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  • Saint Raphaels Catholic Primary School


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    Our pupils are our greatest ambassadors. Every visitor to our school mentions the exceptional standards of behavior exhibited by our pupils. Here you will see pupils striving to live out our mission statement:

    "As we walk with Jesus, we love, live, and learn."

    Central to our aims as a Catholic school is to ensure that we work in a spirit of partnership with you, our parents, developing our respective roles and responsibilities, teaching children about respect, mutual understanding, and deepening their relationship with God. When your child joins our school, we embark on a journey together, a journey unknown but yet full of endless possibilities.

    Our teaching and support staff are committed to ensuring that every child makes good progress, of course, they are, however in St Raphael's we are committed to developing the whole child. We are committed to making sure that every child leaves our school knowing that they have a responsibility for others, that they are the eyes of Christ in this world, they are His hands, they are His feet.

    We are committed to making sure every child leaves our school understanding that they need to keep themselves healthy, enjoy a sport, play an instrument, and take part in team activities examples include debating, science fair, and choir.

    Safety is our prime concern and so all staff working at St Raphael's Catholic Primary school are committed to safe working practices and keeping our pupils safe. The children at St. Raphael’s know they are a source of great pride to us they respond to the high standards set for them. We look forward to working with our established families, and those who are new to our school, to make every child’s time here happy and successful.

    We believe that St. Raphael’s School exists to be a vibrant, worshipping, and welcoming community – a living example of our faith. We all have an important role to play in building our community. This is reflected in how we learn, laugh, play and worship together, showing care, respect, support, and forgiveness and for each other as we walk with Jesus.

    On our journey together, we are a sign of God’s presence to each person we meet. Therefore, each day we do our very best in our search for truth and justice and all that we do. As a strong, supportive community, we reach out to others and recognize our responsibility to make this a better and fair world for all.

    To fulfill the spirit of our mission, we aim to:

    • Consciously promote a sense of belonging to a community, which is founded in the tradition of the early Church and so grounded in sharing ‘word, worship, witness and welfare’
    • Provide a broad, balanced and rigorous curriculum, delivered in a way, which promotes active questioning, inquiry, enjoyment, and reflection, with high expectations of staff, pupils, and parents in all areas and aspects:
    • Establish a sense of order, respect, tolerance, good manners, and self-discipline as a reflection of our understanding that we meet God in others:
    • Create an environment where each person, regardless of race, religion, color, sex, age, language, ability, job, background, or family circumstance, feels valued and encouraged to develop a sense of worth, dignity, security, and belonging:
    • Involve parents and others in the wider community in the education of our children and the building of our Christian community:
    • Provide experiences where children can recognize God in their lives appropriate to their stage of development, where they can respond and know they have a personal relationship with God and where they feel at ease as confident ambassadors of our faith:
    • Prepare the children for a world where they will have the courage and vision to stand up for what is right and to be a voice for the poor or marginalized.
    • Celebrate and laugh wherever possible! To continually review our practice, to learn from problems or setbacks, and to look forward with hope and confidence in the future, trusting in the support of St. Raphael, the wise and practical healer.
    Saint Raphaels Catholic Primary School
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Head Teacher: Evelyn Ward
    Address: Hartfield Avenue, Northolt, London, UB5 6NL, United Kingdom

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