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  • Christ Church Episcopal School


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    An independent college preparatory school in the Episcopal tradition with a carefully coordinated P(K)-12 curriculum, Christ Church Episcopal School is one of the Greenville, SC area's most prestigious academic institutions. However, the CCES experience encompasses much more than educational endeavors, providing students opportunities to fulfill their social, physical, and spiritual potential.

    As an independent school, CCES offers a truly unique educational experience. Small classes, dedicated faculty, and well-rounded programs help create a supportive yet challenging environment where students can learn, grow, and excel. The P(K)-12 academic curriculum's continuity allows students to seamlessly transition from the child-centered classrooms of the Lower School to the more independent nature of the Middle School to the academically rigorous atmosphere in the Upper School. These components come together to develop the foundation for each student's future far beyond the classroom.

    At CCES, academic performance is not the sole measure of success. From our 47 diverse athletic teams to our variety of unique service-learning projects to our extensive selection of clubs & extracurriculars, each student can engage in activities that speak to their interests and skills. Our carefully planned programs also foster fundamental characteristics such as leadership, creativity, critical thinking, teamwork, and other traits that prepare each student for a lifetime of success.

    We offer coherence: a faith foundation that puts knowledge into the perspective of service to humanity lineal connections in subject areas from Primer through the senior year of high school that ensure developmental growth, a code of conduct, and a set of principles permeate all that we do and say. Our core values character, community, excellence, and service-suffuse the P-12 life of the school. We honor our Episcopal tradition and believe that we serve people best and live the most meaningful lives when we dedicate ourselves to the Sovereign Good.

    We offer accountability:

    • On the frontlines, teachers are dedicated to promoting academic and ethical growth.
    • The chaplaincy knows and loves your children and their parents.
    • Our administrative staff responds to your needs, concerns, and grievances promptly (we want to get it right all the time).

    We offer an opportunity: extraordinary opportunities to participate in competitive athletics at a high level, with inspirational coaches, and to bask in the pleasure of stage performance under the guidance of gifted arts instructors a culture that celebrates service and requires all students to explore practical service to others and faith-centered programs directed by our chaplains. These multiple and integrated venues that CCES offers students to develop into productive, disciplined, and conscientious people are distinctive in the Upstate.

    We offer a challenge: no one improves without high standards, motivation, and encouragement. CCES brings the best out of its students because it sets the bar high, provides assistance, and instills the confidence that leads to success.

    We offer community: perhaps the most appealing trait of CCES is its sense of togetherness. Collateral, parent volunteer groups enrich student activities with their support. The Parents Organization, Booster Club, and Arts Guild do beautiful things for students, mentors, and guests. The alumni association maintains links among our three thousand alums, including seventeen hundred in the Upstate. However, it is an informal activity that saves the day often. This connectedness is explicit when someone is in need. Care abounds. Compassion is tangible. People step up. The network of communication among CCES parents is vital. Faculty and staff extend regular and often unrecognized assistance to colleagues. We take care of one another.

    Character and competence result from this amalgam of institutional attributes. In addition to an assurance that a CCES graduate will be academically prepared for higher education, we deliberately cultivate six character traits: resilience, or persistence, colloquially known as "grit" collaboration, or teamwork creativity, or problem-solving ability, time management, or work ethic ethics, or compassion, empathy, and integrity and intrinsic motivation, or intellectual curiosity.

    Combining skills and virtue accounts for an impressive catalog of academic, athletic, and artistic accomplishments. These accomplishments are evidence of high aspirations and enthusiastic support and encouragement to make the most of our abilities. Offering students a unique educational experience, including International Baccalaureate (IB) programs and a challenging college preparatory curriculum, CCES has become synonymous with academic excellence throughout the area.

    It is evident in the measures of our students' achievements: 100% of our students are accepted into a college, SAT scores consistently outpace national averages by several hundred points, and IB scores exceed world averages. But it is even more evident in the classroom. Dedicated teachers with imagination and high standards make strong connections with their students. Our students are motivated to meet the high expectations of teachers who believe in them.

    Christ Church Episcopal School
    Founding year: 1959
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Dr. Leonard Kupersmith (Headmaster)
    Number of staff: 0





    Address: Christ Church Episcopal School, 245 Cavalier Drive, Greenville,, South Carolina, 29607, United States

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