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  • Qatar International School


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    Receiving a good education is one of the key cornerstones of life and this is what Qatar International School sets out to achieve. We are a school where, “Learning Comes First,” and this philosophy is understood by staff and students alike. We aim to be the best international school in Qatar and so we strive to provide the best for our students, both inside and outside of the classroom. Like Doha itself, QIS is a very welcoming and friendly place. We strive to make the school environment a safe and secure one that will allow our excellent teachers the opportunity to deliver high-quality lessons and our students the opportunity to develop and learn to the best of their varied and wide-ranging abilities. Whilst recognizing the importance of standards and achievement we also promote and celebrate creativity and diversity. We aim to prepare students for life and the international world of work, not simply examinations.

    Like all of us, the school is very much on a learning journey, constantly updating our curriculum and improving the way learning is facilitated by always striving to improve our practice. We study the very latest educational research as well as the best of current practice from the UK education system and we believe our offer to students is unique.

    We are proud of our traditions and we continue to uphold standards in attendance, punctuality, and presentation. Our students must be at school, on time, to learn properly and they should also be appropriately dressed. Our modern uniform has been designed by parents, students, and staff to be more functional and comfortable in terms of fabrics and quality.

    However, we also believe wholeheartedly that education should be fun. It is the best way to motivate students and instill into them a love and passion for learning. A significant part of the school ethos and improvement plan is to build this enjoyment into our development to engage learners at all levels. We aim to build positive relationships and create and nurture independence in our students, which will carry them forward and stay with them into the future.

    The ‘ABC’ of Qatar International School- “Aspiring to Excellence Building Futures Celebrating Diversity.” The ABC of Qatar International School is a motto that underpins all the work carried out at QIS that will lead us to become not just the best school in Qatar but one of the best international schools in the world. Through high-quality teaching and learning, we will establish ourselves at the heart of our community locally, nationally, and internationally. QIS will be recognized for its excellent work in all areas of international education and its focus on ‘learning comes first.’ Everyone who belongs to QIS is a learner. The only distinction is where each of us is at on our learning journey. To achieve this we will strive to become:

    • An outstanding and inspirational education provider where every learner will be challenged and allowed to flourish and develop beyond their potential. All learners will aspire to excellence and in so doing will be supported fully by a school that caters creatively for all needs and abilities.
    • A safe, caring, and secure school where every person matters. We will be recognized for the outstanding nature of our care, guidance, and support to staff, students and parents. Quality mentoring and coaching will be available to all, underpinning our investment in people and their personal development.
    • An organization where quality learning comes first, through creative and engaging activities, lessons and relationships. Fundamental learning skills and competencies amongst all students and staff will be a key foundation to developing life-long learning, transferable to all lessons and situations. Everyone, adults and students alike, is on a learning journey that has been personalized, routed, and mapped out just for them. This will be evidenced by an innovative professional development program and forward-looking curriculum, which will empower all learners and encourage them to be active, independent participants in the learning process.
    • A school where students’ thoughtful behavior is the outstanding contributory factor to their successful learning. Positive behaviors are recognized, encouraged, and rewarded in support of the QIS ethos. This will be modeled and exemplified by all stakeholders to ensure others do the same.
    • An international community of learners where achievement, attainment, progress, and development are valued and celebrated in a ‘can do’ culture. All forms of prejudice are challenged whilst risk-taking and mistakes are viewed as a necessary part of the improvement process. Aspiration and ambition are the norms and high expectations are met with pride and enthusiasm.

    A center of excellence and specialism for the English curriculum in an international context. A school where standards, rigor, and accountability are used positively and constructively to improve the learning community for everyone, ensuring that QIS will stand in comparison with the very best schools in the UK and around the world.

    Qatar International School
    Website: Visit Website
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Mr. D.C.M. Baker (Principal)
    Email: info@qis.org
    Address: Qatar International School, United Nations St, Doha, 122104, Qatar

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