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  • St Patrick's RC Primary School


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    We embrace our differences, create space for forgiveness, and journey towards a shared understanding of God’s love for each of us. Starting or moving school is a major step for a child and we are conscious of this. We believe that when family, school, and parish work in partnership, your child can make this step securely. Here at St Patrick's, we do everything we can to develop the potential of every child who attends our school. Also, we work hard to create and promote the gospel values.
    We aim to provide full-time nursery places for children who are aged three from September 1st to August 31st of the previous academic year. Children cannot be admitted into our Nursery until they are aged three.
    Parents and Carers should contact the school office if they wish to place their child’s name on our Nursery waiting list. Admission to Nursery is based on age. Putting your child’s name on the waiting list earlier does not mean they will get into the Nursery earlier. Children’s names need to be on the Nursery waiting list by the end of the Easter holidays, the term before they are due to start in Nursery. Once accepted for our Nursery a home school transition program will be organized for your child. This is run by the Nursery team.
    Manchester local authority is responsible for admission of all reception places, including children who are already in our Nursery. The local authority form must be completed by parents online by the nominated date in the year before your child is due to start Reception. A late application could result in your child not getting a place at the school of their choice. Parents who have a Nursery place at St Patrick’s do not automatically get a place in Reception at that school.
    Contact should be made with the school office. Details will be taken and the parents/carers will be advised if there are any vacancies in that year group. If there are vacancies an appointment will be made for the parents/carers and child to come to visit our school. The office will advise the parents/carers of documentation that will be needed and admission forms will be completed.
    As a Catholic school, it is essential that the love of Jesus Christ and the Gospel values that we live by remain at the center of our teaching and learning. In addition to this, we strive for excellence and want to offer our children a variety of experiences that are relevant and inspirational, whilst developing the essential skills that they need for their future lives as citizens of our world.
    Whilst the Headteacher of the school is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school, the role of the Governing Body is to provide strategic management and to act as a ‘critical friend’, supporting and challenging the school. Schools generally have a budget to cover salaries, running costs, maintenance, and equipment and the Governing Body is responsible for managing this budget. They can decide how many and what types of staff to employ, which equipment to upgrade or replace, and what the priorities are for implementing new strategies and initiatives.
    Governors also have a role in monitoring the school's progress and in setting annual targets for the school's performance and the Headteacher. Governors are volunteers and the overall Governing Body is made up of several different types of governors: Parent Governors, Staff Governors, Foundation Governors (ie. Appointed by the Bishop and likely to be Parishioners or those with a close history with school or Parish), and Local Authority Governors.
    Parent governors are not delegates and are not obliged to get voting instructions on matters to be decided, nor to vote by the parent body's views. It is important that parent governors can give a fair and accurate representation of parental opinion on matters of importance. Care must, however, be taken if they are approached by another parent with a complaint about the school, in which case the parent concerned should be referred to the school’s complaints policy. They vote, however, according to their conscience and with the well-being of the school foremost in mind.
    The DfE have recently reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.” At St. Patrick’s these values are reinforced regularly through our mission.

    St Patrick's RC Primary School
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Mrs. Executive Head Teacher: A Clinton
    Address: Livesey Street, Collyhurst, Manchester, M4 5HF, United Kingdom

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