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  • Madina Islamic School


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    As a matter of fact, in our world, today that, should one possess extraordinary skills, knowledge, academics competency, or education, do not necessarily mean that one should automatically be dedicated to the betterment of mankind and the world we live in today (rahmatan Lil Alamin).
    Historical facts showed that for those who seek Al Qur’an and As-Sunnah as the guidance and source in life they had become the ones who lay down the foundation of all we need for the betterment of the world we live in. Ibn Sina(980-1037 M) as the founding father of Modern Medicine & Medical Science, Al-Khawarismi (780-840 M) for Algebra and Algorithm, known as the founding father of Algebra, was an expert in mathematics, astronomy, and geography. Jabir Ibn Haiyan (750-803 M) for Chemistry, known as the father of the Chemistry of the World. Ibn Khaldun was born in the year of 732 H, for Social Science, and Abu Ubaid (838 M) was the founding father of Economy to name a few.
    To achieve the objective for someone to be “Insan Kamil” and “rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin”, one should place Al-Qur’an and As-Sunnah as the ‘core’ of all existence, and the ‘ultimate’ guidance and source of all skills, knowledge, academics competency and education system for one to be successful in one’s own life and at the same time contribute to the betterment of the mankind and the world we live in, now and the hereafter.
    The above-mentioned concept in life, is the commitment of the founders of Madina Islamic School, to bring the Islamic Worldview and Global Education to the future generation.
    Madina Islamic School is an Islamic Integrated National-Plus School, offering Islamic, National, and International standards of education. It was established in 2004 and is located in the residential area of Tebet, South Jakarta. The outcome of the school are expected to possess a truly genuine character as “mu’min” and at the same time possess a high standard of academic competency, that would allow them to enroll to the top universities in Indonesia and overseas, for their certificates of education are accredited nationally and internationally.
    Our vision to be an integrated educational institution that can produce generations with global capacities and have characters with integrity as insan Kamil who are ready to build a civilized society.
    Madina Islamic School curriculum is an integrated curriculum, School core curriculum (Islamic Value), International curriculum, and National standard curriculum namely DIKNAS. Placing Al Qur’an and As-Sunnah as the ‘core’ and the ‘ultimate’ guidance and source of all skills, knowledge, and academic competency, with the process of Islamic Knowledge, Science, way of life, and culture.

    Madina Islamic School
    Website: Visit Website
    Genders Accepted: Mixed (Co-education)
    Leadership: Riyanto Sofyan (Founder)
    Address: Madina Islamic School, Jl. Tebet Dalam IV No.1, RT.12/RW.1, Tebet Bar., Kec. Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta , 12810, Indonesia

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