UM brand name. They are sky blue, green gold, and deep blue. Sky blue is an attractive and pleasing color representing a youthful spirit eager to learn and progress. Green is a color of growth and life. It represents the campus as a vehicle for the academic community to live and grow. Golden is a color of nobility and energy. Excellence is the primary objective that will be endeavored with a burning spirit. Deep blue is a symbol of stability and depth. These two characters are essential for the provision of educational services in a higher education institution. View full university
  9. The era of information technology has brought significant changes in global life. Terms of acceleration, competition, and uncertainty become accompanying equivalent progress in every area and at every level of life. To deal with the progression, we have to prepare many things. The most important preparation is to ensure that we can be the roles and creators of the future. Realizing this, the University of Merdeka Malang, as an institution of higher education which has been trusted by the public for 50 years, committing to preparing the nation's children to be excellent individuals who are not only ready to be a part of the future but also competent to become the future creators. We are fully aware that this is not a simple task. However, we are confident that we will go beyond because we are always supported by great lecturers and dedicated teaching staff who most are have been certified as qualified lecturers. We also have staffs and employees who are ready to provide excellent service, and we are supported primarily by the spirit of the young students who are creative and innovative. We get tremendous support from graduates who are very proud of their alma mater and support the university's motion to realize the dream together into a world-class university. This year, Universitas Merdeka Malang is trusted by BPKLN (Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation) Kemendikbud RI (Ministry of National Education and Culture) to achieve the excellent scholarship opportunities for Strata 1 (S1) and Strata 2 (S2) students for the joint degree program and to earn a double degree at university abroad which have cooperated with University of Merdeka Malang. Title of 50 Promising University has spurred us to make quality as our activities in creating a generation of superior character, ethical and virtuous, and competent in every field that has been selected. East Java Government awards us as a competent pioneer campus by our efforts to establish a professional certification agency that allows each graduate to have professional certification according to the field and complete the degree they will bear. Many issues discussed above make the main reason for us to invite all interested students who want to study at college in diploma, undergraduate and graduate, to join the University of Merdeka Malang. Whatever your interest, your passion, and ambition are, join us to be the creator of the future who will be a part of the solution for the future. Salam Merdeka. "Malang Kucecwara" in Malang's slogan means "God has destroyed the false and enforced the right." Apart from being a popular tourism spot, Malang is also rich in traditional and historical values. Being historically wealthy, Malang is also a heaven for archaeologists yearning to study ancient temples. There are world-famous Hindu temples, such as Singosari and Badut. Besides its ancient buildings, Malang is also a proud host of natural beauty. The province's loyal visitors are often found enjoying the beaches in the southern part of Malang, i.e., Balekambang and Sempu, and the wondrous scenery in the area of one of the world's most active volcanoes, Mount Semeru, in the east. The history of the Malang Regency could be revealed through the Dinoyo inscription 760 AD as the primary official document to support Malang's birth before a new inscription was discovered in 1986, so far revealed. According to the inscription, it was concluded that the 8th century was the beginning of the existence of the Malang Regency's government due to the birth of King Gajayana's ruling of his kingdom in Malang. From the Dinoyo inscriptions, it is noted that the inscription used the "Candra Sengkala" or "Chronogram" Calendar and stated that the birth date of Malang Regency was on Jum'at Legi (sweet Friday) of 28 November 760 AD. Last but not least, Malang is also famous for its original language: Boso Walikan. Bahasa Walikan Malangan—whose name means the "Reversed language of Malang"—used only in Malang's city—pulls from both the Indonesian and Javanese lexicon flipping around their pronunciation so that the Indonesian Mobil 'car' becomes labor and Javanese are 'child' becomes kera. This mixed language functions not only to express the world's experience "through the eyes of a Malangese but" its use is also the performative creation of urban identity. View full university
  10. The State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang was established by Presidential Decree No. 50 on June 21 st 2004. Realizing the ideas of several East Java famous figures to establish Islamic higher educational institutions under the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Establishment committee of IAIN Surabaya Branch was found through the Ministry of Religious Affairs'Decree No. 17 of 1961. This committee was assigned to establish the Faculty of Shariah in Surabaya and the Faculty of Tarbiyah in Malang. Both are faculty branches of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga, which was inaugurated by the Minister of Religious Affairs on October 28, 1961. On October 1 st 1964 Faculty of Islamic Theology(Ushuluddin) was also established in Kediri through the Ministry of Religious Affairs' Decree No. 66/1964. In its development, the three branches of the faculty were merged and structurally administered under the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Sunan Ampel as established in the Ministry of Religious Affairs'Decree No. 20 1965. Based on this decree, the Faculty of Tarbiyah Malang became a branch faculty of IAIN Sunan Ampel. In a subsequent development, through Presidential Decree No. 11, 1997, the Faculty of Tarbiyah Malang IAIN Sunan Ampel changed its status into a State Islamic Institute of Malang (STAIN) by other faculty branches of IAIN in Indonesia, 33 institutes in total. Therefore, since that time, STAIN Malang had become an independent institute of Islamic higher education apart from IAIN SunanAmpel. In the strategic development plan, as stated in the Strategic Plan of STAIN Malang's Ten Year Development Plan (1998 / 1999-2008 / 2009), in the second half period of its development, STAIN Malang transformed its institutional status from an institute into a university. Through earnest efforts, the proposal to increase its status into a university was approved by President as manifested in the Presidential Decree No. 50, dated June 21, 2004, and was inaugurated by the Minister, Prof. H. A. Malik Fajar, M.Sc on behalf of the President on October 8, 2004, by the name of the State Islamic University (UIN) Malang with its main task was to conduct a program higher education in the Islamic religious sciences and general sciences. Thus, June 21 st 2004, is used as the birthday of this University. The University had once been named Indonesia-Sudan Islamic University (UIIS) as the implementation of cooperation between the Indonesian and Sudan government. It was inaugurated by the Vice President, Dr. H. Hamzah Haz, on July 21 st 2002, which was also attended by high officials of the Sudanese government. In the theoretical paradigm, the University develops knowledge from the scientific methods through logical reasoning such as observation, experimentation, surveys, interviews, and so on and from the Quran and Hadith, which is known as the integration paradigm. Therefore, the position of Islamic studies subjects such as the Qur'an and the Hadith, and Fiqh are very central in the framework of scientific knowledge integration. Located in Jalan Gajayana 50, Dinoyo Malang with 14 hectares campus area, this University modernizes itself physically since September 2005 with the Rector's building, faculty, administrative offices, lecture, laboratories, student affairs, training, sports, business center, polyclinic, mosques, and boarding school using the funding from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) through the IDB Approval Letter No. 41 / IND / 1287 dated August 17, 2004. On January 27, 2009, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, agreed to title the University with The State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Given the name is relatively long, on the speech on the 4th anniversary, the Rector abbreviated the University's name into UIN Maliki. With Magnificent and modern physical performance and through determination, passion, and strong commitment of all members of the academic and by pleading the blessing and guidance of Allah the Almighty, the University aims to be the center of excellence and the center of Islamic civilization as a step to implement the teachings of Islam as a mercy to the world (al Islam Rahmat li al- alamin). View full university
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