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  • Fox Hollies School and Performing Arts College


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    Fox Hollies is a local authority maintained special school for pupils aged 11-19 years. All of our pupils experience great difficulty in learning basic skills, and we work with them and their parents or carers to understand and minimize them. Most things are taught in very small steps that ensure success. Our classes are of a size, typically nine pupils based with a teacher and two teaching assistants, that enables the staff to get to know each pupil well. Each class contains pupils who are usually of the same age and pupils progress through the school in their year group that includes pupils of a wide range of needs.
    We aim to offer a personalized curriculum to each of our pupils. We focus closely on individual education plans that are informed by the pupils themselves and their parents or carers who take part in annual review meetings and transition planning.
    We are developing our use of personal learning and thinking skills to help our pupils learn how to learn, and develop skills for the rich opportunities we offer for inclusive and vocational learning. In key stages 3,(Lower School ages 11-14) and 4,(Upper School ages 14-16), pupils receive their full entitlement to the National Curriculum through teaching that also links closely the priorities of Every Child Matters. In our Further Education Department, 16-19 years, the curriculum focuses on developing the skills required by pupils in preparation for leaving school. Pupils can achieve a wide range of accreditation and qualifications that represent a challenge at their level of ability.
    There is an opportunity for pupils to work, through the class and key stage arrangements, in 1:1, small group, ability group, or large group settings. This provides a very flexible structure that promotes personalized learning and social skills. NB. It should be noted that, whilst it is usual for pupils to remain at school until they are 19 years old, they may leave school or seek a new educational setting appropriate to their needs at the end of the year in which they are 16 years old.
    Every pupil has curriculum records that travel with them through their school career ensuring continuity and progression. All pupils will have an Annual Review of their Statement of Special Educational Need in which the views of pupils, parents, staff, and other professionals are brought together to report on how the individual pupil’s needs are being met and to plan agreed targets for the coming year. Each pupil also has a Progress File which is used to record achievements and interests.
    Our membership of the Connexions service enables us to provide students with learning opportunities that have a post-school, work skills focus. Many exciting initiatives have been developed through this partnership, ranging from integration links, Work Taster Days, Industry Weeks, to work-shadowing and work experience placements in a wide range of settings.
    From year 8 we engage pupils, their parents and carers, and a range of professionals in creating and updating individual Transition Pathways a transition planning tool based on person-centered planning. As well as supporting transition Transition Pathways also inform pupils’ Individual Education Plans.
    We have a close and growing partnership with Queensbridge School with whom we share our campus. Pupils from the two schools are taught to relate positively to each other in a way that benefits everyone. Relationships are excellent and all of our pupils are given opportunities to work with Queensbridge School pupils during the school year.
    Our program of inclusive activities includes social games groups who meet regularly at lunchtimes, a group of our Year 7 School pupils working with peer supporters from Queensbridge School group on a shared (PSHE) module, pupils across our Lower and Upper Schools planning and running joint events as part of the curriculum, a joint vocational course at South Birmingham College, joint work during Industry Week that involves a week-long project that links realistically to the world of work, joint performance projects, extended schools activities, and holiday art workshops.
    Working alongside our partners Queensbridge School, on the Highbury Campus, allows us to preserve the very best of what is special about the education and support that we provide, with the opportunity to be a part of a wider community and to take advantage of all that this offers.

    Fox Hollies School and Performing Arts College
    Website: Visit Website
    Number of students: 0
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Head Teacher: Keith Youngson
    Address: Queensbridge Road, Moseley, Birmingham, B13 8QB, United Kingdom

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