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  • St Bede's Catholic Infant School


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    The White House Preparatory School has been established as a leading Independent Co-Educational Day Preparatory School for almost thirty years. We cater to children from two and a half to eleven years old, and we are lucky to teach small classes of happy children in a beautiful Cubitt-designed Victorian villa in Clapham Park, situated, five minutes from Clapham Common, amid a vibrant community. In keeping with our ethos of bringing out the best in every child, we keep the school small and personal. Our class sizes average sixteen pupils and we make sure that every child from the beginning of their time with us feels valued and cared for with a special part to play in the everyday life of the school.
    We are a close-knit community with strong ties to our children’s families and believe that there is more to education than simple academics, although we excel in this area as well. We manage to teach in a non-pressured, happy way, encouraging a love of learning and bringing out the many facets of our pupils’ personalities. Our children enjoy a vibrant, broad curriculum that stimulates, challenges, and excites. Our children are happy pupils, as we believe that they learn more and give more if they are in a nurturing place that they love. We offer excellent pastoral support, encourage manners, and respect for one another. To truly educate we celebrate the creative, the physical, and the spiritual to create a rounded individual.
    We cherish childhood in all its forms, and we encourage gentleness, kindness, and humility. Traditional values have been shown to hold great sway in the workplace, and we foster them in our boys and girls. Individuality, so often absent in schools these days, lost in a chase for targets and exam successes, is actively encouraged, and we manage to combine this with the academic success which is intrinsic to modern life today. We are very proud of The White House pupils who leave us at the age of eleven for a variety of prestigious London Day Schools they stand out from their peers. Confident but without arrogance, self-assured but not pushy, with a strong moral compass and unbounded enthusiasm. The children we educate are our best advertisement. The White House is a special place that brings our pupils back for visits years after they have left.
    The White House Preparatory School ensures children achieve high academic results whilst continuing to remember the importance of being child-centered. We encourage happiness, reward hard work, acknowledge and praise children for both personal and academic achievements.

    St Bede's Catholic Infant School
    Founding year: 1985
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Head Master: Tony Lewis
    Address: The White House, 24 Thornton Road, Clapham, London, SW12 0LF, United Kingdom

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