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  • Oxbridge Academy


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    Founded in 2011 on a 54-acre campus, Oxbridge offers a different approach to secondary education. With state-of-the-art technology, creative collaboration spaces, and passionate educators, our students are inspired and prepared to succeed. Our mission is to inspire wisdom through learning in an environment that fosters inquiry, collaboration, innovation, and personal discovery. To inspire a love of learning in our graduates that will help them face future challenges and opportunities with success. Core Values:

    • Cultivate discipline, perseverance, confidence, and personal responsibility
    • Serve the school and society with integrity, respect, and compassion
    • Value individuality and honor different perspectives
    • Model kindness, courtesy, and awareness of self and others
    • Encourage creative exploration, collaboration, community, and enthusiasm for learning

    Oxbridge understands that the path to success is different for every student and is rarely a straight journey. Recognizing that students learn differently, our Learning Support team is available to any student and is utilized by many. We assist students during class, study halls, and after school, providing the extra help that an individual may need to grasp a concept, solve a problem, or improve his or her depth of learning.

    The Learning Lab (room B14) is a resource center designed to empower students to create optimal opportunities for academic success. Studies have shown that metacognition, or thinking about how we think, can help students become more efficient, more successful, and less stressed, with long-lasting effects. True to the Oxbridge culture, this room is designed to be a collaborative, hands-on experience where students will learn, practice, and assess their strengths and weaknesses and a wide range of learning strategies. From "walk-ins" to regularly scheduled study times, all students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to be a part of the metacognitive experience.

    The WRC is a student-centered program in which students tutor students. Our goal is to improve and celebrate all aspects of literacy and communication across the curriculum. We encourage students to seek assistance on any writing or reading assignment at any level and any point in the creation process. Our center believes in writing, thinking, and reading as a creative and multi-step process, and through academic discourse, we encourage students to work, reflect, and grow as effective and confident communicators.

    We have modeled our center on those that currently exist at almost every American college or university. We are the only high school in the region with a writing center. Every semester, a group of students is trained via an elective course called Peer Tutoring. While in the center, Peer tutors engage with writers for thirty-minute sessions with the intention not only of creating better writing but of creating better writers.

    Oxbridge Academy
    Founding year: 2011
    Website: Visit Website
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Dr. Ralph Maurer (Head)
    Address: Oxbridge Academy, 3151 N Military Trl, West Palm Beach, Alabama, 33409, United States

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