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  • Saint Clare's College


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    St. Clare’s College, a school with a long tradition of preparing young women to be leaders who bring light and hope to the modern world. Together we form a vibrant, educating community consisting of students, Sisters, faculty and staff, parents, and the civic community, convinced of the importance and value of student-centered education.
    We strive to provide academic excellence and the promotion of human and spiritual values in a Salesian atmosphere of joy and nurturing, giving our students a sense of belonging to a worldwide family. We prepare them to meet the challenges of the future and become responsible stewards of God’s creation.
    We find the very reason for our existence in the integral education of children. We see each student as a unique individual who is lovingly created by God. Comprised of students, parents, Sisters, teachers, and staff, our educating community is committed to serving as partners of the parents who are the first educators of their children.
    We follow an educational approach of reason, values, and loving-kindness, which helps create a positive atmosphere of joy and friendliness coupled with a firm insistence that students demonstrate personal responsibility, discipline, academic excellence, and respect towards all of God’s creation.
    Students are encouraged to develop their talents through various competitions at the zone and city level sponsored by the Ministry of Education. In-home economics, students learn handiwork and make projects to display for the school to see. Students can also demonstrate their talent at the Talent Show each year gaining courage from the warm acceptance of their friends.
    Few things help us mature as much as giving service. From meeting the needy, the girls learn gratitude to God and their parents for all they have given them. They open their minds to the reality of our world and learn what is essential in life. They discover the joy of self-giving through various initiatives: Christmas bazaar to benefit the poor, collection for the needy orphans, and respectful attention to the workers at school. Each summer the girls finishing their first and second years of secondary volunteer to be counselors at Day Camp. Here they give their time and energy to care for the younger girls and form a bond with them like that of big sisters. Together, they make the family spirit grow stronger in the school community.
    The students participate in a variety of competitions with other schools, including academic, in English and Arabic, drama, and sports. Students usually excel in these competitions and go on to compete at higher levels. Within school, we also have art and talent contests. The spirit of competition is always friendly and gives the girls incentive to do well.

    Saint Clare's College
    Website: Visit Website
    Genders Accepted: Girls
    Leadership: Sr. Mary Farid (Principal)
    Address: Saint Clare's College, Almazah, Heliopolis, Cairo Governorate, 11341, Egypt

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