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  • Future Generation International School


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    FG International School is managed by a team of forward-looking educationalists with long experience in managing schools, organizing educational activities, and involving in community development.
    The name Future Generation implies that the school cannot be categorized just as a 2G or 3G School. Instead, FG will strive to be Future-G with a slogan Future in the making, keeping itself at par with developments in the field of education from time to time.
    The school offers a curriculum based on British Syllabus. Admission is available from classes KG1 to Grade-III. The KG classes follow the Montessori Method of teaching. The method is well known as an active learning process. Students are encouraged to work in groups to develop team spirit. The capabilities of students to make oral presentations are groomed properly and regularly, thanks to the electronic smart-boards.
    Students who opt for the Arabic language are taught by Arab teachers, to achieve maximum proficiency in the language. Students who opt to learn Qur’an recitation are taught by excellent Qarees (reciters). Moral science is also an option for any student. FGIS makes it a point to give small projects from Kindergarten upwards. It is aimed at developing a child’s observational skills and helps as a means of quenching their curiosity.
    FGIS plans to introduce the MI Theory of Howard Gardner at a gradual pace in the teaching process. As part of this, the KG worksheets are prepared in such a way that most of the concepts in the sheets address several of the intelligence put forward by Gardner. This will help children having different kinds of intelligence to be treated and trained the way they deserve.
    What if there was one thing you could do that would improve your child’s ability in School? Well, there is! Research has shown the most important activity for building the knowledge for eventual success, is reading aloud to children. In our opinion reading aloud to your child “conditions the child to associate reading with pleasure, creates background knowledge, and provides a reading role model." We hear many parents say “sure I know I should read to my child, but who has the time?” What if we told you it would take only fifteen minutes a day?
    Every child deserves a holistic education that encourages critical thinking, creativity, and personal responsibility. Writers in the school program focus on the writing process and address key objectives in language arts, including inventive word choices, sentence fluency, and clear organization. WITS (Writers in The School) long-term program allows students to develop their writing skills by receiving intensive instructions, and time to practice to master new techniques. Through innovative approaches to WITS, writers build skills in reading and analysis and emphasize the importance of revision. FGI school is pleased to announce an ambitious program for students of Jeddah by the name Gifted Students Educational program that helps find out gifted children and then train and groom them properly.

    Address: Future Generation International School, Al Harith Al Makhzumi, Al Fayha'a , Jeddah , 22246, Saudi Arabia

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