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  • Wimbledon Common Preparatory School


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    WCPS, also known locally as ‘Squirrels’, is a very popular pre-prep school for boys aged 4-7 and is within the foundation of King’s College School, Wimbledon. It benefits from significant investment from King’s College School and our buildings and facilities are excellent. We have an enviable reputation and an outstanding record of gaining places for many of our boys at King’s and other leading preparatory schools.
    We believe that each boy brings his talents and gifts that will be valued, nurtured, and developed through the dynamic and stimulating curriculum that we offer. However, making a decision about which school to choose for your son can be a daunting one so I invite you to join us at one of our coffee mornings. We will meet together in an informal setting and then our older boys will lead you around the school, answering your questions as they go. We are rightly very proud of our boys and believe they are the very best ambassadors for the school.
    It will be through walking around the school, seeing the boys and teachers in action, and by asking your questions that you will get the best ‘feel’ of life in Wimbledon Common Preparatory School. All boys begin school with a variety of experiences and previous learning. It is the privilege of the practitioners working in the Early Years to take on the task of building upon that prior learning and experience. This is done through a holistic approach to learning, ensuring that parents/carers, support staff, and the Reception teachers work effectively together to support boys’ learning and development.
    Boys join WCPS in the September following their fourth birthday. We ask for a report from their nursery school and spend time getting to know your son before we offer a place. You can view our prospectus online or request a printed prospectus. We hope that this will help us to discover if our school will be a good match for your son and that we believe he will flourish here.
    The teaching team at Wimbledon Common Preparatory School is experienced and committed to delivering the highest level of the educational experience for your son. The boys are taught primarily by their class teacher but have specialist teachers for French, Sports, and Music. We have developed a curriculum that is broad and challenging, whilst also meeting the requirements of the competitive prep school admissions process.
    Starting in Reception, there is a balance between individual, paired, and group activities as we encourage co-operation, collaboration, and competition in all we do.
    The boys learn the specific skills involved in playing tag rugby, football, hockey, and cricket. WCPS has a full program of inter-school matches in football, tag rugby, and athletics. Every boy plays competitive sports fixtures each term from Reception to Year 2. The high quality of teaching is reflected in the positive results against local schools.
    The school seeks to continuously develop and improve our safeguarding policies and procedures and to instill a culture where boys are confident that their concerns will be heard and acted on appropriately. Through a carefully planned curriculum, we also instill in the boys the skills they need to keep themselves safe in a variety of different situations that they may face e.g. personal safeguarding, online security, stranger danger.
    All members of staff are trained to level 2 in child protection and training is updated regularly in line with LSCB requirements. The Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead are trained to level 3 in child protection. Parents should feel confident to approach the DSL or Deputy DSL should they have any concerns about a child’s welfare. Appointments can be made through the school office.
    Policies on curriculum, supported by appropriate plans and schemes of work, policies on welfare, health and safety, particulars of academic performance including future schools to which boys have gained admission, details of the complaints procedure, and the number of complaints registered, and a list of staff at the school with a summary of their qualifications may be obtained from the school. We would like to assure you that the school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff to share this commitment.
    The premises were in the basement and ground floor of 45 High Street and the Principal was Miss Whiting, 'young middle-aged, a sweet, charming lady', according to a distinguished former pupil. The school moved the site to Homefield Road but then in 1957, Wimbledon Common Preparatory School acquired a fine building on the Ridgway, opposite King's College School, which we occupy to this day. The school is exceptionally well situated in an attractive and spacious site in Wimbledon Village. It is set in a beautiful large playground and is surrounded by trees and has an adventure playground.
    In June 2006 The Corporation of King's College School bought the school which consolidated our relationship with this prestigious educational institution. Orchard Hall was completed in 2008 providing a teaching area for Music, Gymnastics, and Drama. More recently our new all-weather surface was laid in 2012 for use during break times and outdoor Physical Education lessons.

    Wimbledon Common Preparatory School
    Founding year: 1919
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Boys
    Leadership: Mrs. Head Teacher: Tracey Buck
    Address: 113 Ridgway, Wimbledon, London, SW19 4TA, United Kingdom

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