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About Me

Found 10 results

  1. St. Clare’s College, a school with a long tradition of preparing young women to be leaders who bring light and hope to the modern world. Together we form a vibrant, educating community consisting of students, Sisters, faculty and staff, parents, and the civic community, convinced of the importance and value of student-centered education. We strive to provide academic excellence and the promotion of human and spiritual values in a Salesian atmosphere of joy and nurturing, giving our students a sense of belonging to a worldwide family. We prepare them to meet the challenges of the future and become responsible stewards of God’s creation. We find the very reason for our existence in the integral education of children. We see each student as a unique individual who is lovingly created by God. Comprised of students, parents, Sisters, teachers, and staff, our educating community is committed to serving as partners of the parents who are the first educators of their children. We follow an educational approach of reason, values, and loving-kindness, which helps create a positive atmosphere of joy and friendliness coupled with a firm insistence that students demonstrate personal responsibility, discipline, academic excellence, and respect towards all of God’s creation. Students are encouraged to develop their talents through various competitions at the zone and city level sponsored by the Ministry of Education. In-home economics, students learn handiwork and make projects to display for the school to see. Students can also demonstrate their talent at the Talent Show each year gaining courage from the warm acceptance of their friends. Few things help us mature as much as giving service. From meeting the needy, the girls learn gratitude to God and their parents for all they have given them. They open their minds to the reality of our world and learn what is essential in life. They discover the joy of self-giving through various initiatives: Christmas bazaar to benefit the poor, collection for the needy orphans, and respectful attention to the workers at school. Each summer the girls finishing their first and second years of secondary volunteer to be counselors at Day Camp. Here they give their time and energy to care for the younger girls and form a bond with them like that of big sisters. Together, they make the family spirit grow stronger in the school community. The students participate in a variety of competitions with other schools, including academic, in English and Arabic, drama, and sports. Students usually excel in these competitions and go on to compete at higher levels. Within school, we also have art and talent contests. The spirit of competition is always friendly and gives the girls incentive to do well. View full school
  2. St.Clare's has a long tradition of providing Catholic education in North Manchester since the 1930s and during that time has richly influenced the lives of many young children who have taken away many special memories of their time here. We aim to achieve our Mission Statement by: Providing a broad and challenging curriculum enriched with the spiritual truths of our Faith. Teaching respect for self and others through the Catholic Faith. Furthering the children’s understanding of their own and other Faiths. Motivating children and teachers to do their best within a secure learning environment. Maintaining a high standard of discipline and behavior in an atmosphere of openness and shared responsibility within the school community. Valuing a close relationship with parents, the first teachers of our children. At St Clare's we always welcome feedback from our School community and we invite our parents. It makes us all incredibly proud to hear such positive comments about the children's behavior and their development and it's very rewarding for the Staff to be able to see how their hard work is appreciated. St. Clare’s is a Roman Catholic Primary School under the trusteeship of the Diocese of Salford. It is maintained by Manchester Local Authority. As a Voluntary Aided School, the Governing Body is the Admissions Authority and is responsible for taking decisions on applications for admissions. The coordination of admissions arrangements is undertaken by the Local Authority. For the school’s year commencing September 2018/19, the Governing Body has set its admissions number at 60. In addition to applying to the Local Authority, St. Clare’s admission policy requires applicants to complete a St. Clare’s Admissions Form to supplement this. This is available at the school office or on the school website. Your application can then be recorded at St. Clare’s and your child will be put on the waiting list at the school. St Clare's R C Primary School is a voluntary aided school. We manage our own admissions list. However, you will still need to complete your Manchester City Council Admissions Application for ReceptionPlaces.We also request that you register your application with Manchester Admissions. A child or young person has special educational needs if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A learning difficulty or disability is a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age. The special educational provision means educational or training provision that is additional to, or different from, that made generally for others of the same age in a mainstream setting in England. Health care provision or social care provision which educates or trains a child or young person is to be treated as a special educational provision. The Board of Governors and staff of St. Clare’s RC School fully recognize the responsibilities and duty placed upon them to have arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils at the school. We recognize that all staff, including volunteers, have a full and active part to play in protecting pupils from harm. We understand that our school and staff form part of the wider safeguarding system for children and that safeguarding and the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. We believe that our school should provide a caring, positive, safe, and stimulating environment in which pupils can learn and which promotes the social, physical, and emotional wellbeing of each pupil. The school recognizes its responsibilities and duties to report Child Protection concerns to the social work service within Children’s Specialist Services and to assist Children’s Specialist Services in Child Protection inquiries and in supporting Children in Need. Standards in literacy and numeracy are crucial to each pupil’s success at the next stage of their education and the school has a fundamental obligation to ensure the highest standards of attainment and progress in these key subjects. Academic achievement, however, requires pupils to be ready to learn so strong pastoral support and care, including working with families, is essential. For the future, IT matters and coding is emerging as a fundamental skill. This cannot be learned properly in the small amount of curriculum time available but the ability to code will play a big part in the long-term life chances of our children. Therefore pupils must be able to code within and beyond the school day and be supported to code independently of adults. St Clare's Code Club was established to achieve these aims. More widely, enrichment through drama, sport, music, dance, chess, and many other areas is central to the school’s Catholic mission of educating the whole child. On their journey between early years and secondary school, pupils pass through four school stages, and the quality of transition makes a difference. Providing continuity, ensuring a central role for assessment, and establishing effective emotional support are goals within the wider objective of minimizing disruption to pupils’ education during these significant changes. View full school
  3. In our school, we have the highest expectations for each one of our children. We provide a broad and inspiring curriculum for our children whilst working hard to ensure that each child is nurtured to be ambitious, resilient, resourceful, curious, and creative. They will leave our school having gained all the important skills and knowledge that will help them become successful in their future life. We welcome all children from all backgrounds and traditions who wish to learn in an atmosphere of respect and appreciation. We are a community where learning is celebrated and where both individual and collective achievement is valued. We currently have 24 different languages spoken in our school, we value and embrace the many different languages spoken in our school and create opportunities whenever possible for children to share aspects of their language and culture with other children in our school. Our visions and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning and provide an environment that prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens. Celebration of our Faith - To nurture each child’s relationship with God through learning, prayer, and celebration, encouraging a Catholic way of living. Recognize and Respect different Faiths and Beliefs. We invite all of our children to pray and to say their prayers respectfully and quietly. We are all praying for the same reasons. Relationships - To ensure that our children experience positive relationships in school which will influence their understanding of everyday life. Individual Support - To provide appropriate support for our children, their families, and members of staff. To ensure that our school is a safe community in which the emotional and physical well-being of our children is safeguarded. Curriculum - To provide opportunities for all our children to develop their knowledge, skills, and understanding in a stimulating high-quality learning environment where each child’s contribution is valued. At St Clare’s we aim to provide our pupils with a curriculum, which: develops the best possible progress and the highest attainment in the core and foundation subjects, for all of our pupils, is broad and balanced, and has a clear progression of skills and knowledge, is focused on deep learning, and challenges our pupils to apply their new skills, knowledge, and understanding creatively and thoughtfully to different problems and Contexts, promotes our pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and, in particular, the differences between right and wrong, and promotes an understanding of citizens’ rights and responsibilities. We want everyone in our school to be responsible and caring citizens who make positive contributions to communities ensures our pupils feel successful in their learning and develops their self-esteem has an understanding of the needs of future citizens, in a changing world makes learning more meaningful by putting it into context, relating it to our locality, to Britain and the wider world. By The Department for Education, we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races, and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law. The Key Values are: Democracy Rule of law Individual liberty Mutual respect Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs To fulfill our aims and objectives, St.Clare's will follow the Come and See program of Religious Education, recommended by the Archdiocese of Liverpool as our scheme of work. Come and See is an innovative and engaging program of study which is an invitation to exploration and the promise of life for everyone. Come and See offers the opportunity to search, explore, discover, and respond allowing our pupils to reflect on what it is to be human and living in our world. Come and See raises questions and provides the materials for children to reflect upon their own experiences raising questions of meaning and purpose which will enable children to think critically about themselves. Come and See explores the beliefs, values, and way of life of the Catholic traditions, and other faith traditions, developing good attitudes and dispositions so that our children are instilled with a ‘love of learning,’ creating a desire to go on learning. Children will be offered a sense of self-worth through the experience of belonging to the caring community of St.Clare's learning to develop a 'love of each other' which allows their individual 'lights to shine. View full school
  4. St Clare'S Convent School was established in the year 1966. It is an English medium Co-educational Independent school affiliated to CBSE with affiliation number 3530129 and has a General affiliation which is valid up to 31/3/2021. It lies in the Dehradun district of Uttarakhand and is currently being managed by the The Ins Of The F C Sistres', Uttarakhand. It is presently under the principal -administration of SR SANJANA. There are a total of 40 rooms, 02 Labs, and 1 Library present in the school. You can find other information about the school in the tables below. NATURE OF THE SCHOOL Category of School Co-educational Medium of Instruction English Types of School Independent Labs and Rooms Details Total Rooms Total Lab Total Libraries Small Room Medium Room Large Room School Area (in Sq m.) Play Area (in Sq m.) 40 02 01 01 38 1 9396 650 View full school
  5. St Clare'S Convent High School was established in the year 1993. It is an English medium Co-educational Independent school affiliated to CBSE with affiliation number 230068 and has a General affiliation which is valid up to 31/3/2021. It is located in the Kamrup district of Assam and is currently being managed by the St Clare Convent Educational Soc, Assam. It is presently under the principal -administration of FRANCINA. There are a total of 50 rooms, 4 Labs, and 1 Library present in the school. You can find other information about the school in the tables below. NATURE OF THE SCHOOL Category of School Co-educational Medium of Instruction English Types of School Independent Labs and Rooms Details Total Rooms Total Lab Total Libraries Small Room Medium Room Large Room School Area (in Sq m.) Play Area (in Sq m.) 50 4 1 2 5 43 4785 11500 View full school
  6. St.Clare's has a long tradition of providing Catholic education in North Manchester since the 1930s and during that time has richly influenced the lives of many young children who have taken away many special memories of their time here. We aim to achieve our Mission Statement by: Providing a broad and challenging curriculum enriched with the spiritual truths of our Faith. Teaching respect for self and others through the Catholic Faith. Furthering the children’s understanding of their own and other Faiths. Motivating children and teachers to do their best within a secure learning environment. Maintaining a high standard of discipline and behavior in an atmosphere of openness and shared responsibility within the school community. Valuing a close relationship with parents, the first teachers of our children. At St Clare's we always welcome feedback from our School community and we invite our parents. It makes us all incredibly proud to hear such positive comments about the children's behavior and their development and it's very rewarding for the Staff to be able to see how their hard work is appreciated. St. Clare’s is a Roman Catholic Primary School under the trusteeship of the Diocese of Salford. It is maintained by Manchester Local Authority. As a Voluntary Aided School, the Governing Body is the Admissions Authority and is responsible for taking decisions on applications for admissions. The coordination of admissions arrangements is undertaken by the Local Authority. For the school’s year commencing September 2018/19, the Governing Body has set its admissions number at 60. In addition to applying to the Local Authority, St. Clare’s admission policy requires applicants to complete a St. Clare’s Admissions Form to supplement this. This is available at the school office or on the school website. Your application can then be recorded at St. Clare’s and your child will be put on the waiting list at the school. St Clare's R C Primary School is a voluntary aided school. We manage our own admissions list. However, you will still need to complete your Manchester City Council Admissions Application for ReceptionPlaces.We also request that you register your application with Manchester Admissions. A child or young person has special educational needs if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A learning difficulty or disability is a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age. The special educational provision means educational or training provision that is additional to, or different from, that made generally for others of the same age in a mainstream setting in England. Health care provision or social care provision which educates or trains a child or young person is to be treated as a special educational provision. The Board of Governors and staff of St. Clare’s RC School fully recognize the responsibilities and duty placed upon them to have arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils at the school. We recognize that all staff, including volunteers, have a full and active part to play in protecting pupils from harm. We understand that our school and staff form part of the wider safeguarding system for children and that safeguarding and the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. We believe that our school should provide a caring, positive, safe, and stimulating environment in which pupils can learn and which promotes the social, physical, and emotional wellbeing of each pupil. The school recognizes its responsibilities and duties to report Child Protection concerns to the social work service within Children’s Specialist Services and to assist Children’s Specialist Services in Child Protection inquiries and in supporting Children in Need. Standards in literacy and numeracy are crucial to each pupil’s success at the next stage of their education and the school has a fundamental obligation to ensure the highest standards of attainment and progress in these key subjects. Academic achievement, however, requires pupils to be ready to learn so strong pastoral support and care, including working with families, is essential. For the future, IT matters and coding is emerging as a fundamental skill. This cannot be learned properly in the small amount of curriculum time available but the ability to code will play a big part in the long-term life chances of our children. Therefore pupils must be able to code within and beyond the school day and be supported to code independently of adults. St Clare's Code Club was established to achieve these aims. More widely, enrichment through drama, sport, music, dance, chess, and many other areas is central to the school’s Catholic mission of educating the whole child. On their journey between early years and secondary school, pupils pass through four school stages, and the quality of transition makes a difference. Providing continuity, ensuring a central role for assessment, and establishing effective emotional support are goals within the wider objective of minimizing disruption to pupils’ education during these significant changes.
  7. In our school, we have the highest expectations for each one of our children. We provide a broad and inspiring curriculum for our children whilst working hard to ensure that each child is nurtured to be ambitious, resilient, resourceful, curious, and creative. They will leave our school having gained all the important skills and knowledge that will help them become successful in their future life. We welcome all children from all backgrounds and traditions who wish to learn in an atmosphere of respect and appreciation. We are a community where learning is celebrated and where both individual and collective achievement is valued. We currently have 24 different languages spoken in our school, we value and embrace the many different languages spoken in our school and create opportunities whenever possible for children to share aspects of their language and culture with other children in our school. Our visions and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning and provide an environment that prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens. Celebration of our Faith - To nurture each child’s relationship with God through learning, prayer, and celebration, encouraging a Catholic way of living. Recognize and Respect different Faiths and Beliefs. We invite all of our children to pray and to say their prayers respectfully and quietly. We are all praying for the same reasons. Relationships - To ensure that our children experience positive relationships in school which will influence their understanding of everyday life. Individual Support - To provide appropriate support for our children, their families, and members of staff. To ensure that our school is a safe community in which the emotional and physical well-being of our children is safeguarded. Curriculum - To provide opportunities for all our children to develop their knowledge, skills, and understanding in a stimulating high-quality learning environment where each child’s contribution is valued. At St Clare’s we aim to provide our pupils with a curriculum, which: develops the best possible progress and the highest attainment in the core and foundation subjects, for all of our pupils, is broad and balanced, and has a clear progression of skills and knowledge, is focused on deep learning, and challenges our pupils to apply their new skills, knowledge, and understanding creatively and thoughtfully to different problems and Contexts, promotes our pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and, in particular, the differences between right and wrong, and promotes an understanding of citizens’ rights and responsibilities. We want everyone in our school to be responsible and caring citizens who make positive contributions to communities ensures our pupils feel successful in their learning and develops their self-esteem has an understanding of the needs of future citizens, in a changing world makes learning more meaningful by putting it into context, relating it to our locality, to Britain and the wider world. By The Department for Education, we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races, and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law. The Key Values are: Democracy Rule of law Individual liberty Mutual respect Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs To fulfill our aims and objectives, St.Clare's will follow the Come and See program of Religious Education, recommended by the Archdiocese of Liverpool as our scheme of work. Come and See is an innovative and engaging program of study which is an invitation to exploration and the promise of life for everyone. Come and See offers the opportunity to search, explore, discover, and respond allowing our pupils to reflect on what it is to be human and living in our world. Come and See raises questions and provides the materials for children to reflect upon their own experiences raising questions of meaning and purpose which will enable children to think critically about themselves. Come and See explores the beliefs, values, and way of life of the Catholic traditions, and other faith traditions, developing good attitudes and dispositions so that our children are instilled with a ‘love of learning,’ creating a desire to go on learning. Children will be offered a sense of self-worth through the experience of belonging to the caring community of St.Clare's learning to develop a 'love of each other' which allows their individual 'lights to shine.
  8. St. Clare’s College, a school with a long tradition of preparing young women to be leaders who bring light and hope to the modern world. Together we form a vibrant, educating community consisting of students, Sisters, faculty and staff, parents, and the civic community, convinced of the importance and value of student-centered education. We strive to provide academic excellence and the promotion of human and spiritual values in a Salesian atmosphere of joy and nurturing, giving our students a sense of belonging to a worldwide family. We prepare them to meet the challenges of the future and become responsible stewards of God’s creation. We find the very reason for our existence in the integral education of children. We see each student as a unique individual who is lovingly created by God. Comprised of students, parents, Sisters, teachers, and staff, our educating community is committed to serving as partners of the parents who are the first educators of their children. We follow an educational approach of reason, values, and loving-kindness, which helps create a positive atmosphere of joy and friendliness coupled with a firm insistence that students demonstrate personal responsibility, discipline, academic excellence, and respect towards all of God’s creation. Students are encouraged to develop their talents through various competitions at the zone and city level sponsored by the Ministry of Education. In-home economics, students learn handiwork and make projects to display for the school to see. Students can also demonstrate their talent at the Talent Show each year gaining courage from the warm acceptance of their friends. Few things help us mature as much as giving service. From meeting the needy, the girls learn gratitude to God and their parents for all they have given them. They open their minds to the reality of our world and learn what is essential in life. They discover the joy of self-giving through various initiatives: Christmas bazaar to benefit the poor, collection for the needy orphans, and respectful attention to the workers at school. Each summer the girls finishing their first and second years of secondary volunteer to be counselors at Day Camp. Here they give their time and energy to care for the younger girls and form a bond with them like that of big sisters. Together, they make the family spirit grow stronger in the school community. The students participate in a variety of competitions with other schools, including academic, in English and Arabic, drama, and sports. Students usually excel in these competitions and go on to compete at higher levels. Within school, we also have art and talent contests. The spirit of competition is always friendly and gives the girls incentive to do well.
  9. St Clare'S Convent High School was established in the year 1993. It is an English medium Co-educational Independent school affiliated to CBSE with affiliation number 230068 and has a General affiliation which is valid up to 31/3/2021. It is located in the Kamrup district of Assam and is currently being managed by the St Clare Convent Educational Soc, Assam. It is presently under the principal -administration of FRANCINA. There are a total of 50 rooms, 4 Labs, and 1 Library present in the school. You can find other information about the school in the tables below. NATURE OF THE SCHOOL Category of School Co-educational Medium of Instruction English Types of School Independent Labs and Rooms Details Total Rooms Total Lab Total Libraries Small Room Medium Room Large Room School Area (in Sq m.) Play Area (in Sq m.) 50 4 1 2 5 43 4785 11500
  10. St Clare'S Convent School was established in the year 1966. It is an English medium Co-educational Independent school affiliated to CBSE with affiliation number 3530129 and has a General affiliation which is valid up to 31/3/2021. It lies in the Dehradun district of Uttarakhand and is currently being managed by the The Ins Of The F C Sistres', Uttarakhand. It is presently under the principal -administration of SR SANJANA. There are a total of 40 rooms, 02 Labs, and 1 Library present in the school. You can find other information about the school in the tables below. NATURE OF THE SCHOOL Category of School Co-educational Medium of Instruction English Types of School Independent Labs and Rooms Details Total Rooms Total Lab Total Libraries Small Room Medium Room Large Room School Area (in Sq m.) Play Area (in Sq m.) 40 02 01 01 38 1 9396 650
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