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  • Spray School district


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    The Spray School district is a unified district kindergarten through 12th grade. Spray High School has a strong academic and activities program for all students. Life in a small school means increased opportunities to learn and engage in athletics. The class size is 6 - 10 students, with elective classes having smaller numbers. In addition to core classes: calculus, physics, Spanish, photography, art, and woodshop. Students who qualify can earn an Oregon transfer degree by participating in our Early College program. All Spray graduates are eligible for the district's McQuinn scholarships. A high percentage of graduates pursue post-secondary programs. We have an athletic and activities program providing: football, volleyball, basketball, cross-country, track, Model UN, drama, and yearbook. There is a place for every student to shine.
    The Spray School district has the responsibility to provide an education for all its students – to equip each student with the necessary skills, understanding, and appreciation for living successfully in our society. The area of student conduct is one, which directly affects the total performance of the school. It is an area in which the student, parent or legal guardian, and school share responsibility.
    The Spray School Board recognizes that developing these qualities in its students is a vital part of the educational process. Therefore, to develop such qualities, it is necessary for each student and his/her parent or legal guardian to be aware of a student's rights and responsibilities in the Spray School District.
    School rules exist to protect all of us, but they especially protect each student's right to education without disruption in a safe environment. By law, the district has the authority and control over a student during the regular school day, at any school-related activity regardless of the time or location, or while being transported in the district provided transportation. Because it must provide a proper climate for learning, the school is concerned with developing positive attitudes, habits, and behavior in its students of self-discipline, responsibility, and respect for other people and their property.
    Students in grades 7 and 8 must have a parent note permitting them to leave campus during break or lunch. Students in grades 9 -12 are allowed to walk from campus during break and lunch within the open campus boundaries. The boundaries are the Lone Elk store and Post Office. During the break, lunch, and the school day, the football field, rodeo grounds, and road around the grounds are off-limits. High school students who live near the campus may walk home for lunch. Students not within the boundaries are subject to discipline. Students cannot go to the dorm during the break, lunch, or during the school day.
    No food or beverages other than water may be brought into or consumed in the classroom. Classroom social activities planned by the teacher are exceptions. Students are permitted by a staff member to leave the classroom to use the restroom, go to the office or another classroom. Students are not allowed to leave the campus to go home or the dorm.
    Being involved in any extracurricular activity makes you a highly visible representative of our school. Therefore, the behavior of all participants at any time is critical. We expect a high level of responsibility both in school and outside of school time. To ensure that this happens, all participants will sign the Spray School District Athletic/Activities Participation Contract at the beginning of the season. The contract will be regarding the participant's general conduct at all times, not just during school or the activity itself. Failure to abide by this contract will revoke privileges, suspension, or expulsion from that activity.

    Spray School district
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Mr. Larry Johnson (Principal)
    Number of staff: 0
    Address: Spray School district, P.O. Box 230, Spray, Oregon, 97874, United States

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