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  • South Bank Engineering UTC


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    A University Technical College is a type of secondary school for 14–19 year-olds led by a university sponsor and co-sponsored by leading industries. We are well on track to achieve excellent academic results in our GCSE, A level, and BTEC courses. These high-quality technical courses related to our engineering specialism, alongside the traditional subjects required at Key Stage 4, are underpinned by a guiding vision to promote students’ employability so that they can embrace the opportunities presented by the future economy and thrive in a competitive, professional environment.
    Our facilities are host to industry-standard equipment for hands-on learning. Phase 1 of our building on Brixton Hill is now complete, with advanced engineering workshops supplemented by the laboratory, computing, and personalized learning spaces designed specifically for the STEM curriculum. Our workshops are the envy of many universities, let alone schools, with 3D printing, laser cutting, CNC machinery, robotics, and virtual reality all extensively used in our day-to-day learning.
    Our specialisms in engineering link to the proud heritage in London. Engineering is much more than building things: it is creative, practical, and aims to make the world a better place for future generations. We focus on allowing our students to apply their imagination, ideas, and creativity in their learning in an engineering context, not forgetting to develop their transferable ‘soft skills including teamwork, leadership, and communication skills.
    As a specialist comprehensive academy, we are non-selective, charge no fees, open to students aged 14-19 (with cohorts entering in either Year 10 or Year 12), and are inspected by Ofsted. Given our very specialist, innovative way of working, students who choose to study with us have pathways into university but may also choose to pursue higher-level apprenticeships or aim for employment.
    Our students are exceptionally motivated young people with a thirst to be creative and to work in an academic, technical environment. They are given support to become effective self-managers and team players, and they are in tune with our business-like way of working, with a professional working day, little homework, and business dress rather than a traditional uniform. We offer opportunities far beyond those in a traditional school.
    Students will work with world-class sponsors in an innovative specialist curriculum and learning environment to develop outstanding knowledge and skills. Students experience new ways of learning focused on technical projects and experiences enriching their taught curriculum that allows all their learning to be contextualized in the real world. These experiences are led by the UTC’s university and industry partners and are strongly linked to skills demands in the economy: students are developing the skills and expertise in demand.
    As a result, with high academic standards and strong technical and employability skills, graduates of the UTC will be highly sought after by companies for employment or apprenticeships and will be well prepared for higher education and lifelong learning. This is particularly important as the economy changes quickly over time, shaped by new opportunities and the technical and political landscape.
    Our ethos is the promotion of every learner’s personal and future professional development. Every student who graduates from the UTC will be confident and well prepared to enter the world of work directly or via higher education or an apprenticeship. UTC students will stand out as being among the country’s best engineers with the knowledge and skills to enhance future industrial practice. This will help to address engineering skills gaps, particularly within the building and health sectors. We will help create the next generation of engineers and scientists who will work on exciting industry-led projects, developing innovative new products and processes that will influence the way we live in the future.
    As a brand new school, we are free from some of the shackles of ‘traditional thinking’ and established routines. We can innovate with the use of technology, for example, breaking down barriers to when, where, and how learning takes place.
    As a fully inclusive school, we welcome and support the diversity of talent who is keen to join us. We place considerable resources were required so that all students, regardless of background, make strong progress and achieve their desired pathways post-UTC.
    South Bank Engineering UTC will be respected for its professionalism, diversity, aspiration, and team working. South Bank Engineering UTC sets itself high standards of performance and achievement, punctuality, and conduct that reflect expectations and standards in the best of workplaces. Our values incorporate ‘professionalism’ in all its many meanings, including embracing and celebrating diversity and supporting the development of British Values in all our students.

    South Bank Engineering UTC
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Dan Cundy (Principal)
    Address: 56 Brixton Hill, London, GB, SW2 1QS, United Kingdom

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